// DATA_TEMPLATE: empty_table oTest.fnStart( "bLengthChange" ); $(document).ready( function () { /* Check the default */ $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/examples_support/json_source.txt" } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Length div exists by default", null, function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Four default options", null, function () { return $("select[name=example_length] option").length == 4; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Default options", null, function () { var opts = $("select[name='example_length'] option"); return opts[0].getAttribute('value') == 10 && opts[1].getAttribute('value') == 25 && opts[2].getAttribute('value') == 50 && opts[3].getAttribute('value') == 100; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Info takes length into account", null, function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } ); /* Check can disable */ oTest.fnWaitTest( "Change length can be disabled", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/examples_support/json_source.txt", "bLengthChange": false } ); }, function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') == null; } ); oTest.fnWaitTest( "Information takes length disabled into account", null, function () { return document.getElementById('example_info').innerHTML == "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries"; } ); /* Enable makes no difference */ oTest.fnWaitTest( "Length change enabled override", function () { oSession.fnRestore(); $('#example').dataTable( { "sAjaxSource": "../../../examples/examples_support/json_source.txt", "bLengthChange": true } ); }, function () { return document.getElementById('example_length') != null; } ); oTest.fnComplete(); } );