Viewing of grouped stops
[busui.git] / stop.php
blob:a/stop.php -> blob:b/stop.php
--- a/stop.php
+++ b/stop.php
@@ -1,90 +1,169 @@
-include ('');
-$stopid = filter_var($_REQUEST['stopid'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
-$stopcode = filter_var($_REQUEST['stopcode'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
-$url = $APIurl . "/json/stop?stop_id=" . $stopid;
-$stop = json_decode(getPage($url));
-if ($stopcode != ""  && $stop[5] != $stopcode) {
-	$url = $APIurl . "/json/stopcodesearch?q=" . $stopcode;
-	$stopsearch = json_decode(getPage($url));
-	$stopid = $stopsearch[0][0];
-	$url = $APIurl . "/json/stop?stop_id=" . $stopid;
-	$stop = json_decode(getPage($url));
-if (!startsWith($stop[5], "Wj") && strpos($stop[1],"Platform") === false) {
-    // expand out to all platforms
+ *    Copyright 2010,2011 Alexander Sadleir 
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+ */
+include ('include/');
+if ($stopid)
+    $stop = getStop($stopid);
+/* if ($stopcode != "" && $stop[5] != $stopcode) {
+  $url = $APIurl . "/json/stopcodesearch?q=" . $stopcode;
+  $stopsearch = json_decode(getPage($url));
+  $stopid = $stopsearch[0][0];
+  $url = $APIurl . "/json/stop?stop_id=" . $stopid;
+  $stop = json_decode(getPage($url));
+  }
+  if (!startsWith($stop[5], "Wj") && strpos($stop[1], "Platform") === false) {
+  // expand out to all platforms
+  } */
 $stops = Array();
 $stopPositions = Array();
+$stopNames = Array();
 $tripStopNumbers = Array();
 $allStopsTrips = Array();
+$fetchedTripSequences = Array();
 $stopLinks = "";
-if (isset($_REQUEST['stopids'])) {
-    $stopids = explode(",",filter_var($_REQUEST['stopids'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
+if (isset($stopids)) {
     foreach ($stopids as $sub_stopid) {
-        $url = $APIurl . "/json/stop?stop_id=" . $sub_stopid;
-        $stop = json_decode(getPage($url));
-        $stops[] = $stop;
+        $stops[] = getStop($sub_stopid);
     $stop = $stops[0];
-    $stopid = $stops[0][0];
-    $stopLinks .= "Individual stop pages: ";
+    $stopid = $stops[0]["stop_id"];
+    $stopLinks.= "Individual stop pages: <br>";
     foreach ($stops as $key => $sub_stop) {
-        $stopLinks .= '<a href="stop.php?stopid='.$sub_stop[0].'&stopcode='.$sub_stop[5].'">'.$sub_stop[1].' Stop #'.($key+1).'</a> ';
-        $stopPositions[$key] = Array($sub_stop[2],$sub_stop[3]);
-        $url = $APIurl . "/json/stoptrips?stop=" . $sub_stop[0] . "&time=" . midnight_seconds() . "&service_period=" . service_period();
-        $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
+        $stopNames[$key] = $sub_stop["stop_name"];
+        $stopLinks.= '<a href="stop.php?stopid=' . $sub_stop["stop_id"] . '&amp;stopcode=' . $sub_stop["stop_code"] . '">' . $sub_stop["stop_name"] . '</a>  ';
+        $stopPositions[$key] = Array(
+            $sub_stop["stop_lat"],
+            $sub_stop["stop_lon"]
+        );
+        $trips = getStopTrips($sub_stop["stop_id"]);
+        $tripSequence = "";
         foreach ($trips as $trip) {
-            if (!isset($allStopTrips[$row[1][0]])) $allStopTrips[$row[1][0]] = $trip;
-            $tripStopNumbers[$row[1][0]][] = $key;
+            $tripSequence.= "{$trip['trip_id']},";
+            $tripStopNumbers[$trip['trip_id']][] = $key;
+        if (!in_array($tripSequence, $fetchedTripSequences)) {
+            // only fetch new trip sequences
+            $fetchedTripSequences[] = $tripSequence;
+            $trips = getStopTripsWithTimes($sub_stop["stop_id"]);
+            foreach ($trips as $trip) {
+                if (!isset($allStopsTrips[$trip["trip_id"]]))
+                    $allStopsTrips[$trip["trip_id"]] = $trip;
+            }
+        }
+        //else {
+        //	echo "skipped sequence $tripSequence";
+        //}
+include_header($stop['stop_name'], "stop");
-include_header($stop[1], "stop");
+/* $serviceAlerts = json_decode(getPage(curPageURL() . "/servicealerts_api.php?filter_class=stop&filter_id=".$stopid) , true);
-if (isMetricsOn()) {
-	// Create a new Instance of the tracker
-	$owa = new owa_php();
-	// Set the ID of the site being tracked
-	$owa->setSiteId($owaSiteID);
-	// Create a new event object
-	$event = $owa->makeEvent();
-	// Set the Event Type, in this case a "video_play"
-	$event->setEventType('view_stop');
-	// Set a property
-	$event->set('stop_id', $stopid);
-	// Track the event
-	$owa->trackEvent($event);
-echo '<div data-role="content" class="ui-content" role="main">';
+  foreach($serviceAlerts['entities'] as $serviceAlert) {
+  echo '<div id="servicewarning">'.$serviceAlert['alert']['description']['translation'].'</div>';
+  } */
+echo '<span class="content-secondary">';
 echo $stopLinks;
 if (sizeof($stops) > 0) {
-    echo '<p>' . staticmap($stopPositions) . '</p>';
+    trackEvent("View Stops", "View Combined Stops", $stop["stop_name"], $stop["stop_id"]);
+    echo staticmap($stopPositions);
 } else {
-    echo '<p>' . staticmap(Array(
-	0 => Array(
-		$stop[2],
-		$stop[3]
-	)
-)) . '</p>';
+    trackEvent("View Stops", "View Single Stop", $stop["stop_name"], $stop["stop_id"]);
+    echo staticmap(Array(
+        0 => Array(
+            $stop["stop_lat"],
+            $stop["stop_lon"]
+        )
+    ));
+echo '</span><span class="content-primary">';
 echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
-$url = $APIurl . "/json/stoptrips?stop=" . $stopid . "&time=" . midnight_seconds() . "&service_period=" . service_period();
-$trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
-foreach ($trips as $row) {
-	echo '<li>';
-	echo '<h3><a href="trip.php?stopid=' . $stopid . '&tripid=' . $row[1][0] . '">' . $row[1][1];
-	if (isFastDevice()) {
-		$viaPoints = viaPointNames($row[1][0], $stopid);
-		if ($viaPoints != "") echo '<br><small>Via: ' . $viaPoints . '</small> </a></h3>';
-	}
-	echo '<p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>' . midnight_seconds_to_time($row[0]) . '</strong></p>';
-	echo '</li>';
+if (sizeof($allStopsTrips) > 0) {
+    sktimesort($allStopsTrips, "arrival_time", true);
+    $trips = $allStopsTrips;
+} else {
+    $trips = getStopTripsWithTimes($stopid);
-if (sizeof($trips) == 0) echo "<li> <center>No trips in the near future.</center> </li>";
-echo '</ul></div>';
+echo "<div class='ui-header' style='overflow: visible; height: 2.5em'>";
+// if we have too many trips, cut down to size.
+if (sizeof($trips) > 10) {
+    $trips = array_splice($trips, 0,10);
+// later/earlier button setup
+if (sizeof($trips) == 0) {
+    $time = isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? strtotime($_REQUEST['time']) : time();
+    $earlierTime = $time - (90 * 60);
+    $laterTime = $time + (90 * 60);
+} else {
+    $tripsKeys = array_keys($trips);
+    $earlierTime = strtotime($trips[$tripsKeys[0]]['arrival_time']) - (90 * 60);
+    $laterTime = strtotime($trips[$tripsKeys[sizeof($trips) - 1]]['arrival_time']) - 60;
+if (sizeof($stopids) > 0) {
+    $stopidurl = "stopids=" . implode(",", $stopids);
+} else {
+    $stopidurl = "stopid=$stopid";
+if (sizeof($trips) >= 10) {
+    echo '<a href="stop.php?' . $stopidurl . '&service_period=' . service_period() . '&time=' . date("H:i", $laterTime) . '" data-icon="arrow-r" class="ui-btn-right">Later Trips</a>';
+echo '<a href="stop.php?' . $stopidurl . '&service_period=' . service_period() . '&time=' . date("H:i", $earlierTime) . '" data-icon="arrow-l" class="ui-btn-left">Earlier Trips</a>';
+echo "</div>";
+if (sizeof($trips) == 0) {
+    echo "<li style='text-align: center;'>No trips in the near future.</li>";
+} else {
+    foreach ($trips as $trip) {
+        echo '<li>';
+        $destination = getTripDestination($trip['trip_id']);
+        echo '<a href="trip.php?stopid=' . $stopid . '&amp;tripid=' . $trip['trip_id'] . '"><h3>'. $trip['route_short_name'] . " towards " . $destination['stop_name'] . "</h3><p>";
+        $viaPoints = viaPointNames($trip['trip_id'], $trip['stop_sequence']);
+        if ($viaPoints != "")
+            echo '<br><span class="viaPoints">Via: ' . $viaPoints . '</span>';
+        if (sizeof($tripStopNumbers) > 0) {
+            echo '<br><small>Boarding At: ';
+            if (sizeof($tripStopNumbers[$trip['trip_id']]) == sizeof($stopids)) {
+                echo "All Stops";
+            } else {
+                foreach ($tripStopNumbers[$trip['trip_id']] as $key) {
+                    echo $stopNames[$key] . ', ';
+                }
+            }
+            echo '</small>';
+        }
+        echo '</p>';
+        echo '<p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>' . $trip['arrival_time'] . '</strong></p>';
+        echo '</a></li>';
+        flush();
+        @ob_flush();
+    }
+echo '</ul>';
+echo '</span>';