Handle more http edge cases in scraper
Handle more http edge cases in scraper

Former-commit-id: 994d782d8883843a55bf2558f8e6a6c9ffbcebde

--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/exportAll.csv.php
@@ -1,1 +1,63 @@
+setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C');
+$headers = Array("#id", "name", "request_email", "short_name", "notes", "publication_scheme", "home_page", "tag_string");
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
+$headers = Array();
+  try {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "fieldNames?group=true", null, true)->rows;
+    $dataValues = Array();
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        $headers[] = $row->key;
+    }
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
+$fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
+if ($fp && $db) {
+    header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
+   header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="export.' . date("c") . '.csv"');
+    header('Pragma: no-cache');
+    header('Expires: 0');
+    fputcsv($fp, $headers);
+    try {
+        $agencies = $db->get_view("app", "byCanonicalName", null, true)->rows;
+        //print_r($rows);
+        foreach ($agencies as $agency) {
+            // print_r($agency);
+            if ( !isset($agency->value->status)) {
+                $row = Array();
+                $agencyArray = object_to_array($agency->value);
+                foreach ($headers as $fieldName) {
+                    if (isset($agencyArray[$fieldName])) {
+                        if (is_array($agencyArray[$fieldName])) {
+                            $row[] = implode(";",$agencyArray[$fieldName]);
+                        } else {
+                        $row[] = $agencyArray[$fieldName];
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $row[] = "";
+                    }
+                }
+                fputcsv($fp, array_values($row));
+            }
+        }
+    } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+        setteErrorHandler($e);
+    }
+    die;

--- /dev/null
+++ b/couchdb/SetteeDatabase.class.php
@@ -1,1 +1,306 @@
+* Databaase class.
+class SetteeDatabase {
+  /**
+  * Base URL of the CouchDB REST API
+  */
+  private $conn_url;
+  /**
+  * HTTP REST Client instance
+  */
+  protected $rest_client;
+  /**
+  * Name of the database
+  */
+  private $dbname;
+  /**
+  * Default constructor
+  */ 
+  function __construct($conn_url, $dbname) {
+    $this->conn_url = $conn_url;
+    $this->dbname = $dbname;
+    $this->rest_client = SetteeRestClient::get_instance($this->conn_url);
+  }
+  /**
+  * Get UUID from CouchDB
+  *
+  * @return
+  *     CouchDB-generated UUID string
+  *
+  */
+  function gen_uuid() {
+    $ret = $this->rest_client->http_get('_uuids');
+    return $ret['decoded']->uuids[0]; // should never be empty at this point, so no checking
+  }
+ /**
+  * Create or update a document database
+  *
+  * @param $document
+  *     PHP object, a PHP associative array, or a JSON String representing the document to be saved. PHP Objects and arrays are JSON-encoded automatically.
+  *
+  * <p>If $document has a an "_id" property set, it will be used as document's unique id (even for "create" operation).
+  * If "_id" is missing, CouchDB will be used to generate a UUID.
+  *
+  * <p>If $document has a "_rev" property (revision), document will be updated, rather than creating a new document.
+  * You have to provide "_rev" if you want to update an existing document, otherwise operation will be assumed to be
+  * one of creation and you will get a duplicate document exception from CouchDB. Also, you may not provide "_rev" but
+  * not provide "_id" since that is an invalid input.
+  *
+  * @param $allowRevAutoDetection
+  *   Default: false. When true and _rev is missing from the document, save() function will auto-detect latest revision
+  * for a document and use it. This option is "false" by default because it involves an extra http HEAD request and
+  * therefore can make save() operation slightly slower if such auto-detection is not required.
+  *
+  * @return
+  *     document object with the database id (uuid) and revision attached;
+  *
+  *  @throws SetteeCreateDatabaseException
+  */
+  function save($document, $allowRevAutoDetection = false) {
+    if (is_string($document)) {
+      $document = json_decode($document);
+    }
+    // Allow passing of $document as an array (for syntactic simplicity and also because in JSON world it does not matter) 
+    if(is_array($document)) {
+      $document = (object) $document;
+    }
+    if (empty($document->_id) && empty($document->_rev)) {
+      $id = $this->gen_uuid();
+    }
+    elseif (empty($document->_id) && !empty($document->_rev)) {
+      throw new SetteeWrongInputException("Error: You can not save a document with a revision provided, but missing id");
+    }
+    else {
+      $id = $document->_id;
+      if ($allowRevAutoDetection) {
+        try {
+          $rev = $this->get_rev($id);
+        } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+          // auto-detection may fail legitimately, if a document has never been saved before (new doc), so skipping error
+        }
+        if (!empty($rev)) {
+          $document->_rev = $rev;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $full_uri = $this->dbname . "/" . $this->safe_urlencode($id);
+    $document_json = json_encode($document, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
+    $ret = $this->rest_client->http_put($full_uri, $document_json);
+    $document->_id = $ret['decoded']->id;
+    $document->_rev = $ret['decoded']->rev;
+    return $document;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param  $doc
+   * @param  $name
+   * @param  $content
+   *    Content of the attachment in a string-buffer format. This function will automatically base64-encode content for
+   *    you, so you don't have to do it.
+   * @param  $mime_type
+   *    Optional. Will be auto-detected if not provided
+   * @return void
+   */
+  public function add_attachment($doc, $name, $content, $mime_type = null) {
+    if (empty($doc->_attachments) || !is_object($doc->_attachments)) {
+      $doc->_attachments = new stdClass();
+    }
+    if (empty($mime_type)) {
+      $mime_type = $this->rest_client->content_mime_type($content);
+    }
+    $doc->_attachments->$name = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_attachments->$name->content_type = $mime_type;
+    $doc->_attachments->$name->data = base64_encode($content);
+  }  
+  /**
+   * @param  $doc
+   * @param  $name
+   * @param  $file
+   *    Full path to a file (e.g. as returned by PHP's realpath function).
+   * @param  $mime_type
+   *    Optional. Will be auto-detected if not provided
+   * @return void
+   */
+  public function add_attachment_file($doc, $name, $file, $mime_type = null) {
+    $content = file_get_contents($file);
+    $this->add_attachment($doc, $name, $content, $mime_type);
+  }
+  /**
+   *
+   * Retrieve a document from CouchDB
+   *
+   * @throws SetteeWrongInputException
+   * 
+   * @param  $id
+   *    Unique ID (usually: UUID) of the document to be retrieved.
+   * @return
+   *    database document in PHP object format.
+   */
+  function get($id) {
+    if (empty($id)) {
+      throw new SetteeWrongInputException("Error: Can't retrieve a document without a uuid.");
+    }
+    $full_uri = $this->dbname . "/" . $this->safe_urlencode($id);
+$full_uri = str_replace("%3Frev%3D","?rev=",$full_uri);
+    $ret = $this->rest_client->http_get($full_uri);
+    return $ret['decoded'];
+  }
+    /**
+   *
+   * Get the latest revision of a document with document id: $id in CouchDB.
+   *
+   * @throws SetteeWrongInputException
+   *
+   * @param  $id
+   *    Unique ID (usually: UUID) of the document to be retrieved.
+   * @return
+   *    database document in PHP object format.
+   */
+  function get_rev($id) {
+    if (empty($id)) {
+      throw new SetteeWrongInputException("Error: Can't query a document without a uuid.");
+    }
+    $full_uri = $this->dbname . "/" . $this->safe_urlencode($id);
+    $headers = $this->rest_client->http_head($full_uri);
+	if (empty($headers['Etag'])) {
+	  throw new SetteeRestClientException("Error: could not retrieve revision. Server unexpectedly returned empty Etag");
+	}
+    $etag = str_replace('"', '', $headers['Etag']);
+    return $etag;
+  }
+  /**
+  * Delete a document
+  *
+  * @param $document
+  *    a PHP object or JSON representation of the document that has _id and _rev fields.
+  *
+  * @return void 
+  */  
+  function delete($document) {
+    if (!is_object($document)) {
+      $document = json_decode($document);
+    }
+    $full_uri = $this->dbname . "/" . $this->safe_urlencode($document->_id) . "?rev=" . $document->_rev;
+    $this->rest_client->http_delete($full_uri);
+  }
+  /*-----------------  View-related functions --------------*/
+  /**
+   * Create a new view or update an existing one.
+   *
+   * @param  $design_doc
+   * @param  $view_name
+   * @param  $map_src
+   *    Source code of the map function in Javascript
+   * @param  $reduce_src
+   *    Source code of the reduce function  in Javascript (optional)
+   * @return void
+   */
+  function save_view($design_doc, $view_name, $map_src, $reduce_src = null) {
+    $obj = new stdClass();
+    $obj->_id = "_design/" . urlencode($design_doc);
+    $view_name = urlencode($view_name);
+    $obj->views->$view_name->map = $map_src;
+    if (!empty($reduce_src)) {
+      $obj->views->$view_name->reduce = $reduce_src;
+    }
+    // allow safe updates (even if slightly slower due to extra: rev-detection check).
+    return $this->save($obj, true);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a new view or update an existing one.
+   *
+   * @param  $design_doc
+   * @param  $view_name
+   * @param  $key
+   *    key parameter to a view. Can be a single value or an array (for a range). If passed an array, function assumes
+   *    that first element is startkey, second: endkey.
+   * @param  $descending
+   *    return results in descending order. Please don't forget that if you are using a startkey/endkey, when you change
+   *  order you also need to swap startkey and endkey values!
+   * 
+   * @return void
+   */
+  function get_view($design_doc, $view_name, $key = null, $descending = false) {
+    $id = "_design/" . urlencode($design_doc);
+    $view_name = urlencode($view_name);
+    $id .= "/_view/$view_name";
+    $data = array();
+    if (!empty($key)) {
+      if (is_string($key)) {
+        $data = "key=" . '"' . $key . '"';
+      }
+      elseif (is_array($key)) {
+        list($startkey, $endkey) = $key;
+        $data = "startkey=" . '"' . $startkey . '"&' . "endkey=" . '"' . $endkey . '"';
+      }
+      if ($descending) {
+        $data .= "&descending=true";
+      }
+    }
+    if (empty($id)) {
+      throw new SetteeWrongInputException("Error: Can't retrieve a document without a uuid.");
+    }
+    $full_uri = $this->dbname . "/" . $this->safe_urlencode($id);
+$full_uri = str_replace("%253Fgroup%253Dtrue","?group=true",$full_uri);
+    $ret = $this->rest_client->http_get($full_uri, $data);
+    return $ret['decoded'];
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param  $id
+   * @return
+   *    return a properly url-encoded id.
+   */
+  private function safe_urlencode($id) {
+    //-- System views like _design can have "/" in their URLs.
+    $id = rawurlencode($id);
+    if (substr($id, 0, 1) == '_') {
+      $id = str_replace('%2F', '/', $id);
+    }
+    return $id;
+  }
+  /** Getter for a database name */
+  function get_name() {
+    return $this->dbname;
+  }

--- a/getAgency.php
+++ b/getAgency.php
@@ -58,9 +58,7 @@
                     echo "<option value='{$row->value}'" . (($row->value == $value) ? "SELECTED" : "") . " >" . str_replace("Department of ", "", $row->key) . "</option>";
                 echo" </select>";
-            } else if (strpos($key, "has") === 0) {
-                echo "<label for='$key'><input type='checkbox' id='$key' name='$key' " . (($value == 'on' || $value == 'true') ? "checked='$value'" : "") . "> $key</label>";
-            } else {
+              } else {
                 echo "<label>$key</label><input  class='input-text' type='text' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/>";
                 if ((strpos($key, "URL") > 0 || $key == 'website') && $value != "") {
                     echo "<a href='$value'>view</a>";
@@ -80,11 +78,9 @@
     foreach ($defaultFields as $defaultField) {
         if (!isset($row[$defaultField])) {
             if ($schemas['agency']['properties'][$defaultField]['type'] == "string") {
-                if (strpos($defaultField, "has") === 0) {
-                    $row[$defaultField] = "false";
-                } else {
                     $row[$defaultField] = "";
-                }
             if ($schemas['agency']['properties'][$defaultField]['type'] == "array") {
@@ -124,7 +120,7 @@
-    $mode = "view";
+    $mode = "edit";
     if ($mode == "edit") {
         $row = addDefaultFields(object_to_array($row));
     } else {

--- a/include/couchdb.inc.php
+++ b/include/couchdb.inc.php
@@ -26,14 +26,16 @@
         emit(doc._id, doc.parentOrg);
-    $obj->views->byName->map = "function(doc) {  
+    $obj->views->byName->map = 'function(doc) { 
+        if (typeof(doc["status"]) == "undefined" || doc["status"] != "suspended") {
         emit(doc.name, doc._id); 
  for (name in doc.otherNames) {
-if (doc.otherNames[name] != '' && doc.otherNames[name] != doc.name) {
+if (doc.otherNames[name] != "" && doc.otherNames[name] != doc.name) {
        	 emit(doc.otherNames[name], doc._id); 
+        }
     $obj->views->foiEmails->map = "function(doc) {  
         emit(doc._id, doc.foiEmail);
@@ -80,24 +82,39 @@
   emit("total", 1);
-    $obj->views->score->map = 'if(!String.prototype.startsWith){
+        $obj->views->scoreHas->map = 'if(!String.prototype.startsWith){
     String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) {
         return !this.indexOf(str);
+	String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
+	    return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
+	};
 function(doc) {
-count = 0;
 if (typeof(doc["status"]) == "undefined" || doc["status"] != "suspended") {
 for(var propName in doc) {
-      if(typeof(doc[propName]) != "undefined" && propName.startsWith("l")) {
-  	count++
+      if(typeof(doc[propName]) != "undefined" && (propName.startsWith("has") || propName.endsWith("URL"))) {
+  	emit(propName, 1);
-  emit(count+doc._id, {id:doc._id, name: doc.name, score:count});
+  emit("total", 1);
+    $obj->views->scoreHas->reduce = 'function (key, values, rereduce) {
+    return sum(values);
+        $obj->views->fieldNames->map = '
+function(doc) {
+for(var propName in doc) {
+     	emit(propName, doc._id);
+	}
+    $obj->views->fieldNames->reduce = 'function (key, values, rereduce) {
+    return values.length;
     // allow safe updates (even if slightly slower due to extra: rev-detection check).
     return $db->save($obj, true);

--- a/schemas/agency.json.php
+++ b/schemas/agency.json.php
@@ -24,17 +24,30 @@
         "consultanciesURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Consultants Hired", "description" => ""),
         "legalExpenditureURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Legal Services Expenditure", "description" => "Legal Services Expenditure mandated by Legal Services Directions 2005"),
         "recordsListURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Files/Records Held", "description" => "Indexed lists of departmental and agency files, <a href='http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/pubs/standing_orders/d05.htm'>mandated by the Senate</a>"),
-        "FOIDocumentsURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "FOI Documents Released", "description" => ""),
-        "infoPublicationSchemeURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Information Publication Scheme", "description" => ""),
+        "FOIDocumentsURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "FOI Documents Released", "description" => "FOI Disclosure Log URL"),
+   "FOIDocumentsRSSURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => false, "x-title" => "RSS Feed of FOI Documents Released", "description" => "FOI Disclosure Log in RSS format"),
+        "hasFOIPDF" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => false, "x-title" => "Has FOI Documents Released in PDF", "description" => "FOI Disclosure Log contains any PDFs",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+         "infoPublicationSchemeURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Information Publication Scheme", "description" => ""),
         "appointmentsURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Agency Appointments/Boards", "description" => "Departmental and agency appointments and vacancies , <a href='http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/pubs/standing_orders/d05.htm'>mandated by the Senate</a>"),
         "advertisingURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Approved Advertising Campaigns", "description" => " Agency advertising and public information projects, <a href='http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/pubs/standing_orders/d05.htm'>mandated by the Senate</a> "),
-        "hasRSS" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has RSS", "description" => ""),
-        "hasMailingList" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Mailing List", "description" => ""),
-        "hasTwitter" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Twitter", "description" => ""),
-        "hasFacebook" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Facebook", "description" => ""),
-        "hasYouTube" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has YouTube", "description" => ""),
-        "hasFlickr" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Flickr", "description" => ""),
-        "hasCCBY" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has CC-BY", "description" => "Has any page licenced Creative Commons - Attribution"),
+        "hasRSS" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has RSS", "description" => ""),
+        "hasMailingList" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Mailing List", "description" => "",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+        "hasTwitter" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Twitter", "description" => "",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+        "hasFacebook" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Facebook", "description" => "",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+        "hasYouTube" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has YouTube", "description" => "",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+        "hasFlickr" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Flickr", "description" => "",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+        "hasCCBY" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has CC-BY", "description" => "Has any page licenced Creative Commons - Attribution",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+         "hasRestrictiveLicence" => Array("type" => "array","required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Restrictive Licence", "description" => "Has any page licenced under terms more restrictive than Crown Copyright",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+           "hasCrownCopyright" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Standard Crown Copyright licence", "description" => "Has any page still licenced under the former Commonwealth Copyright Administration",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
         /* "org":{"type":"object",

file:a/scrape.py -> file:b/scrape.py
--- a/scrape.py
+++ b/scrape.py
@@ -3,6 +3,65 @@
 import urllib2
 from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
 import re
+import hashlib
+from urlparse import urljoin
+import time
+import os
+import mimetypes
+import re
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+def canonurl(url):
+    r"""Return the canonical, ASCII-encoded form of a UTF-8 encoded URL, or ''
+    if the URL looks invalid.
+    >>> canonurl('\xe2\x9e\xa1.ws')  # tinyarro.ws
+    'http://xn--hgi.ws/'
+    """
+    # strip spaces at the ends and ensure it's prefixed with 'scheme://'
+    url = url.strip()
+    if not url:
+        return ''
+    if not urlparse.urlsplit(url).scheme:
+        url = 'http://' + url
+    # turn it into Unicode
+    #try:
+    #    url = unicode(url, 'utf-8')
+    #except UnicodeDecodeError:
+    #    return ''  # bad UTF-8 chars in URL
+    # parse the URL into its components
+    parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+    scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = parsed
+    # ensure scheme is a letter followed by letters, digits, and '+-.' chars
+    if not re.match(r'[a-z][-+.a-z0-9]*$', scheme, flags=re.I):
+        return ''
+    scheme = str(scheme)
+    # ensure domain and port are valid, eg: sub.domain.<1-to-6-TLD-chars>[:port]
+    match = re.match(r'(.+\.[a-z0-9]{1,6})(:\d{1,5})?$', netloc, flags=re.I)
+    if not match:
+        return ''
+    domain, port = match.groups()
+    netloc = domain + (port if port else '')
+    netloc = netloc.encode('idna')
+    # ensure path is valid and convert Unicode chars to %-encoded
+    if not path:
+        path = '/'  # eg: 'http://google.com' -> 'http://google.com/'
+    path = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(path.encode('utf-8')), safe='/;')
+    # ensure query is valid
+    query = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(query.encode('utf-8')), safe='=&?/')
+    # ensure fragment is valid
+    fragment = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(fragment.encode('utf-8')))
+    # piece it all back together, truncating it to a maximum of 4KB
+    url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
+    return url[:4096]
 class NotModifiedHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler):  
@@ -11,66 +70,129 @@
         addinfourl.code = code
         return addinfourl
-def scrapeAndStore(URL, depth, agency):
-    URL = "http://www.google.com"
-    req = urllib2.Request(URL)
-    etag = 'y'
-    last_modified = 'y'
-    #if there is a previous version sotred in couchdb, load caching helper tags
-    if etag:
-        req.add_header("If-None-Match", etag)
-    if last_modified:
-        req.add_header("If-Modified-Since", last_modified)
+def fetchURL(docsdb, url, fieldName, agencyID, scrape_again=True):
+    url = canonurl(url)
+    hash = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest().encode("utf-8")
+    req = urllib2.Request(url)
+    print "Fetching %s" % url
+    if url.startswith("mailto") or url.startswith("javascript") or url.startswith("#") or url == None or url == "":
+		print "Not a valid HTTP url"
+		return (None,None)
+    doc = docsdb.get(hash) 
+    if doc == None:
+	doc = {'_id': hash, 'agencyID': agencyID, 'url': url, 'fieldName':fieldName}
+    else:
+	if (('page_scraped' in doc) and (time.time() - doc['page_scraped']) < 999999):
+		print "Uh oh, trying to scrape URL again too soon!"
+		last_attachment_fname = doc["_attachments"].keys()[-1]
+		last_attachment = docsdb.get_attachment(doc,last_attachment_fname)
+		return (doc['mime_type'],last_attachment)
+	if scrape_again == False:
+		print "Not scraping this URL again as requested"
+		return (None,None)
+    time.sleep(3) # wait 3 seconds to give webserver time to recover
+    #if there is a previous version stored in couchdb, load caching helper tags
+    if doc.has_key('etag'):
+        req.add_header("If-None-Match", doc['etag'])
+    if doc.has_key('last_modified'):
+        req.add_header("If-Modified-Since", doc['last_modified'])
     opener = urllib2.build_opener(NotModifiedHandler())
-    url_handle = opener.open(req)
-    headers = url_handle.info() # the addinfourls have the .info() too
-    etag = headers.getheader("ETag")
-    last_modified = headers.getheader("Last-Modified") 
-    web_server = headers.getheader("Server") 
-    file_size = headers.getheader("Content-Length") 
-    mime_type = headers.getheader("Content-Type") 
-    if hasattr(url_handle, 'code'): 
+    try:
+     url_handle = opener.open(req)
+     headers = url_handle.info() # the addinfourls have the .info() too
+     doc['etag'] = headers.getheader("ETag")
+     doc['last_modified'] = headers.getheader("Last-Modified") 
+     doc['date'] = headers.getheader("Date") 
+     doc['page_scraped'] = time.time() 
+     doc['web_server'] = headers.getheader("Server") 
+     doc['powered_by'] = headers.getheader("X-Powered-By") 
+     doc['file_size'] = headers.getheader("Content-Length") 
+     content_type = headers.getheader("Content-Type")
+     if content_type != None:
+    	doc['mime_type'] = content_type.split(";")[0]
+     else:
+	(type,encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(url)
+	doc['mime_type'] = type
+     if hasattr(url_handle, 'code'): 
         if url_handle.code == 304:
             print "the web page has not been modified"
+	    return (None,None)
-            #do scraping
-            html = url_handle.read()
-            # http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/documentation.html
-            soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
-        links = soup.findAll('a') # soup.findAll('a', id=re.compile("^p-"))
-        for link in links:
-            print link['href']
-            #for each unique link
-            #if html mimetype
-            # go down X levels,
-            # diff with last stored attachment, store in document
-            #if not
-            #   remember to save parentURL and title (link text that lead to document)
-    #store as attachment epoch-filename
-    else:
-        print "error %s in downloading %s", url_handle.code, URL
-        #record/alert error to error database
+            content = url_handle.read()
+	    docsdb.save(doc)
+	    doc = docsdb.get(hash) # need to get a _rev
+	    docsdb.put_attachment(doc, content, str(time.time())+"-"+os.path.basename(url), doc['mime_type']) 
+	    return (doc['mime_type'], content)
+	    #store as attachment epoch-filename
+    except urllib2.URLError as e:
+    	error = ""
+	if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
+		error = "error %s in downloading %s" % (str(e.reason), url)
+	elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
+		error = "error %s in downloading %s" % (e.code, url)
+        print error
+	doc['error'] = error
+        docsdb.save(doc)
+        return (None,None)
+def scrapeAndStore(docsdb, url, depth, fieldName, agencyID):
+    (mime_type,content) = fetchURL(docsdb, url, fieldName, agencyID)
+    if content != None and depth > 0:
+	if mime_type == "text/html" or mime_type == "application/xhtml+xml" or mime_type =="application/xml":
+            # http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/documentation.html
+            soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
+	    navIDs = soup.findAll(id=re.compile('nav|Nav|menu|bar'))
+	    for nav in navIDs:
+		print "Removing element", nav['id']
+		nav.extract()
+	    navClasses = soup.findAll(attrs={'class' : re.compile('nav|menu|bar')})
+	    for nav in navClasses:
+		print "Removing element", nav['class']
+		nav.extract()
+            links = soup.findAll('a') # soup.findAll('a', id=re.compile("^p-"))
+	    linkurls = set([])
+            for link in links:
+            	if link.has_key("href"):
+			if link['href'].startswith("http"):
+				# lets not do external links for now
+				# linkurls.add(link['href'])
+				None
+			if link['href'].startswith("mailto"):
+				# not http
+				None
+			if link['href'].startswith("javascript"):
+				# not http
+				None
+			else:
+                		linkurls.add(urljoin(url,link['href'].replace(" ","%20")))
+            for linkurl in linkurls:
+		#print linkurl
+		scrapeAndStore(docsdb, linkurl, depth-1, fieldName, agencyID)    
-couch = couchdb.Server('')
+couch = couchdb.Server('')
 # select database
 agencydb = couch['disclosr-agencies']
+docsdb = couch['disclosr-documents']
 for row in agencydb.view('app/getScrapeRequired'): #not recently scraped agencies view?
     agency = agencydb.get(row.id)
     print agency['name']
+    for key in agency.keys():
+	if key