Upgrade origin-src to google transit feed 1.2.6
[bus.git] / origin-src / transitfeed-1.2.6 / transitfeed / shape.py
blob:a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/transitfeed/shape.py -> blob:b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/transitfeed/shape.py
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/transitfeed/shape.py
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/transitfeed/shape.py
@@ -1,1 +1,168 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import bisect
+from gtfsfactoryuser import GtfsFactoryUser
+import problems as problems_module
+import util
+class Shape(GtfsFactoryUser):
+  """This class represents a geographic shape that corresponds to the route
+  taken by one or more Trips."""
+  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['shape_id', 'shape_pt_lat', 'shape_pt_lon',
+                           'shape_pt_sequence']
+  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['shape_dist_traveled']
+  def __init__(self, shape_id):
+    # List of shape point tuple (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled), where lat and
+    # lon is the location of the shape point, and shape_dist_traveled is an
+    # increasing metric representing the distance traveled along the shape.
+    self.points = []
+    # An ID that uniquely identifies a shape in the dataset.
+    self.shape_id = shape_id
+    # The max shape_dist_traveled of shape points in this shape.
+    self.max_distance = 0
+    # List of shape_dist_traveled of each shape point.
+    self.distance = []
+    # List of shape_pt_sequence of each shape point.
+    self.sequence = []
+  def AddPoint(self, lat, lon, distance=None,
+               problems=problems_module.default_problem_reporter):
+    shapepoint_class = self.GetGtfsFactory().ShapePoint
+    shapepoint = shapepoint_class(
+        self.shape_id, lat, lon, len(self.sequence), distance)
+    if shapepoint.ParseAttributes(problems):
+      self.AddShapePointObjectUnsorted(shapepoint, problems)
+  def AddShapePointObjectUnsorted(self, shapepoint, problems):
+    """Insert a point into a correct position by sequence. """
+    if (len(self.sequence) == 0 or
+        shapepoint.shape_pt_sequence >= self.sequence[-1]):
+      index = len(self.sequence)
+    elif shapepoint.shape_pt_sequence <= self.sequence[0]:
+      index = 0
+    else:
+      index = bisect.bisect(self.sequence, shapepoint.shape_pt_sequence)
+    if shapepoint.shape_pt_sequence in self.sequence:
+      problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_sequence', shapepoint.shape_pt_sequence,
+                            'The sequence number %d occurs more than once in '
+                            'shape %s.' %
+                            (shapepoint.shape_pt_sequence, self.shape_id))
+    if shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled is not None and len(self.sequence) > 0:
+      if (index != len(self.sequence) and
+          shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled > self.distance[index]):
+        problems.InvalidValue('shape_dist_traveled',
+                              shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled,
+                              'Each subsequent point in a shape should have '
+                              'a distance value that shouldn\'t be larger '
+                              'than the next ones. In this case, the next '
+                              'distance was %f.' % self.distance[index])
+      if (index > 0 and
+          shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled < self.distance[index - 1]):
+        problems.InvalidValue('shape_dist_traveled',
+                              shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled,
+                              'Each subsequent point in a shape should have '
+                              'a distance value that\'s at least as large as '
+                              'the previous ones. In this case, the previous '
+                              'distance was %f.' % self.distance[index - 1])
+    if shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled > self.max_distance:
+      self.max_distance = shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled
+    self.sequence.insert(index, shapepoint.shape_pt_sequence)
+    self.distance.insert(index, shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled)
+    self.points.insert(index, (shapepoint.shape_pt_lat,
+                               shapepoint.shape_pt_lon,
+                               shapepoint.shape_dist_traveled))
+  def ClearPoints(self):
+    self.points = []
+  def __eq__(self, other):
+    if not other:
+      return False
+    if id(self) == id(other):
+      return True
+    return self.points == other.points
+  def __ne__(self, other):
+    return not self.__eq__(other)
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return "<Shape %s>" % self.__dict__
+  def ValidateShapeId(self, problems):
+    if util.IsEmpty(self.shape_id):
+      problems.MissingValue('shape_id')
+  def ValidateShapePoints(self, problems):
+    if not self.points:
+      problems.OtherProblem('The shape with shape_id "%s" contains no points.' %
+                            self.shape_id, type=problems_module.TYPE_WARNING)
+  def Validate(self, problems=problems_module.default_problem_reporter):
+    self.ValidateShapeId(problems)
+    self.ValidateShapePoints(problems)
+  def GetPointWithDistanceTraveled(self, shape_dist_traveled):
+    """Returns a point on the shape polyline with the input shape_dist_traveled.
+    Args:
+      shape_dist_traveled: The input shape_dist_traveled.
+    Returns:
+      The shape point as a tuple (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled), where lat and
+      lng is the location of the shape point, and shape_dist_traveled is an
+      increasing metric representing the distance traveled along the shape.
+      Returns None if there is data error in shape.
+    """
+    if not self.distance:
+      return None
+    if shape_dist_traveled <= self.distance[0]:
+      return self.points[0]
+    if shape_dist_traveled >= self.distance[-1]:
+      return self.points[-1]
+    index = bisect.bisect(self.distance, shape_dist_traveled)
+    (lat0, lng0, dist0) = self.points[index - 1]
+    (lat1, lng1, dist1) = self.points[index]
+    # Interpolate if shape_dist_traveled does not equal to any of the point
+    # in shape segment.
+    # (lat0, lng0)          (lat, lng)           (lat1, lng1)
+    # -----|--------------------|---------------------|------
+    #    dist0          shape_dist_traveled         dist1
+    #      \------- ca --------/ \-------- bc -------/
+    #       \----------------- ba ------------------/
+    ca = shape_dist_traveled - dist0
+    bc = dist1 - shape_dist_traveled
+    ba = bc + ca
+    if ba == 0:
+      # This only happens when there's data error in shapes and should have been
+      # catched before. Check to avoid crash.
+      return None
+    # This won't work crossing longitude 180 and is only an approximation which
+    # works well for short distance.
+    lat = (lat1 * ca + lat0 * bc) / ba
+    lng = (lng1 * ca + lng0 * bc) / ba
+    return (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled)