html5 boiler plate
[scannr.git] / js / flotr2 / js / plugins / spreadsheet.js
blob:a/js/flotr2/js/plugins/spreadsheet.js -> blob:b/js/flotr2/js/plugins/spreadsheet.js
--- a/js/flotr2/js/plugins/spreadsheet.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/js/plugins/spreadsheet.js
@@ -1,1 +1,297 @@
+/** Spreadsheet **/
+(function() {
+function getRowLabel(value){
+  if (this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter){
+    //TODO maybe pass the xaxis formatter to the custom tick formatter as an opt-out?
+    return this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter(value);
+  }
+  else {
+    var t = _.find(this.axes.x.ticks, function(t){return t.v == value;});
+    if (t) {
+      return t.label;
+    }
+    return value;
+  }
+  D = Flotr.DOM,
+  _ = Flotr._;
+Flotr.addPlugin('spreadsheet', {
+  options: {
+    show: false,           // => show the data grid using two tabs
+    tabGraphLabel: 'Graph',
+    tabDataLabel: 'Data',
+    toolbarDownload: 'Download CSV', // @todo: add better language support
+    toolbarSelectAll: 'Select all',
+    csvFileSeparator: ',',
+    decimalSeparator: '.',
+    tickFormatter: null,
+    initialTab: 'graph'
+  },
+  /**
+   * Builds the tabs in the DOM
+   */
+  callbacks: {
+    'flotr:afterconstruct': function(){
+      // @TODO necessary?
+      //'.flotr-tabs-group,.flotr-datagrid-container').invoke('remove');
+      if (! return;
+      var ss = this.spreadsheet,
+        container = D.node('<div class="flotr-tabs-group" style="position:absolute;left:0px;width:'+this.canvasWidth+'px"></div>'),
+        graph = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab selected">'+this.options.spreadsheet.tabGraphLabel+'</div>'),
+        data = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab">'+this.options.spreadsheet.tabDataLabel+'</div>'),
+        offset;
+      ss.tabsContainer = container;
+      ss.tabs = { graph : graph, data : data };
+      D.insert(container, graph);
+      D.insert(container, data);
+      D.insert(this.el, container);
+      offset = D.size(data).height + 2;
+      this.plotOffset.bottom += offset;
+      D.setStyles(container, {top: this.canvasHeight-offset+'px'});
+      this.
+        observe(graph, 'click',  function(){ss.showTab('graph');}).
+        observe(data, 'click', function(){ss.showTab('data');});
+      if (this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab !== 'graph'){
+        ss.showTab(this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab);
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * Builds a matrix of the data to make the correspondance between the x values and the y values :
+   * X value => Y values from the axes
+   * @return {Array} The data grid
+   */
+  loadDataGrid: function(){
+    if (this.seriesData) return this.seriesData;
+    var s = this.series,
+        rows = {};
+    /* The data grid is a 2 dimensions array. There is a row for each X value.
+     * Each row contains the x value and the corresponding y value for each serie ('undefined' if there isn't one)
+    **/
+    _.each(s, function(serie, i){
+      _.each(, function (v) {
+        var x = v[0],
+            y = v[1],
+            r = rows[x];
+        if (r) {
+          r[i+1] = y;
+        } else {
+          var newRow = [];
+          newRow[0] = x;
+          newRow[i+1] = y;
+          rows[x] = newRow;
+        }
+      });
+    });
+    // The data grid is sorted by x value
+    this.seriesData = _.sortBy(rows, function(row, x){
+      return parseInt(x, 10);
+    });
+    return this.seriesData;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Constructs the data table for the spreadsheet
+   * @todo make a spreadsheet manager (Flotr.Spreadsheet)
+   * @return {Element} The resulting table element
+   */
+  constructDataGrid: function(){
+    // If the data grid has already been built, nothing to do here
+    if (this.spreadsheet.datagrid) return this.spreadsheet.datagrid;
+    var s = this.series,
+        datagrid = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
+        colgroup = ['<colgroup><col />'],
+        buttonDownload, buttonSelect, t;
+    // First row : series' labels
+    var html = ['<table class="flotr-datagrid"><tr class="first-row">'];
+    html.push('<th>&nbsp;</th>');
+    _.each(s, function(serie,i){
+      html.push('<th scope="col">'+(serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65+i))+'</th>');
+      colgroup.push('<col />');
+    });
+    html.push('</tr>');
+    // Data rows
+    _.each(datagrid, function(row){
+      html.push('<tr>');
+      _.times(s.length+1, function(i){
+        var tag = 'td',
+            value = row[i],
+            // TODO: do we really want to handle problems with floating point
+            // precision here?
+            content = (!_.isUndefined(value) ? Math.round(value*100000)/100000 : '');
+        if (i === 0) {
+          tag = 'th';
+          var label =, content);
+          if (label) content = label;
+        }
+        html.push('<'+tag+(tag=='th'?' scope="row"':'')+'>'+content+'</'+tag+'>');
+      }, this);
+      html.push('</tr>');
+    }, this);
+    colgroup.push('</colgroup>');
+    t = D.node(html.join(''));
+    /**
+     * @TODO disabled this
+    if (!Flotr.isIE || Flotr.isIE == 9) {
+      function handleMouseout(){
+'colgroup col.hover, th.hover').invoke('removeClassName', 'hover');
+      }
+      function handleMouseover(e){
+        var td = e.element(),
+          siblings = td.previousSiblings();
+'colgroup col')[siblings.length].addClassName('hover');
+      }
+      _.each('td'), function(td) {
+        Flotr.EventAdapter.
+          observe(td, 'mouseover', handleMouseover).
+          observe(td, 'mouseout', handleMouseout);
+      });
+    }
+    */
+    buttonDownload = D.node(
+      '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
+      this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarDownload +
+      '</button>');
+    buttonSelect = D.node(
+      '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
+      this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarSelectAll+
+      '</button>');
+    this.
+      observe(buttonDownload, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.downloadCSV, this)).
+      observe(buttonSelect, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.selectAllData, this));
+    var toolbar = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar"></div>');
+    D.insert(toolbar, buttonDownload);
+    D.insert(toolbar, buttonSelect);
+    var containerHeight =this.canvasHeight - D.size(this.spreadsheet.tabsContainer).height-2,
+        container = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-container" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:'+
+          this.canvasWidth+'px;height:'+containerHeight+'px;overflow:auto;z-index:10"></div>');
+    D.insert(container, toolbar);
+    D.insert(container, t);
+    D.insert(this.el, container);
+    this.spreadsheet.datagrid = t;
+    this.spreadsheet.container = container;
+    return t;
+  },  
+  /**
+   * Shows the specified tab, by its name
+   * @todo make a tab manager (Flotr.Tabs)
+   * @param {String} tabName - The tab name
+   */
+  showTab: function(tabName){
+    if (this.spreadsheet.activeTab === tabName){
+      return;
+    }
+    switch(tabName) {
+      case 'graph':
+        D.hide(this.spreadsheet.container);
+        D.removeClass(, 'selected');
+        D.addClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
+      break;
+      case 'data':
+        if (!this.spreadsheet.datagrid)
+          this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
+        D.addClass(, 'selected');
+        D.removeClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
+      break;
+      default:
+        throw 'Illegal tab name: ' + tabName;
+    }
+    this.spreadsheet.activeTab = tabName;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Selects the data table in the DOM for copy/paste
+   */
+  selectAllData: function(){
+    if (this.spreadsheet.tabs) {
+      var selection, range, doc, win, node = this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
+      this.spreadsheet.showTab('data');
+      // deferred to be able to select the table
+      setTimeout(function () {
+        if ((doc = node.ownerDocument) && (win = doc.defaultView) && 
+            win.getSelection && doc.createRange && 
+            (selection = window.getSelection()) && 
+            selection.removeAllRanges) {
+            range = doc.createRange();
+            range.selectNode(node);
+            selection.removeAllRanges();
+            selection.addRange(range);
+        }
+        else if (document.body && document.body.createTextRange && 
+                (range = document.body.createTextRange())) {
+            range.moveToElementText(node);
+  ;
+        }
+      }, 0);
+      return true;
+    }
+    else return false;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Converts the data into CSV in order to download a file
+   */
+  downloadCSV: function(){
+    var csv = '',
+        series = this.series,
+        options = this.options,
+        dg = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
+        separator = encodeURIComponent(options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator);
+    if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator === options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator) {
+      throw "The decimal separator is the same as the column separator ("+options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator+")";
+    }
+    // The first row
+    _.each(series, function(serie, i){
+      csv += separator+'"'+(serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65+i)).replace(/\"/g, '\\"')+'"';
+    });
+    csv += "%0D%0A"; // \r\n
+    // For each row
+    csv += _.reduce(dg, function(memo, row){
+      var rowLabel =, row[0]) || '';
+      rowLabel = '"'+(rowLabel+'').replace(/\"/g, '\\"')+'"';
+      var numbers = row.slice(1).join(separator);
+      if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator !== '.') {
+        numbers = numbers.replace(/\./g, options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator);
+      }
+      return memo + rowLabel+separator+numbers+"%0D%0A"; // \t and \r\n
+    }, '', this);
+    if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
+      csv = csv.replace(new RegExp(separator, 'g'), decodeURIComponent(separator)).replace(/%0A/g, '\n').replace(/%0D/g, '\r');
+    }
+    else'data:text/csv,'+csv);
+  }