Heuristic ranking analysis
[contractdashboard.git] / lib / pChart2.1.0 / examples / buildAll.cmd
blob:a/lib/pChart2.1.0/examples/buildAll.cmd -> blob:b/lib/pChart2.1.0/examples/buildAll.cmd
--- a/lib/pChart2.1.0/examples/buildAll.cmd
+++ b/lib/pChart2.1.0/examples/buildAll.cmd
@@ -1,1 +1,51 @@







+php -v 1>NUL 2>NUL

+IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO getVersion




+FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%G IN ('php -v') DO (

+ IF %%G==PHP SET PHPVersion=%%H

+ )



+ECHO     The PHP binaries (%PHPVersion%) have been located in your system PATH


+ECHO. >resources\errors.log


+REM SET /P Var="   Progress : "<NUL


+FOR %%f IN (*.*) DO (

+   set t=%%f

+   if !t:~-3! == php (

+     php -q "%~dp0%%f" 1>NUL 2>>resources\errors.log

+    )





+ECHO     All the example have been rendered in the following folder :


+ECHO       %~dp0pictures\

+GOTO end




+ECHO     The PHP binaries can't be found. We strongly advise you to put it in

+ECHO     the system path variable.


+ECHO     Examples rendering has been aborded.
