--- a/lib/pChart2.1.0/class/pSplit.class.php +++ b/lib/pChart2.1.0/class/pSplit.class.php @@ -1,1 +1,131 @@ - +pChartObject = $Object; + + $Spacing = isset($Format["Spacing"]) ? $Format["Spacing"] : 20; + $TextPadding = isset($Format["TextPadding"]) ? $Format["TextPadding"] : 2; + $TextPos = isset($Format["TextPos"]) ? $Format["TextPos"] : TEXT_POS_TOP; + $Surrounding = isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : NULL; + $Force = isset($Format["Force"]) ? $Format["Force"] : 70; + $Segments = isset($Format["Segments"]) ? $Format["Segments"] : 15; + $FontSize = $Object->FontSize; + $X1 = $Object->GraphAreaX1; + $Y1 = $Object->GraphAreaY1; + $X2 = $Object->GraphAreaX2; + $Y2 = $Object->GraphAreaY2; + + /* Data Processing */ + $Data = $Values->getData(); + $Palette = $Values->getPalette(); + + $LabelSerie = $Data["Abscissa"]; + $DataSerie = ""; + + foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Value) + { if ( $SerieName != $LabelSerie && $DataSerie == "" ) { $DataSerie = $SerieName; } } + + $DataSerieSum = array_sum($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]); + $DataSerieCount = count($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]); + + /* Scale Processing */ + if ( $TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT ) + $YScale = (($Y2-$Y1) - (($DataSerieCount+1)*$Spacing)) / $DataSerieSum; + else + $YScale = (($Y2-$Y1) - ($DataSerieCount*$Spacing)) / $DataSerieSum; + $LeftHeight = $DataSerieSum * $YScale; + + /* Re-compute graph width depending of the text mode choosen */ + if ( $TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT ) + { + $MaxWidth = 0; + foreach($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Label) + { + $Boundardies = $Object->getTextBox(0,0,$Object->FontName,$Object->FontSize,0,$Label); + if ( $Boundardies[1]["X"] > $MaxWidth ) { $MaxWidth = $Boundardies[1]["X"] + $TextPadding*2; } + } + $X2 = $X2 - $MaxWidth; + } + + /* Drawing */ + $LeftY = ((($Y2-$Y1) / 2) + $Y1) - ($LeftHeight/2); + $RightY = $Y1; + $VectorX = (($X2-$X1) / 2); + + foreach($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) + { + if ( isset($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key]) ) + $Label = $Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key]; + else + $Label = "-"; + + $LeftY1 = $LeftY; + $LeftY2 = $LeftY + $Value * $YScale; + + $RightY1 = $RightY + $Spacing; + $RightY2 = $RightY + $Spacing + $Value * $YScale;; + + $Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$Key]["R"],"G"=>$Palette[$Key]["G"],"B"=>$Palette[$Key]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$Key]["Alpha"],"NoDraw"=>TRUE,"Segments"=>$Segments,"Surrounding"=>$Surrounding); + + $PolyGon = ""; + + $Angle = $Object->getAngle($X2,$RightY1,$X1,$LeftY1); + $VectorX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1; + $VectorY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($RightY1-$LeftY1)/2 + $LeftY1; + $VectorX2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1; + $VectorY2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($RightY1-$LeftY1)/2 + $LeftY1; + + $Points = $Object->drawBezier($X1,$LeftY1,$X2,$RightY1,$VectorX1,$VectorY1,$VectorX2,$VectorY2,$Settings); + foreach($Points as $Key => $Pos) { $PolyGon[] = $Pos["X"]; $PolyGon[] = $Pos["Y"]; } + + + $Angle = $Object->getAngle($X2,$RightY2,$X1,$LeftY2); + $VectorX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 +$X1; + $VectorY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($RightY2-$LeftY2)/2 + $LeftY2; + $VectorX2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 +$X1; + $VectorY2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($RightY2-$LeftY2)/2 + $LeftY2; + + $Points = $Object->drawBezier($X1,$LeftY2,$X2,$RightY2,$VectorX1,$VectorY1,$VectorX2,$VectorY2,$Settings); + $Points = array_reverse($Points); + foreach($Points as $Key => $Pos) { $PolyGon[] = $Pos["X"]; $PolyGon[] = $Pos["Y"]; } + + $Object->drawPolygon($PolyGon,$Settings); + + if ( $TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT ) + $Object->drawText($X2+$TextPadding,($RightY2-$RightY1)/2+$RightY1,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT)); + else + $Object->drawText($X2,$RightY1-$TextPadding,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)); + + $LeftY = $LeftY2; + $RightY = $RightY2; + } + } + } +?>