html5 boiler plate
[scannr.git] / js / flotr2 / examples / js / examples / mouse-drag.js
blob:a/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js -> blob:b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js
--- a/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js
@@ -1,1 +1,78 @@
+(function () {
+  key : 'mouse-drag',
+  name : 'Mouse Drag',
+  callback : mouse_drag
+function mouse_drag (container) {
+  var
+    d1 = [],
+    d2 = [],
+    d3 = [],
+    options,
+    graph,
+    start,
+    i;
+  for (i = -40; i < 40; i += 0.5) {
+    d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)+3*Math.cos(i)]);
+    d2.push([i, Math.pow(1.1, i)]);
+    d3.push([i, 40 - i+Math.random()*10]);
+  }
+  options = {
+    xaxis: {min: 0, max: 20},
+      title : 'Mouse Drag'
+  };
+  // Draw graph with default options, overwriting with passed options
+  function drawGraph (opts) {
+    // Clone the options, so the 'options' variable always keeps intact.
+    var o = Flotr._.extend(Flotr._.clone(options), opts || {});
+    // Return a new graph.
+    return Flotr.draw(
+      container,
+      [ d1, d2, d3 ],
+      o
+    );
+  }
+  graph = drawGraph();      
+  function initializeDrag (e) {
+    start = graph.getEventPosition(e);
+    Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(document, 'mousemove', move);
+    Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(document, 'mouseup', stopDrag);
+  }
+  function move (e) {
+    var
+      end     = graph.getEventPosition(e),
+      xaxis   = graph.axes.x,
+      offset  = start.x - end.x;
+    graph = drawGraph({
+      xaxis : {
+        min : xaxis.min + offset,
+        max : xaxis.max + offset
+      }
+    });
+    // @todo: refector initEvents in order not to remove other observed events
+    Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(graph.overlay, 'mousedown', initializeDrag);
+  }
+  function stopDrag () {
+    Flotr.EventAdapter.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', move);
+  }
+  Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(graph.overlay, 'mousedown', initializeDrag);