--- a/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/manual.html +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/manual.html @@ -1,1 +1,968 @@ - + + + + CodeMirror: User Manual + + + + + + + +

{ } CodeMirror

+ +
+/* User manual and
+   reference guide */
+ +
+ +


+ +

CodeMirror is a code-editor component that can be embedded in + Web pages. The code library provides only the editor + component, no accompanying buttons, auto-completion, or other IDE + functionality. It does provide a rich API on top of which such + functionality can be straightforwardly implemented. See + the add-ons included in the distribution, + and + the CodeMirror + UI project, for reusable implementations of extra features.

+ +

CodeMirror works with language-specific modes. Modes are + JavaScript programs that help color (and optionally indent) text + written in a given language. The distribution comes with a few + modes (see the mode/ directory), and it isn't hard + to write new ones for other languages.

+ +

Basic Usage

+ +

The easiest way to use CodeMirror is to simply load the script + and style sheet found under lib/ in the distribution, + plus a mode script from one of the mode/ directories + and a theme stylesheet from theme/. (See + also the compression helper.) For + example:

+ +
<script src="lib/codemirror.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/codemirror.css">
+<script src="mode/javascript/javascript.js"></script>
+ +

Having done this, an editor instance can be created like + this:

+ +
var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body);
+ +

The editor will be appended to the document body, will start + empty, and will use the mode that we loaded. To have more control + over the new editor, a configuration object can be passed + to CodeMirror as a second argument:

+ +
var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body, {
+  value: "function myScript(){return 100;}\n",
+  mode:  "javascript"
+ +

This will initialize the editor with a piece of code already in + it, and explicitly tell it to use the JavaScript mode (which is + useful when multiple modes are loaded). + See below for a full discussion of the + configuration options that CodeMirror accepts.

+ +

In cases where you don't want to append the editor to an + element, and need more control over the way it is inserted, the + first argument to the CodeMirror function can also + be a function that, when given a DOM element, inserts it into the + document somewhere. This could be used to, for example, replace a + textarea with a real editor:

+ +
var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(function(elt) {
+  myTextArea.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, myTextArea);
+}, {value: myTextArea.value});
+ +

However, for this use case, which is a common way to use + CodeMirror, the library provides a much more powerful + shortcut:

+ +
var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(myTextArea);
+ +

This will, among other things, ensure that the textarea's value + is updated when the form (if it is part of a form) is submitted. + See the API reference for a full + description of this method.

+ +


+ +

Both the CodeMirror function and + its fromTextArea method take as second (optional) + argument an object containing configuration options. Any option + not supplied like this will be taken + from CodeMirror.defaults, an object containing the + default options. You can update this object to change the defaults + on your page.

+ +

Options are not checked in any way, so setting bogus option + values is bound to lead to odd errors.

+ +

These are the supported options:

+ +
value (string)
The starting value of the editor.
+ +
mode (string or object)
The mode to use. When not given, this will default to the + first mode that was loaded. It may be a string, which either + simply names the mode or is + a MIME type + associated with the mode. Alternatively, it may be an object + containing configuration options for the mode, with + a name property that names the mode (for + example {name: "javascript", json: true}). The demo + pages for each mode contain information about what configuration + parameters the mode supports. You can ask CodeMirror which modes + and MIME types are loaded with + the CodeMirror.listModes + and CodeMirror.listMIMEs functions.
+ +
theme (string)
The theme to style the editor with. You must make sure the + CSS file defining the corresponding .cm-s-[name] + styles is loaded (see + the theme directory in the + distribution). The default is "default", for which + colors are included in codemirror.css. It is + possible to use multiple theming classes at once—for + example "foo bar" will assign both + the cm-s-foo and the cm-s-bar classes + to the editor.
+ +
indentUnit (integer)
How many spaces a block (whatever that means in the edited + language) should be indented. The default is 2.
+ +
tabSize (integer)
The width of a tab character. Defaults to 4.
+ +
indentWithTabs (boolean)
Whether, when indenting, the first N*tabSize + spaces should be replaced by N tabs. Default is false.
+ +
electricChars (boolean)
Configures whether the editor should re-indent the current + line when a character is typed that might change its proper + indentation (only works if the mode supports indentation). + Default is true.
+ +
keyMap (string)
Configures the keymap to use. The default + is "default", which is the only keymap defined + in codemirror.js itself. Extra keymaps are found in + the keymap directory.
+ +
extraKeys (object)
Can be used to specify extra keybindings for the editor. + When given, should be an object with property names + like Ctrl-A, Home, + and Ctrl-Alt-Left. See + the CodeMirror.keyNames object for the names of all + the keys. The values in this object can either be functions, + which will be called with the CodeMirror instance when the key + is pressed, or strings, which should name commands defined + in CodeMirror.commands (not documented properly, + but looking at the source and the definition of the built-in + keymaps, they should be rather obvious).
+ +
lineWrapping (boolean)
Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines. + Defaults to false (scroll).
+ +
lineNumbers (boolean)
Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor.
+ +
firstLineNumber (integer)
At which number to start counting lines. Default is 1.
+ +
gutter (boolean)
Can be used to force a 'gutter' (empty space on the left of + the editor) to be shown even when no line numbers are active. + This is useful for setting markers.
+ +
fixedGutter (boolean)
When enabled (off by default), this will make the gutter + stay visible when the document is scrolled horizontally.
+ +
readOnly (boolean)
This disables editing of the editor content by the user.
+ +
onChange (function)
When given, this function will be called every time the + content of the editor is changed. It will be given the editor + instance as first argument, and an {from, to, newText, + next} object containing information about the changes + that occurred as second argument. from + and to are the positions (in the pre-change + coordinate system) where the change started and + ended. newText is an array of strings representing + the text that replaced the changed range (split by line). If + multiple changes happened during a single operation, the object + will have a next property pointing to another + change object (which may point to another, etc).
+ +
onCursorActivity (function)
Will be called when the cursor or selection moves, or any + change is made to the editor content.
+ +
onGutterClick (function)
When given, will be called whenever the editor gutter (the + line-number area) is clicked. Will be given the editor instance + as first argument, the (zero-based) number of the line that was + clicked as second argument, and the raw mousedown + event object as third argument.
+ +
onFocus, onBlur (function)
The given functions will be called whenever the editor is + focused or unfocused.
+ +
onScroll (function)
When given, will be called whenever the editor is + scrolled.
+ +
onHighlightComplete (function)
Whenever the editor's content has been fully highlighted, + this function (if given) will be called. It'll be given a single + argument, the editor instance.
+ +
onUpdate (function)
Will be called whenever CodeMirror updates its DOM display.
+ +
matchBrackets (boolean)
Determines whether brackets are matched whenever the cursor + is moved next to a bracket.
+ +
workTime, workDelay (number)
Highlighting is done by a pseudo background-thread that will + work for workTime milliseconds, and then use + timeout to sleep for workDelay milliseconds. The + defaults are 200 and 300, you can change these options to make + the highlighting more or less aggressive.
+ +
pollInterval (number)
Indicates how quickly CodeMirror should poll its input + textarea for changes. Most input is captured by events, but some + things, like IME input on some browsers, doesn't generate events + that allow CodeMirror to properly detect it. Thus, it polls. + Default is 100 milliseconds.
+ +
undoDepth (integer)
The maximum number of undo levels that the editor stores. + Defaults to 40.
+ +
tabindex (integer)
The tab + index to assign to the editor. If not given, no tab index + will be assigned.
+ +
document (DOM document)
Use this if you want to display the editor in another DOM. + By default it will use the global document + object.
+ +
onKeyEvent (function)
This provides a rather low-level hook into CodeMirror's key + handling. If provided, this function will be called on + every keydown, keyup, + and keypress event that CodeMirror captures. It + will be passed two arguments, the editor instance and the key + event. This key event is pretty much the raw key event, except + that a stop() method is always added to it. You + could feed it to, for example, jQuery.Event to + further normalize it.
This function can inspect the key + event, and handle it if it wants to. It may return true to tell + CodeMirror to ignore the event. Be wary that, on some browsers, + stopping a keydown does not stop + the keypress from firing, whereas on others it + does. If you respond to an event, you should probably inspect + its type property and only do something when it + is keydown (or keypress for actions + that need character data).
+ +

Customized Styling

+ +

Up to a certain extent, CodeMirror's look can be changed by + modifying style sheet files. The style sheets supplied by modes + simply provide the colors for that mode, and can be adapted in a + very straightforward way. To style the editor itself, it is + possible to alter or override the styles defined + in codemirror.css.

+ +

Some care must be taken there, since a lot of the rules in this + file are necessary to have CodeMirror function properly. Adjusting + colors should be safe, of course, and with some care a lot of + other things can be changed as well. The CSS classes defined in + this file serve the following roles:

+ +
The outer element of the editor. This should be used for + borders and positioning. Can also be used to set styles that + should hold for everything inside the editor (such as font + and font size), or to set a background.
+ +
This determines whether the editor scrolls (overflow: + auto + fixed height). By default, it does. Giving + this height: auto; overflow: visible; will cause + the editor to resize to fit its content.
+ +
Whenever the editor is focused, the top element gets this + class. This is used to hide the cursor and give the selection a + different color when the editor is not focused.
+ +
Use this for giving a background or a border to the editor + gutter. Don't set any padding here, + use CodeMirror-gutter-text for that. By default, + the gutter is 'fluid', meaning it will adjust its width to the + maximum line number or line marker width. You can also set a + fixed width if you want.
+ +
Used to style the actual line numbers. For the numbers to + line up, you must make sure that the font in the gutter is the + same as the one in the rest of the editor, so you should + probably only set font style and size in + the CodeMirror class.
+ +
The visible lines. If this has vertical + padding, CodeMirror-gutter should have the same + padding.
+ +
The cursor is a block element that is absolutely positioned. + You can make it look whichever way you want.
+ +
The selection is represented by span elements + with this class.
+ +
CodeMirror-matchingbracket, + CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket
These are used to style matched (or unmatched) brackets.
+ +

The actual lines, as well as the cursor, are represented + by pre elements. By default no text styling (such as + bold) that might change line height is applied. If you do want + such effects, you'll have to give CodeMirror pre a + fixed height. Also, you must still take care that character width + is constant.

+ +

If your page's style sheets do funky things to + all div or pre elements (you probably + shouldn't do that), you'll have to define rules to cancel these + effects out again for elements under the CodeMirror + class.

+ +

Themes are also simply CSS files, which define colors for + various syntactic elements. See the files in + the theme directory.

+ +

Programming API

+ +

A lot of CodeMirror features are only available through its API. + This has the disadvantage that you need to do work to enable them, + and the advantage that CodeMirror will fit seamlessly into your + application.

+ +

Whenever points in the document are represented, the API uses + objects with line and ch properties. + Both are zero-based. CodeMirror makes sure to 'clip' any positions + passed by client code so that they fit inside the document, so you + shouldn't worry too much about sanitizing your coordinates. If you + give ch a value of null, or don't + specify it, it will be replaced with the length of the specified + line.

+ +
getValue() → string
Get the current editor content.
Set the editor content.
+ +
getSelection() → string
Get the currently selected code.
Replace the selection with the given string.
+ +
Give the editor focus.
+ +
setOption(option, value)
Change the configuration of the editor. option + should the name of an option, + and value should be a valid value for that + option.
getOption(option) → value
Retrieves the current value of the given option for this + editor instance.
+ +
cursorCoords(start) → object
Returns an {x, y, yBot} object containing the + coordinates of the cursor relative to the top-left corner of the + page. yBot is the coordinate of the bottom of the + cursor. start is a boolean indicating whether you + want the start or the end of the selection.
charCoords(pos) → object
Like cursorCoords, but returns the position of + an arbitrary characters. pos should be + a {line, ch} object.
coordsChar(object) → pos
Given an {x, y} object (in page coordinates), + returns the {line, ch} position that corresponds to + it.
+ +
Undo one edit (if any undo events are stored).
Redo one undone edit.
historySize() → object
Returns an object with {undo, redo} properties, + both of which hold integers, indicating the amount of stored + undo and redo operations.
Clears the editor's undo history.
+ +
indentLine(line, dir)
Reset the given line's indentation to the indentation + prescribed by the mode. If the second argument is given, + indentation will be increased (if dir is true) or + decreased (if false) by an indent + unit instead.
+ +
getTokenAt(pos) → object
Retrieves information about the token the current mode found + at the given position (a {line, ch} object). The + returned object has the following properties: +
The character (on the given line) at which the token starts.
The character at which the token ends.
The token's string.
The class the mode assigned + to the token. (Can be null when no class was assigned.)
The mode's state at the end of this token.
+ +
markText(from, to, className) → object
Can be used to mark a range of text with a specific CSS + class name. from and to should + be {line, ch} objects. The method will return an + object with two methods, clear(), which removes the + mark, and find(), which returns a {from, + to} (both document positions), indicating the current + position of the marked range.
+ +
setBookmark(pos) → object
Inserts a bookmark, a handle that follows the text around it + as it is being edited, at the given position. A bookmark has two + methods find() and clear(). The first + returns the current position of the bookmark, if it is still in + the document, and the second explicitly removes the + bookmark.
+ +
setMarker(line, text, className) → lineHandle
Add a gutter marker for the given line. Gutter markers are + shown in the line-number area (instead of the number for this + line). Both text and className are + optional. Setting text to a Unicode character like + ● tends to give a nice effect. To put a picture in the gutter, + set text to a space and className to + something that sets a background image. If you + specify text, the given text (which may contain + HTML) will, by default, replace the line number for that line. + If this is not what you want, you can include the + string %N% in the text, which will be replaced by + the line number.
Clears a marker created + with setMarker. line can be either a + number or a handle returned by setMarker (since a + number may now refer to a different line if something was added + or deleted).
setLineClass(line, className) → lineHandle
Set a CSS class name for the given line. line + can be a number or a line handle (as returned + by setMarker or this function). + Pass null to clear the class for a line.
hideLine(line) → lineHandle
Hide the given line (either by number or by handle). Hidden + lines don't show up in the editor, and their numbers are skipped + when line numbers are enabled. + Deleting a region around them does delete them, and coping a + region around will include them in the copied text.
showLine(line) → lineHandle
The inverse of hideLine—re-shows a previously + hidden line, by number or by handle.
+ +
onDeleteLine(line, func)
Register a function that should be called when the line is + deleted from the document.
+ +
lineInfo(line) → object
Returns the line number, text content, and marker status of + the given line, which can be either a number or a handle + returned by setMarker. The returned object has the + structure {line, handle, text, markerText, markerClass}.
+ +
getLineHandle(num) → lineHandle
Fetches the line handle for the given line number.
+ +
addWidget(pos, node, scrollIntoView)
Puts node, which should be an absolutely + positioned DOM node, into the editor, positioned right below the + given {line, ch} position. + When scrollIntoView is true, the editor will ensure + that the entire node is visible (if possible). To remove the + widget again, simply use DOM methods (move it somewhere else, or + call removeChild on its parent).
+ +
Force matching-bracket-highlighting to happen.
+ +
lineCount() → number
Get the number of lines in the editor.
+ +
getCursor(start) → object
start is a boolean indicating whether the start + or the end of the selection must be retrieved. If it is not + given, the current cursor pos, i.e. the side of the selection + that would move if you pressed an arrow key, is chosen. + A {line, ch} object will be returned.
somethingSelected() → boolean
Return true if any text is selected.
Set the cursor position. You can either pass a + single {line, ch} object, or the line and the + character as two separate parameters.
setSelection(start, end)
Set the selection range. start + and end should be {line, ch} objects.
+ +
getLine(n) → string
Get the content of line n.
setLine(n, text)
Set the content of line n.
Remove the given line from the document.
+ +
getRange(from, to) → string +
Get the text between the given points in the editor, which + should be {line, ch} objects.
replaceRange(string, from, to)
Replace the part of the document between from + and to with the given string. from + and to must be {line, ch} + objects. to can be left off to simply insert the + string at position from.
+ +
posFromIndex(index) → object
Calculates and returns a {line, ch} object for a + zero-based index who's value is relative to the start of the + editor's text. If the index is out of range of the text then + the returned object is clipped to start or end of the text + respectively.
indexFromPos(object) → number
The reverse of posFromIndex.
+ +

The following are more low-level methods:

+ +
operation(func) → result
CodeMirror internally buffers changes and only updates its + DOM structure after it has finished performing some operation. + If you need to perform a lot of operations on a CodeMirror + instance, you can call this method with a function argument. It + will call the function, buffering up all changes, and only doing + the expensive update after the function returns. This can be a + lot faster. The return value from this method will be the return + value of your function.
+ +
If your code does something to change the size of the editor + element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides + it, you should probably follow up by calling this method to + ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended.
+ +
getInputField() → textarea
Returns the hiden textarea used to read input.
getWrapperElement() → node
Returns the DOM node that represents the editor. Remove this + from your tree to delete an editor instance.
getScrollerElement() → node
Returns the DOM node that is responsible for the sizing and + the scrolling of the editor. You can change + the height and width styles of this + element to resize an editor. (You might have to call + the refresh method + afterwards.)
getGutterElement() → node
Fetches the DOM node that represents the editor gutter.
+ +
getStateAfter(line) → state
Returns the mode's parser state, if any, at the end of the + given line number. If no line number is given, the state at the + end of the document is returned. This can be useful for storing + parsing errors in the state, or getting other kinds of + contextual information for a line.
+ +

Finally, the CodeMirror object + itself has a method fromTextArea. This takes a + textarea DOM node as first argument and an optional configuration + object as second. It will replace the textarea with a CodeMirror + instance, and wire up the form of that textarea (if any) to make + sure the editor contents are put into the textarea when the form + is submitted. A CodeMirror instance created this way has two + additional methods:

+ +
Copy the content of the editor into the textarea.
+ +
Remove the editor, and restore the original textarea (with + the editor's current content).
+ +
getTextArea() → textarea
Returns the textarea that the instance was based on.
+ +

If you want to define extra methods in terms + of the CodeMirror API, it is possible to + use CodeMirror.defineExtension(name, value). This + will cause the given value (usually a method) to be added to all + CodeMirror instances created from then on.

+ +


+ +

The lib/util directory in the distribution + contains a number of reusable components that implement extra + editor functionality. In brief, they are:

+ +
Provides a very simple way to query users for text input. + Adds an openDialog method to CodeMirror instances, + which can be called with an HTML fragment that provides the + prompt (should include an input tag), and a + callback function that is called when text has been entered. + Depends on lib/util/dialog.css.
Adds the getSearchCursor(query, start, caseFold) → + cursor method to CodeMirror instances, which can be used + to implement search/replace functionality. query + can be a regular expression or a string (only strings will match + across lines—if they contain newlines). start + provides the starting position of the search. It can be + a {line, ch} object, or can be left off to default + to the start of the document. caseFold is only + relevant when matching a string. It will cause the search to be + case-insensitive. A search cursor has the following methods: +
findNext(), findPrevious() → boolean
Search forward or backward from the current position. + The return value indicates whether a match was found. If + matching a regular expression, the return value will be the + array returned by the match method, in case you + want to extract matched groups.
from(), to() → object
These are only valid when the last call + to findNext or findPrevious did + not return false. They will return {line, ch} + objects pointing at the start and end of the match.
Replaces the currently found match with the given text + and adjusts the cursor position to reflect the + replacement.
+ + +
Implements the search commands. CodeMirror has keys bound to + these by default, but will not do anything with them unless an + implementation is provided. Depends + on searchcursor.js, and will make use + of openDialog when + available to make prompting for search queries less ugly.
Helps with code folding. See the + demo for an example. + Call CodeMirror.newFoldFunction with a range-finder + helper function to create a function that will, when applied to + a CodeMirror instance and a line number, attempt to fold or + unfold the block starting at the given line. A range-finder is a + language-specific functoin that also takes an instance and a + line number, and returns an end line for the block, or null if + no block is started on that line. This file + provides CodeMirror.braceRangeFinder, which finds + blocks in brace languages (JavaScript, C, Java, etc).
Can be used to run a CodeMirror mode over text without + actually opening an editor instance. + See the demo for an + example.
Provides a framework for showing autocompletion hints. + Defines CodeMirror.simpleHint, which takes a + CodeMirror instance and a hinting function, and pops up a widget + that allows the user to select a completion. Hinting functions + are function that take an editor instance, and return + a {list, from, to} object, where list + is an array of strings (the completions), and from + and to give the start and end of the token that is + being completed. Depends + on lib/util/simple-hint.css.
Defines CodeMirror.javaScriptHint, which is a + simple hinting function for the JavaScript mode.
+ +

Writing CodeMirror Modes

+ +

Modes typically consist of a single JavaScript file. This file + defines, in the simplest case, a lexer (tokenizer) for your + language—a function that takes a character stream as input, + advances it past a token, and returns a style for that token. More + advanced modes can also handle indentation for the language.

+ +

The mode script should + call CodeMirror.defineMode to register itself with + CodeMirror. This function takes two arguments. The first should be + the name of the mode, for which you should use a lowercase string, + preferably one that is also the name of the files that define the + mode (i.e. "xml" is defined xml.js). The + second argument should be a function that, given a CodeMirror + configuration object (the thing passed to + the CodeMirror function) and an optional mode + configuration object (as in + the mode option), returns + a mode object.

+ +

Typically, you should use this second argument + to defineMode as your module scope function (modes + should not leak anything into the global scope!), i.e. write your + whole mode inside this function.

+ +

The main responsibility of a mode script is parsing + the content of the editor. Depending on the language and the + amount of functionality desired, this can be done in really easy + or extremely complicated ways. Some parsers can be stateless, + meaning that they look at one element (token) of the code + at a time, with no memory of what came before. Most, however, will + need to remember something. This is done by using a state + object, which is an object that is always passed when + reading a token, and which can be mutated by the tokenizer.

+ +

Modes that use a state must define + a startState method on their mode object. This is a + function of no arguments that produces a state object to be used + at the start of a document.

+ +

The most important part of a mode object is + its token(stream, state) method. All modes must + define this method. It should read one token from the stream it is + given as an argument, optionally update its state, and return a + style string, or null for tokens that do not have to + be styled. For your styles, you can either use the 'standard' ones + defined in the themes (without the cm- prefix), or + define your own (as the diff + mode does) and have people include a custom CSS file for your + mode.

+ +

The stream object encapsulates a line of code + (tokens may never span lines) and our current position in that + line. It has the following API:

+ +
eol() → boolean
Returns true only if the stream is at the end of the + line.
sol() → boolean
Returns true only if the stream is at the start of the + line.
+ +
peek() → character
Returns the next character in the stream without advancing + it. Will return undefined at the end of the + line.
next() → character
Returns the next character in the stream and advances it. + Also returns undefined when no more characters are + available.
+ +
eat(match) → character
match can be a character, a regular expression, + or a function that takes a character and returns a boolean. If + the next character in the stream 'matches' the given argument, + it is consumed and returned. Otherwise, undefined + is returned.
eatWhile(match) → boolean
Repeatedly calls eat with the given argument, + until it fails. Returns true if any characters were eaten.
eatSpace() → boolean
Shortcut for eatWhile when matching + white-space.
Moves the position to the end of the line.
skipTo(ch) → boolean
Skips to the next occurrence of the given character, if + found on the current line (doesn't advance the stream if the + character does not occur on the line). Returns true if the + character was found.
match(pattern, consume, caseFold) → boolean
Act like a + multi-character eat—if consume is true + or not given—or a look-ahead that doesn't update the stream + position—if it is false. pattern can be either a + string or a regular expression starting with ^. + When it is a string, caseFold can be set to true to + make the match case-insensitive. When successfully matching a + regular expression, the returned value will be the array + returned by match, in case you need to extract + matched groups.
+ +
Backs up the stream n characters. Backing it up + further than the start of the current token will cause things to + break, so be careful.
column() → integer
Returns the column (taking into account tabs) at which the + current token starts. Can be used to find out whether a token + starts a new line.
indentation() → integer
Tells you how far the current line has been indented, in + spaces. Corrects for tab characters.
+ +
current() → string
Get the string between the start of the current token and + the current stream position.
+ +

By default, blank lines are simply skipped when + tokenizing a document. For languages that have significant blank + lines, you can define a blankLine(state) method on + your mode that will get called whenever a blank line is passed + over, so that it can update the parser state.

+ +

Because state object are mutated, and CodeMirror + needs to keep valid versions of a state around so that it can + restart a parse at any line, copies must be made of state objects. + The default algorithm used is that a new state object is created, + which gets all the properties of the old object. Any properties + which hold arrays get a copy of these arrays (since arrays tend to + be used as mutable stacks). When this is not correct, for example + because a mode mutates non-array properties of its state object, a + mode object should define a copyState method, + which is given a state and should return a safe copy of that + state.

+ +

By default, CodeMirror will stop re-parsing + a document as soon as it encounters a few lines that were + highlighted the same in the old parse as in the new one. It is + possible to provide an explicit way to test whether a state is + equivalent to another one, which CodeMirror will use (instead of + the unchanged-lines heuristic) to decide when to stop + highlighting. You do this by providing + a compareStates method on your mode object, which + takes two state arguments and returns a boolean indicating whether + they are equivalent. See the XML mode, which uses this to provide + reliable highlighting of bad closing tags, as an example.

+ +

If you want your mode to provide smart indentation + (though the indentLine + method and the indentAuto + and newlineAndIndent commands, which keys can be + bound to), you must define + an indent(state, textAfter) method on your mode + object.

+ +

The indentation method should inspect the given state object, + and optionally the textAfter string, which contains + the text on the line that is being indented, and return an + integer, the amount of spaces to indent. It should usually take + the indentUnit + option into account.

+ +

Finally, a mode may define + an electricChars property, which should hold a string + containing all the characters that should trigger the behaviour + described for + the electricChars + option.

+ +

So, to summarize, a mode must provide + a token method, and it may + provide startState, copyState, + compareStates, and indent methods. For + an example of a trivial mode, see + the diff mode, for a more involved + example, see the C-like + mode.

+ +

Sometimes, it is useful for modes to nest—to have one + mode delegate work to another mode. An example of this kind of + mode is the mixed-mode HTML + mode. To implement such nesting, it is usually necessary to + create mode objects and copy states yourself. To create a mode + object, there are CodeMirror.getMode(options, + parserConfig), where the first argument is a configuration + object as passed to the mode constructor function, and the second + argument is a mode specification as in + the mode option. To copy a + state object, call CodeMirror.copyState(mode, state), + where mode is the mode that created the given + state.

+ +

To make indentation work properly in a nested parser, it is + advisable to give the startState method of modes that + are intended to be nested an optional argument that provides the + base indentation for the block of code. The JavaScript and CSS + parser do this, for example, to allow JavaScript and CSS code + inside the mixed-mode HTML mode to be properly indented.

+ +

Finally, it is possible to associate your mode, or a certain + configuration of your mode, with + a MIME type. For + example, the JavaScript mode associates itself + with text/javascript, and its JSON variant + with application/json. To do this, + call CodeMirror.defineMIME(mime, modeSpec), + where modeSpec can be a string or object specifying a + mode, as in the mode + option.

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