html5 boiler plate
[scannr.git] / js / flotr2 / examples / js / Examples.js
blob:a/js/flotr2/examples/js/Examples.js -> blob:b/js/flotr2/examples/js/Examples.js
--- a/js/flotr2/examples/js/Examples.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/Examples.js
@@ -1,1 +1,292 @@
+(function () {
+  E             = Flotr.EventAdapter,
+  _             = Flotr._,
+  CLICK         = 'click',
+  EXAMPLE       = 'example',
+  MOUSEENTER    = 'mouseenter',
+  MOUSELEAVE    = 'mouseleave',
+  DOT           = '.',
+  CN_EXAMPLES   = 'flotr-examples',
+  CN_CONTAINER  = 'flotr-examples-container',
+  CN_RESET      = 'flotr-examples-reset',
+  CN_THUMBS     = 'flotr-examples-thumbs',
+  CN_THUMB      = 'flotr-examples-thumb',
+  CN_COLLAPSED  = 'flotr-examples-collapsed',
+  CN_HIGHLIGHT  = 'flotr-examples-highlight',
+  CN_LARGE      = 'flotr-examples-large',
+  CN_MEDIUM     = 'flotr-examples-medium',
+  CN_SMALL      = 'flotr-examples-small',
+  CN_MOBILE     = 'flotr-examples-mobile',
+  T_THUMB       = '<div class="' + CN_THUMB + '"></div>',
+  TEMPLATE      = '' +
+    '<div class="' + CN_EXAMPLES + '">' +
+      '<div class="' + CN_RESET + '">View All</div>' +
+      '<div class="' + CN_THUMBS + '"></div>' +
+      '<div class="' + CN_CONTAINER + '"></div>' +
+    '</div>'
+Examples = function (o) {
+  if (_.isUndefined(Flotr.ExampleList)) throw "Flotr.ExampleList not defined.";
+  this.options = o;
+  this.list = Flotr.ExampleList;
+  this.current = null;
+  this.single = false;
+  this._initNodes();
+  this._example = new Flotr.Examples.Example({
+    node : this._exampleNode
+  });
+  //console.time(EXAMPLE);
+  //console.profile();
+    this._initExamples();
+  //console.profileEnd();
+  //console.timeEnd(EXAMPLE);
+Examples.prototype = {
+  examples : function () {
+    var
+      styles = {cursor : 'pointer'},
+      thumbsNode = this._thumbsNode,
+      list = this.list.get(),
+      that = this;
+    var
+      order = [
+        "basic",
+        "basic-axis",
+        "basic-bars",
+        "basic-bars-horizontal",
+        "basic-bar-stacked",
+        "basic-stacked-horizontal",
+        "basic-pie",
+        "basic-radar",
+        "basic-bubble",
+        "basic-candle",
+        "basic-legend",
+        "mouse-tracking",
+        "mouse-zoom",
+        "mouse-drag",
+        "basic-time",
+        "negative-values",
+        "click-example",
+        "download-image",
+        "download-data",
+        "advanced-titles",
+        "color-gradients",
+        "basic-timeline",
+        "advanced-markers"
+    ];
+    (function runner () {
+      var
+        key = order.shift(),
+        example = list[key];
+      if (example.type === 'profile' || example.type === 'test') return;
+      var node = $(T_THUMB);
+'example', example);
+      thumbsNode.append(node);
+      that._example.executeCallback(example, node);
+ () {that._loadExample(example)});
+      if (order.length)  setTimeout(runner, 20);
+    })();
+    function zoomHandler (e) {
+      var
+        node        = $(e.currentTarget),
+        example     ='example'),
+        orientation =;
+      if (orientation ^ node.hasClass(CN_HIGHLIGHT)) {
+        node.toggleClass(CN_HIGHLIGHT).css(styles);
+        that._example.executeCallback(example, node);
+      }
+    }
+    thumbsNode.delegate(DOT + CN_THUMB, 'mouseenter', {orientation : true}, zoomHandler);
+    thumbsNode.delegate(DOT + CN_THUMB, 'mouseleave', {orientation : false}, zoomHandler);
+    if ($(window).hashchange) {
+      $(window).hashchange(function () {
+        that._loadHash();
+      });
+    }
+  },
+  _loadExample : function (example) {
+    if (example) {
+      if (this._currentExample !== example) {
+        this._currentExample = example;
+      } else {
+        return;
+      }
+      window.location.hash = '!'+(this.single ? 'single/' : '')+example.key;
+      if (!scroller) {
+        this._thumbsNode.css({
+          position: 'absolute',
+          height: '0px',
+          overflow: 'hidden',
+          width: '0px'
+        });
+        this._resetNode.css({
+          top: '16px'
+        });
+      }
+      this._examplesNode.addClass(CN_COLLAPSED);
+      this._example.setExample(example);
+      this._resize();
+      $(document).scrollTop(0);
+    }
+  },
+  _reset : function () {
+    window.location.hash = '';
+    if (!scroller) {
+      this._thumbsNode.css({
+        position: '',
+        height: '',
+        overflow: '',
+        width: ''
+      });
+    }
+    this._examplesNode.removeClass(CN_COLLAPSED);
+    this._thumbsNode.height('');
+    this._exampleNode.hide();
+  },
+  _initNodes : function () {
+    var
+      node = $(this.options.node),
+      that = this,
+      examplesNode = $(TEMPLATE);
+    that._resetNode     = examplesNode.find(DOT+CN_RESET);
+    that._exampleNode   = examplesNode.find(DOT+CN_CONTAINER);
+    that._thumbsNode    = examplesNode.find(DOT+CN_THUMBS);
+    that._examplesNode  = examplesNode;
+ () {
+      that._reset();
+    });
+    node.append(examplesNode);
+    this._initResizer();
+  },
+  _initResizer : function () {
+    var
+      that = this,
+      node = that._examplesNode,
+      page = $(window),
+      currentClass;
+    $(window).resize(applySize);
+    applySize();
+    function applySize () {
+      var
+        height = page.height() - (that.options.thumbPadding || 0),
+        width = page.width(),
+        newClass;
+      if (width > 1760) {
+        newClass = CN_LARGE;
+        that._thumbsNode.height(height);
+      } else if (width > 1140) {
+        newClass = CN_MEDIUM;
+        that._thumbsNode.height(height);
+      } else {
+        newClass = CN_SMALL;
+        that._thumbsNode.height('');
+      }
+      if (currentClass !== newClass) {
+        if (currentClass)
+          that._examplesNode.removeClass(currentClass);
+        that._examplesNode.addClass(newClass);
+        currentClass = newClass;
+      }
+    }
+    this._resize = applySize;
+  },
+  _initExamples : function () {
+    var
+      hash = window.location.hash,
+      example, params;
+    hash = hash.substring(2);
+    params = hash.split('/');
+    if (params.length == 1) {
+      this.examples();
+      if (hash) {
+        this._loadHash();
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      if (params[0] == 'single') {
+        this.single = true;
+        this._loadExample(
+          this.list.get(params[1])
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  _loadHash : function () {
+    var
+      hash = window.location.hash,
+      example;
+    hash = hash.substring(2);
+    if (hash) {
+      example = this.list.get(hash);
+      this._loadExample(example);
+    } else {
+      this._reset();
+    }
+  }
+var scroller = (function () {
+  var
+    mobile = !!(
+      navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ||
+      navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) ||
+      navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) ||
+      navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)
+    ),
+    mozilla = !!$.browser.mozilla;
+  return (!mobile || mozilla);
+Flotr.Examples = Examples;