// Copyright 2007 Sergey Ilinsky (http://www.ilinsky.com) // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @requires OpenLayers/Request.js */ (function () { // Save reference to earlier defined object implementation (if any) var oXMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest; // Define on browser type var bGecko = !!window.controllers, bIE = window.document.all && !window.opera; // Constructor function cXMLHttpRequest() { this._object = oXMLHttpRequest ? new oXMLHttpRequest : new window.ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }; // BUGFIX: Firefox with Firebug installed would break pages if not executed if (bGecko && oXMLHttpRequest.wrapped) cXMLHttpRequest.wrapped = oXMLHttpRequest.wrapped; // Constants cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT = 0; cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED = 1; cXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2; cXMLHttpRequest.LOADING = 3; cXMLHttpRequest.DONE = 4; // Public Properties cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.responseText = ""; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.responseXML = null; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.status = 0; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.statusText = ""; // Instance-level Events Handlers cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.onreadystatechange = null; // Class-level Events Handlers cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = null; cXMLHttpRequest.onopen = null; cXMLHttpRequest.onsend = null; cXMLHttpRequest.onabort = null; // Public Methods cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword) { // Save async parameter for fixing Gecko bug with missing readystatechange in synchronous requests this._async = bAsync; // Set the onreadystatechange handler var oRequest = this, nState = this.readyState; // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak on page unload (inter-page leak) if (bIE) { var fOnUnload = function() { if (oRequest._object.readyState != cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) fCleanTransport(oRequest); }; if (bAsync) window.attachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload); } this._object.onreadystatechange = function() { if (bGecko && !bAsync) return; // Synchronize state oRequest.readyState = oRequest._object.readyState; // fSynchronizeValues(oRequest); // BUGFIX: Firefox fires unneccesary DONE when aborting if (oRequest._aborted) { // Reset readyState to UNSENT oRequest.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT; // Return now return; } if (oRequest.readyState == cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) { // fCleanTransport(oRequest); // Uncomment this block if you need a fix for IE cache /* // BUGFIX: IE - cache issue if (!oRequest._object.getResponseHeader("Date")) { // Save object to cache oRequest._cached = oRequest._object; // Instantiate a new transport object cXMLHttpRequest.call(oRequest); // Re-send request oRequest._object.open(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword); oRequest._object.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", oRequest._cached.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified") || new window.Date(0)); // Copy headers set if (oRequest._headers) for (var sHeader in oRequest._headers) if (typeof oRequest._headers[sHeader] == "string") // Some frameworks prototype objects with functions oRequest._object.setRequestHeader(sHeader, oRequest._headers[sHeader]); oRequest._object.onreadystatechange = function() { // Synchronize state oRequest.readyState = oRequest._object.readyState; if (oRequest._aborted) { // oRequest.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT; // Return return; } if (oRequest.readyState == cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) { // Clean Object fCleanTransport(oRequest); // get cached request if (oRequest.status == 304) oRequest._object = oRequest._cached; // delete oRequest._cached; // fSynchronizeValues(oRequest); // fReadyStateChange(oRequest); // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak in interrupted if (bIE && bAsync) window.detachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload); } }; oRequest._object.send(null); // Return now - wait untill re-sent request is finished return; }; */ // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak in interrupted if (bIE && bAsync) window.detachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload); } // BUGFIX: Some browsers (Internet Explorer, Gecko) fire OPEN readystate twice if (nState != oRequest.readyState) fReadyStateChange(oRequest); nState = oRequest.readyState; }; // Add method sniffer if (cXMLHttpRequest.onopen) cXMLHttpRequest.onopen.apply(this, arguments); this._object.open(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword); // BUGFIX: Gecko - missing readystatechange calls in synchronous requests if (!bAsync && bGecko) { this.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED; fReadyStateChange(this); } }; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(vData) { // Add method sniffer if (cXMLHttpRequest.onsend) cXMLHttpRequest.onsend.apply(this, arguments); // BUGFIX: Safari - fails sending documents created/modified dynamically, so an explicit serialization required // BUGFIX: IE - rewrites any custom mime-type to "text/xml" in case an XMLNode is sent // BUGFIX: Gecko - fails sending Element (this is up to the implementation either to standard) if (vData && vData.nodeType) { vData = window.XMLSerializer ? new window.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(vData) : vData.xml; if (!this._headers["Content-Type"]) this._object.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml"); } this._object.send(vData); // BUGFIX: Gecko - missing readystatechange calls in synchronous requests if (bGecko && !this._async) { this.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED; // Synchronize state fSynchronizeValues(this); // Simulate missing states while (this.readyState < cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) { this.readyState++; fReadyStateChange(this); // Check if we are aborted if (this._aborted) return; } } }; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.abort = function() { // Add method sniffer if (cXMLHttpRequest.onabort) cXMLHttpRequest.onabort.apply(this, arguments); // BUGFIX: Gecko - unneccesary DONE when aborting if (this.readyState > cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT) this._aborted = true; this._object.abort(); // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak fCleanTransport(this); }; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.getAllResponseHeaders = function() { return this._object.getAllResponseHeaders(); }; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader = function(sName) { return this._object.getResponseHeader(sName); }; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader = function(sName, sValue) { // BUGFIX: IE - cache issue if (!this._headers) this._headers = {}; this._headers[sName] = sValue; return this._object.setRequestHeader(sName, sValue); }; cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.toString = function() { return '[' + "object" + ' ' + "XMLHttpRequest" + ']'; }; cXMLHttpRequest.toString = function() { return '[' + "XMLHttpRequest" + ']'; }; // Helper function function fReadyStateChange(oRequest) { // Execute onreadystatechange if (oRequest.onreadystatechange) oRequest.onreadystatechange.apply(oRequest); // Sniffing code if (cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange) cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange.apply(oRequest); }; function fGetDocument(oRequest) { var oDocument = oRequest.responseXML; // Try parsing responseText if (bIE && oDocument && !oDocument.documentElement && oRequest.getResponseHeader("Content-Type").match(/[^\/]+\/[^\+]+\+xml/)) { oDocument = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); oDocument.loadXML(oRequest.responseText); } // Check if there is no error in document if (oDocument) if ((bIE && oDocument.parseError != 0) || (oDocument.documentElement && oDocument.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror")) return null; return oDocument; }; function fSynchronizeValues(oRequest) { try { oRequest.responseText = oRequest._object.responseText; } catch (e) {} try { oRequest.responseXML = fGetDocument(oRequest._object); } catch (e) {} try { oRequest.status = oRequest._object.status; } catch (e) {} try { oRequest.statusText = oRequest._object.statusText; } catch (e) {} }; function fCleanTransport(oRequest) { // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak (on-page leak) oRequest._object.onreadystatechange = new window.Function; // Delete private properties delete oRequest._headers; }; // Internet Explorer 5.0 (missing apply) if (!window.Function.prototype.apply) { window.Function.prototype.apply = function(oRequest, oArguments) { if (!oArguments) oArguments = []; oRequest.__func = this; oRequest.__func(oArguments[0], oArguments[1], oArguments[2], oArguments[3], oArguments[4]); delete oRequest.__func; }; }; // Register new object with window /** * Class: OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest * Standard-compliant (W3C) cross-browser implementation of the * XMLHttpRequest object. From * http://code.google.com/p/xmlhttprequest/. */ OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest = cXMLHttpRequest; })();