1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 | <?php /* def StopZoneToTuple(stop): """Return tuple as expected by javascript function addStopMarkerFromList""" return (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat), float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type, stop.stop_code, stop.zone_id) */ function getStop($stopID) { } function getStops($timingPointsOnly = false) { } function stopsNear($lat,$lng,$limit) { /* -- Show a distance query and note, London is outside the 1000km tolerance SELECT name FROM global_points WHERE ST_DWithin(location, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(-110 29)'), 1000000, FALSE); // All the geography functions have the option of using a sphere calculation, by setting a final boolean parameter to 'FALSE'. This will somewhat speed up calculations, particularly for cases where the geometries are very simple. */ } function stopsBySuburb($suburb) { } function stopRoutes($stopID,$service_period) /* def handle_json_GET_stoproutes(self, params): """Given a stop_id return all routes to visit the stop.""" schedule = self.server.schedule stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None)) service_period = params.get('service_period', None) trips = stop.GetTrips(schedule) result = {} for trip in trips: route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id) if service_period == None or trip.service_id == service_period: if not route.route_short_name+route.route_long_name+trip.service_id in result: result[route.route_short_name+route.route_long_name+trip.service_id] = (route.route_id, route.route_short_name, route.route_long_name, trip.trip_id, trip.service_id) return result */ function stopTrips($stopID) { /* def handle_json_GET_stopalltrips(self, params): """Given a stop_id return all trips to visit the stop (without times).""" schedule = self.server.schedule stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None)) service_period = params.get('service_period', None) trips = stop.GetTrips(schedule) result = [] for trip in trips: if service_period == None or trip.service_id == service_period: result.append((trip.trip_id, trip.service_id)) return result */ } function stopTripsWithTimes($stopID, $time, $service_period) { /* def handle_json_GET_stoptrips(self, params): """Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next trips to visit the stop.""" schedule = self.server.schedule stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None)) requested_time = int(params.get('time', 0)) limit = int(params.get('limit', 15)) service_period = params.get('service_period', None) time_range = int(params.get('time_range', 24*60*60)) filtered_time_trips = [] for trip, index in stop._GetTripIndex(schedule): tripstarttime = trip.GetStartTime() if tripstarttime > requested_time and tripstarttime < (requested_time + time_range): time, stoptime, tp = trip.GetTimeInterpolatedStops()[index] if time > requested_time and time < (requested_time + time_range): bisect.insort(filtered_time_trips, (time, (trip, index), tp)) result = [] for time, (trip, index), tp in filtered_time_trips: if len(result) > limit: break route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id) trip_name = '' if route.route_short_name: trip_name += route.route_short_name if route.route_long_name: if len(trip_name): trip_name += " - " trip_name += route.route_long_name if service_period == None or trip.service_id == service_period: result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp)) return result */ } ?> |