Rearrange php libs/includes and produce sitemap.xml
[busui.git] / include /
blob:a/include/ -> blob:b/include/
--- a/include/
+++ b/include/
@@ -4,10 +4,17 @@
-function service_period()
+function service_period($date = "")
 	if (isset($_SESSION['service_period'])) return $_SESSION['service_period'];
-	switch (date('w')) {
+	$override = getServiceOverride($date);
+	if ($override['service_id']){
+		return $override['service_id'];
+	}
+	switch (date('w',($date != "" ? $date : time()))) {
 	case 0:
 		return 'sunday';
 	case 6:
@@ -16,9 +23,12 @@
 		return 'weekday';
-function midnight_seconds()
+function midnight_seconds($time = "")
 	// from
+	if ($time != "") {
+		return (date("G", $time) * 3600) + (date("i", $time) * 60) + date("s", $time);
+	}
 	if (isset($_SESSION['time'])) {
 		$time = strtotime($_SESSION['time']);
 		return (date("G", $time) * 3600) + (date("i", $time) * 60) + date("s", $time);
@@ -35,39 +45,62 @@
 		return "";
-function viaPoints($tripid, $stopid, $timingPointsOnly = false)
-	global $APIurl;
-	$url = $APIurl . "/json/tripstoptimes?trip=" . $tripid;
-	$json = json_decode(getPage($url));
-	debug(print_r($json, true));
-	$stops = $json[0];
-	$times = $json[1];
-	$foundStop = false;
-	$viaPoints = Array();
-	foreach ($stops as $key => $row) {
-		if ($foundStop) {
-			if (!$timingPointsOnly || !startsWith($row[5], "Wj")) {
-				$viaPoints[] = Array(
-					"id" => $row[0],
-					"name" => $row[1],
-					"time" => $times[$key]
-				);
+function getServiceAlerts($filter_class, $filter_id) {
+  also need last modified epoch of client gtfs
+         - add,remove,patch,inform (null)
+            - stop
+            - trip
+            - network
+          - patterns (WHERE=)
+            - route (short_name or route_id)
+            - street
+            - stop
+            - trip */
+$return = Array();
+$return['header']['gtrtfs_version'] = "1";
+$return['header']['timestamp'] = time();
+$return['entities'] = Array();
+foreach(getCurrentAlerts() as $alert) {
+	$informedEntities = getInformedAlerts($alert['id'],$_REQUEST['filter_class'],$_REQUEST['filter_id']);
+	if (sizeof($informedEntities) >0) {
+		$entity = Array();
+		$entity['id'] = $alert['id'];
+		$entity['alert']['active_period']['start'] = $alert['start'];
+		$entity['alert']['active_period']['end'] = $alert['end'];
+		$entity['alert']['url']['translation'] = $alert['url'];
+		$entity['alert']['description']['translation'] = $alert['description'];
+		foreach ($informedEntities as $informedEntity) {
+			$informed = Array();
+			$informed[$informedEntity['informed_class']."_id"] = $informedEntity['informed_id'];
+			if ($informedEntity['informed_action'] != "") $informed["x-action"] = $informedEntity['informed_action'];
+			$informed[$informedEntity['class']."_type"] = $informedEntity['type'];
+			$entity['informed'][] = $informed; 
+		}
+		$return['entities'][] = $entity;
+	}
+return $return;
+function getServiceAlertsByClass() {
+	$return = Array();
+	$alerts = getServiceAlerts("","");
+	foreach ($alerts['entities'] as $entity) {
+		foreach ($entity['informed'] as $informed) {
+			foreach($informed as $key => $value){
+				if (strpos("_id",$key) > 0) {
+					$parts = explode($key);
+					$class = $parts[0];
+					$id = $value;
+				}
-		}
-		else {
-			if ($row[0] == $stopid) $foundStop = true;
-		}
+		$return[$class][$id]['entity'] = $entity;
+		$return[$class][$id]['action'] = $informed["x-action"];
-	return $viaPoints;
-function viaPointNames($tripid, $stopid)
-	$points = viaPoints($tripid, $stopid, true);
-	$pointNames = Array();
-	foreach ($points as $point) {
-		$pointNames[] = $point['name'];
-	return implode(", ", $pointNames);