Grouping of identical stops on trip view
[busui.git] / trip.php
blob:a/trip.php -> blob:b/trip.php
<?php <?php
include ('');  
$tripid = filter_var($_REQUEST['tripid'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); /*
$stopid = filter_var($_REQUEST['stopid'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); * Copyright 2010,2011 Alexander Sadleir
$routeid = filter_var($_REQUEST['routeid'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);  
  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.
  include ('include/');
$routetrips = Array(); $routetrips = Array();
if ($_REQUEST['routeid']) { if (isset($routeid) && !isset($tripid)) {
$url = $APIurl . "/json/routetrips?route_id=" . $routeid; $trip = getRouteNextTrip($routeid,$directionid);
$routetrips = json_decode(getPage($url));  
foreach ($routetrips as $trip) { if (!($trip)) {
if ($trip[0] < midnight_seconds()) { $trip = getRouteFirstTrip($routeid,$directionid);
$tripid = $trip[1]; }
break; $tripid = $trip['trip_id'];
} } else {
} $trip = getTrip($tripid);
if (!($tripid > 0)) $tripid = $routetrip[0][1]; $routeid = $trip['route_id'];
} }
$url = $APIurl . "/json/triprows?trip=" . $tripid; $directionid = $trip['direction_id'];
$trips = array_flatten(json_decode(getPage($url))); $service_period = strtolower($trip["service_id"]);
if (sizeof($routetrips) == 0) { $destination = getTripDestination($trip['trip_id']);
$routeid = $trips[1]->route_id; include_header("Route " . $trip['route_id'] . ' to ' . $destination['stop_name'], "trip");
$url = $APIurl . "/json/routetrips?route_id=" . $trips[1]->route_id; trackEvent("Route/Trip View", "View Route", $trip['route_id'] . ' ' . $destination['stop_name'], $routeid);
$routetrips = json_decode(getPage($url)); echo '<span class="content-secondary">';
  echo '<a href="' . $trip['route_url'] . '">View Original Timetable/Map</a> ';
  echo '<a href="geo/trip.kml.php?tripid='.$tripid.'">View Trip in Google Earth</a> ';
  echo '<a href="geo/route.kml.php?routeid='.$routeid.'">View Route in Google Earth</a>';
  echo '<h2>Via:</h2> <small>' . viaPointNames($tripid) . '</small>';
  echo '<h2>Other Trips:</h2> ';
  $routeTrips = getRouteTrips($routeid, $trip['direction_id'], $service_period);
  foreach ($routeTrips as $key => $othertrip) {
  // if ($othertrip['trip_id'] != $tripid) {
  echo '<a href="trip.php?tripid=' . $othertrip['trip_id'] . "&amp;routeid=" . $routeid . '">' . str_replace(" ", ":00", str_replace(":00", " ", $othertrip['arrival_time'])) . '</a> ';
  // } else {
  // skip this trip but look forward/back
  if ($key - 1 > 0)
  $prevTrip = $routeTrips[$key - 1]['trip_id'];
  if ($key + 1 < sizeof($routeTrips))
  $nextTrip = $routeTrips[$key + 1]['trip_id'];
  // }
} }
include_header("Stops on " . $trips[1]->route_short_name . ' ' . $trips[1]->route_long_name, "trip"); flush();
if (isMetricsOn()) { @ob_flush();
// Create a new Instance of the tracker echo '<h2>Other directions/timing periods:</h2> ';
$owa = new owa_php(); $otherDir = 0;
// Set the ID of the site being tracked  
$owa->setSiteId($owaSiteID); foreach (getRouteHeadsigns($routeid) as $headsign) {
// Create a new event object if ($headsign['direction_id'] != $directionid || strtolower($headsign['service_id']) != $service_period) {
$event = $owa->makeEvent();  
// Set the Event Type, in this case a "video_play" echo '<a href="trip.php?routeid=' . $routeid . '&directionid=' . $headsign['direction_id'] . '&service_period=' . $headsign['service_id'] . '"> Starting at ' . $headsign['stop_name'] . ' (' . $headsign['service_id'] . ')</a> ';
$event->setEventType('view_trip'); $otherDir++;
// Set a property }
$event->set('trip_id', $tripid); }
$event->set('route_id', $routeid);  
$event->set('stop_id', $stopid); if ($otherDir == 0) {
// Track the event echo "None";
} }
timePlaceSettings(); echo '</span><span class="content-primary">';
echo '<p> Other Trips: '; flush();
foreach ($routetrips as $othertrip) { @ob_flush();
echo '<a href="trip.php?tripid=' . $othertrip[1] . "&routeid=" . $routeid . '">' . midnight_seconds_to_time($othertrip[0]) . '</a> '; echo "<div class='ui-header' style='overflow: visible; height: 1.5em'>";
  if (isset($nextTrip)) {
  echo '<a href="trip.php?tripid=' . $nextTrip . "&amp;routeid=" . $routeid . '" data-icon="arrow-r" class="ui-btn-right">Next Trip</a>';
} }
echo '</p> Other directions/timing periods: '; if (isset($prevTrip)) {
  echo '<a href="trip.php?tripid=' . $prevTrip . "&amp;routeid=" . $routeid . '" data-icon="arrow-l" class="ui-btn-left">Previous Trip</a>';
  echo "</div>";
echo ' <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">'; echo ' <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">';
$url = $APIurl . "/json/tripstoptimes?trip=" . $tripid;  
$json = json_decode(getPage($url));  
$stops = $json[0];  
$times = $json[1];  
echo '<li data-role="list-divider">' . midnight_seconds_to_time($times[0]) . '-' . midnight_seconds_to_time($times[sizeof($times) - 1]) . '</li>';  
$stopsGrouped = Array(); $stopsGrouped = Array();
foreach ($stops as $key => $row) { $tripStopTimes = getTripStopTimes($tripid);
if (($stops[$key][1] != $stops[$key + 1][1]) || $key + 1 >= sizeof($stops)) { echo '<li data-role="list-divider">' . $tripStopTimes[0]['arrival_time'] . ' to ' . $tripStopTimes[sizeof($tripStopTimes) - 1]['arrival_time'] . ' towards ' . $destination['stop_name'] . ' (' . ucwords(strtolower($tripStopTimes[0]['service_id'])) . ')</li>';
echo '<li>'; foreach ($tripStopTimes as $key => $tripStopTime) {
if (!startsWith($row[5], "Wj")) echo '<img src="css/images/time.png" alt="Timing Point" class="ui-li-icon">'; if ($key + 1 > sizeof($tripStopTimes) || stopCompare($tripStopTimes[$key]["stop_name"]) != stopCompare($tripStopTimes[$key + 1]["stop_name"])) {
if (sizeof($stopsGrouped) > 0) { echo '<li>';
// print and empty grouped stops  
// subsequent duplicates if (sizeof($stopsGrouped) > 0) {
$stopsGrouped["stop_ids"][] = $row[0]; // print and empty grouped stops
$stopsGrouped["endTime"] = $times[$key]; // subsequent duplicates
echo '<a href="stop.php?stopids=' . $stopsGrouped['stop_ids'] . '">'; $stopsGrouped["stop_ids"][] = $tripStopTime['stop_id'];
echo '<p class="ui-li-aside">' . midnight_seconds_to_time($stopsGrouped['startTime']) . ' to ' . midnight_seconds_to_time($stopsGrouped['endTime']) . '</p>'; $stopsGrouped["endTime"] = $tripStopTime['arrival_time'];
echo bracketsMeanNewLine($row[1]); echo '<a href="stop.php?stopids=' . implode(",", $stopsGrouped['stop_ids']) . '">';
echo '</a></li>'; echo '<p class="ui-li-aside">' . $stopsGrouped['startTime'] . ' to ' . $stopsGrouped['endTime'];
$stopsGrouped = Array(); if (isset($_SESSION['lat']) && isset($_SESSION['lon'])) {
} echo '<br>' . distance($tripStopTime['stop_lat'], $tripStopTime['stop_lon'], $_SESSION['lat'], $_SESSION['lon'], true) . 'm away';
else { }
// just a normal stop echo '</p>';
echo '<a href="stop.php?stopid=' . $row[0] . (startsWith($row[5], "Wj") ? '&stopcode=' . $row[5] : "") . '">'; echo stopGroupTitle($tripStopTime['stop_name'], $tripStopTime['stop_desc']) . '<br><small>' . sizeof($stopsGrouped["stop_ids"]) . ' stops</small>';
echo '<p class="ui-li-aside">' . midnight_seconds_to_time($times[$key]) . '</p>';  
echo bracketsMeanNewLine($row[1]); echo '</a></li>';
echo '</a></li>'; flush();
} @ob_flush();
} $stopsGrouped = Array();
else { } else {
// this is a duplicated line item // just a normal stop
if ($key - 1 <= 0 || ($stops[$key][1] != $stops[$key - 1][1])) { echo '<a href="stop.php?stopid=' . $tripStopTime['stop_id'] . (startsWith($tripStopTime['stop_code'], "Wj") ? '&amp;stopcode=' . $tripStopTime['stop_code'] : "") . '">';
// first duplicate echo '<p class="ui-li-aside">' . $tripStopTime['arrival_time'];
$stopsGrouped = Array( if (isset($_SESSION['lat']) && isset($_SESSION['lon'])) {
"name" => $row[1], echo '<br>' . distance($tripStopTime['stop_lat'], $tripStopTime['stop_lon'], $_SESSION['lat'], $_SESSION['lon'], true) . 'm away';
"startTime" => $times[$key], }
"stop_ids" => Array( echo '</p>';
$row[0] echo $tripStopTime['stop_name'];
) echo '</a></li>';
); flush();
} @ob_flush();
else { }
// subsequent duplicates } else {
$stopsGrouped["stop_ids"][] = $row[0]; // this is a duplicated line item
$stopsGrouped["endTime"] = $times[$key]; if ($key - 1 <= 0 || stopCompare($tripStopTimes[$key]['stop_name']) != stopCompare($tripStopTimes[$key - 1]['stop_name'])) {
} // first duplicate
} $stopsGrouped = Array(
  "startTime" => $tripStopTime['arrival_time'],
  "stop_ids" => Array(
  } else {
  // subsequent duplicates
  $stopsGrouped["stop_ids"][] = $tripStopTime['stop_id'];
  $stopsGrouped["endTime"] = $tripStopTime['arrival_time'];
} }
echo '</ul>'; echo '</ul>';
  echo '</span>';
include_footer(); include_footer();
?> ?>