2011 AT2.1 update
[contractdashboard.git] / cutenews / inc / editcomments.mdu
1 <?PHP
3 if($member_db[1] > 2){ msg("error", "Access Denied", "You don't have permission to edit comments"); }
4 // ********************************************************************************
5 // Edit Comment
6 // ********************************************************************************
7 if($action == "editcomment")
8 {
9 if($source == ""){ $all_comments = file("./data/comments.txt"); }
10 else{ $all_comments = file("./data/archives/${source}.comments.arch"); }
12 foreach($all_comments as $comment_line)
13 {
14 $comment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
15 if($comment_line_arr[0] == $newsid)
16 {
17 $comment_arr = explode("||", $comment_line_arr[1]);
18 foreach($comment_arr as $single_comment)
19 {
20 $single_arr = explode("|", $single_comment);
21 if($comid == $single_arr[0])
22 {
23 break;
24 }
25 }
26 }
27 }
29 $single_arr[4] = str_replace("<br />","\n",$single_arr[4]);
30 $comdate = date("D, d F Y h:i:s", $single_arr[0]);
32 echo"<html>
33 <head>
34 <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1251\">
35 <title>Edit user</title>
36 <style type=\"text/css\">
37 <!--
38 SELECT, option, textarea, input {
39 BORDER-RIGHT: #808080 1px dotted;
40 BORDER-TOP: #808080 1px dotted;
41 BORDER-BOTTOM: #808080 1px dotted;
42 BORDER-LEFT: #808080 1px dotted;
43 COLOR: #000000;
44 FONT-SIZE: 11px;
45 FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff }
46 TD {text-decoration: none; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt;}
47 BODY {text-decoration: none; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 3pt;}
48 .header { font-size : 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #808080; font-family: verdana; text-decoration: none; }
49 -->
50 </style>
51 </head>
52 <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">
53 <form method=post action=\"$PHP_SELF\">
54 <table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
55 <td width=\"1108\" height=\"8%\" colspan=\"2\">
56 <div class=header>Edit Comment</div>
57 <tr>
58 <td height=20 valign=middle width=\"102\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
59 Poster
60 <td height=20 valign=middle width=\"1002\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
61 <input type=text name=poster value=\"$single_arr[1]\">
62 </tr>
64 <tr>
65 <td height=20 valign=middle valign=\"top\" width=\"102\">
66 Email
67 <td height=20 valign=middle width=\"1002\">
68 <input type=text name=mail value=\"$single_arr[2]\">
69 </tr>
71 <tr>
72 <td height=20 valign=middle valign=\"top\" width=\"102\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
73 IP
74 <td height=20 valign=middle width=\"1002\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
75 <a href=\"http://www.ripe.net/perl/whois?searchtext=$single_arr[3]\" target=_blank title=\"Get more information about this ip\">$single_arr[3]</a> &nbsp;
76 <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?mod=ipban&action=quickadd&add_ip=$single_arr[3]\">[ban this ip]</a>
77 </tr>
79 <tr>
80 <td height=20 valign=middle valign=\"top\" width=\"102\">
81 Date
82 <td height=20 valign=middle width=\"1002\">
83 $comdate
84 </tr>
85 <tr>
86 <td height=20 valign=middle width=\"102\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
87 Comments&nbsp;
88 <td height=20 valign=middle width=\"1002\" bgcolor=\"#F9F8F7\">
89 <textarea rows=\"8\" name=\"comment\" cols=\"45\">$single_arr[4]</textarea>
90 </tr>
91 <tr>
92 <td valign=\"top\" width=\"1104\" colspan=\"2\">
93 <p align=\"left\"><br />
94 <input type=submit value=\"Save Changes\" accesskey=\"s\">&nbsp; <input type=button value=Cencel onClick=\"window.close();\" accesskey=\"c\">
95 <input type=hidden name=mod value=editcomments>
96 <input type=hidden name=newsid value=$newsid>
97 <input type=hidden name=comid value=$comid>
98 <input type=hidden name=source value=$source>
99 <input type=hidden name=action value=doeditcomment>
100 </tr>
101 </table>
102 </form>
103 </body>
104 </html>";
105 }
106 // ********************************************************************************
107 // Do Save Comment
108 // ********************************************************************************
109 elseif($action == "doeditcomment")
110 {
111 if(!$poster and !$deletecomment){ echo"<br /><br><br />The poster can not be blank !!!"; exit(); }
112 if($mail == "" and !$deletecomment){ $mail = "none"; }
113 if($poster == "" and !$deletecomment){ $poster = "Anonymous"; }
114 if($comment == "" and !$deletecomment){ die("comment can not be blank"); }
116 $comment = str_replace("\r\n","<br />",$comment);
117 $comment = str_replace("|","I",$comment);
119 if($source == ""){ $news_file = "./data/news.txt"; $com_file = "./data/comments.txt"; }
120 else{ $news_file = "./data/archives/$source.news.arch"; $com_file = "./data/archives/$source.comments.arch";}
122 $old_com = file("$com_file");
123 $new_com = fopen("$com_file","w");
125 foreach($old_com as $line)
126 {
127 $line_arr = explode("|>|",$line);
128 if($line_arr[0] == $newsid)
129 {
130 fwrite($new_com,"$line_arr[0]|>|");
133 $comments = explode("||", $line_arr[1]);
134 foreach($comments as $single_comment)
135 {
136 $single_comment = trim($single_comment);
137 $comment_arr = explode("|", $single_comment);
138 if($comment_arr[0] == $comid and $comment_arr[0] != "" and $delcomid != "all")
139 {
140 fwrite($new_com,"$comment_arr[0]|$poster|$mail|$comment_arr[3]|$comment||");
141 }
142 elseif($delcomid[$comment_arr[0]] != 1 and $comment_arr[0] != "" and $delcomid[all] != 1){
143 fwrite($new_com,"$single_comment||");
144 }
145 }
146 fwrite($new_com,"\n");
149 }
150 else{ fwrite($new_com, "$line"); }
151 }
153 if(isset($deletecomment) and $delcomid[all] == 1){ msg("info", "Comments Deleted", "All comments were deleted.", "$PHP_SELF?mod=editnews&action=editnews&id=$newsid&source=$source"); }
154 elseif(isset($deletecomment) and isset($delcomid)){ msg("info", "Comment Deleted", "The selected comment(s) has been deleted.", "$PHP_SELF?mod=editnews&action=editnews&id=$newsid&source=$source"); }
155 else{ echo"<br /><br /><br /><br /><center><b>Comment is saved."; }
156 }
158 ?>