Happy New Year! Remove Christmas special holiday timetable support.
Happy New Year! Remove Christmas special holiday timetable support.

file:a/about.php -> file:b/about.php
--- a/about.php
+++ b/about.php
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
     Some icons by Joseph Wain / glyphish.com<br />
     Native clients also available for iPhone(<a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/cbrtimetable/id444287349?mt=8">cbrTimetable by Sandor Kolotenko</a>
     , <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/act-buses/id376634797?mt=8">ACT Buses by David Sullivan</a>) 
-    , Android (<a href="https://market.android.com/details?id=com.action">MyBus 2.0 by Imagine Team</a>) 
+    , Android (<a href="https://market.android.com/details?id=com.action">MyBus 2.0 by Imagine Team</a>, <A href="https://market.android.com/details?id=GetMe2CanberraFree.source">GetMe2 Canberra by
+Colin Thompson </a>) 
     and Windows Phone 7 (<a href="http://www.windowsphone.com/en-AU/apps/d840375e-429c-4aa4-a358-80eec6ea9e66">TransHub Canberra by Soul Solutions</a>) Other web clients include <a href="http://canberra.itranzit.com/option.html">iTranzit</a>.
     <br />
     GTFS-realtime API:

--- a/include/common-template.inc.php
+++ b/include/common-template.inc.php
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
         <div data-role="content"> ';
         if ($GTFSREnabled) {
         $overrides = getServiceOverride();
-        if ($overrides['service_id']) {
+        if (isset($overrides['service_id'])) {
             if ($overrides['service_id'] == "noservice") {
                 echo '<div id="servicewarning">Buses are <strong>not running today</strong> due to industrial action/public holiday. See <a 
 href="http://www.action.act.gov.au">http://www.action.act.gov.au</a> for details.</div>';

--- a/include/common-transit.inc.php
+++ b/include/common-transit.inc.php
@@ -20,41 +20,44 @@
-function service_period_day ($spid) {
-    $idParts = explode("-",$spid);
-        return strtolower($idParts[2]);
 function service_period($date = "") {
-    if (isset($_REQUEST['service_period']))
+    if (isset($_REQUEST['service_period'])) {
         return $_REQUEST['service_period'];
+    }
     $override = getServiceOverride($date);
-    if ($override['service_id']) {
-        return service_period_day ($override['service_id']);
-    }
-    switch (date('w', ($date != "" ? $date : time()))) {
-        case 0:
-            return 'sunday';
-        case 6:
-            return 'saturday';
-        default:
-            return 'weekday';
-    }
+    if (isset($override['service_id'])) {
+        return strtolower($override['service_id']);
+    }
+    $date = ($date != "" ? $date : time());
+    $dow = date('w', $date);
+        switch ($dow) {
+            case 0:
+                return 'sunday';
+            case 6:
+                return 'saturday';
+            default:
+                return 'weekday';
+        }
 function service_ids($service_period) {
     switch ($service_period) {
         case 'sunday':
-            return Array("2010-TUGGSUN-Sunday-20","2010-BELCSUN-Sunday-19");
+            return Array("Sunday", "Sunday");
         case 'saturday':
-            return Array("2010-BELCSAT-Saturday-19","2010-TUGGSAT-Saturday-19");
+            return Array("Saturday", "Saturday");
             //return 'weekday';
-            return Array("2010-BELCMAST-Weekday-15","2010-TUGGMAST-Weekday-14"); 
-    }
+            return Array("Weekday", "Weekday-SchoolVacation");
+    }
 function valid_service_ids() {
-    return array_merge(service_ids(""),service_ids('saturday'),service_ids('sunday'));
+    return array_merge(service_ids(""), service_ids('saturday'), service_ids('sunday'));
 function midnight_seconds($time = "") {

file:a/index.php -> file:b/index.php
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 <div data-role="page">
     <div data-role="content">
         <div id="jqm-homeheader">
-            <h1>busness time</h1><br><small>Canberra Bus Timetables and Trip Planner</small>
+            <h1>busness time</h1><br><small>Canberra Bus Timetables and Trip Planner</small> 
         <a name="maincontent" id="maincontent"></a>
         <a href="tripPlanner.php" data-role="button" data-icon="navigation">Launch Trip Planner...</a>
@@ -38,8 +38,12 @@
             <li><a class="nearby" href="routeList.php?nearby=yes">Nearby Routes</a></li>
+        print_r(getServiceOverride(time()));
+        echo service_period(time());
+        print_r(service_ids(service_period(time())));
         echo ' <a href="labs/index.php" data-role="button" data-icon="beaker">Busness R&amp;D</a>';
         echo ' <a href="myway/index.php" data-role="button">MyWay Balance and Timeliness Survey Results</a>';

--- a/servicealerts/importer.py
+++ b/servicealerts/importer.py
@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@
 # http://esa.act.gov.au/feeds/currentincidents.xml
 # source: https://gist.github.com/322906/90dea659c04570757cccf0ce1e6d26c9d06f9283
+# to install python -m nltk.downloader punkt
 import nltk
-import twitter
 import tweepy
 import psycopg2
+import pickle
 from iniparse import INIConfig
 def insert_service_alert_sitewide(heading, message, url):
@@ -79,16 +81,24 @@
     # Print unique entity names
     print set(entity_names)
 cfg = INIConfig(open('/tmp/aws.ini'))
 auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(cfg.api_keys.twitter_consumer_key, cfg.api_keys.twitter_consumer_secret)
 auth.set_access_token(cfg.api_keys.twitter_access_token, cfg.api_keys.twitter_access_token_secret)
-api = tweepy.API(auth)
+#api = tweepy.API(auth)
+api = tweepy.API()
 # If the authentication was successful, you should
 # see the name of the account print out
-print api.me().name
+#print api.me().name
 # https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/blob/master/tweepy/api.py
-print api.user_timeline(screen_name="ACTPol_Traffic")
-print api.update_status(status="test")
+for status in api.user_timeline(screen_name="ACTPol_Traffic",exclude_replies='true'):
+            print status.text
+            print status.created_at
+            print extract_names(status.text)
+# print api.update_status(status="test")
+last_tweet_ids = { "lion": "111", "kitty": "2222" } 
+pickle.dump( last_tweet_ids, open( "save.p", "wb" ) )
+last_tweet_ids = pickle.load( open( "save.p", "rb" ) )

--- /dev/null
+++ b/servicealerts/punkt.zip

file:a/stop.php -> file:b/stop.php
--- a/stop.php
+++ b/stop.php
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
         echo '<li>';
         $destination = getTripDestination($trip['trip_id']);
-        echo '<a href="trip.php?stopid=' . $stopid . '&amp;tripid=' . $trip['trip_id'] . '"><h3>' . $trip['route_short_name'] . " towards " . $destination['stop_name'] . "</h3><p>";
+        echo '<a href="trip.php?stopid=' . $stopid . '&amp;tripid=' . $trip['trip_id'] . '"><h3>'. $trip['route_short_name'] . " towards " . $destination['stop_name'] . "</h3><p>";
         $viaPoints = viaPointNames($trip['trip_id'], $trip['stop_sequence']);
         if ($viaPoints != "")
             echo '<br><span class="viaPoints">Via: ' . $viaPoints . '</span>';

file:a/trip.php -> file:b/trip.php
--- a/trip.php
+++ b/trip.php
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     $tripid = $trip['trip_id'];
 } else {
     $trip = getTrip($tripid);
-    $similarRoutes = getRoutesByNumber($trip['route_short_name'], $trip['direction_id'], service_period_day($trip["service_id"]));
+    $similarRoutes = getRoutesByNumber($trip['route_short_name'], $trip['direction_id'], strtolower($trip["service_id"]));
     $routeids = Array();
     foreach ($similarRoutes as $similarRoute) {
         $routeids[] = $similarRoute['route_id'];
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     $routeids = array_unique($routeids);
 $directionid = $trip['direction_id'];
-$service_period = service_period_day($trip["service_id"]);
+$service_period = strtolower($trip["service_id"]);
 $destination = getTripDestination($trip['trip_id']);
 include_header("Stops on " . $trip['route_short_name'] . ' ' . $destination['stop_name'], "trip");
 trackEvent("Route/Trip View", "View Route", $trip['route_short_name'] . ' ' . $destination['stop_name'], $routeid);
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@
 foreach (getRoutesByNumber($trip['route_short_name']) as $row) {
     foreach (getRouteHeadsigns($row['route_id']) as $headsign) {
-        if ( $headsign['direction_id'] != $directionid || service_period_day($headsign['service_id']) != $service_period) {
-           echo "{$headsign['direction_id']} != $directionid || ".service_period_day($headsign['service_id'])." != $service_period <br>";
+        if ( $headsign['direction_id'] != $directionid || strtolower($headsign['service_id']) != $service_period) {
+           echo "{$headsign['direction_id']} != $directionid || ".strtolower($headsign['service_id'])." != $service_period <br>";
             $start = $headsign['stop_name'];
-            $serviceday = service_period_day($headsign['service_id']);
+            $serviceday = strtolower($headsign['service_id']);
             $key = $row['route_short_name'] . "." . $headsign['direction_id'];
             if (isset($filteredRoutes[$key])) {
                 $filteredRoutes[$key]['route_ids'][] = $row['route_id'];
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
 $stopsGrouped = Array();
 $tripStopTimes = getTripStopTimes($tripid);
-echo '<li data-role="list-divider">' . $tripStopTimes[0]['arrival_time'] . ' to ' . $tripStopTimes[sizeof($tripStopTimes) - 1]['arrival_time'] . ' towards ' . $destination['stop_name'] . ' (' . ucwords(service_period_day($tripStopTimes[0]['service_id'])) . ')</li>';
+echo '<li data-role="list-divider">' . $tripStopTimes[0]['arrival_time'] . ' to ' . $tripStopTimes[sizeof($tripStopTimes) - 1]['arrival_time'] . ' towards ' . $destination['stop_name'] . ' (' . ucwords(strtolower($tripStopTimes[0]['service_id'])) . ')</li>';
 foreach ($tripStopTimes as $key => $tripStopTime) {
     if ($key + 1 > sizeof($tripStopTimes) || stopCompare($tripStopTimes[$key]["stop_name"]) != stopCompare($tripStopTimes[$key + 1]["stop_name"])) {
         echo '<li>';

--- a/tripPlanner.php
+++ b/tripPlanner.php
@@ -182,7 +182,99 @@
 } else {
+    $overrides = getServiceOverride();
+      if (isset($overrides['service_id'])) {
+       echo "Sorry, due to the modified timetable, this trip planner won't work correctly today. Instead, use the Google Maps one below:";
+       echo '
+<script language="javascript">
+	// make some ezamples
+  var startExample = "Gungahlin, ACT";
+  var endExample = "Bunda St, Canberra";
+  var zip = "2600";
+  var urlToGoTo = "http://www.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&f=d&" ;
+  function buildURL(){
+	  document.getElementById(\'linkOut\').href = urlToGoTo + "&saddr=" + document.getElementById(\'saddr\').value + "&daddr=" + document.getElementById(\'daddr\').value + "&dirflg=r"; 
+	 }
+<form action="https://www.action.act.gov.au/googletransit/redir_to_google.asp" method="post" name="GoogleTransit" target="_blank" id="GoogleTransit">
+  <table width="226" cellspacing="1" border="1">
+    <tr>
+      <td colspan="2" valign="middle"><a href="http://google.com/transit"><img src="/maps_logo_small_blue.png"width="150" height="55" border="0" alt="Link to Google Transit Trip Planner" align="middle"></a>&nbsp;<br />
+	<B>Transit Trip Planner</B></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td colspan="2" nowrap><strong>Start</strong> (e.g. 
+          <script language="javascript">document.write(startExample)</script>)<br />
+        <input type="text" size="27" name="saddr" id="saddr" maxlength="2048" title="Enter the Origin Address" value="" onFocus="this.value=\'\';" onBlur="if(this.value==\'\')this.value=startExample">
+        <br /><br />         <strong>End</strong> (e.g. 
+        <script language="javascript">document.write(endExample)</script>)
+        <BR>
+        <input type="text" size="27" name="daddr" id="daddr" maxlength="2048" title="Enter the Destination Address"  onfocus="this.value=\'\';" onBlur="if(this.value==\'\')this.value=endExample">
+        <br>
+        <table>
+          <tr>
+            <td><strong>Date</strong></td>
+            <td><strong>Time</strong></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td nowrap=""><input type="text" title="Enter the Date in DD/MM/YY format" maxlength="10" value="" name="date" size="10" id="fdate"></td>
+            <td nowrap="nowrap"><input type="text" title="Enter the Time in HH:MM AM or PM format" maxlength="8" value="" name="time" size="5" id="ftime"></td>
+          </tr>
+      </table>
+Plan by:
+          <select name="ttype">
+            <option value="dep">Departure Time</option>
+            <option value="arr">Arrival Time</option>
+          </select>
+        <center>
+          <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Get directions">
+      </center></td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+<script language="javascript">
+// calculate the current time 
+	var currentTime = new Date() ;
+	var hours = currentTime.getHours() ;
+	var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes() ;
+	var currentDay = currentTime.getDate() ;
+	var currentMonth = currentTime.getMonth() + 1 ;
+//	var currentYear = currentTime.getYear() ;  07/10/2011 by Vlad
+    var currentYear = currentTime.getFullYear() ;
+// account for leading zero  
+	if (minutes < 10)
+		minutes = "0" + minutes
+// 07/10/2011 by Vlad		
+	if (hours < 10)
+		hours = "0" + hours
+	if (currentDay < 10)
+		currentDay = "0" + currentDay	
+	if (currentMonth < 10)
+		currentMonth = "0" + currentMonth			
+	var displayTime = hours + ":" + minutes ;
+// populate the current time
+	document.getElementById(\'ftime\').value = displayTime ;
+// populate the address examplates
+	document.getElementById(\'saddr\').value = startExample ;
+	document.getElementById(\'daddr\').value = endExample ;
+	document.getElementById(\'fdate\').value = currentDay + \'/\' + currentMonth + \'/\' + currentYear ;
+      } else {
+      }

--- a/updatedb.php
+++ b/updatedb.php
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
     include ('include/common.inc.php');
-    $conn = pg_connect("dbname=transitdata user=postgres password=snmc host=localhost") or die('connection failed');
     $pdconn = new PDO("pgsql:dbname=transitdata;user=postgres;password=snmc;host=localhost");
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@
 // Unzip cbrfeed.zip, import all csv files to database
     $unzip = false;
     $zip = zip_open(dirname(__FILE__) . "/cbrfeed.zip");
-    $tmpdir = "c:/tmp/";
+    $tmpdir = "c:/tmp/cbrfeed/";
     if ($unzip) {
         if (is_resource($zip)) {
@@ -53,6 +52,7 @@
     foreach (scandir($tmpdir) as $file) {
+        $headers = Array();
         if (!strpos($file, ".txt") === false) {
             $fieldseparator = ",";
             $lineseparator = "\n";
@@ -60,33 +60,50 @@
             echo "Opening $file \n";
             $line = 0;
             $handle = fopen($tmpdir . $file, "r");
-            if ($tablename == "stop_times") {
-                $stmt = $pdconn->prepare("insert into stop_times (trip_id,stop_id,stop_sequence,arrival_time,departure_time) values(:trip_id, :stop_id, :stop_sequence,:arrival_time,:departure_time);");
-                $stmt->bindParam(':trip_id', $trip_id);
-                $stmt->bindParam(':stop_id', $stop_id);
-                $stmt->bindParam(':stop_sequence', $stop_sequence);
-                $stmt->bindParam(':arrival_time', $time);
-                $stmt->bindParam(':departure_time', $time);
-            }
             $distance = 0;
             $lastshape = 0;
             $lastlat = 0;
             $lastlon = 0;
+            $stmt = null;
             while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
                 if ($line == 0) {
-                } else {
-                    $query = "insert into $tablename values(";
+                    $headers = array_values($data);
+                    if ($tablename == "stops") {
+                        $headers[] = "position";
+                    }
+                    if ($tablename == "shapes") {
+                        $headers[] = "shape_pt";
+                    }
+                    $query = "insert into $tablename (";
+                    $valueCount = 0;
+                    foreach ($headers as $value) {
+                        $query.=($valueCount > 0 ? "," : "") . pg_escape_string($value);
+                        $valueCount++;
+                    }
+                    $query.= ") values( ";
                     $valueCount = 0;
                     foreach ($data as $value) {
-                        $query.=($valueCount > 0 ? "','" : "'") . pg_escape_string($value);
+                        $query.=($valueCount > 0 ? "," : "") . '?';
+                    if ($tablename == "stops") {
+                        $query.= ", ST_GeographyFromText(?));";
+                    } else if ($tablename == "shapes") {
+                        $query.= ", ST_GeographyFromText(?));";
+                    } else {
+                        $query.= ");";
+                    }
+                    echo $query;
+                    $stmt = $pdconn->prepare($query);
+                } else {
+                    $values = array_values($data);
                     if ($tablename == "stops") {
-                        $query.= "', ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT({$data[2]} {$data[0]})'));";
-                    } else if ($tablename == "shapes") {
+                        // Coordinate values are out of range [-180 -90, 180 90]
+                        $values[] = 'SRID=4326;POINT('.$values[5].' '.$values[4].')';
+                    }
+                    if ($tablename == "shapes") {
                         if ($data[0] != $lastshape) {
                             $distance = 0;
                             $lastshape = $data[0];
@@ -95,28 +112,26 @@
                         $lastlat = $data[1];
                         $lastlon = $data[2];
-                        $query.= "', $distance,  ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT({$data[2]} {$data[1]})'));";
-                    } else {
-                        $query.= "');";
+                        $values[4] = $distance;
+                        $values[] = 'SRID=4326;POINT('.$values[2].' '.$values[1].')';
-                    if ($tablename == "stop_times") {
-                        //                  $query = "insert into $tablename (trip_id,stop_id,stop_sequence) values('{$data[0]}','{$data[3]}','{$data[4]}');";
-                        $trip_id = $data[0];
-                        $stop_id = $data[3];
-                        $stop_sequence = $data[4];
-                        $time = ($data[1] == "" ? null : $data[1]);
+if (substr($values[1],0,2) == '24') $values[1] = "23:59:59";
+if (substr($values[2],0,2) == '24') $values[2] = "23:59:59";
+                    $stmt->execute($values);
+                    $err = $pdconn->errorInfo();
+                    if ($err[2] != "" && strpos($err[2], "duplicate key") === false) {
+                        print_r($values);
+                        print_r($err);
+                        die("terminated import due to db error above");
-                }
-                if ($tablename == "stop_times") {
-                    $stmt->execute();
-                } else {
-                    $result = pg_query($conn, $query);
                 if ($line % 10000 == 0)
                     echo "$line records... " . date('c') . "\n";
+            $stmt->closeCursor();
             echo "Found a total of $line records in $file.\n";