More trip planner testing with colors
[busui.git] / labs / openlayers / lib / OpenLayers / Format / OWSContext / v0_3_1.js
blob:a/labs/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Format/OWSContext/v0_3_1.js -> blob:b/labs/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Format/OWSContext/v0_3_1.js
--- a/labs/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Format/OWSContext/v0_3_1.js
+++ b/labs/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Format/OWSContext/v0_3_1.js
@@ -1,1 +1,590 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for 
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the Clear BSD license.  
+ * See for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/XML.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/KML.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/GML.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/GML/v2.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/SLD/v1_0_0.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/OWSContext.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Format/OWSCommon/v1_0_0.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Format.OWSContext.v0_3_1
+ * Read and write OWSContext version 0.3.1.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ *  - <OpenLayers.Format.XML>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Format.OWSContext.v0_3_1 = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Format.XML, {
+    /**
+     * Property: namespaces
+     * {Object} Mapping of namespace aliases to namespace URIs.
+     */
+    namespaces: {
+        owc: "",
+        gml: "",
+        kml: "",
+        ogc: "",
+        ows: "",
+        sld: "",
+        xlink: "",
+        xsi: ""
+    },
+    /**
+     * Constant: VERSION
+     * {String} 0.3.1
+     */
+    VERSION: "0.3.1", 
+    /**
+     * Property: schemaLocation
+     * {String} Schema location
+     */
+    schemaLocation: "",
+    /**
+     * Property: defaultPrefix
+     * {String} Default namespace prefix to use.
+     */
+    defaultPrefix: "owc",
+    /**
+     * APIProperty: extractAttributes
+     * {Boolean} Extract attributes from GML.  Default is true.
+     */
+    extractAttributes: true,
+    /**
+     * APIProperty: xy
+     * {Boolean} Order of the GML coordinate true:(x,y) or false:(y,x)
+     * Changing is not recommended, a new Format should be instantiated.
+     */ 
+    xy: true, 
+    /**
+     * Property: regExes
+     * Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
+     */
+    regExes: {
+        trimSpace: (/^\s*|\s*$/g),
+        removeSpace: (/\s*/g),
+        splitSpace: (/\s+/),
+        trimComma: (/\s*,\s*/g)
+    },
+    /**
+     * Property: featureNS
+     * {String} The namespace uri to use for writing InlineGeometry
+     */
+    featureNS: "",
+    /**
+     * Property: featureType
+     * {String} The name to use as the feature type when writing out
+     *     InlineGeometry
+     */
+    featureType: 'vector',
+    /**
+     * Property: geometryName
+     * {String} The name to use for the geometry attribute when writing out
+     *     InlineGeometry
+     */
+    geometryName: 'geometry',
+    /**
+     * Property: nestingLayerLookup
+     * {Object} Hashtable lookup for nesting layer nodes. Used while writing 
+     *     the OWS context document. It is necessary to keep track of the 
+     *     nestingPaths for which nesting layer nodes have already been 
+     *     created, so (nesting) layer nodes are added to those nodes.
+     *
+     * For example:
+     *
+     *     If there are three layers with nestingPaths:
+     *         layer1.metadata.nestingPath = "a/b/"
+     *         layer2.metadata.nestingPath = "a/b/"
+     *         layer2.metadata.nestingPath = "a/c"
+     *
+     *     then a nesting layer node "a" should be created once and added 
+     *     to the resource list, a nesting layer node "b" should be created 
+     *     once and added under "a", and a nesting layer node "c" should be 
+     *     created and added under "a". The lookup paths for these nodes 
+     *     will be "a", "a/b", and "a/c" respectively.
+     */
+    nestingLayerLookup: null,
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Format.OWSContext.v0_3_1
+     * Instances of this class are not created directly.  Use the
+     *     <OpenLayers.Format.OWSContext> constructor instead.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * options - {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on
+     *     this instance.
+     */
+    initialize: function(options) {
+        OpenLayers.Format.XML.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: setNestingPath
+     * Set the nestingPath property of the layer depending on the position
+     *     of the layer in hierarchy of layers.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * l - {Object} An object that may have a layersContext array property.
+     * 
+     */
+    setNestingPath : function(l){
+        if(l.layersContext){
+            for (var i = 0, len = l.layersContext.length; i < len; i++) {
+                var layerContext = l.layersContext[i];
+                var nPath = [];
+                var nTitle = l.title || "";
+                if(l.metadata && l.metadata.nestingPath){
+                    nPath = l.metadata.nestingPath.slice();
+                }
+                if (nTitle != "") {
+                    nPath.push(nTitle);
+                }
+                layerContext.metadata.nestingPath = nPath;
+                if(layerContext.layersContext){
+                    this.setNestingPath(layerContext);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Function: decomposeNestingPath
+     * Takes a nestingPath like "a/b/c" and decomposes it into subpaths:
+     * "a", "a/b", "a/b/c"
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * nPath  - {Array} the nesting path
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * Array({String}) Array with subpaths, or empty array if there is nothing
+     *     to decompose
+     */
+    decomposeNestingPath: function(nPath){
+        var a = [];
+        if (nPath instanceof Array) {
+            while (nPath.length > 0) {
+                a.push(nPath.slice());
+                nPath.pop();
+            }
+            a.reverse();
+        }
+        return a;
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: read
+     * Read OWS context data from a string or DOMElement, and return a list 
+     *     of layers. 
+     * 
+     * Parameters: 
+     * data - {String} or {DOMElement} data to read/parse.
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Object} The context object with a flat layer list as a property named
+     *     layersContext.
+     */
+    read: function(data) {
+        if(typeof data == "string") {
+            data =, [data]);
+        }
+        if(data && data.nodeType == 9) {
+            data = data.documentElement;
+        }
+        var context = {};
+        this.readNode(data, context);
+        // since an OWSContext can be nested we need to go through this
+        // structure recursively      
+        this.setNestingPath({layersContext : context.layersContext});
+        // after nesting path has been set, create a flat list of layers
+        var layers = [];
+        this.processLayer(layers, context);
+        delete context.layersContext;
+        context.layersContext = layers;
+        return context;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: processLayer
+     * Recursive function to get back a flat list of layers from the hierarchic
+     *     layer structure.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * layerArray - {Array({Object})} Array of layerContext objects
+     * layerContext - {Object} layerContext object
+     */
+    processLayer: function(layerArray, layer) {
+        if (layer.layersContext) {
+            for (var i=0, len = layer.layersContext.length; i<len; i++) {
+                var l = layer.layersContext[i];
+                layerArray.push(l);
+                if (l.layersContext) {
+                    this.processLayer(layerArray, l);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: write
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * context - {Object} An object representing the map context.
+     * options - {Object} Optional object.
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {String} An OWS Context document string.
+     */
+    write: function(context, options) {
+        var name = "OWSContext";
+        this.nestingLayerLookup = {}; //start with empty lookup
+        options = options || {};
+        OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, context);
+        var root = this.writeNode(name, options);
+        this.nestingLayerLookup = null; //clear lookup
+        this.setAttributeNS(
+            root, this.namespaces["xsi"],
+            "xsi:schemaLocation", this.schemaLocation
+        );
+        return OpenLayers.Format.XML.prototype.write.apply(this, [root]);
+    }, 
+    /**
+     * Property: readers
+     * Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will
+     *     be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function
+     *     name.  The function will be applied in the scope of this parser
+     *     with two arguments: the node being read and a context object passed
+     *     from the parent.
+     */
+    readers: {
+        "kml": {
+            "Document": function(node, obj) {
+                obj.features = new OpenLayers.Format.KML(
+                    {kmlns: this.namespaces.kml, 
+                        extractStyles: true}).read(node);
+            }
+        },
+        "owc": { 
+            "OWSContext": function(node, obj) {
+                this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+            }, 
+            "General": function(node, obj) {
+                this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+            },
+            "ResourceList": function(node, obj) {
+                this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+            },
+            "Layer": function(node, obj) {
+                var layerContext = {
+                    metadata: {},
+                    visibility: (node.getAttribute("hidden") != "1"),
+                    queryable: (node.getAttribute("queryable") == "1"),
+                    opacity: ((node.getAttribute("opacity") != null) ? 
+                        parseFloat(node.getAttribute("opacity")) : null),
+                    name: node.getAttribute("name"),
+                    /* A category layer is a dummy layer meant for creating
+                       hierarchies. It is not a physical layer in the 
+                       OpenLayers sense. The assumption we make here is that
+                       category layers do not have a name attribute */
+                    categoryLayer: (node.getAttribute("name") == null),
+                    formats: [],
+                    styles: []
+                };
+                if (!obj.layersContext) {
+                    obj.layersContext = [];
+                }
+                obj.layersContext.push(layerContext);
+                this.readChildNodes(node, layerContext);
+            },
+            "InlineGeometry": function(node, obj) {
+                obj.features = [];
+                var elements = this.getElementsByTagNameNS(node, 
+                    this.namespaces.gml, "featureMember");
+                var el;
+                if (elements.length >= 1) {
+                    el = elements[0];
+                }
+                if (el && el.firstChild) {
+                    var featurenode = (el.firstChild.nextSibling) ? 
+                        el.firstChild.nextSibling : el.firstChild;
+                    this.setNamespace("feature", featurenode.namespaceURI);
+                    this.featureType = featurenode.localName || 
+                        featurenode.nodeName.split(":").pop();
+                    this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+                }
+            },
+            "Server": function(node, obj) {
+                // when having multiple Server types, we prefer WMS
+                if ((!obj.service && !obj.version) || 
+                    (obj.service != 
+                        OpenLayers.Format.Context.serviceTypes.WMS)) {
+                            obj.service = node.getAttribute("service");
+                            obj.version = node.getAttribute("version");
+                            this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+                }
+            },
+            "Name": function(node, obj) {
+       = this.getChildValue(node);
+                this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+            },
+            "Title": function(node, obj) {
+                obj.title = this.getChildValue(node);
+                this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+            },
+            "StyleList": function(node, obj) {
+                this.readChildNodes(node, obj.styles);
+            },
+            "Style": function(node, obj) {
+                var style = {};
+                obj.push(style);
+                this.readChildNodes(node, style);
+            },
+            "LegendURL": function(node, obj) {
+                var legend = {};
+                obj.legend = legend;
+                this.readChildNodes(node, legend);
+            },
+            "OnlineResource": function(node, obj) {
+                obj.url = this.getAttributeNS(node, this.namespaces.xlink, 
+                    "href");
+                this.readChildNodes(node, obj);
+            }
+        },
+        "ows": OpenLayers.Format.OWSCommon.v1_0_0.prototype.readers.ows,
+        "gml": OpenLayers.Format.GML.v2.prototype.readers.gml,
+        "sld": OpenLayers.Format.SLD.v1_0_0.prototype.readers.sld,
+        "feature": OpenLayers.Format.GML.v2.prototype.readers.feature
+    },
+    /**
+     * Property: writers
+     * As a compliment to the readers property, this structure contains public
+     *     writing functions grouped by namespace alias and named like the
+     *     node names they produce.
+     */
+    writers: {
+        "owc": {
+            "OWSContext": function(options) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("OWSContext", {
+                    attributes: {
+                        version: this.VERSION,
+                        id: || OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID("OpenLayers_OWSContext_")
+                    } 
+                }); 
+                this.writeNode("General", options, node);
+                this.writeNode("ResourceList", options, node);
+                return node; 
+            },
+            "General": function(options) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("General");
+                this.writeNode("ows:BoundingBox", options, node);
+                this.writeNode("ows:Title", options.title || 'OpenLayers OWSContext', node);
+                return node;
+            },
+            "ResourceList": function(options) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("ResourceList");
+                for (var i=0, len=options.layers.length; i<len; i++) {
+                    var layer = options.layers[i];
+                    var decomposedPath = this.decomposeNestingPath(layer.metadata.nestingPath);
+                    this.writeNode("_Layer", {layer: layer, subPaths: decomposedPath}, node);
+                }
+                return node;
+            },
+            "Server": function(options) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Server", {attributes: {
+                    version: options.version,
+                    service: options.service }
+                });
+                this.writeNode("OnlineResource", options, node);
+                return node;
+            },
+            "OnlineResource": function(options) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("OnlineResource", {attributes: {
+                    "xlink:href": options.url }
+                });
+                return node;
+            },
+            "InlineGeometry": function(layer) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("InlineGeometry");
+                this.writeNode("gml:boundedBy", layer.getDataExtent(), node);
+                for (var i=0, len=layer.features.length; i<len; i++) {
+                    this.writeNode("gml:featureMember", layer.features[i], node);
+                }
+                return node;
+            },
+            "StyleList": function(styles) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("StyleList");
+                for (var i=0, len=styles.length; i<len; i++) {
+                    this.writeNode("Style", styles[i], node);
+                }
+                return node;
+            },
+            "Style": function(style) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Style");
+                this.writeNode("Name", style, node);
+                this.writeNode("Title", style, node);
+                this.writeNode("LegendURL", style, node);
+                return node;
+            },
+            "Name": function(obj) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Name", {
+                    value: });
+                return node;
+            },
+            "Title": function(obj) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Title", {
+                    value: obj.title });
+                return node;
+            },
+            "LegendURL": function(style) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("LegendURL");
+                this.writeNode("OnlineResource", style.legend, node);
+                return node;
+            },
+            "_WMS": function(layer) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Layer", {attributes: {
+                    name: layer.params.LAYERS,
+                    queryable: layer.queryable ? "1" : "0",
+                    hidden: layer.visibility ? "0" : "1",
+                    opacity: layer.opacity ? layer.opacity: null}
+                });
+                this.writeNode("ows:Title",, node);
+                this.writeNode("ows:OutputFormat", layer.params.FORMAT, node);
+                this.writeNode("Server", {service: 
+                    OpenLayers.Format.Context.serviceTypes.WMS,
+                    version: layer.params.VERSION, url: layer.url}, node);
+                if (layer.metadata.styles && layer.metadata.styles.length > 0) {
+                    this.writeNode("StyleList", layer.metadata.styles, node);
+                }
+                return node;
+            },
+            "_Layer": function(options) {
+                var layer, subPaths, node, title;
+                layer = options.layer;
+                subPaths = options.subPaths;
+                node = null;
+                title = null;
+                // subPaths is an array of an array
+                // recursively calling _Layer writer eats up subPaths, until a 
+                // real writer is called and nodes are returned.
+                if(subPaths.length > 0){
+                    var path = subPaths[0].join("/");
+                    var index = path.lastIndexOf("/");
+                    node = this.nestingLayerLookup[path];
+                    title = (index > 0)?path.substring(index + 1, path.length):path;
+                    if(!node){
+                        // category layer
+                        node = this.createElementNSPlus("Layer");
+                        this.writeNode("ows:Title", title, node);
+                        this.nestingLayerLookup[path] = node;
+                    }
+                    options.subPaths.shift();//remove a path after each call
+                    this.writeNode("_Layer", options, node);
+                    return node;
+                } else {
+                    // write out the actual layer
+                    if (layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.WMS) {
+                        node = this.writeNode("_WMS", layer);
+                    } else if (layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector) {
+                        if (layer.protocol instanceof OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.v1) {
+                            node = this.writeNode("_WFS", layer);
+                        } else if (layer.protocol instanceof OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP) {
+                            if (layer.protocol.format instanceof OpenLayers.Format.GML) {
+                                layer.protocol.format.version = "2.1.2";
+                                node = this.writeNode("_GML", layer);
+                            } else if (layer.protocol.format instanceof OpenLayers.Format.KML) {
+                                layer.protocol.format.version = "2.2";
+                                node = this.writeNode("_KML", layer);
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            // write out as inline GML since we have no idea
+                            // about the original Format
+                            this.setNamespace("feature", this.featureNS);
+                            node = this.writeNode("_InlineGeometry", layer);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (layer.options.maxScale) {
+                        this.writeNode("sld:MinScaleDenominator", 
+                            layer.options.maxScale, node);
+                    }
+                    if (layer.options.minScale) {
+                        this.writeNode("sld:MaxScaleDenominator", 
+                            layer.options.minScale, node);
+                    }
+                    this.nestingLayerLookup[] = node;
+                    return node;
+                }
+            },
+            "_WFS": function(layer) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Layer", {attributes: {
+                    name: layer.protocol.featurePrefix + ":" + layer.protocol.featureType,
+                    hidden: layer.visibility ? "0" : "1" }
+                });
+                this.writeNode("ows:Title",, node);
+                this.writeNode("Server", {service: 
+                    OpenLayers.Format.Context.serviceTypes.WFS, 
+                    version: layer.protocol.version, 
+                    url: layer.protocol.url}, node);
+                return node;
+            },
+            "_InlineGeometry": function(layer) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Layer", {attributes: {
+                    name: this.featureType,
+                    hidden: layer.visibility ? "0" : "1" }
+                });
+                this.writeNode("ows:Title",, node);
+                this.writeNode("InlineGeometry", layer, node);
+                return node;
+            },
+            "_GML": function(layer) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Layer");
+                this.writeNode("ows:Title",, node);
+                this.writeNode("Server", {service: 
+                    OpenLayers.Format.Context.serviceTypes.GML, 
+                    url: layer.protocol.url, version: 
+                    layer.protocol.format.version}, node);
+                return node;
+            },
+            "_KML": function(layer) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("Layer");
+                this.writeNode("ows:Title",, node);
+                this.writeNode("Server", {service: 
+                    OpenLayers.Format.Context.serviceTypes.KML,
+                    version: layer.protocol.format.version, url: 
+                    layer.protocol.url}, node);
+                return node;
+            }
+        },
+        "gml": OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults({
+            "boundedBy": function(bounds) {
+                var node = this.createElementNSPlus("gml:boundedBy");
+                this.writeNode("gml:Box", bounds, node);
+                return node;
+            }
+        }, OpenLayers.Format.GML.v2.prototype.writers.gml),
+        "ows": OpenLayers.Format.OWSCommon.v1_0_0.prototype.writers.ows,
+        "sld": OpenLayers.Format.SLD.v1_0_0.prototype.writers.sld,
+        "feature": OpenLayers.Format.GML.v2.prototype.writers.feature
+    },
+    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Format.OWSContext.v0_3_1" 