rm settee
rm settee

Former-commit-id: 2fe3d86753e524fca7ee4e095a794727c0556d79

[submodule "couchdb/couchdb-lucene"] [submodule "couchdb/couchdb-lucene"]
path = couchdb/couchdb-lucene path = couchdb/couchdb-lucene
url = https://github.com/rnewson/couchdb-lucene.git url = https://github.com/rnewson/couchdb-lucene.git
[submodule "couchdb/settee"]  
path = couchdb/settee  
url = https://github.com/inadarei/settee.git  
[submodule "lib/php-diff"] [submodule "lib/php-diff"]
path = lib/php-diff path = lib/php-diff
url = https://github.com/chrisboulton/php-diff.git url = https://github.com/chrisboulton/php-diff.git
[submodule "lib/Requests"] [submodule "lib/Requests"]
path = lib/Requests path = lib/Requests
url = https://github.com/rmccue/Requests.git url = https://github.com/rmccue/Requests.git
[submodule "js/flotr2"] [submodule "js/flotr2"]
path = js/flotr2 path = js/flotr2
url = https://github.com/HumbleSoftware/Flotr2.git url = https://github.com/HumbleSoftware/Flotr2.git
[submodule "lib/phpquery"] [submodule "lib/phpquery"]
path = lib/phpquery path = lib/phpquery
url = https://github.com/TobiaszCudnik/phpquery.git url = https://github.com/TobiaszCudnik/phpquery.git
[submodule "js/sigma"] [submodule "js/sigma"]
path = js/sigma path = js/sigma
url = https://github.com/jacomyal/sigma.js.git url = https://github.com/jacomyal/sigma.js.git
[submodule "js/bubbletree"] [submodule "js/bubbletree"]
path = js/bubbletree path = js/bubbletree
url = https://github.com/okfn/bubbletree.git url = https://github.com/okfn/bubbletree.git
[submodule "lib/querypath"] [submodule "lib/querypath"]
path = lib/querypath path = lib/querypath
url = https://github.com/technosophos/querypath.git url = https://github.com/technosophos/querypath.git
[submodule "lib/amon-php"] [submodule "lib/amon-php"]
path = lib/amon-php path = lib/amon-php
url = https://github.com/martinrusev/amon-php.git url = https://github.com/martinrusev/amon-php.git
  [submodule "documents/lib/parsedatetime"]
  path = documents/lib/parsedatetime
  url = git://github.com/bear/parsedatetime.git
  [submodule "lib/FeedWriter"]
  path = lib/FeedWriter
  url = https://github.com/mibe/FeedWriter
  Report year,Quarter,Agency,Is agency active,Administrating agency name,Portfolio,Nil return,Last return by agency,Date created,Requests for other information received from applicant,Requests for personal information received from applicant,Requests for other information on transfer,Requests for personal information on transfer,Requests for other information on hand 1 July 2012 ,Requests for personal information on hand 1 July 2012,Requests for other information granted in full,Requests for personal information granted in full,Requests for other information granted in part,Requests for personal information granted in part,Requests for other information access refused,Requests for personal information access refused,Requests for other information transferred,Requests for personal information transferred,Requests for other information withdrawn,Requests for personal information withdrawn,Response time within statutory time period for requests for other information ,Response time within statutory time period for requests for personal information ,Response time up to 30 days after statutory period for requests for other information,Response time up to 30 days after statutory period for requests for personal information,Response time 31 to 60 days after statutory period for requests for other information,Response time 31 to 60 days after statutory period for requests for personal information,Response time 61 to 90 days after statutory period for requests for other information,Response time 61 to 90 days after statutory period for requests for personal information,Response time over 90 days after statutory period for requests for other information,Response time over 90 days after statutory period for requests for personal information,Charges notified for requests for other information AUD,Charges notified for requests for personal information AUD,Total charges notified for requests for other information AUD,Total charges notified for requests for personal information AUD,Total charges collected for requests for other information AUD,Total charges collected for requests for personal information AUD,Internal review applications for requests for other information,Internal review applications for requests for personal information,Internal review decisions affirmed for requests for other information,Internal review decisions affirmed for requests for personal information,Internal review access granted in full for requests for other information,Internal review access granted in full for requests for for personal information,Internal review access granted in part for requests for other information,Internal review access granted in part for requests for other information,Internal review access granted after deferment for requests for other information,Internal review access granted after deferment for requests for personal information,Internal review access granted in another form for request for other information,Internal review access granted in another form for request for personal information,Internal review charges reduced for requests for other information,Internal review charges reduced for requests for personal information,Internal review of request for other information withdrawn without concession,Internal review of request for personal information withdrawn without concession,s 48 requests received,s 48 response time within statutory period,s 48 response time up to 30 days after statutory period,s 48 response time over 30 days after statutory period,s 48 internal review applications,s 48 request granted record altered,s 48 request granted record notated,s 48 request granted record altered and notated,s 48 requests refused,s 48 internal review application granted record altered,s 48 internal review application granted record notated,s 48 internal review application granted record altered and notated,s 48 internal review applications refused,Practical refusal written notification of intention to refuse a request for personal information,Practical refusal written notification of intention to refuse a request for other information,Practical refusal request for personal information subsequently processed following notification,Practical refusal request for other information subsequently processed following notification,Exemptions not claimed for requests for personal information,Exemptions not claimed for requests for other information,"Exemption documents affecting national security, defence or international relations for requests for personal information","Exemption documents affecting national security, defence or international relations for requests for other information",Exemption cabinet documents for requests for personal information,Exemption cabinet documents for requests for other information,Exemption documents affecting enforcement of law and protection of public safety requests for personal information,Exemption documents affecting enforcement of law and protection of public safety requests for other information,Exemption documents to which secrecy provisions of enactments apply for requests for personal information,Exemption documents to which secrecy provisions of enactments apply for requests for other information,Exemption documents subject to legal professional privilege for requests for personal information,Exemption documents subject to legal professional privilege for requests for other information,Exemption for documents containing material obtained in confidence for requests for personal information,Exemption for documents containing material obtained in confidence for requests for other information,Exemption documents disclosure of which would be contempt of Parliament or contempt of court for requests for personal information,Exemption documents disclosure of which would be contempt of Parliament or contempt of court for requests for other information,Exemption documents disclosing trade secrets or commercially valuable information for requests for personal information,Exemption documents disclosing trade secrets or commercially valuable information for requests for other information,Exemption electoral rolls and related documents for requests for personal information,Exemption electoral rolls and rel