html5 boiler plate
[scannr.git] / js / flotr2 / js / plugins / hit.js
blob:a/js/flotr2/js/plugins/hit.js -> blob:b/js/flotr2/js/plugins/hit.js
--- a/js/flotr2/js/plugins/hit.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/js/plugins/hit.js
@@ -1,1 +1,360 @@
+(function () {
+  D = Flotr.DOM,
+  _ = Flotr._,
+  flotr = Flotr,
+  S_MOUSETRACK = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;';
+Flotr.addPlugin('hit', {
+  callbacks: {
+    'flotr:mousemove': function(e, pos) {
+      this.hit.track(pos);
+    },
+    'flotr:click': function(pos) {
+      var
+        hit = this.hit.track(pos);
+      _.defaults(pos, hit);
+    },
+    'flotr:mouseout': function() {
+      this.hit.clearHit();
+    },
+    'flotr:destroy': function() {
+      this.mouseTrack = null;
+    }
+  },
+  track : function (pos) {
+    if (this.options.mouse.track || _.any(this.series, function(s){return s.mouse && s.mouse.track;})) {
+      return this.hit.hit(pos);
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * Try a method on a graph type.  If the method exists, execute it.
+   * @param {Object} series
+   * @param {String} method  Method name.
+   * @param {Array} args  Arguments applied to method.
+   * @return executed successfully or failed.
+   */
+  executeOnType: function(s, method, args){
+    var
+      success = false,
+      options;
+    if (!_.isArray(s)) s = [s];
+    function e(s, index) {
+      _.each(_.keys(flotr.graphTypes), function (type) {
+        if (s[type] && s[type].show && this[type][method]) {
+          options = this.getOptions(s, type);
+          options.fill = !!s.mouse.fillColor;
+          options.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
+          options.color = s.mouse.lineColor;
+          options.context = this.octx;
+          options.index = index;
+          if (args) options.args = args;
+          this[type][method].call(this[type], options);
+          success = true;
+        }
+      }, this);
+    }
+    _.each(s, e, this);
+    return success;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Updates the mouse tracking point on the overlay.
+   */
+  drawHit: function(n){
+    var octx = this.octx,
+      s = n.series;
+    if (s.mouse.lineColor) {
+      octx.lineWidth = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
+      octx.strokeStyle = s.mouse.lineColor;
+      octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
+      octx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+      if (!this.hit.executeOnType(s, 'drawHit', n)) {
+        var
+          xa = n.xaxis,
+          ya = n.yaxis;
+        octx.beginPath();
+          // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
+          octx.arc(xa.d2p(n.x), ya.d2p(n.y), s.points.hitRadius || s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+          octx.fill();
+          octx.stroke();
+        octx.closePath();
+      }
+      octx.restore();
+      this.clip(octx);
+    }
+    this.prevHit = n;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Removes the mouse tracking point from the overlay.
+   */
+  clearHit: function(){
+    var prev = this.prevHit,
+        octx = this.octx,
+        plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
+    octx.translate(plotOffset.left,;
+    if (prev) {
+      if (!this.hit.executeOnType(prev.series, 'clearHit', this.prevHit)) {
+        // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
+        var
+          s = prev.series,
+          lw = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
+          offset = (s.points.hitRadius || s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius) + lw;
+        octx.clearRect(
+          prev.xaxis.d2p(prev.x) - offset,
+          prev.yaxis.d2p(prev.y) - offset,
+          offset*2,
+          offset*2
+        );
+      }
+      D.hide(this.mouseTrack);
+      this.prevHit = null;
+    }
+    octx.restore();
+  },
+  /**
+   * Retrieves the nearest data point from the mouse cursor. If it's within
+   * a certain range, draw a point on the overlay canvas and display the x and y
+   * value of the data.
+   * @param {Object} mouse - Object that holds the relative x and y coordinates of the cursor.
+   */
+  hit : function (mouse) {
+    var
+      options = this.options,
+      prevHit = this.prevHit,
+      closest, sensibility, dataIndex, seriesIndex, series, value, xaxis, yaxis, n;
+    if (this.series.length === 0) return;
+    // Nearest data element.
+    // dist, x, y, relX, relY, absX, absY, sAngle, eAngle, fraction, mouse,
+    // xaxis, yaxis, series, index, seriesIndex
+    n = {
+      relX : mouse.relX,
+      relY : mouse.relY,
+      absX : mouse.absX,
+      absY : mouse.absY
+    };
+    if (options.mouse.trackY &&
+        !options.mouse.trackAll &&
+        this.hit.executeOnType(this.series, 'hit', [mouse, n]) &&
+        !_.isUndefined(n.seriesIndex))
+      {
+      series    = this.series[n.seriesIndex];
+      n.series  = series;
+      n.mouse   = series.mouse;
+      n.xaxis   = series.xaxis;
+      n.yaxis   = series.yaxis;
+    } else {
+      closest = this.hit.closest(mouse);
+      if (closest) {
+        closest     = options.mouse.trackY ? closest.point : closest.x;
+        seriesIndex = closest.seriesIndex;
+        series      = this.series[seriesIndex];
+        xaxis       = series.xaxis;
+        yaxis       = series.yaxis;
+        sensibility = 2 * series.mouse.sensibility;
+        if
+          (options.mouse.trackAll ||
+          (closest.distanceX < sensibility / xaxis.scale &&
+          (!options.mouse.trackY || closest.distanceY < sensibility / yaxis.scale)))
+        {
+          n.series      = series;
+          n.xaxis       = series.xaxis;
+          n.yaxis       = series.yaxis;
+          n.mouse       = series.mouse;
+          n.x           = closest.x;
+          n.y           = closest.y;
+          n.dist        = closest.distance;
+          n.index       = closest.dataIndex;
+          n.seriesIndex = seriesIndex;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!prevHit || (prevHit.index !== n.index || prevHit.seriesIndex !== n.seriesIndex)) {
+      this.hit.clearHit();
+      if (n.series && n.mouse && n.mouse.track) {
+        this.hit.drawMouseTrack(n);
+        this.hit.drawHit(n);
+, 'flotr:hit', [n, this]);
+      }
+    }
+    return n;
+  },
+  closest : function (mouse) {
+    var
+      series    = this.series,
+      options   = this.options,
+      relX      = mouse.relX,
+      relY      = mouse.relY,
+      compare   = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+      compareX  = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+      closest   = {},
+      closestX  = {},
+      check     = false,
+      serie, data,
+      distance, distanceX, distanceY,
+      mouseX, mouseY,
+      x, y, i, j;
+    function setClosest (o) {
+      o.distance = distance;
+      o.distanceX = distanceX;
+      o.distanceY = distanceY;
+      o.seriesIndex = i;
+      o.dataIndex = j;
+      o.x = x;
+      o.y = y;
+      check = true;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
+      serie = series[i];
+      data =;
+      mouseX = serie.xaxis.p2d(relX);
+      mouseY = serie.yaxis.p2d(relY);
+      for (j = data.length; j--;) {
+        x = data[j][0];
+        y = data[j][1];
+        if (x === null || y === null) continue;
+        // don't check if the point isn't visible in the current range
+        if (x < serie.xaxis.min || x > serie.xaxis.max) continue;
+        distanceX = Math.abs(x - mouseX);
+        distanceY = Math.abs(y - mouseY);
+        // Skip square root for speed
+        distance = distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;
+        if (distance < compare) {
+          compare = distance;
+          setClosest(closest);
+        }
+        if (distanceX < compareX) {
+          compareX = distanceX;
+          setClosest(closestX);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return check ? {
+      point : closest,
+      x : closestX
+    } : false;
+  },
+  drawMouseTrack : function (n) {
+    var
+      pos         = '', 
+      s           = n.series,
+      p           = n.mouse.position, 
+      m           = n.mouse.margin,
+      x           = n.x,
+      y           = n.y,
+      elStyle     = S_MOUSETRACK,
+      mouseTrack  = this.mouseTrack,
+      plotOffset  = this.plotOffset,
+      left        = plotOffset.left,
+      right       = plotOffset.right,
+      bottom      = plotOffset.bottom,
+      top         =,
+      decimals    = n.mouse.trackDecimals,
+      options     = this.options;
+    // Create
+    if (!mouseTrack) {
+      mouseTrack = D.node('<div class="flotr-mouse-value"></div>');
+      this.mouseTrack = mouseTrack;
+      D.insert(this.el, mouseTrack);
+    }
+    if (!n.mouse.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
+      if      (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'top:' + (m + top) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+      else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'bottom:' + (m + bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
+      if      (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'right:' + (m + right) + 'px;left:auto;';
+      else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'left:' + (m + left) + 'px;right:auto;';
+    // Pie
+    } else if (s.pie && {
+      var center = {
+          x: (this.plotWidth)/2,
+          y: (this.plotHeight)/2
+        },
+        radius = (Math.min(this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight) * s.pie.sizeRatio) / 2,
+        bisection = n.sAngle<n.eAngle ? (n.sAngle + n.eAngle) / 2: (n.sAngle + n.eAngle + 2* Math.PI) / 2;
+      pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - center.y - Math.sin(bisection) * radius/2 + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+      pos += 'left:' + (m + left + center.x + Math.cos(bisection) * radius/2) + 'px;right:auto;';
+    // Default
+    } else {    
+      if (/n/.test(p)) pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+      else             pos += 'top:' + (m + top + n.yaxis.d2p(n.y)) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+      if (/w/.test(p)) pos += 'right:' + (m - left - n.xaxis.d2p(n.x) + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
+      else             pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x)) + 'px;right:auto;';
+    }
+    elStyle += pos;
+ = elStyle;
+    if (!decimals || decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
+    if (x && x.toFixed) x = x.toFixed(decimals);
+    if (y && y.toFixed) y = y.toFixed(decimals);
+    mouseTrack.innerHTML = n.mouse.trackFormatter({
+      x: x ,
+      y: y, 
+      series: n.series, 
+      index: n.index,
+      nearest: n,
+      fraction: n.fraction
+    });
+    if (n.mouse.relative) {
+      if (!/[ew]/.test(p)) {
+        // Center Horizontally
+ =
+          (left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x) - D.size(mouseTrack).width / 2) + 'px';
+      } else
+      if (!/[ns]/.test(p)) {
+        // Center Vertically
+ =
+          (top + n.yaxis.d2p(n.y) - D.size(mouseTrack).height / 2) + 'px';
+      }
+    }
+  }