html5 boiler plate
[scannr.git] / js / flotr2 / js / types / pie.js
blob:a/js/flotr2/js/types/pie.js -> blob:b/js/flotr2/js/types/pie.js
--- a/js/flotr2/js/types/pie.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/js/types/pie.js
@@ -1,1 +1,217 @@
+ * Pie
+ *
+ * Formats the pies labels.
+ * @param {Object} slice - Slice object
+ * @return {String} Formatted pie label string
+ */
+(function () {
+  _ = Flotr._;
+Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter = function (total, value) {
+  return (100 * value / total).toFixed(2)+'%';
+Flotr.addType('pie', {
+  options: {
+    show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
+    lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
+    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+    fillOpacity: 0.6,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+    explode: 6,            // => the number of pixels the splices will be far from the center
+    sizeRatio: 0.6,        // => the size ratio of the pie relative to the plot 
+    startAngle: Math.PI/4, // => the first slice start angle
+    labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter,
+    pie3D: false,          // => whether to draw the pie in 3 dimenstions or not (ineffective) 
+    pie3DviewAngle: (Math.PI/2 * 0.8),
+    pie3DspliceThickness: 20,
+    epsilon: 0.1           // => how close do you have to get to hit empty slice
+  },
+  draw : function (options) {
+    // TODO 3D charts what?
+    var
+      data          =,
+      context       = options.context,
+      canvas        = context.canvas,
+      lineWidth     = options.lineWidth,
+      shadowSize    = options.shadowSize,
+      sizeRatio     = options.sizeRatio,
+      height        = options.height,
+      width         = options.width,
+      explode       = options.explode,
+      color         = options.color,
+      fill          = options.fill,
+      fillStyle     = options.fillStyle,
+      radius        = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
+      value         = data[0][1],
+      html          = [],
+      vScale        = 1,//Math.cos(series.pie.viewAngle);
+      measure       = Math.PI * 2 * value /,
+      startAngle    = this.startAngle || (2 * Math.PI * options.startAngle), // TODO: this initial startAngle is already in radians (fixing will be test-unstable)
+      endAngle      = startAngle + measure,
+      bisection     = startAngle + measure / 2,
+      label         = options.labelFormatter(, value),
+      //plotTickness  = Math.sin(series.pie.viewAngle)*series.pie.spliceThickness / vScale;
+      explodeCoeff  = explode + radius + 4,
+      distX         = Math.cos(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
+      distY         = Math.sin(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
+      textAlign     = distX < 0 ? 'right' : 'left',
+      textBaseline  = distY > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom',
+      style,
+      x, y;
+    context.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
+    context.scale(1, vScale);
+    x = Math.cos(bisection) * explode;
+    y = Math.sin(bisection) * explode;
+    // Shadows
+    if (shadowSize > 0) {
+      this.plotSlice(x + shadowSize, y + shadowSize, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
+      if (fill) {
+        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+        context.fill();
+      }
+    }
+    this.plotSlice(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
+    if (fill) {
+      context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+      context.fill();
+    }
+    context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
+    context.strokeStyle = color;
+    context.stroke();
+    style = {
+      size : options.fontSize * 1.2,
+      color : options.fontColor,
+      weight : 1.5
+    };
+    if (label) {
+      if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
+        divStyle = 'position:absolute;' + textBaseline + ':' + (height / 2 + (textBaseline === 'top' ? distY : -distY)) + 'px;';
+        divStyle += textAlign + ':' + (width / 2 + (textAlign === 'right' ? -distX : distX)) + 'px;';
+        html.push('<div style="', divStyle, '" class="flotr-grid-label">', label, '</div>');
+      }
+      else {
+        style.textAlign = textAlign;
+        style.textBaseline = textBaseline;
+        Flotr.drawText(context, label, distX, distY, style);
+      }
+    }
+    if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
+      var div = Flotr.DOM.node('<div style="color:' + options.fontColor + '" class="flotr-labels"></div>');
+      Flotr.DOM.insert(div, html.join(''));
+      Flotr.DOM.insert(options.element, div);
+    }
+    context.restore();
+    // New start angle
+    this.startAngle = endAngle;
+    this.slices = this.slices || [];
+    this.slices.push({
+      radius : Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
+      x : x,
+      y : y,
+      explode : explode,
+      start : startAngle,
+      end : endAngle
+    });
+  },
+  plotSlice : function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context) {
+    context.beginPath();
+    context.moveTo(x, y);
+    context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false);
+    context.lineTo(x, y);
+    context.closePath();
+  },
+  hit : function (options) {
+    var
+      data      =[0],
+      args      = options.args,
+      index     = options.index,
+      mouse     = args[0],
+      n         = args[1],
+      slice     = this.slices[index],
+      x         = mouse.relX - options.width / 2,
+      y         = mouse.relY - options.height / 2,
+      r         = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
+      theta     = Math.atan(y / x),
+      circle    = Math.PI * 2,
+      explode   = slice.explode || options.explode,
+      start     = slice.start % circle,
+      end       = slice.end % circle,
+      epsilon   = options.epsilon;
+    if (x < 0) {
+      theta += Math.PI;
+    } else if (x > 0 && y < 0) {
+      theta += circle;
+    }
+    if (r < slice.radius + explode && r > explode) {
+      if (
+          (theta > start && theta < end) || // Normal Slice
+          (start > end && (theta < end || theta > start)) || // First slice
+          // TODO: Document the two cases at the end:
+          (start === end && ((slice.start === slice.end && Math.abs(theta - start) < epsilon) || (slice.start !== slice.end && Math.abs(theta-start) > epsilon)))
+         ) {
+          // TODO Decouple this from hit plugin (chart shouldn't know what n means)
+         n.x = data[0];
+         n.y = data[1];
+         n.sAngle = start;
+         n.eAngle = end;
+         n.index = 0;
+         n.seriesIndex = index;
+         n.fraction = data[1] /;
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  drawHit: function (options) {
+    var
+      context = options.context,
+      slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex];
+    context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
+    this.plotSlice(slice.x, slice.y, slice.radius, slice.start, slice.end, context);
+    context.stroke();
+    context.restore();
+  },
+  clearHit : function (options) {
+    var
+      context = options.context,
+      slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex],
+      padding = 2 * options.lineWidth,
+      radius = slice.radius + padding;
+    context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
+    context.clearRect(
+      slice.x - radius,
+      slice.y - radius,
+      2 * radius + padding,
+      2 * radius + padding 
+    );
+    context.restore();
+  },
+  extendYRange : function (axis, data) {
+ = ( || 0) + data[0][1];
+  }