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[bus.git] / busui / owa / owa_coreAPI.php
blob:a/busui/owa/owa_coreAPI.php -> blob:b/busui/owa/owa_coreAPI.php
--- a/busui/owa/owa_coreAPI.php
+++ b/busui/owa/owa_coreAPI.php
@@ -1,1 +1,1344 @@



+// Open Web Analytics - An Open Source Web Analytics Framework


+// Copyright 2006 Peter Adams. All rights reserved.


+// Licensed under GPL v2.0


+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+// limitations under the License.


+// $Id$






+ * OWA Core API

+ * 

+ * @author      Peter Adams <>

+ * @copyright   Copyright &copy; 2006 Peter Adams <>

+ * @license GPL v2.0

+ * @category    owa

+ * @package     owa

+ * @version		$Revision$	      

+ * @since		owa 1.0.0

+ */


+class owa_coreAPI {


+	public static function &singleton($params = array()) {


+		static $api;


+		if(!isset($api)):

+			$api = new owa_coreAPI();

+		endif;


+		if(!empty($params)):

+			$api->params = $params;

+		endif;


+		return $api;

+	}


+	public static function setupStorageEngine($type) {


+		if (!class_exists('owa_db')) {

+			require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASSES_DIR.'owa_db.php');

+		}


+		if ($type) {


+		$connection_class = "owa_db_" . $type;


+			if (!class_exists($connection_class)) {

+				$connection_class_path = OWA_PLUGINS_DIR.'/db/' . $connection_class . ".php";


+			 	if (!require_once($connection_class_path)) {

+			 		owa_coreAPI::error(sprintf('Cannot locate proper db class at %s.', $connection_class_path));

+			 		return false;

+				}

+			}


+		}


+	 	return true;


+	}


+	public static function &dbSingleton() {


+		static $db;


+		if (!isset($db)) {


+			$db_type = owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'db_type');

+			$ret = owa_coreAPI::setupStorageEngine($db_type);


+		 	if (!$ret) {

+		 		owa_coreAPI::error(sprintf('Cannot locate proper db class at %s. Exiting.', $connection_class_path));

+		 		return;

+			} else { 	

+				$connection_class = 'owa_db_'.$db_type;

+				$db = new $connection_class(

+					owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base','db_host'), 

+					owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base','db_name'),

+					owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base','db_user'),

+					owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base','db_password'),

+					owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base','db_force_new_connections'),

+					owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base','db_make_persistant_connections')

+				);	

+			}

+		}


+		return $db;

+	}


+	public static function &configSingleton($params = array()) {


+		static $config;


+		if(!isset($config)):


+			if (!class_exists('owa_settings')):

+				require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASS_DIR.'settings.php');

+			endif;


+			$config = owa_coreAPI::supportClassFactory('base', 'settings');


+		endif;


+		return $config;

+	}


+	public static function &errorSingleton() {


+		static $e;


+		if(!$e) {


+			if (!class_exists('owa_error')):

+				require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASS_DIR.'error.php');

+			endif;


+			$e = owa_coreAPI::supportClassFactory('base', 'error');


+		}


+		return $e;

+	}


+	public static function getSetting($module, $name) {


+		$s = &owa_coreAPI::configSingleton();

+		return $s->get($module, $name);

+	}


+	public static function setSetting($module, $name, $value, $persist = false) {


+		$s = &owa_coreAPI::configSingleton();


+		if ($persist === true) {

+			$s->persistSetting($module, $name, $value);

+		} else {

+			$s->setSetting($module, $name, $value);

+		}


+	}


+	public static function persistSetting($module, $name, $value) {


+		$s = &owa_coreAPI::configSingleton();

+		$s->persistSetting($module, $name, $value);


+	}


+	public static function getSiteSetting($site_id, $name) {


+		$site = owa_coreAPI::entityFactory('');

+		$site->load( $site->generateId( $site_id ) );

+		if ( $site->wasPersisted() ) {


+			$settings = $site->get('settings');

+			if (!empty($settings)) {

+				if ( array_key_exists($name, $settings) ) {

+					return $settings[$name];

+				}

+			}			

+		}

+	}


+	public static function persistSiteSetting($site_id, $name, $value) {


+		$site = owa_coreAPI::entityFactory('');

+		$site->load( $site->generateId( $site_id ) );

+		if ( $site->wasPersisted() ) {

+			$settings = $site->get('settings');

+			if ( ! $settings ) {

+				$settings = array();

+			}

+			$settings[$name] = $value;

+			$site->set('settings', $settings);	

+			$site->update();

+		}

+	}


+	public static function getSiteSettings($site_id) {


+		$site = owa_coreAPI::entityFactory('');

+		$site->load( $site->generateId( $site_id ) );

+		if ( $site->wasPersisted() ) {


+			$settings = $site->get('settings');


+			if ( $settings ) {

+				return $settings;

+			} else {

+				return array();

+			}

+		}


+	}


+	public static function getAllRoles() {


+		$caps = owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'capabilities');

+		return array_keys($caps);

+	}


+	public static function &getCurrentUser() {


+		$s = &owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();

+		return $s->getCurrentUser();

+	}


+	/**

+	 * check to see if the current user has a capability

+	 * always returns a bool

+	 */

+	public static function isCurrentUserCapable($capability) {


+		$cu = &owa_coreAPI::getCurrentUser();

+		owa_coreAPI::debug("Current User Role: ".$cu->getRole());

+		owa_coreAPI::debug("Current User Authentication: ".$cu->isAuthenticated());

+		$ret = $cu->isCapable($capability);

+		owa_coreAPI::debug("Is current User capable: ".$ret);

+		return $ret;

+	}


+	public static function isCurrentUserAuthenticated() {


+		$cu = &owa_coreAPI::getCurrentUser();

+		return $cu->isAuthenticated();

+	}


+	public static function &serviceSingleton() {


+		static $s;


+		if(empty($s)) {


+			if (!class_exists('owa_service')) {

+				require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASS_DIR.'service.php');

+			}


+			$s = owa_coreAPI::supportClassFactory('base', 'service');


+		}


+		return $s;

+	}


+	public static function &cacheSingleton($params = array()) {


+		static $cache;


+		if ( !isset ( $cache ) ) {

+			$cache_type = owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'cacheType');


+			switch ($cache_type) {


+				case "memcached":

+					$implementation = array('owa_memcachedCache', OWA_BASE_CLASS_DIR.'memcachedCache.php');

+					break;

+				default:

+					$implementation = array('owa_fileCache', OWA_BASE_CLASS_DIR.'fileCache.php');


+			}


+			if ( ! class_exists( $implementation[0] ) ) {

+				require_once( $implementation[1] );

+			}

+			// make this plugable

+			$cache = new $implementation[0];		

+		}


+		return $cache;

+	}


+	public static function requestContainerSingleton() {


+		static $request;


+		if(!isset($request)):


+			if (!class_exists('owa_requestContainer')):

+				require_once(OWA_DIR.'owa_requestContainer.php');

+			endif;


+			$request = owa_lib::factory(OWA_DIR, '', 'owa_requestContainer');


+		endif;


+		return $request;


+	}


+	public static function moduleRequireOnce($module, $class_dir, $file) {


+		if (!empty($class_dir)) {


+			$class_dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;


+		}


+		$full_file_path = OWA_BASE_DIR.'/modules/'.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$class_dir.$file.'.php';


+		if (file_exists($full_file_path)) {

+			return require_once($full_file_path);

+		} else {

+			owa_coreAPI::debug("moduleRequireOnce says no file found at: $full_file_path");

+			return false;

+		}

+	}


+	public static function moduleFactory($modulefile, $class_suffix = null, $params = '', $class_ns = 'owa_') {


+		list($module, $file) = explode(".", $modulefile);

+		$class = $class_ns.$file.$class_suffix;

+		//print $class;

+		// Require class file if class does not already exist

+		if(!class_exists($class)):	

+			owa_coreAPI::moduleRequireOnce($module, '', $file);

+		endif;


+		$obj = owa_lib::factory(OWA_BASE_DIR.'/modules/'.$module, '', $class, $params);


+		//if (isset($obj->module)):

+			$obj->module = $module;

+		//endif;


+		return $obj;

+	}


+	public static function moduleGenericFactory($module, $sub_directory, $file, $class_suffix = null, $params = '', $class_ns = 'owa_') {


+		$class = $class_ns.$file.$class_suffix;


+		// Require class file if class does not already exist

+		if(!class_exists($class)):	

+			owa_coreAPI::moduleRequireOnce($module, $sub_directory, $file);

+		endif;


+		$obj = owa_lib::factory(OWA_DIR.'modules'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$sub_directory, '', $class, $params);


+		return $obj;

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Produces Module Classes (module.php)

+	 *  

+	 * @return Object module class object

+	 */

+	public static function moduleClassFactory($module) {


+		if (!class_exists('owa_module')):

+			require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASSES_DIR.'owa_module.php');

+		endif;


+		require_once(OWA_BASE_DIR.'/modules/'.$module.'/module.php');


+		return owa_lib::factory(OWA_BASE_CLASSES_DIR.$module, 'owa_', $module.'Module');


+	}



+	public static function updateFactory($module, $filename, $class_ns = 'owa_') {


+		require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASS_DIR.'update.php');


+		//$obj = owa_coreAPI::moduleGenericFactory($module, 'updates', $filename, '_update');

+		$class = $class_ns.$module.'_'.$filename.'_update';


+		// Require class file if class does not already exist

+		if(!class_exists($class)):	

+			owa_coreAPI::moduleRequireOnce($module, 'updates', $filename);

+		endif;


+		$obj = owa_lib::factory(OWA_DIR.'modules'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'updates', '', $class);


+		$obj->module_name = $module;

+		if (!$obj->schema_version) {

+			$obj->schema_version = $filename;

+		}

+		return $obj;

+	}


+	public static function subViewFactory($subview, $params = array()) {


+		list($module, $class) = explode(".", $subview);

+		//print_r($module.' ' . $class);

+		//owa_lib::moduleRequireOnce($module, $class);


+		$subview =  owa_lib::moduleFactory($subview, 'View', $params);

+		$subview->is_subview = true;


+		return $subview;

+	}


+	public static function &supportClassFactory($module, $class, $params = array(),$class_ns = 'owa_') {


+		$obj = &owa_lib::factory(OWA_BASE_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'classes'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class_ns, $class, $params);

+		$obj->module = $module;


+		return $obj;



+	}


+	/**

+	 * Convienence method for generating entities

+	 *

+	 * @param unknown_type $entity_name

+	 * @return unknown

+	 */

+	public static function entityFactory($entity_name) {




+		// Must be called before any entities are created


+		if (!defined('OWA_DTD_INT')) {

+			if (defined('OWA_DB_TYPE')) {

+				owa_coreAPI::setupStorageEngine(OWA_DB_TYPE);

+			} else {

+				owa_coreAPI::setupStorageEngine('mysql');

+			}


+		}




+		if (!class_exists('owa_entity')):

+			require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASSES_DIR.'owa_entity.php');	

+		endif;


+		$entity = owa_coreAPI::moduleSpecificFactory($entity_name, 'entities', '', '', false);

+		$entity->name = $entity_name;

+		return $entity;

+		//return owa_coreAPI::supportClassFactory('base', 'entityManager', $entity_name);


+	}


+	/**

+	 * Convienence method for generating entities

+	 *

+	 * @param unknown_type $entity_name

+	 * @return unknown

+	 * @depricated

+	 * @todo REMOVE

+	 */

+	public static function rawEntityFactory($entity_name) {


+		return owa_coreAPI::entityFactory($entity_name);


+	}


+	/**

+	 * Factory for generating module specific classes

+	 *

+	 * @param string $modulefile

+	 * @param string $class_dir

+	 * @param string $class_suffix

+	 * @param array $params

+	 * @return unknown

+	 */

+	public static function moduleSpecificFactory($modulefile, $class_dir, $class_suffix = null, $params = '', $add_module_name = true, $class_ns = 'owa_') {


+		list($module, $file) = explode(".", $modulefile);

+		$class = $class_ns.$file.$class_suffix;


+		// Require class file if class does not already exist

+		if(!class_exists($class)):	

+			owa_coreAPI::moduleRequireOnce($module, $class_dir, $file);

+		endif;


+		$obj = owa_lib::factory(OWA_BASE_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$class_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module, '', $class, $params);


+		if ($add_module_name == true):

+			$obj->module = $module;

+		endif;


+		return $obj;



+	}


+	public static function executeApiCommand($map) {


+		if (!array_key_exists('do', $map)) {

+			echo ("API Command missing from request.");

+			owa_coreAPI::debug('API Command missing from request. Aborting.');

+			exit;

+		} else {

+			// load service

+			$s = owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();

+			// lookup method class

+			$do = $s->getApiMethodClass($map['do']);


+		}


+		// if exists, pass to OWA as a request

+		if ($do) {


+			if (array_key_exists('args', $do)) {


+				$passed_args = array();


+				foreach ($do['args'] as $arg) {


+					if (isset($map[$arg])) {

+						$passed_args[] = $map[$arg];

+					} else {

+						$passed_args[] = '';

+					}

+				}


+				if (!empty($do['file'])) {


+					if (!class_exists($do['callback'][0])) {

+						require_once($file);

+					}

+				}


+				$something = call_user_func_array($do['callback'], $passed_args);

+			}	


+			return $something;

+		} else {

+			echo "No API Method Found.";

+		}


+	}


+	/**

+	 * Convienence method for generating metrics

+	 *

+	 * @param unknown_type $entity_name

+	 * @return unknown

+	 */

+	public static function metricFactory($metric_name, $params = array()) {


+		if (!strpos($metric_name, '.')) {

+			$s = owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();

+			$metric_name = $s->getMetricClasses($metric_name);

+		}


+		if (!class_exists('owa_metric')) {

+			require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASSES_DIR.'owa_metric.php');	

+		}


+		return owa_coreAPI::moduleSpecificFactory($metric_name, 'metrics', '', $params, false);

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Returns a consolidated list of admin/options panels from all active modules 

+	 *

+	 * @return array

+	 */

+	public static function getAdminPanels() {


+		$panels = array();


+		$service = owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();


+		foreach ($service->modules as $k => $v) {

+			$v->registerAdminPanels();

+			$module_panels = $v->getAdminPanels();

+			if ($module_panels) {

+				foreach ($module_panels as $key => $value) {


+					$panels[$value['group']][] = $value;

+				}

+			}			

+		}


+		return $panels;

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Returns a consolidated list of nav links from all active modules for a particular view

+	 * and named navigation element.

+	 *

+	 * @param string nav_name the name of the navigation element that you want links for

+	 * @param string sortby the array value to sort the navigation array by

+	 * @return array

+	 */

+	public static function getNavigation($view, $nav_name, $sortby ='order') {


+		$links = array();


+		$service = owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();


+		foreach ($service->modules as $k => $v) {


+			// If the module does not have nav links, register them. needed in case this function is called twice on

+			// same view.

+			if (empty($v->nav_links)):

+				$v->registerNavigation();

+			endif;		


+			$module_nav = $v->getNavigationLinks();



+			if (!empty($module_nav)) {

+				// assemble the navigation for a specific view's named navigation element'	

+				foreach ($module_nav as $key => $value) {


+					$links[$value['view']][$value['nav_name']][] = $value;

+				}

+			}


+		}


+		//print_r($links[$view][$nav_name]);

+		if (!empty($links[$view][$nav_name])):

+			// anonymous sorting function, takes sort by variable.

+			$code = "return strnatcmp(\$a['$sortby'], \$b['$sortby']);";


+	   		// sort the array

+	   		$ret = usort($links[$view][$nav_name], create_function('$a,$b', $code));


+			return $links[$view][$nav_name];

+		else: 

+			return false;

+		endif;


+	}


+	public static function getGroupNavigation($group, $sortby ='order') {


+		$links = array();


+		$service = owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();


+		foreach ($service->modules as $k => $v) {


+			// If the module does not have nav links, register them. needed in case this function is called twice on

+			// same view.

+			if (empty($v->nav_links)):

+				$v->registerNavigation();

+			endif;		


+			$module_nav = $v->getNavigationLinks();


+			if (!empty($module_nav)):

+				//loop through returned nav array

+				foreach ($module_nav as $group => $nav_links) {


+					foreach ($nav_links as $link) {	


+						if (array_key_exists($group, $links)):


+							// check to see if link is already present in the main array

+							if (array_key_exists($link['anchortext'], $links[$group])):

+								// merge various elements?? not now.

+								//check to see if there is an existing subgroup


+								if (array_key_exists('subgroup', $links[$group][$link['anchortext']])):

+									// if so, merge the subgroups

+									$links[$group][$link['anchortext']]['subgroup'] = array_merge($links[$group][$link['anchortext']]['subgroup'], $link['subgroup']);

+								endif;	

+							else:

+								// else populate the link

+								$links[$group][$link['anchortext']] = $link;	

+							endif;


+						else:

+							$links[$group][$link['anchortext']] = $link;

+						endif;

+					}					


+				}

+			endif;


+		}


+		return $links[$group];	

+	}


+	/**

+	 * @Todo REMOVE

+	 */

+	public static function getNavSort($a, $b) {


+		return strnatcmp($a['order'], $b['order']);

+	}



+	public static function getActiveModules() {


+		$c = owa_coreAPI::configSingleton();

+		$config = $c->config->get('settings');


+		//print_r($config);

+		$active_modules = array();


+		foreach ($config as $k => $module) {


+			if ($module['is_active'] == true):

+				$active_modules[] = $k;

+			endif;

+		}


+		return $active_modules;


+	}


+	public static function getModulesNeedingUpdates() {


+		$service = owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();


+		return $service->getModulesNeedingUpdates();

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Invokes controller to perform controller

+	 *

+	 * @param $action string

+	 * 

+	 */

+	public static function performAction($action, $params = array()) {


+		// Load 

+		$controller = owa_coreAPI::moduleFactory($action, 'Controller', $params);


+		if (!$controller || !method_exists($controller, 'doAction')) {

+			owa_coreAPI::debug("No controller is associated with $action.");

+			return;

+		}


+		$data = $controller->doAction();


+		// Display view if controller calls for one.

+		if (!empty($data['view']) || !empty($data['action'])):


+			// 

+			if ($data['view_method'] == 'delegate'):

+				return owa_coreAPI::displayView($data);


+			// Redirect to a view	

+			elseif ($data['view_method'] == 'redirect'):

+				owa_lib::redirectToView($data);

+				return;


+			// return an image . Will output headers and binary data.

+			elseif ($data['view_method'] == 'image'):

+				return owa_coreAPI::displayImage($data);


+			else:

+				return owa_coreAPI::displayView($data);


+			endif;


+		elseif(!empty($data['do'])):

+			//print_r($data);

+			owa_lib::redirectToView($data);

+			return;


+		endif;

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Logs an event to the event queue

+	 *

+	 * take an owa_event object as a message.

+	 *

+	 * @param string $event_type

+	 * @param object $message

+	 * @return boolean

+	 */

+	public static function logEvent($event_type, $message = '') {


+		// debug

+		owa_coreAPI::debug("logging event $event_type");


+		if (owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'error_log_level') > 9) {

+			owa_coreAPI::debug("PHP Server Global: ".print_r($_SERVER, true));

+		}


+		// Check to see if named users should be logged		

+		if (owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'log_named_users') != true) {

+			$cu = owa_coreAPI::getCurrentUser();	

+			$cu_user_id = $cu->getUserData('user_id');


+			if(!empty($cu_user_id)) {

+				return false;

+			}

+		}


+		// do not log if the request is robotic

+		$service = &owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();

+		$bcap = $service->getBrowscap();

+		owa_coreAPI::profile(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

+		if (!owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'log_robots')) {


+			if ($bcap->robotCheck()) {

+				owa_coreAPI::debug("ABORTING: request appears to be from a robot");

+				owa_coreAPI::setRequestParam('is_robot', true);

+				return;

+			}

+			owa_coreAPI::profile(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

+		}


+		$service->setBrowscap($bcap);


+		// form event if one was not passed

+		$class= 'owa_event';

+		if (!($message instanceof $class)) {

+			$event = owa_coreAPI::supportClassFactory('base', 'event');

+			$event->setProperties($message);

+			$event->setEventType($event_type);

+		} else {

+			$event = $message;

+		}


+		// Filter XSS exploits from event properties

+		$event->cleanProperties();


+		// do not log if the do not log property is set on the event.

+		if ($event->get('do_not_log')) {

+			return false;

+		}


+		// lookup which event processor to use to process this event type

+		$processor_action = owa_coreAPI::getEventProcessor($event->getEventType());


+		return owa_coreAPI::handleRequest(array('event' => $event), $processor_action);

+	}



+	public static function displayImage($data) {


+		header('Content-type: image/gif');

+		header('P3P: CP="'.owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'p3p_policy').'"');

+		header('Expires: Sat, 22 Apr 1978 02:19:00 GMT');

+		header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');

+		header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');

+		header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);

+		header('Pragma: no-cache');


+		echo owa_coreAPI::displayView($data);		

+	}



+	/**

+	 * Displays a View without user authentication. Takes array of data as input

+	 *

+	 * @param array $data

+	 * @param string $viewfile a specific view file to use

+	 * @return string

+	 * 

+	 */

+	public static function displayView($data, $viewfile = '') {


+		if (empty($viewfile)):

+			$viewfile = $data['view'];

+		endif;


+		$view = owa_coreAPI::moduleFactory($viewfile, 'View');

+		$view->setData($data);

+		return $view->assembleView($data);


+	}


+	public static function displaySubView($data, $viewfile = '') {


+		if (empty($viewfile)):

+			$viewfile = $data['view'];

+		endif;


+		$view =  owa_coreAPI::subViewFactory($viewfile);


+		return $view->assembleView($data);


+	}


+	/**

+	 * Strip a URL of certain GET params

+	 * @depricated

+	 * @return string

+	 * @todo REMOVE

+	 */

+	function stripDocumentUrl($url) {


+		if (owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'clean_query_string')):


+			if (owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'query_string_filters')):

+				$filters = str_replace(' ', '', owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'query_string_filters'));

+				$filters = explode(',', $filters);

+			else:

+				$filters = array();

+			endif;


+			// OWA specific params to filter

+			array_push($filters, owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'source_param'));

+			array_push($filters, owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'ns').owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'feed_subscription_param'));


+			//print_r($filters);


+			foreach ($filters as $filter => $value) {


+	          $url = preg_replace(

+	            '#\?' .

+	            $value .

+	            '=.*$|&' .

+	            $value .

+	            '=.*$|' .

+	            $value .

+	            '=.*&#msiU',

+	            '',

+	            $url

+	          );


+	        }


+	    endif;

+     	//print $url;


+     	return $url;


+	}


+	public static function getRequestParam($name) {


+		$service = &owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();

+		return $service->request->getParam($name);


+	}


+	public static function getRequest() {

+		$service = &owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();

+		return $service->request;

+	}


+	public static function setRequestParam($name, $value) {


+		$service = &owa_coreAPI::serviceSingleton();

+		return $service->request->setParam($name, $value);


+	}


+	public static function makeTimePeriod($time_period, $params = array()) {


+		$period = owa_coreAPI::supportClassFactory('base', 'timePeriod');

+		$map = array();


+		if (array_key_exists('startDate', $params)) {

+			$map['startDate'] = $params['startDate'];			

+		}


+		if (array_key_exists('endDate', $params)) {

+			$map['endDate'] = $params['endDate'];

+		}


+		if (array_key_exists('startTime', $params)) {

+			$map['startTime'] = $params['startTime'];			

+		}


+		if (array_key_exists('endTime', $params)) {

+			$map['endTime'] = $params['endTime'];

+		}


+		$period->set($time_period, $map);


+		return $period;

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Factory method for producing validation objects

+	 * 

+	 * @return Object

+	 */

+	public static function validationFactory($class_file) {


+		if (!class_exists('owa_validation')):

+			require_once(OWA_BASE_CLASS_DIR.'validation.php');

+		endif;


+		return owa_lib::factory(OWA_PLUGINS_DIR.'/validations', 'owa_', $class_file, array(), 'Validation');


+	}

