More trip planner testing with colors
[busui.git] / labs / openlayers / lib / OpenLayers / Map.js
blob:a/labs/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js -> blob:b/labs/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js
  /* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
  * full list of contributors). Published under the Clear BSD license.
  * See for the
  * full text of the license. */
  * @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
  * @requires OpenLayers/Events.js
  * @requires OpenLayers/Tween.js
  * @requires OpenLayers/Console.js
  * Class: OpenLayers.Map
  * Instances of OpenLayers.Map are interactive maps embedded in a web page.
  * Create a new map with the <OpenLayers.Map> constructor.
  * On their own maps do not provide much functionality. To extend a map
  * it's necessary to add controls (<OpenLayers.Control>) and
  * layers (<OpenLayers.Layer>) to the map.
  OpenLayers.Map = OpenLayers.Class({
  * Constant: Z_INDEX_BASE
  * {Object} Base z-indexes for different classes of thing
  BaseLayer: 100,
  Overlay: 325,
  Feature: 725,
  Popup: 750,
  Control: 1000
  * Constant: EVENT_TYPES
  * {Array(String)} Supported application event types. Register a listener
  * for a particular event with the following syntax:
  * (code)
  *, obj, listener);
  * (end)
  * Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
  * properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
  * All event objects have at least the following properties:
  * - *object* {Object} A reference to
  * - *element* {DOMElement} A reference to
  * Browser events have the following additional properties:
  * - *xy* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The pixel location of the event (relative
  * to the the map viewport).
  * - other properties that come with browser events
  * Supported map event types:
  * - *preaddlayer* triggered before a layer has been added. The event
  * object will include a *layer* property that references the layer
  * to be added.
  * - *addlayer* triggered after a layer has been added. The event object
  * will include a *layer* property that references the added layer.
  * - *removelayer* triggered after a layer has been removed. The event
  * object will include a *layer* property that references the removed
  * layer.
  * - *changelayer* triggered after a layer name change, order change,
  * opacity change, params change or visibility change
  * (due to resolution thresholds). Listeners will receive an event
  * object with *layer* and *property* properties. The *layer*
  * property will be a reference to the changed layer.
  * The *property* property will be a key to the
  * changed property (name, order, opacity, params or visibility).
  * - *movestart* triggered after the start of a drag, pan, or zoom
  * - *move* triggered after each drag, pan, or zoom
  * - *moveend* triggered after a drag, pan, or zoom completes
  * - *zoomend* triggered after a zoom completes
  * - *mouseover* triggered after mouseover the map
  * - *mouseout* triggered after mouseout the map
  * - *mousemove* triggered after mousemove the map
  * - *changebaselayer* triggered after the base layer changes
  "preaddlayer", "addlayer", "removelayer", "changelayer", "movestart",
  "move", "moveend", "zoomend", "popupopen", "popupclose",
  "addmarker", "removemarker", "clearmarkers", "mouseover",
  "mouseout", "mousemove", "dragstart", "drag", "dragend",
  * Property: id
  * {String} Unique identifier for the map
  id: null,
  * Property: fractionalZoom
  * {Boolean} For a base layer that supports it, allow the map resolution
  * to be set to a value between one of the values in the resolutions
  * array. Default is false.
  * When fractionalZoom is set to true, it is possible to zoom to
  * an arbitrary extent. This requires a base layer from a source
  * that supports requests for arbitrary extents (i.e. not cached
  * tiles on a regular lattice). This means that fractionalZoom
  * will not work with commercial layers (Google, Yahoo, VE), layers
  * using TileCache, or any other pre-cached data sources.
  * If you are using fractionalZoom, then you should also use
  * <getResolutionForZoom> instead of layer.resolutions[zoom] as the
  * former works for non-integer zoom levels.
  fractionalZoom: false,
  * APIProperty: events
  * {<OpenLayers.Events>} An events object that handles all
  * events on the map
  events: null,
  * APIProperty: allOverlays
  * {Boolean} Allow the map to function with "overlays" only. Defaults to
  * false. If true, the lowest layer in the draw order will act as
  * the base layer. In addition, if set to true, all layers will
  * have isBaseLayer set to false when they are added to the map.
  * Note:
  * If you set map.allOverlays to true, then you *cannot* use
  * map.setBaseLayer or layer.setIsBaseLayer. With allOverlays true,
  * the lowest layer in the draw layer is the base layer. So, to change
  * the base layer, use <setLayerIndex> or <raiseLayer> to set the layer
  * index to 0.
  allOverlays: false,
  * APIProperty: div
  * {DOMElement|String} The element that contains the map (or an id for
  * that element). If the <OpenLayers.Map> constructor is called
  * with two arguments, this should be provided as the first argument.
  * Alternatively, the map constructor can be called with the options
  * object as the only argument. In this case (one argument), a
  * div property may or may not be provided. If the div property
  * is not provided, the map can be rendered to a container later
  * using the <render> method.
  * Note:
  * If you are calling <render> after map construction, do not use
  * <maxResolution> auto. Instead, divide your <maxExtent> by your
  * maximum expected dimension.
  div: null,
  * Property: dragging
  * {Boolean} The map is currently being dragged.
  dragging: false,
  * Property: size
  * {<OpenLayers.Size>} Size of the main div (this.div)
  size: null,
  * Property: viewPortDiv
  * {HTMLDivElement} The element that represents the map viewport
  viewPortDiv: null,
  * Property: layerContainerOrigin
  * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The lonlat at which the later container was
  * re-initialized (on-zoom)
  layerContainerOrigin: null,
  * Property: layerContainerDiv
  * {HTMLDivElement} The element that contains the layers.
  layerContainerDiv: null,
  * APIProperty: layers
  * {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer>)} Ordered list of layers in the map
  layers: null,
  * Property: controls
  * {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)} List of controls associated with the map.
  * If not provided in the map options at construction, the map will
  * be given the following controls by default:
  * - <OpenLayers.Control.Navigation>
  * - <OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom>
  * - <OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser>
  * - <OpenLayers.Control.Attribution>
  controls: null,
  * Property: popups
  * {Array(<OpenLayers.Popup>)} List of popups associated with the map
  popups: null,
  * APIProperty: baseLayer
  * {<OpenLayers.Layer>} The currently selected base layer. This determines
  * min/max zoom level, projection, etc.
  baseLayer: null,
  * Property: center
  * {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The current center of the map
  center: null,
  * Property: resolution
  * {Float} The resolution of the map.
  resolution: null,
  * Property: zoom
  * {Integer} The current zoom level of the map
  zoom: 0,
  * Property: panRatio
  * {Float} The ratio of the current extent within
  * which panning will tween.
  panRatio: 1.5,
  * Property: viewRequestID
  * {String} Used to store a unique identifier that changes when the map
  * view changes. viewRequestID should be used when adding data
  * asynchronously to the map: viewRequestID is incremented when
  * you initiate your request (right now during changing of
  * baselayers and changing of zooms). It is stored here in the
  * map and also in the data that will be coming back
  * asynchronously. Before displaying this data on request
  * completion, we check that the viewRequestID of the data is
  * still the same as that of the map. Fix for #480
  viewRequestID: 0,
  // Options
  * APIProperty: tileSize
  * {<OpenLayers.Size>} Set in the map options to override the default tile
  * size for this map.
  tileSize: null,
  * APIProperty: projection
  * {String} Set in the map options to override the default projection
  * string this map - also set maxExtent, maxResolution, and
  * units if appropriate. Default is "EPSG:4326".
  projection: "EPSG:4326",
  * APIProperty: units
  * {String} The map units. Defaults to 'degrees'. Possible values are
  * 'degrees' (or 'dd'), 'm', 'ft', 'km', 'mi', 'inches'.
  units: 'degrees',
  * APIProperty: resolutions
  * {Array(Float)} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in
  * descending order. If this is not set in the layer constructor, it
  * will be set based on other resolution related properties
  * (maxExtent, maxResolution, maxScale, etc.).
  resolutions: null,
  * APIProperty: maxResolution
  * {Float} Default max is 360 deg / 256 px, which corresponds to
  * zoom level 0 on gmaps. Specify a different value in the map
  * options if you are not using a geographic projection and
  * displaying the whole world.
  maxResolution: 1.40625,
  * APIProperty: minResolution
  * {Float}
  minResolution: null,
  * APIProperty: maxScale
  * {Float}
  maxScale: null,
  * APIProperty: minScale
  * {Float}
  minScale: null,
  * APIProperty: maxExtent
  * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The maximum extent for the map. Defaults to the
  * whole world in decimal degrees
  * (-180, -90, 180, 90). Specify a different
  * extent in the map options if you are not using a
  * geographic projection and displaying the whole
  * world.
  maxExtent: null,
  * APIProperty: minExtent
  * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
  minExtent: null,
  * APIProperty: restrictedExtent
  * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Limit map navigation to this extent where possible.
  * If a non-null restrictedExtent is set, panning will be restricted
  * to the given bounds. In addition, zooming to a resolution that
  * displays more than the restricted extent will center the map
  * on the restricted extent. If you wish to limit the zoom level
  * or resolution, use maxResolution.
  restrictedExtent: null,
  * APIProperty: numZoomLevels
  * {Integer} Number of zoom levels for the map. Defaults to 16. Set a
  * different value in the map options if needed.
  numZoomLevels: 16,
  * APIProperty: theme
  * {String} Relative path to a CSS file from which to load theme styles.
  * Specify null in the map options (e.g. {theme: null}) if you
  * want to get cascading style declarations - by putting links to
  * stylesheets or style declarations directly in your page.
  theme: null,
  * APIProperty: displayProjection
  * {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Requires proj4js support.Projection used by
  * several controls to display data to user. If this property is set,
  * it will be set on any control which has a null displayProjection
  * property at the time the control is added to the map.
  displayProjection: null,
  * APIProperty: fallThrough