[tools.git] / index.md
Alex Sadleir 1 Below is a whole bunch of information to help you prepare mashups!
Maxious 2
Alex Sadleir 3 # [Hosted Developer Tools](#hosted-developer-tools)
5 ### Sourceforge
Maxious 6
Maxious 7 Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, CVS, issue tracker, wiki, release file downloads. Unlimited free use for open source projects.
Alex Sadleir 8
9 You can create your own Sourceforge project at [http://sourceforge.net/](http://sourceforge.net/)
Maxious 10
Alex Sadleir 11 ### Google Code Project Hosting
Maxious 12
Maxious 13 Git, Mercurial, and Subversion code. Issue tracker, wiki, release file downloads. Unlimited free use for open source projects.
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Maxious 15 You can host your Google Code project and get access to developer tools, APIs and documentation at [http://code.google.com/](http://code.google.com/)
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Maxious 19 # The basics of being a data scientist
Maxious 22 * Find the people and tools you need to prove/show/find. This rest of this page will help with the latter.
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Maxious 24 Please note, there are a combination of Analysis and Visualisation tools in each of the major categories below.
maxious 26 # [API Development](#api-development)
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Maxious 28
29 So an API isn’t just an XML file ![;)](http://www.govhack.org/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
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Alex Sadleir 31 A good web based data API:
Maxious 32
33 * Is logically organised
maxious 34 * Can filter returned data
Maxious 35 * Can return results in different open formats (CSV/JSON etc.)
36 * Is efficient and responsive by using caching and databases appropriately
37 * Handles errors gracefully
38 * Monitors and controls access (to show benefit realised of API and prevent abuse)
39 * Provides appropriate documentation with examples
41 Some people like sensis [http://](http://developers.sensis.com.au/)[developers.sensis.com.<wbr>au</wbr>](http://developers.sensis.com.au/)[/](http://developers.sensis.com.au/) use a provider like[http://](http://mashery.com/)[mashery.com](http://mashery.com/)[/](http://mashery.com/) or [https](https://apigee.com/)[://](https://apigee.com/)[apigee.com](https://apigee.com/) or [http://](http://apiaxle.com/)[apiaxle.com](http://apiaxle.com/)[/](http://apiaxle.com/) or [http://www.3scale.net/](http://www.3scale.net/) which handles making a good API for them.
43 Atlassian have a great page on what makes a good API [https](https://developer.atlassian.com/display/REST/Atlassian+REST+API+Design+Guidelines+version+1)[://](https://developer.atlassian.com/display/REST/Atlassian+REST+API+Design+Guidelines+version+1)[developer.atlassian.<wbr>com</wbr>](https://developer.atlassian.com/display/REST/Atlassian+REST+API+Design+Guidelines+version+1)[/display/REST/](https://developer.atlassian.com/display/REST/Atlassian+REST+API+Design+Guidelines+version+1)[Atlassian](https://developer.atlassian.com/display/REST/Atlassian+REST+API+Design+Guidelines+version+1)[+<wbr>REST+API+Design+Guidelines+<wbr>version+1</wbr></wbr>](https://developer.atlassian.com/display/REST/Atlassian+REST+API+Design+Guidelines+version+1)
Alex Sadleir 44
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49 # [Data Visualisation](#data-visualisation)
Alex Sadleir 51 Most of the categories to follow have visualisation tools specific to their purpose.
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Alex Sadleir 53 You can find some data visualisation &#8220;essential&#8221\. tools below:
Maxious 54
55 [http://www.visualisingdata.com/index.php/2011/07/part-6-the-essential-collection-of-visualisation-resources/](http://www.visualisingdata.com/index.php/2011/07/part-6-the-essential-collection-of-visualisation-resources/)
Alex Sadleir 57 Also check out [http://thejit.org](http://thejit.org/) &amp; [http://www.senchalabs.org/<wbr>philogl/</wbr>](http://www.senchalabs.org/philogl/) (contributed by Matt Adcock)
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Alex Sadleir 61 # [Augmented Reality Tools](#augmented-reality-tools)
Maxious 63 ### buildAR
maxious 64
Alex Sadleir 65 buildAR was the world&#8217;s first AR Content Management System with the first early version launched back in 200\. as a bit of a test to see if people were interested in being able to create their own augmented experiences. MOB Labs officially launched the new improved buildAR at the Augmented Reality event in Silicon Valley in May 2011.
Maxious 66
Alex Sadleir 67 [http://buildAR.com](http://buildar.com/) (normally a 1\. day free trial but GovHack attendees on the day will get a fully activated account for a month. If you are a GovHack attendee want full access now to play, just sign up for a trial and then forward your GovHack Eventbrite registration email to govhack [at] buildar.com and they&#8217;ll set you up for the free month fully activated account within a couple of days.
Maxious 68
Maxious 69 ### Other AR tools and references
Maxious 71 theAWEsomeWEB &#8211\. Future of the Augmented Web [http://theAWEsomeWEB.com](http://theawesomeweb.com/)
Alex Sadleir 73 Layar &#8211\. AR Browser - [http://layar.com](http://layar.com/)
Maxious 74
75 Junaio &#8211\. AR Browser - [http://junaio.com](http://junaio.com/)
77 Aurasma &#8211\. AR Browser - [http://aurasma.com/](http://aurasma.com/)
Maxious 79 Vuforia &#8211\. NFT based AR SDK - [http://qualcomm.com/solutions/<wbr>augmented-reality</wbr>](http://qualcomm.com/solutions/augmented-reality)
Alex Sadleir 81 String &#8211\. Marker based AR SDK - [http://poweredbystring.com/](http://poweredbystring.com/)
Maxious 82
83 [pointcloud.io](http://pointcloud.io/) - SLAM based AR SDK - [http://pointcloud.io/](http://pointcloud.io/)
Alex Sadleir 84
85 ARToolkit &#8211\. Marker based AR SDK - [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<wbr>ARToolKit</wbr>](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARToolKit)
87 FLARToolkit &#8211\. Marker based AR SDK - [http://saqoo.sh/a/en/<wbr>flartoolkit/start-up-guide</wbr>](http://saqoo.sh/a/en/flartoolkit/start-up-guide)
89 Kooaba &#8211\. Visual search platform - [http://kooaba.com](http://kooaba.com/)
91 Catchoom &#8211\. Visual search platform - [http://catchoom.com/](http://catchoom.com/)
93 Google Googles &#8211\. Visual search app - [http://www.google.com/mobile/<wbr>goggles/#text</wbr>](http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles/#text)
95 Vuzix 920AR &#8211\. Wearable display - [http://www.vuzix.com/consumer/<wbr>products_wrap920ar.html</wbr>](http://www.vuzix.com/consumer/products_wrap920ar.html)
97 Project Glass &#8211\. Googles wearable display project - [http://www.youtube.com/watch?<wbr>v=9c6W4CCU9M4</wbr>](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c6W4CCU9M4)
Alex Sadleir 99 Mixed Reality &#8211\. Nokia&#8217;s vision for wearable displays [http://www.youtube.com/watch?<wbr>v=CGwvZWyLiBU</wbr>](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGwvZWyLiBU)
101 City Lens &#8211\. Nokia&#8217;s latest AR app - [http://www.youtube.com/watch?<wbr>v=63lNPkl-EPE&amp;feature=youtu.be</wbr>](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63lNPkl-EPE&amp;feature=youtu.be)
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103 AR &#8211\. Wikipedia page - [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<wbr>Augmented_reality</wbr>](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augmented_reality)
maxious 104
105 Steve Mann &#8211\. Wearable Computing Pioneer - [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<wbr>Steve_Mann</wbr>](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Mann)
107 Thad Starner &#8211\. Wearable Computing Pioneer [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<wbr>Thad_Starner</wbr>](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thad_Starner)
109 Mark Weiser &#8211\. Father of Pervasive Computing [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<wbr>Mark_Weiser</wbr>](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Weiser)
111 Geographical Data Tools](#geographical-data-tools)
113 Check out the[ GeoRabble Boundary Mapper&#8217;s Cookbook](http://georabble.org/2012/05/31/the-boundary-mappers-cookbook/) to see how you can tie all these things together!
115 ## Analysis
117 ### PostGIS
Maxious 118
119 [![](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/postgisexample-300x130.jpg "postgisexample")](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/postgisexample.jpg)PostGIS is an extension for the PostgreSQL database server that allows you to store and manipulate geospatial data on a large scale. For example finding which points are in an area or what points are closest . It is also very useful for storing geospatial data because it can convert between all major formats including ESRI Shape files and Google Earth/Maps KML.
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Alex Sadleir 121 ### Quantum GIS
Maxious 122
123 [![](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m50afbe88-300x160.jpg "QGIS Screenshot")](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m50afbe88.jpg)QGIS is a graphical desktop application that allows viewing and editing of geospatial data. Some good base maps are available by adding the WMS layer/server [http://irs.gis-lab.info/](http://irs.gis-lab.info/)
maxious 124
Maxious 125 ## Visualisation
Alex Sadleir 127 ### Google Fusion Tables/ChartsBin/[OpenHeatMap](http://www.openheatmap.com/)
Maxious 128
Alex Sadleir 129 [![](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/fusiontablesscreenshot-300x168.jpg "fusiontablesscreenshot")](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/fusiontablesscreenshot.jpg)Input a numerical values and areas to a spreadsheet and maps are produced
Alex Sadleir 130
Maxious 131 ### [Cartographer.js](http://cartographer.visualmotive.com/)
Alex Sadleir 133 [![](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/cartographerjs-300x187.png "cartographerjs screenshot")](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/cartographerjs.png)Input data as JSON and maps are produced.
Alex Sadleir 134
137 ### OpenLayers/Google Maps/[Leaflet](http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/)
maxious 139 [![](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_512fcbe1-300x173.jpg "OpenLayers Screenshot")](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_512fcbe1.jpg)Display points and different layers. Leaflet is the easiest to use if you just want to show points with popups when clicked on.
Maxious 141 ### NASA World Wind/Google Earth
143 [![](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_4dda24a4-300x261.jpg "WorldWind screenshot")](http://www.govhack.org/wp-content/uploads/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_4dda24a4.jpg)Google Earth provides 3\. viewing of KML/GML files which represent points and shapes, both through a desktop application and a web plugin. These can be extended with interactive features that allow you to view by timeline or have animated tours between different points. You can also develop and customise your own viewer with the open source [NASA World Wind toolkit.](http://goworldwind.org/demos/)
145 ###
147 Tabular Data Tools](#tabular-data-tools)