Add php protobuffer support for transition to GTFS-realtime
[busui.git] / lib / Protobuf-PHP / Rakefile
blob:a/lib/Protobuf-PHP/Rakefile -> blob:b/lib/Protobuf-PHP/Rakefile
--- a/lib/Protobuf-PHP/Rakefile
+++ b/lib/Protobuf-PHP/Rakefile
@@ -1,1 +1,120 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+namespace :pear do
+  support_files = ['', 'LICENSE', 'protoc-gen-php.php', 'protoc-gen-php.bat']
+  tpl_file = 'package.pear'
+  xml_file = 'library/package.xml'
+  desc "Generate package.xml"
+  task :xml => [:clean] do |t, args|
+    unless ENV['version'] then
+      puts 'Version number not given. Use "pear:xml version=1.0"'
+      exit 1
+    end
+    # Get template contents
+    text =, :encoding => "UTF-8")
+    # Replace the version, date and time
+    text = text.gsub("{VERSION}", ENV['version'])
+    text = text.gsub('{DATE}','%Y-%m-%d'))
+    text = text.gsub('{TIME}','%H:%M:%S'))
+    # Include source files
+    dirs = []
+    Dir.glob('library/**/*.*') do |file|
+      file[0, 'library/'.length] = ''
+      dirs << '<file name="' + file + '" role="php">'
+      dirs << '<tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />'
+      dirs << '</file>'
+    end
+    text = text.gsub('{DIRS}', dirs.join("\n"))
+    # Generate a new pear package.xml
+    xml =, 'w')
+    xml.syswrite(text);
+    xml.close();
+  end
+  desc "Build a release"
+  task :package => ['doc:build', :xml] do
+    # Copy supporting files to the package root
+    support_files.each do |file|
+       cp file, "library/#{file}"
+    end
+    begin
+      sh "pear package -n #{xml_file}"
+    rescue Exception => e
+      puts "Rolling back..."
+      Rake::Task['pear:clean'].execute
+      raise
+    end
+    Rake::Task['pear:clean'].execute
+  end
+  desc "Clean up"
+  task :clean do
+    puts "Cleaning up..."
+    # Remove package.xml
+    rm_f xml_file
+    # Remove supporting files
+    support_files.each { |file| rm_f "library/#{file}" }
+  end
+namespace :doc do
+  desc "Generate manual"
+  task :build do
+    version = ENV['version']
+    ENV['RONN_MANUAL'] = "Protobuf-PHP #{version}"
+    ENV['RONN_ORGANIZATION'] = "Ivan -DrSlump- Montes"
+    sh "ronn -w -s toc -r5 --markdown man/*.ronn"
+  end
+  desc 'Publish to github pages'
+  task :github => 'doc:build' do
+    require 'git'
+    require 'logger'
+    remote = `git remote show origin`
+             .split(%r{\n})  # Ruby 1.9 only has grep() on Array
+             .grep(/Push.*URL/)
+             .first[/git@.*/]
+    files = [
+      'protoc-gen-php.1.html',
+      'protobuf-php.3.html',
+      'protobuf-php.5.html',
+    ]
+    root = "/tmp/checkout-#{}"
+    g = Git.clone(remote, root, :log =>
+    # Make sure this actually switches branches.
+    g.checkout(g.branch('gh-pages'))
+    files.each {|file|
+      cp "man/#{file}", "#{root}/."
+      g.add(file)
+    }
+    g.commit('Regenerating Github Pages.')
+    # PUSH!
+    g.push(g.remote('origin'), g.branch('gh-pages'))
+    puts '--> GitHub Pages Commit and Push successful.'
+  end