Upgrade origin-src to google transit feed 1.2.6
[bus.git] / origin-src / transitfeed-1.2.6 / transitfeed / schedule.py
blob:a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/transitfeed/schedule.py -> blob:b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/transitfeed/schedule.py
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/transitfeed/schedule.py
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/transitfeed/schedule.py
@@ -1,1 +1,1206 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import bisect
+import cStringIO as StringIO
+import datetime
+import itertools
+import os
+  import sqlite3 as sqlite
+except ImportError:
+  from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
+import tempfile
+import time
+import warnings
+# Objects in a schedule (Route, Trip, etc) should not keep a strong reference
+# to the Schedule object to avoid a reference cycle. Schedule needs to use
+# __del__ to cleanup its temporary file. The garbage collector can't handle
+# reference cycles containing objects with custom cleanup code.
+import weakref
+import zipfile
+import gtfsfactory
+import problems as problems_module
+from transitfeed.util import defaultdict
+import util
+class Schedule:
+  """Represents a Schedule, a collection of stops, routes, trips and
+  an agency.  This is the main class for this module."""
+  def __init__(self, problem_reporter=None,
+               memory_db=True, check_duplicate_trips=False,
+               gtfs_factory=None):
+    if gtfs_factory is None:
+      gtfs_factory = gtfsfactory.GetGtfsFactory()
+    self._gtfs_factory = gtfs_factory
+    # Map from table name to list of columns present in this schedule
+    self._table_columns = {}
+    self._agencies = {}
+    self.stops = {}
+    self.routes = {}
+    self.trips = {}
+    self.service_periods = {}
+    self.fares = {}
+    self.fare_zones = {}  # represents the set of all known fare zones
+    self._shapes = {}  # shape_id to Shape
+    # A map from transfer._ID() to a list of transfers. A list is used so
+    # there can be more than one transfer with each ID. Once GTFS explicitly
+    # prohibits duplicate IDs this might be changed to a simple dict of
+    # Transfers.
+    self._transfers = defaultdict(lambda: [])
+    self._default_service_period = None
+    self._default_agency = None
+    if problem_reporter is None:
+      self.problem_reporter = problems_module.default_problem_reporter
+    else:
+      self.problem_reporter = problem_reporter
+    self._check_duplicate_trips = check_duplicate_trips
+    self.ConnectDb(memory_db)
+  def AddTableColumn(self, table, column):
+    """Add column to table if it is not already there."""
+    if column not in self._table_columns[table]:
+      self._table_columns[table].append(column)
+  def AddTableColumns(self, table, columns):
+    """Add columns to table if they are not already there.
+    Args:
+      table: table name as a string
+      columns: an iterable of column names"""
+    table_columns = self._table_columns.setdefault(table, [])
+    for attr in columns:
+      if attr not in table_columns:
+        table_columns.append(attr)
+  def GetTableColumns(self, table):
+    """Return list of columns in a table."""
+    return self._table_columns[table]
+  def __del__(self):
+    self._connection.cursor().close()
+    self._connection.close()
+    if hasattr(self, '_temp_db_filename'):
+      os.remove(self._temp_db_filename)
+  def ConnectDb(self, memory_db):
+    if memory_db:
+      self._connection = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
+    else:
+      try:
+        self._temp_db_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+        self._connection = sqlite.connect(self._temp_db_file.name)
+      except sqlite.OperationalError:
+        # Windows won't let a file be opened twice. mkstemp does not remove the
+        # file when all handles to it are closed.
+        self._temp_db_file = None
+        (fd, self._temp_db_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(".db")
+        os.close(fd)
+        self._connection = sqlite.connect(self._temp_db_filename)
+    cursor = self._connection.cursor()
+    cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE stop_times (
+                                           trip_id CHAR(50),
+                                           arrival_secs INTEGER,
+                                           departure_secs INTEGER,
+                                           stop_id CHAR(50),
+                                           stop_sequence INTEGER,
+                                           stop_headsign VAR CHAR(100),
+                                           pickup_type INTEGER,
+                                           drop_off_type INTEGER,
+                                           shape_dist_traveled FLOAT);""")
+    cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX trip_index ON stop_times (trip_id);""")
+    cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX stop_index ON stop_times (stop_id);""")
+  def GetStopBoundingBox(self):
+    return (min(s.stop_lat for s in self.stops.values()),
+            min(s.stop_lon for s in self.stops.values()),
+            max(s.stop_lat for s in self.stops.values()),
+            max(s.stop_lon for s in self.stops.values()),
+           )
+  def AddAgency(self, name, url, timezone, agency_id=None):
+    """Adds an agency to this schedule."""
+    agency = self._gtfs_factory.Agency(name, url, timezone, agency_id)
+    self.AddAgencyObject(agency)
+    return agency
+  def AddAgencyObject(self, agency, problem_reporter=None, validate=False):
+    assert agency._schedule is None
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    if agency.agency_id in self._agencies:
+      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('agency_id', agency.agency_id)
+      return
+    self.AddTableColumns('agency', agency._ColumnNames())
+    agency._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
+    if validate:
+      agency.Validate(problem_reporter)
+    self._agencies[agency.agency_id] = agency
+  def GetAgency(self, agency_id):
+    """Return Agency with agency_id or throw a KeyError"""
+    return self._agencies[agency_id]
+  def GetDefaultAgency(self):
+    """Return the default Agency. If no default Agency has been set select the
+    default depending on how many Agency objects are in the Schedule. If there
+    are 0 make a new Agency the default, if there is 1 it becomes the default,
+    if there is more than 1 then return None.
+    """
+    if not self._default_agency:
+      if len(self._agencies) == 0:
+        self.NewDefaultAgency()
+      elif len(self._agencies) == 1:
+        self._default_agency = self._agencies.values()[0]
+    return self._default_agency
+  def NewDefaultAgency(self, **kwargs):
+    """Create a new Agency object and make it the default agency for this Schedule"""
+    agency = self._gtfs_factory.Agency(**kwargs)
+    if not agency.agency_id:
+      agency.agency_id = util.FindUniqueId(self._agencies)
+    self._default_agency = agency
+    self.SetDefaultAgency(agency, validate=False)  # Blank agency won't validate
+    return agency
+  def SetDefaultAgency(self, agency, validate=True):
+    """Make agency the default and add it to the schedule if not already added"""
+    assert isinstance(agency, self._gtfs_factory.Agency)
+    self._default_agency = agency
+    if agency.agency_id not in self._agencies:
+      self.AddAgencyObject(agency, validate=validate)
+  def GetAgencyList(self):
+    """Returns the list of Agency objects known to this Schedule."""
+    return self._agencies.values()
+  def GetServicePeriod(self, service_id):
+    """Returns the ServicePeriod object with the given ID."""
+    return self.service_periods[service_id]
+  def GetDefaultServicePeriod(self):
+    """Return the default ServicePeriod. If no default ServicePeriod has been
+    set select the default depending on how many ServicePeriod objects are in
+    the Schedule. If there are 0 make a new ServicePeriod the default, if there
+    is 1 it becomes the default, if there is more than 1 then return None.
+    """
+    if not self._default_service_period:
+      if len(self.service_periods) == 0:
+        self.NewDefaultServicePeriod()
+      elif len(self.service_periods) == 1:
+        self._default_service_period = self.service_periods.values()[0]
+    return self._default_service_period
+  def NewDefaultServicePeriod(self):
+    """Create a new ServicePeriod object, make it the default service period and
+    return it. The default service period is used when you create a trip without
+    providing an explict service period. """
+    service_period = self._gtfs_factory.ServicePeriod()
+    service_period.service_id = util.FindUniqueId(self.service_periods)
+    # blank service won't validate in AddServicePeriodObject
+    self.SetDefaultServicePeriod(service_period, validate=False)
+    return service_period
+  def SetDefaultServicePeriod(self, service_period, validate=True):
+    assert isinstance(service_period, self._gtfs_factory.ServicePeriod)
+    self._default_service_period = service_period
+    if service_period.service_id not in self.service_periods:
+      self.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period, validate=validate)
+  def AddServicePeriodObject(self, service_period, problem_reporter=None,
+                             validate=True):
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    if service_period.service_id in self.service_periods:
+      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('service_id', service_period.service_id)
+      return
+    if validate:
+      service_period.Validate(problem_reporter)
+    self.service_periods[service_period.service_id] = service_period
+  def GetServicePeriodList(self):
+    return self.service_periods.values()
+  def GetDateRange(self):
+    """Returns a tuple of (earliest, latest) dates on which the service
+    periods in the schedule define service, in YYYYMMDD form."""
+    ranges = [period.GetDateRange() for period in self.GetServicePeriodList()]
+    starts = filter(lambda x: x, [item[0] for item in ranges])
+    ends = filter(lambda x: x, [item[1] for item in ranges])
+    if not starts or not ends:
+      return (None, None)
+    return (min(starts), max(ends))
+  def GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(self, date_start, date_end):
+    """Return a list of tuples (date, [period1, period2, ...]).
+    For each date in the range [date_start, date_end) make list of each
+    ServicePeriod object which is active.
+    Args:
+      date_start: The first date in the list, a date object
+      date_end: The first date after the list, a date object
+    Returns:
+      A list of tuples. Each tuple contains a date object and a list of zero or
+      more ServicePeriod objects.
+    """
+    date_it = date_start
+    one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    date_service_period_list = []
+    while date_it < date_end:
+      periods_today = []
+      date_it_string = date_it.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+      for service in self.GetServicePeriodList():
+        if service.IsActiveOn(date_it_string, date_it):
+          periods_today.append(service)
+      date_service_period_list.append((date_it, periods_today))
+      date_it += one_day
+    return date_service_period_list
+  def AddStop(self, lat, lng, name, stop_id=None):
+    """Add a stop to this schedule.
+    Args:
+      lat: Latitude of the stop as a float or string
+      lng: Longitude of the stop as a float or string
+      name: Name of the stop, which will appear in the feed
+      stop_id: stop_id of the stop or None, in which case a unique id is picked
+    Returns:
+      A new Stop object
+    """
+    if stop_id is None:
+      stop_id = util.FindUniqueId(self.stops)
+    stop = self._gtfs_factory.Stop(stop_id=stop_id, lat=lat, lng=lng, name=name)
+    self.AddStopObject(stop)
+    return stop
+  def AddStopObject(self, stop, problem_reporter=None):
+    """Add Stop object to this schedule if stop_id is non-blank."""
+    assert stop._schedule is None
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    if not stop.stop_id:
+      return
+    if stop.stop_id in self.stops:
+      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('stop_id', stop.stop_id)
+      return
+    stop._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
+    self.AddTableColumns('stops', stop._ColumnNames())
+    self.stops[stop.stop_id] = stop
+    if hasattr(stop, 'zone_id') and stop.zone_id:
+      self.fare_zones[stop.zone_id] = True
+  def GetStopList(self):
+    return self.stops.values()
+  def AddRoute(self, short_name, long_name, route_type, route_id=None):
+    """Add a route to this schedule.
+    Args:
+      short_name: Short name of the route, such as "71L"
+      long_name: Full name of the route, such as "NW 21st Ave/St Helens Rd"
+      route_type: A type such as "Tram", "Subway" or "Bus"
+      route_id: id of the route or None, in which case a unique id is picked
+    Returns:
+      A new Route object
+    """
+    if route_id is None:
+      route_id = util.FindUniqueId(self.routes)
+    route = self._gtfs_factory.Route(short_name=short_name, long_name=long_name,
+                        route_type=route_type, route_id=route_id)
+    route.agency_id = self.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id
+    self.AddRouteObject(route)
+    return route
+  def AddRouteObject(self, route, problem_reporter=None):
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    if route.route_id in self.routes:
+      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('route_id', route.route_id)
+      return
+    if route.agency_id not in self._agencies:
+      if not route.agency_id and len(self._agencies) == 1:
+        # we'll just assume that the route applies to the only agency
+        pass
+      else:
+        problem_reporter.InvalidValue('agency_id', route.agency_id,
+                                      'Route uses an unknown agency_id.')
+        return
+    self.AddTableColumns('routes', route._ColumnNames())
+    route._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
+    self.routes[route.route_id] = route
+  def GetRouteList(self):
+    return self.routes.values()
+  def GetRoute(self, route_id):
+    return self.routes[route_id]
+  def AddShapeObject(self, shape, problem_reporter=None):
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    shape.Validate(problem_reporter)
+    if shape.shape_id in self._shapes:
+      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('shape_id', shape.shape_id)
+      return
+    self._shapes[shape.shape_id] = shape
+  def GetShapeList(self):
+    return self._shapes.values()
+  def GetShape(self, shape_id):
+    return self._shapes[shape_id]
+  def AddTripObject(self, trip, problem_reporter=None, validate=False):
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    if trip.trip_id in self.trips:
+      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('trip_id', trip.trip_id)
+      return
+    self.AddTableColumns('trips', trip._ColumnNames())
+    trip._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
+    self.trips[trip.trip_id] = trip
+    # Call Trip.Validate after setting trip._schedule so that references
+    # are checked. trip.ValidateChildren will be called directly by
+    # schedule.Validate, after stop_times has been loaded.
+    if validate:
+      if not problem_reporter:
+        problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+      trip.Validate(problem_reporter, validate_children=False)
+    try:
+      self.routes[trip.route_id]._AddTripObject(trip)
+    except KeyError:
+      # Invalid route_id was reported in the Trip.Validate call above
+      pass
+  def GetTripList(self):
+    return self.trips.values()
+  def GetTrip(self, trip_id):
+    return self.trips[trip_id]
+  def AddFareObject(self, fare, problem_reporter=None):
+    """Deprecated. Please use AddFareAttributeObject."""
+    warnings.warn("No longer supported. The Fare class was renamed to "
+                  "FareAttribute, and all related functions were renamed "
+                  "accordingly.", DeprecationWarning)
+    self.AddFareAttributeObject(fare, problem_reporter)
+  def AddFareAttributeObject(self, fare, problem_reporter=None):
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    fare.Validate(problem_reporter)
+    if fare.fare_id in self.fares:
+      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('fare_id', fare.fare_id)
+      return
+    self.fares[fare.fare_id] = fare
+  def GetFareList(self):
+    """Deprecated. Please use GetFareAttributeList instead"""
+    warnings.warn("No longer supported. The Fare class was renamed to "
+                  "FareAttribute, and all related functions were renamed "
+                  "accordingly.", DeprecationWarning)
+    return self.GetFareAttributeList()
+  def GetFareAttributeList(self):
+    return self.fares.values()
+  def GetFare(self, fare_id):
+    """Deprecated. Please use GetFareAttribute instead"""
+    warnings.warn("No longer supported. The Fare class was renamed to "
+                  "FareAttribute, and all related functions were renamed "
+                  "accordingly.", DeprecationWarning)
+    return self.GetFareAttribute(fare_id)
+  def GetFareAttribute(self, fare_id):
+    return self.fares[fare_id]
+  def AddFareRuleObject(self, rule, problem_reporter=None):
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    if util.IsEmpty(rule.fare_id):
+      problem_reporter.MissingValue('fare_id')
+      return
+    if rule.route_id and rule.route_id not in self.routes:
+      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('route_id', rule.route_id)
+    if rule.origin_id and rule.origin_id not in self.fare_zones:
+      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('origin_id', rule.origin_id)
+    if rule.destination_id and rule.destination_id not in self.fare_zones:
+      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('destination_id', rule.destination_id)
+    if rule.contains_id and rule.contains_id not in self.fare_zones:
+      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('contains_id', rule.contains_id)
+    if rule.fare_id in self.fares:
+      self.GetFareAttribute(rule.fare_id).rules.append(rule)
+    else:
+      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('fare_id', rule.fare_id,
+                                    '(This fare_id doesn\'t correspond to any '
+                                    'of the IDs defined in the '
+                                    'fare attributes.)')
+  def AddTransferObject(self, transfer, problem_reporter=None):
+    assert transfer._schedule is None, "only add Transfer to a schedule once"
+    if not problem_reporter:
+      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
+    transfer_id = transfer._ID()
+    if transfer_id in self._transfers:
+      self.problem_reporter.DuplicateID(self._gtfs_factory.Transfer._ID_COLUMNS,
+                                        transfer_id,
+                                        type=problems_module.TYPE_WARNING)
+      # Duplicates are still added, while not prohibited by GTFS.
+    transfer._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)  # See weakref comment at top
+    self.AddTableColumns('transfers', transfer._ColumnNames())
+    self._transfers[transfer_id].append(transfer)
+  def GetTransferIter(self):
+    """Return an iterator for all Transfer objects in this schedule."""
+    return itertools.chain(*self._transfers.values())
+  def GetTransferList(self):
+    """Return a list containing all Transfer objects in this schedule."""
+    return list(self.GetTransferIter())
+  def GetStop(self, id):
+    return self.stops[id]
+  def GetFareZones(self):
+    """Returns the list of all fare zones that have been identified by
+    the stops that have been added."""
+    return self.fare_zones.keys()
+  def GetNearestStops(self, lat, lon, n=1):
+    """Return the n nearest stops to lat,lon"""
+    dist_stop_list = []
+    for s in self.stops.values():
+      # TODO: Use util.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops?
+      dist = (s.stop_lat - lat)**2 + (s.stop_lon - lon)**2
+      if len(dist_stop_list) < n:
+        bisect.insort(dist_stop_list, (dist, s))
+      elif dist < dist_stop_list[-1][0]:
+        bisect.insort(dist_stop_list, (dist, s))
+        dist_stop_list.pop()  # Remove stop with greatest distance
+    return [stop for dist, stop in dist_stop_list]
+  def GetStopsInBoundingBox(self, north, east, south, west, n):
+    """Return a sample of up to n stops in a bounding box"""
+    stop_list = []
+    for s in self.stops.values():
+      if (s.stop_lat <= north and s.stop_lat >= south and
+          s.stop_lon <= east and s.stop_lon >= west):
+        stop_list.append(s)
+        if len(stop_list) == n:
+          break
+    return stop_list
+  def Load(self, feed_path, extra_validation=False):
+    loader = self._gtfs_factory.Loader(feed_path,
+                                       self, problems=self.problem_reporter,
+                                       extra_validation=extra_validation)
+    loader.Load()
+  def _WriteArchiveString(self, archive, filename, stringio):
+    zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename)
+    # See
+    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/434641/how-do-i-set-permissions-attributes-on-a-file-in-a-zip-file-using-pythons-zipf
+    zi.external_attr = 0666 << 16L  # Set unix permissions to -rw-rw-rw
+    # ZIP_DEFLATED requires zlib. zlib comes with Python 2.4 and 2.5
+    zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
+    archive.writestr(zi, stringio.getvalue())
+  def WriteGoogleTransitFeed(self, file):
+    """Output this schedule as a Google Transit Feed in file_name.
+    Args:
+      file: path of new feed file (a string) or a file-like object
+    Returns:
+      None
+    """
+    # Compression type given when adding each file
+    archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'w')
+    if 'agency' in self._table_columns:
+      agency_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(agency_string)
+      columns = self.GetTableColumns('agency')
+      writer.writerow(columns)
+      for a in self._agencies.values():
+        writer.writerow([util.EncodeUnicode(a[c]) for c in columns])
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'agency.txt', agency_string)
+    calendar_dates_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+    writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(calendar_dates_string)
+    writer.writerow(
+        self._gtfs_factory.ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_CALENDAR_DATES)
+    has_data = False
+    for period in self.service_periods.values():
+      for row in period.GenerateCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples():
+        has_data = True
+        writer.writerow(row)
+    wrote_calendar_dates = False
+    if has_data:
+      wrote_calendar_dates = True
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'calendar_dates.txt',
+                               calendar_dates_string)
+    calendar_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+    writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(calendar_string)
+    writer.writerow(self._gtfs_factory.ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES)
+    has_data = False
+    for s in self.service_periods.values():
+      row = s.GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple()
+      if row:
+        has_data = True
+        writer.writerow(row)
+    if has_data or not wrote_calendar_dates:
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'calendar.txt', calendar_string)
+    if 'stops' in self._table_columns:
+      stop_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(stop_string)
+      columns = self.GetTableColumns('stops')
+      writer.writerow(columns)
+      for s in self.stops.values():
+        writer.writerow([util.EncodeUnicode(s[c]) for c in columns])
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'stops.txt', stop_string)
+    if 'routes' in self._table_columns:
+      route_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(route_string)
+      columns = self.GetTableColumns('routes')
+      writer.writerow(columns)
+      for r in self.routes.values():
+        writer.writerow([util.EncodeUnicode(r[c]) for c in columns])
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'routes.txt', route_string)
+    if 'trips' in self._table_columns:
+      trips_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(trips_string)
+      columns = self.GetTableColumns('trips')
+      writer.writerow(columns)
+      for t in self.trips.values():
+        writer.writerow([util.EncodeUnicode(t[c]) for c in columns])
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'trips.txt', trips_string)
+    # write frequencies.txt (if applicable)
+    headway_rows = []
+    for trip in self.GetTripList():
+      headway_rows += trip.GetFrequencyOutputTuples()
+    if headway_rows:
+      headway_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(headway_string)
+      writer.writerow(self._gtfs_factory.Frequency._FIELD_NAMES)
+      writer.writerows(headway_rows)
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'frequencies.txt', headway_string)
+    # write fares (if applicable)
+    if self.GetFareAttributeList():
+      fare_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(fare_string)
+      writer.writerow(self._gtfs_factory.FareAttribute._FIELD_NAMES)
+      writer.writerows(
+          f.GetFieldValuesTuple() for f in self.GetFareAttributeList())
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'fare_attributes.txt', fare_string)
+    # write fare rules (if applicable)
+    rule_rows = []
+    for fare in self.GetFareAttributeList():
+      for rule in fare.GetFareRuleList():
+        rule_rows.append(rule.GetFieldValuesTuple())
+    if rule_rows:
+      rule_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(rule_string)
+      writer.writerow(self._gtfs_factory.FareRule._FIELD_NAMES)
+      writer.writerows(rule_rows)
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'fare_rules.txt', rule_string)
+    stop_times_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+    writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(stop_times_string)
+    writer.writerow(self._gtfs_factory.StopTime._FIELD_NAMES)
+    for t in self.trips.values():
+      writer.writerows(t._GenerateStopTimesTuples())
+    self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'stop_times.txt', stop_times_string)
+    # write shapes (if applicable)
+    shape_rows = []
+    for shape in self.GetShapeList():
+      seq = 1
+      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
+        shape_rows.append((shape.shape_id, lat, lon, seq, dist))
+        seq += 1
+    if shape_rows:
+      shape_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(shape_string)
+      writer.writerow(self._gtfs_factory.Shape._FIELD_NAMES)
+      writer.writerows(shape_rows)
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'shapes.txt', shape_string)
+    if 'transfers' in self._table_columns:
+      transfer_string = StringIO.StringIO()
+      writer = util.CsvUnicodeWriter(transfer_string)
+      columns = self.GetTableColumns('transfers')
+      writer.writerow(columns)
+      for t in self.GetTransferIter():
+        writer.writerow([util.EncodeUnicode(t[c]) for c in columns])
+      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'transfers.txt', transfer_string)
+    archive.close()
+  def GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(self, date_start, date_end):
+    """Return a list of (date object, number of trips, number of departures).
+    The list is generated for dates in the range [date_start, date_end).
+    Args:
+      date_start: The first date in the list, a date object
+      date_end: The first date after the list, a date object
+    Returns:
+      a list of (date object, number of trips, number of departures) tuples
+    """
+    service_id_to_trips = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+    service_id_to_departures = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+    for trip in self.GetTripList():
+      headway_start_times = trip.GetFrequencyStartTimes()
+      if headway_start_times:
+        trip_runs = len(headway_start_times)
+      else:
+        trip_runs = 1
+      service_id_to_trips[trip.service_id] += trip_runs
+      service_id_to_departures[trip.service_id] += (
+          (trip.GetCountStopTimes() - 1) * trip_runs)
+    date_services = self.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date_start, date_end)
+    date_trips = []
+    for date, services in date_services:
+      day_trips = sum(service_id_to_trips[s.service_id] for s in services)
+      day_departures = sum(
+          service_id_to_departures[s.service_id] for s in services)
+      date_trips.append((date, day_trips, day_departures))
+    return date_trips
+  def ValidateFeedStartAndExpirationDates(self, 
+                                          problems, 
+                                          first_date, 
+                                          last_date, 
+                                          today):
+    """Validate the start and expiration dates of the feed.
+       Issue a warning if it only starts in the future, or if
+       it expires within 60 days.
+    Args:
+      problems: The problem reporter object
+      first_date: A date object representing the first day the feed is active
+      last_date: A date object representing the last day the feed is active
+      today: A date object representing the date the validation is being run on
+    Returns:
+      None
+    """
+    warning_cutoff = today + datetime.timedelta(days=60)
+    if last_date < warning_cutoff:
+        problems.ExpirationDate(time.mktime(last_date.timetuple()))
+    if first_date > today:
+      problems.FutureService(time.mktime(first_date.timetuple()))
+  def ValidateServiceGaps(self,
+                          problems,
+                          validation_start_date,
+                          validation_end_date,
+                          service_gap_interval):
+    """Validate consecutive dates without service in the feed.
+       Issue a warning if it finds service gaps of at least 
+       "service_gap_interval" consecutive days in the date range
+       [validation_start_date, last_service_date)
+    Args:
+      problems: The problem reporter object
+      validation_start_date: A date object representing the date from which the
+                             validation should take place
+      validation_end_date: A date object representing the first day the feed is 
+                        active
+      service_gap_interval: An integer indicating how many consecutive days the 
+                            service gaps need to have for a warning to be issued
+    Returns:
+      None
+    """
+    if service_gap_interval is None:
+      return
+    departures = self.GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(validation_start_date,
+                                                      validation_end_date)
+    # The first day without service of the _current_ gap
+    first_day_without_service = validation_start_date
+    # The last day without service of the _current_ gap
+    last_day_without_service = validation_start_date
+    consecutive_days_without_service = 0
+    for day_date, day_trips, _ in departures:
+      if day_trips == 0:
+        if consecutive_days_without_service == 0:
+            first_day_without_service = day_date
+        consecutive_days_without_service += 1
+        last_day_without_service = day_date
+      else:
+        if consecutive_days_without_service >= service_gap_interval:
+            problems.TooManyDaysWithoutService(first_day_without_service, 
+                                               last_day_without_service, 
+                                               consecutive_days_without_service)
+        consecutive_days_without_service = 0
+    # We have to check if there is a gap at the end of the specified date range
+    if consecutive_days_without_service >= service_gap_interval:
+      problems.TooManyDaysWithoutService(first_day_without_service, 
+                                         last_day_without_service, 