Input and output data from Network 10
[bus.git] / maxious-canberra-transit-feed / source-html / Route_710.htm
blob:a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_710.htm -> blob:b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_710.htm
--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_710.htm
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_710.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,160 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 710</title>

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+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->710<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/710_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>National Circ / <br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>


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