More trip planner testing with colors
[busui.git] / labs / openlayers / lib / OpenLayers / Control / Measure.js
blob:a/labs/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Measure.js -> blob:b/labs/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Measure.js
  /* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
  * full list of contributors). Published under the Clear BSD license.
  * See for the
  * full text of the license. */
  * @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
  * @requires OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.js
  * Class: OpenLayers.Control.Measure
  * Allows for drawing of features for measurements.
  * Inherits from:
  * - <OpenLayers.Control>
  OpenLayers.Control.Measure = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
  * Constant: EVENT_TYPES
  * {Array(String)} Supported application event types. Register a listener
  * for a particular event with the following syntax:
  * (code)
  *, obj, listener);
  * (end)
  * Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
  * properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
  * Supported control event types (in addition to those from <OpenLayers.Control>):
  * measure - Triggered when a measurement sketch is complete. Listeners
  * will receive an event with measure, units, order, and geometry
  * properties.
  * measurepartial - Triggered when a new point is added to the
  * measurement sketch. Listeners receive an event with measure,
  * units, order, and geometry.
  EVENT_TYPES: ['measure', 'measurepartial'],
  * APIProperty: handlerOptions
  * {Object} Used to set non-default properties on the control's handler
  handlerOptions: null,
  * Property: callbacks
  * {Object} The functions that are sent to the handler for callback
  callbacks: null,
  * Property: displaySystem
  * {String} Display system for output measurements. Supported values
  * are 'english', 'metric', and 'geographic'. Default is 'metric'.
  displaySystem: 'metric',
  * Property: geodesic
  * {Boolean} Calculate geodesic metrics instead of planar metrics. This
  * requires that geometries can be transformed into Geographic/WGS84
  * (if that is not already the map projection). Default is false.
  geodesic: false,
  * Property: displaySystemUnits
  * {Object} Units for various measurement systems. Values are arrays
  * of unit abbreviations (from OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT) in decreasing
  * order of length.
  displaySystemUnits: {
  geographic: ['dd'],
  english: ['mi', 'ft', 'in'],
  metric: ['km', 'm']
  * Property: delay
  * {Number} Number of milliseconds between clicks before the event is
  * considered a double-click. The "measurepartial" event will not
  * be triggered if the sketch is completed within this time. This
  * is required for IE where creating a browser reflow (if a listener
  * is modifying the DOM by displaying the measurement values) messes
  * with the dblclick listener in the sketch handler.
  partialDelay: 300,
  * Property: delayedTrigger
  * {Number} Timeout id of trigger for measurepartial.
  delayedTrigger: null,
  * APIProperty: persist
  * {Boolean} Keep the temporary measurement sketch drawn after the
  * measurement is complete. The geometry will persist until a new
  * measurement is started, the control is deactivated, or <cancel> is
  * called.
  persist: false,
  * Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.Measure
  * Parameters:
  * handler - {<OpenLayers.Handler>}
  * options - {Object}
  initialize: function(handler, options) {
  // concatenate events specific to measure with those from the base
  this.EVENT_TYPES =
  OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
  this.callbacks = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
  {done: this.measureComplete, point: this.measurePartial},
  // let the handler options override, so old code that passes 'persist'
  // directly to the handler does not need an update
  this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
  {persist: this.persist}, this.handlerOptions
  this.handler = new handler(this, this.callbacks, this.handlerOptions);
  * APIMethod: cancel
  * Stop the control from measuring. If <persist> is true, the temporary
  * sketch will be erased.
  cancel: function() {
  * Method: updateHandler
  * Parameters:
  * handler - {Function} One of the sketch handler constructors.
  * options - {Object} Options for the handler.
  updateHandler: function(handler, options) {
  var active =;
  if(active) {
  this.handler = new handler(this, this.callbacks, options);
  if(active) {
  * Method: measureComplete
  * Called when the measurement sketch is done.
  * Parameters:
  * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
  measureComplete: function(geometry) {
  if(this.delayedTrigger) {
  this.measure(geometry, "measure");
  * Method: measurePartial
  * Called each time a new point is added to the measurement sketch.
  * Parameters:
  * point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The last point added.
  * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The sketch geometry.
  measurePartial: function(point, geometry) {
  if (geometry.getLength() > 0) {
  geometry = geometry.clone();
  this.delayedTrigger = window.setTimeout(
  OpenLayers.Function.bind(function() {
  this.measure(geometry, "measurepartial");
  }, this),
  * Method: measure
  * Parameters:
  * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
  * eventType - {String}
  measure: function(geometry, eventType) {
  var stat, order;
  if(geometry.CLASS_NAME.indexOf('LineString') > -1) {
  stat = this.getBestLength(geometry);
  order = 1;
  } else {
  stat = this.getBestArea(geometry);
  order = 2;
  }, {
  measure: stat[0],
  units: stat[1],
  order: order,
  geometry: geometry
  * Method: getBestArea
  * Based on the <displaySystem> returns the area of a geometry.
  * Parameters:
  * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
  * Returns:
  * {Array([Float, String])} Returns a two item array containing the
  * area and the units abbreviation.
  getBestArea: function(geometry) {
  var units = this.displaySystemUnits[this.displaySystem];
  var unit, area;
  for(var i=0, len=units.length; i<len; ++i) {
  unit = units[i];
  area = this.getArea(geometry, unit);
  if(area > 1) {
  return [area, unit];
  * Method: getArea
  * Parameters:
  * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
  * units - {String} Unit abbreviation
  * Returns:
  * {Float} The geometry area in the given units.
  getArea: function(geometry, units) {
  var area, geomUnits;
  if(this.geodesic) {
  area = geometry.getGeodesicArea(;
  geomUnits = "m";
  } else {
  area = geometry.getArea();
  geomUnits =;
  var inPerDisplayUnit = OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT[units];
  if(inPerDisplayUnit) {
  var inPerMapUnit = OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT[geomUnits];
  area *= Math.pow((inPerMapUnit / inPerDisplayUnit), 2);
  return area;
  * Method: getBestLength
  * Based on the <displaySystem> returns the length of a geometry.
  * Parameters:
  * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
  * Returns:
  * {Array([Float, String])} Returns a two item array containing the
  * length and the units abbreviation.
  getBestLength: function(geometry) {
  var units = this.displaySystemUnits[this.displaySystem];
  var unit, length;
  for(var i=0, len=units.length; i<len; ++i) {
  unit = units[i];
  length = this.getLength(geometry, unit);
  if(length > 1) {
  return [length, unit];
  * Method: getLength
  * Parameters:
  * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
  * units - {String} Unit abbreviation
  * Returns:
  * {Float} The geometry length in the given units.
  getLength: function(geometry, units) {
  var length, geomUnits;
  if(this.geodesic) {
  length = geometry.getGeodesicLength(;
  geomUnits = "m";
  } else {
  length = geometry.getLength();
  geomUnits =;
  var inPerDisplayUnit = OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT[units];
  if(inPerDisplayUnit) {
  var inPerMapUnit = OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT[geomUnits];
  length *= (inPerMapUnit / inPerDisplayUnit);
  return length;
  CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.Measure"