fix import of bulleted lists
fix import of bulleted lists

--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 [submodule "js/dynatable"]
 	path = js/dynatable
 	url =
+[submodule "lib/tag-cloud"]
+	path = lib/tag-cloud
+	url =

file:b/.idea/.name (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/.name
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/compiler.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<project version="4">

+  <component name="CompilerConfiguration">

+    <option name="DEFAULT_COMPILER" value="Javac" />

+    <resourceExtensions />

+    <wildcardResourcePatterns>

+      <entry name="!?*.java" />

+      <entry name="!?*.form" />

+      <entry name="!?*.class" />

+      <entry name="!?*.groovy" />

+      <entry name="!?*.scala" />

+      <entry name="!?*.flex" />

+      <entry name="!?*.kt" />

+      <entry name="!?*.clj" />

+    </wildcardResourcePatterns>

+    <annotationProcessing>

+      <profile default="true" name="Default" enabled="false">

+        <processorPath useClasspath="true" />

+      </profile>

+    </annotationProcessing>

+  </component>




--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/encodings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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file:b/.idea/misc.xml (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<project version="4">

+  <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_1_6" assert-keyword="true" jdk-15="true">

+    <output url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/out" />

+  </component>




file:b/.idea/modules.xml (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/modules.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<project version="4">

+  <component name="ProjectModuleManager">

+    <modules>

+      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/dcaas.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/dcaas.iml" />

+    </modules>

+  </component>




--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<component name="DependencyValidationManager">

+  <state>

+    <option name="SKIP_IMPORT_STATEMENTS" value="false" />

+  </state>


file:b/.idea/vcs.xml (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/vcs.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<project version="4">

+  <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">

+    <mapping directory="" vcs="Git" />

+  </component>




--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,612 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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+  </component>

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+    <disable_hints />

+  </component>

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+      </breakpoint>

+    </breakpoint_any>

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+    </option>

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+      <TestRunner />

+      <method />

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+      <method />

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+    </entry>

+  </component>




file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+DCaaS service catalogue browser

file:b/about.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/about.php
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@



+includeHeader("Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS)");



+Icon "Cloud Computing" designed by <a href="">Andrew Forrester</a> from the <a

+    href="">Noun Project</a>




file:b/config.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -1,1 +1,130 @@
+define('__ROOT__', dirname(__FILE__));
+// Set default timezone
+try {
+    /**************************************
+     * Create databases and                *
+     * open connections                    *
+     **************************************/
+    // Create (connect to) SQLite database in file
+    $db = new PDO('sqlite:' . __ROOT__ . '/data/dcaas.sqlite3');
+    // Set errormode to exceptions
+    $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE,
+} catch (PDOException $e) {
+    // Print PDOException message
+    echo $e->getMessage();
+function local_url()
+    return "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\') . "/";
+function includeHeader($title)
+    ?>
+    <!DOCTYPE html>
+    <html lang="en">
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="utf-8">
+        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
+        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+        <meta name="description" content="">
+        <meta name="author" content="">
+        <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../docs-assets/ico/favicon.png">
+        <title><?= $title ?></title>
+        <!-- Bootstrap core CSS -->
+        <link href="js/dynatable/jquery.dynatable.css" rel="stylesheet">
+        <link href="lib/tag-cloud/css/tagcloud.css" rel="stylesheet">
+        <link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
+       <style>
+           th a {
+               color: #428bca;
+           }
+           th a:hover {
+               color: #428bca;
+               text-decoration: underline;
+           }
+       </style>
+        <!-- Custom styles for this template
+        <link href="starter-template.css" rel="stylesheet">-->
+        <!-- Just for debugging purposes. Don't actually copy this line! -->
+        <!--[if lt IE 9]>
+        <script src="../../docs-assets/js/ie8-responsive-file-warning.js"></script><![endif]-->
+        <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
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+        <script src=""></script>
+        <![endif]-->
+    </head>
+    <body xmlns=""
+    xmlns:rdf=""
+    xmlns:rdfs=""
+    xmlns:xsd=""
+    xmlns:gr=""
+    xmlns:foaf=""
+    xmlns:vcard="" >
+    <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
+        <div class="container">
+            <div class="navbar-header">
+                <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
+                    <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
+                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+                </button>
+                <a class="navbar-brand" href="/">Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS)</a>
+            </div>
+            <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
+                <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
+                    <li class="active"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
+                    <li><a href="catalogue.php">Browse Service Catalogue</a></li>
+                    <li><a href="about.php">About</a></li>
+                </ul>
+            </div>
+            <!--/.nav-collapse -->
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="container">
+    <br/>
+    <br/>
+    <br/>
+function includeFooter()
+    global $db;
+    try {
+        /**************************************
+         * Close db connections                *
+         **************************************/
+        // Close file db connection
+        $db = null;
+    } catch (PDOException $e) {
+        // Print PDOException message
+        echo $e->getMessage();
+    }
+    ?>
+    </div> <!-- /.container -->
+    </body>
+    </html>

--- a/css/bootstrap-theme.css
+++ b/css/bootstrap-theme.css

--- a/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
+++ b/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css

--- a/css/bootstrap.css
+++ b/css/bootstrap.css

--- a/css/bootstrap.min.css
+++ b/css/bootstrap.min.css

file:b/data.json.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data.json.php
@@ -1,1 +1,37 @@
+header("Content-Type: application/json");
+$result = Array();
+$page = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
+$perPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'perPage', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
+$offset = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'offset', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
+$search = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", filter_var($_GET['queries']['search'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
+$sortby = 'acnabn';
+if (isset($_GET['sorts'])) {
+    $keys = array_keys($_GET['sorts']);
+    if (in_array($keys[0], array('trading_or_business_name', 'acnabn', 'service', 'service_category', 'service_sub_category'))) {
+        $sortby = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/", "", $keys[0]);
+        if ($sortby == 'service') $sortby = 'service_name';
+    }
+$select_columns = 'Select trading_or_business_name, acnabn, service_name, service_category, service_sub_category ';
+$query = " from dcaas_services "
+    . ($search != "" ? " where service_name like '%$search%'" : "");
+$total = $db->query("select count(*) from dcaas_services")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
+$query_total = $db->query("select count(*) ".$query)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
+Instead of a separate OFFSET clause, the LIMIT clause may specify two scalar expressions separated by a comma.
+In this case, the first expression is used as the OFFSET expression and the second as the LIMIT expression.
+This is counter-intuitive, as when using the OFFSET clause the second of the two expressions is the OFFSET
+and the first the LIMIT. This is intentional - it maximizes compatibility with other SQL database systems.*/
+$limit = "limit $offset, $perPage";
+foreach ($db->query($select_columns .$query . " order by $sortby $limit", PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
+    $row['service'] = '<a href="view.php?acnabn=' . $row['acnabn'] . "&service_name=" . $row['service_name'] . '">' . $row['service_name'] . "</a>";
+    $result['records'][] = $row;
+$result['queryRecordCount'] = intval($query_total[0]);
+$result['totalRecordCount'] = intval($total[0]);
+echo json_encode($result);

 Binary files a/data/DCaaS+Catalogue+September+2013 Public.xls and b/data/DCaaS+Catalogue+September+2013 Public.xls differ
--- a/data/DCaaS+Catalogue+September+2013 PublicDCaaS_AFI_Part_3_Sec_5_Service_.csv
+++ b/data/DCaaS+Catalogue+September+2013 PublicDCaaS_AFI_Part_3_Sec_5_Service_.csv
@@ -1,1301 +1,1301 @@
 Trading or Business Name,ACNABN,Service Name,Service Description,Service Category,Service Sub Category,Other Sub Category,Service Hours AEST,Other Service Hours,Service Availability,Scheduled Outage Per Month,Security,Scalability,Hosting Site,Help Desk Hours,Lodge Help eMail,Lodge Help Web,Lodge Help Phone,Lodge Help SMS,Help Track eMail,Help Track Web,Help Track Phone,Help Track SMS,Outage Notify eMail,Outage Notify Web,Outage Notify Phone,Outage Notify SMS,Outage Notify Social,Report Delivary eMail,Report Delivery Web,Reporting Real Time,Reporting Over Period,Reporting via Billing,Reporting on Outage,Reporting Service Levels,Provision Lead Time,Decommission Lead Time,Unit Description,DC 1 Country,DC 1 State,DC 1 PUE,DC 1 Tier Rating,DC 2 Country,DC 2 State,DC 2 PUE,DC 2 Tier Rating,DC 3 Country,DC 3 State,DC 3 PUE,DC 3 Tier Rating,DC 4 Country,DC 4 State,DC 4 PUE,DC 4 Tier Rating,DC 5 Country,DC 5 State,DC 5 PUE,DC 5 Tier Rating

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Active Directory,Provision of Microsoft Active Directory as a bundle offered with other services or as a stand alone service supporting specific client needs. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.,IaaS,Identity Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Provision of an active directory domain with a minimum of ten users.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Business Collaboration Services,"4D brings your people and information together on a single platform, utilising Microsoft Office, Sharepoint, Exchange and Lync servers. It allows for tight business integration through a number of communications channels across multiple and geographically disparate sites. This will both maximise your productivity and reduce wasted effort through duplication.These services can be hosted within your own environment, on your own infrastructure, or hosted within 4D's secure datacentre. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Microsoft collaboration platform (Sharepoint, Exchange and Lync) with 10 GByte storage per user for ten users.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Business Continuity - hosted business services,"4D can provide an alternate location from which to operate in the event of a force majeure incident at your business premises. This includes a work space with desktop computer, telephone and email services. Additional services can be ordered per the other services offered by 4D under the DCaaS Multi-list.Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,"5 desktop workstations with telephone, email services and Microsoft groupware. Other applications can be made available as an additional service.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Data Loading,4D has experience across a number of data base management systems. Service includes migrating client data from one database management system to another using a relevant software agent to be determined for the task.,Other,Data Loading,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Time and material per hour plus licensing costs for the relevant data migration tool.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Data Storage,4D provides on-line data storage that can be expanded to your needs.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,On-line storage provided based on storage capacity consumed per GB utilising storage area network (SAN).,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Database Services,"4D offers clients the opportunity to purchase virtual machines upon which to run their database(s).Clients can either load their own database onto the virtual machine, or have 4D do so on their behalf. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual machine based on Windows Standard Server 2008 R2 and SQLServer 2008 standard license costs plus 100 GByte storage. Additional storage purchased under data storage service.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Hosted Email,"4D will host your email domain on our Microsoft Exchange.You will benefit from all of the productivity advantages of using Exchange (shared calenders, mailboxes, contacts etc;Your incoming mail will be protected from spam by our Cisco IronPort spam filter. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Per Exchange 2010 user mailbox (up to 2GB in size)NOTE: group email addresses and distribution lists are not counted as mailboxes - these are provided as part of the service without charge.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,ICT Services Continuity,"Your critical systems can be duplicated at 4D's premises for recovery in the event of a disaster.In the event of a disaster at your facility, your staff will be able to continue work from anywhere that they have an internet connection, by remotely connecting to their services and applications within the 4D datacentre. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"A virtual server with 1 CPU core, 2GBytes RAM running on Windows 2008 R2 plus a Microsoft SQL Server instance with 100 GByte of storage.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Online Backups,"Automated remote backup service that backs up your important business data to 4D's secure datacentre. Data is backed up at the block level. Any backed up file can be restored upon request or by the client.A once-off setup sees 4D taking a snapshot of your data and placing it in our datacentre. Nightly backups then send only the changes to your data (ie. the ""Delta"") securely across the internet to 4D. Backups are encrypted and compressed. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of compressed backed-up data,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Physical Server,"Dell PowerEdge T610 with single processor, 16GB RAM, 4 x 500GB HDD, Windows Server 2008 R2.Includes technical support for physical server and operating system.Note that different configurations are available if required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Per server,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Test and Development Environment,Provision of virtual environment hosting user test and development environments allowing clients 24x7 access. Environment consists of a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual server hosting Microsoft Studio and allowing clients to install their test and development applications as required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Test and development environment for up to seven users. ,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Unified Communications,"Based on Microsoft Lync server. Comprises:Instant messaging and presence, conferencing, enterprise voice, office integration and mobile applications. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Virtual unified communications server and ten users.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,067 060 93 7171,Virtual Server,"4D offers a complete Virtual Server solution to clients, allowing them 24x7 access to their business applications from anywhere in the world that they have an internet connection.Each virtual server will be based on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2.This virtual server can be configured, and applications installed, as required; 4D can assist in this setup and installation if required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server: includes 1 CPU core, 2GB RAM, and 100GB storage running on Windows 2008 R2. Additional storage can be purchased per the data storage service.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Backup Services,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable environment comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and a range of Backup options all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.AAPT operate dual CO and Data Centre capabilities within the same facility to maximise the customers access to all network services.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit:1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,VIC,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Business Continuity,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable, customer configurable distributed environment comprising of fully adjustable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and Backup all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Seasonal / Peak Bursting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable environment, dialing up and down resources on demand, comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and Backup all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Storage,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable environment comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with a range of Storage and supporting Backup options all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Test Development Environment,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable test/dev environment comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and Backup all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Virtual Server,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product offers fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and Backup all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Compute Services,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configurable, rapid deployment, LINUX based virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Seasonal / Peak Bursting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configurable, dial up/dial down, LINUX based virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Test Development Environment,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configurable, rapid deployment, LINUX based virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Virtual Server,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configured VWare based LINUX virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Web Hosting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configurable, rapid deployment, LINUX based virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Solaris) - Seasonal / Peak Bursting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Solaris) product offers a highly scalable Oracle Solaris virtual machine, built on Oracle/Sun Microsystems T-series hyperthreading platform, fully customer configurable dial up, dial down CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup resources.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,&gt;2,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Solaris) - Test Development Environment,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Solaris) product delivers, within minutes of ordering, an Oracle Solaris virtual machine, built on Oracle/Sun Microsystems T-series hyperthreading platform, fully customer configurable CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Solaris) - Virtual Server,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Solaris) product offers an Oracle Solaris virtual machine, built on Oracle/Sun Microsystems T-series hyperthreading platform, fully customer configurable CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Windows) - Business Continuity,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Windows) product offers, a fully configured Microsoft Windows compute environment, based on customer selected CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems are available.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Windows) - Seasonal / Peak Bursting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Windows) product offers a fully configurable Microsoft Windows compute environment, based on customer selected CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems are available.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Windows) - Test Development Environment,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Windows) product offers, within minutes, a fully configured Microsoft Windows virtual machine, based on customer selected CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems are available.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-AAPT Pty Ltd,22 052 082 416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Windows) - Virtual Server,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Windows) product offers a fully configured Microsoft Windows virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems are available.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Aptira Cloud Servers (ACS),"Aptira provides a scalable and on demand remotely accessible cloud computing service that encompasses virtualised operating systems, networks and storage. We offer this as a fully managed service up to and including the operating system and as required application server. These services are delivered using cloud software from VMware, Microsoft or OpenStack.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual machine including 1 public IP address, 4 x vCPU, 16 GB RAM,300GB HDD, 10Mbps/10Mbps internet bandwidth. High availability with guaranteed resource scheduling. Linux operating system on vSphere.",Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Aptira Flexi Cloud (AFC),AFC is Aptira's on demand cloud compute product built on OpenStack that allows their customers to use computing resources which can be scaled dynamically to meet variable work loads. AFC provides the customer with API access to its resources.,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,2 x vCPU and 4 GB RAM,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Aptira Flexi Store (AFS),"AFS is our extremely robust storage service, leveraging the best open source and proprietary cloud storage technology like OpenStack and Ceph and supported by the Aptira Engineering Team (AET). AFS customers can store and access their data anywhere, with support for almost all existing cloud and NAS storage standards plus peace of mind that their data is secured in transmission and at rest.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte of block or object storage,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Aptira Managed Backups (AMB),"Aptira provides its customer with a managed backup solution that consists of hourly, nightly, weekly and monthly managed backups both on and off site.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte of block or object storage,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Aptira Network Virtualisation,"As Australian based partners and technical experts for Nicira by VMWare, Aptira are the first vendors in Australia able to offer the full suite of Nicira's Network Virtualization Platform. Network virtualization decouples and isolates virtual networks from the underlying network hardware, like server virtualization decouples and isolates virtual machines from the underlying server hardware. Once virtualized, the physical network is used only for packet forwarding and treated as an IP backplane. Virtual networks are then programmatically created and operate completely decoupled from the underlying hardware, offering the same features and guarantees of a physical network; yet with the operational benefits and hardware independence of virtual machines.For more information visit",IaaS,Off,Network Virtualisation - Software Defined Networking,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per Nicira Network Virtualised Virtual Machine,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Aptira Premium Webhosting (APW),Aptira Premium Webhosting is an on demand scalable platform for users to deploy websites rapidly using the proven LAMP stack. It leverages the stability of the Linux Operating system to provide a stable and robust hosting platform.,Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Apache Website - 150GB Storage, 1 Public IP, DNS management, Enterprise Fully Managed Monitoring and Firewall and IPS Service, Staging facility and 240GB/month outbound data transfer.",Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Aptira Virtual Desktop (AVD),"Aptira provides remote Windows virtual desktop infrastructure and associated productivity applications. The virtual desktop is delivered via an RDP session. The service includes access to productivity applications including Microsoft Office, remote printing, hosted mail boxes and shared storage. It is protected by managed firewalling and IPS.",Managed Service,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Aptira Virtual Desktop Environment per user per month. No SPLA.2GB Kerio Mailbox/user15GB Storage/userDedicated CPU and RAM for the VDE environmentNightly backupsMonthly offsite backupsUnmetered data transfer,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Piston Enterprise OpenStack (Compute),"Aptira is partnered with Piston Cloud Computing. Piston Enterprise OpenStack is a streamlined cloud platform that can be installed in 10 minutes and can reduce cloud operating costs by more than 30 per cent. Customers can have the choice of an on-premises model, or be provided with a hosted data centre, infrastructure management, and server and network equipment powered by Piston Enterprise OpenStack software. By deploying Piston Enterprise OpenStack, Aptira's customers will be able to easily build and manage their private cloud without requiring a large capital outlay. For more information go to",IaaS,Compute Services,Managed Cloud Support Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Each physical server licensed per annum,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Aptira Pty Ltd,139 355 525 / 23 139 355 525,Piston Enterprise OpenStack (Storage),"Aptira is partnered with Piston Cloud Computing. Piston Enterprise OpenStack is a streamlined cloud platform that can be installed in 10 minutes and can reduce cloud operating costs by more than 30 per cent. Customers can have the choice of an on-premises model, or be provided with a hosted data centre, infrastructure management, and server and network equipment powered by Piston Enterprise OpenStack software. By deploying Piston Enterprise OpenStack, Aptira's customers will be able to easily build and manage their private cloud without requiring a large capital outlay. For more information go to",IaaS,Storage,Managed Cloud Support Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Each physical server licensed per annum,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84 094 558 808,Managed Bronze,"Dedicated Virtual Machine HostingCPU: Dual CoreRAM: 2GBHDD: 60GB Fibre Channel5GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Bronze Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84 094 558 808,Managed Enterprise Gold,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 8GB<br/>HDD: 100GB Fibre Channel<br/>15GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Enterprise Gold Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84 094 558 808,Managed Enterprise Platinum,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 12GB<br/>HDD: 120GB Fibre Channel<br/>20GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Enterprise Platinum Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84 094 558 808,Managed Enterprise Silver,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 6GB<br/>HDD: 80GB Fibre Channel<br/>10GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Enterprise Silver Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84 094 558 808,Managed Gold,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 6GB<br/>HDD: 100GB Fibre Channel<br/>15GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Gold Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84 094 558 808,Managed Silver,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 4GB<br/>HDD: 80GB Fibre Channel<br/>10GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Silver Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-C3 Business Solutions Pty Ltd,35 1222 885 465,C3 Insight,"C3 Insight is a complete, affordable data acquisition and reporting solution that is quick and easy to install and use. C3 Insight immediately addresses data governance challenges with a robust business rule engine that you can tailor to your specific requirements upfront. C3 Insight enables you to unlock the power of your data instantly with no downtime and no deep technical skills required. File load formats are completely flexible and include an MSExcel add-in. Already in use across both State and Federal government agencies, C3 Insight is fast and easy to set up and run, it will reduce the cost of data acquisition and reporting and will deliver immediate ROI and trusted information for your business.<br/><br/>Data governance, acquisition & validation continues to challenge government at all levels, particularly when the data is coming from other departments or outside agencies and sources. Getting the data together and getting it accurate and collated when you need it absorbs considerable budget, time and resources. And, even when the investment is made, there are often questions around data quality due to poor or non-existent governance processes. All that time and effort and still, no one trusts the data. <br/><br/>Streamlining and automating these processes is key to maximising efficiency and turning the swathes of government data currently sitting in individual agencies, departments and divisions into collated, useful, timely information for more informed decision making. <br/><br/>Already in use across both State and Federal government agencies, C3 Insight is fast and easy to set up and run, it will reduce the cost of data acquisition and reporting and will deliver immediate ROI and trusted information for your business.<br/><br/>See your business / organisation at a glance. Combine all the data you need, from multiple data sources, into personalised real-time dashboards. C3 Insights interactive dashboards let you filter, drill to detail, and analyse right in a browser. With C3 Insight, you can go from data to dashboards in just hours; not days, weeks or months.<br/><br/>Imagine connecting the data, people, and creativity of your organisation to help everyone make better business decisions. With C3 Insight you can. We do this by facilitating discussions and making your BI content incredibly easy to share. Embed your intelligence into wikis and company intranet for everyone to use and access.<br/><br/>You will love C3 Insights mobile app. It combines outstanding collaborative features with great usability - simply swipe to browse dashboards and reports, filter with a tap of a finger, or pinch and zoom. Our approach means that as soon as you create a report or dashboard, it's enabled on your favourite mobile device - no extra steps or development.<br/><br/>Real-time alerts let you know the moment something critical happens in your business. With C3 Insight it's so easy to create alerts that monitor your business data for you. Reports emailed, or alerts pushed, to your phone or iPad let you take immediate action.<br/><br/>Data visualisation is not only a great way to present your data, but a powerful way to explore your data as well. C3 Insight lets you pick and change visualisations effortlessly so you can spot outliers and trends with ease. With 44 chart types - from sophisticated trellis charts, to popular line and metre charts - the right visualisation is just a click away.<br/><br/>Data visualisation is not only a great way to present your data, but a powerful way to explore your data as well. C3 Insight lets you pick and change visualisations effortlessly so you can spot outliers and trends with ease. With 44 chart types - from sophisticated trellis charts, to popular line and metre charts - the right visualisation is just a click away.<br/><br/>Data analysis requires more than just basic filtering - you need to be able to explore your data. C3 Insights highly intuitive report builder lets you analyse your data in ways you didnt think possible. Drill Down, Drill Through or Drill Anywhere - even across multiple data sources. We dont put barriers between you and your data exploration.<br/><br/>C3 Insight is different. Unlike most BI products, we deliver all the BI functionality you need via a single-integrated platform. C3 Insight can be installed in an hour, and deployed to 1000s of users in seconds. From meta-data to dashboards, user security and scheduling, youll only ever interact with the one application. C3 Insight significantly reduces your training, deployment and administration costs.<br/>", ,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 Bus Ex Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Off,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per instance,Australia,NSW,1.85,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.85,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-C3 Business Solutions Pty Ltd,35 1222 885 465,C3 Integrity,"C3 Integrity is a multi-award winning data collection, collation and validation software tool that enables organisations to get all of their data into one, centralised location, no matter where its coming from or what format its in. It is web-based and empowers business users to own the data collection process, and puts the onus on the data submitters to provide data of a sufficient quality. C3 Business Solutions developed C3 Integrity after identifying a gap in the market. It is provided as a hosted solution, and validated data can either be export to the customer's environment or integrated with our hosted reporting solutions. Integrity is deal for agencies that collect data from disparate sources either within their agency, across other agencies, or from service providers outside their agency.<br/><br/>C3 Integrity website & 3 minute explanatory video<br/><br/>C3 Integrity Overview Brochure<br/><br/>C3 Integrity Govt Case Study<br/><br/>Often your most valuable organisational information has been built and analysed in spreadsheets. Its the 80/20 rule where 80% of the useful information comes from 20% of the data and its often data that is hard to access and sits outside your source systems. Acquiring, processing and validating this data can be difficult, especially when its received and collated from multiple sources in many different formats from both inside your organisation and from<br/>external agencies. Integrity is a one of a kind, purpose-built tool that addresses this specific challenge.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Off,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per instance,Australia,NSW,1.85,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.85,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform,"CloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform is a managed application development deployment platform that allows a developer / IT operations team to deploy a suitably packaged application onto the platform then have the platform manage the underlying deployment and scaling of the application. The platform is capable of auto-scaling the underlying infrastructure to support the peaks and troughs of demand encountered by applications.The platform integrates with popular application development frameworks and integrated development environments including Visual Studio and Eclipse to allow developers to publish and deploy applications directly from their native working environment.CloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform leverages underlying technology from vendors including Cumulogic, CloudFoundry and Heirloom Systems.Platform features:- Auto-Scaling- Self-Healing- High-Availability- Monitoring- Backup- Multi-Tenant- SQL Services- NoSQL Services- Application Isolation- Developer UI- Admin UI- Self Service- REST API- Version Control- Eclipse Plugin- Microsoft Visual Studio PluginSupported languages/application development frameworks:- Java- Microsoft.NET (C#,, etc)- COBOL- PHP- Ruby-on-RailsProvisioningCloudCentral provides an online web interface and application programming interface (API) to support real-time provisioning of additional resources and changes to existing resources.Data CenterCloudCentral Enterpise ApplicationPlatform is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingAll software licenses included except Microsoft software licenses which must be provided by customervia Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Enterprise.ApplicationPlatform capacity units include 1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage and 1 CPU core, and access to the management platform services.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise Compute,"CloudCentral Enterprise Compute is Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) that puts you in control of your environment. CloudServer's are perfect for running Web Applications, Online Services, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Disaster Recovery (DR), Test & Development, Enterprise Applications, Email & Collaboration, CRM, and more.CloudCentral Enterprise Compute supports the following operating systems:- Windows Server 2008 R2- Windows Server 2012- RedHat Enterprise Linux / CentOS 5 & 6- Oracle Linux 5 & 6- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 12.04 LTSProvisioningCloudCentral provides an online web interface and application programming interface (API) to support real-time provisioning of additional resources and changes to existing resources.Our online provisioning systems allow new resources to be provisioned in under 5 minutes, typically new Cloud Servers can be provisioned in 1-2 minutes.Data CentersCloudCentral Enterpise Compute is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Compute is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingPricing assumes customer will provide software licensing for operating system and any software the customer wishes to install onto the server under the terms of its existing enterprise licensing agreements.SLACloudCentral Enterprise Compute is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Enterprise Compute capacity units include 1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage and 1 CPU core.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Exchange-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Exchange-as-a-Service is a managed email platform for providing Microsoft Exchange mailboxes.The underlying management of the exchange server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. An instance of Exchange Server 2010 is created for each customer on dedicated virtual machines.Includes:- 25 GB mailbox storage- Outlook Web Access- POP- IMAP- Outlook Anywhere (MAPI)- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync- Exchange Web ServicesData CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Exchange-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Exchange-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Exchange-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,One Exchange Server instance is required per customer. Each server instance may host up to 500 users.Units include:- Microsoft Exchange Enterprise Plus Subscriber Access License (SAL)- 25 GB mailbox storage- Outlook Web Access- POP- IMAP- Outlook Anywhere (MAPI)- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync- Exchange Web Services,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service is a managed instant messaging & presence platform for providing Microsoft Lync 2010 instant messaging and presence.The underlying management of the Lync Server 2010 instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. An instance of Lync Server 2010 is created for each customer on dedicated virtual machines.Includes:- Lync Server 2010 enterprise features & functionalityData CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",SaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,One Lync Server instance is required per customer. Each server instance may host up to 500 users.Includes:- Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Subscriber Access License (SAL)- Lync Server 2010 Enterprise features & functionality,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SharePoint-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SharePoint-as-a-Service is a managed collaboration platform for providing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 sites.The underlying management of the SharePoint server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. An instance of SharePoint Server 2010 is created for each customer on dedicated virtual machines.Includes:- SharePoint 2010 Enterprise features without Internet facing sites- 10 GB storage per instance plus 500 MB per userData CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SharePoint-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise SharePoint-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Sharepoint-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,One SharePoint Server instance is required per customer. Each server instance may host up to 500 users.Units include:- SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Subscriber Access License (SAL)- SharePoint 2010 Enterprise features without Internet facing sites- 10 GB storage per instance plus 500 MB per user,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is a managed Database-as-a-Service platform for hosting Microsoft SQL Server databases.The underlying management of the database server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. The developer / IT operations team is responsible only for managing the schema and content of the data stored within the database itself.Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012 are supported.Data CenterEnterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageEnterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLAEnterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Units include 1 x Microsoft SQL Server Database with 1 GB database storage.,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise MySQL Database-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise MySQL Database-as-a-Service is a managed Database-as-a-Service platform for hosting MySQL databases.The underlying management of the database server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. The developer / IT operations team is responsible only for managing the schema and content of the data stored within the database itself.MySQL version 5.1 and 5.5 is supported.Data CenterCloudCentral Enterprise MySQL Database-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise MySQL Database-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingThis service includes all required software licenses and no additional software licenses are required.SLAEnterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Units include 1 x MySQL Database with 1 GB database storage.,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Monitoring as a Service,"The monitoring solution, utilising the Nimsoft platform gives the visibility needed to proactively monitor and manage performance and availability across even the most complex environments. On top of this, the flexible, modular, and scalable architecture allows customers to rapidly add new IT monitoring capabilities as the infrastructure and business evolves. This unique combination of visibility and extensibility makes Nimsoft Monitor the one solution that can address not only your current, but future monitoring requirements as well.Data CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Monitoring is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Monitoring is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingThis service includes all required software licenses and no additional software licenses are required.SLACloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Monitoring is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",SaaS,Off,Monitoring as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Off,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Basic Server Monitoring (hypervisor or OS) - per serverApplication Server Monitoring (OS plus Application) - per serverNetwork Monitoring - per network device,Australia,ACT - Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Service Desk as a Service,"Nimsoft Service Desk is the service management solution for modern IT. The solution provides action-based workflows built on ITIL standards and years of best-practice knowledge to coordinate all aspects of service delivery and increase customer satisfaction. The flexible and configurable system lets you meet your specific business requirements without the traditional long-term cost and complexity of code-based customization. This simplifies implementation, and allows you to evolve your business processes in a way that reflects the very best of IT thought leaders around the world.Nimsoft Service Desk can also leverage the information collected by Nimsoft Monitor, thereby eliminating communication friction between your operations and service management teams, allowing you to provide better quality service both faster and cheaper.Data CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Service Desk is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Service Desk is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingThis service includes all required software licenses and no additional software licenses are required.SLACloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Service Desk is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",SaaS,Off,Service Desk as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Includes 1 x Nimsoft Service Desk fixed user license and hosting for that user.,Australia,ACT - Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail,"CloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail is a managed email platform for providing Exchange-like mailboxes.The underlying management of the exchange server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral.Includes:- SmarterMail 11 Enterprise Edition- 25 GB mailbox storage- Web Access- POP- IMAP- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync- Exchange Web ServicesData CenterCloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingThis service includes all required software licenses and no additional software licenses are required.SLACloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Includes:- SmarterMail 11 Enterprise Edition- 25 GB mailbox storage- Web Access- POP- IMAP- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync- Exchange Web Services,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Enterprise Storage,"CloudCentral Enterprise Storage includes file & block storage that is made available to customers via industry standard protocols including NFS, CIFS, and ISCSI.CloudCentral Enterprise Storage can be used in conjunction with CloudCentral Enterprise Compute, or as a standalone service which is accessed over the network from the customers premise or installation within the data center.Data CentersCloudCentral Enterprise Storage is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Storage is backed by Oracle ZFS data storage systems featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.SLACloudCentral Enterprise Storage is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB data storage.,Australia,ACT - Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup is a managed service for backing up physical or virtual servers. A backup agent is installed onto each managed server and then backed up over the network to Cloud Central's backup storage repository.The Managed Enterprise Backup service includes the backup agent license, backup management, and 200 GB backup storage per managed server.Backup AgentsThe following backup agents are supported and will be used as per customer choice:- CommVault Simpana- Symantec BackupExec- Zmanda Enterprise- DoubleTake RecoverNowData CentersCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup data is stored on Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degredation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 x backup agent and 200 GB backup storage per server.,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute is managed Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) that puts you in control of your environment. CloudServer's are perfect for running Web Applications, Online Services, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Disaster Recovery (DR), Test & Development, Enterprise Applications, Email & Collaboration, CRM, and more.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute supports the following operating systems:- Windows Server 2008 R2- Windows Server 2012- RedHat Enterprise Linux / CentOS 5 & 6- Oracle Linux 5 & 6- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 12.04 LTSIncluded server management services:24/7 Monitoring 24/7 Emergency SupportFailed Services Restarted Failed System Restarted System and Services Updates Firewall Management Security hardeningSoftware Installation System Software Troubleshooting Rapid emergency service responseRapid emergency hardware replacementProvisioningCloudCentral provides an online web interface and application programming interface (API) to support real-time provisioning of additional resources and changes to existing resources.Our online provisioning systems allow new resources to be provisioned in under 5 minutes, typically new Cloud Servers can be provisioned in 1-2 minutes.Data CenterCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingPricing assumes customer will provide software licensing for operating system and any software the customer wishes to install onto the server under the terms of its existing enterprise licensing agreements.SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Managed Enterprise.Compute capacity units include 1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage and 1 CPU core.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop is a centralized virtual desktop environment that can be accessed from any device including iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac and any other device that supports HTML5.The managed desktop includes a virtualized Windows 7 client experience and can run all existing desktop applications. We have bundled Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Edition and Windows 7 licensing into the service offering.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop can be used as a replacement for existing physical desktops and allows for the life of existing desktop hardware to be extended dramatically as the physical desktop is only used for display purposes rather than processing and data storage.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop features a highly optimized remote desktop protocol based on technology from Ericom that de-duplicates and compresses display data. The benefit is that the remote desktop works well over low-bandwidth Internet connections including 3G and ADSL.Coreplus is used as the technology engine to support this service.Data CenterCloudCentral Managed Enterpise Desktop is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT and TransACT in Dickson ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop is supported by a grid storage architecture that replicates data between members of the grid to maintain at least two copies of desktop data within the grid. Data is stored on enterprise grade SAS hard disks and connected with hardware RAID controllers to the host system.BackupEach desktop is backed up once per day to backup storage contained within the same data center.Replication of the entire desktop to a second data center is provided as an additional cost option.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",Managed Service,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"Include 1 GB RAM, 20 GB storage and 1 CPU core per desktop per user.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery - Tier-1 (Hot DR),"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is a managed disaster recovery service for protecting critical infrastructure.This service works by installing a disaster recovery software agent into each physical or virtual server that requires protection.There are two service levels catering for different Recovery Time Objective (RTO) requirements. This service description describes the Tier-1 'Hot DR' service level, the Tier-2 'Cold DR' service level is described separately.Hot Disaster RecoveryThe first tier service level provides for 'Hot' DR, which provides a one-for-one replica server hosted in the data center for each protected server. Changes from the protected server in the customer environment are replicated asynconrously in near real-time to the DR replica server located in the data center. In the event of a disaster, upon customer request the DR replica server can be made active within 15 minutes of receiving the request.Data CentersCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageManaged Enterprise Disaster Recovery data is stored on Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Microsoft LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA. A recovery SLA of 15 minutes is provided for the Tier-1 'Hot DR' service offering, and a recovery SLA of 2 hours is provided for the Tier-2 'Cold DR' service offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Includes:1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage, 1 CPU core1 x DR software agent per server",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery - Tier-2 Cold DR,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is a managed disaster recovery service for protecting critical infrastructure.This service works by installing a disaster recovery software agent into each physical or virtual server that requires protection.There are two service levels catering for different Recovery Time Objective (RTO) requirements. This service description describes the Tier-2 'Cold DR' service level, the Tier-2 'Hot DR' service level is described separately.Cold Disaster RecoveryThe first tier service level provides for 'Cold DR', which provides a many-to-one replication of protected servers to a central DR repository hosted within a CloudCentral managed data center.A DR agent is installed into each protected server, which then replicates changes from the protected server to the DR repository asynchronously in near real-time.In the event of a disaster, upon customer request, a new virtual server will be provisioned at the data center, and the contents of the protected server will be restored to the newly provisioned server from the DR repository within 2 hours.Data CentersCloudCentral Managed Enterpise Disaster Recovery is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageBackup data is stored on Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degredation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Microsoft LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA. A recovery SLA of 2 hours is provided for the Tier-2 'Cold DR' service offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Includes:- 64 GB storage on DR repository server- 24 hours per month of 1 unit compute capacity (1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage, 1 CPU core)- 1 x DR software agent per server.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage includes file & block storage that is made available to customers via industry standard protocols including NFS, CIFS, and ISCSI.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage can be used in conjunction with CloudCentral Enterprise Compute, or as a standalone service which is accessed over the network from the customers premise or installation within the data center.Management ServicesOur Managed Enterprise Storage storage service differs from our IaaS Enterprise Storage service in that storage management services are supplied:- capacity management- 24x7 alerting- 24x7 monitoring- security lockdown / ACL managementCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage is backed by Oracle ZFS data storage systems featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage is backed by Oracle ZFS data storage systems featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB data storage.,Australia,ACT - Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service - Large Package,"CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is a fully managed open data platform delivered on a monthly service model.<br/><br/>CloudCentral is the official Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) CKAN partner for the Australian region.  We have officially trained and certified technical resources required to deploy, integrate and provide data curation and architecture services to support the CKAN platform.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service includes fully managed infrastructure and support required to operate production open data platforms that are capable of supporting truely massive big data sets to public and private sector data consumers.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Large' package which includes 'CKAN City Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Large Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN City Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- Metadata Form Customization & Branding<br/>- 10-days Professional Services<br/><br/>CKAN Large Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage - 500GB<br/>- Unlimited datasets<br/>- Data API<br/>- API Calls to DataStore - 500k/day<br/>- Tech support 2 days a month SLA included<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW", ,Data Warehousing,Big Data / Open Data,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Large' package which includes 'CKAN City Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Large Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN City Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- Metadata Form Customization & Branding<br/>- 10-days Professional Services<br/><br/>CKAN Large Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage - 500GB<br/>- Unlimited datasets<br/>- Data API<br/>- API Calls to DataStore - 500k/day<br/>- Tech support 2 days a month SLA included,Australia ,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service - Medium Package,"CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is a fully managed open data platform delivered on a monthly service model.<br/><br/>CloudCentral is the official Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) CKAN partner for the Australian region.  We have officially trained and certified technical resources required to deploy, integrate and provide data curation and architecture services to support the CKAN platform.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service includes fully managed infrastructure and support required to operate production open data platforms that are capable of supporting truely massive big data sets to public and private sector data consumers.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Medium' package which includes 'CKAN City Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Medium Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN City Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- Metadata Form Customization & Branding<br/>- 10-days Professional Services<br/><br/>CKAN Medium Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage - 50GB<br/>- Unlimited datasets<br/>- Data API<br/>- API calls to DataStore - 100k/day<br/>- Tech support 1 day a month SLA included<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW", ,Data Warehousing,Big Data / Open Data,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Medium' package which includes 'CKAN City Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Medium Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN City Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- Metadata Form Customization & Branding<br/>- 10-days Professional Services<br/><br/>CKAN Medium Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage - 50GB<br/>- Unlimited datasets<br/>- Data API<br/>- API calls to DataStore - 100k/day<br/>- Tech support 1 day a month SLA included,Australia ,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service - Small Package,"CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is a fully managed open data platform delivered on a monthly service model.<br/><br/>CloudCentral is the official Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) CKAN partner for the Australian region.  We have officially trained and certified technical resources required to deploy, integrate and provide data curation and architecture services to support the CKAN platform.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service includes fully managed infrastructure and support required to operate production open data platforms that are capable of supporting truely massive big data sets to public and private sector data consumers.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'CKAN Small Package' package includes the 'CKAN Demo / Development Deployment Package', and the 'CKAN Small Hosting Package'.  The inclusions for these packages are:<br/><br/>CKAN Demo / Development Deployment Package:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- 2 days support<br/><br/>CKAN Small Hosting Package:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage (1-10GB)<br/>- Up to 20k datasets<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW", ,Data Warehousing,Big Data / Open Data,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Small' package which includes 'CKAN Demo / Development Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Small Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN Demo / Development Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- 2 days support<br/><br/>CKAN Small Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage (1-10GB)<br/>- Up to 20k datasets,Australia ,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service - Medium Package,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service delivers business intelligence and analytics under a platform-as-a-service delivery model on a per-user, per month basis.<br/><br/>CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service features the full capabilities of the MicroStrategy product, and also bundles in CloudCentral Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service for customers operational data store (ODS).<br/><br/>The platform includes MicroStrategy annual software licensing, and the managed platform infrastructure required to deliver an end-to-end solution for the customer.  The customer just needs to bring their imagination, data and busines requirements.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Medium' package which includes 20 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>15 x Consumer Users<br/>2 x Analyst User<br/>2 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW", ,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service is available via four different packages.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Medium' package which includes 20 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>15 x Consumer Users<br/>2 x Analyst User<br/>2 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/>",Australia ,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service - Large Package,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service delivers business intelligence and analytics under a platform-as-a-service delivery model on a per-user, per month basis.<br/><br/>CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service features the full capabilities of the MicroStrategy product, and also bundles in CloudCentral Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service for customers operational data store (ODS).<br/><br/>The platform includes MicroStrategy annual software licensing, and the managed platform infrastructure required to deliver an end-to-end solution for the customer.  The customer just needs to bring their imagination, data and busines requirements.<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW", ,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service is available via four different packages.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Small' package which includes 10 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>7 x Consumer Users<br/>1 x Analyst User<br/>1 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/>",Australia ,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26 128 975 842,CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service - Small Package,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service delivers business intelligence and analytics under a platform-as-a-service delivery model on a per-user, per month basis.<br/><br/>CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service features the full capabilities of the MicroStrategy product, and also bundles in CloudCentral Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service for customers operational data store (ODS).<br/><br/>The platform includes MicroStrategy annual software licensing, and the managed platform infrastructure required to deliver an end-to-end solution for the customer.  The customer just needs to bring their imagination, data and busines requirements.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Small' package which includes 10 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>7 x Consumer Users<br/>1 x Analyst User<br/>1 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW", ,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service is available via four different packages.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Small' package which includes 10 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>7 x Consumer Users<br/>1 x Analyst User<br/>1 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/>",Australia ,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

-CommsNet Group,40 082 926 136,Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring - Professional,"How fast, responsive and available is your website in real time?CommsNet Group Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring is a software as a service solution to optimise the performance and availability of your web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications.We take your Performance Monitoring to the next level. Gain a deep understanding and visibility by measuring real user experience across all browsers, devices, networks and locations. Solve problems much quicker and correlate performance with customer satisfaction and business impact.",SaaS,Off,Web Performance Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Performance Monitoring Professional- Monitoring of a single URL- Up to 20,000 page views- Real time workflow - Path monitoring- Measure real user interaction- Correlate customer satisfaction performance- Measure across all users, locations, browsers, devices- Troubleshoot using detailed object-level, page, connection & host dataAlso includes- Email alerts- SMS Alerts- Telephone support- Monthly report and analysis",Australia,New South Wales,1.79,Tier III,Australia,Victoria,1.8-2.0,Tier II,Australia,Western Australia,1.6,Tier III,,,,,,,,

-CommsNet Group,40 082 926 136,Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring - Standard,"How fast, responsive and available is your website?CommsNet Group Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring is a software as a service solution to optimise the performance and availability of your web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications.- Measure performance from different locations, browsers and devices.- Pinpoint scalability and performance problems- Effectively monitor the most complex web application.",SaaS,Off,Web Performance Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Performance Monitoring Standard - Synthetic Monitoring- Monitoring of a single URL- Performance measures from a single location- Performance measure using Firefox or / and Internet Explorer- 1 measures every 5 minutes or 2 measures from two different geographical regions every 10 minutes. Equates to 8,640 measures per month (30 days)- Monthly report- Email alerts- SMS alerts- Telephone support",Australia,New South Wales,1.79,Tier III,Australia,Victoria,1.8-2.0,Tier II,Australia,Western Australia,1.6,Tier III,,,,,,,,

-CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40 082 926 136,Energy and Environmental Monitoring As A Service (EEMaaS),"Energy and Environmental Monitoring as a Service (EEMaaS)provides at-a-glance insights into such metrics as power usage effectiveness, data center infrastructure efficiency, and power load.Energy and Environmental Monitoring as a Service (EEMaaS) captures real-time data from IT and building infrastructure elements to provide you with a clear and comprehensive picture of power, cooling and energy usage. With Energy and Environmental Monitoring as a Service you can access this comprehensive data through reports, dashboards and portals --enabling more efficient and intelligent energy management.EEMaaS is part of CommsNet Group Performance Monitoring as a Service offering.The technology that we utilise is CA Nimsoft Monitoring as the management platform. Data Centre Infrastructure Manager (DCIM) ecoMeter is a component of Nimostf MonitoringCA Nimsoft ecoMeter provides insight into data center power usage by gathering metrics from meters, sensors and devices in real time. The solution monitors power, energy, temperature, humidity, airflow and more. CA Nimsoft ecoMeter gathers device metrics through a range of protocols, offering support for Modbus, SNMP, and BACnet communications. Because of this broad protocol support, CA Nimsoft ecoMeter can get power and environmental data from virtually any kind of systemCA Nimsoft ecoMeter enables users to collect real-time energy and environmental information across data centers, analyse it to identify issues and hot spots, alert users in the event of adverse conditions and report on consumption and usage.",SaaS,Off,Energy and Environmental Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A unit of service is a device under management. A device is classified as:Modbus devices: Cyberex breaker, E-Mon Power Quality Meter, Eaton PDU, FM200 Fire Panel, ION PDU, Schneider Electric Power Quality Meter, Siemens PDU.SNMP devices: APC Rack PDU, APC Env Rack PDU, APC UPS, PDI PDU, Liebert PDU, Trane Opto CRAC",Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40 082 926 136,Performance Monitoring as a Service,"Performance Monitoringas a Service: A single, unified interface for tracking all the vital, dynamic resources organisations rely on - whether in the cloud or on-premises. It gives organisations all the comprehensive monitoring insights needed to ensure services perform optimally at all times.Performance Monitoring as a Services is designed for Agencies that are looking to:1. Improve service quality for their infrastructure2. Reduce costs of IT Service3. Gain visibility of how your network is performing4. Accelerate problem resolution5. Proactively resolve issues6. Enhance IT enablement of business objectivesPerformance as a Service provides a large array of capabilities. That is:1. Comprehensive in coverage - Our monitoring solution is an efficient, scalable, easy to deploy offering that can manage many elements of your IT environment.2. Has Flexible Licensing and Deployment Arrangement - We can securely monitor business units using either an on-premise or on-demand delivery model.3. Service Level Insights - Our performance monitoring environment provides deep visibility allowing you to quickly respond to issues and problems. And importantly you can effectively report on your service level agreement (SLA) commitments.4. Automation - Our performance monitoring environment can automatically provide you with the necessary information from alerts, reports, monitoring and displays to keep your team focused squarely on remediating problems.",SaaS,Off,Performance Monitoring ,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Unit Description can be defined in the following nine environments:1. Server Monitoring - Microsoft Servers, Cisco UCS, IBM Power Systems, etc2. Storage Monitoring- EMC, NetApp, etc3. Databases Monitoring- IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, etc4. Virtualisation Systems - VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Hyper-V, etc5. Applications Monitoring- Apache, Cisco Voip, Microsoft Lync, SAP, etc6. Networks Devices Monitoring - Cisco Qos, SNMP, Routers, Switches, etc7. ecoMeter Monitoring - Power usage, data centre infrastructure efficiency, etc8. User Experience Monitoring - Application response time9. Data Centre Infrastructure and other Cloud Environments MonitoringAlso Provided: Performance reports, SLA and customized Dashboards and alert notifications.",Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40 082 926 136,Performance Monitoring as a Service,"Performance Monitoringas a Service: A single, unified interface for tracking all the vital, dynamic resources organisations rely on - whether in the cloud or on-premises. It gives organisations all the comprehensive monitoring insights needed to ensure services perform optimally at all times.Performance Monitoring as a Services is designed for Agencies that are looking to:1. Improve service quality for their infrastructure2. Reduce costs of IT Service3. Gain visibility of how your network is performing4. Accelerate problem resolution5. Proactively resolve issues6. Enhance IT enablement of business objectivesPerformance as a Service provides a large array of capabilities. That is:1. Comprehensive in coverage - Our monitoring solution is an efficient, scalable, easy to deploy offering that can manage many elements of your IT environment.2. Has Flexible Licensing and Deployment Arrangement - We can securely monitor business units using either an on-premise or on-demand delivery model.3. Service Level Insights - Our performance monitoring environment provides deep visibility allowing you to quickly respond to issues and problems. And importantly you can effectively report on your service level agreement (SLA) commitments.4. Automation - Our performance monitoring environment can automatically provide you with the necessary information from alerts, reports, monitoring and displays to keep your team focused squarely on remediating problems.",SaaS,Off,Performance Monitoring ,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Unit Description can be defined in the following nine environments:1. Server Monitoring - Microsoft Servers, Cisco UCS, IBM Power Systems, etc2. Storage Monitoring- EMC, NetApp, etc3. Databases Monitoring- IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, etc4. Virtualisation Systems - VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Hyper-V, etc5. Applications Monitoring- Apache, Cisco Voip, Microsoft Lync, SAP, etc6. Networks Devices Monitoring - Cisco Qos, SNMP, Routers, Switches, etc7. ecoMeter Monitoring - Power usage, data centre infrastructure efficiency, etc8. User Experience Monitoring - Application response time9. Data Centre Infrastructure and other Cloud Environments MonitoringAlso Provided: Performance reports, SLA and customized Dashboards and alert notifications.",Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40 082 926 136,Service Desk as a Service,"Service Desk as a Service: A comprehensive SaaS based IT service management solution with built in, ITIL-based best practices and action-based workflow for managing, coordinating and optimizing all aspects of service deliveryI have included a separate document describing the solution",SaaS,Off,Service Desk Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,CommsNet Group Service Desk as a Service- CommsNet Group utilises CA Nimsoft Service Desk.key Elements of Nimsoft Service Desk- Service Catalog & Request Management- Incident Management- Problem Management- Change Management- Configuration Management- Service Level Management- Knowledge Management,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40 082 926 136,Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring,"How fast and responsive is your website?CommsNet Group Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring is a software as a service solution to optimise the performance and availability of your web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications.- Measure performance across all users, locations, browsers and devices.- Pinpoint scalability and performance problems down to the line code- Rapidly isolate, diagnose and resolve performance problems from user click to code line.- Measure real user experience and satisfaction.- Effectively monitor the most complex web application.There are Two Service Offering ""Standard"" and ""Professional""1. Performance Monitoring Standard - A dedicated Performance Monitoring Software as a Service (SaaS) solution providing unparalleled insight into end-user experience. Allowing you to pinpoint scalability and performance problems down to the code.2. Performance Monitoring Professional - Taking your Performance Monitoring to the next level. Gain a deep understanding and visibility by measuring real user experience across all browsers, devices, networks and locations. Solve problems much quicker and correlate performance with customer satisfaction and business impact.",SaaS,Off,Web Performance Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Service DescriptionPerformance Monitoring Standard- Performance measures from two locations- 60 measures per hour (1,440 measures per day)- Dashboard access- Weekly reporting- Pinpoint performance problems down to line of code- Pinpoint scalability problems down to line of codePerformance Monitoring Professional- Includes Performance Monitoring Standard- Real time workflow - Path monitoring- Measure real user interaction- Correlate customer satisfaction performance- Measure across all users, locations, browsers, devices- Troubleshoot using detailed object-level, page, connection & host dataBoth services also include- Email alerts- SMS Alerts- Dashboard configuration- Telephone support- Weekly report and analysis",Australia,New South Wales,,,Australia,Victoria,,,Australia,Western Australia,,,,,,,,,,

-Compuware Asia Pacific,23 063 641 510,Changepoint Program management and Services Automation,"Changepoint provides a single business management solution designed specifically to automate and integrate the processes of service delivery. Organisations can support key delivery processes, easily pinpoint areas for improvement and track critical performance metrics - paving the way to improved resource utilisation, financial control and analysis, and customer/client satisfaction.Changepoint enables the collection of information relating to customers, contacts, planned investments, programmes, portfolios, audits/projects, tasks, applications, resources (including their skills, experience and availability),risks, issues, investigations, complaints etc. and provides executive level real time reporting on current and historic information.The Service offered is a fit to business based engagement intended to enable an Agency to determine the value and benefit of a larger scale implementation. A fit to business engagement is conducted over a 3 month period and includes 25 days of services, all hosting, set up and user licenses for up to 30 users. The Changepoint license model is flexible and will be tailored to the specific needs of the Agency.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 15 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,1 day of services. Service provision includes 25 days.,Canada,Ontario,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Compuware Asia Pacific,23 063 641 510,Changepoint Program management and Services Automation - CRM,"Changepoint provides a single business management solution designed specifically to automate and integrate the processes of service delivery. Organisations can support key delivery processes, easily pinpoint areas for improvement and track critical performance metrics - paving the way to improved resource utilisation, financial control and analysis, and customer/client satisfaction.Changepoint allows Organisations to record all details relating to a customer including all interactions, complaints, investigations, contacts, etc. with the customer. Changepoint's reporting allows an Organisation to see all information, including historic and summary information on a single screen. Complaints, investigations etc. may be managed with the help of workflow.The Service offered is a fit to business based engagement intended to enable an Agency to determine the value and benefit of a larger scale implementation. A fit to business engagement is conducted over a 3 month period and includes 25 days of services, all hosting, set up and user licenses for up to 30 users. The Changepoint license model is flexible and will be tailored to the specific needs of the Agency.",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 15 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,1 day of services. Service provision includes 25 days.,Canada,Ontario,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Compuware Asia Pacific,23 063 641 510,Changepoint Program management and Services Automation - ERP,"Changepoint provides a single business management solution designed specifically to automate and integrate the processes of service delivery. Organisations can support key delivery processes, easily pinpoint areas for improvement and track critical performance metrics - paving the way to improved resource utilisation, financial control and analysis, and customer/client satisfaction.Changepoint enables Investment Planning that includes budgets, resource availability and aligns future investments to corporate strategies, objectives and business priorities. Changepoint is used to manage projects, project portfolios, issues, risks, benefits, resources, schedules, existing investments, etc..Real time executive level reporting allows executives access to accurate current information to support their decision making processes.The Service offered is a fit to business based engagement intended to enable an Agency to determine the value and benefit of a larger scale implementation. A fit to business engagement is conducted over a 3 month period and includes 25 days of services, all hosting, set up and user licenses for up to 30 users. The Changepoint license model is flexible and will be tailored to the specific needs of the Agency.",SaaS,ERP,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 15 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,1 day of services. Service provision includes 25 days.,Canada,Ontario,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Converga Pty Ltd,ACN: 42 063 577 739 ABN: 063 577 739,Converga Digital Mail,"Converga's Digital Mail solution is an innovative yet simple way to receive your mail securely online. Mail sent to you assigned PO Box address is scanned and converted to a digital image, in most cases Adobe PDF. Unscannable items such as magazines and parcels are re-routed and delivered to your desired physical address. Converga's Digital Mail solution can also be customised to automate common documents such as forms and applications.Form AutomationConverga's Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) software and high-speed scanning infrastructure process thousands of paper-based documents such as forms and applications for our clients everyday. Using your business rules and information from your back-end systems, we can provide an automated document approval service for virtually any kind of business document.Automated Claims/Application ProcessingOur application processing solution offers reliable, comprehensive automated application management. It includes receipt, document categorisation, imaging, data capture, workflow management, live file management and tailor-made business rules.The entire process is managed online including a help desk, application management and customer notifications.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,Web based solution is available outside of these hours but there is the need to have scheduled outages for upgrades etc,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Document Digitisation,Australia,NSW,,Tier III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Converga Pty Ltd,ACN: 42 063 577 739 ABN: 063 577 739,Converga Procure 2 Pay (Electronic Invoicing),"Converga Procure 2 Pay (P2P) Fully automates the accounts payable function through the use of our exclusive cascading matching and routing technology. This unique feature allows our customers to experience the utmost in straight through processing. Every invoice coming into the system is reviewed by the matching engine to determine which type of matching will be used. Once evaluated by the system invoices will be pre coded and routed automatically. Invoices with purchase orders are matched both on header and/or line levels. Two, three and four way (tolerance) matching can be done automatically. Even expense (non PO) invoices can be automated through the use of reference matching capabilities inherent to the product. Invoices that match outside the pre-set tolerance level or invoices from new suppliers are automatically forwarded into the workflow process through an easy to use web interface called the InvoiceLog. The concept of easily defining workflow proposals and account coding rules to each and every invoice ensures unlimited workflow flexibility and maximises straight through processing. Additional modules include Buyer, Contracts, Supplier Portal, Expenses and Dashboard.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,Web based solution is available outside of these hours but there is the need to have scheduled outages for upgrades etc,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Invoice Processing,Australia,NSW,,Tier III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65 101 524 172,Apttus Contract Management suite for Government (10 user pack),"Contract WizardQuickly generate an agreement by filling out fields in a form and submit - utilizes standard pre-approved templates.Reduces bottlenecks for legal who do not need to approve any agreements not violating predefined rulesFacilitated easy access for trading partners resulting in rapid agreement creationFull visibility to anyone in your organization who needs to knowContract AuthorDraft and create contracts entirely in MS Word. Full contract creation, negotiation and versioning capabilities.Users don't need to learn a new interface - simply use Word and the application takes care of everything elseLeverage all the power features in the application directly in word - clause libraries, business terms etcFull approval and process management so you can manage and document exceptionsContract ComplyA repository allowing for complete storage and retrieval with advanced compliance management, searching, reporting and dash-boarding capability.One central repository for everything - contracts, documents, tasks, obligations, reports, dashboards etcEnsure you don't miss a renewal, milestone or any obligationDrill down report and dashboard capability allowing you to identify root causesAll Sensitive Contracts or documents can be stored into HP TRIM. This bundle includes a basic integration into your existing HP TRIM system, where all Contracts and Documents will be stored.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Contract Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"10 x Contract Wizard, Contract Author, Contract Comply licenses",Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

-Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65 101 524 172,Apttus Contract Management suite for Government(5 user pack),"Contract WizardQuickly generate an agreement by filling out fields in a form and submit - utilizes standard pre-approved templates.Reduces bottlenecks for legal who do not need to approve any agreements not violating predefined rulesFacilitated easy access for trading partners resulting in rapid agreement creationFull visibility to anyone in your organization who needs to knowContract AuthorDraft and create contracts entirely in MS Word. Full contract creation, negotiation and versioning capabilities.Users don't need to learn a new interface - simply use Word and the application takes care of everything elseLeverage all the power features in the application directly in word - clause libraries, business terms etcFull approval and process management so you can manage and document exceptionsContract ComplyA repository allowing for complete storage and retrieval with advanced compliance management, searching, reporting and dash-boarding capability.One central repository for everything - contracts, documents, tasks, obligations, reports, dashboards etcEnsure you don't miss a renewal, milestone or any obligationDrill down report and dashboard capability allowing you to identify root causesAll Sensitive Contracts or documents can be stored into HP TRIM. This bundle includes a basic integration into your existing HP TRIM system, where all Contracts and Documents will be stored.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Contract Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"5 x Contract Wizard, Contract Author, Contract Comply licenses",Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

-Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65 101 524 172,Complaints Pro (25 user pack),"Complaints Pro combines industry best practice complaints, case and enquiry management process with the world's most trusted software as a service,, to provide an out of the box complaints,case and enquiry management system.Complaints Pro provides:Cloud based Complaints and Case management system with AS ISO 10002 Complaints Handling Best Practise Standard built in.Pre-built Complaints Reports and Dashboards.Secure document and data storage with pre-built integration to HP TRIM.Send and save emails/attachments directly into Complaints Pro with seamless Lotus Notes or MS Outlook Integration.Easy integration from your public website contact us page to Complaints Pro.Anyone in your department / agency can capture Complaints / Cases with the Intranet Complaint/Case capture form.Easy administration forms allow you to take control with no IT knowledge.Acknowledge and Resolution SLA engines ensure nothing falls through the cracks.Expert helpline is just a phone call or email away.No IT servers or databases are required, just an end user computer with internet access.Just set up logins and start using Complaints Pro within hours.25 x MS Outlook or Lotus Notes connectors1 x Intranet Complaints / Case capture form (unlimited users)",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week, 25 x Complaints Pro user licenses15GB file storage1GB of data storage,Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

-Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65 101 524 172,Complaints Pro (5 user pack),"Complaints Pro combines industry best practice complaints, case and enquiry management process with the world's most trusted software as a service,, to provide an out of the box complaints,case and enquiry management system.Complaints Pro provides:Cloud based Complaints and Case management system with AS ISO 10002 Complaints Handling Best Practise Standard built in.Pre-built Complaints Reports and Dashboards.Secure document and data storage with pre-built integration to HP TRIM.Send and save emails/attachments directly into Complaints Pro with seamless Lotus Notes or MS Outlook Integration.Easy integration from your public website contact us page to Complaints Pro.Anyone in your department / agency can capture Complaints / Cases with the Intranet Complaint/Case capture form.Easy administration forms allow you to take control with no IT knowledge.Acknowledge and Resolution SLA engines ensure nothing falls through the cracks.Expert helpline is just a phone call or email away.No IT servers or databases are required, just an end user computer with internet access.Just set up logins and start using Complaints Pro within hours.5 x MS Outlook or Lotus Notes connectors1 x Intranet Complaints / Case capture form (unlimited users)",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,5 x Complaints Pro user licenses3GB file storage1GB of data storage,Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

-Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65 101 524 172,Complaints Pro (50 user pack),"Complaints Pro combines industry best practice complaints, case and enquiry management process with the world's most trusted software as a service,, to provide an out of the box complaints,case and enquiry management system.Complaints Pro provides:Cloud based Complaints and Case management system with AS ISO 10002 Complaints Handling Best Practise Standard built in.Pre-built Complaints Reports and Dashboards.Secure document and data storage with pre-built integration to HP TRIM.Send and save emails/attachments directly into Complaints Pro with seamless Lotus Notes or MS Outlook Integration.Easy integration from your public website contact us page to Complaints Pro.Anyone in your department / agency can capture Complaints / Cases with the Intranet Complaint/Case capture form.Easy administration forms allow you to take control with no IT knowledge.Acknowledge and Resolution SLA engines ensure nothing falls through the cracks.Expert helpline is just a phone call or email away.No IT servers or databases are required, just an end user computer with internet access.Just set up logins and start using Complaints Pro within hours.50 x MS Outlook or Lotus Notes connectors1 x Intranet Complaints / Case capture form (unlimited users)",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,50 x Complaints Pro user licenses30GB file storage1GB of data storage,Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Extra Large,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 8 vCPU x 32 GB vRAM x 750 GB SAN StorageSelect and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Extra Small,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 1 vCPU x 2 GB vRAM x 50 GBSAN Storage Select and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Large,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 8 vCPU x 16 GB vRAM x 500 GBSAN Storage Select and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Medium,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 4 vCPU x 8 GB vRAM x 250 GBSAN Storage Select and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Small,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 2 vCPU x 4 GB vRAM x 100 GBSAN Storage Select and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Premium SAN Storage,CloudCompute Premium SAN Storage is high performance storage for use by CloudCompute Virtual Instances.Premium SAN Storage is suited to applications and databases with very high IO requirements. The Storage Technology is based on a combination of Enterprise Flash and SAS drives.A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre and Virtual Instance are required to be in place for the Agency to be able to request CloudCompute SAN Storage.Further details can be found at,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Premium SAN Storage is provided as usable storage allocated and available for use by Virtual Instances measured on the last day of the billing period.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute SAN Backup,"CloudCompute SAN Backup is used to backup CloudCompute SAN Storage used by CloudCompute Virtual Instances.The data is protected using disk to disk technology and includes offsite replication of the data. The protection of the data is provided for a minimum period of 3 months.A Virtual Data Centre, Virtual Instance and SAN Storage is required to be in place for the Agency to be able to request SAN Backup.Further details can be found at",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,CloudCompute SAN Backup is used to backup SAN Storage used by CloudCompute Virtual Instances.The protection of the data is provided for a minimum period of 3 months and measured on the last day of the billing period.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Select SAN Storage,CloudCompute Select SAN Storage is mid tier performance storage for use by Virtual Instances.Select Storage is used for database workloads and other applications that require good performance storage. The operating system and file data are typically stored on Select storage. The Storage Technology is based on a combination of Enterprise Flash and Near Line SAS drives.A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre and Virtual Instance are required to be in place for the Agency to be able to request SAN Storage.Further details can be found at,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Select SAN Storage is provided as usable storage allocated and available for use by Virtual Instances measured on the last day of the billing period.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Extra Large,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 8 vCPU x 32 GB vRAM x 750 GB SAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Extra Small,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 1 vCPU x 2 GB vRAM x 50 GBSAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Large,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 8 vCPU x 16 GB vRAM x 500 GBSAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Medium,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 4 vCPU x 8 GB vRAM x 250 GBSAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Small,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 2 vCPU x 4 GB vRAM x 100 GBSAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Standard SAN Storage,CloudCompute Standard SAN Storage is storage for use by CloudCompute Virtual Instances.Standard Storage is suitable for development and test workloads and production applications that do not have heavy disk IO requirements. The Storage Technology is based on Near Line SAS drives.A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre and Virtual Instance are required to be in place for the Agency to be able to request SAN Storage.Further details can be found at,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Standard SAN Storage is provided as usable storage allocated and available for use by Virtual Instances measured on the last day of the billing period.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-CSC Australia Pty Limited,008 476 944 / 18 008 476 944,CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre,"A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre (vDC) is the base environment that provides the foundation upon which Agencies can provision additional cloud services (e.g. Virtual Instances, SAN Storage etc).Further details can be found at vDC is the logical entity from which virtual resources are provided. The minimum resources per vDC are: - 8 vCPU - 16 GB vRAM - 200 GB of a SAN Storage Tier (either Premium, Select or Standard)These minimum capacities are not included in the vDC rate, but are billed separately as Virtual Instance and SAN Storage services.A vDC is a logical container for managing storage and compute resources and access provisions. An agency cannot provision other CSC CloudCompute services without first creating at least one vDC. An Agency needs to select either a Silver or Gold service assignment for each vDC. The cost and service level differences between 'Gold' and 'Silver' instances are outlined in the CSC Virtual instance service descriptions . Should an Agency require both Gold and Silver Virtual instances at least two vDC's will need to be provisioned.",IaaS,Compute Services,IaaS Foundation,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre (vDC) is the foundation upon which Agencies can provision additional cloud services. ,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Disaster Recovery,Data#3 provide a complete scaleable Infrastructure as a Service that can be replicated across our Sydney and Brisbane Data Centre locations. As there are two Data Centres our infrastructure can be utilised as a disaster recovery site as required.The Basic DR service is offered utilising a Small virtual server being made available. Depending on specific requirements this service can be scaled up many times to provide a complete DR offering, ,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"small virtual machine (1 x CPU, 2GB RAM and 30GB Systems Disk)",Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Servers - LARGE,"Data#3 provide a 100% on-shore IaaS solution that ranges from the provision of single Virtual Machines (VM's) to banks of servers accessing Terabytes of data for production, pre-production, development, testing, DR environments and QA environments as required.The basic servers can be configured to specific client requirements with CPU's accessing as much memory, as many Terabytes of data as required and is fully scaleable. The configured VM's can then have added additional storage Tier 1 and Tier 2 disk, back-ups, DR etc.The Data#3 Software as a Service is built on top of the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This 100% Australian based platform is based on the ""Secure Multi Tenancy"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data. ", ,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Large Virtual Machine (4 x vCPU with 8GB RAM and 30GB Systems Disk),Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Servers - MEDIUM,"Data#3 provide a 100% on-shore IaaS solution that ranges from the provision of single Virtual Machines (VM's) to banks of servers accessing Terabytes of data for production, pre-production, development, testing, DR environments and QA environments as required. Data#3 provide small, medium and large server options based on specific needs and requirements that can be fully tailored as needed.The basic servers can be configured to specific client requirements with CPU's accessing as much memory, as many Terabytes of data as required and is fully scaleable.The Data#3 Software as a Service is built on top of the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This 100% Australian based platform is based on the Secure Multi Tenancy ""FlexPod"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data. ", ,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,medium virtual machine (2 x vCPU with 4GB RAM and 30GB Systems Disk).,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Servers - SMALL,"Data#3 provide a 100% on-shore IaaS solution that ranges from the provision of single Virtual Machines (VM's) to banks of servers accessing Terabytes of data for production, pre-production, development, testing, DR environments and QA environments as required.The basic servers can be configured to specific client requirements with CPU's accessing as much memory, as many Terabytes of data as required and is fully scaleable.The Data#3 Software as a Service is built on top of the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This 100% Australian based platform is based on the Secure Multi Tenancy ""FlexPod"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data. ", ,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Small Virtual Machine (1 x vCPU with 2GB RAM and 30GB Systems Disk).,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Servers BASIC,"Data#3 provide a 100% on-shore complete IaaS solution that ranges from the provision of basic servers through to full production scale devices. The VM's are scaleable and can be tailored to your exact specifications for RAM, hard disk, multi-tiered storage, operating systems, additional firewalls and back-up options.We provide complete production, pre-production, development, testing, DR environments and QA environments as required. Data#3 offer a range of options that are fully customisable depending on your needsThe basic VM's are quoted but can be upgraded to specifications as required as well as adding additional storage Tier 1 and Tier 2 disk, back-ups, DR etc.", ,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"Basic Virtual Machine (1 x vCPU, 2GB RAM and 30GB System Disk)",Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Physical Servers,"Data#3 are one of Australia's leading Systems Integrators with access to most vendors providing state-of-the-art ICT solutions. We can provision and manage the physical hardware and solutions from the procurement stage right through to asset disposal.The quoted price is for a small server with basic configuration, but can be stepped up to any sized server and most vendors are able to be provisioned through Data#3.", ,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Basic small server with standard small business specifications,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft Essential Enterprise,Data#3 provide a combined solution comprising of Microsoft Exchange (e-mail) Lync (instant messaging) and SharePoint (collaboration). The combination of these 3 solutions significantly improve the effectiveness of workers and provides increased efficiency and productivity., ,Office Productivity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"User account - for Microsoft Exchange, Lync and SharePoint products.",Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft Exchange e-mail,"Microsoft Exchange e-mail software provides enterprise grade security and reliability for e-mail, security, collaboration, calendar and contracts. There are built-in anti-virus and anti-span filters to protect your information and with a 99.99% availability and 24 x 7 x 365 it is a tool that will work with you.The Data#3 Software as a Service solutions are built on the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This platform is based on the Secure Multi Tenancy ""FlexPod"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data. ", ,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,per mailbox (2GB mailbox size),Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft Lync,"Microsoft Lync is a virtual communication tool that links you and your work colleagues. It provides the ability to see colleagues work status, availability, see a photo of them, link up with face to face conferences, manage telephone calls and messages and integrate with Microsoft Office applications from one solution.", ,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,user account for Microsoft Lync,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Business Intelligence,"Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise BI (business intelligence) software provides an enterprise grade collaboration tool that allows users to produce interactive dashboards and scorecards accessing information from Databases, reports and business applications. It is a powerful collaboration tool that can produce interactive dashboards across a number of information sources to allow business decisions to be made that are based on real information.The Data#3 Software as a Service is built on top of the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This 100% Australian based platform is based on the ""Secure Multi Tenancy"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data.", ,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,User account for Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise BI (business intelligence),Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft SharePoint Essentials,"Microsoft SharePoint software provides an enterprise grade collaboration tool that allows users to store, synchronise and share important content.", ,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,User account to Microsoft SharePoint,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Data#3 Limited,010 545 267 / 31 010 545 267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft SharePoint Essentials Collaboration,"Microsoft SharePoint Essentials Collaboration provides compliance across the organisation to manage version control, apply retention schedules and place legal holds across a range of information sources.", ,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,User account for Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Business Intelligence,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,Cloud Services - Iaas/Compute - vCPU and VRAM,Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.Compute provides the IaaS components such as vCPU's and vRAM upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per Uniteach Unit is made up of 1 vCPU (each vCPU = 1000Mhz) and 4GB of vRAM,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,Cloud Services - Iaas/Protect,"Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.Protect provides a number of IaaS components upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements. These include anti-virus (at the hypervisor), firewalling and load-balancing.",IaaS,Web Hosting,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per deviceDevice types can include the following; Physical Firewall Cluster; per Virtual Local Load Balancing Cluster; per Physical Load Balancing Cluster; per Virtual Application Firewall Cluster; per Physical Application Firewall Cluster; per VM (Anti-Virus); per VM (WAN Acceleration),Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,Cloud Services - Iaas/Store Tier 1,Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.Store provides the storage IaaS components upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per GB and per instance,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,Cloud Services - Iaas/Store Tier 2,Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.Store provides the storage IaaS components upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per GB and per instance,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Large Server, 8vCPU, 16GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (8vCPU, 16GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Medium Server, 4vCPU, 8GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (4vCPU, 8GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Small Server, 2vCPU, 4GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(2vCPU, 4GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Very Large Server, 8vCPU, 64GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(8vCPU, 64GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Very Small Server, 1vCPU, 2GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (1vCPU, 2GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red Hat Small Server,2vCPU, 4GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(2vCPU, 4GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red HatLarge Server, 8vCPU, 16GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (8vCPU, 16GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red HatMedium Server, 4vCPU, 8GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (4vCPU, 8GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red HatVery Large Server, 8vCPU, 64GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(8vCPU, 64GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red HatVery Small Server, 1vCPU, 2GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (1vCPU, 2GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSELarge Server, 8vCPU, 16GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (8vCPU, 16GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSEMedium Server, 4vCPU, 8GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (4vCPU, 8GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSESmall Server, 2vCPU, 4GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (2vCPU, 4GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSEVery Large Server, 8vCPU, 64GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(8vCPU, 64GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSEVery Small Server, 1vCPU, 2GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (1vCPU, 2GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135 427 075,Cloud Services - SaaS/Backup as a Service,Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The SaaS/Backup as a Service offering provides the ability to backup Agency infrastructure to the Cloud.,SaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per GB and per instance,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39 135 427 075,Cloud Services - SaaS/Enterprise Exchange as a Service,"Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands. Note Government Agencies and Departments would be required to provide the required Microsoft LicensingThe SaaS/Enterprise Exchange as a Service offering provides best practice, templated deployments designed to fit into the Agencies infrastructure. This deployment is able to be further expanded with additional services such as email archiving, faxing, sms'ing etc.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per mailbox and per environment.,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Business Continuity - Large Running,"Business Continuity Running service is an extension of the Large Standby service that is implemented in the case of a BCP event. Your VMs are held in standby mode and spun up when requested. This offering replaces the Large Standby mode service when initiated. After the BCP incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Business Continuity - Large Standby,"Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service, Business continuity is a great first step in using cloud services.  The Large Standby service provides 10Tb blocks of storage to host your Backup VMs with Dell. In the event of an outage you can spin up your VMs in a very short time using the Running service.  Standby mode provides storage of your VMs without the overhead of compute. In the event Business Continuity is required your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10Tb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Business Continuity - Medium Running,"Business Continuity Running service is an extension of the Medium Standby service that is implemented in the case of a BCP event. Your VMs are held in standby mode and spun up when requested. This offering replaces the Medium Standby mode service when initiated. After the BCP incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Business Continuity - Medium Standby,"Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service, Business continuity is a great first step in using cloud services. The Medium Standby service provides 1Tb blocks of storage to host your Backup VMs with Dell. In the event of an outage you can spin up your VMs in a very short time using the Running service. Standby mode provides storage of your VMs without the overhead of compute. In the event Business Continuity is required your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1Tb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Business Continuity - Small Running,"Business Continuity Running service is an extension of the Small Standby service that is implemented in the case of a BCP event. Your VMs are held in standby mode and spun up when requested. This offering replaces the Small Standby mode service when initiated. After the BCP incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Business Continuity - Small Standby,"Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service, Business continuity is a great first step in using cloud services.  The Small Standby service provides 500Gb blocks of storage to host your Backup VMs with Dell. In the event of an outage you can spin up your VMs in a very short time using the Running service.  Standby mode provides storage of your VMs without the overhead of compute. In the event Business Continuity is required your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,500Gb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Business Continuity with Dell vCloud Datacenter Service,"Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service, Business continuity is a great first step in using cloud services. Host your Backup VM's with Dell and in the event of an outage you can spin up your VM's with dell in a very short time. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB of RAMSSD, SAS, and SATA drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Compute Services,Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Database Services - Dell's SQL as a Service on vCloud,Using Dell's DB as a Service on top of vCloud based IaaS offering to provider SQL as a service to AGIMO clients. Dell Database as a service allows for SQL delivered to clients as a service.Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Disaster Recovery,Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service Disaster recovery is a great first step in using cloud services. Host your Backup VM's with Dell and in the event of an outage you can spin up your VM's with dell in a very short time. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Disaster Recovery - Large Running,"Disaster Recovery - Large Running service is an extension of the Large Standby service that is implemented in the case of a DR event. Your VMs and data are held in standby mode and brought online when requested. This offering replaces the Large Standby mode service when initiated. After the DR incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Disaster Recovery - Large Standby,The Large DR Standby service provides 10Tb blocks of cold DR storage. In the event of a disaster you can access your data or spin up any VMs in seconds using the Running services.  Standby mode provides storage of your data without the overhead of compute. In the event your DR plan is activated your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10Tb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Disaster Recovery - Medium Running,"Disaster Recovery - Medium Running service is an extension of the Medium Standby service that is implemented in the case of a DR event. Your VMs and data are held in standby mode and brought online when requested. This offering replaces the Medium Standby mode service when initiated. After the DR incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Disaster Recovery - Medium Standby,The Medium DR Standby service provides 1Tb blocks of cold DR storage. In the event of a disaster you can access your data or spin up any VMs in seconds using the Running services.  Standby mode provides storage of your data without the overhead of compute. In the event your DR plan is activated your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1Tb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Disaster Recovery - Small Running,"Disaster Recovery - Small Running service is an extension of the Small Standby service that is implemented in the case of a DR event. Your VMs and data are held in standby mode and brought online when requested. This offering replaces the Small Standby mode service when initiated. After the DR incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia..",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Disaster Recovery - Small Standby,The Small DR Standby service provides 500Gb blocks of cold DR storage. In the event of a disaster you can access your data or spin up any VMs in seconds using the Running service.  Standby mode provides storage of your data without the overhead of compute. In the event your DR plan is activated your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,500Gb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Encryption Services,The number one inhibitor to using cloud services is security. Dell vCloud uses the TrendMicro SecureCloud offering to encrypt a volume of storage in vCloud and that key is then stored in an another country with TrendMicro and even Dell can not see the data in the Cloud offering. TrendMicro then manages the keys and the key management system for access to the encrypted data. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Optional Encryption Services for all sub categories,The number one inhibitor to using cloud services is security.  Dell vCloud uses the TrendMicro SecureCloud offering to encrypt a volume of storage in vCloud and that key is then stored in an another country with TrendMicro and even Dell can not see the data in the Cloud offering.  TrendMicro then manages the keys and the key management system for access to the encrypted data. This service can be applied to all volumes in all other offerings as required.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per volume encrypted,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Optional Storage as a Service per month SAS,With Dell's Storage As a Service clients can buy storage capacity on SAS drives. Storage is provided through a single CPU server. The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB SAS per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency),Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Optional Storage as a Service per month SATA,With Dell's Storage As a Service clients can buy storage capacity on SATA drives. Storage is provided through a single CPU server. The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB SATA per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency),Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Seasonal Peak Bursting,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand. Dell's cloud is perfect for this by allowing for hourly and monthly billing with no contract length requirements. Dell's Clients can spin up a VM and only pay for it when they are using it. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Large hourly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Large VM instance within seconds. A Large instance provides capacity to run enterprise class applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Large monthly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Large VM instance within seconds. A Large instance provides capacity to run enterprise class applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Medium hourly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Medium VM instance within seconds. A Medium instance provides capacity to run medium to large applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Medium monthly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Medium VM instance within seconds. A Medium instance provides capacity to run medium to large applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Small hourly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Small VM instance within seconds. A Small instance provides the basic capacity to run small to medium applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Small monthly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Small VM instance within seconds. A Small instance provides the basic capacity to run small to medium applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia. ,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Storage as a Service,"With Dell's Storage As a Service clients can buy SSD, SAS, and SATA drives through Dell's vCloud as a service offering. The storage offering allows for slow and cost effective all the way to very fast disk. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Test _ Development Environments Large hourly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Large Development environment provides a powerful sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Test _ Development Environments Large monthly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Large Development environment provides a powerful sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Test _ Development Environments Medium hourly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Medium Development environment provides a general purpose sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Test _ Development Environments Medium monthly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Medium Development environment provides a general purpose sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Test _ Development Environments Small hourly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Small Development environment provides a basic sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Test _ Development Environments Small monthly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Small Development environment provides a basic sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Test __ Development Environments,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients spin up a Virtual Server for Test and Development environments on demand. Customers can provision Virtual Servers in seconds. Dell's Clients can spin up a VM and only pay for it when they are using it. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,VCloud Compute Services - Large hourly,"Large vCloud Compute Services provide you with a powerful compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,VCloud Compute Services - Large monthly,"Large vCloud Compute Services provide you with a powerful compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,VCloud Compute Services - Medium hourly,"Medium vCloud Compute Services provide you with a medium capacity compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,VCloud Compute Services - Medium monthly,"Medium vCloud Compute Services provide you with a medium capacity compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,VCloud Compute Services - Small hourly,"Small vCloud Compute Services provide you with a basic compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,VCloud Compute Services - Small monthly,"Small vCloud Compute Services provide you with a basic compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Virtual Server,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients spin up a Virtual Server on demand. Customers can provision Virtual Servers in seconds. Dell's Clients can spin up a VM and only pay for it when they are using it. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Virtual Server - Large hourly,"Large vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with enterprise compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Virtual Server - Large monthly,"Large vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with enterprise compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Virtual Server - Medium hourly,"Medium vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with moderate compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Virtual Server - Medium monthly,"Medium vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with moderate compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Virtual Server - Small hourly,"Small vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with a basic compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dell Australia Pty Ltd,ACN: 003 855 561 ABN: 46 003 855 561,Virtual Server - Small monthly,"Small vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with a basic compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Collaboration Services - Cloud Services for Microsoft - Exchange User,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",PaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Exchange (and SharePoint and Lync) user,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Collaboration Services - Cloud Services for Microsoft - Sharepoint User,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns. For installations on physical servers, Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Sharepoint user (and Lync user and Exchange User),Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Compute Service - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via either private WAN or the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Units Consumed,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Document Management - Cloud Services for Sharepoint,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Sharepoint User,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Email - Cloud Services for Exchange,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.For installations on physical servers, Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Mailbox,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Instant Messaging Services - Cloud Services for Lync,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.For installations on physical servers, Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Lync user,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Office Productivity Services - Cloud Services for Microsoft,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.For installations on physical servers, Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"User (of Exchange, Sharepoint or Lync)",Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239 ,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Units Consumed,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Test Development Environment - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via either private WAN or the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Consumption,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Virtual Server - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via either private WAN or the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Consumption,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Dimension Data Australia,ACN 003 371 239 ABN 65 003 371 239,Web Hosting - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via either private WAN or the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Consumption,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808.0,Customised Management Systems - eBMS Hosted,"eBMS automates paper-based & spreadsheet type registers or old legacy systems into robust & customized systems using an affordable and feature rich web-based management platform.Examples of systems include Risk-, Contract-, HR-, Fleet-, OHS-, Compliance-, Case Management, etc.We use our Australian made & proven technology platform to offer unprecedented customisation for the delivery of tailored fit systems. The benefits are that our current clients claim productivity improvements of up to 40% while offering them greater process transparency, control, governance and pro-active management capability. Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customization, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : One System Module with 150 usersExample: Contract Management System with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808.0,Customised Management Systems - Self Hosted,"eBMS automates paper-based & spreadsheet type registers or old legacy systems into robust & customized systems using an affordable and feature rich web-based management platform.Examples of systems include Risk-, Contract-, HR-, Fleet-, OHS-, Compliance-, Case Management, etc.We use our Australian made & proven technology platform to offer unprecedented customisation for the delivery of tailored fit systems. The benefits are that our current clients claim productivity improvements of up to 40% while offering them greater process transparency, control, governance and pro-active management capability. Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customization, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,A Unit : One System Module with 150 usersExample: Contract Management System with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808.0,Register & Process Systemisation for Large Size Projects - (eBMS Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 70 Data Capturing Templates for 150 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808.0,Register & Process Systemisation for Large Size Projects - (Self Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 70 Data Capturing Templates for 150 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808.0,Register & Process Systemisation for Medium Size Projects - (eBMS Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 25 Data Capturing Templates for 150 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808.0,Register & Process Systemisation for Medium Size Projects - (Self Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 25 Data Capturing Templates for 150 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808.0,Register & Process Systemisation for Small Projects - (eBMS Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 10 Data Capturing Templates for 80 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 80 users. ,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808.0,Register & Process Systemisation for Small Projects - (Self Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 10 Data Capturing Templates for 80 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 80 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Email Security Services,"Optional security add-on services to Emantra Hosted Exchange enterprise email solution. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Services include Windows Rights Management (for document protection), Fedlink encryption, high-level filtering and monitoring, and Australian Government compliant info-class email tagging and smart routing.Services typically involve an engagement and analysis fee, implementation fee and a monthly pay as you use licence fee.",IaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Tailored security service per mailbox.,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Blackberry Enterprise Server add-on to Emantra Hosted Exchange service,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Blackberry Enterprise Server service utilizing RIM Blackberry and Microsoft Active-Sync technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,Email - Blackberry,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Full Microsoft Exchange integration with one Blackberry device.,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed customer relationship management system utilizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 user with 2GB aggregateable database allowance,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 10GB Mailbox,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Email service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox including Outlook client with Outlook Web App access - 10GB mailbox storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 1GB Mailbox,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Email service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox including Outlook client with Outlook Web App access - 1GB mailbox storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 2GB Mailbox,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Email service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox including Outlook client with Outlook Web App access - 2GB mailbox storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 5GB Mailbox,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Email service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox including Outlook client with Outlook Web App access - 5GB mailbox storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft Project Server 2010,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed cproject management system service utilizing Microsoft Project Server 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.",SaaS,Office Productivity,Project Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 user with 2GB aggregateable database allowance,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft SharePoint 2010 - Enterprise Edition Server - SaaS,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed collaboration, portal, document management, website content management and workflow automation system service utilizing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user of Microsoft Exchange SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Edition with 100GB aggregated storage capacity,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft SharePoint 2010 - Foundation Site,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed collaboration, portal, document management, website content management and workflow automation system service utilizing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user of Microsoft Exchange SharePoint 2010 Foundation site with 100GB aggregated storage capacity,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Microsoft SharePoint 2010 - Standard Edition Server,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed collaboration, portal, document management, website content management and workflow automation system service utilizing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user of Microsoft Exchange SharePoint Server 2010 Standard Edition with 100GB aggregated storage capacity,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Physical Servers - Basic Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Physical Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based. The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic Server - 1x CPU QuadCore 4GB RAM 2x 300GB RAID1 HDD SASStandard - 1x CPU SixCore 16GB RAM 4x 300GB RAID10 HDD SASPremium (2x CPU SixCore 64GB RAM 6x 600GB RAID10 HDD SAS",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Basic Server - 1x CPU QuadCore 4GB RAM 2x 300GB RAID1 HDD SAS,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Physical Servers - Premium Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Physical Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based. The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic Server - 1x CPU QuadCore 4GB RAM 2x 300GB RAID1 HDD SASStandard - 1x CPU SixCore 16GB RAM 4x 300GB RAID10 HDD SASPremium (2x CPU SixCore 64GB RAM 6x 600GB RAID10 HDD SAS",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Premium Physical Server - 2x CPU SixCore 64GB RAM 6x 600GB RAID10 HDD SAS,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Physical Servers - Standard Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Physical Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based. The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic Server - 1x CPU QuadCore 4GB RAM 2x 300GB RAID1 HDD SASStandard - 1x CPU SixCore 16GB RAM 4x 300GB RAID10 HDD SASPremium (2x CPU SixCore 64GB RAM 6x 600GB RAID10 HDD SAS",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Standard Physical Server - 1x CPU SixCore 16GB RAM 4x 300GB RAID10 HDD SAS,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Secure Email Archive - Premium,"Enterprise-grade Secure Email Archive service utilizing Symantec EnterpriseVault technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes the relevant Symantec licence, 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.",SaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Symantec EnterpriseVault appliance based Secure Email Archive 10GB storage for 1 mailbox,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Secure Email Archive - Standard,"Enterprise-grade Secure Email Archive service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Microsoft Exchange Secure Email Archive 10GB storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Secure Storage - 1000GB,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 1000GB,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Secure Storage - 100GB,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 100GB,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Secure Storage - 10GB,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 10GB,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Secure Storage - 5 Terabytes,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 5 Terabytes,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Secure Storage - 500GB,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 500GB,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted SQL Server Enterprise Edition Platform,"This service is an optional addition to Emantra's Hosted Virtual and Physical Servers. It provides for one dedicated instance of SQL Server 2012/2008 to act as a database server on that underlying infrastructure. It is suitable for running any third-party SQL based application. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",PaaS,Database Services,Suitable for hosting own SQL application,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1x Dedicated Instance SQL Server Enterprise Edition Role on Virtual or Physical Server. Excludes cost of underlying server.,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted SQL Server Standard Edition Platform,"This service is an optional addition to Emantra's Hosted Virtual and Physical Servers. It provides for one dedicated instance of SQL Server 2012/2008 to act as a database server on that underlying infrastructure. It is suitable for running any third-party SQL based application. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",PaaS,Database Services,Suitable for hosting own SQL application,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1x Dedicated Instance SQL Server Standard Edition Role on Virtual or Physical Server. Excludes cost of underlying server.,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Virtual Servers - Basic Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Virtual Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic - 1x VCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB HDD/SANStandard - 2x VCPU, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD/SANPremium - 4x VCPU, 16GB RAM, 500GB HDD/SAN",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"Basic Virtual Server - 1x VCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB HDD/SAN",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Virtual Servers - Premium Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Virtual Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based. The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic - 1x VCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB HDD/SANStandard - 2x VCPU, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD/SANPremium - 4x VCPU, 16GB RAM, 500GB HDD/SAN",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Virtual Server - 4x VCPU, 16GB RAM, 500GB HDD/SAN",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Virtual Servers - Standard Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Virtual Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic - 1x VCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB HDD/SANStandard - 2x VCPU, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD/SANPremium - 4x VCPU, 16GB RAM, 500GB HDD/SAN",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Virtual Server - 2x VCPU, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD/SAN",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Hosted Web Servers,"This service is an optional addition to Emantra's Hosted Virtual and Physical Servers. It provides for one dedicated instance of Windows Server 2012/2008 to act as a web server on that underlying infrastructure. It is suitable for hosting high performance websites. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Web Server Role including Windows Server 2012/2008R2 operating system and IIS8/7, suitable for high performance website hosting. Excludes cost of underlying virtual or physical server.",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Edition (incl Web Conferencing),"Enterprise-grade fully-managed desktop instant messaging service utilizing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,Instant Messaging,"Plus Presence, Web conferencing, Exchange and VOIP integratable",24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Edition (incl Web Conferencing),Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Standard Edition (excl Web Conferencing),"Enterprise-grade fully-managed desktop instant messaging service utilizing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,Instant Messaging,"Plus Presence, Exchange and VOIP integratable",24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Standard Edition (excl Web Conferencing),Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Shared Rack Space (Bring your own server) - Hi Touch Service,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Co-location Services tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers three standard levels of Co-lo service: No Touch (secure housing and connection only), Lo touch (plus ping monitoring and alert), Hi Touch (plus full server and bandwidth monitoring and daily back-up with 100GB allowance). Patching and other hands-on services also available, POA.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"1 Rack Unit (""RU"") per month",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Shared Rack Space (Bring your own server) - Lo Touch Service,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Co-location Services tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers three standard levels of Co-lo service: No Touch (secure housing and connection only), Lo touch (plus ping monitoring and alert), Hi Touch (plus full server and bandwidth monitoring and daily back-up with 100GB allowance). Patching and other hands-on services also available, POA.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"1 Rack Unit (""RU"") per month",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-Emantra Pty Ltd,ACN 116 306 453 / ABN 98 116 306 453,Shared Rack Space (Bring your own server) - No Touch,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Co-location Services tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers three standard levels of Co-lo service: No Touch (secure housing and connection only), Lo touch (plus ping monitoring and alert), Hi Touch (plus full server and bandwidth monitoring and daily back-up with 100GB allowance). Patching and other hands-on services also available, POA.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"1 Rack Unit (""RU"") per month",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

-eMite,44 108 495 861,eMite Service Intelligence,"eMite's Service Intelligence Platform has been enabling IT departments and IT Outsourcers to Engage Pro-actively since 2007.eMite Service Intelligence Platform combines Analytics, Correlation, Capacity, Performance, Availability, and SLA Management into a single, out of the box solution. From the outset the aims have been to aggregate from any data source, provide multiple Service Models for both business and IT and to deliver this with a Presentation Layer that is truly end user driven.",SaaS,Information Management,"IT Service Management, Dashboard, Reporting and Capacity Planning",24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"A unit is a METRIC.A metric is a number or count that has a value / measurement of things like CPU, Disk Space, Response Time, Transaction Count, Que Length, etc. The metric can be collected 1000's of time per day but it is still considered as a single metric. Each Metric will have an actual value, a predicted value, a Min, Max and Average. A metric is a time series value. A metric can also be a transaction count for reporting on things like Service Desk Tickets.",Australia,NSW,,TIA 942 - Australian Data Centre Standard,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Business Continuity - Guaranteed Seats - 24x7,"In the event an agency needs an alternate office location to continue its operations, provision of guaranteed access to business continuity shared seats* with PCs and telephones are available via a subscription service per guaranteed seat per office location. Guaranteed seats includes us of shared office facilities, fax, photocopiers, printers. Shared access to meeting rooms and command center, use of kitchen facilities including use of coffee, tea and bar/food preparation areas during a rehearsal or in the event of a declaration. Guaranteed Seating: Is defined as the guaranteed availability of seats (not pre-allocated) in the event of a disaster declaration.Use of voice charges when onsite charged at cost, consumables to be supplied by agency. WAN and data transmission to be provided by agency preferred telecommunications provider to provide specific agency communication requirements. Service includes storage space and power of a network termination devices no more than 1RU in height with dimensions 300mmx400mm or less (maximum power and cooling allocation of 0.25kw). Capability for up to 100 call centre seats. Setup includes - site and resources setup; contract establishment, security authorisation, planning and implementation of client procedures. Telephony standard services setup includes up to 2 terminating numbers (includes a single queue for each number). Rehearsal: Allocated rehearsal of 2 days per annum of eight hour blocks during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 Guaranteed seat = guaranteedaccess to desk, PC and telephone for 12 months.An event fee applies, then usage fee based on seats and number of days.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Business Continuity - Guaranteed Seats - Business Hours,"In the event an agency needs an alternate office location to continue its operations, provision of guaranteed access to business continuity shared seats* with PCs and telephones are available via a subscription service per guaranteed seat per office location. Guaranteed seats includes us of shared office facilities, fax, photocopiers, printers. Shared access to meeting rooms and command center, use of kitchen facilities including use of coffee, tea and bar/food preparation areas during a rehearsal or in the event of a declaration. Guaranteed Seating: Is defined as the guaranteed availability of seats (not pre-allocated) in the event of a disaster declaration.Use of voice charges when onsite charged at cost, consumables to be supplied by agency. WAN and data transmission to be provided by agency preferred telecommunications provider to provide specific agency communication requirements. Service includes storage space and power of a network termination devices no more than 1RU in height with dimensions 300mmx400mm or less (maximum power and cooling allocation of 0.25kw). Capability for up to 100 call centre seats. Setup includes - site and resources setup; contract establishment, security authorisation, planning and implementation of client procedures. Telephony standard services setup includes up to 2 terminating numbers (includes a single queue for each number). Rehearsal: Allocated rehearsal of 2 days per annum of eight hour blocks during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 Guaranteed seat = guaranteedaccess to desk, PC and telephone for 12 months.An event fee applies, then usage fee based on seats and number of days.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Business Continuity - Shared Seats - 24x7,"In the event an agency needs an alternate office location to continue its operations, provision of shared access to business continuity shared seats* with PCs and telephones are available via a subscription service per shared seat per office location. Shared seats includes us of shared office facilities, fax, photocopiers, printers. Shared access to meeting rooms and command center, use of kitchen facilities including use of coffee, tea and bar/food preparation areas during a rehearsal or in the event of a declaration. Shared seats: access to seats on a shared basis during disaster declaration. Use of voice charges when onsite charged at cost, consumables to be supplied by agency. WAN and data transmission to be provided by agency preferred telecommunications provider to provide specific agency communication requirements.Service includes storage space and power of a network termination devices no more than 1RU in height with dimensions 300mmx400mm or less (maximum power and cooling allocation of 0.25kw). Capability for up to 100 call centre seats. Setup includes - site and resources setup; contract establishment, security authorisation, planning and implementation of client procedures. Telephony standard services setup includes up to 2 terminating numbers (includes a single queue for each number). Rehearsal: Allocated rehearsal of 2 days per annum of eight hour blocks during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 Shared seat = shared access to desk, PC and telephone for 12 months.An event fee applies, then usage fee based on seats and number of days.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Business Continuity - Shared Seats - Business Hours,"In the event an agency needs an alternate office location to continue its operations, provision of shared access to business continuity shared seats* with PCs and telephones are available via a subscription service per shared seat per office location. Shared seats includes us of shared office facilities, fax, photocopiers, printers. Shared access to meeting rooms and command center, use of kitchen facilities including use of coffee, tea and bar/food preparation areas during a rehearsal or in the event of a declaration. Shared seats: access to seats on a shared basis during disaster declaration. Use of voice charges when onsite charged at cost, consumables to be supplied by agency. WAN and data transmission to be provided by agency preferred telecommunications provider to provide specific agency communication requirements.Service includes storage space and power of a network termination devices no more than 1RU in height with dimensions 300mmx400mm or less (maximum power and cooling allocation of 0.25kw). Capability for up to 100 call centre seats. Setup includes - site and resources setup; contract establishment, security authorisation, planning and implementation of client procedures. Telephony standard services setup includes up to 2 terminating numbers (includes a single queue for each number). Rehearsal: Allocated rehearsal of 2 days per annum of eight hour blocks during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 Shared seat = shared access to desk, PC and telephone for 12 months.An event fee applies, then usage fee based on seats and number of days.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 1kw Melbourne - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 1kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility, Mitcham1 (Mitcham);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 1kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 1kw Sydney - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 1kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility,Norwest 1 (Baulkham Hills);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 1kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 2kw Melbourne - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 2kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility, Mitcham1 (Mitcham);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 2kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 2kw Sydney - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 2kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility,Norwest 1 (Baulkham Hills);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 2kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 3kw Melbourne - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 3kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility, Mitcham1 (Mitcham);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 3kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78 081 017 914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 3kw Sydney - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 3kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility,Norwest 1 (Baulkham Hills);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 3kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Backup & Recovery as a Service,"Remotely Backup Servers, Virtual Machines, Databases, Email Systems, Operating Systems and Files. Agent is installed at the Hypervisor or Operating System Layer, enabling imaged based backup and restoration, file based backup and restoration or (where supported) application level backup and restoration. Restores are enacted via self service portal. Deduplication Software allows for large data sets to be backed up over skinny network links.Backup & Recovery over the internet using EMC Avamar software. Pricing Applies per GB backed up, with a retention schedule of 30 Daily Full Backups.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,"Per GB of Data Backed up per month (billing based on largest daily backup per month). Provisioning cost unit is Per server (Windows, Linux) - May be Virtual or Physical",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Disaster Recovery (Basic),"When Purchased alongside Ethan 'Backup Services', the Disaster Recovery service will reserve space in Ethan IAAS platform for restoration of Virtual Servers. Servers may be powered on for testing/recovery purposes for 8 weeks per annum, measured if servers are powered on any time during any week. If Servers exceed the 8 weeks then pricing resorts to the monthly pricing allocated in the 'Virtual Servers' Offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Basic Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Disaster Recovery (Performance),"When Purchased alongside Ethan 'Backup Services', the Disaster Recovery service will reserve space in Ethan IAAS platform for restoration of Virtual Servers. Servers may be powered on for testing/recovery purposes for 8 weeks per annum, measured if servers are powered on any time during any week. If Servers exceed the 8 weeks then pricing resorts to the monthly pricing allocated in the 'Virtual Servers' Offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Performance Specification is 4VCPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Disaster Recovery (Standard),"When Purchased alongside Ethan 'Backup Services', the Disaster Recovery service will reserve space in Ethan IAAS platform for restoration of Virtual Servers. Servers may be powered on for testing/recovery purposes for 8 weeks per annum, measured if servers are powered on any time during any week. If Servers exceed the 8 weeks then pricing resorts to the monthly pricing allocated in the 'Virtual Servers' Offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Standard Specification is 2VCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Email - Hosted Exchange,"Hosted MS Exchange 2010. Includes Management of the Operating System, Exchange Platform, and Outlook Application Support.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,Per Mailbox. Maximum Mailbox Size 10GB.,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Instant Messaging - Hosted Lync,"Hosted MS Lync Server Standard. Includes Management of the Operating System, Lync Platform, and Lync Client Application Support.",SaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,Per User.,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Storage,"Hosted Storage. Must be connected to 'Virtual Server', 'TestDevelopment Environment' or 'Virtual Desktop'. Provisioned on High Speed SAS disk within EMC SAN array, with 'FAST' Tiering and Array based EFD for high IOPS Servers / periods. Storage is Presented as a disk to the Operating System of 'Virtual Server'. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,Per 10GB,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Test/Development Environment - IAAS Hosting (Basic),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Dev Test,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Basic Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Test/Development Environment - IAAS Hosting (Performance),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Dev Test,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Performance Specification is 4VCPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB Disk",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Test/Development Environment - IAAS Hosting (Standard),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Dev Test,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Standard Specification is 2VCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB Disk",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Virtual Desktop - Standard,Virtual Desktop (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Agency Based hosting environment. Accessible from the local network.,PaaS,Virtual Desktop,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Desktop. Standard Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Virtual Servers - IAAS Hosting (Basic),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Basic Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Virtual Servers - IAAS Hosting (Performance),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Performance Specification is 4VCPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Virtual Servers - IAAS Hosting (Standard),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Standard Specification is 2VCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Website Hosting - IAAS Hosting (Basic),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Basic Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk Storage",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Website Hosting - IAAS Hosting (Performance),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Performance Specification is 4VCPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB Disk Storage",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ethan Group,93 099 503 456,Website Hosting - IAAS Hosting (Standard),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Standard Specification is 2VCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB Disk Storage",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Linux Large,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (4); RAM (8GB); Disk Space (250GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Linux Medium,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (2); RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Linux Micro,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (512 mb); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Linux Small,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Windows Large,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (4); RAM (8GB); Disk Space (250GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Windows Medium,"Customise your requirements for High AvailabilityCompute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (2); RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Windows Micro,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (512mb); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Windows Small,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services Excess Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our Monthly Compute Services (Windows and Linux) which has not been pre paid prior to the start of a monthBlocks of Bandwidth can be pre purchased at a lower rate and there will be no additional charges if the pre paid quota is not reachedShould the pre paid quota be exceeded this excess rate will be charged for all usage over and above the pre paid limit,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Excess Data transfer (IN + OUT),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services Pre Paid Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our Monthly Compute Services (Windows and Linux) which is pre paid prior to the start of a monthBlocks of Bandwidth can be pre purchased at this rate and there will be no additional charges if the pre paid quota is not reachedShould the pre paid quota be exceeded an excess rate will be charged for all usage over and above the pre paid limit,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Data transfer (IN + OUT),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machine Pre Paid Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our Monthly Virtual Servers (Windows and Linux) which is pre paid prior to the start of a monthBlocks of Bandwidth can be pre purchased at this rate and there will be no additional charges if the pre paid quota is not reachedShould the pre paid quota be exceeded an excess rate will be charged for all usage over and above the pre paid limit,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Data transfer (IN + OUT),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Linux Large,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (4); RAM (8GB); Disk Space (250GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Linux Medium,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (2); RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Linux Small,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Windows Large,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (4); RAM (8GB); Disk Space (250GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Windows Medium,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (2); RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Windows Micro,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (512mb); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Windows Small,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Servers Excess Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our Monthly Virtual Servers (Windows and Linux) which has not been pre paid prior to the start of a monthBlocks of Bandwidth can be pre purchased at a lower rate and there will be no additional charges if the pre paid quota is not reachedShould the pre paid quota be exceeded this excess rate will be charged for all usage over and above the pre paid limit,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Excess Data transfer (IN + OUT),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Compute Services - Linux Large,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (4);RAM (8GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Compute Services Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our PAYG Compute Services (Windows and Linux).Bandwidth is charged at a fixed rate per GB utilised IN + OUT and invoiced in arrears at the end of each month along with resource usage,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Data transfer,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Virtual Machines - Linux Large,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantlycreate and manage your own Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (4);RAM (8GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Virtual Machines Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our PAYG Virtual Servers (Windows and Linux).Bandwidth is charged at a fixed rate per GB utilised IN + OUT and invoiced in arrears at the end of each month along with resource usage,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Data transfer,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Windows Small,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Linux Medium,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (2);RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Linux Micro,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (128MB); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Linux Small,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Windows Large,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (4);RAM (8GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Windows Medium,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (2);RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Windows Micro,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (128MB); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Windows Small,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Linux Medium,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (2);RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Linux Micro,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantlycreate and manage your own Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (128MB); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Linux Small,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Windows Large,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (4);RAM (8GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Windows Medium,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (2);RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fluccs,65 109 918 747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Windows Micro,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantlycreate and manage your own High Availability Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (128MB); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fujitsu Australia Limited,10 001 011 427,Unified Communication as a Service,"Fujitsu's Cloud based collaboration service (UCaaS) provides a dedicated Australian cloud hosted Microsoft Lync Server 2010 service which can be consumed on a Per User per Month procurement model.Through the Microsoft Lync interface, users can start an instant messaging session with a single contact or multiple contacts. After starting an instant messaging session, users can invite other contacts to the session and add audio and video to the session without opening a new Conversation window.The solution within UCaaS includes the capability of Presence. Presence is a feature of Microsoft Lync Server 2010 that indicates a user's current availability allowing users to communicate with the right person at the right time. Presence awareness can extend to other Office applications and SharePoint. In each case the same presence indicator shows availability with the same interactive contact card and allows the opportunity to initiate communication from within those applications. Lync connects presence information with the MaaS solution. This includes presence status updates based on Exchange calendar information, IM and presence in Outlook Web Apps, out-of-office messages in Lync 2010, and presence status and click-to-communicate in from properly configured Outlook clients also running the Lync client software.UCaaS service provides peer-to-peer file transfer capability enabling users to transfer files within a conversation avoiding clogging of email systems.The collaboration Service leverages Symantec Enterprise Vault and Symantec IM Manager as a common compliance storage and management tool. Instant messaging conversations will be recorded within this compliance tool and be searchable through a single consistent interface. This service does not include Call Detail Records (CDR) for video or voice calls made using Lync.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"User, StorageAssumptions are 1000 users, HA=99.9%, customer supplied user licenses. Included in unit cost for standard Lync. Enterprise voice provisioning incurs additional costs depending on complexity and requirements.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fujitsu Australia Limited,10 001 011 427,Collaboration as a Service,"Fujitsu's Collaboration as a Service delivers the level of security, resilience and performance that enterprises require, enabling customers to reduce IT costs and focus on their core business.Collaboration as a Service is delivering Microsoft SharePoint on the Fujitsu Cloud with the flexibility to meet business and users requirements. It is designed for all types of users from executive and power users to desk less and mobile workers, with options of a Dual site DR service.Collaboration as a Service provides customers with an enterprise grade Microsoft SharePoint environment on shared or dedicated virtual machines, scalable storage capacity and cloud-based backup services hosted in Fujitsu's data centres.Collaboration as a Service also consists of Supporting Service Elements that provide the foundation and control for the execution of support activities delivered through the service. These supporting elements are a mandatory component of the service:Infrastructure Management of the server, storage and networking componentsData Centre Services including facilities management and data centre operationsService Management including service desk and standard ITIL processes.Collaboration as a Service is designed to provide customers with a cost effective solution that delivers business class performance, flexibility, availability and scalability as standard.Fujitsu's Collaboration as a Service enables customers to use Fujitsu's computing and storage resources, as needed, paying just for the amount of resources required, under a Cloud consumption model.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"User, StorageAssumptions are 1000 users, HA=99.9%, customer supplied user licenses. Included in unit cost for standard SharePoint. Application migration and customisation depends on complexity and requirements.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fujitsu Australia Limited,10 001 011 427,Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform,"The Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform (FGCP) Service delivers a dynamic, self-provisioned, pay as you go, highly available, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) across six Tier III data centres around the globe: Australia, UK, Japan, Singapore, Germany, and the USA.The Service Description Overview constitutes the description of the Service for the purposes of the Service Specification which forms a part of the Fujitsu Cloud Service Agreement.The Service delivers multi-tenanted capability from a pool of IT resources (network, storage and compute) and provides customisable virtual environments based on a set of pre-defined operating system templates (Windows and Linux). Procurement, configuration and management of these for Australian hosted resources are achieved using the FGCP Web Portal or the FGCP API (see FGCP Portal includes an infrastructure design studio to allow definition or selection of templates to create multi-tier architectures (maximum of three), enabling rapid deployment of infrastructures; and allowing capacity to be scaled both up and down in line with computing demands.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Compute, Storage, Network",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fujitsu Australia Limited,10 001 011 427,Infrastructure as a Service,"Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides a range of compute, storage and network options.Compute is provided in the form as virtual machines (42 different configurations) in a shared environment.Networking is provided as an extension to customers existing network in form of a firewall protected dedicated VLAN. There are options for additional network capabilities such as VLANs, firewalls, and local and global traffic managers.The assumption is that the customer is self-service and connects to the IaaS service via direct connection. The base service provides firewall and VLAN.These comments are based on the existing pricing and service definitions and are subject to change.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Compute, Storage, NetworkThe cost to provision a base IaaS service for direct connected customers is nil. Customer is responsible for costs to connect to the Cloud Data Centre.The cost to provision a virtual machine using standard templates for compute and storage is nil. The cost for network options ranges from $50 depending upon the component.For a base compute VM with Windows OS, .",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fujitsu Australia Limited,10 001 011 427,Mobile Device Management as a Service,"Fujitsu's global Managed Mobile service manages customer's smartphones, tablets and end devices and the applications and settings within them using standardized services, management tools and methods regardless of the user's location.Depending on device model service components are applied to an applicable extent depending on the mobile operating platform functionality availability. The service incorporates standardized processes and hardware configurations for the management of mobile devices.The managed service is centrally delivered from a state-of-the-art and PCI, Finnish Government (VAHTI), ISO27001 certified Fujitsu Tier 3 data centre in Finland and supported by Fujitsu's global 2nd lineservice desk in Ldz, Poland. The Managed Mobile service is delivered as a Cloud service unless otherwise agreed.Fujitsu will deliver our well established Managed Mobile services across all areas of our Customer's business - to all end users and their devices - controlled by our ITIL compliant service delivery management processes.The Managed Mobile service secures our Customer's devices, networks, mobile applications and data. Data is SSL encrypted 128bit in transit. Fujitsu administrator activities are logged and visible and Fujitsu personnel only have access to our Customer's mobile device asset data. No corporate Customer data rest in Fujitsu networks and secure user IDs and access credentials are audited and certified according to ISO27001.A multi-tenant architecture with separate database instances for each Customer and relevant governance and service management processes ensure data protection and integrity.The Fujitsu offering takes into account the latest technologies for and tablets, new ways of working including role based, mobile task working, accessing corporate systems and integrating new ways of presenting applications.Combining decades of experience in running desktop estates all around the world with our innovation - Fujitsu will deliver cost competitive and reliable Managed Mobile services for our customers.",SaaS,Content Management,Mobile Device Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"UserAssumptions: 1,000 users, core services only (Cloud infrastructure, software license and managed service including 2nd; 3rd and 4th level service desk)$30,000 including architecture (service integration - Infrastructure changes)",Finland,,,Tier 3,Customer site,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fujitsu Australia Limited,10 001 011 427,IT Management as a Service,"Delivered as an on-demand service through Fujitsu's Global Cloud Infrastructure, IT Management as a Service (ITMaaS) gives you the visibility you need to actively monitor and manage your IT environments. The technology driving the Monitoring, Service Desk, and Cloud Application Monitoring services is Nimsoft. All three services have been architected to be integrated under a unified messaging hub or sold separately.Fujitsu's Service Desk as a Service (SDaaS) provides customers with a clear, consistent interface between business and IT. It accelerates incident response and enables active IT management --so customers can increase end user satisfaction, reduce costs, and meet business objectives.Fujitsu's Monitoring as a Service (MONaaS) solution enables:Sophisticated root cause analysis and speeds issue identification.Automatic deployment and configuration.Scalable, extensible architecture and data collection.Intuitive visualization and reporting and sophisticated alarms enable fast, timely insights.Fujitsu ITMaaS provides a compelling alternative to costly and complex on-premise solutions. Powered by Nimsoft, you can leverage the industry's only unified IT Management as a Service solution - giving you all the capabilities you need to ensure a high performance environment - without the cost or complexity of on-premise deployment.The suite marries the broadest set of monitoring data with ITIL v3 best-practice event-to -resolution workflows to provide exceptional service levels. Instead of suffering the lengthy, complex deployments that can be faced with on-premise solution, ITMaaS can be deployed in weeks, rather than months.",SaaS,Information Management,IT Service Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Notes:Service Desk aaS to support a desk of 5 fixed users with a 24x7 (3 shifts/day roster of 10 agents)Availability of HA (99.9%)Price is inclusive of:o Infrastructureo24x7 email and telephone supportoMaintenance and upgrades Notes:Monitoring aaS to support :o 100 x network deviceso50 x advanced network deviceso100 x serverso50 x application serversoService Response Time -o10 x testing locations for critical applicationso5 x storage arraysAvailability of HA (99.9%)Price is inclusive of:o Infrastructureo24x7 email and telephone supportoMaintenance and upgrades,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fujitsu Australia Limited,10 001 011 427,Messaging as a Service,"Fujitsu's Messaging as a Service (MaaS) offering provides a secure and scalable, cloud hosted email platform, based on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. Our solution delivers an enterprise-grade service that is locally hosted in Australia ensuring that customer data stays in country at all times and ensuring data sovereignty. Providing enterprise capable, cloud messaging created challenges and Fujitsu has worked with global technology partners such as Microsoft, Cisco, CA and Symantec to design build and operate our MaaS platform.The platform is designed to meet the needs of the Enterprise customer and is designed to incorporate a number of key principles including:Offer high availabilityHosted within NSW across dual Tier III data centresEmbedded securityAbility to scale for the largest customers, utilising commoditised Infrastructure as a ServiceIndustrialised design and accelerated transitionA messaging platform, up to date with market releases of Exchange, Evergreen24x7 MaaS management and supportA feature rich Archiving and Compliance serviceOptions for inclusion of tools such as Microsoft LyncOther considerations of our MaaS design include advanced integration with VoIP systems, Microsoft, Lync (Unified Communications as a Service, UCaaS) integration with SharePoint and services such as Desktop as a Service, allowing access anywhere anytime. To support our customers and their MaaS experience Fujitsu incorporated world class IT Service Management standards. Our service is supplied by our ISO 20000 support teams and to enhance the user experience a MaaS user portal is available to allow self-help and access to information such as the FAQ repository. Further, users authorised by the customer are able to log and track incidents, view reports, and create Service Requests.To underpin the solution and to deliver the highest level of security Fujitsu's MaaS platform is hosted in our ISO 27001 accredited Data centres and Fujitsu leverages evergreen cloud capabilities that will be used to support the customer. The Fujitsu Maas offering that will always provide the latest product enhancements from vendors, supporting the customer in never having to plan or conduct an email infrastructure upgrade again. The upgrades will be delivered in partnership with the customer utilising standard Operational Change Management in support of the business.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Mailbox, Storage, OptionsAssumptions are 1000 users, HA=99.9%, customer supplied user licenses. Depends on network links and migration requirements. ",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fuse Information Technologies Ltd,ABN 70 116 793 300,S2T Direct,"The HP TRIM Records Management System now has excellent connectivity to Salesforce CRM. A number of applications are provided to ensure specific business requirements are met. For example some applications target users who primarily work in Salesforce, while others are for TRIM centric users.This offering is for S2T, a native application that pushes attachments, chatter documents and even records to TRIM. This application is Salesforce centric so users interact with TRIM web services from within Salesforce. Making cloud documents available on a local server helps organisations meet document governance and regulatory compliance obligations.S2T allows Salesforce attachments and chatter documents to be saved to TRIM while individual records are automatically converted to PDF format first, and then pushed. S2T can be configured for multiple TRIM instances.See our web page for more",SaaS,Document Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,A unit is one Salesforce user per month (SaaS based),USA,California,1.47,IV,USA,Virginia,1.47,IV,Singapore,Singapore,1.47,IV,Japan,Tokyo,1.47,IV,,,,

-Fuse Information Technologies Ltd,ABN 70 116 793 300,S4S Data Recovery Solution,FuseIT offer a wide range of integration solutions between Salesforce and Sitecore CMS. To expand the data sharing capabilities of these systems we also provide tools to federate the information to other systems.The S4S Data Recovery Solution automatically pulls the data from a Salesforce Data Export and inserts it into a fully referenced SQL Server database. This is then available for federation to other systems including exposure in Sitecore CMS web pages to users with the required credentials.With the S4S Data Recovery Solution you can reveal your Salesforce data to privileged users on your local Sitecore website. This gives companies the ability to access their critical data if the connection to Salesforce is lost. The solution also provides a number of opportunities to selectively share your Salesforce data to other sources without constraints.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,An installation that connects one Sitecore CMS (or Sitecore Intranet) instance with one associated Salesforce instance,N.A. (Client installed SaaS backup software),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Fuse Information Technologies Ltd,ABN 70 116 793 300,T4S,"The HP TRIM Records Management System now has excellent connectivity to Salesforce CRM. A number of applications are provided to ensure specific business requirements are met. For example some applications target users who primarily work in Salesforce, while others are for TRIM centric users.This offering is for T4S, a Salesforce centric application that pushes and pulls documents to and from HP TRIM. Salesforce records can also be saved to TRIM as PDF documents. This application can be configured so the pushes to TRIM are fully automated and largely invisible to Salesforce users. Alternatively users can manage document transfers manually on a file by file basis.T4S is installed as a package into Salesforce. It also requires .NET based middleware to be installed on a local network server. T4S interacts with TRIM web services and can be configured for multiple TRIM instances.Making cloud documents available on a local server helps organisations meet document governance and regulatory compliance obligations.See more at our web page",SaaS,Document Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,A unit is one Salesforce user per month (SaaS based),USA,California,1.47,IV,USA,Virginia,1.47,IV,Singapore,Singapore,1.47,IV,Japan,Tokyo,1.47,IV,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Design Collaboration Web site,"Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to design a Collaboration Website to support interactive features such as User Registration, Permissions, Search, Wikis, Forums, Appointments. Activities and deliverables include; Requirements Gathering and solution outline Authentication & Permissions model Data Model / Information Architecture Wireframes and Graphic Designer Mock-ups Mobile device optimisationDelivery management using GovSource ALM Cloud hosted management platform.",Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, and 3 collaborative plugins (eg forum, wiki, appointments, support tickets), on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Design on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Build Collaboration Web site,"Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to build a Collaboration website including features such as Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, Correspondence, WIkis, Forums, Appointments, on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etcWebsite on common CMS platform (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla etc). Activities and deliverables include;Build Basic System Installation & configuration Home Page, Theme, & Navigation Framework Custom search screens Security Review & Penetration Test Search Engine OptimisationManagement & Delivery using GovSource ALM clound hosted management platform. Architecture / Quality Assurance Project Management Documentation, Packaging & deliveryIncludes hosting of test server infrastructure on Sydney Amazon IaaS cloud for duration of the project plus 1 month.",Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, and 3 collaboration plugins (eg wiki, forum, helpdesk, Appointments) on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Construction and testing on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1 ",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Design Transcational Web site,Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to design a Transactional Website to support an automated business process. Includes static content and user collaboration features plus customisation such as online forms and system integration. Activities and deliverables include; Requirements Gathering Detailed Requirements Gathering Solution Outline Data Model / Information Architecture Integration Model Security Model High Level Use Cases Wireframes and Graphic Designer Mock-ups Mobile device optimizationDelivery management using GovSource ALM cloud hosted management platform.,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, Correspondence, Forums, Appointments, 5 transactional features (eg online Forms, Integration with Backend systems and Third party applications, Payments) on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc. Design on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Build Transactional Web site,"Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to build a Transactional Website to automate a business process - including static conent management, user management, collaboration features, Online Forms, Payments, and Integration to Back End systems and/or third party systems. Build utilises common CMS platform (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla etc) and common application development language (PHP, Java etc). Activities and deliverables include;Build Basic System Installation & configuration Home Page, Theme, & Navigation Framework User Roles & permissions Web Forms design and implementation Custom search screens Custom Workflows External System Integration Touchpoints Self-service registration & profile management External Authentication / SSO Online Forum Online Payments (credit card & Paypal) Customer messaging (email & sms) Simple Feedback & Content rating Customer Helpdesk & support Other Data Source migration (source count) Security Review & Penetration Test Search Engine OptimisationManagement & Delivery using GovSource ALM cloud hosted development management platform. Architecture / Quality Assurance Project Management Documentation, Packaging & deliveryIncludes hosting of test server infrastructure on Sydney Amazon IaaS cloud for duration of the project plus 1 month.",Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, 5 transactional features (eg Correspondence, Forums, Appointments, Forms, Integration with Backend and Third party applications, payments), on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Construction and testing on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Design Mobile App,Provision and supervision of crowd sourced expert resources to design a Mobile App. Activities and deliverables include; Requirements Gathering Detailed Requirements Gathering Solution Outline Data Model / Information Architecture Integration Model Security Model High Level Use Cases Wireframes and Graphic Designer Mock-upsDelivery management using GovSource ALM clound hosted delivery management platform.,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Mobile App (3 Forms, 1 platform feature such as GPS, Camera, Microphone, backend integration, two platforms including IOS and Android). Design on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Build Mobile App,Provision & supervision of crowd sourced expert resources to build a Mobile App. Activities and deliverables include; Register & Configure private app market Basic App User Roles & profiles Size optimisation External System Integration Touchpoints Self-service registration & profile management Camera features Sound features Microphone features GPS features Bluetooth features Integration with other mobile apps Integration with backend/third party systems Integration with other devices Local storage features Online Payments (credit card & Paypal) Customer messaging (email & sms) Simple Feedback & Content rating Customer Helpdesk & supportMobile analytics Self Updater iOS AndroidManagement using GovSource ALM Cloud hosted management platform.,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Mobile App (3 Forms, 1 platform feature such as GPS, Camera, Microphone, backend integration, two platforms including IOS and Android). Design and Testing on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Migrate existing paper form online,Provision and supervision of crowd sourced expert resources to migrate an existing paper form online. Activities and deliverables include; Form Design & Data model* HTML5 form creation XML Message definition* Data mapping to agency serviceDelivery management using GovSource ALM clound hosted management platform.,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Design and Testing on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1 medium complexity paper Form equivalent.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Data exchange service design & development,"For organisations that want to automate data exchange interactions with external parties, this service provides crowd sourced expert resources to analyse data flows and design an XML web service. Deliverables include the XML Schema & WSDL describing the service, together with supporting documentation for service consumers. A typical usage would be a government agency that needs to exchange data with other agencies, external customers, or cloud based systems. Data exchange services are designed in accordance with international best practices. ",Other,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per business transaction (requesting & responding XML messages),Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Data exchange service external test harness hosting,"For organisations that are planning to implement data exchange services, especially transactional services (eg application lodgments), there is usually a requirement to provide consumers with a test interface. This service provides a cloud hosted test harness that can simulate the behaviour of the production system. The test harness includes full documentation of test suite and test cases for each interface, and provides a fully functional test end-point that implements all the validation rules defined in the test cases. There is also a collaboration forum for testers to discuss implementation issues and a facility for implementers to register their products or services and make compliacne claims. See - a GovSource service. The establishment fee covers the development and implementation of the test suite whilst the monthly fee covers the ongoing hosting of the test interface - for an unlimited number of testers.",SaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per transactional test service (any number of versions) per month. Includes development & implementation of test cases.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,IaaS hosted development / test servers,"GovSource crowd souring platform provides customers with the ability to deploy applications to Australian hosted cloud infrastructure. These cloud infrastructure services include a fully managed set of development environments, testing environments, and source code repositories. GovSource customers have the choice of multiple instance types, operating systems, and software packages. They can select configurations of memory, CPU, and instance storage, that is optimal for the choice of operating system and application. Servers can be hosted in a secure VPN if required.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Development & Test environments (IaaS hourly subsciption). Service unit = 1 hour per server.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,PaaS hosted production server,Applications developed using GovSource crowd resources and cloud hosted development environments can be transitioned either to cloud hosted or agency hosted production environments. This service provides cloud hosted production environments in the Amazon Sydney zone (Public IaaS) and therefore is suitable for unclassified data (including commercial or private data subject to appropriate approvals). The service includes capacity & availability management with auto-scaling (up and down) and hosting across two data centres. The service also includes application platform management for any GovSource provisioned project.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Production environments (PaaS hourly subsciption). Service unit = 1 hour per server.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,SaaS Application Lifecycle Management Platform (Basic),"GovSource provides a global pool of crowd-sourced development resources combined with local architects for project design & assurance. This service provides a cloud (SaaS) hosted ""Application Lifecycle Management"" (ALM) platform (basic level). THe service includes a Project Management suite, Documentation respositor and a Source Code Version Control repository.",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Application Lifecycle Management Platform - Basic (SaaS Monthly subscription). Service unit = 1 month per project.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,SaaS Application Lifecycle Management Platform (Premium),"GovSource provides a global pool of crowd-sourced development resources combined with local architects for project design & assurance. This service provides a cloud (SaaS) hosted ""Application Lifecycle Management"" (ALM) platform (premium level). The service includes a Project Management suite, Documentation respository, Source Code Version Control repository, Continuous Integration server, binary repository, and code quality metrics analyser.",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Application Lifecycle Management Platform - Premium (SaaS Monthly subscription). Service unit = 1 month per project.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Design Static Web site,Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources and cloud hosted delivery management platform to design a Static Information Website including page themes and publishing workflow model. Activities and deliverables include; Data Model / Information Architecture Wireframes and Graphic Designer Mock-ups Mobile device optimisation,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Design on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-GovSource Pty Ltd,41 161 080 146,Build Static Web site,"Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to build a Static Information Website on common CMS platform (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla etc). Activities and deliverables include;Build Basic System Installation & configuration Home Page, Theme, & Navigation Framework Security Review & Penetration Test Search Engine OptimisationDelivery management using GovSource ALM Cloud hosted management platform: Quality Assurance Project Management Documentation, Packaging & deliveryIncludes hosting of test server infrastructure on Sydney Amazon IaaS cloud for duration of the project plus 1 month",Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Construction and testing on GovSource online ALM and Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Large Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Large Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Large Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Large Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Large Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Large Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1 ,"A Large Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Large Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.  ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Medium Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.  ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Medium Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.  ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Medium Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.  ",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Medium Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.  ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Small Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Small Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.  ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Small Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.  ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Small Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server HP-UX Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Small Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.  ",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Small Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3 Scheduled Outage 5,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt2,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Medium xl Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Linux Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1a,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3b,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4b,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3b,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1a,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1b,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Medium xl Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1a,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Server Windows Tier 4 Witness Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,This server is required when Tier 4 Database clusters are deployed in Dual data centres.  1 per customer.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Tier 4 Witness Server,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage High Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt3,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage High Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage High Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt3a,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage High Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage High Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt4,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage High Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage High Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt4a,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage High Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage High Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt3,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage High Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage High Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt3a,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage High Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage High Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt4,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage High Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage High Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt4a,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage High Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Nearline R5 24x7x365 Opt1,"Price effective Managed SAN Storage, Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 1TB FATA Drives",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Nearline Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Nearline R5 24x7x365 Opt1a,"Price effective Managed SAN Storage, Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 1TB FATA Drives",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Nearline Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Nearline R5 Bus. Hours Opt1,"Price effective Managed SAN Storage, Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 1TB FATA Drives",IaaS,Storage,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 15 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Nearline Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Nearline R5 Bus. Hours Opt1a,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 15 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Nearline Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt2,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt2b,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt2c,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt2,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt2b,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Managed Storage Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt2c,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2a,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3b,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2a,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3b,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2a,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included. ",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3b,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Linux Server Bus. Hours Opt1,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt3,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt3a,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Bus. Hours Opt1,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Bus. Hours Opt1a,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Bus. Hours Opt1a,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 1:4 24x7x365 Opt3,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 1:4 Bus. Hours Opt1,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 24x7x365 Opt2,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 24x7x365 Opt3,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Linux Bus. Hours Opt1,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) (Oversub 1:4),Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2b,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2c,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) (Oversub 1:4),Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt3,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) (Oversub 1:4),Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt3a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 Bus. Hours Opt1,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) (Oversub 1:4),Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 Bus. Hours Opt1a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2a,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2b,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2c,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt3a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt3b,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt3c,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows Bus. Hours Opt1a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows Bus. Hours Opt1b,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Server Windows Bus. Hours Opt1c,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Windows Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Windows Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Windows Server 24x7x365 Opt3,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Windows Server Bus. Hours Opt1,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Managed Windows Server Bus. Hours Opt1d,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription) ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Unmanaged Server 24x7x365 Opt2,"A full 48 core blade running VMware with guest operating systems managed by customer (pre-allocated cores and RAM at install time).  Includes Hardware, network, VMware licenses and SAN port.  It does not include Management of the guest operating systems.  SLAs are only on the hardware availability.  No OS tools or software included, assumed customer provided.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Virtual Server Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,004 394 763 / 74 004 394 763,Virtual Unmanaged Server 24x7x365 Opt3,"A full 48 core blade running VMware with guest operating systems managed by customer (pre-allocated cores and RAM at install time).  Includes Hardware, network, VMware licenses and SAN port.  It does not include Management of the guest operating systems.  SLAs are only on the hardware availability.  No OS tools or software included, assumed customer provided.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Virtual Server Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Holocentric Pty Ltd,73 052 972 095,Business Management System Modelling Platform,A client specific Business Management System (BMS) built in Holocentric Modeler is hosted and users of Holocentric Modlepedia access the BMS via a SaaS subscription licensing modelModel changes are made by model authors with strict permissionsUsers of the model can view and navigate the model to areas that relate to their roles in the business. Those roles can link to other services or systems in the organisations as defined by model,SaaS,Modelling - Simulation,Business Management Systems and Modelling,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,User Account,Australia : Holocentric uses a service provided by Globalswitch,NSW,,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Content Delivery Service,"Hostworks' Content Delivery Service provides accelerated delivery of web sites hosted by Hostworks, as well enabling high-capacity delivery of rich media services, e.g. on-demand audio/video and live streaming.The Content Delivery Service utilises caching and media streaming infrastructure located in multiple, geographically diverse data centres. This content delivery infrastructure is able to directly service client requests for cacheable web and media assets from any of the Content Delivery Service nodes, relieving load from the origin servers, increasing overall capacity and improving response time to the end customer.Services supported on the Content Delivery Service include: Websites; Secure websites (SSL certificate support); On-demand streaming; Live streaming; and Progressive download.The Content Delivery Service is priced on a per GB of data delivered outbound from the service to the end customer for dedicated media delivery (i.e. streaming or progressive download or on-demand audio/video services). For accelerated delivery of websites hosted in Hostworks' data centres the use of the service is included in the traffic fees applicable to web hosting managed services.The maximum price reflected is for 1GB of data delivered outbound from the service to the end customer for dedicated media delivery (i.e. streaming or progressive download or on-demand audio/video services).",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,1GB,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Dedicated Server Hosting,"Hostworks' Dedicated Service Hosting service provides customers with a hosting service for physical servers in one of Hostworks' data centres.This service is a foundation service for physical servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Data centre services including rack space, power and cooling for the physical server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Management and monitoring of the physical server via inbuilt management cards and alerting mechanisms; Optional SAN connectivity for non-local storage; and Implementation services including: o Physical racking, stacking and connecting the physical server into Hostworks' data centre and shared networks; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the physical server.This service excludes the following components: The physical server to be housed in Hostworks' data centre. This can be either customer provided, to an agreed specification with Hostworks, or provided through Hostworks at an additional cost; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the physical server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing;This service provides a single server service level of 98% depending on the hardware vendor support arrangements in place.This service is configured based on the data centre, number or rack units required (maximum of 4), number of network connections required (maximum of 4), and whether SAN connectivity is required.Actual cost varies by data centre location, number of rack units, number of network ports required, and whether SAN connectivity is required.Maximum cost represented below is for a 4RU physical server, with 4 network connections, in our NSW data centre, with optional SAN connectivity.",Other,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,"Dedicated hosting services including rack space, network connectivity and SAN connectivity.",Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Advanced Application Delivery Controller Service,Hostworks' Application Delivery Controller service provides hardware-based load-balancing and additional services to environments housed in Hostworks' Data Centres.This service is an optional service for customers seeking either load-balancing or more application focused network services. This service is offered in two service tiers: Standard service including: o Load-balancing services using round-robin or least connections methods; o Application health check services; o SSL Termination for offloading SSL processing from web servers; o Standard HTTP acceleration using standard shared cache and compression services to improve application performance; and o URL Traffic Management providing content switching and header rewriting capabilities to overcome application complexities and requirements. Advanced service including the Standard service inclusions plus: o Content Filtering and Rewriting capabilities;  o Custom HTTP Acceleration using a dedicated cache; o Custom Health Checks; and o Optional Web Application Firewall (WAF) Service to provide protection for web applications from the growing number of application layer attacks.This service is provided in each data centre location with a 99.9% service level.The Standard service includes 50Mbps HTTP and 10Mbps SSL traffic while the Advanced services includes 250Mbps HTTP and 100Mbps SSL traffic.The Web Application Firewall is an additional option to the Advanced service.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as this service has the ability to scale to significantly higher traffic volumes. The maximum price reflected here is for an off-the-shelf product of an Advanced Service with optional Web Application Firewall with 250Mbps HTTP/100Mbps SSL traffic throughput.,IaaS,Off,Load Balancing and Application Firewalling,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per instance,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Advanced Application Delivery Controller with Web Application Firewall Service,Hostworks' Application Delivery Controller service provides hardware-based load-balancing and additional services to environments housed in Hostworks' Data Centres.This service is an optional service for customers seeking either load-balancing or more application focused network services. This service is offered in two service tiers: Standard service including: o Load-balancing services using round-robin or least connections methods; o Application health check services; o SSL Termination for offloading SSL processing from web servers; o Standard HTTP acceleration using standard shared cache and compression services to improve application performance; and o URL Traffic Management providing content switching and header rewriting capabilities to overcome application complexities and requirements. Advanced service including the Standard service inclusions plus: o Content Filtering and Rewriting capabilities;  o Custom HTTP Acceleration using a dedicated cache; o Custom Health Checks; and o Optional Web Application Firewall (WAF) Service to provide protection for web applications from the growing number of application layer attacks.This service is provided in each data centre location with a 99.9% service level.The Standard service includes 50Mbps HTTP and 10Mbps SSL traffic while the Advanced services includes 250Mbps HTTP and 100Mbps SSL traffic.The Web Application Firewall is an additional option to the Advanced service.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as this service has the ability to scale to significantly higher traffic volumes. The maximum price reflected here is for an off-the-shelf product of an Advanced Service with optional Web Application Firewall with 250Mbps HTTP/100Mbps SSL traffic throughput.,IaaS,Off,Load Balancing and Application Firewalling,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per instance,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Archive Storage with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Storage with Disaster Recovery provides additional customer data storage resources to add to existing Elastic Compute Platform virtual servers with disaster recovery already enabled, plus data replication between Elastic Compute Platform SANs in different data centres to facilitate Disaster Recovery. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires a Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform Virtual Server with Disaster Recovery and a Managed Operating System service.This service is an optional storage service to add additional storage capacity for customer data and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the storage; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service; Management and monitoring of the storage resources; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required storage; and o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets.This service excludes the following components: Backup services.This service provides additional resources in line with the server's operating system. As a stand alone entity this service provides a service level of 99.9%.This service is configured based on 10GB increments of Archive storage per server.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as the sizing is an unreasonable comparison point. The maximum price reflected here is for one 10GB increment of Fast storage to an existing server.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB increment,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Archive Storage without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Storage without Disaster Recovery provides additional customer data storage resources to add to either existing Elastic Compute Platform virtual servers or Hostworks managed physical servers connected to the Elastic Compute Platform SAN. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires either a Hostworks' Managed Physical Server with Managed Operating Systems or a Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform Virtual Server with a Managed Operating System service.This service is an optional storage service to add additional storage capacity for customer data and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the storage; Management and monitoring of the storage resources; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required storage.This service excludes the following components: Backup services.This service provides additional resources in line with the server's operating system. As a stand alone entity this service provides a service level of 99.9%.This service is configured based on 10GB increments of Archive storage per server.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as the sizing is an unreasonable comparison point. The maximum price reflected here is for one 10GB increment of Fast storage to an existing server.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB increment,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Basic Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Basic Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Management and monitoring of the virtual server; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Enterprise Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Enterprise Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Management and monitoring of the virtual server; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Entry Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Entry Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Management and monitoring of the virtual server; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - High Performance Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - High Performance Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Management and monitoring of the virtual server; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Application Delivery Controller Service,Hostworks' Application Delivery Controller service provides hardware-based load-balancing and additional services to environments housed in Hostworks' Data Centres.This service is an optional service for customers seeking either load-balancing or more application focused network services. This service is offered in two service tiers: Standard service including: o Load-balancing services using round-robin or least connections methods; o Application health check services; o SSL Termination for offloading SSL processing from web servers; o Standard HTTP acceleration using standard shared cache and compression services to improve application performance; and o URL Traffic Management providing content switching and header rewriting capabilities to overcome application complexities and requirements. Advanced service including the Standard service inclusions plus: o Content Filtering and Rewriting capabilities;  o Custom HTTP Acceleration using a dedicated cache; o Custom Health Checks; and o Optional Web Application Firewall (WAF) Service to provide protection for web applications from the growing number of application layer attacks.This service is provided in each data centre location with a 99.9% service level.The Standard service includes 50Mbps HTTP and 10Mbps SSL traffic while the Advanced services includes 250Mbps HTTP and 100Mbps SSL traffic.The Web Application Firewall is an additional option to the Advanced service.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as this service has the ability to scale to significantly higher traffic volumes. The maximum price reflected here is for an off-the-shelf product of an Advanced Service with optional Web Application Firewall with 250Mbps HTTP/100Mbps SSL traffic throughput.,IaaS,Off,Load Balancing and Application Firewalling,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per instance,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Management and monitoring of the virtual server; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Storage with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Storage with Disaster Recovery provides additional customer data storage resources to add to existing Elastic Compute Platform virtual servers with disaster recovery already enabled, plus data replication between Elastic Compute Platform SANs in different data centres to facilitate Disaster Recovery. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires a Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform Virtual Server with Disaster Recovery and a Managed Operating System service.This service is an optional storage service to add additional storage capacity for customer data and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the storage; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service; Management and monitoring of the storage resources; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required storage; and o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets.This service excludes the following components: Backup services.This service provides additional resources in line with the server's operating system. As a stand alone entity this service provides a service level of 99.9%.This service is configured based on 10GB increments of Standard storage per server.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as the sizing is an unreasonable comparison point. The maximum price reflected here is for one 10GB increment of Fast storage to an existing server.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB increment,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Storage without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Storage without Disaster Recovery provides additional customer data storage resources to add to either existing Elastic Compute Platform virtual servers or Hostworks managed physical servers connected to the Elastic Compute Platform SAN. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires either a Hostworks' Managed Physical Server with Managed Operating Systems or a Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform Virtual Server with a Managed Operating System service.This service is an optional storage service to add additional storage capacity for customer data and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the storage; Management and monitoring of the storage resources; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required storage.This service excludes the following components: Backup services.This service provides additional resources in line with the server's operating system. As a stand alone entity this service provides a service level of 99.9%.This service is configured based on 10GB increments of Standard storage per server.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as the sizing is an unreasonable comparison point. The maximum price reflected here is for one 10GB increment of Fast storage to an existing server.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB increment,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Super Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Compute Platform - Super Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components: Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks; Management and monitoring of the virtual server; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components: Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service; Backup services; and Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application. Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition) Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition) Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Elastic Computing Platform - Shared Storage,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Shared Storage provides NFS based storage that can be scaled as required and mounted to any Hostworks managed or housed server. This service is not designed to provide Shared Storage services to environments other than those housed within Hostworks' data centres.The service includes the following components: Provisioning and configuration of the Shared Storage Platform to provide the required NFS share(s); Configuration of Hostworks' managed servers to access the NFS share(s); Management and monitoring of the NFS shares(s) and platform by Hostworks Customer Management Centre; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer; Technical guidance; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Backup services, which must be provided through a server with access to the NFS share(s).The Service Level for this service is 99.9% per data centre.This service is configured on the following parameters, on a per data centre basis: Per NFS share; and Per 10GB of storage volume required.The maximum price, represented below, is not the true maximum an implementation could have as there are too many unique variables (i.e. number of NFS shares and sizes of shares).The maximum price reflected here is per 10GB per NFS share in a single data centre.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB per NFS share per data centre.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Managed Database,"Hostworks' Managed Database service provides customers with a managed service and service level for a variety of database platforms on servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components: Deployment of the database platform: o Installation and configuration of the platform; o Limited integration services; o Patching of the platform to the current level; and o Configuration of maintenance processes including monitoring and backups. Monitoring service by Hostworks' Customer Management Centre; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer; Technical guidance; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service can include the database platform licenses, or these can be provided by the client.The service excludes the following: Deployment and ongoing management of analysis or reporting services; Performance tuning of stored procedures and custom client code; Development of custom processes including scripts; Operating system and server hardware provisioning or management; Backup services; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and Other Application Management services.Service levels are instance based and for single server implementations of a database platform they are in line with the service level applied to the Managed Operating System (i.e. 98%, 99% or 99.8%). Higher service levels can be attained via a two-node local cluster (99.9%) or a minimum three-node multi-data centre high availability configuration (99.99%).This service is configured on the following parameters, on a per instance basis: Database platform selected (Microsoft SQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle); Who will be providing the database platform licenses (Hostworks or the customer). If Hostworks then database platform edition and number of cores/vCPUs to be configured on the server; and High availability configuration required.The maximum price, represented below, is not the true maximum an implementation could have as there are too many unique variables.The maximum price reflected here is for a high-availability cluster at a single data centre location with no database platform licensing. In this case the maximum price reflects a Master-Master configuration of MariaDB with a third server providing a management service.",Managed Service,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per instance per server of a database platform to be managed.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Managed Operating System (Physical Server),"Hostworks' Managed Operating System service provides customers with a managed service and service level for operating systems running on virtual and physical servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components: Required operating system licenses (Microsoft Windows or Red Hat Enterprise Linux; noting that Clients can provide these licenses unless the server is operating on the Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform); Anti-Virus, Monitoring and Automation licenses; Implementation services including: o Operating system build and configuration; o Server network configuration; o Installation and Configuration of all Hostworks shared services (see below); o Patching of the server to the current levels; o Server testing and validation; Use of the Hostworks' Repliweb Enterprise license for content/code deployment; Use of Hostworks Shared Services: o Anti-Virus; o DNS; o Shared SMTP (limited usage); o Automation; o Authentication service (Microsoft Windows servers only); and o Real Time Reporting service. Monthly server patching; Operating System Monitoring Service by Hostworks Customer Management Centre;  Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer; Technical guidance; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.This service excludes the following: Backup services; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and Application Management services.The standard service level for a single physical server with Managed Operating System services is 98%.Higher service levels can be achieved through the use of automated failover mechanisms in high availability configurations. Service level availabilities for a cluster of operating systems of up to 99.99% can be achieved.This service is configured on the following parameters: Physical or Virtual nature of server; Number of physical CPUs and cores for physical servers or number of vCPUs for virtual servers; and Edition of the operating system required (e.g. Microsoft Windows Enterprise Edition).The maximum price, represented below, applies to a 4 socket (CPU) physical server running Microsoft Windows Standard Edition.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Per physical server with an operating system to be managed.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Managed Operating System (Virtual Server with a Basic Service Level),"Hostworks' Managed Operating System service provides customers with a managed service and service level for operating systems running on virtual and physical servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components: Required operating system licenses (Microsoft Windows or Red Hat Enterprise Linux; noting that Clients can provide these licenses unless the server is operating on the Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform); Anti-Virus, Monitoring and Automation licenses; Implementation services including: o Operating system build and configuration; o Server network configuration; o Installation and Configuration of all Hostworks shared services (see below); o Patching of the server to the current levels; and o Server testing and validation. Use of the Hostworks' Repliweb Enterprise license for content/code deployment; Use of Hostworks Shared Services: o Anti-Virus; o DNS; o Shared SMTP (limited usage); o Automation; o Authentication service (Microsoft Windows servers only); and o Real Time Reporting service. Monthly server patching; Operating System Monitoring Service by Hostworks Customer Management Centre; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer; Technical guidance; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.This service excludes the following: Backup services; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and Application Management services.Service levels can be selected from the following: Classic of 98% per physical server or 99% per virtual server where incidents are diagnosed to recover degraded services with no data loss; and Basic of 99% per virtual server where the operating system is restored from the last backup and the service level timing is initiated via the customer raising an incident request with Hostworks' Customer Management Centre.Note: Higher service levels can be achieved through the use of automated failover mechanisms in high availability configurations. Service level availabilities for a cluster of operating systems of up to 99.99% can be achieved.This service is configured on the following parameters: Physical or Virtual nature of server; Number of physical CPUs and cores for physical servers or number of vCPUs for virtual servers; Edition of the operating system required (e.g. Microsoft Windows Enterprise Edition); and Service level required, Classic/Basic.The maximum price, represented below, applies to a 4 vCPU virtual server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a Basic service level.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server with an operating system to be managed.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Managed Operating System (Virtual Server with a Classic Service Level),"Hostworks' Managed Operating System service provides customers with a managed service and service level for operating systems running on virtual and physical servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components: Required operating system licenses (Microsoft Windows or Red Hat Enterprise Linux; noting that Clients can provide these licenses unless the server is operating on the Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform); Anti-Virus, Monitoring and Automation licenses; Implementation services including: o Operating system build and configuration; o Server network configuration; o Installation and Configuration of all Hostworks shared services (see below); o Patching of the server to the current levels; and o Server testing and validation. Use of the Hostworks' Repliweb Enterprise license for content/code deployment; Use of Hostworks Shared Services: o Anti-Virus; o DNS; o Shared SMTP (limited usage); o Automation; o Authentication service (Microsoft Windows servers only); and o Real Time Reporting service. Monthly server patching; Operating System Monitoring Service by Hostworks Customer Management Centre; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer; Technical guidance; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.This service excludes the following: Backup services; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and Application Management services.Service levels can be selected from the following: Classic of 98% per physical server or 99% per virtual server where incidents are diagnosed to recover degraded services with no data loss; and Basic of 99% per virtual server where the operating system is restored from the last backup and the service level timing is initiated via the customer raising an incident request with Hostworks' Customer Management Centre.Note: Higher service levels can be achieved through the use of automated failover mechanisms in high availability configurations. Service level availabilities for a cluster of operating systems of up to 99.99% can be achieved.This service is configured on the following parameters: Physical or Virtual nature of server; Number of physical CPUs and cores for physical servers or number of vCPUs for virtual servers; Edition of the operating system required (e.g. Microsoft Windows Enterprise Edition); and Service level required, Classic/Basic.The maximum price, represented below, applies to a 4 vCPU virtual server running Microsoft Windows Server Standard Edition with a Classic service level.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server with an operating system to be managed.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Managed Web Application,"Hostworks' Managed Web Application service provides customers with a managed service and service level for a variety of web applications on servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components: Deployment of the web applications: o Installation and configuration of the application; o Creation of new websites; o Patching of the application to the current level; and o Configuration of maintenance processes including monitoring and backups. Monitoring service by Hostworks' Customer Management Centre; Technical guidance; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Operating system and server hardware provisioning or management; Backup services; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and Other Application Management services.Service levels are based on either a single server implementation or a multiple server load-balanced configuration and range from 98% for a single physical sever that is managed up to and including the web application layer; to 99.9% for a cluster of two or more servers (physical or virtual) in a load-balanced configuration with management up to and including the application layer; to a minimum three-node multi-data centre high availability configuration utilising load-balancing with a service level of 99.99%.This service is configured on the following parameters, on a per server basis: Web application selected (Microsoft IIS or Apache); Number of websites to be hosted per server; and High availability configuration required.The maximum price if not the true maximum price an implementation could have as this service has the ability to scale to high numbers of web application servers. The maximum price reflected here is a per server price based on a Microsoft IIS implementation.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Next Generation Backup - Base Service,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components: Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers; Initial full backup of the required servers; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012); The migration of data to other media; and Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis: Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other); Quantity of data to be backed up; and Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per server to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Next Generation Backup - Database Content,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components: Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers; Initial full backup of the required servers; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012); The migration of data to other media; and Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis: Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other); Quantity of data to be backed up; and Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per GB of data to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Next Generation Backup - Operating System Content,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components: Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers; Initial full backup of the required servers; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012); The migration of data to other media; and Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis: Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other); Quantity of data to be backed up; and Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per GB of data to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Next Generation Backup - Other Content,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components: Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers; Initial full backup of the required servers; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012); The migration of data to other media; and Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis: Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other); Quantity of data to be backed up; and Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per GB of data to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Next Generation Backup - Rich Media Content,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components: Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers; Initial full backup of the required servers; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012); The migration of data to other media; and Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis: Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other); Quantity of data to be backed up; and Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per GB of data to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Standard Security Service,"Hostworks Standard Security service provides customers with a base level of network security features. Hostworks is ISO 27001 accredited for the provision of Managed Services.This service provides three key security components to customer environments, firewall service, network intrusion detection service and a cloud signalling service. The firewall service provides customers with protection through a shared firewall instance, with an option for a dedicated instance, protecting the customer's environment from the Internet. The network intrusion detection service monitors all inbound and outbound traffic from the customer's environment and reports on attacks based on the applied rule set. The cloud signalling service provides a upstream signalling capability to block malicious traffic further up the connection through signalling upstream ISP network devices. This service has the ability to clock malicious traffic at country edge routers.This service also has several add-on options: Dedicated firewall context; Intrusion Prevention service (IPS); Web Application Firewall (WAF); and DDoS Mitigation service.The service includes the following components: Configuration of firewalls, intrusion detection and cloud signalling services; Configuration of reporting/alerting, monitoring and management systems; Execution of the Hostworks Security Incident Management process for any security incidents; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Dedicated security contexts on security devices. Optional services need to be subscribed to in order to provide dedicated customer security contexts on devices; and Custom signatures and rule sets.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per data centre.This service is configured via allocated bandwidth on a per data centre basis. Bandwidth allocations are 50, 100, 250, 500 or 1000Mbps and are soft-limits.",IaaS,Off,Network and Security Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 50Mbps throughput,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Hostworks Pty Ltd,087 307 695 / 88 087 307 695,Standard Security Service - with Dedicated Firewall Context,"Hostworks Standard Security service provides customers with a base level of network security features. Hostworks is ISO 27001 accredited for the provision of Managed Services.This service provides three key security components to customer environments, firewall service, network intrusion detection service and a cloud signalling service. The firewall service provides customers with protection through a shared firewall instance, with an option for a dedicated instance, protecting the customer's environment from the Internet. The network intrusion detection service monitors all inbound and outbound traffic from the customer's environment and reports on attacks based on the applied rule set. The cloud signalling service provides a upstream signalling capability to block malicious traffic further up the connection through signalling upstream ISP network devices. This service has the ability to clock malicious traffic at country edge routers.This service also has several add-on options: Dedicated firewall context; Intrusion Prevention service (IPS); Web Application Firewall (WAF); and DDoS Mitigation service.The service includes the following components: Configuration of firewalls, intrusion detection and cloud signalling services; Configuration of reporting/alerting, monitoring and management systems; Execution of the Hostworks Security Incident Management process for any security incidents; and Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following: Dedicated security contexts on security devices. Optional services need to be subscribed to in order to provide dedicated customer security contexts on devices; and Custom signatures and rule sets.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per data centre.This service is configured via allocated bandwidth on a per data centre basis. Bandwidth allocations are 50, 100, 250, 500 or 1000Mbps and are soft-limits.",IaaS,Off,Network and Security Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 50Mbps throughput,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-IBM Australia Limited,000 024 733 / 79 000 024 733,SmartCloud Enterprise (SCE) Linux Virtual Machine Copper,"The compute resources for 32-bit Copper is as follows:Virtual machine 32bit configuration Copper Virtual CPUs @ 1.25Ghz 1 Virtual Memory (GB) 2 Virtual local storage (GB) 60IBM SmartCloud Enterprise provides access to an IBM-owned and operated, flexible, feature-rich and highly automated shared cloud infrastructure designed to support the levels of security, reliability and control required to enable new web, distributed, dynamic or temporary workloads or existing workloads that have moderate availability, transactional and security requirements. Examples of these include development and testing or project workloads, compute-intensive optimization, rendering and analysis workloads, many web and departmental applications, collaboration and media-sharing applications.With IBM SmartCloud Enterprise, you gain access to an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud that can enable you to deploy new servers and storage environments across the globe in minutes and pay for them only for as long as you use them. You have virtually no up-front capital expenses, and, with no infrastructure to maintain, you may also reduce your overall operating costs. Because IBM SmartCloud Enterprise uses highly standardised and automated processes, you can improve the quality of your projects by reducing development and deployment errors.SmartCloud Enterprise offers a range of environments.You may order instances and select any of the following instance compute resource configuration consisting of the specified number of 32-bit virtual central processing units, virtual memory and virtual local storage.There is also a range of additional services available. These additional services include the option to utilise bundled software as an image on an hourly charge basis. This bundled software covers a range of IBM software products that can be found within the supporting documentation.The service availability service level is calculated across all virtual machines provisioned as well as the SCE Portal Access to provision services.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Copper image, customer provided 32-bit Linux OSCustomer to supply OS licenses",Singapore (but potentially could be any of the six global cloud centres),Singapore,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-IBM Australia Limited,000 024 733 / 79 000 024 733,Virtual Server Services (VSS) Intel Virtual Machine Bronze,"Virtual Server Services - Bronze offeringConfigurationBronze1 vCPU1 GB RAM30 GB of Tier 1 SAN storageFeatures BronzeHosted on IBM's robust VSS infrastructure YesVMware server hosting YesHypervisor hosting YesService Level agreement of 99.5% availability on the infrastructure YesEnterprise storage management YesIBM's proven infrastructure management YesIBM governance and service delivery management YesCustomer manages operating system YesCustomer manages virtual machines YesCustomer manages applications Yes24 hour access to Service Desk YesCustomer performs all backups and restores YesWindows/Linux Standard license provided NoWith IBM Virtual Server Services (VSS), your organisation can access, on demand, a standardised, cost-effective and flexible IT infrastructure to handle the workloads on which your business depends. Our flexible services are capacity or usage-based - you only pay for the server, storage and network resources you use.Virtual Server Services can help your organisation:Incorporate greater flexibility into overall IT infrastructureRespond more rapidly to changing business requirementsOptimise IT assets by transforming and automating servicesReduce total cost of ownershipCreate a high-security, highly available server environmentAddress any governing data storage regulationsShift costs from capital to operational expenditureIBM hosts its Virtual Server Services on a shared virtualised infrastructure at IBM-managed facilities in Australia and New Zealand. Virtual Server Services packages for production servers include a service level agreement of 99.95% infrastructure availability. The Virtual Server Services platform runs Windows or Linux virtual machines on VMware vSphere using IBM System x servers and enterprise-level IBM System Storage. Each Virtual Server Services customer is appointed an IBM single point of contact for services provided.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Bronze image, customer provided 32-bit Linux or Windows OSCustomer to supply OS licenseBronze1 vCPU1 GB RAM30 GB of Tier 1 SAN storage",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-iCognition Pty Ltd,92104128001.0,Diem Gold: Diem Portal EDRMS Powered by HP TRIM,"TheDiem Goldservice offering is anElectronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in the cloud of HP TRIM with iCognition's Diem Portal web interface.The actualSoftware as a Service (SaaS) stack in this complete records and information management offering includes:1. HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. This is transferring your existing HP TRIM solution, including your existing licences, to the cloud.3. iCognition Diem Portal web based interface to HP TRIM is provided to simplify and enhance the user experience in capturing and managing documents and records in the cloud.Note that all HP TRIM and Microsoft licences need to be supplied by the client.This SaaS offering is provided via:CorePLUS'Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Computer AssociatesInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)AppLogic solution; anda private cloud using theCloud Central primary facility data centres located in Canberra, Australia. These data centres are Australian Government approved via membership of the AGIMO Data Centre Facilities Panel.CorePLUS's innovative cloud technology provides instant access to any application on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings and enables a simple and secure way to manage IT. The CorePLUS Cloud Management Platform is comprised of five components that deliver the cloud offering:1. CoreEngine is the primary enabling technology,2. CoreGrid is the secure and scalable infrastructure that utilizes CA's 3Tera AppLogic, upon which CoreEngine provides IT management and application delivery services. 3. CoreStore, a catalog system; 4. CoreDesk a virtual interface that allows users to access services on a variety of end-user devices.5. CoreDev, a development environment for the integration of applications as well as development of custom applications.CA Applogic is a turn-key cloud platform for enterprises and service providers. This cloud platform eliminates the binding of software to hardware through the use of virtual appliances, removing the major obstacle in accessing true cloud computing technology. It provides the ability to deploy and scale existing applications without changing code and architecture, integrate, monitor and scale applications and infrastructure using just a GUI, and add or remove resources and storage without disrupting users.",SaaS,Information Management,"Document and Records Management, Collaboration Spaces",24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A unit is a per month user account configured in the iCognition Virtual Private Datacenter, which includes the following for each user account:BYO HP TRIM licenceBYO Microsoft Professional and Windows 7 clientBYO Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, 64bit, Operating System licenceBYO Microsoft SQL Server database licence Diem Portal Licence includedMemory per user 2GBDisk Storage 2 GB per user accountBandwidth 500 GB per instanceTwo CPU/CoreAdditional GB Live Data onlineVirus ProtectionFirewallBack-up agents",Australia -NextDC C1 in Bruce ACT,ACT,1.4 targeted,3.0,Australia - TransACT in Dickson ACT,ACT,1.5 targeted,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-iCognition Pty Ltd,92104128001.0,Diem Platinum: Diem Portal EDRMS Powered by HP TRIM (high spec),"TheDiem Platinum service offering is anElectronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in the cloud of HP TRIM with iCognition's Diem Portal web interface. Diem Platinum includes an additional CPU Core for higher specification processing.The actualSoftware as a Service (SaaS) stack in this complete records and information management offering includes:1. HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. This is transferring your existing HP TRIM solution, including your existing licences, to the cloud.3. iCognition Diem Portal web based interface to HP TRIM is included to simplify and enhance the user experience in capturing and managing documents and records in the cloud.Note that all HP TRIM and Microsoft licences need to be supplied by the client.This SaaS offering is provided via:CorePLUS'Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Computer AssociatesInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)AppLogic solution; anda private cloud using theCloud Central primary facility data centres located in Canberra, Australia. These data centres are Australian Government approved via membership of the AGIMO Data Centre Facilities Panel.CorePLUS's innovative cloud technology provides instant access to any application on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings and enables a simple and secure way to manage IT. The CorePLUS Cloud Management Platform is comprised of five components that deliver the cloud offering:1. CoreEngine is the primary enabling technology,2. CoreGrid is the secure and scalable infrastructure that utilizes CA's 3Tera AppLogic, upon which CoreEngine provides IT management and application delivery services. 3. CoreStore, a catalog system; 4. CoreDesk a virtual interface that allows users to access services on a variety of end-user devices.5. CoreDev, a development environment for the integration of applications as well as development of custom applications.CA Applogic is a turn-key cloud platform for enterprises and service providers. This cloud platform eliminates the binding of software to hardware through the use of virtual appliances, removing the major obstacle in accessing true cloud computing technology. It provides the ability to deploy and scale existing applications without changing code and architecture, integrate, monitor and scale applications and infrastructure using just a GUI, and add or remove resources and storage without disrupting users.",SaaS,Information Management,"Document and Records Management, Collaboration Spaces",24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A unit is a per month user account configured in the iCognition Virtual Private Datacenter, which includes the following for each user account:BYO HP TRIM licenceBYO Microsoft Professional and Windows 7 clientBYO Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, 64bit, Operating System licenceBYO Microsoft SQL Server database licence Diem Portal Licence includedMemory per user 2GBDisk Storage 2 GB per user accountBandwidth 500 GB per instanceAdditional CPU/Core (total 3)Additional GB Live Data online (total 3Gb)Virus ProtectionFirewallBack-up agents",Australia -NextDC C1 in Bruce ACT,ACT,1.4 targeted,3.0,Australia - TransACT in Dickson ACT,ACT,1.5 targeted,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-iCognition Pty Ltd,92104128001.0,HP TRIM Gold: HP TRIM EDRMS in the Cloud,"TheHP TRIM Gold service offering is anElectronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in the cloud of HP TRIM.The actualSoftware as a Service (SaaS) stack in this offering includes the HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. This is transferring your existing HP TRIM solution, including your existing licences to the cloud.Note that all HP TRIM and Microsoft licences need to be supplied by the client.This SaaS offering is provided via:CorePLUS'Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Computer AssociatesInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)AppLogic solution; anda private cloud using theCloud Central primary facility data centres located in Canberra, Australia. These data centres are Australian Government approved via membership of the AGIMO Data Centre Facilities Panel.CorePLUS's innovative cloud technology provides instant access to any application on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings and enables a simple and secure way to manage IT. The CorePLUS Cloud Management Platform is comprised of five components that deliver the cloud offering:1. CoreEngine is the primary enabling technology,2. CoreGrid is the secure and scalable infrastructure that utilizes CA's 3Tera AppLogic, upon which CoreEngine provides IT management and application delivery services. 3. CoreStore, a catalog system; 4. CoreDesk a virtual interface that allows users to access services on a variety of end-user devices.5. CoreDev, a development environment for the integration of applications as well as development of custom applications.CA Applogic is a turn-key cloud platform for enterprises and service providers. This cloud platform eliminates the binding of software to hardware through the use of virtual appliances, removing the major obstacle in accessing true cloud computing technology. It provides the ability to deploy and scale existing applications without changing code and architecture, integrate, monitor and scale applications and infrastructure using just a GUI, and add or remove resources and storage without disrupting users.",SaaS,Information Management,"Document and Records Management, Collaboration Spaces",24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A unit is a per month user account configured in the iCognition Virtual Private Datacenter, which includes the following for each user account:BYO HP TRIM licenceBYO Microsoft Professional and Windows 7 clientBYO Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, 64bit, Operating System licenceBYO Microsoft SQL Server database licenceMemory per user 2GBDisk Storage 2 GB per user accountBandwidth 500 GB per instanceTwo CPU/CoreVirus ProtectionFirewallBack-up agents",Australia -NextDC C1 in Bruce ACT,ACT,1.4 targeted,3.0,Australia - TransACT in Dickson ACT,ACT,1.5 targeted,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-iCognition Pty Ltd,92104128001.0,HP TRIM Platinum: HP TRIM EDRMS Only (high spec),"TheHP TRIM Platinum service offering is anElectronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in the cloud of HP TRIM with an additional CPU Core for higher specification processing.The actualSoftware as a Service (SaaS) stack in this offering includes the HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. This is transferring your existing HP TRIM solution, including your existing licences to the cloud.Note that all HP TRIM and Microsoft licences need to be supplied by the client.This SaaS offering is provided via:CorePLUS'Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Computer AssociatesInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)AppLogic solution; anda private cloud using theCloud Central primary facility data centres located in Canberra, Australia. These data centres are Australian Government approved via membership of the AGIMO Data Centre Facilities Panel.CorePLUS's innovative cloud technology provides instant access to any application on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings and enables a simple and secure way to manage IT. The CorePLUS Cloud Management Platform is comprised of five components that deliver the cloud offering:1. CoreEngine is the primary enabling technology,2. CoreGrid is the secure and scalable infrastructure that utilizes CA's 3Tera AppLogic, upon which CoreEngine provides IT management and application delivery services. 3. CoreStore, a catalog system; 4. CoreDesk a virtual interface that allows users to access services on a variety of end-user devices.5. CoreDev, a development environment for the integration of applications as well as development of custom applications.CA Applogic is a turn-key cloud platform for enterprises and service providers. This cloud platform eliminates the binding of software to hardware through the use of virtual appliances, removing the major obstacle in accessing true cloud computing technology. It provides the ability to deploy and scale existing applications without changing code and architecture, integrate, monitor and scale applications and infrastructure using just a GUI, and add or remove resources and storage without disrupting users.",SaaS,Information Management,"Document and Records Management, Collaboration Spaces",24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A unit is a per month user account configured in the iCognition Virtual Private Datacenter, which includes the following for each user account:BYO HP TRIM licenceBYO Microsoft Professional and Windows 7 clientBYO Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, 64bit, Operating System licenceBYO Microsoft SQL Server database licenceMemory per user 2GBDisk Storage 2 GB per user accountBandwidth 500 GB per instanceTwo CPU/CoreAdditional CPU/CoreAdditional GB Live Data onlineVirus ProtectionFirewallBack-up agents",Australia -NextDC C1 in Bruce ACT,ACT,1.4 targeted,3.0,Australia - TransACT in Dickson ACT,ACT,1.5 targeted,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Application Acceleration and Domain Name Management,"Ensure business critical web services remain fast, secure and available in the cloud.Application High Availability Services: application high availability by load balancing users across multiple servers whilst monitoring the health of the servers and applications and dynamically redirecting users based on real-time metricsApplication Security Services: Web application firewall protects online and Web 2.0 applications for the latest application layer threats such as Web Scraping attacks, Application DDoS, Credit Card leakage and the popular OWASP Top 10Application Acceleration Services:Asymmetric web content acceleration that improves the end user experience with applications without requiring any agents or software on the client.Application Analytic Services:insight into the performance of applications hosted in the Infoplex cloud. Through these services Infoplex is able to pinpoint the root cause of application performance issues whilst providing key business metrics on application adoption such as where users are accessing applications from, on what devices and what their page load time experiences are.",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Application High Availability Services - per Physical Data Centre Site,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Application Delivery Optimisation - Application Security,"Ensure business critical web services remain fast, secure and available in the cloud.Application High Availability Services: application high availability by load balancing users across multiple servers whilst monitoring the health of the servers and applications and dynamically redirecting users based on real-time metricsApplication Security Services: Web application firewall protects online and Web 2.0 applications for the latest application layer threats such as Web Scraping attacks, Application DDoS, Credit Card leakage and the popular OWASP Top 10Application Acceleration Services:Asymmetric web content acceleration that improves the end user experience with applications without requiring any agents or software on the client.Application Analytic Services:insight into the performance of applications hosted in the Infoplex cloud. Through these services Infoplex is able to pinpoint the root cause of application performance issues whilst providing key business metrics on application adoption such as where users are accessing applications from, on what devices and what their page load time experiences are.",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Per Physical Data Centre Site,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Application Delivery Optimisation -High Availability,"Ensure business critical web services remain fast, secure and available in the cloud.Application High Availability Services: application high availability by load balancing users across multiple servers whilst monitoring the health of the servers and applications and dynamically redirecting users based on real-time metricsApplication Security Services: Web application firewall protects online and Web 2.0 applications for the latest application layer threats such as Web Scraping attacks, Application DDoS, Credit Card leakage and the popular OWASP Top 10Application Acceleration Services:Asymmetric web content acceleration that improves the end user experience with applications without requiring any agents or software on the client.Application Analytic Services:insight into the performance of applications hosted in the Infoplex cloud. Through these services Infoplex is able to pinpoint the root cause of application performance issues whilst providing key business metrics on application adoption such as where users are accessing applications from, on what devices and what their page load time experiences are.",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Application High Availability Services- per physical Data Centre,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Backup and Recovery - Premium Retention,"Protects systems and data commensurate with business criticality and risk.Premium Retention: 24h RPO/RTO,93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups, Data ReplicationStandard Retention: 24h RPO/RTO, 93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups.Enhanced Operational Recovery : RPO near Zero and RTO 1 hourOptions Structured and UnstructuredMulti year retention available",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Retention: 24h RPO/RTO,93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups, Data Replication. Includes Backup Agent",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Backup and Recovery - Standard Retention,"Protects systems and data commensurate with business criticality and risk.Premium Retention: 24h RPO/RTO,93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups, Data ReplicationStandard Retention: 24h RPO/RTO, 93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups.Enhanced Operational Recovery : RPO near Zero and RTO 1 hourOptions Structured and UnstructuredMulti year retention available",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Retention: 24h RPO/RTO,93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups, Includes Backup Agent",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Basic Disaster Recovery,"Delivers failover capability in the event of unplanned outage. Backup and Recovery service integration, Recovery Testing, High Availability solution design. Options available in following:Premium: RPO 15min, RTO 4h, Priority ServiceStandard: RPO 15min, RTO 8h,Basic: RPO 24h, RTO 48h",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Basic Disaster Recovery -RPO 24h, RTO 48h",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Data Storage and Archive,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Premium: Compliance: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley.Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Data ReplicationTiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation.Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per 100 GB,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Database Services -Red Hat Enterprise Linux Standard,"Database Services included but not limited to the management of My SQL, MS SQL and Oracle. The core DBA services includes installation, configuration, user management, patching, availability and disaster recovery setup and management.",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Red Hat Enterprise Linux Standard License - Diamond,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Database Services -Windows SQL Server Enterprise License,"Database Services included but not limited to the management of My SQL, MS SQL and Oracle. The core DBA services includes installation, configuration, user management, patching, availability and disaster recovery setup and management.MS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Windows SQL Server Enterprise License -MS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Encryption Services,Cloud encryption protects your data in the virtual datacenter. The encryption keys stay in your control and only the people with those keys can access the data. This allows you to extend your datacenter to the cloud while maintaining control over sensitive data.Infoplex Servers are provided with Encryption Services automatically as a standard offering,IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Server Encryption Services - applies to all server offerings as part of standard offering and does not incur additional costs,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Enterprise Network Security,"Provide cost-effective security services to Infoplex customers in the cloud. Comes in 2 options - Enterprise and Professional. Enterprise includes the following. Professional includes Perimeter Firewall and Intrusion Prevention and Protection.Perimeter Firewall:Firewall service builds on the technology offered to provide the industrys strongest level of gatewayIntrusion Prevention and Detection:The IPS service complements firewall protection, further securing the network without degrading gateway performance. It offers full-featured IPS and is constantly updated with new defenses against emerging threatsVirtual Private Network:The IPSec VPN service provides secure connectivity to networks for remote users, branch offices and business partnersAnti-Spam & Email Security:The Anti-Spam & Email Security service provides protection for messaging infrastructure, providing highly accurate anti-spam coverage and defends customers from a wide variety of virus and malware threats delivered within emailAntivirus & Anti-Malware:The Antivirus & Anti-Malware service stops viruses and other malware at the gateway before they affect usersData Loss Prevention: The Data Loss Prevention service protects sensitive information from unintentional loss, educating users on proper data handling policies and empowering them to remediate incidents in real-time",IaaS,Business Continuity,Network Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Perimeter Protection including IPS/IDS, Perimeter Firewall and VPN2 Changes per month also included ",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Hosted Exchange,"The Hosted Exchange and Active Directory service is a comprehensive enterprise grade solution encompassing mail services accessible over the internet and WAN. Monitoring and maintenance of the messaging environment is provided by Infoplex whilst your IT is responsible for end user email client, email client connectivity and mobile device troubleshooting.MS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSAInfoplex will provide :Active Directory buildSetup Hosted ExchangeCreate mailboxes and import the provided mailbox data.Create an email disclaimer to be sent from outlook, webmail and mobile devices.The ongoing services that will be managed by Infoplex are:Active Directory within the Infoplex DC.Hosted Exchange.Message Filtering Services.",IaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Hosted Exchange -Per Email Box, including Enterprise backup and Archive.MS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Information Management - Data Management Services,"Infoplex has a range of data management offerings optimised for specific access and retention requirements. Working with you, we can assess your data typesand formulate the optimal management solution and a reliable, phased transition. Services include:Standard and Enterprise RetentionBackup window OptionsSupport for a range of operating systems and enterprise applicationsIncremental and full backupOn-call restoration servicesDaily and monthly reports",IaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Enterprise Retention per 100 GB,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Managed Archive Service - Tier 1,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Network Attached Storage (NAS) available in tiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation. Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Managed Archive Service - Tier 1100GB,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Managed Archive Service - Tier 2,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Network Attached Storage (NAS) available in tiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation. Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Managed Archive Service - Tier 2100 GB,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Managed NAS Archive Service - Tier 3,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Network Attached Storage (NAS) available in tiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation. Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Managed NAS Archive Service - Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Managed SQL Licences,"Database Services included but not limited to the management of My SQL, MS SQL and Oracle. The core DBA services includes installation, configuration, user management, patching, availability and disaster recovery setup and management.",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Managed Virtual SQL Server - CPU:4 RAM:4GB DISK:60GB INET:150GB, includes license, steadystate management and database establishment.",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,PAYG Basic Virtual Resource Pool,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloadsAvailable in:PAYG - Per hourly RequirementStandard Pool - 75% Resource Commitment - referStandard Compute Resource Pool for pricingPremium Pool - 100 % Resource Pool - referPremium Compute Resource Pool for pricing",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Pay As You Go - 1 vCPU per hour @75% Committed Resources with 1GB memory and 1GB StorageSelf provisioned through vCloud Director,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Physical Bronze Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Physical Bronze Server - 2 CPU, 6 Core, 48GB RAM, 2 X 300 GB Disk, 100 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Physical Diamond Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Physical Diamond Server - 4 CPU, 8 Core, 128GB RAM, 2 X 146 GB Disk, 300 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Physical Gold Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Physical Gold Server - 4 CPU, 8 Core, 32GB RAM, 2 X 146 GB Disk, 200 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Physical Silver Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Physical Silver Server - 4 CPU, 8 Core, 128GB RAM, 2 X 146 GB Disk, 300 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,PhysicalPlatinum Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"PhysicalPlatinum Server - 4 CPU, 8 Core, 64GB RAM, 2 X 146 GB Disk, 300 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Premium Compute Resource Pool - vDC Slice,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloadsAvailable in PAYG - per hour requirement - refer PAYG Basic Virtual Pool for pricingStandard Pool - 75% Reservation - refer Standard Compute Resource Pool for pricingPremium Pool - 100% Reservation",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Compute Resource Pool - vDC Slice (Base - 8GHz CPU, 20GB Memory, 400GB Storage) @100% Committed Resources",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Premium Data Storage,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Premium: Compliance: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley.Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Data ReplicationTiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation.Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Storage: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Premium Data Storage and Archive,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Premium: Compliance: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley.Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Data ReplicationTiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation.Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium:Premium Dedicated Storage per 100 GB: Policy based file storage compliant with SEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Premium Disaster Recovery,"Delivers failover capability in the event of unplanned outage. Backup and Recovery service integration, Recovery Testing, High Availability solution design. Options available in following:Premium: RPO 15min, RTO 4h, Priority ServiceStandard: RPO 15min, RTO 8h,Basic: RPO 24h, RTO 48h",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Disaster Recover - RPO 15min, RTO 4h, Priority Service",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Premium Test and Dev Environment,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloads",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Test and Development Environment.Premium vDC Slice (Base - 8GHz CPU, 20GB Memory, 400GB Storage) @100% Committed Resources",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Professional Network Security,"Provide cost-effective security services to Infoplex customers in the cloud. Comes in 2 options - Enterprise and Professional. Enterprise includes the following. Professional includes Perimeter Firewall and Intrusion Prevention and Protection.Perimeter Firewall:Firewall service builds on the technology offered to provide the industrys strongest level of gatewayIntrusion Prevention and Detection:The IPS service complements firewall protection, further securing the network without degrading gateway performance. It offers full-featured IPS and is constantly updated with new defenses against emerging threatsVirtual Private Network:The IPSec VPN service provides secure connectivity to networks for remote users, branch offices and business partnersAnti-Spam & Email Security:The Anti-Spam & Email Security service provides protection for messaging infrastructure, providing highly accurate anti-spam coverage and defends customers from a wide variety of virus and malware threats delivered within emailAntivirus & Anti-Malware:The Antivirus & Anti-Malware service stops viruses and other malware at the gateway before they affect usersData Loss Prevention: The Data Loss Prevention service protects sensitive information from unintentional loss, educating users on proper data handling policies and empowering them to remediate incidents in real-time",IaaS,Business Continuity,Network Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Perimeter Protection including IPS/IDS and Perimeter Firewall2 Changes per month also included ,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Seasonal Peaks and Bursts PAYG Resource Pool,"With the Introduction of vCloud Director, you will be able to manage the resources required to meet the business demands during seasonal changes and peak times. A PAYG service is available for hourly ratevCloud Director will provide the ability to busrt up and reduce resources as required.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Basic - PAYG - 1 vCPU per hour @75% Committed Resources, including 100GB storage and 100GB memory. Chargeable at hourly rate. With vCloud Director it is self provisioned if required.",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Sharepoint,"Flexible, efficient and user-friendly collaborative services:- Lync- SharepointMS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,SharePoint for Internet Sites Enterprise PL Proc per siteMS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Standard Compute Resource Pool - vDC Slice,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloadsAvailable in:PAYG - Per hourly Requirement - refer PAYG Basic Virtual Resource Pool for pricingStandard Pool - 75% Resource CommitmentPremium Pool - 100 % Resource Pool - Refer Premium Compute Resource Pool for pricing",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Compute Resource Pool -vDC Slice (Base - 8GHz CPU, 20GB Memory, 400GB Storage) @75% Committed Resources",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Standard Data Storage,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Premium: Compliance: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley.Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Data ReplicationTiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation.Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Standard Disaster Recovery,"Delivers failover capability in the event of unplanned outage. Backup and Recovery service integration, Recovery Testing, High Availability solution design. Options available in following:Premium: RPO 15min, RTO 4h, Priority ServiceStandard: RPO 15min, RTO 8h,Basic: RPO 24h, RTO 48h",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Disaster Recovery -RPO 15min, RTO 8h",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Standard Test and Dev Environment,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloads.Pay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loads. 75% resource commitment for Standard Pool and 100% resource commitment for Premium PoolRefer PAYG Basic Virtual Resource Pool for PAYG Test and Dev Environment Pricing and Premium Compute Resource Pool for Premium Test and Dev Environment Pricing",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Test and Development Environment.Standard vDC Slice (Base - 8GHz CPU, 20GB Memory, 400GB Storage) @75% Committed Resources.",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Virtual Bronze Server,Delivers virtual compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server - Bronze: 1 X CPU, 1X GB RAM, 40GB DISK, 50GB Internet. Including Server Management - Steady State",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Virtual Desktop - Citrix,"Infoplex delivers the Citrix based offering via a comprehensive process that includes planing and design, rollout, and testing of the pilot system as well as all the production environment. Solution allows for security, technical and business requirements, ensuring best fit for the business. Proof of concept phase ensures application will perform to desired requirements.Features:Secure Remote DesktopFast Provisioning of ServersCommon DesktopUser IdentificationSecurity by DesignApplication Siloing and Data Loss PreventionManaged Services",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Citrix Virtual Desktop - Citrix Farm includingVirtual Server - Gold: CPU:4 RAM:4GB DISK:60GB INET:150GB100 Licenses and Steadystate Management,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Virtual Diamond Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server - Diamond - 8 CPU, 16GB RAM, 150 GB Disk, 250 GB InternetManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Virtual Gold Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server - Gold - 4 CPU, 4GB RAM, 60 GB Disk, 150 GB InternetManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Virtual Server (vCloud) - Web Hosting,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloads",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Web Hosting Platform - Per Virtual Server,8 CPU, 16GB RAM, 150 GB Disk, 250 GB Internet andManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,Virtual Silver Server,Delivers Virtual compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server - Silver - 2 CPU, 2GB RAM, 40 GB Disk, 100 GB InternetManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Infoplex Pty Ltd,39 094 296 107,VirtualPlatinum Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server -Platinum - 4 CPU, 8GB RAM, 100 GB Disk, 200 GB InternetManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

-Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45 002 812 697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 1,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45 002 812 697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 2,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45 002 812 697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 3,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45 002 812 697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 4,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45 002 812 697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 5,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45 002 812 697,Address Validation and Geocoding Dedicated Web Service (Internal Cloud),"SOAP/XML web service to resolve information quality issues and add value to address data. Functionality includes data transformation, validation, standardisation, matching and integration of a wide array of data sources, both in batch mode and in real-time at the point of data capture. Geocoding functionality appends geographic codes such as lat/long, statistical boundaries, administrative boundaries etc to validated addresses. IQ Office would be installed on client managed infrastructure with Intech Solutions' security cleared personnel managing the IQ Office installation and maintenance.",SaaS,Geographic Information Systems,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Secret,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A Functional Request (FR) is an API call to the web service. A single API call may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved. Eg: a function call which validates an address and retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45 002 812 697,Data Cleansing Web Service (Internal Cloud),"SOAP/XML web service to validate data, resolve information quality issues and append additional data attributes. The service provides functionality for Phone, email, ABN, Name, BSB, gender, and much more etc). Functionality includes data transformation, validation, parsing, address validation, geocoding, standardisation of a wide array of data sources, both in batch mode and in real-time at the point of data capture. IQ Office would be installed on client managed infrastructure with Intech Solutions' security cleared personnel managing the IQ Office installation and maintenance.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Secret,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A Functional Request (FR) is an API call to the web service. A single API call may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved. Eg: a function call which validates an address and retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-IntelligenceBank Pty Ltd,73138768564.0, IntelligenceBank Information Management,"IntelligenceBank is an active information management platform, that maximises the value of information.  The platform aggregates data from disparate sources, structures it based on the customers business and permissions requirements, and enables people to easily broadcast, access, share and collaborate.  IntelligenceBank comes with advanced document & digital asset management, advanced search, charting, media feeds dashboard, internal forum and custom databases.  The platform is used as:  document management platform, board portals, brand hubs (for sharing brand assets with agencies), and data rooms.<br/> ",SaaS,Information Management,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,Units are user licenses,Australia,NSW,1.6,1.0,Australia,QLD,1.6,2.0,USA,Washington,1.08,1.0,,,,,,,,

-IntelligenceBank Pty Ltd,73138768564.0,IntelligenceBank Document Management,"IntelligenceBank is an active information management platform, that makes it easy to share documents, online files and digital assets.  IntelligenceBank comes with advanced document management features such as:  Version Control, Review Dates, Metadata, Comments, Ratings, PDF document reader, annotations and more.  Advanced search (searching title, description and within the documents) and Permissions can be granted on a granular basis.  You can email links to documents and set email alerts to notify stakeholders when new online files are available.  Integration with Active Directory is possible.<br/><br/>IntelligenceBank's document management tool is used for board portals, external partner extranet, and brand hubs - to share brand guildelines and creative files with stakeholders.<br/><br/> ",SaaS,Document Management,,,,,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,Units are user licenses.,Australia,NSW,1.6,1.0,Australia,QLD,1.6,2.0,USA,Washington,1.08,1.0,,,,,,,,

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Advanced SNMP Monitoring Pack,"The solution automatically discovers network interfaces, verifies network connectivity to devices (routers, switches, firewalls, etc.) and application services revealing accessibility and latency.  Additionally, the solution monitors interface traffic and calculates bandwidth utilisation. Network interface variables are polled for status data and the solution receives unsolicited SNMP traps. Interactive Network Monitoring intuitively displays this comprehensive data in graphical alarm consoles, performance reports, and SLA reports.   The advanced monitoring pack is specifically useful for VOIP environments.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Advanced SNMP Monitoring Pack,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Applications Server Pack,"The Application Server Pack provides monitoring capabilities for all the major databases and applications in use today, including Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, Exchange, Active Directory, IIS, Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere, Weblogic, Citrix and many others --as well as client's in-house developed applications. Additionally the Application Server Pack provides monitoring for Cisco VoIP (Voice over IP) services such as CallManager, Unity, and Unified Communications Manager. (Includes Standard Server Pack)",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Applications Server Pack,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Tier 2 +,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,CIFS Share,File Serving function direct from the SAN.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,CIFS Share,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Commvault MSP Base Backup License Per Server,This is a backup agent installed into a virtual server or on a physical server to allow backups for databases for example. Supports a wide variety of popular databases.,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,CommVault Backup including iDataAgents per server,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Dedicated Virtual Firewall,High Availability Enterprise Firewall InstanceMandatory 1 minimum for all IaaS services per customerAllows customer to utilise their own local IP address rangeAllows customer to define any firewall rules,IaaS,Virtual Server,Firewall service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Off,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Dedicated Virtual Firewall,Australia,Victoria Port Park,1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Managed Online Backup Storage,This is a backup storage pool used by Interactive's backup software for online backups and is stored on the SAN. This allows quick backups and restores.,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Tier 3 Online Backup Storage - Per TB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Managed Server & Firewall Bronze Bundle,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Includes 1 vCPU, 2GB RAM, 200GB Tier 2 Storage, 1 Firewall* Excludes Backup (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Server & Firewall Bundle - Bronze,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Managed Server BronzeBundle,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Includes 1 vCPU, 2GB RAM, 200GB Tier 2 Storage* Excludes Backup and Firewall (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Server Bundle - Bronze,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Managed Server GoldBundle,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Includes 2 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB Tier 1 Storage* Excludes Backup and Firewall (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Server Bundle - Gold,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Managed Server SilverBundle,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Includes 2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 500GB Tier 1 Storage* Excludes Backup and Firewall (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Server Bundle - Silver,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Managed Tape Backup Storage,Interactive utilises Enterprise Tape Libraries to allow long term storage needs and tapes are taken offsite on a daily basis.,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Tier 4 Backup Tape Storage - Per TB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Managed VS - Cold DR,Provisioned only in the event of a disaster. Must use in conjunction with the Managed Disaster Recovery Service.Maximum 1 vCPU and 4GB Memory Allocated,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,COLD DR Virtual Servers ,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Managed VS - Warm DR,Used for replication targets e.g. SQL Log shippingMaximum 1 vCPU and 4GB Memory Allocated,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,WARM DR Virtual Servers ,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,NimBus HUB,"1RU Server hosting ISAM Monitoring service. Alert Forwarder for SNMP, WMI traffic. Utilises customer internet service to securely forward monitoring information to Interactive's back end service for display on the portal and alerting to customers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,NimBus HUB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Response Time Monitoring Pack - Advanced,e2e_appmon_dev and e2e_appmon. Priced per location where tests are run. Used to monitor websites.,IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Response Time Monitoring Pack - Advanced,Australia,Victoria Port Park,1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Response Time Monitoring Pack - Basic,"email_response, url_response, LDAP_response, dns_response, dhcp_response, wins_response. Priced per location where tests are run from.Used to monitor websites.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Response Time Monitoring Pack - Basic,Australia,Victoria Port Park,1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,SAS Tier 1 Primary Storage per TB,Fastest SAN storage for production volumes including operating system drives.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,SAS Tier 1 Primary Storage per TB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,SATA Tier 2 Secondary Storage Per TB,"Slower Cost Effective SAN storage for archive data, file serving volumes.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,SATA Tier 2 Secondary Storage Per TB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Standard Server Pack,"Server Resource Monitoring, Process and Services Monitoring, Event Log Monitoring, File and Directory Monitoring. Monitor MS Windows-centric servers configured with popular Microsoft applications including; MS SQL Server, Exchange, Active Directory, and IIS.Installed in Physical or Virtual Servers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Standard Server Pack,Australia,Victoria Port Park,1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,Standard SNMP Monitoring Pack,"The solution automatically discovers network interfaces, verifies network connectivity to devices (routers, switches, firewalls, etc.) and application services revealing accessibility and latency.  Additionally, the solution monitors interface traffic and calculates bandwidth utilisation. Network interface variables are polled for status data and the solution receives unsolicited SNMP traps. Interactive Network Monitoring intuitively displays this comprehensive data in graphical alarm consoles, performance reports, and SLA reports.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Standard SNMP Monitoring Pack,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-Interactive Pty Ltd,ACN: 088 952 023 ABN: 17 088 952 023,VM - Base Charge,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Must add vCPU, RAM, Storage* Excludes Backup (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,VM - Base Charge,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Ad hoc Technical Services Fees,"Technical services supplied by Intervolve, outside of any agreed services schedule / SLA.Staff available onsite during business hours. 30 minute response time outside of business hoursMinimum 30 minute fee for technical services performed remotely &lt; Minimum 60 minute fee for technical services requiring onsite access &lt; Minimum 30 minute fee for technical services performed remotely &lt; Minimum 60 minute fee for technical services requiring onsite access &lt; $132.00 callout fee for technical services requiring onsite access",Managed Service,Human Resources,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Technical Services,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Additional public IPs (IPv4),Additional public facing IPsCan be provisioned as /24 - /29 address ranges,Managed Service,Human Resources,Connectivity,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Additional public IPs (IPv4),Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Backup Management for Dedicated Servers,Acronis ABR11 Fully Managed BackupBackup management for dedicated servers provided by Intervolve. Includes:Monthly Full Backup + Daily DifferentialsDaily Checks performed by our Support Team for correct backup functioningAlerting Escalation to Intervolve Technicians via SMSExternal USB HDD attached to each server,Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Backup Management (Dedicated servers only),Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Data Destruction Service,"A data wiping / sanitising service provided for end users, to ensure that data is not retained on decommissioned equipment.",Managed Service,Human Resources,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Data wiping / sanitising services,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Enterprise Server Maximus Package 1,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R515, 2RU, 8 x HDD BayProcessor2 x AMD 6-Core Opteron 4180, 2.6GHz, 3M L2/6M L3 CacheMemory 64GB (8x8GB) 1333Mhz Dual Ranked RDIMM Hard Drives 6 x 450GB SAS 15K, Hardware Raid 1/5/6/10 (or mix)IP Addresses 5 (Extra IP's Available on Application)Bandwidth 100GB Data TransferNetwork SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Enterprise Server Maximus Package 2,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R510, 2RU, 8 x HDD BayProcessorIntel 6 Core E5645 2.40GHz, 12M Cache, 5.86 GT/s QPI, 6CMemory 64GB (8x8GB) 1333Mhz Dual Ranked RDIMM Hard Drives 6 x 450GB SAS 15K, Hardware Raid 1/5/6/10 (or mix)IP Addresses 5 (Extra IP's Available on Application)Bandwidth 100GB Data TransferNetwork SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Enterprise Server Professional Package 1,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R515, 2RU, 8 x HDD BayProcessor 2 x AMD 6-Core Opteron 4180, 2.6GHz, 3M L2/6M L3 CacheMemory 32GB (8x4GB) 1333Mhz Dual Ranked RDIMM Hard Drives 6 x 300GB SAS 15K, Hardware Raid 1/5/6/10 (or mix)IP Addresses 5 (Extra IP's Available on Application)Bandwidth 100GB Data TransferNetwork SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Enterprise Server Professional Package 2,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R510, 2RU, 8 x HDD BayProcessor2 x Intel 6 Core E5645 2.40GHz, 12M Cache, 5.86 GT/s QPI, 6CMemory 32GB (8x4GB) 1333Mhz Dual Ranked RDIMM Hard Drives 6 x 300GB SAS 15K, Hardware Raid 1/5/6/10 (or mix)IP Addresses 5 (Extra IP's Available on Application)Bandwidth 100GB Data TransferNetwork SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Hardware Firewall Service - High Availability Configuration,"Complete Unified Threat Management (UTM) features including firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention (IPS), Web filtering, antispam, antivirus, antispyware, traffic shaping and IM/P2P controls. All firewall devices are provided in a High Availability (HA) active / passive configuration to ensure maximum uptime.Based on 2x Fortinet Fortigate 80C II firewalls in cluster configurationFirewall Specifications:Firewall throughput (512 byte UDP packets): 350MbpsIPSEC VPN Throughput: 80MbpsIPS throughput: 100MbpsAntivirus Throughput: 50MbpsClient to Gateway IPSec VPN Tunnels: 200Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Recommended Max): 60Virtual Domains: 10 maxUnlimited User LicensesMaximum concurrent sessions: 100,000New sessions / second: 5,000ICSA Labs Certified (Firewall, Antivirus, IPSec VPN, SSL VPN, Intrusion Prevention)The following features are provisioned as part of the setup cost below:Firewall policy creationHardware provisionThe following features can be delivered for an additional setup cost (see below)VPN (PPTP, IPSec and SSL Dedicated Tunnels)Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)1 IP address load balancing supportedIPSEC tunnel configuration (gateway to gateway, maximum 200)",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Hardware Firewall Service -High Availability Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Hardware Firewall Service - non HA,"Complete Unified Threat Management (UTM) features including firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention (IPS), Web filtering, antispam, antivirus, antispyware, traffic shaping and IM/P2P controls.Includes only a single Fortinet Fortigate 80C II firewall. (No hardware redundancy).Firewall Specifications:Firewall throughput (512 byte UDP packets): 350MbpsIPSEC VPN Throughput: 80MbpsIPS throughput: 100MbpsAntivirus Throughput: 50MbpsClient to Gateway IPSec VPN Tunnels: 200Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Recommended Max): 60Virtual Domains: 10 maxUnlimited User LicensesMaximum concurrent sessions: 100,000New sessions / second: 5,000ICSA Labs Certified (Firewall, Antivirus, IPSec VPN, SSL VPN, Intrusion Prevention)The following features are provisioned as part of the setup cost below:Firewall policy creationHardware provisionThe following features can be delivered for an additional setup cost (see below)VPN (PPTP, IPSec and SSL Dedicated Tunnels)Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)1 IP address load balancing supportedIPSEC tunnel configuration (gateway to gateway, maximum 200)",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Hardware Firewall Service - non HA,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Enterprise - 100GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory16GB (4x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 450GB SAS, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 100GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Enterprise - 20GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory16GB (4x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 450GB SAS, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 20GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Enterprise - 50GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory16GB (4x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 450GB SAS, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 50GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Lite - 100GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory2GB (1x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 250GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 1 Public Static IP IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 100GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Lite - 20GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory2GB (1x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 250GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 1 Public Static IP IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port- 20GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Lite - 50GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory2GB (1x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 250GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 1 Public Static IP IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 50GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Professional - 100GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory8GB (2x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 1TB SATA II, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 100GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Professional - 20GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory8GB (2x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 1TB SATA II, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 20GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Professional - 50GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory8GB (2x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 1TB SATA II, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 50GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Standard - 100GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory4GB (2x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 500GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 2 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 100GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Standard - 20GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory4GB (2x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 500GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 2 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 20GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Dedicated Server Standard - 50GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory4GB (2x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 500GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 2 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 50GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Fortinet Forti Tokens (requires a firewall service as per service catalogue),Two Factor Authentication security service. Requires shared or dedicated hardware firewalls to be provisioned (see Hardware Firewall Service in Service Catalogue). Also requires SSL VPN or IPSEC VPN to be provisioned (See SSL VPN configuration or IPSEC VPN configuration in Service Catalogue) Requires the user to input a special code that is linked to their user account.,IaaS,Identity Management,Connectivity,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Fortinet Forti Token,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Intrusion Protection System Configuration (requires a firewall service as per service catalogue),IPS configuration on a firewall services delivered.,Managed Service,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Intrusion Protection System Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,IPSEC VPN tunnel (requires a firewall service as per service catalogue),SSL VPN Configuration for users. Requires user to authenticate via SSL VPN before accessing server.More secure than direct access over internet.,Managed Service,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,SSL VPN Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Load Balancing Configuration (requires a firewall service as per service catalogue),Configuration of load balancing for client services.,Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Load Balancing Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Metrics Monitoring,"Metrics Monitoring1 x Server (CPU Usage, Memory Free, Disk Free, Ping Response) &lt; Alerting Escalation to Intervolve Technicians via email &lt; Alerting Escalation to Client Technicians via email",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Metrics Monitoring,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Shared Hardware Firewall Service,"Complete Unified Threat Management (UTM) features including firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention (IPS), Web filtering, antispam, antivirus, antispyware, traffic shaping and IM/P2P controls. All firewall devices are provided in a High Availability (HA) active / passive configuration to ensure maximum uptime.Based on 2x Fortinet Fortigate 80C II firewalls in cluster configuration, maximum 9 clients per cluster.Firewall Specifications:Firewall throughput: 20MbpsIPS throughput: 10MbpsMaximum concurrent sessions: 70,000New sessions / second: 2,000ICSA Labs Certified (Enterprise Firewall, IPSec, SSL, NIPS, Gateway Antivirus)The following features are provisioned as part of the setup cost below:Firewall policy creationHardware provisionThe following features can be delivered for an additional setup cost (see below)VPN (PPTP, IPSec and SSL Dedicated Tunnels)Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)1 IP address load balancing supportedIPSEC tunnel configuration",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Shared Hardware Firewall Service,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,SMS Alerting & Notification,SMS Alerting & Notification service provided by Intervolve:1 x Server (24x7x5min HTTP Check)Alerting Escalation to Intervolve Technicians via SMSAlerting Escalation to Client Technicians via SMSAd-Hoc Reporting Available (Requests Ad-Hoc Charge),Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Metrics Monitoring,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,SQL Managemenet,Management of a SQL back end database. Monthly database shrink & statistic run / check.,Managed Service,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,SQL Management,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,SSL VPN Configuration (requires a firewall service as service catalogue),SSL VPN Configuration for users. Requires user to authenticate via SSL VPN before accessing server.More secure than direct access over internet.,Managed Service,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,SSL VPN Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

-INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Virtual Private Server - Enterprise,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Dual Core40GB Disk space50GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)1536MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation -5 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

-INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Virtual Private Server - Lite,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Single Core5GB Disk space5GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)256MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation - 1 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

-INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Virtual Private Server - Max,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Dual Core80GB Disk space50GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)2048MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation -5 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

-INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Virtual Private Server - Mid,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Single Core10GB Disk space10GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)512MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation - 2 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

-INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Virtual Private Server - Pro,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Dual Core20GB Disk space50GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)1024MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation -5 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

-INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85 126 029 203,Virtual Private Server - Std,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Single Core15GB Disk space50GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)768MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation - 3 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

-Lazu,28 143 447 632,Cloud Servers,"Our Cloud Servers are secure and fully redundant at every layer  network, compute and storage.By utilising our infrastructure you can reduce your IT costs, while maintaining the flexibility to scale up or down as your business changes.We appreciate that no two customers needs are alike. Thats why we offer a range of migration options and a variety of plans and value added extras to complete your cloud solution. These extras include backup and restore, firewalls, comprehensive support, and extensive around the clock monitoring.Technology can consume organisational resources, which is why our service is designed to be simple, from contracts and snappy provisioning, through to access to experts and support.Business requirements change, but our architecture is standardised and all of our cloud products use enterprise grade infrastructure. Therefore, by choosing our Cloud Servers, you can migrate, upgrade and access all our cloud products quickly and simply.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Plan 1 - CPU (1), RAM (2GB), Storage (50GB), Network Bandwidth (25GB), Public IP Address (1)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

-Lazu,28 143 447 632,CloudDrive,"CloudDrive is a private cloud solution that is simple to use, secure and mobile. It enables your business to reduce the risk of data leakage, while increasing productivity.Mobile device policies (i.e. BYOD) may not have been formalised, but employees are still using their own devices and consumer tools to store and share sensitive corporate data. CloudDrive gives employees a better way to collaborate, and organisations better control over their data.Employees who use CloudDrive will be more productive more of the time. Business information can be accessed in the office or on the run using their iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry and a number of other devices. Employees can show customers the latest sales collateral without having to wait for an email, or work on urgent reports or sales bids on the run.From the infrastructure to the security features, CloudDrive is enterprise-class. When a file is dropped into a CloudDrive it is automatically backed up to your private cloud and synced to all devices. Files stored locally on a device are encrypted and can be wiped remotely if your device is lost or stolen.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Dollars (AUD) per User per month, Each user includes CloudDrive software license, Storage (50GB), Network Usage (25GB), File Size Limit (2GB)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

-Lazu,28 143 447 632,Managed Co-Location,"Our next generation Managed Co-Location service physically and logically secures your IT systems. Our state of the art data centres are located across Australia, so you can access your data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Each centre follows strict security protocols, giving you complete peace of mind.At Lazu, we are passionate about simplicity and choice. If you choose Managed Co-Location, we provide high speed network access, routing, firewall and switching, which means you can have your systems up and running as soon as they are racked.Once you are up and running, our responsive Australian based team can monitor and manage your network, or you can choose to use your own team.Our data centres are secure, robust and safe environments, with ridiculously high power density and super-efficient cooling. We can easily provide you with additional racks, cages, or any other configuration you choose.By choosing Managed Co-Location you gain access to our suite of cloud products, so if you have an urgent requirement for additional compute, storage, backup or network we can provide you with what you need at the touch of a button.",IaaS,Business Continuity,Managed Co-Location Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Plan 1' - Rack Space (5RU), 1GB Network Port (2), Power (0.4kw), GPO Power Outlets (4), Network Usage (200GB), Firewall (1), Public IP Address (1)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

-Lazu,28 143 447 632,Offsite Cloud Backup,"Lazu's Offsite Cloud Backup solution enables you to backup your file servers, databases, VM's and just about anything else from your datacentre to ours. It's designed so you can concentrate on managing your production environment, leaving us to ensure that your data is protected.At Lazu we are always looking to innovate and change the game. Our solution is vendor agnostic, uses compression and de-duplication, and is tapeless. This means that your existing environment doesn't need to conform to strict requirements; we don't need your data to be in the same data centre as ours, and we can recover your data fast!Our solution is designed with security and compliance in mind, so we can retain your data for as long as you or the regulators require within a dedicated private cloud environment.By using our Offsite Cloud Backup you can dramatically reduce your CAPEX and OPEX costs and gain access our suite of cloud products. ",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Plan 1 - Software licence, Storage (1TB), Network (0.3TB), Dedicated Firewall (1), Public IP Address (1), Restores (5)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

-Lazu,28 143 447 632,Private Cloud Servers,"Our Private Cloud Servers enable you to split your dedicated compute and storage resources the way you want - its easy through our automated service portal.We know how important security and reliable performance is to you, thats why we provide you with dedicated compute (e.g. entire blades) and storage volumes. Your Private Cloud resides behind our enterprise grade network and security infrastructure. All configuration follows best practice and we are independently tested periodically.Because we use a standardised architecture across all our Cloud Servers, we can provide you with a DR service for your Private Cloud, or if you relocate your business, we can move your data to an equivalent configuration in another State.You wont waste valuable time negotiating contracts and migrating to our Private Cloud Servers. Our contracts and migration tools make it easy for you to join and leave, although we are confident that you will stay with us",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"'Plan 1' - 2x Dedicated Blades (&gt;128VMs), RAM (256GB), Storage (10TB), Network Usage (3TB), Dedicated Firewall (1), Public IP Address (1)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

-Lazu,28 143 447 632,Private Cloud Storage,"According to Gartner*, the growth rate of data is 40 to 60 percent; but for unstructured data in the enterprise, the growth rate can be up to 80 percent and is becoming increasingly difficult to manage and protect. Our Private Cloud Storage solution is dedicated and designed to help organisations effectively deal with rampant data growth.Storage is complex to administer and management of storage is expensive, which is why we have local experts at hand. Our talented storage team ensure that we conform to the strictest service levels.Our solution is enterprise-grade and highly optimised. Not only is it phenomenally fast and highly secure, but also extremely reliable.Our solution is designed to be provisioned on-demand, so you can stop wasting time continually justifying capital expenditure on regular storage upgrades. By switching to our monthly pay as you grow model you can invest more time and money in growing your business.We have storage hubs distributed across Australia, so you can be confident that we can accommodate your growing data needs.*Gartner, IT Market Clock for Storage, 2011, Sept 6, 2011",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Plan 1 - Dedicated Volumes (2), Storage (10TB), Network Usage (3TB), Dedicated Firewall (1), Public IP Address (1)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Alpha Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.small, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.small, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand ,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.medium, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.medium, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.large, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.large, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Delta Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.small, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.small, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand ,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.medium, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.medium, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilisation. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.large, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.large, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Sierra Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand ,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58 100 170 625 ,Whiskey Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,Australia ,NSW ,AWS do not disclose PUE ,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers ,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Lock Box Pty. Ltd.,65 125 295 719,Lockbox Client Portal - 1000,"The Lockbox privacy service allows organisations to interact with their clients with all the benefits of the public cloud (availability, scalability, flexibility) but without most of the associated risks (security, privacy, control). Lockbox is therefor particularly suitable for sharing private, sensitive or confidential information, especially across organisations, including the most difficult areas of B2B collaboration and government to non-government information exchange.Though Lockbox makes use of powerful encryption and key management technologies, our products are designed to easy to use, install, manage and integrate with existing organisational practices. The data owner controls access rights and can add or delete users at any time. Files can be easily accessed at any time and from anywhere. Clients and staff can login to upload and access their important information in real-time and, with automatic compression of files, the system is fast and responsive.With the use of a Lockbox Client Portal embedded into your organisation's website, each client effectively deals directly with your organisation. The portal gives a personal and private area for collaboration as a natural part of your website. With a Lockbox portal there is typically little to no IT involvement and it requires no server or firewall changes in order to be seamlessly integrated into your website.Lockbox removes the hassles of unreliable email, unsecured file transfer and delays with couriered CDs and USB sticks. Lockbox is unique in the market in the way it can ensure privacy. Lockbox is fully encrypted (end-to-end) and information is only visible to approved contacts. Data is compressed and encrypted on the originator's machine and stays that way until it's accessed by an authorised partner or client. It can never be accessed by anyone else - not even the staff at Lockbox - ever.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 User + 1GB aggregated data usage (storage + transfer of compressed data),Australian,Victoria,1.8,3.0,Australian,Victoria,1.9,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Lock Box Pty. Ltd.,65 125 295 719,Lockbox Client Portal - 200,"The Lockbox privacy service allows organisations to interact with their clients with all the benefits of the public cloud (availability, scalability, flexibility) but without most of the associated risks (security, privacy, control). Lockbox is therefor particularly suitable for sharing private, sensitive or confidential information, especially across organisations, including the most difficult areas of B2B collaboration and government to non-government information exchange.Though Lockbox makes use of powerful encryption and key management technologies, our products are designed to easy to use, install, manage and integrate with existing organisational practices. The data owner controls access rights and can add or delete users at any time. Files can be easily accessed at any time and from anywhere. Clients and staff can login to upload and access their important information in real-time and, with automatic compression of files, the system is fast and responsive.With the use of a Lockbox Client Portal embedded into your organisation's website, each client effectively deals directly with your organisation. The portal gives a personal and private area for collaboration as a natural part of your website. With a Lockbox portal there is typically little to no IT involvement and it requires no server or firewall changes in order to be seamlessly integrated into your website.Lockbox removes the hassles of unreliable email, unsecured file transfer and delays with couriered CDs and USB sticks. Lockbox is unique in the market in the way it can ensure privacy. Lockbox is fully encrypted (end-to-end) and information is only visible to approved contacts. Data is compressed and encrypted on the originator's machine and stays that way until it's accessed by an authorised partner or client. It can never be accessed by anyone else - not even the staff at Lockbox - ever.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 User + 200MB aggregated data usage (storage + transfer of compressed data),Australian,Victoria,1.8,3.0,Australian,Victoria,1.9,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Lock Box Pty. Ltd.,65 125 295 719,Lockbox Client Portal - 500,"The Lockbox privacy service allows organisations to interact with their clients with all the benefits of the public cloud (availability, scalability, flexibility) but without most of the associated risks (security, privacy, control). Lockbox is therefor particularly suitable for sharing private, sensitive or confidential information, especially across organisations, including the most difficult areas of B2B collaboration and government to non-government information exchange.Though Lockbox makes use of powerful encryption and key management technologies, our products are designed to easy to use, install, manage and integrate with existing organisational practices. The data owner controls access rights and can add or delete users at any time. Files can be easily accessed at any time and from anywhere. Clients and staff can login to upload and access their important information in real-time and, with automatic compression of files, the system is fast and responsive.With the use of a Lockbox Client Portal embedded into your organisation's website, each client effectively deals directly with your organisation. The portal gives a personal and private area for collaboration as a natural part of your website. With a Lockbox portal there is typically little to no IT involvement and it requires no server or firewall changes in order to be seamlessly integrated into your website.Lockbox removes the hassles of unreliable email, unsecured file transfer and delays with couriered CDs and USB sticks. Lockbox is unique in the market in the way it can ensure privacy. Lockbox is fully encrypted (end-to-end) and information is only visible to approved contacts. Data is compressed and encrypted on the originator's machine and stays that way until it's accessed by an authorised partner or client. It can never be accessed by anyone else - not even the staff at Lockbox - ever.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 User + 500MB aggregated data usage (storage + transfer of compressed data),Australian,Victoria,1.8,3.0,Australian,Victoria,1.9,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cross Connect 1 x Single Mode Fibre,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Cloud - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for unexpected, moderate to high usage application workloads and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server. No utilisation fee is charged with Always On cloud servers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Cloud - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for unexpected, moderate to high usage application workloads and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server. No utilisation fee is charged with Always On cloud servers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Cloud - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for unexpected, moderate to high usage application workloads and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server. No utilisation fee is charged with Always On cloud servers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Cloud - Additional Storage Intermediate,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Cloud - Additional Storage Standard,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Cloud - Additional Storage Superior,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB in 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as PLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: &lt; 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 1TB - 2.5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 2.5TB - 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 200GB - 499GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 40GB - 199GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 500GB - 999GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: &lt; 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 1TB - 2.5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 2.5TB - 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 200GB - 499GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 40GB - 199GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 500GB - 999GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: &lt; 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 1TB - 2.5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 2.5TB - 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 200GB - 499GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 40GB - 199GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 500GB - 999GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: &lt; 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 1TB - 2.5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 2.5TB - 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 200GB - 499GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 40GB - 199GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 500GB - 999GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always Ready Business Cloud - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for Testing, short term projects and medium usage application workloads, designed for Business Hours usage. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always Ready Business Cloud - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for Testing, short term projects and medium usage application workloads, designed for Business Hours usage. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always Ready Business Cloud - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for Testing, short term projects and medium usage application workloads, designed for Business Hours usage. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always Ready Business Cloud - Additional Storage Intermediate,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always Ready Business Cloud - Additional Storage Standard,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always Ready Business Cloud - Additional Storage Superior,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always Ready Standby Cloud - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for light to medium application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always Ready Standby Cloud - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for light to medium application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Always Ready Standby Cloud - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for light to medium application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always Ready Standby Cloud - Additional Storage Intermediate,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always Ready Standby Cloud - Additional Storage Standard,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Always Ready Standby Cloud - Additional Storage Superior,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Backup as a Service,"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Backup as a Service - 19% or less unstructured, 30 day retention","Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Backup as a Service - 20% or greater unstructured, 30 day retention","Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Backup as a Service - VM Backup,"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Backup as a Service (Remote Server Excess Usage),"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Backup as a Service (Server Excess Usage),"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Backup as a Service (VM Backup Excess Usage),"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cabling Cross Connect 1x CAT5E,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cabling Cross Connect 1x RJ11 ULL,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cabling Cross Connect 24x CAT6,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cabling Cross Connect 6x CAT5E,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cloud Load Balancer - Up to 5x monitored connections,"The Macquarie Telecom Cloud Load Balancing offering is designed to provide the load balancing requirements for hosted cloud server's applications. Macquarie Telecom use F5 Big IP Viprion models to provide the load balancing functionality. Load balancing is used as part of a customer solution for load sharing, redundancy, performance and billing purposes. The service offering also includes hardware and software maintenance.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Load Balancer, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cloud Virtual Cross Connect - includes 1x VCC catering for 2x security zones,The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any transmission connectivity between components within a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper EX4500 series models to achieve the desired switching and VLAN functionality. The Virtual Cross Connect offers high speed Ethernet transmission on a per customer VLAN basis. The service offering also includes all hardware and software maintenance.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Virtual Cross Connect, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cloud Virtual Cross Connect Add-ons for additional VCC's,The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any transmission connectivity between components within a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper EX4500 series models to achieve the desired switching and VLAN functionality. The Virtual Cross Connect offers high speed Ethernet transmission on a per customer VLAN basis. The service offering also includes all hardware and software maintenance.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Virtual Cross Connect, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cloud Virtual Firewall - includes 2x minimum security zones,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper SRX3400 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Virtual Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and Site-to-Site IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Firewall, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cross Connect 1 x Multi Mode Fibre,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cross Connect Cancellation Fee,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Cross Connect Change Fee,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 100Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 10Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 150Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 15Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 200Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 20Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 250Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 2Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 300Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 30Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 400Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 40Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 4Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 50Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 60Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 6Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 70Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 80Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 8Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 90Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Developer Cloud - 12 VM,"The Macquarie Telecom Developer Cloud provides uisers congtrol over their VMs through Macquarie Telecom's self-service portal. Access to the Developer Cloud is through the customer's existing Macquarie Telecom WAN or directly via the Internet. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per DeveloperCloud, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Developer Cloud - 4 VM,"The Macquarie Telecom Developer Cloud provides uisers congtrol over their VMs through Macquarie Telecom's self-service portal. Access to the Developer Cloud is through the customer's existing Macquarie Telecom WAN or directly via the Internet. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per DeveloperCloud, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Developer Cloud - 8 VM,"The Macquarie Telecom Developer Cloud provides uisers congtrol over their VMs through Macquarie Telecom's self-service portal. Access to the Developer Cloud is through the customer's existing Macquarie Telecom WAN or directly via the Internet. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per DeveloperCloud, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Disaster Recovery - Data / IP VPN - Intellicentre Colocated Ethernet Service,"The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Firewall, this firewall is designed to meet the requirements for a customer solution. These firewalls would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper ISG1000 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The DR-Virtual Firewall offers 3 major features which are tasteful packet inspection, firewall zones, and customer specific policies per zone. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: &lt; 10000GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: 100-500GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: 2000-5000GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: 5000-10000GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: 500-2000GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Disaster Recovery - Virtual Load Balancing,"The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Firewall, this firewall is designed to meet the requirements for a customer solution. These firewalls would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper ISG1000 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The DR-Virtual Firewall offers 3 major features which are tasteful packet inspection, firewall zones, and customer specific policies per zone. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 2vCPU, 16GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 16GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Disaster Recovery - Virtual Switch,"The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Firewall, this firewall is designed to meet the requirements for a customer solution. These firewalls would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper ISG1000 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The DR-Virtual Firewall offers 3 major features which are tasteful packet inspection, firewall zones, and customer specific policies per zone. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,DNS,The Macquarie Telecom DNS Service offering is designed to provide our customers with either a Primary or Secondary Domain Name Records. We can be either an authoritive or secondary service dependant on the customers requirements. A typical configuration would include both the Zone (SOA) and Mail (MX) records. Macquarie Telecom uses the Bind software that is installed on Linux servers to achieve the desired functionality. We have 5 DNS servers deployed in multiple locations to ensure High Availability of our DNS Service. A Self Service portal is available to our customers for all changes to their records. The service offering also includes Macquarie Telecom looking after all hardware and software maintenance.,IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per DNS, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Email Anti-SPAM/Anti Virus,"The Macquarie Telecom Email Anti-Virus/Anti-SPAM Service offering is designed to provide an Anti-SPAM and Anti-Virus protection solution to the email traffic that is sent and received by the customers mail servers. Macquarie Telecom uses the Sophos Pure Message software that is installed on servers to achieve the desired functionality. Attack signatures are updated daily, with additional zero day critical updates included as required. The service offering also includes all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per User, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Firewall Appliance Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Host Intrusion Detection Service,"The Macquarie Telecom Host Based Intrusion Detection Service offering is designed to provide a Layer 7 aware code and Operating system vulnerability protection requirements for a customer solution at the individual server level. Macquarie Telecom uses the IBM ISS Proventia series of software that is installed on the target servers to achieve the desired functionality. The Macquarie Telecom Host Based Intrusion Detection Service scans all traffic that is traversing to the servers and can monitor or block traffic in real time as desired. It also monitors the event logs and registries of the servers. Attack signatures are updated weekly, with additional zero day critical updates included as required. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all software maintenance. Security Event Incident Management is handled by our Correlation Engine which uses RSA Envision technology.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Hosted DNS Change,The Macquarie Telecom DNS Service offering is designed to provide our customers with either a Primary or Secondary Domain Name Records. We can be either an authoritive or secondary service dependant on the customers requirements. A typical configuration would include both the Zone (SOA) and Mail (MX) records. Macquarie Telecom uses the Bind software that is installed on Linux servers to achieve the desired functionality. We have 5 DNS servers deployed in multiple locations to ensure High Availability of our DNS Service. A Self Service portal is available to our customers for all changes to their records. The service offering also includes Macquarie Telecom looking after all hardware and software maintenance.,Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per Change,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: &lt; 101Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 1Mbps - 6Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 21Mbps - 40Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 41Mbps - 60Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 61Mbps - 100Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 7Mbps - 20Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Intellihands (T & M) - Business Hours,The Intellihands Product is a service that can be used by our customers who require an Macquarie Telecom NOC engineer to conduct a routine task on their behalf on a recurring basis. This service is charged monthly at per hour Time and materials rate.,Managed Service,Physical Server,Engineering Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per Hour,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Intellihands (T & M) - non-Business Hours,The Intellihands Product is a service that can be used by our customers who require an Macquarie Telecom NOC engineer to conduct a routine task on their behalf on a recurring basis. This service is charged monthly at per hour Time and materials rate.,Managed Service,Physical Server,Engineering Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per Hour,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Intrusion Prevention Service,"The Macquarie Telecom Intrusion Prevention Service offering is designed to provide a Layer 7 aware code vulnerability protection requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper ISG2000 models to achieve the desired functionality. The Macquarie Telecom Intrusion Prevention Service scans all traffic that has passed through the Perimeter firewall filters and can monitor or block traffic in real time as desired. Attack signatures are updated weekly, with additional zero day critical updates included as required. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance. Includes High-Availability Perimeter Firewall, IPS monitoring and reporting.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,InView Premium,"The Macquarie Telecom InView service is a near real-time, online management tool that allows you to plan, monitor and troubleshoot your entire Macquarie Telecom data network and hosting services infrastructure - from the core to the edge. Highly personalised to manage utilisation, performance reporting and alerts, InView gives you access to the status of all your services at a glance.InView is part of a suite of online Macquarie Telecom management tools, designed to save you time and help you maxmise your services.",IaaS,Web Hosting,Reporting,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,InView Standard,"The Macquarie Telecom InView service is a near real-time, online management tool that allows you to plan, monitor and troubleshoot your entire Macquarie Telecom data network and hosting services infrastructure - from the core to the edge. Highly personalised to manage utilisation, performance reporting and alerts, InView gives you access to the status of all your services at a glance.InView is part of a suite of online Macquarie Telecom management tools, designed to save you time and help you maxmise your services.",IaaS,Web Hosting,Reporting,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Mail Filtering Change,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per change,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed DDOS Reporting,The Macquarie Telecom Managed DDOS Reporting Service is designed to thwart DDoS attacks and strengthen the quality of Government services while maintaining network visibility and security.,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 146GB 10K disk,"TThe Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,146GB 10K disk,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 146GB 15K disk,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,146GB 15K disk,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 1x CPU QUAD-Core 2GHz,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,1x CPU QUAD-Core 2GHz,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 2GB RAM Module,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,2GB RAM Module,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 300GB 10K disk,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,300GB 10K disk,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 4GB RAM Module,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,4GB RAM Module,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 8GB RAM Module,"TThe Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,8GB RAM Module,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP Blade BL460 Blades,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. Each Blade includes: Intel E5506; 2x QUAD-Core CPU; 16GB RAM; 2x 146GB RAID1, dual PS; 4xNICs; 1x HBA; all CPU licenses as specified.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP Blade BL460 Blades,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP Blade C7000 Chassis,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP Blade C7000 Chassis,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP DL360 G7 E5506 2.13 GHz or equivalent,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. Each dedicated server will consist of: 1x QUAD-Core CPU; 4GB RAM; 2x 146GB RAID1 (optional); RPS and 4xNICs; CPU license as specified.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP DL360 G7 E5506 2.13 GHz or equivalent,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP DL380 G7 E5506 2.13 GHz or equivalent,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. Each dedicated server will consist of: 1x QUAD-Core CPU; 4GB RAM; 2x 146GB RAID1 (optional); RPS and 4xNICs; CPU license as specified.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP DL380 G7 E5506 2.13 GHz or equivalent,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP DL585 G7 AMD 6172 2.1 GHz or equivalent,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. Each dedicated server will consist of: 1x QUAD-Core CPU; 4GB RAM; 2x 146GB RAID1 (optional); RPS and 4xNICs; CPU license as specified.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP DL585 G7 AMD 6172 2.1 GHz or equivalent,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall - Add on - Cisco ASA 4xGig Card,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Add-on, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall - Add on - Netscreen 8xGig Card,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Add-on, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall - Add on - Reporting,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall - Cisco ASA 5510,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall - Cisco ASA 5520,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall - Cisco ASA 5540,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall - Netscreen SSG 140,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall - Netscreen SSG 320,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Firewall Policy Change,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. ",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Load Balancing,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Load Balancing offering is designed to provide the load balancing requirements for hosted managed server's applications. Macquarie Telecom use F5 Big IP models to provide the load balancing functionality. Load balancing is used as part of a customer solution for load sharing, redundancy, performance and billing purposes. The service offering also includes hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Zone , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Load Balancing - Load Balancing Change,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Load Balancing offering is designed to provide the load balancing requirements for hosted managed server's applications. Macquarie Telecom use F5 Big IP models to provide the load balancing functionality. Load balancing is used as part of a customer solution for load sharing, redundancy, performance and billing purposes. The service offering also includes hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per change, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed RU - Colocation Device Restart,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements, but are not part of the Macquarie Telecom product catalogue and services that we are providing in our managed hosting solution.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per Service item,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed RU - Secure 20RU Half Rack - 1.2kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements, but are not part of the Macquarie Telecom product catalogue and services that we are providing in our managed hosting solution.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed RU - Secure 20RU Half Rack - 3kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed RU - Secure 42RU Full Rack - 3kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed RU - Secure 42RU Full Rack - 5kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed RU - Secure 42RU Full Rack - 7kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Server Anti Virus,"The Macquarie Telecom Server Anti-Virus Service offering is designed to provide a virus protection solution to the Operating System for individual servers. Macquarie Telecom uses the Symantec Endpoint series of software that is installed on the target servers to achieve the desired functionality. The Macquarie Telecom Server Anti-Virus Service scans all traffic that is present on the server operating systems. Attack signatures are updated daily, with additional zero day critical updates included as required. The service offering also includes all software maintenance.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Intermediate: &lt; 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Intermediate: 1TB - 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Intermediate: 40GB - 500GB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Intermediate: 500GB - 1TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Premium: &lt; 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Premium: 1TB - 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Premium: 40GB - 500GB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Premium: 500GB - 1TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Standard: &lt; 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Standard: 1TB - 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Standard: 40GB - 500GB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Standard: 500GB - 1TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Superior: &lt; 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Superior: 1TB - 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Superior: 40GB - 500GB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Storage - Superior: 500GB - 1TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Switch - 24 port,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Switch offering is designed to provide any physical Ethernet transmission connectivity between components within a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper EX3200 series models to achieve the desired switching and VLAN functionality. The Managed Switch offers high speed Ethernet transmission on a per customer basis. The service offering also includes an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Switching,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Switch, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Switch - 48 port,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Switch offering is designed to provide any physical Ethernet transmission connectivity between components within a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper EX3200 series models to achieve the desired switching and VLAN functionality. The Managed Switch offers high speed Ethernet transmission on a per customer basis. The service offering also includes an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Switching,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Switch, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Tape Backup (Excess Usage),"The Macquarie Telecom Tape Backup offering is designed to provide the backup requirements for server application files. Macquarie Telecom use Symantec Net Backup to provide the Backup functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as 1 month retention with 1 Full and 6 Incremental backups per week, offsite Tape Storage of the Full backups at a secure location, all Symantec Software licensing, reporting of Backup job success statistics of every server subscribed. Open File agents are offered for SQL and Exchange. Restoration requests can be ordered via our online Portal. Additional retention periods up to 7 years can be ordered on demand.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Tape Backup (per Server,"The Macquarie Telecom Tape Backup offering is designed to provide the backup requirements for server application files. Macquarie Telecom use Symantec Net Backup to provide the Backup functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as 1 month retention with 1 Full and 6 Incremental backups per week, offsite Tape Storage of the Full backups at a secure location, all Symantec Software licensing, reporting of Backup job success statistics of every server subscribed. Open File agents are offered for SQL and Exchange. Restoration requests can be ordered via our online Portal. Additional retention periods up to 7 years can be ordered on demand.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Managed Tape Backup (Usage),"The Macquarie Telecom Tape Backup offering is designed to provide the backup requirements for server application files. Macquarie Telecom use Symantec Net Backup to provide the Backup functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as 1 month retention with 1 Full and 6 Incremental backups per week, offsite Tape Storage of the Full backups at a secure location, all Symantec Software licensing, reporting of Backup job success statistics of every server subscribed. Open File agents are offered for SQL and Exchange. Restoration requests can be ordered via our online Portal. Additional retention periods up to 7 years can be ordered on demand.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Operating System Patch Request (Non Automated Request),,Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Per request,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Perimeter Firewall,"The Macquarie Telecom Perimeter Firewall offering is designed to provide the basic filtering requirements for Internet facing applications. Macquarie Telecom use Juniper Net screen models to provide the perimeter firewall functionality. Perimeter Firewalling is used as part of a customer design for a Defence in depth solution. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",IaaS,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Redhat Licenses - V5 (per server): &lt; 2x CPU,"Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Redhat Licenses - V5 (per server): max 2x CPU, 16GB RAM","Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Redhat Licenses - Windows Server Datacentres Edition,"Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server License, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Redhat Licenses - Windows Server Enterprise Edition,"Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server License, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Redhat Licenses - Windows Server Standard Edition,"Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Router Appliance Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Physical Server,Switching,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Router, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Secure Web Filtering Change,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per change,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Security Zone Management Service,,IaaS,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Server Applicance Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Server Hardware Monitoring Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Server OS Monitoring Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Server OS Patching and Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,SMTP Content Filtering Service,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,SMTP Server Service,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per User, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,SMTPS Content Filtering Service,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Switch Appliance Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Physical Server,Switching,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Switch, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Virtual Firewall Add-ons,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper SRX3400 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Virtual Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and Site-to-Site IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance. Up to 6x additional security zones can be provided.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Add-on, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Virtual Managed Server &gt; 10 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Virtual Managed Server &lt; 100 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Virtual Managed Server 10 - 20 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Virtual Managed Server 20 - 50 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Virtual Managed Server 50 - 100 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 256MB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 256MB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 512MB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 512MB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Virtual Private Server - 2vCPU, 16GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 16GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,"Virtual Private Server - 2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,VM Ware Snapshot Request,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per change,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Web Anti-SPAM/Anti Virus,The Macquarie Telecom Web Anti-Virus/Anti-SPAM Service offering is designed to provide an Anti-SPAM and Anti-Virus protection solution to the web content traffic that is browsed by the customers users. ,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per User, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77 082 930 916,Web server support - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

-Magnetized Markets Pty Ltd,32047023412.0,VendorPanel - Bronze License (Single Agency),"VendorPanel is a multi-award winning SaaS application used by hundreds of government organisations to manage and access their preferred supplier panels.VendorPanel increases usage of panels, simplifies management of panel suppliers, ensures compliance and contract adherence, and gives procurement unprecedented transparency. It also simplifies quotation processes, governance and probity. Its innovative collaborative design supports secure sharing of panels across and between Agencies. Best of all, it's really easy to use.",SaaS,Off,SaaS eProcurement Application (Panel Management),24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Bronze License:Single-Agency, Collaboration Functionality,10 Procurement Administrators, 5 Panels, 150 Approved Suppliers, 200 Approved Users (Agency Staff who purchase from Panels),300 RFQs/RFPs per annum.",Australia,NSW,1.74,Tier 3 equivalent,Australia,NSW,1.45,Tier 4 equivalent,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Magnetized Markets Pty Ltd,32047023412.0,VendorPanel - Silver License (Single Agency),"VendorPanel is a multi-award winning SaaS application used by hundreds of government organisations to manage and access their preferred supplier panels.VendorPanel increases usage of panels, simplifies management of panel suppliers, ensures compliance and contract adherence, and gives procurement unprecedented transparency. It also simplifies quotation processes, governance and probity. Its innovative collaborative design supports secure sharing of panels across and between Agencies. Best of all, it's really easy to use.",SaaS,Off,SaaS eProcurement Application (Panel Management),24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Silver License:Single-Agency, Collaboration Functionality,10 Procurement Administrators, 15 Panels, 250 Approved Suppliers, 350 Approved Users (Agency Staff who purchase from Panels),600 RFQs/RFPs per annum",Australia,NSW,1.74,Tier 3 equivalent,Australia,NSW,1.45,Tier 4 equivalent,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Magnetized Markets Pty Ltd,32047023412.0,VendorPanel - Gold License (Multi-Agency),"VendorPanel is a multi-award winning SaaS application used by hundreds of government organisations to manage and access their preferred supplier panels.VendorPanel increases usage of panels, simplifies management of panel suppliers, ensures compliance and contract adherence, and gives procurement unprecedented transparency. It also simplifies quotation processes, governance and probity. Its innovative collaborative design supports secure sharing of panels across and between Agencies. Best of all, it's really easy to use.",SaaS,Off,SaaS eProcurement Application (Panel Management),24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Gold License:Multi-Agency, Collaboration Functionality,10 Procurement Administrators, 20 Panels, 350 Approved Suppliers, 500 Approved Users (Agency Staff who purchase from Panels),1000 RFQs/RFPs per annum",Australia,NSW,1.74,Tier 3 equivalent,Australia,NSW,1.45,Tier 4 equivalent,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Mastersoft Group Pty Ltd,91 151 055 800,RAMPAGE Cloud Based Bureau Services,"RAMPAGE Cloud Based Bureau Services provide data cleansing and validation services as a bureau service. The service accepts uploaded data files which will be processed and returned, either on the secure web page or via email.The services are:- Address Cleansing- Address Validation to AMAS PAF, PSMA GNAF and NZ Post PAF- Party Matching- Geocode based extension data including: RDA Research (GeoTribe), ABS ASGS Structures, Statistics and Socio Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)- Map Data Services (MDA) geospatial services including: nearest Point of Interest, Map Overlays, Feature of Interest, Government Service Centres etcThese services are volume based.",SaaS,Information Management,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,Off,Off,NA,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,Off,Number of records in tens of thousands,TBA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Mastersoft Group Pty Ltd,91 151 055 800,RAMPAGE Cloud Services,"RAMPAGE Cloud Services are a set of Web Services and Web integration components (Widgets) that provide:- Web ServicesoAddress CleansingoAddress Validation to AMAS PAF, PSMA GNAF and NZ Post PAFoMatchingoGeocode based extension data including: RDA Research (GeoTribe), ABS ASGS Structures, Statistics and Socio Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)o Map Data Services (MDA) geospatial services including: nearest Point of Interest, Map Overlays, Feature of Interest, Government Service Centres etc- Widgets - Web Page integration components: Rapid address using PSMA GNAF, AMAS PAF, NZ Post PAF and supplementary data sourcesoHRA one line free text Rapid Address - one line, predictive with type aheadoHRA two line semi-structured Rapid Address - two line, predictive with type aheadoHRA structured Rapid Address - component based type aheadThese services are priced by subscription and are volume based.Mastersoft also offers assistance to integrate these services as Professional Services.",SaaS,Information Management,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Monthly subscription, based on record volume processed.",TBA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-MBITS Pty Ltd,14 123 920 481,Agency Video Connect,"MBITS Agency Video Connect is an easy to use video conferencing service available to Federal Government Agencies to communicate securely with each other through a firewall protected private LAN (Not connecting through the internet). Security level is determined by the Agency's internal Network.With MBITS Agency Video Connect, Agency users requiring a secure High Definition Federal Government Video Conferencing capability to connect from a:PC (Desktop or Laptop) using Windows or MAC (Users to supply own headset and camera), orLegacy ISDN or IP device. (Eg Cisco/Tanberg or Polycom, etc)MBITS Agency Video Connect:Is hosted on a secure ICON LAN - with single click access.Is reservation-less - not requiring a booking to have a Group Video Conference.Is secure - with all infrastructure hosted in Australia and all communications encrypted using 128-bit AES encryption running over a private ICON link.Presents Value for money - only pay for what Agencies use.Scalable - add as many participants as Agencies wish.Is a consumption based service - with no lock-in.Presents High Definition quality - up to 1080p.Has a low bandwidth requirement.Uses existing hardware - cameras and microphones.Provides Australian Help Desk support operators.This Agency Video Connect model also provides the Agency with access to Video Conferencing Rooms, including rooms with legacy video conferencing equipment.RequirementsAn Agency requiring Agency Video Connect will require:Video Router.Video Gateway.128 bit AES Encryption.Firewall.This equipment will be hosted on the Agency site, and will be provided as a once-off up front establishment payment.",Managed Service,Off,Secure Inter Agency Video Conferencing,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 day,Per month per user,Australia,ACT,1.5,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.3,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-MBITS Pty Ltd,14 123 920 481,Managed Video as a Service,"MBITS Managed Video as a Service is an easy to use cloud hosted video conferencing service available to Federal Government Agencies; provided through a pay-as-you go model, without any long term lock-in.Users are not bound by location and MBITS presents options for Agencies requiring High Definition Group Video Conferencing capability to connect from a:PC (Desktop, Tablet or Laptop) using Windows or MAC,Mobile device (Android or iOS), orLegacy ISDN or IP device.MBITS Cloud Hosted Managed Video as a Service:Is easy for Agencies to deploy.Is hosted on an easy to use Web based interface - with single click access.Is reservation-less - not requiring a booking to have a Group Video Conference.Is secure - with all infrastructure hosted in Australia and all communications encrypted using 128-bit AES encryption.Presents Value for money - only pay for what Agencies use.Scalable - add as many participants as Agencies wish.Is Global - participate from anywhere in the world where an internet connection is available.Is Mobile - just requires an internet connection (Wireless supporting 3G, 4G or WiFi connections).Is a consumption based service - with no lock-in or upfront capital outlay.Presents High Definition quality - up to 1080p.Has a low bandwidth requirement.Uses existing hardware - cameras and microphones.Has low latency (10 times faster than traditional video conferencing) and error resiliency.Provides Australian Help Desk support operators.Is not interrupted by advertisements during group video calls.",Managed Service,Off,Video Conferencing,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per user per month,Australia,ACT,1.5,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.3,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-MBITS Pty Ltd,14 123 920 481,MBITS Secure LAN,"The MBITS Secure LAN service offering provides Federal Government Agencies with a secure (previously to Restricted classification), on demand, cloud hosted IT environment, which can be rapidly deployed, is highly scalable and offered as a managed service through a cost effective fixed monthly charge per user.MBITS provides the physical infrastructure for the Secure LAN environment, removing the need for Agencies to purchase servers, storage, network equipment, OS and base software licenses, or to physically house equipment, provide connectivity and power, and secure resources. MBITS also provides the IT expertise for ongoing support and administration of the environment.We deliver on-demand environment, provisioned and delivered to an Agency whenever and wherever it is required. MBITS Secure LAN provides Agencies with access to a complete Windows environment, including all their specialist applications and programs. With MBITS Secure LAN, server purchases and maintenance, software updates, backing up data, storage, supporting users, disaster recovery, business continuity and security is managed through MBITS.Using MBITS Secure LAN is easy, with Agencies simply accessing their applications and data over the internet, through a secure connection using dual factor authentication. This can be done through a desktop at the office, or any other location with internet access. Users are able to access file shares, run Outlook, access files and other application as if these were running locally. All information is stored securely within the Secure LAN environment.The MBITS Secure LAN offering is a secure, resilient, scalable and highly available environment hosted out of the MBITS Data Centre in Canberra and supported by the MBITS Service Desk and Network Operations Centre, also based in Canberra. The environment has been built in accordance with Federal Government's information security standards, specifically ISM (formerly ACSI 33) and the PSM, with each service tailored to meet individual Agencies requirements.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Secure LAN,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,MBITS Secure LAN (per instance),Australia,ACT,1.5,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.3,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,ACN 096 278 198 / ABN 27 096 278 198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Dual CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Dual CPU (Microsoft HyperV),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

-NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,ACN 096 278 198 / ABN 27 096 278 198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Dual CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Dual CPU (Oracle),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

-NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,ACN 096 278 198 / ABN 27 096 278 198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Dual CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Dual CPU (VMWare),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

-NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,ACN 096 278 198 / ABN 27 096 278 198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Dual CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Dual CPU (VMWare),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

-NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,ACN 096 278 198 / ABN 27 096 278 198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Quad CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Quad CPU (Oracle),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

-NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,ACN 096 278 198 / ABN 27 096 278 198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Single Virtual","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Single CPU (Oracle),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

-NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,ACN 096 278 198 / ABN 27 096 278 198,"NEC IT ""IaaS""","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Single CPU+ (Microsoft HyperV),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

-NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,ACN 096 278 198 / ABN 27 096 278 198,"NEC IT ""IaaS""","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Single CPU+,Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,Cloud Servers - Compute Storage - Primary,High-speed iSCSI SAN-based storage platform that provides the primary (root) disk volume and any secondary storage volumes you may wish to attach to your cloud server instances. This is persistent (non-ephemeral) storage that supports volume snapshots and allows you to move volumes from one instance to another.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB-month,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,Cloud Servers - Compute Storage - Secondary,"Lower cost, NFS-based storage platform that stores non-VM data such as customer created templates, customer uploaded ISO's and snapshots.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB-month,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source Large Instance 4x CPU, 6.8GB RAM","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source Medium Instance 2x CPU, 3.4GB RAM","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source Micro Instance 1x CPU, 384MB","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source Small Instance 1x CPU, 1.7GB RAM","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source X-Large Instance 8x CPU, 13.6GB RAM","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,Cloud Servers - Public IP Address,"Publicly accessible IP Address can be configured for Static NAT, port forwarding or load balancing. Public IP addresses can be acquired or released from within Ninefold's self-service web portal.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,IP-month,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,Cloud Servers - Virtual Load Balancer,Enterprise-grade virtual load balancers can be configured in a self-service capacity from Ninefold's web portal or with assistance from our technical support team. They support a wide variety of rules and provide support for both SSL termination and sticky sessions. It is also possible to load balance your cloud servers across multiple availability zones for disaster recovery or business continuity reasons.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.,IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,Cloud Storage,"Ninefold provides redundant internet accessible object-based storage built on EMC's Atmos platform hosted in Australian Data Centres. Atmos utilises a feature called Erasure Coding - a software-based data protection scheme that maintains a replica of each object across multiple storage nodes for resiliency. Access is provided via a file manager embedded in the Ninefold web portal, programmatically via the API or via a range of 3rd party software applications.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB-month,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,Cloud Storage - transactions,"Ninefold provides redundant internet accessible object-based storage built on EMC's Atmos platform hosted in Australian Data Centres.GET, PUT, POST, COPY, LIST and all other transactions against the Cloud Storage API.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per 10,000 transactions",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,Internet Bandwidth - inbound,"Ninefold provides multi-gigabit fully redundant, multi-carrier internet connectivity to all cloud services across multiple availability zones. The service includes a private /20 IPv4 Address range for your VLANs, monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. You have the ability to setup and configure inter-VLAN routing, to specify networks that connect VM tiers and to configure firewall and load balancing rules to control traffic between VM-tiers and to the Internet.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Ninefold Pty Limited,148 179 846,Internet Bandwidth - outbound,"Ninefold provides multi-gigabit fully redundant, multi-carrier internet connectivity to all cloud services across multiple availability zones. The service includes a private /20 IPv4 Address range for your VLANs, monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. You have the ability to setup and configure inter-VLAN routing, to specify networks that connect VM tiers and to configure firewall and load balancing rules to control traffic between VM-tiers and to the Internet.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Business Continuity Management,"The recovery of a NTT Australia data centre providing managed hosting services is part of the NTT Australia BCM (Business Continuity Management) Strategy. In the event of a disaster or crisis, processes will be executed by NTT Australia to recover lost hosting centre functions. NTT Australia can distribute resources between multiple environments, creating customised disaster recovery and business continuity outcomes , enabling customers to respond quickly to new projects, unpredictable demand or business changes. NTT Australia Managed Backup and Restore provides a fully managed backup solution to undertake this vital procedure, with options for both disk-to-disk and disk-to-tape backup services on a daily basis or as required, ensuring the customers data is not compromised. NTTs Managed Backup and Restore Service facilitates the recovery of data from tape or disk delivers economies of scale which includes a retention period of up to seven years. This service complements both physical and cloud solutions, providing the customer with an archive solution that includes secure transport and storage of data. This capability should be a key element of the customers business continuity process (BCP) strategy.The NTT Enterprise Cloud reduces complexity, improving business continuity with end-to-end infrastructure management that is truly enterprise class. NTT Enterprise Cloud provides virtual Data Centres that deliver secure, high availability cloud computing environments with NTT operated servers, storage and networking equipment hosted across geographically diverse and managed data centres. In addition, NTT Enterprise Cloud can host multiple cloud infrastructure deployments supporting email and back-office applications. The solution can employ replication across multiple locations via the NTT Communications MPLS network for business continuity, and can provide full management of multiple back-office applications, all backed by our 99.99% SLA for the underlying Enterprise Cloud platform. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"BCP can range from a Professional Services Engagement to Infrastructure as a Service. NTT can offer the complete range of ICT solutions, as a one stop shop for all ICT challenges. This response is based on NTT hosted and managed Infrastructure supporting a customer/NTT business continunity strategy.","Australia (Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia (Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Utility Storage Service,"NTT Australia Utility Storage Service platform provides customers with access to a managed storage platform that allows them to provision and pay for storage only as they need it. Security features of the service allow a variety of access rights based on server roles. The service is highly flexible and highly scalable; additional capacity can be dialled-up rapidly as required. The service is designed to provide the ultimate in flexibility and peace of mind whilst returning the maximum ROI for customers.Data is held on an Enterprise Cloud storage device segregated via unique data stores, then allocated to each customer. The file system component can be integrated into the Active Directory, and provides faster throughput to the file system than a traditional file server. The solution will include relevant features to enable the synchronisation of content between the two data centres for disaster recovery. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.The Service includes:  Access to NTT Australias utility storage platform  Solution design consulting  Change Management Services  Solution ReportingStorage quotas can be expanded on demand, so that customers only pay for what they need and can grow or shrink their allocation as requirements change. The platform allows additional storage resources, both physical and logical, to be installed, provisioned and expanded with zero downtime or service interruption.Included Actions  Increase in capacity  Connection of new servers  Management of Logical Drives and RAIDs  SSP Management, Zoning and LunMasking  Material changes depending on the requirementsKey Aspects  The service is implemented on Network Appliance Filer technology. Storage can be presented in a variety of formats; file-based (NFS for Unix and CIFS for Windows) or block-based (iSCSI for both Windows and Unix).  The underlying storage is managed by NTT, but you are able to request changes from within the portal. The changes will be undertaken by an NTT engineer.  The service is configured with redundancy in mind, including dual network interfaces, multipathing across the full device, and RAID6 technology in the storage aggregates.The service also includes file system Snapshots, providing a complete read-only copy of the file system as it was at the time of the snapshot. This enables both revision control and a quick, convenient means of recovering files almost instantly from accidental file deletions, or a return to older versions of files. Snapshots are configured according to each customers individual requirements; each customer can choose what SnapShot frequency and retention suits.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,High Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-15K RPM DiskHigh Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-10K RPM Disk,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Enterprise Cloud,"The Enterprise Cloud platform has been developed to deliver risk free utility-based computing, whilst delivering elastic and scalable on-demand performance and capacity both now and in the years to come. Enterprise Cloud gives customers all the security and reliability of Private Cloud with the functionality, flexibility and ease-of-use expected from a Public Cloud model.NTT Australia has designed this flexible, agile, and elastic hosting platform, which is accessible via a state-of-the-art Customer Portal, giving you the ability to remotely manage the hosted network, colocation services, service requests, physical infrastructure and Enterprise Cloud infrastructure. Enterprise Cloud is hosted in Tier 3+ data centres (DCs), and with the Customer Portal presents itself as the customer's virtual datacentre. The hosting platform can be based on a hybrid model of physical and virtual services gaining high performance and high availability whilst retaining the ability to be agile and elastic. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.The NTT Customer Portal is a secure website available 24x7x365 which allows authorised users to view Storage services as well as any other services in the environment (dedicated firewalls, Backups, etc.). Your NTT account manager will provide your login details. The portal provides for role-based authentication and will allow your on-site admin to assign and provision roles and responsibilities to individual portal users. For example, you may require that your security team has access to firewall information but not be allowed to deploy new Virtual Machines. This is possible to configure within the Portal.In addition to helping customers optimise hosted IT infrastructure, the NTT Portal also provides full reporting capabilities that have been designed to address the unique requirements of both technical and management oriented individuals. Integrated helpdesk tools such as ticket monitoring and request handling will ensure that authorised employees at all levels remain up to date on virtualisation issues. Please note that all information on the Portal can be downloaded in CSV format at any time. Reporting within the Portal allows security administrators to see daily and monthly reports across a variety of data sets and device types. NTT will add new reports, modify old reports and sometimes delete inappropriate reports within the Portal as to ensure that reporting gives customers the most up to date information about their current security profile. Customers utilising Enterprise Cloud can take advantage of our fully variable resource model, whereby they are able to utilise only the resources required by the application, with usage capped on a monthly basis. This provides significant scalability and flexibility, as well as commercial benefits for customers with variable workload requirements.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Global Cloud: compute infrastructure platform management.Global Cloud VM Setup: includes VM setup, OS installation, and monitoring configuration according to customer requirements.Windows 2008 Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Windows 2008 license.Redhat Linux Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Redhat Linux license.Ubuntu Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, and Patch notification.CentOS Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Debian Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Custom Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting for customer-supplied build.Global Cloud : CPU compute units (1 virtual CPU Core) Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Global Cloud: RAM compute units (1GB memory). Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Application ServicesNTT Australia Windows Server operating system managementNTT Australia Linux Server operating system managementNTT Australia OperatingSystem managementNTT Australia SQL Database Server ManagementNTT Australia Database Server ManagementNTT Australia MS Internet Information Server ManagementNTT Australia Apache Web Server ManagementNTT Australia Web Server ManagementNTT Australia Application Server ManagementNTT Australia Exchange Server Management","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Application Management Service,"NTT Australia Application Management includes web hosting services that have been designed to meet the highest levels of regulatory compliance. Although not specifically certified against all regulatory requirements, NTT Australia host NSW Government Departments, Federal Government Departments, Global Software companies and a range of Financial Services institutions. In that capacity, we support a number of clients who are subject to various audit requirements (eg: APRA, SOC1 (SAS70), PCI-DSS).NTTs solution is compliant with or informed by the following cloud best practices:  The Open Cloud Manifesto: NTT is a subscribers to the Manifesto.  Open Virtualization Format (OVF): All virtualisation formats are OVF (draft) standards compliant.  GICTF (Global Inter-Cloud Technology Forum): GICTF is a Japanese organization studying inter-cloud standard interfaces, etc. in order to enhance the reliability of clouds. NTT is currently participating in GICTF as a board member, and will make proposals to ITU-T and NIST on the basis of the work undertaken by GICTF on inter-cloud federation and other issues.Application Management services, like NTTs database management service, are essential in hosting environments that maintain your systems operation, particularly across complex platforms.In general, Application Management services have two main objectives: Incident management: to recover a system from a failure or problem, in 24x7 availability Change management: to perform certain changes in the systems from a proactive point of view (scheduled tasks) or a reactive one (customer requests). All Application Management Services are based on: Volume purchased (the total amount of servers that will be managed). Service Level: production servers, pre-production servers, disaster recoverNTT Australia can leverage and utilise infrastructure services such as Web Application Firewall (WAF) and load balancer to provide technical solutions for regulatory compliance requirements.WAF can be deployed into NTT Cloud environments as an optional component. Each customer would have their own dedicated firewall policies within the infrastructure. NTT can and will make recommendations with regards to content, NTT will implement solutions according to your requirements.All load balancers offer full L7 load balancing capabilities. Traffic management policies for TCP applications can be based on application-layer content. Application traffic can be granularly segmented according to HTTP or TCP request information, as well as L4 - 7 header information (including URL, application data type or cookie).",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,WEB SERVERFull Management of Apache ServersFull Management of nginx Web ServersFull Management of lighttpd Web serversFull Management of memcacheFull Management of Redis (standalone or master)Full Management of Redis (slave)Full Management of Varnish ServersFull Management of Squid ServersFull Management of Lucene Framework Search Engine ServersFull Management of Microsoft IIS ServersFull Management of Microsoft ISA ServersDYNAMIC WEB PACKAGESServer with W2003 / IIS/ SQL ServerServer with Linux / Apache / PHP / MySQL o PostgresSQLServer with Plesk (W2003 / Linux / Plesk)APPLICATION SERVERSFull management of Active Directory Domain ServersFull Management of Microsoft SharePoint FrontEnd Server (includes IIS)Full Management of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Server (previously WSS)Full Management of Microsoft SharePoint Standalone Server (includes IIS and SQL on one Server)Full Management of Microsoft Office Communication ServerFull Management of Microsoft BizTalk ServersFull Management of Microsoft Commence Server / CMSFull Management of ColdFusion Application ServersFull Management of Oracle IAS Application ServersFull Management of BEA WebLogic Application ServersFull Management of IBM WebSphere Application ServersFull Management of Tomcat Application ServersFull Management of JBoss Application ServersFull Management of Ruby on Rails / Mongrel Application Servers,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Enterprise Cloud,"The Enterprise Cloud platform has been developed to deliver risk free utility-based computing, whilst delivering elastic and scalable on-demand performance and capacity both now and in the years to come. Enterprise Cloud gives customers all the security and reliability of Private Cloud with the functionality, flexibility and ease-of-use expected from a Public Cloud model.NTT Australia has designed this flexible, agile, and elastic hosting platform, which is accessible via a state-of-the-art Customer Portal, giving you the ability to remotely manage the hosted network, colocation services, service requests, physical infrastructure and Enterprise Cloud infrastructure. Enterprise Cloud is hosted in Tier 3+ data centres (DCs), and with the Customer Portal presents itself as the customer's virtual datacentre. The hosting platform can be based on a hybrid model of physical and virtual services gaining high performance and high availability whilst retaining the ability to be agile and elastic. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.The NTT Customer Portal is a secure website available 24x7x365 which allows authorised users to view Storage services as well as any other services in the environment (dedicated firewalls, Backups, etc.). Your NTT account manager will provide your login details. The portal provides for role-based authentication and will allow your on-site admin to assign and provision roles and responsibilities to individual portal users. For example, you may require that your security team has access to firewall information but not be allowed to deploy new Virtual Machines. This is possible to configure within the Portal.In addition to helping customers optimise hosted IT infrastructure, the NTT Portal also provides full reporting capabilities that have been designed to address the unique requirements of both technical and management oriented individuals. Integrated helpdesk tools such as ticket monitoring and request handling will ensure that authorised employees at all levels remain up to date on virtualisation issues. Please note that all information on the Portal can be downloaded in CSV format at any time. Reporting within the Portal allows security administrators to see daily and monthly reports across a variety of data sets and device types. NTT will add new reports, modify old reports and sometimes delete inappropriate reports within the Portal as to ensure that reporting gives customers the most up to date information about their current security profile. Customers utilising Enterprise Cloud can take advantage of our fully variable resource model, whereby they are able to utilise only the resources required by the application, with usage capped on a monthly basis. This provides significant scalability and flexibility, as well as commercial benefits for customers with variable workload requirements.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Global Cloud : CPU compute units (1 virtual CPU Core) Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Global Cloud: RAM compute units (1GB memory). Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Utility Storage Service,"The NTT Australia Utility Storage Service supports entry level to enterprise storage across all Tier 1 vendors. The service includes Data Protection offerings such as storage backup, recovery, archiving and data management elements in a high performance, high availability and disaster tolerant environment. With the Enterprise and Private Cloud offerings, NTT Australia can provide additional modular services such as Managed Backup, Managed Storage and Manage Security to provide a complete end-to-end solution that meets specific security and data protection compliance requirements.Data is held on an Enterprise Cloud storage device segregated via unique data stores, then allocated to each customer. The file system component can be integrated into the Active Directory, and provides faster throughput to the file system than a traditional file server. The solution will include relevant features to enable the synchronisation of content between the two data centres for disaster recovery. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.NTT Australia are able to implement archiving policies in line with your regulatory requirements. Data can be stored in a ""live"" vault that consists of SAN storage in the same datacentre or at an alternative datacentre to the primary data set. Tapes can be stored offsite for up to 7 years and longer. Off-site backup tapes are stored and handled by data handling specialists. Tape collection is performed with secured trucks (with GPS tracking, security safeguards, etc.). Trained drivers are in constant communications with operations centers.If an Offsite Tape Storage option is chosen, tapes are stored in locations with:  PCI-DSS compliance certification  Secure, unmarked, media vaults with fire-rated walls and steel doors  Full environmental controls to maintain tapes at the correct temperature and humidity  Early smoke detection systems, linked to gas fire suppression system to protect media  24/7 security monitoring (CCTV, etc.).",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,High Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-15K RPM DiskHigh Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-10K RPM Disk,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Enterprise Cloud,"The Enterprise Cloud platform has been developed to deliver risk free utility-based computing, whilst delivering elastic and scalable on-demand performance and capacity both now and in the years to come. Enterprise Cloud gives customers all the security and reliability of Private Cloud with the functionality, flexibility and ease-of-use expected from a Public Cloud model.NTT Australia has designed this flexible, agile, and elastic hosting platform, which is accessible via a state-of-the-art Customer Portal, giving you the ability to remotely manage the hosted network, colocation services, service requests, physical infrastructure and Enterprise Cloud infrastructure. Enterprise Cloud is hosted in Tier 3+ data centres (DCs), and with the Customer Portal presents itself as the customer's virtual datacentre. The hosting platform can be based on a hybrid model of physical and virtual services gaining high performance and high availability whilst retaining the ability to be agile and elastic. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.The NTT Customer Portal is a secure website available 24x7x365 which allows authorised users to view Storage services as well as any other services in the environment (dedicated firewalls, Backups, etc.). Your NTT account manager will provide your login details. The portal provides for role-based authentication and will allow your on-site admin to assign and provision roles and responsibilities to individual portal users. For example, you may require that your security team has access to firewall information but not be allowed to deploy new Virtual Machines. This is possible to configure within the Portal.In addition to helping customers optimise hosted IT infrastructure, the NTT Portal also provides full reporting capabilities that have been designed to address the unique requirements of both technical and management oriented individuals. Integrated helpdesk tools such as ticket monitoring and request handling will ensure that authorised employees at all levels remain up to date on virtualisation issues. Please note that all information on the Portal can be downloaded in CSV format at any time. Reporting within the Portal allows security administrators to see daily and monthly reports across a variety of data sets and device types. NTT will add new reports, modify old reports and sometimes delete inappropriate reports within the Portal as to ensure that reporting gives customers the most up to date information about their current security profile. Customers utilising Enterprise Cloud can take advantage of our fully variable resource model, whereby they are able to utilise only the resources required by the application, with usage capped on a monthly basis. This provides significant scalability and flexibility, as well as commercial benefits for customers with variable workload requirements.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Global Cloud: compute infrastructure platform management.Global Cloud VM Setup: includes VM setup, OS installation, and monitoring configuration according to customer requirements.Windows 2008 Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Windows 2008 license.Redhat Linux Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Redhat Linux license.Ubuntu Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, and Patch notification.CentOS Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Debian Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Custom Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting for customer-supplied build.Global Cloud : CPU compute units (1 virtual CPU Core) Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Global Cloud: RAM compute units (1GB memory). Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.High Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-15K RPM DiskHigh Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-10K RPM DiskFirewallNTT Australia Shared Firewall (HA)NTT Australia Firewall VDOM (HA)NTT Australia Dedicated Firewall - SetupNTT Australia Dedicated Firewall (HA)NTT Australia Site-to-Site Software VPNNTT Australia Client-to-Site Software VPNLoad BalancingNTT Australia Shared Load Balancing - Per VIPNTT Australia Shared Load Balancing - Per ServerNTT Australia Dedicated Load BalancingApplication Services","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Enterprise Cloud,"NTT Enterprise Cloud Disaster Recovery is architecturally underpinned via implementation a number of data replication technologies at the application, VM and data layers to provide cross-data centre replication of production workloads. Due to the non-homogenous nature of customer workloads, specific DR Architectures are designed for each customer to address specific network, data and workload requirements. DR plans are then formulated to address service desk, network and service cutover, as well as specific data recovery policies based on DR architecture adopted by each customer.In terms of further clarification, NTT is able to provide a Disaster Recovery Design service to help you create a customised DR plan that will meet both your requirements for functionality in the event of a disaster, and also your timescales for recovery.In order to produce a DR plan NTT Professional Services will engage with you in a series of workshops to assess the functionality requirements in the event of a disaster. These requirements can range from simply being able to rebuild the system and recover from backup to being able to provide zero downtime fail-over to a remote location.Functions carried out by the design process will include.  running needs assessment workshops to gather requirements  review the existing live environment  research product sets to aid the plan  document procedures required to operate the plan  document procedures to return to the live environmentHouse equipment in toughened building structure with appropriate disaster control methods specifically designed as a data centre including intrusion barriers and fire control facilities. Global Switch is a Tier III rated data centre which complies with strict security and fire control procedures. The disaster recovery team meet annually to discuss the current document and make recommendations for changes to it. All changes must be agreed upon by the majority of the team before they become part of the document. It is the responsibility of the project sponsor to ensure that the necessary changes are made and the document is redistributed to the appropriate persons. In the event of a disaster or major failure, the team should convene with as many team members as possible. All members of the team should assess damages and report to the project sponsor at the earliest opportunity.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Global Cloud: compute infrastructure platform management.Global Cloud VM Setup: includes VM setup, OS installation, and monitoring configuration according to customer requirements.Windows 2008 Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Windows 2008 license.Redhat Linux Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Redhat Linux license.Ubuntu Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, and Patch notification.CentOS Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Debian Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Custom Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting for customer-supplied build.Global Cloud : CPU compute units (1 virtual CPU Core) Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Global Cloud: RAM compute units (1GB memory). Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.High Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-15K RPM DiskHigh Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-10K RPM DiskFirewallNTT Australia Shared Firewall (HA)NTT Australia Firewall VDOM (HA)NTT Australia Dedicated Firewall - SetupNTT Australia Dedicated Firewall (HA)NTT Australia Site-to-Site Software VPNNTT Australia Client-to-Site Software VPNLoad BalancingNTT Australia Shared Load Balancing - Per VIPNTT Australia Shared Load Balancing - Per ServerNTT Australia Dedicated Load BalancingApplication Services","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Private Cloud,"NTT Australia Private Cloud services enable our customers to deploy and manage a dedicated and highly available and secure platform for enterprise applications, without the capital cost of buying equipment and the costs and complexity of maintaining a 24 x 365 data centre specialists.NTT Australia Private Cloud services provide our customers with shared access to common platforms including networking, servers, storage and back up whilst enabling them to fulfill regulation with dedicated infrastructure elements. The Platform can be used used in conjunction with your own assets or as an entire solution built from utility services (commonly known as a version of Cloud services or IaaS, PaaS, or Managed Services). Utility services include the following:i) initial installation and connectivity to the shared utility platformii) 24 x 365 monitoring of the utilityiii) operational maintenance including patching and configuration changesiv) resolving incidents including managing vendor part replacement. NTT provides support for Physical instances that can scale and near-instant provisioning based on the pre-defined service templates in a dedicated resource pool. The physical environment can also be integrated into the Enterprise Cloud management portal. As such, it will be equivalent to the virtual platform in regards to service visibility.The NTT Australia Private Cloud offering includes deployment, monitoring, priority 1 incident management for hardware issues and vendor management on 24 x 365 basis. Colocation includes actively cooled rack, monitored power rails, UPS backed A/C power, dual 20 Amp single phase feeds and air-conditioning. Cross-connects can be charged separately.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Ultra high density colocation2.0 kW - 45 RU colocation. Per rack. Includes actively cooled rack - 45 RU and 600 mm x 1050 mm, monitored power rails, UPS backed A/C power, dual 20 Amp single phase feeds and air-conditioning up to 2.0 kW peak per rack. Cross-connects are charged separately.Rack power-load over-usageAdditional UPS power and air-conditioning usage charge where equipment load exceeds the rack capacity as outlined in the SLD section 3 - colocation. Per kW of equipment load. Includes additional UPS backed A/C power and air-conditioning up to 1.0 kW peak. Only available to the maximum capacity of the rack power feeds and subject to availability.Server managed to hardware levelServer with up to four Intel or AMD CPUs. Includes deployment, monitoring, priority 1 incident management for hardware issues and vendor management on 24 x 365 basis.","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Managed Backup and Restore,"NTT Australia Managed Backup and Restore Service supports entry level to enterprise storage across all Tier 1 vendors. The service includes Data Protection offerings such as storage backup, recovery, archiving and data management elements in a high performance, high availability and disaster tolerant environment. With the Enterprise and Private Cloud offerings, NTT Australia can provide additional modular services such as Managed Backup, Managed Storage and Manage Security to provide a complete end-to-end solution that meets specific security and data protection compliance requirements. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.Backup and recovery services are an essential element of any IT infrastructure solution. Backing up your data provides a safe copy that can be restored in the event that your important data is lost or damaged due to hardware failure, hacking, computer viruses, natural disasters or human error. High availability alone is no guarantee that data will not be compromised. For example, errors in transaction processing to failover versions of databases can corrupt both online copies of your data  leaving you with no way to recover this data without a backup. NTT provides a fully managed backup solution, with options for both disk-to-disk and disk-to-tape backup services on a daily basis, with a retention period of up to seven years. We use a multi-tier approach for backup services. Data is pulled from customer servers according to defined and agreed customer policies and written to a SAN for on-site storage using Virtual Tape Library (VTL) features. For long term and offsite storage, data is written to LTO tape via a Quantum Tape Library.The platform has been designed to be fully redundant with no single points of failure. Multiple drives are used in the Tape Library to reduce wait times on backup jobs and spare drives are kept available 24/7 for urgent data restore requests. Connectivity to the backup network is via multiple redundant 1 GigE connections while data is moved between the backup servers, the storage SAN and tape library via 4 Gig Fibre Channel switching fabric.NTT Australia Managed Backup and Restore Service is based on three layers:  Data volume purchased (the total amount of data allowed for all your servers that requires backup).  Backup Virtual Tape capacity.  Offsite Tape capacity.Included actions:  Configuration of the connectivity  Installation and configuration of any agent software  Creating Backup Jobs and programming  Creation of Backup Pools  Integration of new devices  Tape management (changes, labelling)  Policy changes (including backup windows)  Performing restorations  Off-site tape storage",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Tape capacity element of utility back up - 0 to 1,000 GB volume. Per 100 GB.Tape capacity element of utility back up &lt; 1,000 GB and &gt; 3,000 GB. Per 100 GB. (Setup)Tape capacity element of utility back up &lt; 3,000 GB. Per 100 GB. (Setup)Encryption to tape. Per host.Encryption over the wire. Per host.Encryption to tape and over the wire. Per hostDedicated tape. Per tape.VTL capacity element of utility back up - 0 to 1,000 GB volume. Per 100 GB.VTL capacity element of utility back up &lt; 1,000 GB and &gt; 3,000 GB. Per 100 GB.VTL capacity element of utility back up &lt; 3,000 GB. Per 100 GB.","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-NTT Australia,ABN 35 081 031 432 ACN 081 031 432,NTT Australia Database Management Service,"Database servers are a component of all Enterprise IT infrastructure, highly transactional databases are leveraged to output dynamic content in real time. Database servers provide an innovative enterprise data management platform, able to adapt quickly in a fast-changing environment. NTT Australias Database management service enables the customer to improve the performance of a database leading to improved operational efficiencies and the maximisation of capital and operating expenses. NTT Australias professional database engineers are highly experienced in managing databases to optimise application performance. The service can include everything from initial design, implementation, and configuration; through to incident and patch management and on-going 24/7/365 monitoring. The goal of the service is to ensure that the customer can rely on NTT to take care of all platform and maintenance tasks, leaving the customer free to concentrate on core business activities. Application Management services, like NTTs database management service, are essential in hosting environments that maintain your systems operation, particularly across complex platforms.In general, Application Management services have two main objectives: Incident management: to recover a system from a failure or problem, in 24x7 availability Change management: to perform certain changes in the systems from a proactive point of view (scheduled tasks) or a reactive one (customer requests). All Application Management Services are based on: Volume purchased (the total amount of servers that will be managed). Service Level: production servers, pre-production servers, disaster recoverFull Management of OracleFull Management of mySQL / PostgresFull Management of SQL Server DatabaseFull Management of Cassandra Database Server",IaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Full Management of Oracle Database (standalone)Full Management of Oracle Failover Cluster (each server)Full Management of Oracle Real Application Cluster (price per node)Full Management of Oracle Database ReplicationFull Management of mySQL / Postgres DatabaseFull Management of mySQL ReplicationFull Management of SQL Server Database Cluster (price per node)Full Management of SQL Server Database (standalone)Full Management of SQL Server Database ReplicationFull Management of SQL Server Database Mirror Cluster (both servers in a local LAN)Full Management of Cassandra Database Server (includes Linux operating system)Full Management of Cassandra Database Server, additional to 5+ (includes Linux operating system)","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

-Objective Corporation Ltd,ACN 050 539 350 / ABN 16 050 539 350,Objective Connect,"Objective Connect is a hybrid platform that enables you to easily and securely share information across organisational boundaries. It does this in a secure manner by: encrypting the content stored on the Objective Connect server as well as while it is in transit (using SSL), using anti-virus technology to scan all content, hosting the data within Australia, using a hybrid content architecture, providing a reporting dashboard for information on usage and sharing and by basing the option to share upon information classification and policy specified within your ECM (if/when integrated).A free trial exists for a period of no less than 60 daysand there is no cost to receive a shared document.",SaaS,Document Management,Secure Information Sharing,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Objective Connect is based on the number of named users. Units are measured monthly.,Australia,New South Wales,Aiming for 1.6,At least 3,Australia,Victoria,Aiming for 1.6,At least 3,TBA,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,

-Objective Corporation Ltd,ACN 050 539 350 / ABN 16 050 539 350,Objective uCreate,"ObjectiveuCreate provides a specialised collaborative content creation and document publishing solution for the public sector, enabling simultaneous editing and publication to brand guidelines and style templates. Used by over 250 public sector organisations worldwide, our hosted solutions transform the way our customers develop policies and strategies. Objective's collaborative environment brings together users, contributors, publishing and delivery services and facilitates the involvement of stakeholders through real-time collaboration, driving significant efficiency and financial savings in the process of document creation, consultation and publication.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,Collaboration and Community Consultation,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Objective uCreate is licenced per document.,Australia,New South Wales,1.3,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.3,3.0,TBA,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,

-Objective Corporation Ltd,ACN 050 539 350 / ABN 16 050 539 350,Objective uEngage,"uEngage provides a specialised collaborative content creation, document publishing and stakeholder consultation solutions for the public sector.Used by over 250 public sector organisations worldwide, our hosted solutions will transform the way you develop policies and strategies. Objective's collaborative environment brings together users, contributors, publishing and delivery services and facilitates the involvement of stakeholders through real-time collaboration and consultation with communities and others. uEngage enables effective citizen engagement through a multi-channel consultation platform.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,Collaboration and Community Consultation,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Objective uEngage is licenced per event.,Australia,New South Wales,1.3,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.3,3.0,TBA,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,

-Open Windows Australia Pty Ltd,64 007 086 348,Software Services for CONTRACT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT Systems,"Specific capabilities include: Contract Repository, Contract Management, Parties Repository, Sourcing, Contractor Payment Management, Workflow, Project Management, eTendering Portal and Supplier Portal.",SaaS,Other,Strategic Sourcing and Contract Management Solutions,08.00 - 20.00,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier and Customer Adminstrator,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt;1 Week,Each (Named user licenses) purchased monthly,Australia,Victoria,1.35,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Oriel Cloud Storage,"Oriel cloud storage Online, scalable, object-based cloud storage REST-based, OpenStack storage API Stores two separate, synchronised copies of customer data in each of Oriel's two Tier 3 Australian-based data centres for added high availability protection. 99.9% Availability Service Level Agreements Secure SSL transmissionFor more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1GB cloud storage or part thereof,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Data Centre (VDC) - Customer provisioned internet connection,"Includes: 5 usable IP Addresses, Virtual Firewall, termination port for customer internet. Excludes VPN Tunnel configuration.The Oriel Virtual Data Centre (VDC) is a private VLAN or virtual container in which VPS(s) are deployed. It provides a dedicated, private network segment ensuring separation from other users, isolation of local traffic within the customers VDC and enables the connection of services such as VSA storage, VDC Firewall (for Internet and VPN Tunnel connectivity) and Customer Provisioned Private WAN Connection. Once connected these services become available to VPS(s) within the VDC. Public IP Addresses can be provded in blocks of 5,12,29.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VDC can be customised to your requirements.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Compute Services,Virtual Data Centre,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Includes: 5 usable IP Addresses, Virtual Firewall, termination port for customer internet. Excludes VPN Tunnel configuration.Pricing based on a 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Data Centre (VDC) - Customer provisioned WAN connection,"Includes: 1 x uplink connection, 1RU rack space for termination equipment.Excludes: termination equipment to be provided by customer or their telco. Oriel can provide equipment at additional cost.The Oriel Virtual Data Centre (VDC) is a private VLAN or virtual container in which VPS(s) are deployed. It provides a dedicated, private network segment ensuring separation from other users, isolation of local traffic within the customers VDC and enables the connection of services such as VSA storage, VDC Firewall (for Internet and VPN Tunnel connectivity) and Customer Provisioned Private WAN Connection. Once connected these services become available to VPS(s) within the VDC. Public IP Addresses can be provded in blocks of 5,12,29.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VDC can be customised to your requirements.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Compute Services,Virtual Data Centre,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Includes: 1 x uplink connection, 1RU rack space for termination equipment.Excludes: termination equipment to be provided by customer or their telco. Oriel can provide equipment at additional cost.Pricing based on a 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Data Centre (VDC) - Oriel provisioned internet connection,"Includes: 5 usable IP Addresses, Oriel provisioned internet, 25GB data usage, Virtual Firewall.Excludes VPN Tunnel configuration.The Oriel Virtual Data Centre (VDC) is a private VLAN or virtual container in which VPS(s) are deployed. It provides a dedicated, private network segment ensuring separation from other users, isolation of local traffic within the customers VDC and enables the connection of services such as VSA storage, VDC Firewall (for Internet and VPN Tunnel connectivity) and Customer Provisioned Private WAN Connection. Once connected these services become available to VPS(s) within the VDC. Public IP Addresses can be provded in blocks of 5,12,29.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VDC can be customised to your requirements.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Compute Services,Virtual Data Centre,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Includes: 5 usable IP Addresses, Oriel provisioned internet, 25GB data usage (upload and download), Virtual Firewall.Excludes VPN Tunnel configuration.Pricing based on a 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 100GB Tier 1 Storage,"Tier 1 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 1 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 100GB Tier 2 Storage,"Tier 2 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 2 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 100GB Tier 3 Storage,"Tier 3 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 3 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 1TB Tier 1 Storage,"Tier 1 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 1 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 1TB Tier 2 Storage,"Tier 2 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 2 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 1TB Tier 3 Storage,"Tier 3 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 3 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Large Config - 24x7 Hours Support,"Configuration: 4 vCPU, 16GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 4 vCPU, 16GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Large Config - Standard Hours Support,"Configuration: 4 vCPU, 16GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 4 vCPU, 16GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Medium Config - 24x7 Hours Support,"Configuration: 2 vCPU, 4GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 2 vCPU, 4GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Medium Config - Standard Hours Support,"Configuration: 2 vCPU, 4GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 2 vCPU, 4GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Small Config - 24x7 Hours Support,"Configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Small Config - Standard Hours Support,"Configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Very Large Config - 24x7 Hours Support,"Configuration: 6 vCPU, 32GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 6 vCPU, 32GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Oriel Technologies,49 081 883 712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Very Large Config - Standard Hours Support,"Configuration: 6 vCPU, 32GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 6 vCPU, 32GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd,69 085 213 690,Content Delivery Network (CDN),"This is a Content Delivery Network, it is sold per GB delivered.Key Features:1. Industry-leading CDN technology from US-based CDN technology provider EdgeCast. 2.Pacnet operates the main Edgecast nodes in the Asia-Pac region:Australia (Sydney), Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan3. Part of the worldwide OpenCDN federation: performs regardless of end-users location4. Protocol support includes HTTP, Flash and Windows Media5. Advanced reporting and analytics tools to monitor your networks performance and end-users viewing behavior6. Advanced security platform to ensure safe and secure content delivery7. 100% SLA to guarantee consistent and reliable content delivery The Pacnet CDN Suite of Services1. Content Delivery Service  Our centerpiece CDN product, Content Delivery Service optimizes your content for the fastest possible loading times regardless of your end-users location resulting in a better user experience.Pacnet Content Delivery Service supports various leading-edge CDN technologies, including:1a. Content Caching  Brings your content closer to your audience by leveraging our strategically-installed caching servers, or cache PoPs, around the world. This helps reduce the amount of time it takes for the delivery of files, images and videos via HTTP to be transmitted from the origin source to the end-user, resulting in speedy website loading times.1b. Content Streaming  Supports live or on-demand delivery of video and other rich-media content, enabling the best possible experience regardless of format, device, location or connection speed.2. Dynamic Content Acceleration  Speeds up delivery of dynamic and static content for a variety of web applications using cutting-edge optimization and acceleration which enables up to 5X performance improvement for a faster, more stable experience for end-users.3. Content Origin Storage  Complementing Pacnet Content Delivery and Dynamic Content Acceleration services, Pacnet Content Origin Storage offers customers the ability to store their own content on our origin server platform using a cost-effective monthly subscription model based on the total volume of data stored.",PaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,1 GB of data provided by the Content Delivery Network (CDN). Measured as data supplied outbound from the CDN to the end user.,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Hong Kong,Hong Kong,1.7,3.0,Japan,Tokyo,1.7,3.0,Singapore,Singapore,1.7,3.0,,,,

-Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd,69 085 213 690,"Virtual Private Server (VPS) - Large, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)","Large Virtual Private Server: 4vcpu, 8GB ram, 150GB disk, and no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc) with 100GB of Internet data.A virtual machine as a service. The servers, storage, networking and virtualization infrastructure is managed by Pacnet - the customer receives a high performance highly robust virtual machine. Microsoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 9/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms.The demarcation point is the virtual machine, once handed over the customer is responsible for managing its operating system, operating system patching, and the applications installed within.Multiple virtual servers can be grouped in a virtual datacentre. A virtual datacentre's traffic is segregated from other customers', ensuring network level segmentation.Firewall service is an optional extra. One firewall service can protect a single VPS or a VDC with multiple VPSes",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Large Virtual Private Server: 4vcpu, 8GB ram, 150GB disk,no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc)Includes 100GB internet data, firewall option available at extra cost.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd,69 085 213 690,"Virtual Private Server (VPS) - Medium, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)","Medium Virtual Private Server: 3vcpu, 4GB ram, 100GB disk,and no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc) with 100GB of Internet data.A virtual machine as a service. The servers, storage, networking and virtualization infrastructure is managed by Pacnet - the customer receives a high performance highly robust virtual machine. Microsoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 9/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms.The demarcation point is the virtual machine, once handed over the customer is responsible for managing its operating system, operating system patching, and the applications installed within.Multiple virtual servers can be grouped in a virtual datacentre. A virtual datacentre's traffic is segregated from other customers', ensuring network level segmentation.Firewall service is an optional extra. One firewall service can protect a single VPS or a VDC with multiple VPSes.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Medium Virtual Private Server: 3vcpu, 4GB ram, 100GB disk, no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc)Includes 100GB internet data, firewall option available at extra cost.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd,69 085 213 690,Virtual Private Server (VPS) - Small Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),"Small Virtual Private Server: 2vcpu, 2GB ram, 50GB disk, Windows Server Standard or no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc) with 100GB of Internet data.A virtual machine as a service. The servers, storage, networking and virtualization infrastructure is managed by Pacnet - the customer receives a high performance highly robust virtual machine. Operating system licensing is provided if Microsoft's Windows Server is selected.The demarcation point is the virtual machine, once handed over the customer is responsible for managing its operating system, operating system patching, and the applications installed within.Multiple virtual servers can be grouped in a virtual datacentre. A virtual datacentre's traffic is segregated from other customers', ensuring network level segmentation.Network connectivity options are direct to Internet, Internet via a firewall, and connected to a MPLS virtual private network. Internet connectivity can be provided as part of this service's contract, MPLS must be a separate contract.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Small Virtual Private Server: 2vcpu, 2GB ram, 50GB disk,no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc)Includes 100GB internet data, firewall option available at extra cost.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-PretaGov (as offered by PretaWeb Pty Ltd),83 132 433 491,PretaGov Plone Content Management System Software as a Service,"The PretaGov Cloud delivers innovative, fully supported government web and mobile sites built with Plone open source technology. Every PretaGov SaaS site gives you watertight security, guaranteed uptime, full support and accessibility compliance. As a front-line agency you will not need to worry about servers, software, administration or bandwidth, that frees you to focus on the delivery of online government information and services.",SaaS,Content Management,"Mobile apps, web applications",24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Plone CMS website,Australia,NSW,1.4,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.4,3.0,Australia,South Australia,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

-PreviousNext Pty Ltd,69 135 290 309,Drupal collaboration platform,"PreviousNext is a full service website development agency specialising in Drupal and offering several options specifically for the Australian Government.Using Drupal as a platform, we can facilitate collaboration services using existing distributions like Acquia Commons and OpenAtrium. These distributions provide out-of-the-box solutions that can be customised as needed.",Managed Service,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 x Collaboration Platform built in Drupal,Australia (Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd),NSW,1.8,Tier III and above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-PreviousNext Pty Ltd,69 135 290 309,"Drupal Content Management System Installation, Configuration & Management","PreviousNext is a full service website development agency specialising in Drupal and offering several options specifically for the Australian Government.We are specialists at installation, configuration and management of Drupal content management systems within cloud based hosting environments.At the core of our services is aGov, a fully supported, WCAG compliant Drupal CMS solution. aGov comes standard with Government tested templates and themes and radically cuts down risk, cost and time in setting up a website.aGov meets all government requirements for accessibility and security, and with an entry price of $20,000 is available as a basic turnkey solution, with further customisation costed separately.",Managed Service,Content Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 x WCAG Compliant WebsiteActual cost based on complexity of website build.,Australia (Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd),NSW,1.8,Tier III and above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-PreviousNext Pty Ltd,69 135 290 309,Managed web hosting and support of Drupal installations,"PreviousNext specialises in hosting Drupal as a content management platformwithin cloud based hosting environments. This can be on our hosting partner'sinfrastructure (Bulletproof) or client-preferred infrastructure. Our managed hostingsolution provides full-service support for Drupal installations, includingmaintenance, break-fix and security updates.Managed web hosting and support of Drupal installations.The Managed Services is a fully supported 24/7 extended warranty and break/fix agreement covering Drupal (Core updates, module updates and monitoring, and Application Support on Hosted Environment) in addition to any SLA offered by our hosting partner (or your hosting provider)We offer our 24/7 fully supported hosting solution for Drupal websites built by any agency after the site has undergone a security audit by our specialist security team and we complete our 3 month ""familiarisation"" period.The actual cost for the support will be determined and quoted after the security review.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 x Managed web hosting and 24/7 support of a Drupal website,Australia (Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd),NSW,1.8,Tier III and above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-REMASYS Pty Ltd,ACN 085 329 719 / ABN 99 085 329 719,EAGLE-i solution,"Our solution EAGLE-i, provides your executives with objective and independent visibility of your critical business applications performance and availability. Our solution also provides your technologists with information to assist to identify and reduce problem resolution times.Our solution, EAGLE-i can measure your critical applications for performance and availability on a 24 X 7 basis.EAGLE-i can monitor all your application types, from the simple Web through to complex Citrix or mobile (iOS or Android) or mapping application.",Managed Service,Off,Application Performance and Availability Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"End User Experience Monitoring of Application from external monitoring point - via 2 ISP's.Definition of Application Types:Web: Web browser app that uses standard HTML incl. javascript and Ajax.Citrix: Windows client app (native Windows app i.e. Win32Api, 3rd party compiled windows app, Java app) or Citrix app running on Windows Desktop.Mobile:Mobile app (Apple iOS and Android are supported).",Australia,"Global Switch, New South Wales",1.7,1.0,Australia,Melbourne,Not rated,Dedicated facility not rated,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526, Cloud D On-site,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging provided on-site within an agencies ICT environment. Sliced Tech manages the virtual environment and provides technical stakeholders access to the portal our customers utilise for provisioning.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources that the customer provides can be utilised. Specific hardware requirements to be negotiated for each deployment.* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Physical hypervisor core under management.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526, Cloud P On-site,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging provided on-site within an agencies ICT environment. Sliced Tech manages the virtual environment and provides technical stakeholders access to the portal our customers utilise for provisioning.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources that the customer provides can be utilised. Specific hardware requirements to be negotiated for each deployment.* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Physical hypervisor core under management.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526, Cloud U On-site,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging provided on-site within an agencies ICT environment. Sliced Tech manages the virtual environment and provides technical stakeholders access to the portal our customers utilise for provisioning.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources that the customer provides can be utilised. Specific hardware requirements to be negotiated for each deployment.* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Physical hypervisor core under management.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Basic Email D,"An email only service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. This service is designed only to be a simple mail service and has minimal configuration and management overhead. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Basic Email P,"An email only service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. This service is designed only to be a simple mail service and has minimal configuration and management overhead. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS).Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Basic Email U,"An email only service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. This service is designed only to be a simple mail service and has minimal configuration and management overhead. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS).Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Basic Instant Messaging D,"Sliced Tech has a number of Instant Messaging options. Our Basic Instant Messaging service utilises a simple and robust Instant Messaging product that allows a customer's administrator to easily add or remove users. This product has the functionality typically sought of small to medium agencies but with less cost than other options. Features include:* SSL encryption for secure communication* Active Directory Integration* Easy Web-based Management* Windows, Linux and Mac Client* Web based client for IM anywhere* Group Chats* Broadcast Messages* SIP Phone Integration",SaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Business Continuity Support,"Sliced Tech's extensive experience can be leveraged by customers through this service. Providing a mixture of business, solution and application architecture experience we are able to assist customers with planning applications, infrastructure and services to meet Business Continuity Objectives utilising Cloud services, from any provider. We can also assist with restoring services to a level deemed appropriate during a business continuity event.",Other,Business Continuity,Professional Services,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier and Agency,NA,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Hour,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,CDN,"Control panel and API available.Sliced Tech's CDN delivers your files  images, videos, scripts, CSS  with super-fast load times to visitors across Australia and around the globe. It can be used to deliver your entire website, including dynamic, static and streaming content using a global network of edge locations. Requests for your content are automatically routed to the nearest edge location, so content is delivered with the best possible performance.Australian Locations: Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.Global Locations: 80+ in Europe, North and South America, Asia as at 16 July 2012.",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,MB of Traffic delivered through the CDN,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Sydney,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Melbourne,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Perth,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Overseas (Various),Various,Various,Various

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud D,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging Sliced Tech's government community cloud.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources able to be utilised (costed separately)* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,Cloud Environment,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud Enablement,"Sliced Tech's extensive experience can be leveraged by customers through this service. Providing a mixture of business, solution and application architecture experience we are able to assist customers with better leveraging clouds from any provider to ensure that the benefits of the cloud are maximised in meeting their business requirements.",Other,Compute Services,Professional Services,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier and Agency,NA,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Hour,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud P,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging Sliced Tech's government community cloud.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources able to be utilised (costed separately)* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,Cloud Environment,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud Ram CPU Large D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud RAM CPU Large P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud RAM CPU Large U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud Ram CPU Medium D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud RAM CPU Medium P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud RAM CPU Medium U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud Ram CPU Small D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud RAM CPU Small P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud RAM CPU Small U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud Storage U,"Cloud Storage hosted in Australia Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.100% compliant with Amazon S3 API standards and Rackspace Cloud Files API we are able to offer a data endpoint to existing software, hardware or appliances which can leverage this service.Sliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance L-U,Cloud Storage located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large) and 8TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 8TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance M-U,Cloud Storage located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium) and 4TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 4TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance S-U,Cloud Storage located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small) and 2TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 2TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Cloud U,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging Sliced Tech's government community cloud.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources able to be utilised (costed separately)* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,Cloud Environment,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Content Acceleration,"Sliced Tech's Content Acceleration via our cache platform enables acceleration of sites and applications through the caching of content. This acceleration is controlled by a caching policy and can be enabled on both static and dynamic content. Caching can dramatically improve the end users experience.Sliced Tech assists customers to define their individual caching policy, implements it within our cache servers and provides it as a fully managed service.",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Website or Application,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Email AV Appliance D,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive email filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The email filtering appliance allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management* Full Diagnostics Reporting* Web Based GUI",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Email AV Appliance P,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive email filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The email filtering appliance allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management* Full Diagnostics Reporting* Web Based GUI",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Email AV Appliance U,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive email filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The email filtering appliance allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management* Full Diagnostics Reporting* Web Based GUI",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Email AV Scanning D,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive email as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The email filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the email proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Email AV Scanning P,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive email as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The email filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the email proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Email AV Scanning U,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive email as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The email filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the email proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Exchange Email D,"A hosted exchange email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Includes SPAM and Anti-virus filtering.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Exchange Email P,"A hosted exchange email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Includes SPAM and Anti-virus filtering.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Exchange Email U,"A hosted exchange email service hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Includes SPAM and Anti-virus filtering.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,File Server as a Service D,"Microsoft CIFS/Samba storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to replace any workgroup file server and is able to integrate into Active Directory and grow to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access files, profiles and home directories from any mount points defined based on Active Directory authentication.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.",PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,File Server as a Service P,"Microsoft CIFS/Samba storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to replace any workgroup file server and is able to integrate into Active Directory and grow to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access files, profiles and home directories from any mount points defined based on Active Directory authentication.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.",PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,File Server Replacement as a Service D,"Microsoft CIFS/Samba storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to replace any workgroup file server and is able to integrate into Active Directory and grow to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access files, profiles and home directories from any mount points defined based on Active Directory authentication.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,File Server Replacement as a Service P,"Microsoft CIFS/Samba storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to replace any workgroup file server and is able to integrate into Active Directory and grow to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access files, profiles and home directories from any mount points defined based on Active Directory authentication.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Large D,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 110000Internet Mix Throughput 245 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Large P,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 110000Internet Mix Throughput 245 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Large U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 110000Internet Mix Throughput 245 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Large U_U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 110000Internet Mix Throughput 245 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Med D,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 47500Internet Mix Throughput 140 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Med P,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 47500Internet Mix Throughput 140 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Med U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 47500Internet Mix Throughput 140 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Med U_U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 47500Internet Mix Throughput 140 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Small D,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 12500Internet Mix Throughput 40 MbpsVPN Throughput 25 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 16000New Sessions/Second 2800Max Security Policies 200Max Security Zones 8",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Small P,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 12500Internet Mix Throughput 40 MbpsVPN Throughput 25 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 16000New Sessions/Second 2800Max Security Policies 200Max Security Zones 8",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Small U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 12500Internet Mix Throughput 40 MbpsVPN Throughput 25 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 16000New Sessions/Second 2800Max Security Policies 200Max Security Zones 8",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,FW Small U_U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a firewall utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, that customers can manage themselves, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 12500Internet Mix Throughput 40 MbpsVPN Throughput 25 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 16000New Sessions/Second 2800Max Security Policies 200Max Security Zones 8",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Gold Email D,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Features:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Anti-virus. Anti-virus is included in this solution to enable the scanning of emails for viruses; quarantining those that are detected.Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. Calendar, Contacts and Tasks applications are provided as part of the solution to provide a virtual office capability.Simple Document Management. The suite includes a simple, web based document management system for users.Inclusive of 70GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,70GB of storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Gold Email P,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Features:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Anti-virus. Anti-virus is included in this solution to enable the scanning of emails for viruses; quarantining those that are detected.Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. Calendar, Contacts and Tasks applications are provided as part of the solution to provide a virtual office capability.Simple Document Management. The suite includes a simple, web based document management system for users.Inclusive of 70GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,70GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Gold Email U,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Features:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Anti-virus. Anti-virus is included in this solution to enable the scanning of emails for viruses; quarantining those that are detected.Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. Calendar, Contacts and Tasks applications are provided as part of the solution to provide a virtual office capability.Simple Document Management. The suite includes a simple, web based document management system for users.Inclusive of 70GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,70GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Government Secure Cloud Storage D,"Cloud Storage hosted to Government DLM security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.100% compliant with Amazon S3 API standards and Rackspace Cloud Files API we are able to offer a data endpoint to existing software, hardware or appliances which can leverage this service.Sliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Government Secure Cloud Storage P,"Cloud Storage hosted to Government Protected security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.100% compliant with Amazon S3 API standards and Rackspace Cloud Files API we are able to offer a data endpoint to existing software, hardware or appliances which can leverage this service.Sliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance L-D,Cloud Storage hosted to Government DLM security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large) and 8TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 8TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance L-P,Cloud Storage hosted to Government Protected security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large) and 8TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 8TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance M-D,Cloud Storage hosted to Government DLM security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium) and 4TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 4TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance M-P,Cloud Storage hosted to Government Protected security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium) and 4TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 4TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance S-D,Cloud Storage hosted to Government DLM security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small) and 2TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 2TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance S-P,Cloud Storage hosted to Government Protected security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small) and 2TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 2TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Hosted Service Desk,"Sliced Tech will provide a dedicated service desk application that is able to be fully customised and configured to meet customer requirements. With integrated web portal and email it provides agencies a rich set of features within a simple to use application.Hosted within Sliced Tech, Sliced Tech will provide a fully managed instance with us taking care of the initial setup and support. Nominated personnel can then manage and respond to tickets, providing users the service desk functionality required for all ICT environments. Sliced Tech offers a simple pricing model based on the number of support staff utilising the service desk. These staff can support any number of users at no extra cost.",SaaS,CRM,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Agents (Support Staff that respond to and/or action tickets),Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Hosted Virtual Desktop,"Sliced Techs Hosted Virtual Desktop solution combines thin client, virtualisation and security technologies. This solution provides customers a virtual ICT environment fully hosted within Canberra data centres. The ICT environment is completely self contained with integrated authentication, email, anti-virus and Fedlink services; encrypted network access; and DSD certified gateway. Gateway and network security meets the requirements for Protected.Sliced Techs Virtual Desktop is suitable for:* Quickly establishing new staff desktop and LAN services,* Segregating staff working on sensitive projects,* Establishing remote offices, or* To cost effectively enable more secure environments without changing existing infrastructure. Sliced Techs Virtual Desktop allows users to hot desk or use non-dedicated workstations whilst retaining the ability to have their personal space follow them. Sliced Tech provides secure access to common desktop applications, applications hosted centrally on virtual servers, access to Internet for browsing and email with the option of Fedlink access. The service includes:* Enabling access to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.* Enabling access to 2 customer provided applications* 10GB of user profile and non-shared storage* 100GB of shared storage* Internet access* The option to connect via ICON.Customers are required to provide all hosted application licenses. Virtual server hosting, additional gateway security features and Internet charges are separate services.",SaaS,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,iSCSI as a Service D,iSCSI block storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to be used for directly attached storage to existing servers and/or VMware/HyperV servers. It is capable of growing to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access the block level storage over the iSCSI protocol from the agency facilities.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,iSCSI as a Service P,iSCSI block storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to be used for directly attached storage to existing servers and/or VMware/HyperV servers. It is capable of growing to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access the block level storage over the iSCSI protocol from the agency facilities.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Large CPU Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Large CPU Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Large CPU Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Large RAM Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Large RAM Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Large RAM Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Load Balancer,"Sliced Tech's load balancer managed service compliments the included self manageable load balancer provided within our clouds. This service is a fully managed, redundant and scalable load balancing service suitable for:* enterprise applications* load balancing between servers within one site* integration into a load balancing infrastructure across multiple sites* business continuity solutions* those seeking a managed service",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Servers within the load balancing pool.,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Medium CPU Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Medium CPU Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Medium CPU Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Medium RAM Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Medium RAM Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Medium RAM Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,NetApp Snap Mirror Destination D,Backup services using the NetApp Snap Mirror platform integrated into the NetApp Filer.A Snap Mirror Destination is supplied over Dark Fibre to the Agency to be used as a Disaster Recovery/Backup endpoint for an on-site production SAN.,PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,NetApp Snap Mirror Destination P,Backup services using the NetApp Snap Mirror platform integrated into the NetApp Filer.A Snap Mirror Destination is supplied over Dark Fibre to the Agency to be used as a Disaster Recovery/Backup endpoint for an on-site production SAN.,PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,NFS as a Service D,NFS file storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to be used for network based file storage storage to existing servers. It is capable of growing to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access the file level storage over the NFS protocol from the agency facilities.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,NFS as a Service P,NFS file storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to be used for network based file storage storage to existing servers. It is capable of growing to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access the file level storage over the NFS protocol from the agency facilities.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,OnPremise Virtual Desktop,"Sliced Techs Hosted Virtual Desktop solution combines thin client, virtualisation and security technologies. This solution provides customers a virtual desktop service within their premises leveraging their existing ICT environment and facilities. Sliced Techs Virtual Desktop is suitable for:* Quickly establishing new staff desktop and LAN services,* Segregating staff working on sensitive projects,* Establishing remote offices, or* To cost effectively enable more secure environments without changing existing infrastructure. Sliced Techs Virtual Desktop allows users to hot desk or use non-dedicated workstations whilst retaining the ability to have their personal space follow them. Sliced Tech provides secure access to customers existing applications. Customers are required to provide all hosted application licenses. ",SaaS,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Operating System Mgt D,"Sliced Tech is able to provide management of a number of operating systems for those customers seeking a fully managed server, including:* Microsoft Windows Servers* Debian based distributions (Debian/Ubuntu)* Redhat based distributions (RHEL/Fedora/CentOS)",Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Operating System Mgt P,"Sliced Tech is able to provide management of a number of operating systems for those customers seeking a fully managed server, including:* Microsoft Windows Servers* Debian based distributions (Debian/Ubuntu)* Redhat based distributions (RHEL/Fedora/CentOS)",Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Operating System Mgt U,"Sliced Tech is able to provide management of a number of operating systems for those customers seeking a fully managed server, including:* Microsoft Windows Servers* Debian based distributions (Debian/Ubuntu)* Redhat based distributions (RHEL/Fedora/CentOS)",Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_24 D,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 24 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 24GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_24 P,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 24 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 24GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_24 U,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 24 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 24GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_48 D,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 48 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 48GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_48 P,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 48 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 48GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_48 U,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 48 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,12 cores and 48GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_96 D,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 96 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,12 cores and 96GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_96 P,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 96 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,12 cores and 96GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,P 12_96 U,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 96 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,12 cores and 96GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,PaaS App Mgt D,Sliced Tech is able to provide platform management of the following platforms as a service:* MYSQL* MSSQL* AD* Exchange,Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Application,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,PaaS App Mgt P,Sliced Tech is able to provide platform management of the following platforms as a service:* MYSQL* MSSQL* AD* Exchange,Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Application,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,PaaS App Mgt U,Sliced Tech is able to provide platform management of the following platforms as a service:* MYSQL* MSSQL* AD* Exchange,Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Application,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LP-D,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LP-P,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LP-U,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LV-D,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LV-P,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LV-U,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MP-D,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MP-P,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MP-U,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MV-D,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MV-P,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MV-U,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SP-D,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SP-P,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SP-U,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SV-D,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SV-P,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SV-U,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Silver Email D,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Additional features over basic email:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Silver Email P,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Additional features over basic email:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Silver Email U,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Additional features over basic email:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Single Server Agent Backup D,"Backup services using a backup agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.Management of backups, restores and backup schedules is available via a self service portal.",PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Single Server Agent Backup P,"Backup services using a backup agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.Management of backups, restores and backup schedules is available via a self service portal.",PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Single Server Agent Backup U,"Backup services using a backup agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.Management of backups, restores and backup schedules is available via a self service portal.",PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Single Server NetApp Agent Backup D,Backup services using the NetApp OSSV agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.,PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Single Server NetApp Agent Backup P,Backup services using the NetApp OSSV agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.,PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Small CPU Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Small CPU Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Small CPU Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Small RAM Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Small RAM Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Small RAM Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,SSL Termination,"Sliced Tech's SSL Termination serviceallows for SSL client sessions to be offloaded from production web servers onto a dedicated SSL Termination devices within Sliced Tech's network. This can improve the performance of and lower the resources required by web servers, and enable security inspection of the traffic prior to it reaching the web server.",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Website,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 1_1_20 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 1 x vCPU* 1GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (1GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 1_1_20 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 1 x vCPU* 1GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (1GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 1_1_20 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 1 x vCPU* 1GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (1GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_16_160 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_16_160 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_16_160 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_2_20 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 2GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2GB RAM, 2 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_2_20 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 2GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2GB RAM, 2 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_2_20 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. Service includes* 2 x vCPU* 2GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2GB RAM, 2 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_4_40 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 4GB RAM* 40GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_4_40 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 4GB RAM* 40GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_4_40 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 4GB RAM* 40GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_8_80 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_8_80 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 2_8_80 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 4_16_160 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 4_16_160 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 4_16_160 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 4_8_80 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 4_8_80 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM 4_8_80 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM IP Address,An additional IPAddress to be used on an existing Virtual Machine inside the Protected Government Community Cloud.Service includes 1 x IPv4 and 1 x IPv6 Address,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,IP Address,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM IP Address BYO,Deployment of Agency supplied IPv4/IPv6 space into our environment for use as part of any/all services supplied by Sliced Tech.Space will be allocated only to the Agency owning the IP allocation.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,IP Address BYO (/24 IPv4 Space or /48 IPv6 Space),Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM IP Transit,Internet connectivity to be used against virtual machines deployed into any tier of the Government Community Cloud environments at Sliced Tech.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,MB,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM SAN D,"Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade storage environment utilising redundant SANs, supported by a fully redundant storage network. Sliced Tech's Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load and capacity of the storage environment to it scales ahead of customer's demands.This service is the provision of redundant high transaction SAN storage that is suitable for use with all applications. Storage can be allocated and managed by the customer, including the allocation of multiple data stores to a single virtual server.Customers can reallocate Storage at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay the full rate for the hours they have them allocated to an operational server; excludes servers with pre-configured bundles of resources (reservation billing).",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM SAN P,"Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade storage environment utilising redundant SANs, supported by a fully redundant storage network. Sliced Tech's Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load and capacity of the storage environment to it scales ahead of customer's demands.This service is the provision of redundant high transaction SAN storage that is suitable for use with all applications. Storage can be allocated and managed by the customer, including the allocation of multiple data stores to a single virtual server.Customers can reallocate Storage at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay the full rate for the hours they have them allocated to an operational server; excludes servers with pre-configured bundles of resources (reservation billing).",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM SAN U,"Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade storage environment utilising redundant SANs, supported by a fully redundant storage network. Sliced Tech's Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load and capacity of the storage environment to it scales ahead of customer's demands.This service is the provision of redundant high transaction SAN storage that is suitable for use with all applications. Storage can be allocated and managed by the customer, including the allocation of multiple data stores to a single virtual server.Customers can reallocate Storage at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay the full rate for the hours they have them allocated to an operational server; excludes servers with pre-configured bundles of resources (reservation billing).",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM Snapshots D,"Realtime and Zero performance and/or space impact snapshot backups of Virtual Machines.Snapshots are taken of operational machines, compressed and stored on dedicated and segregated storage subsystems to meet backup requirements. ",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM Snapshots P,"Realtime and Zero performance and/or space impact snapshot backups of Virtual Machines.Snapshots are taken of operational machines, compressed and stored on dedicated and segregated storage subsystems to meet backup requirements. ",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,VM Snapshots U,"Realtime and Zero performance and/or space impact snapshot backups of Virtual Machines.Snapshots are taken of operational machines, compressed and stored on dedicated and segregated storage subsystems to meet backup requirements. ",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Web AV Appliance D,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive web filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The web filter allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP ",PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Web AV Appliance P,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive web filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The web filter allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP ",PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Web AV Appliance U,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive web filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The web filter allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP ",PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Web AV Scanning D,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive web filter as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The web filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the web proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP ",SaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Web AV Scanning P,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive web filter as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The web filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the web proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP ",SaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Sliced Tech,66 290 396 526,Web AV Scanning U,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive web filter as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The web filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the web proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP ",SaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

-Squiz Australia Pty Ltd,"ACN 131 581 247, ABN 53 131 581 247",Funnelback Hosted Search Engine,"The Funnelback Hosting environment has been designed specifically to provide a 'Software as a Service' (SaaS) solution for the Funnelback Search Engine. <br/> <br/>The Funnelback Search Engine was originally developed by the CSIRO and is currently used by a wide range of government, education and corporate clients.<br/><br/>Funnelback provides high quality search for web based content and includes an advanced suite of features and functionality.<br/><br/>",SaaS,Information Management,Search Engine,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,,Yes,Yes,,,,,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 day,"10,000 Document Hosted Search Service<br/>Shared server resources (CPU, HDD and RAM)<br/>",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,ACT,,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.35,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Squiz Australia Pty Ltd,"ACN 131 581 247, ABN 53 131 581 247",Squiz Cloud Hosting,"The Squiz Cloud has been designed specifically to provide a 'Software as a Service' (SaaS) solution for the Squiz Suite products. <br/> <br/>We can allocate computing resources (CPU, RAM & Storage) dynamically to Squiz Suite products in blocks (units), which we call a 'Single Allocation'. <br/> <br/>For short-term CPU/RAM spikes (ie in times of high web traffic demand) Squiz can temporarily expand the Private Cloud to handle higher load and traffic. Those additional resources will be removed again, when cloud resources are no longer fully utilised. ",SaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,,Yes,Yes,,,,,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1 x Single Resource Allocation which includes: <br/>(1 Virtual CPU, <br/>2GB RAM,<br/>20GB Storage, <br/>1GB of web traffic per month)",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,ACT,,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.35,3.0,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Physical Server Plan (Enhanced),Managed Physical Server Plan (Enhanced) provides a dedicated physical compute and storage service which is managed by Telstra up to the level of the operating system.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 2 CPU , 192GB Memory , Operation System (optional) 300GB System & Data Storage (Tier 2) ; 300GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 200GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 1 IP Address",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Physical Server Plan (Essential),Managed Physical Server Plan (Essential) provides a dedicated physical compute and storage service which is managed by Telstra up to the level of the operating system.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 2 CPU , 128GB Memory , Operation System (optional)200GB System & Data Storage (Tier 2) ; 200GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 100GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 1 IP Address",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Physical Server Plan (Premium),Managed Physical Server Plan (Premium) provides a dedicated physical compute and storage service which is managed by Telstra up to the level of the operating system.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 4 CPU , 256GB Memory , Operation System (optional)500GB System & Data Storage (Tier 2) ; 500GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 400GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 1 IP Address",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Physical Server Plan (Select),Managed Physical Server Plan (Select) provides a dedicated physical compute and storage service which is managed by Telstra up to the level of the operating system.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 2 CPU , 256GB Memory , Operation System (optional)400GB System & Data Storage (Tier 2) ; 400GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 300GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 1 IP Address",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Virtual Server Plan (Essential),Managed Virtual Server Plan (Essential) provides a dedicated virtualised compute and storage resource service which is managed by Telstra up to the operating system of the virtual server(s).,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 2 CPU , 128GB Memory , Operation System (optional) VMware Hypervisor up to 10 Managed Virtual Servers; 1,00GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 1,00GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 100GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 10 IP Addresses",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Dedicated Hosting - Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (ACT),"Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (x64) provides a dedicated virtualized computeand storage resource pool hosted in a ASIO T4 certified facilitythat you configure and manage via VMware vCentre & meets the National Security Classification Accreditation ""protected"".1 x Dedicated Blade Server , 2 CPU , 96 Memory , VM - Operating System (customer provided)VMware Hypervisor ; 500GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 500GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall; 50GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 5 IPS IP Addresses",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (ACT) provides dedicated blade server andstorage resource pool that you configure and manage VM's via VMware vCentre.,Australia,ACT,Between 1.8 and 2.5,T4,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Dedicated Hosting - Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (Enhanced),Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (Enhanced) provides a dedicated virtualised compute and storage resource pool that you configure and manage via VMware vCentre.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"2 x Servers - 2 CPU , 192GB Memory , Operation System (optional) VMware Hypervisor ; 1,000GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 1,000GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 100GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 10 IP Addresses",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Dedicated Hosting - Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (Essential),Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (Essential) provides a dedicated virtualised compute and storage resource pool that you configure and manage via VMware vCentre.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"2 x Servers - 2 CPU , 128GB Memory , Operation System (optional) VMware Hypervisor ; 500GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 500GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tiers Virtual Firewall; 50GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 5 IP Addresses",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Government Dedicated Hosting - Self Managed Virtual Server Plan,"Self Managed Virtual Server Plan provides a dedicated virtualised computeand storage resource pool hosted in a ASIO T4 certified facilitythat you configure and manage via VMware vCentre & meets the National Security Classification Accreditation ""protected"".",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"2 x Dedicated Blade Server , 2 CPU , 96GB Memory , VM - Operating System (customer provided) VMware Hypervisor ; 500GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 500GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall; 50GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 5 IP Addresses",Australia,ACT,Between 1.8 and 2.5,Tier 4 (ASIO),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Select Shared Firewall Service,"Appliance based firewall instance, available in two separate physical tiers, managed to the Select service level. All equipment (fully redundant), maintenance, and licenses costs are included.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per instance per month,Australia,Vic,2.05,41335.0,Australia,Vic,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Telstra Corporation Limited,33 051 775 556,Standard Shared Firewall Service,"Appliance based firewall instance, available in two separate physical tiers, managed to the Standard service level. All equipment (fully redundant), maintenance, and licenses costs are included.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per instance per month,Australia,Vic,2.05,41335.0,Australia,Vic,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,ABN 12 123 552 732,Contract Manager,"Contract Manager is an agreement lifecycle management system and a centralised repository for contracts, agreements, grants, deeds etc. Agreements are added to the system using workflow (including approval gates)and online forms that are customised to your organisation's requirements. Automated triggers alert users of impending lifecycle events such as KPI reviews and renewal dates.The system has a comprehensive user-customisable reporting capability and the dashboard provides an instant graphical view of the status of all agreements.",SaaS,Document Management,"Procurement, Compliance Management, Risk Management",24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Contract:Contracts under management by the system.,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,ABN 12 123 552 732,eNegotiation,"e-Negotiations are an effective procurement tool to generate savings. It allows suppliers to bid online for the opportunity to win a contract being let by your agency. Suppliers compete with each other by reducing the cost of their goods, or services, in order to win the business being offered. Typical savings are in excess of 10% of the pre-event savings target, but better results are achievable if the contract is well constructed and valuable to the supplier base.To ensure successful e-Negotiations a suitability review is offered. This preliminary phase allows your agency to discuss prospective e-Negotiation candidates with Trade Interchange. This forms part of the general service but there is no charge for this preliminary work as it is quality checking for both your agency and Trade Interchange. If there is a suitable candidate for an e-negotiation, Trade Interchange builds the event and associated supplier documentation according to the needs identified. The structure of the event is designed in consultation with your agency. The supplier list is provided to Trade Interchange. Trade Interchange will contact all suppliers to encourage participation, train the individuals that will be participating in the event and provide general assurance about the process. At all times, we advise what the supplier feedback is and this allows the agency to guide the process but not have to deal with the day-to-day communications. During the event we provide a help desk service for suppliers, if they are having any problems we have staff available to take their calls. The negotiations will be arranged in single or multiple lots and completed within a 4 hour period (up to 4 separate negotiations of 45 minutes each). Contract value should exceed $250,000 are recommended to achieve an immediate RoI on Trade Interchange fees.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Procurement,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,e-Negotiation / e-Auction events,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,ABN 12 123 552 732,eTendering,"Electronic tendering is for procurement teams to systematise supplier response and evaluation. It supports unbiased and independent evaluation based on pre-determined criteria. It offers time saving benefits and ensures, through constraining and focusing of supplier responses, that the representations are those of the supplier, not the interpretations of the contract management team. The service incorporates public sector probity features and can be branded and tailored to agency requirements. Robust process and governance are deliverable in this service as well as supplier activity audit trails. Trade Interchange provide eTender support in the design and use of the eTendering module.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Procurement,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,"e-RFX events including e-RFI, e-RFT, e-RFP, e-RFQ.Also known as e-Tender.",United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,ABN 12 123 552 732,eTendering - eRFQ,"eTendering -eRFQ is a standarised service version of the full eTendering service. This service is designed for higher volume, template based go to market requests such as RFQs. It supports unbiased and independent evaluation based on pre-determined criteria. It offers time saving benefits through constraining and focusing of supplier responses, automatic side by side collation of all supplier responses and auto-scoring. The service incorporates public sector probity features and can be branded and tailored to Agency requirements. Robust process and governance are deliverable in this service as well as supplier activity audit trails. Trade Interchange provide provisioning assistance, training and ongoing support - customers self manage and run eRFQs as required.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Procurement,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,eRFQ events,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,ABN 12 123 552 732,Supplier Information Management (SIM),"Supplier Compliance Management is a way to minimise risk associated with suppliers and sub-contractors. Trade Interchange Supplier Information Management (SIM)maintains a registry of suppliers tailored to agency needs for competency and Commonwealth directives (OHS, Equal Opportunity, FWA). It might be used: to mitigate duty of care legal risks; or the ability to easily discover qualified suppliers already engaged by other divisions of your agency.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Procurement,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Supplier Compliance Management,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-TransACT Capital Communications Pty Ltd,ABN: 23 093 966 888 ACN: 093 966 888,Business Cloud,"Business Cloud provides agencies with a virtual data centre enabling them to build one or more virtual machines. Once the virtual machine is built they will be able to install any operating system or software application they require. For the avoidance of doubt all licenses are to be supplied by the agency. Agencies are able to create virtual machines on demand via a self service portal. From the portal they can configure the virtual machines with any combination of resources (CPU, RAM, Storage) to suit their application workload.They are able to start and stop a virtual machine on demand enabling them to only pay for what they use. ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"GovBC Pack includes: RAM: 2GB, CPU: 1GHz, Storage: 100GB.","Australia, TransACT Data Centre, Canberra, ACT",ACT,1.4,3.0,"Australia, iiNet Data Centre, Perth, WA",WA,Not available,Not available,,,,,,,,,,,,

-TransACT Capital Communications Pty Ltd,ABN: 23 093 966 888 ACN: 093 966 888,Hosted Exchange,"Hosted Exchange is an Enterprise & Government class e-mail solution that delivers business communication services negating the requirement of managingin-house e-mail platforms. TransACT Hosted Exchange provides seamless integration with Outlook, access to a feature-rich web client; synchronisation of e-mails, contacts and calendars across mobile devices, the ability to share calendars contacts and company resources; plus access to our advanced control panel for operational management of employee mailboxes. Our Hosted Exchange service is located within Australia on the iiNet group of companies' world-class infrastructure and is supported by our very own award-winning support team. Our Hosted Exchange solution comes with guaranteed up-time and integrated disaster recovery to ensure confidence in your business's core communication service",IaaS,Office Productivity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,All the prices are based on a single e-mail account.,Australia,VIC - Camberwell,2.4,1.0,Australia,VIC - Port Melbourne,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Managed Backups,Daily Server Backup.- Daily backups held for a week.- Weekly backups held for a fortnight- Up to 200 GB of storageRequires VDS,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Managed Backups - PROTECTED,Daily Server Backup.- Daily backups held for a week.- Weekly backups held for a fortnight- Up to 200 GB of storageRequires VDS PROTECTED,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,MS SQL Server Backups,"Daily MS SQL Server Server Backup.- Daily backups held for a week.- Weekly backups held for a fortnight- Up to 200 GB of storageRequires VDS, Windows and MS SQL Licence (Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,MS SQL Server Backups - PROTECTED,"Daily MS SQL Server Server Backup.- Daily backups held for a week.- Weekly backups held for a fortnight- Up to 200 GB of storage Requires VDS PROTECTED, Windows and MS SQL Licence (Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,MS SQL Server Maintenance - Per instance,Creation of new MS SQL instances .Implementation of MS SQL maintenance specifically for MS SQL aware backup and recovery.Implementation of MS SQL maintenance plans for routine recommended MS SQL maintenance tasks: defrag; integrity check; shrink; check backups and perform routine restores; index health checks and tuning; and cluster services establishment and services health checks.Requires Virtual Dedicated Server. Customer to provide own licence. Customers responsible MS SQL design.,IaaS,Database Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Per database instance month,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,MS SQL Server Maintenance - Per instance - PROTECTED,Creation of new MS SQL instances .Implementation of MS SQL maintenance specifically for MS SQL aware backup and recovery.Implementation of MS SQL maintenance plans for routine recommended MS SQL maintenance tasks: defrag; integrity check; shrink; check backups and perform routine restores; index health checks and tuning; and cluster services establishment and services health checks.Requires Virtual Dedicated Server PROTECTED. Customer to provide own licence. Customers responsible MS SQL design.,IaaS,Database Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Per database instance month,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Rapid SSL,GeoTrust Rapid SSL Certificate- Single Domain- Up to 256 bit Encryption- True Site Seal- Free Set Up,IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,per Certificate per year,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Server Management,"Server Establishment O/S Installation. O/S hardening. Establishment of Remote Management and base security configuration.Administrative TasksThese are performed by our 24/7 customer support team, assuming Uber has access to the required Admin/Root Passwords. You can access customer support via phone on 13 UBER (13 8237) or email Reboots and restarts. Password resets. Service restarts upon request. Assistance with configuring DNS and access to mail relays.Patching Automated Centos patch deployment, if requested through customer support. Access to Windows Software Update Services.Backup Establishment of backup regime, if a backup service is purchased.Control PanelFor Services purchased with Control Panels our customer support team can provide the following assistance. Please note that they will require access to Admin/Root passwords. Account establishment and management, including password resets. Email administration, including new mailboxes, redirects and forwarders. Log analysis to assist with support of 3rd party applications.Custom supportOur 24/7 customer support team are available to help with a variety of other support matters. With the server management add-on you will have access to one hour of custom support each month. Just call 13 UBER (13 8237) or email to request any assistance you need with your VDS service.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Server Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Server Management - PROTECTED,"Server Establishment O/S Installation. O/S hardening. Establishment of Remote Management and base security configuration.Administrative TasksThese are performed by our 24/7 customer support team, assuming Uber has access to the required Admin/Root Passwords. You can access customer support via phone on 13 UBER (13 8237) or email Reboots and restarts. Password resets. Service restarts upon request. Assistance with configuring DNS and access to mail relays.Patching Automated Centos patch deployment, if requested through customer support. Access to Windows Software Update Services.Backup Establishment of backup regime, if a backup service is purchased.Control PanelFor Services purchased with Control Panels our customer support team can provide the following assistance. Please note that they will require access to Admin/Root passwords. Account establishment and management, including password resets. Email administration, including new mailboxes, redirects and forwarders. Log analysis to assist with support of 3rd party applications.Custom supportOur 24/7 customer support team are available to help with a variety of other support matters. With the server management add-on you will have access to one hour of custom support each month. Just call 13 UBER (13 8237) or email to request any assistance you need with your VDS service.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Server Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,True BusinessID Wildcard,"GeoTrust Wildcard SSL- Unlimited Domains- Up to 256 bit Encryption- True Site Seal, organisation name, date/time stamp, green browser bar- Free Set Up",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,per Certificate per year,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,True BusinessID with EV,"GeoTrust Extended Validation SSL- Single Domain- Up to 256 bit Encryption- True Site Seal, organisation name, date/time stamp, green browser bar- Free Set Up",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,per Certificate per year,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Virtual Dedicated Server 1,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 1024 MB RAM- 40 GB STorage- 100 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Virtual Dedicated Server 1 - PROTECTED,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 1024 MB RAM- 40 GB STorage- 100 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)- PROTECTED DMZ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Virtual Dedicated Server 2,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 4096 MB RAM- 100 GB Storage- 200 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Virtual Dedicated Server 2 - PROTECTED,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 4096 MB RAM- 100 GB Storage- 200 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)- PROTECTED DMZ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Virtual Dedicated Server 3,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 8192 MB RAM- 200 GB Storage- 2000 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Virtual Dedicated Server 3 - PROTECTED,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 8192 MB RAM- 200 GB Storage- 2000 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)- PROTECTED DMZ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Virtual Dedicated Server 4,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 16384 MB RAM- 400 GB Storage- Unmetered GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Uber Enterprise,112 045 002/19 112 045 002,Virtual Dedicated Server 4 - PROTECTED,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 16384 MB RAM- 400 GB Storage- Unmetered GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)- PROTECTED DMZ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,03.DM.DEDICATED_MACHINE_ULTRASERVE_IAAS,"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Management Service Options:Managed Backup (Days Retention): 1, 7, 30, 90, 180, 7 years, and OffsiteServer Management: Level 1 (Hardware), Level 2 (Hardware + Operating System), Level 3 (Hardware + Operating System + Application)Managed Firewall Service: Shared Firewall (High Availability Cluster), Dedicated Firewall (High Availability Firewall) and Web Application FirewallManaged Load Balancer: Traffic Manager, Application Switching, Content Caching, SSL Offloading, Global Server Load BalancingOperating System Support: Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA), Microsoft Software, Linux,Managed Monitoring Service: Automated response to incidents, and reportsPrivate WAN: Dedicated MPLS, Private ConnectivityFeatures & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 Unit = <br/>8GB RAM (128GB Maximum)<br/>1 CPU / 6 Cores (6 CPU / 36 Cores Maximum)<br/>146GB Storage (10+TB Maximum)<br/>1 Day Backup (7 Years Maximum)<br/>Basic Monitoring (upgrade Advanced Maximum)<br/>25GB Traffic (Unlimited),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machine - Flexible Infrastructure for Business Critical Web Hosting,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Management Service Options:Managed Backup (Days Retention): 1, 7, 30, 90, 180, 7 years, and OffsiteServer Management: Level 1 (Hardware), Level 2 (Hardware + Operating System), Level 3 (Hardware + Operating System + Application)Managed Firewall Service: Shared Firewall (High Availability Cluster), Dedicated Firewall (High Availability Firewall) and Web Application FirewallManaged Load Balancer: Traffic Manager, Application Switching, Content Caching, SSL Offloading, Global Server Load BalancingOperating System Support: Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA), Microsoft Software, Linux,Managed Monitoring Service: Automated response to incidents, and reportsPrivate WAN: Dedicated MPLS, Private ConnectivityFeatures & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.Pay per hour feePlans for volume discountsSecure provisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabric",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Unit = <br/>1 x GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)<br/>1 x CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)<br/>1 x GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Advanced Plan,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Advanced Plan - For Disaster Recovery,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Enterprise Plan,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Enterprise Plan - For Disaster Recovery,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Premium Plan,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Premium Plan - For Disaster Recovery,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Short Term Bursting for Seasonal or Peak Loads,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Management Service Options:Managed Backup (Days Retention): 1, 7, 30, 90, 180, 7 years, and OffsiteServer Management: Level 1 (Hardware), Level 2 (Hardware + Operating System), Level 3 (Hardware + Operating System + Application)Managed Firewall Service: Shared Firewall (High Availability Cluster), Dedicated Firewall (High Availability Firewall) and Web Application FirewallManaged Load Balancer: Traffic Manager, Application Switching, Content Caching, SSL Offloading, Global Server Load BalancingOperating System Support: Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA), Microsoft Software, Linux,Managed Monitoring Service: Automated response to incidents, and reportsPrivate WAN: Dedicated MPLS, Private ConnectivityFeatures & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.Pay per hour feePlans for volume discountsSecure provisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabric",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,PAYGMaximum configurations:1 x GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)1 x CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)1 x GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Starter Plan,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Cloud Machines - Starter Plan - For Disaster Recovery,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Dedicated Machine - Enterprise (128GB RAM / Dual CPU / 12 CPU Cores / 4.2TB Storage),"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Features & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Machine (DM)- 128GB RAM- 2 CPU (12 Cores)- 4.2TB Storage (RAID 5)- 30 Day Backup- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Dedicated Machine - Large (32GB RAM / Dual CPU / 12 CPU Cores / 1.8TB Storage),"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Features & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Machine (DM)- 32GB RAM- 2 CPU (12 Cores)- 1.8TBB Storage (RAID 10)- 30 Day Backup- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Dedicated Machine - Medium (16GB RAM / Single CPU / 6 vCPU Cores / 900GB Storage),"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Features & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Machine (DM)- 16GB RAM- 1 CPU (6 Cores)- 900GB Storage (RAID 5)- 30 Day Backup- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Dedicated Machine - Small (8GB RAM / Single CPU / 6 vCPU Cores / 146GB Storage),"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Features & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Machine (DM)- 8GB RAM- 1 CPU (6 Cores)- 146GB Storage (RAID 1)- 30 Day Backup- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Managed Dedicated Firewall Service,"Managed FirewallIntroductionFirewalls have become an important component of Enterprise IT system security policy. As the name suggests, a firewall sits between your IT systems and the rest of the world turning away unwanted intrusions before they can get near your valuable IT assets. Firewalls are the gateways that separate the internet from your private systems. As the first point of contact before direct access to your systems, the firewall decides if a connection will be allowed. By blocking undesirable requests, the Managed Firewall service seals potential security vulnerabilities.By halting unwanted connections, UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to keep your IT systems from being overloaded. Instead of having to use valuable processing resources to review a connection request and reject it, IT systems can focus solely on their most important work.UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to provide a significant level of security without downside. As the gateway to your IT systems, the Firewall service ensures compliance to all those who request access.The firewall service is fully managed by UltraServe on your behalf.Features & BenefitsProtect your IT investment. Enterprise-class firewall service ensures the outside world interacts with your system only the way you want them to. Without a firewall, your applications and data are unprotected and accessible to potential intruders.Standards Compliant. Keep your IT systems compliant to network access standards defined in PCI-DSS and various Australian laws.Zero Management Time. The UltraServe team takes care of the pain of managing a firewall. Were on duty 24/7 so that you dont have to be. The UltraServe Monitoring service is consistently verifying the secure and fast operation of your firewall.Always up-to-date. In addition to ensuring the operation of your firewall, the UltraServe team is always evaluating and applying updates. This practice keeps your firewall secure against any new threats that may appear.Flexible security. A Managed Firewall Service allows you to decide how customers and employees access your IT systems, on your terms. You decide which connections and protocols to allow and which to deny. All the standard internet protocols are yours to control, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, IPsec and ICMP. For secure access to your private network, we support IPsec VPN connections from your office network or individual computer.Easy Configuration. The firewall service can be configured by choosing from standard options or can be customised to meet unique security requirements.Low Latency. Enterprise-class firewalls keep latencies low with unimpeded network flow of valid connections. Unauthorised connections are halted before reaching the valuable assets in your internal network.Change Management. UltraServe keeps a strict log of all changes that are made to your firewall. All changes to your firewall service are performed by our team to ensure security and consistency. All updates and change requests are recorded and stored indefinitely.PackagesVirtual Firewall Service [Virtual Machines only]The UltraServe Virtual Firewall Service was designed to take advantage of the unique requirements of Virtual Machines. The Virtual Firewall service runs on a multi-tenanted platform that improves availability and uptime using redundant firewall service. The Virtual Firewall controls your private network by isolating your IT systems from other Virtual Machines, other networks and the internet.Fault-tolerant. The Virtual Firewall Service maintains redundant replicas of your firewall service. In the event of a failure, your firewall will failover to a healthy replica. Fault-tolerance is built into the platform and ensures business continuity.Dedicated Firewall Service [Dedicated Machines only]The Dedicated Firewall Service is our best-of-breed firewall for use exclusively with Dedicated Machines. Similar to a Dedicated Machine, the Dedicated Firewall is an appliance fully devoted to your IT system. Its capacity, resources, and connections are single-tenanted and reserved entirely for your use. The features are similar to the Virtual Firewall with a few important additions.VPN Client. The Dedicated Firewall Service has two options for VPN connections; Site-to-site and Client-to-site. Site-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to extend your office or IT network to include UltraServe managed IT systems. Client-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to configure any individual computer to connect with your UltraServe managed IT systems.High Availability. The Dedicated Firewall Service can be paired with an additional Dedicated Firewall to create a High Availability Managed Firewall. This ensures that if connection requests fail, a backup firewall service will seamlessly handle the traffic. In short, High Availability ensures business continuity of your network security devices.Added Security. The Dedicated Firewall Service has additional security features. Adding Intrusion Prevention to your firewall service will create an ultra-high-security barrier to intruders.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Dedicated Firewall Service<br/>- VPN / IPsec<br/>- Intrusion Prevention Service / Intrusion Detection Service ,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Managed Dedicated High Availability Firewall Service,"Managed FirewallIntroductionFirewalls have become an important component of Enterprise IT system security policy. As the name suggests, a firewall sits between your IT systems and the rest of the world turning away unwanted intrusions before they can get near your valuable IT assets. Firewalls are the gateways that separate the internet from your private systems. As the first point of contact before direct access to your systems, the firewall decides if a connection will be allowed. By blocking undesirable requests, the Managed Firewall service seals potential security vulnerabilities.By halting unwanted connections, UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to keep your IT systems from being overloaded. Instead of having to use valuable processing resources to review a connection request and reject it, IT systems can focus solely on their most important work.UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to provide a significant level of security without downside. As the gateway to your IT systems, the Firewall service ensures compliance to all those who request access.The firewall service is fully managed by UltraServe on your behalf.Features & BenefitsProtect your IT investment. Enterprise-class firewall service ensures the outside world interacts with your system only the way you want them to. Without a firewall, your applications and data are unprotected and accessible to potential intruders.Standards Compliant. Keep your IT systems compliant to network access standards defined in PCI-DSS and various Australian laws.Zero Management Time. The UltraServe team takes care of the pain of managing a firewall. Were on duty 24/7 so that you dont have to be. The UltraServe Monitoring service is consistently verifying the secure and fast operation of your firewall.Always up-to-date. In addition to ensuring the operation of your firewall, the UltraServe team is always evaluating and applying updates. This practice keeps your firewall secure against any new threats that may appear.Flexible security. A Managed Firewall Service allows you to decide how customers and employees access your IT systems, on your terms. You decide which connections and protocols to allow and which to deny. All the standard internet protocols are yours to control, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, IPsec and ICMP. For secure access to your private network, we support IPsec VPN connections from your office network or individual computer.Easy Configuration. The firewall service can be configured by choosing from standard options or can be customised to meet unique security requirements.Low Latency. Enterprise-class firewalls keep latencies low with unimpeded network flow of valid connections. Unauthorised connections are halted before reaching the valuable assets in your internal network.Change Management. UltraServe keeps a strict log of all changes that are made to your firewall. All changes to your firewall service are performed by our team to ensure security and consistency. All updates and change requests are recorded and stored indefinitely.PackagesVirtual Firewall Service [Virtual Machines only]The UltraServe Virtual Firewall Service was designed to take advantage of the unique requirements of Virtual Machines. The Virtual Firewall service runs on a multi-tenanted platform that improves availability and uptime using redundant firewall service. The Virtual Firewall controls your private network by isolating your IT systems from other Virtual Machines, other networks and the internet.Fault-tolerant. The Virtual Firewall Service maintains redundant replicas of your firewall service. In the event of a failure, your firewall will failover to a healthy replica. Fault-tolerance is built into the platform and ensures business continuity.Dedicated Firewall Service [Dedicated Machines only]The Dedicated Firewall Service is our best-of-breed firewall for use exclusively with Dedicated Machines. Similar to a Dedicated Machine, the Dedicated Firewall is an appliance fully devoted to your IT system. Its capacity, resources, and connections are single-tenanted and reserved entirely for your use. The features are similar to the Virtual Firewall with a few important additions.VPN Client. The Dedicated Firewall Service has two options for VPN connections; Site-to-site and Client-to-site. Site-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to extend your office or IT network to include UltraServe managed IT systems. Client-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to configure any individual computer to connect with your UltraServe managed IT systems.High Availability. The Dedicated Firewall Service can be paired with an additional Dedicated Firewall to create a High Availability Managed Firewall. This ensures that if connection requests fail, a backup firewall service will seamlessly handle the traffic. In short, High Availability ensures business continuity of your network security devices.Added Security. The Dedicated Firewall Service has additional security features. Adding Intrusion Prevention to your firewall service will create an ultra-high-security barrier to intruders.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Dedicated High Availability Firewall Service<br/>- 2 x Physical Firewalls configured as a Redundant Active/Passive Pair<br/>- VPN / IPsec<br/>- Intrusion Prevention Service / Intrusion Detection Service ,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Managed Load Balancer / Traffic Manager - Dedicated (Load Balance Multiple Servers + Content Cahcing + SSL + Traffic Script),"TRAFFIC MANAGER / LOAD BALANCING SERVICEFeatures:- Round Robin and Least Connection algorithms.- Compression.- Content Caching.- Traffic Script (Business Logic).- IP and SSL session persistence.- Passive Health Checks.- 200 Mbits Bandwidth LimitStingray Traffic Manager helps businesses by:Accelerating applications and helping to maximize application performance and capacity to ultimately enhance end-user experience and boost return on infrastructure investmentImproving the reliability and availability of applications and helping organizations to scale and deliver services easily and more cost-effectivelyProviding tools that help IT control and secure network traffic, and filter and scrub application requests and responses betterHelping organizations manage their application delivery infrastructure, simplifying application maintenance, upgrades, and migration processes, and helping to deliver adaptable and agile services faster and more reliablyManaged Traffic Manager / Load BalancerTraffic Manager is a high performance software and virtual Layer 7 ADC that enables enterprises and cloud operators to create, manage, and deliver key services more quickly, more flexibly, and at a lower cost. It offers much more than basic load balancing. The Traffic Manager controls and optimise end-user services by inspecting, transforming, prioritizing, and routing application traffic. The powerful TrafficScript engine facilitates the implementation of traffic management policies that are unique to an application by allowing organizations to build custom functionality or to leverage existing features in Stingray Traffic Manager in a specialised way. With Stingray, organizations can deliver:Performance: Improve application performance for users by offloading encryption and compression from the web server by dynamic caching and reducing the number of TCP sessions on the application.Reliability and scalability: Increase application reliability by load balancing traffic across web and application servers, balancing load across multiple data centres (private or public clouds), monitoring the response time of servers in real-time to decide the fastest way to deliver a service, protecting against traffic surges, and by managing the bandwidth and rate of requests used by different classes of traffic.Advanced scripting and application intelligence: Manage application delivery easier with fine-grained control of users and services using TrafficScript, an easy-to-use scripting language that can parse any user transaction, and take specific, real-time action based on user, application, request, or more. Development teams use TrafficScript to enable a point of control in distributed applications, while operations teams use it to quickly respond to changing business requirements or problems within an application before developers can fix it.Application acceleration: Dramatically accelerate web-based applications and websites in real-time with optional web content optimization (WCO) functionality. It dynamically groups activities for fewer long distance round trips, resamples and sprites images to reduce bandwidth, and minifies JavaScript and combines style sheets to give the best possible response time for loading a web page on any browser or device.Application-layer security: Enhance application security by filtering out errors in web requests, and protecting against external threats, with the option of a comprehensive Layer-7 firewall to defend against deliberate attacks.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Dedicated Load Balancer Service<br/>Features:<br/>- Features:<br/>- Round Robin and Least Connection algorithms.<br/>- Compression.<br/>- Content Caching.<br/>- Traffic Script (Business Logic).<br/>- IP and SSL session persistence.<br/>- Passive Health Checks.<br/>- 200 Mbits Bandwidth Limit,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Managed Load Balancer / Traffic Manager - Shared (Load Balance Multiple Servers),"Managed Load Balancer / Traffic ManagerTRAFFIC MANAGER / LOAD BALANCING SERVICEFeatures:- Round Robin and Least Connection algorithms.- Compression.- 200 Mbits Bandwidth LimitStingray Traffic Manager helps businesses by:Accelerating applications and helping to maximize application performance and capacity to ultimately enhance end-user experience and boost return on infrastructure investmentImproving the reliability and availability of applications and helping organizations to scale and deliver services easily and more cost-effectivelyProviding tools that help IT control and secure network traffic, and filter and scrub application requests and responses betterHelping organizations manage their application delivery infrastructure, simplifying application maintenance, upgrades, and migration processes, and helping to deliver adaptable and agile services faster and more reliablyManaged Traffic Manager / Load BalancerTraffic Manager is a high performance software and virtual Layer 7 ADC that enables enterprises and cloud operators to create, manage, and deliver key services more quickly, more flexibly, and at a lower cost. It offers much more than basic load balancing. The Traffic Manager controls and optimise end-user services by inspecting, transforming, prioritizing, and routing application traffic. The powerful TrafficScript engine facilitates the implementation of traffic management policies that are unique to an application by allowing organizations to build custom functionality or to leverage existing features in Stingray Traffic Manager in a specialised way. With Stingray, organizations can deliver:Performance: Improve application performance for users by offloading encryption and compression from the web server by dynamic caching and reducing the number of TCP sessions on the application.Reliability and scalability: Increase application reliability by load balancing traffic across web and application servers, balancing load across multiple data centres (private or public clouds), monitoring the response time of servers in real-time to decide the fastest way to deliver a service, protecting against traffic surges, and by managing the bandwidth and rate of requests used by different classes of traffic.Advanced scripting and application intelligence: Manage application delivery easier with fine-grained control of users and services using TrafficScript, an easy-to-use scripting language that can parse any user transaction, and take specific, real-time action based on user, application, request, or more. Development teams use TrafficScript to enable a point of control in distributed applications, while operations teams use it to quickly respond to changing business requirements or problems within an application before developers can fix it.Application acceleration: Dramatically accelerate web-based applications and websites in real-time with optional web content optimization (WCO) functionality. It dynamically groups activities for fewer long distance round trips, resamples and sprites images to reduce bandwidth, and minifies JavaScript and combines style sheets to give the best possible response time for loading a web page on any browser or device.Application-layer security: Enhance application security by filtering out errors in web requests, and protecting against external threats, with the option of a comprehensive Layer-7 firewall to defend against deliberate attacks.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Shared Load Balancer Service<br/>Features:<br/>- Round Robin and Least Connection algorithms.<br/>- Compression.<br/>- 200 Mbits Bandwidth Limit,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Managed Shared Firewall Service,"Managed FirewallIntroductionFirewalls have become an important component of Enterprise IT system security policy. As the name suggests, a firewall sits between your IT systems and the rest of the world turning away unwanted intrusions before they can get near your valuable IT assets. Firewalls are the gateways that separate the internet from your private systems. As the first point of contact before direct access to your systems, the firewall decides if a connection will be allowed. By blocking undesirable requests, the Managed Firewall service seals potential security vulnerabilities.By halting unwanted connections, UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to keep your IT systems from being overloaded. Instead of having to use valuable processing resources to review a connection request and reject it, IT systems can focus solely on their most important work.UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to provide a significant level of security without downside. As the gateway to your IT systems, the Firewall service ensures compliance to all those who request access.The firewall service is fully managed by UltraServe on your behalf.Features & BenefitsProtect your IT investment. Enterprise-class firewall service ensures the outside world interacts with your system only the way you want them to. Without a firewall, your applications and data are unprotected and accessible to potential intruders.Standards Compliant. Keep your IT systems compliant to network access standards defined in PCI-DSS and various Australian laws.Zero Management Time. The UltraServe team takes care of the pain of managing a firewall. Were on duty 24/7 so that you dont have to be. The UltraServe Monitoring service is consistently verifying the secure and fast operation of your firewall.Always up-to-date. In addition to ensuring the operation of your firewall, the UltraServe team is always evaluating and applying updates. This practice keeps your firewall secure against any new threats that may appear.Flexible security. A Managed Firewall Service allows you to decide how customers and employees access your IT systems, on your terms. You decide which connections and protocols to allow and which to deny. All the standard internet protocols are yours to control, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, IPsec and ICMP. For secure access to your private network, we support IPsec VPN connections from your office network or individual computer.Easy Configuration. The firewall service can be configured by choosing from standard options or can be customised to meet unique security requirements.Low Latency. Enterprise-class firewalls keep latencies low with unimpeded network flow of valid connections. Unauthorised connections are halted before reaching the valuable assets in your internal network.Change Management. UltraServe keeps a strict log of all changes that are made to your firewall. All changes to your firewall service are performed by our team to ensure security and consistency. All updates and change requests are recorded and stored indefinitely.PackagesVirtual Firewall Service [Virtual Machines only]The UltraServe Virtual Firewall Service was designed to take advantage of the unique requirements of Virtual Machines. The Virtual Firewall service runs on a multi-tenanted platform that improves availability and uptime using redundant firewall service. The Virtual Firewall controls your private network by isolating your IT systems from other Virtual Machines, other networks and the internet.Fault-tolerant. The Virtual Firewall Service maintains redundant replicas of your firewall service. In the event of a failure, your firewall will failover to a healthy replica. Fault-tolerance is built into the platform and ensures business continuity.Dedicated Firewall Service [Dedicated Machines only]The Dedicated Firewall Service is our best-of-breed firewall for use exclusively with Dedicated Machines. Similar to a Dedicated Machine, the Dedicated Firewall is an appliance fully devoted to your IT system. Its capacity, resources, and connections are single-tenanted and reserved entirely for your use. The features are similar to the Virtual Firewall with a few important additions.VPN Client. The Dedicated Firewall Service has two options for VPN connections; Site-to-site and Client-to-site. Site-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to extend your office or IT network to include UltraServe managed IT systems. Client-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to configure any individual computer to connect with your UltraServe managed IT systems.High Availability. The Dedicated Firewall Service can be paired with an additional Dedicated Firewall to create a High Availability Managed Firewall. This ensures that if connection requests fail, a backup firewall service will seamlessly handle the traffic. In short, High Availability ensures business continuity of your network security devices.Added Security. The Dedicated Firewall Service has additional security features. Adding Intrusion Prevention to your firewall service will create an ultra-high-security barrier to intruders.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Shared Firewall Service,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Virtual Machine - Enterprise (16GB RAM / 6 vCPU / 500GB Storage),"Virtual Machines (VMs) are delivered from a multi-tenanted enterprise-class infrastructure platform segregated using our Virtual Data Centre architecture. UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) platform offers web based control. Virtual Machines are monitored 247, automatically backed up and delivered from local Australian data centres.Features & BenefitsGet more out of existing resources: Non-virtualised servers rarely exceed 30% resource utilisation. Consolidation into a virtualised environment can exceed 80% utilisation of the hardwareIncrease the availability of workloads: Virtualisation provides methods to mitigate downtime by migrating workloads to different hardware in the event of planned maintenance or unplanned downtime.Improve IT service levels: Provision and deploy servers and desktops faster with reduced management overhead.Shrink operational costs: By reducing the physical footprint of the data centre, data centre build-out costs are avoided and power cooling costs shrink.Leverage legacy applications: Lengthen the life of legacy applications by operating them on virtual machines.UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) provides customers with a highly scalable compute offering that is easy to manage, access, and upgrade, protected against disasters, regularly (and automatically) backed up and monitored, and so much more.Easily increase/upgrade your VMsAt any time, you can contact an UltraServe sales representative or use myUltraServe to increase your number of VMs and/or upgrade each VMs CPU, RAM, storage, and network traffic volume.Varying network accessibilityEach VM can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via a VPN for private usage, and via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (ranges up to a /27). Depending on OS support and firewall services, most layer 7 protocols, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.  in addition to IPsec and ICMP  are supported.Extensive DNS support and customisationUsing batch import of domain name configurations, and creation of DNS configuration templates, customers can point their own DNS records to the UltraServe DNS. UltraServe can fully manage your DNS. The choice is yours.Fast network speedsBuilt upon a Cisco-backed 1 Gbps fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps converged storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity.Expansive operating system choiceBuilt upon VMware vSphere, UltraServes virtualization infrastructure supports a myriad of guest virtual OS, including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Your newly provisioned guest virtual OS will always have the latest stable version and vendor-supplied upgrades and patches installed.Extensive system redundanciesUltraServes VM product has a multitude of redundancies built-in, and available as add-on capabilities:All VMs can access the Internet via multiple upstream partner ISPs.Using a distributed, VMware-powered virtualization infrastructure, a failure to to underlying physical hardware results in your VM, its data, and network connectivity automatically transferring to an available physical host.Customers can use UltraServe-provided network load balancers to distribute incoming network traffic to ensure that failures on individual VMs do not affect overall system up-time.VMs are backed up to an advance storage platform to protect against unrecoverable errors your VMs may experience.Secure, local presence for your VMsUltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have datacentres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. datacentres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly-trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.Data segregation and isolationLeveraging VMwares vSphere hypervisor technology, each UltraServe VM maintains its own data store. When in-use, the data and applications run together, consistently maintaining the same environment for the application regardless of the hardware upon which the VM runs.Flexible pricing termsUltraServes VM product can be purchased under a contract of six, 12, 24, or 36 months, with invoices being issued at the beginning of the month (and pro-rated for the end of the month).TechnologyvSphere Hypervisor, which virtualises servers and runs applications in Virtual Machines.vCenter Server, which provides a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation for virtualisation management.vSphere High Availability (HA), which provides provide HA across the entire virtualised infrastructure.vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which allows UltraServe to continuously monitors utilisation across a resource pool and intelligently allocate available resources among your Virtual Machines according to business needs.vMotion, which enables UltraServe to move running Virtual Machines from one physical server to another with no impact to you. UltraServe is a certified VMware hosting provider.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) Virtual Server- 16GB RAM- 6vCPU- 500GB Storage- 1 Day Backup- Level 1 Server Management- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Virtual Machine - Large (8GB RAM / 4 vCPU / 250GB Storage),"Virtual Machines (VMs) are delivered from a multi-tenanted enterprise-class infrastructure platform segregated using our Virtual Data Centre architecture. UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) platform offers web based control. Virtual Machines are monitored 247, automatically backed up and delivered from local Australian data centres.Features & BenefitsGet more out of existing resources: Non-virtualised servers rarely exceed 30% resource utilisation. Consolidation into a virtualised environment can exceed 80% utilisation of the hardwareIncrease the availability of workloads: Virtualisation provides methods to mitigate downtime by migrating workloads to different hardware in the event of planned maintenance or unplanned downtime.Improve IT service levels: Provision and deploy servers and desktops faster with reduced management overhead.Shrink operational costs: By reducing the physical footprint of the data centre, data centre build-out costs are avoided and power cooling costs shrink.Leverage legacy applications: Lengthen the life of legacy applications by operating them on virtual machines.UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) provides customers with a highly scalable compute offering that is easy to manage, access, and upgrade, protected against disasters, regularly (and automatically) backed up and monitored, and so much more.Easily increase/upgrade your VMsAt any time, you can contact an UltraServe sales representative or use myUltraServe to increase your number of VMs and/or upgrade each VMs CPU, RAM, storage, and network traffic volume.Varying network accessibilityEach VM can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via a VPN for private usage, and via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (ranges up to a /27). Depending on OS support and firewall services, most layer 7 protocols, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.  in addition to IPsec and ICMP  are supported.Extensive DNS support and customisationUsing batch import of domain name configurations, and creation of DNS configuration templates, customers can point their own DNS records to the UltraServe DNS. UltraServe can fully manage your DNS. The choice is yours.Fast network speedsBuilt upon a Cisco-backed 1 Gbps fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps converged storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity.Expansive operating system choiceBuilt upon VMware vSphere, UltraServes virtualization infrastructure supports a myriad of guest virtual OS, including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Your newly provisioned guest virtual OS will always have the latest stable version and vendor-supplied upgrades and patches installed.Extensive system redundanciesUltraServes VM product has a multitude of redundancies built-in, and available as add-on capabilities:All VMs can access the Internet via multiple upstream partner ISPs.Using a distributed, VMware-powered virtualization infrastructure, a failure to to underlying physical hardware results in your VM, its data, and network connectivity automatically transferring to an available physical host.Customers can use UltraServe-provided network load balancers to distribute incoming network traffic to ensure that failures on individual VMs do not affect overall system up-time.VMs are backed up to an advance storage platform to protect against unrecoverable errors your VMs may experience.Secure, local presence for your VMsUltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have datacentres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. datacentres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly-trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.Data segregation and isolationLeveraging VMwares vSphere hypervisor technology, each UltraServe VM maintains its own data store. When in-use, the data and applications run together, consistently maintaining the same environment for the application regardless of the hardware upon which the VM runs.Flexible pricing termsUltraServes VM product can be purchased under a contract of six, 12, 24, or 36 months, with invoices being issued at the beginning of the month (and pro-rated for the end of the month).TechnologyvSphere Hypervisor, which virtualises servers and runs applications in Virtual Machines.vCenter Server, which provides a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation for virtualisation management.vSphere High Availability (HA), which provides provide HA across the entire virtualised infrastructure.vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which allows UltraServe to continuously monitors utilisation across a resource pool and intelligently allocate available resources among your Virtual Machines according to business needs.vMotion, which enables UltraServe to move running Virtual Machines from one physical server to another with no impact to you. UltraServe is a certified VMware hosting provider.NOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) Virtual Server- 8GB RAM- 4vCPU- 250GB Storage- 1 Day Backup- Level 1 Server Management- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Virtual Machine - Medium (4GB RAM / 3 vCPU / 50GB Storage),"Virtual Machines (VMs) are delivered from a multi-tenanted enterprise-class infrastructure platform segregated using our Virtual Data Centre architecture. UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) platform offers web based control. Virtual Machines are monitored 247, automatically backed up and delivered from local Australian data centres.Features & BenefitsGet more out of existing resources: Non-virtualised servers rarely exceed 30% resource utilisation. Consolidation into a virtualised environment can exceed 80% utilisation of the hardwareIncrease the availability of workloads: Virtualisation provides methods to mitigate downtime by migrating workloads to different hardware in the event of planned maintenance or unplanned downtime.Improve IT service levels: Provision and deploy servers and desktops faster with reduced management overhead.Shrink operational costs: By reducing the physical footprint of the data centre, data centre build-out costs are avoided and power cooling costs shrink.Leverage legacy applications: Lengthen the life of legacy applications by operating them on virtual machines.UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) provides customers with a highly scalable compute offering that is easy to manage, access, and upgrade, protected against disasters, regularly (and automatically) backed up and monitored, and so much more.Easily increase/upgrade your VMsAt any time, you can contact an UltraServe sales representative or use myUltraServe to increase your number of VMs and/or upgrade each VMs CPU, RAM, storage, and network traffic volume.Varying network accessibilityEach VM can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via a VPN for private usage, and via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (ranges up to a /27). Depending on OS support and firewall services, most layer 7 protocols, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.  in addition to IPsec and ICMP  are supported.Extensive DNS support and customisationUsing batch import of domain name configurations, and creation of DNS configuration templates, customers can point their own DNS records to the UltraServe DNS. UltraServe can fully manage your DNS. The choice is yours.Fast network speedsBuilt upon a Cisco-backed 1 Gbps fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps converged storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity.Expansive operating system choiceBuilt upon VMware vSphere, UltraServes virtualization infrastructure supports a myriad of guest virtual OS, including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Your newly provisioned guest virtual OS will always have the latest stable version and vendor-supplied upgrades and patches installed.Extensive system redundanciesUltraServes VM product has a multitude of redundancies built-in, and available as add-on capabilities:All VMs can access the Internet via multiple upstream partner ISPs.Using a distributed, VMware-powered virtualization infrastructure, a failure to to underlying physical hardware results in your VM, its data, and network connectivity automatically transferring to an available physical host.Customers can use UltraServe-provided network load balancers to distribute incoming network traffic to ensure that failures on individual VMs do not affect overall system up-time.VMs are backed up to an advance storage platform to protect against unrecoverable errors your VMs may experience.Secure, local presence for your VMsUltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have datacentres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. datacentres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly-trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.Data segregation and isolationLeveraging VMwares vSphere hypervisor technology, each UltraServe VM maintains its own data store. When in-use, the data and applications run together, consistently maintaining the same environment for the application regardless of the hardware upon which the VM runs.Flexible pricing termsUltraServes VM product can be purchased under a contract of six, 12, 24, or 36 months, with invoices being issued at the beginning of the month (and pro-rated for the end of the month).TechnologyvSphere Hypervisor, which virtualises servers and runs applications in Virtual Machines.vCenter Server, which provides a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation for virtualisation management.vSphere High Availability (HA), which provides provide HA across the entire virtualised infrastructure.vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which allows UltraServe to continuously monitors utilisation across a resource pool and intelligently allocate available resources among your Virtual Machines according to business needs.vMotion, which enables UltraServe to move running Virtual Machines from one physical server to another with no impact to you. UltraServe is a certified VMware hosting provider.NOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) Virtual Server- 4GB RAM- 3vCPU- 50GB Storage- 1 Day Backup- Level 1 Server Management- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-UltraServe,104 045 089/97 104 045 089,Virtual Machine - Small (1GB RAM / 1 vCPU / 30GB Storage),"Virtual Machines (VMs) are delivered from a multi-tenanted enterprise-class infrastructure platform segregated using our Virtual Data Centre architecture. UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) platform offers web based control. Virtual Machines are monitored 247, automatically backed up and delivered from local Australian data centres.Features & BenefitsGet more out of existing resources: Non-virtualised servers rarely exceed 30% resource utilisation. Consolidation into a virtualised environment can exceed 80% utilisation of the hardwareIncrease the availability of workloads: Virtualisation provides methods to mitigate downtime by migrating workloads to different hardware in the event of planned maintenance or unplanned downtime.Improve IT service levels: Provision and deploy servers and desktops faster with reduced management overhead.Shrink operational costs: By reducing the physical footprint of the data centre, data centre build-out costs are avoided and power cooling costs shrink.Leverage legacy applications: Lengthen the life of legacy applications by operating them on virtual machines.UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) provides customers with a highly scalable compute offering that is easy to manage, access, and upgrade, protected against disasters, regularly (and automatically) backed up and monitored, and so much more.Easily increase/upgrade your VMsAt any time, you can contact an UltraServe sales representative or use myUltraServe to increase your number of VMs and/or upgrade each VMs CPU, RAM, storage, and network traffic volume.Varying network accessibilityEach VM can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via a VPN for private usage, and via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (ranges up to a /27). Depending on OS support and firewall services, most layer 7 protocols, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.  in addition to IPsec and ICMP  are supported.Extensive DNS support and customisationUsing batch import of domain name configurations, and creation of DNS configuration templates, customers can point their own DNS records to the UltraServe DNS. UltraServe can fully manage your DNS. The choice is yours.Fast network speedsBuilt upon a Cisco-backed 1 Gbps fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps converged storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity.Expansive operating system choiceBuilt upon VMware vSphere, UltraServes virtualization infrastructure supports a myriad of guest virtual OS, including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Your newly provisioned guest virtual OS will always have the latest stable version and vendor-supplied upgrades and patches installed.Extensive system redundanciesUltraServes VM product has a multitude of redundancies built-in, and available as add-on capabilities:All VMs can access the Internet via multiple upstream partner ISPs.Using a distributed, VMware-powered virtualization infrastructure, a failure to to underlying physical hardware results in your VM, its data, and network connectivity automatically transferring to an available physical host.Customers can use UltraServe-provided network load balancers to distribute incoming network traffic to ensure that failures on individual VMs do not affect overall system up-time.VMs are backed up to an advance storage platform to protect against unrecoverable errors your VMs may experience.Secure, local presence for your VMsUltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have datacentres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. datacentres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly-trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.Data segregation and isolationLeveraging VMwares vSphere hypervisor technology, each UltraServe VM maintains its own data store. When in-use, the data and applications run together, consistently maintaining the same environment for the application regardless of the hardware upon which the VM runs.Flexible pricing termsUltraServes VM product can be purchased under a contract of six, 12, 24, or 36 months, with invoices being issued at the beginning of the month (and pro-rated for the end of the month).TechnologyvSphere Hypervisor, which virtualises servers and runs applications in Virtual Machines.vCenter Server, which provides a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation for virtualisation management.vSphere High Availability (HA), which provides provide HA across the entire virtualised infrastructure.vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which allows UltraServe to continuously monitors utilisation across a resource pool and intelligently allocate available resources among your Virtual Machines according to business needs.vMotion, which enables UltraServe to move running Virtual Machines from one physical server to another with no impact to you. UltraServe is a certified VMware hosting provider.NOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) Virtual Server- 1GB RAM- 1vCPU- 30GB Storage- 1 Day Backup- Level 1 Server Management- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Case Management System,"The uniDap Case Management system is a hosted solution in a security accredited shared Commonwealth Government Cloud. It offers enterprise level, workflow and business objects case management.The uniDap Case Management system can produce:A smart variant on Case Management with built in capability for large numbers of applicants to register themselves and be managed on a `start to finish cycle' by Case Managers - including, remotely. It has the following capabilities:- o Case Manage all registrations and compliance o Workflows for all applications & panel approvals o Risk identification engine and alert system o Large number of subscribers across Australia / Overseas o High security & privacy o Hierarchic Case management o Handle large volume of complex documents that are captured o Document management - link to any entity/individual/task o On the fly .pdf creation o Ongoing support and design contract o Full audit trailWhat you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and Access2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things. - News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system. Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeThese Modules allow you to attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Benefits * Version controlled & centrally stored * Is the repository for all project documents and key correspondence * Is accessible on-line * Is used to submit documents for project milestones * ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen.3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Managed Application Deployment,Case Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,uniDap Base Platform modulesBase Shared Cloud InfrastructureLevel 3 helpdesk Support,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Collaboration Services System,"This uniDap product offers a unique Project Management System (PMS) and Collaborative tool to manage your project documents between agencies and clients.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and Access2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things.- News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system.  Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeThese Modules allow you to attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Benefits *Version controlled & centrally stored *Is the repository for all project documents and key correspondence *Is accessible on-line *Is used to submit documents for project milestones3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have modules completely customised.",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System,"The uniDap Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) is a hosted solution in a security accredited shared Commonwealth Government Cloud. The uniDap platform delivers enterprise level, workflow driven database applications. Most of the functionality is delivered off-the-shelf, with the ability to configure business objects and business workflow to meet the client's requirements. This feature is in addition to the mandatory modules available in the uniDap platform.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and AccessThe uniDap CRM manages all client information in a single system. Attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Display real-time critical information on the corporate dashboard.- ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen.2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things. - News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system. Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeBenefits * Track and manage all details of projects. * Assign tasks, call meetings and create sub-projects which remain attached to the original project. * Quickly browse or search a list of all your contacts to find phone numbers and email addresses. Simply click on the email address link to send an email to a contact. All Contacts can then be attributed Contact Type/s by selecting a tick box/s. These Contact Types include:- Staff; Supplier; Organisation; Client; Lead and Key Contact. 3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have a completely customised module.",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Document Management System,"Manage your company document, policies, procedures, manuals and so on using the uniDap document management system. Documents can be automatically uploaded to the system from any network drive. Change control can be used to allow only one version of the document to be changed at a time. The text within all documents instantly becomes searchable in the system. Documents can be faxed and emailed from the desktop. There is also the ability to search, order, sort and categorize documents within the system. This module includes the Mandatory uniDap base platform items.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and AccessThe uniDap platform has a multitude of ways to store and manage documents. One of its star features is Context email. This feature is a method of attaching emails, images, and documents to a Record directly from an email client. Blank emails with an attachment are used for filing images and documents.Attachments emailed to a uniDap document management System will automatically create links to the specified modules and be filed under the category stated in the body of the email. If no category matches the one indicated, one will be created.A forwarded email with or without attachments, a reply email with or without attachments, a new email with or without attachments or a blank email with attachments and no text can all be used to send in Context Emails. Alerts will then be sent to the User who sent the email notifying them of the success or failure of the attachment.An email sent to a uniDap Database will not upload unless that email address has been entered against a Contact record. This is a security measure that stops outsiders from spamming the Database.2. The following from the extensive Optional uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules List:-Nil3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane o Production database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Document Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have total customized",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Information Management System,"The uniDap Information Management system is a cloud hosted software platform that delivers enterprise level, workflow driven database applications. Most of the functionality is delivered off-the-shelf, with the ability to configure business objects and business workflow to meet the client's requirements.This feature is in addition to the mandatory modules available in the uniDap platform.You can manage all of the necessary modules such as projects, contacts, tasks, activity log and many more features such as a customisable dashboard to track your tasks and to do lists are available. Create sub-tasks and assign them to others, the system can ensure the sub-tasks are addressed before allowing the main task to be closed.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and AccessThe uniDap Information Management System manages all client information in a single system. Attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Display real-time critical information on the corporate dashboard. Know the cash position and how sales are tracking anytime from anywhere there is an internet connection- ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen.2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things. - News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system. Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeBenefits * Track and manage all details of projects. * Assign tasks, call meetings and create sub-projects which remain attached to the original project. * Quickly browse or search a list of all your contacts to find phone numbers and email addresses. Simply click on the email address link to send an email to a contact. All Contacts can then be attributed Contact Type/s by selecting a tick box/s. These Contact Types include:- Staff; Supplier; Organisation; Client; Lead and Key Contact.  * Display real-time critical information on the corporate dashboard. Know the cash position and how sales are tracking anytime from anywhere there is an internet connection- ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen.3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have completely customised modules build for you.",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Managed infrastructure Platform for uniDap Application,"Managed portal for provisioning Production Application network segmentsVirtual servers purchased as compute elements defined by processing, memory and storage capacity.provides all underlying infrastructure within a discrete network segment per environment.Microsoft licensing provided under SPLA agreement on CPU per monthOption for High Availability Business Continuity /Disaster Recovery",IaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Standard units:unit = 1 x CPU core + 4GB RAM ECC + 250GB storage,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure (with Commonwealth Government Agency TEQSA),"If you are interested in a larger solution, you can choose to combine the base platform modules with this ""Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure"" option.This service includes: * Development Stack with with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane a 99.999% accredited facility oProduction database allocation of 200GB (typically equivalent to 40GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Disaster Recovery Service (DR) o Housed in OPTUS Data Centre Sydney - a 99.9% accredited facility * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 3 and 6) * Decommission requires a 15 Business Day notification period * SSL Wildcard * Monthly backup copy delivered to client via CourierOptional Extras: * 10 or 100 Mbps Managed Private Network (MPN / WAN) * SSL exclusive domain at market price",IaaS,Managed Application Deployment,Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week," * Development Stack with with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane o Production database allocation of 200Gb * Disaster Recovery Service (DR) o Housed in OPTUS Data Centre Sydney * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 3 and 6) * SSL Wildcard * Monthly backup copy delivered to client via Courier o Includes Maintenance and monthly reporting",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Office Productivity System,"The uniDap Office Productivity system allow you to administer all staff details including their skills, training and competencies and attach all relevant documentation to the staff record. Control staffs logons, permissions and access to the system from the same place.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and AccessThe uniDap Office Productivity System manages information in a single system. Attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Display real-time critical information on the corporate dashboard.- ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen. 2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things. - News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system. Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeBenefits * Track and manage all details of projects. * Assign tasks, call meetings and create sub-projects which remain attached to the original project. * Quickly browse or search a list of all your contacts to find phone numbers and email addresses. Simply click on the email address link to send an email to a contact. All Contacts can then be attributed Contact Type/s by selecting a tick box/s. These Contact Types include:- Staff; Supplier; Organisation; Client; Lead and Key Contact. 3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Office Productivity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have a completely customised module.",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Offsite data centre backup,agent based backup for windows and linux servers and desktops.API backup for Database and mail serversLocal and offsite backup of data and applicationsrestore/ recover to anywhere1 to 25 servers per siteweb or private network solutionencrypted backupsnative data compressionrecovery testing optionrecover data to portable drive option,SaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 week,Per GB of backup data,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Offsite DR Replication and Recovery,agent based replication and failover for windows and linux serversAPI backup and Replication for Database and mail serversLocal backup and offsite replication of physical and virtual serversFailover and failback1 to 25 servers per sitePrivate WAN solution to remote data centrenative data compressionrecovery testing optionreplication to warm peer serversDisaster recovery plan supplied,SaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Per host server (unlimited Virtual guests) 1TB of data,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,Test and Development Cloud,"Self-service portal for provisioning test and Development network segmentsVirtual servers purchased as compute elements defined by processing, memory and storage capacity.provides all underlying infrastructure within a discrete network segment per environment.Microsoft licensing provided under SPLA agreement on CPU per month",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Standard units:Compute unit = 1 x CPU core + 4GB RAM ECC + 250GB storage,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules,"These are additional modules that may be added to the 8 Mandatory Base Platform Modules, the complimentary uniDap Off-the-Shelf modules, the Small Base Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk Services.The following modules are pre-configured and can be added to the uniDap Platform for a low monthly cost per module: * Contracts * Financial Risk * Incidents * Incident Management System * Invoice * Meetings * Merge Templates * News & Broadcasts * Notifications * Projects * Registration System * Risks * Training and User Guides * User PortalsFeaturesThe uniDap Platform has a simple intuitive interface that often requires little or no training for a User. It runs on any of the popular web browsers, which people are already used to navigating. The key features which enrich the solution are: * Simple, intuitive navigation * Smart forms * Validation and error processing * Google style Search * My Favourites * My To Do List * Calendar * Multiples Management * View/Create Child business objects * Integrated Online Help * Reporting Functionality * Track n trace and full audit history of access and data changesuniDap Custom Modules can also be added to the system. Though these require detailed requirements to be gathered and agreed prior to a quote being provided. See DCaaS MUL for details of the uniDap Custom Modules. These modules include:- * Graphical dashboard * Google maps * uPoly (Geographical Information Systems) * An App phone interface * Integration with 3rd party systems * Custom widgets to do pretty much anything Please note: * The 8 x uniDap Base Platform modules, small base infrastructure, Level 3 Help Desk Support must be purchased prior to selecting any of the above additional Optional Off-the-shelf modules; uniDap Custom Modules or upgrading to the medium size Infrastructure.",PaaS,CRM,uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,These items are optional off-the-shelf modules that may be added to the 8 mandatory Base Platform Modules.,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,uniDap Custom Modules,"uniDap can extend your base system by building additional custom modules in to meet your organisation's specific business requirements. New uniDap Custom Modules will also contain the standard features found in the uniDap Base Platform Modules and uniDap Off-the-shelf modules.The current list for customisable modules includes the following, though this can be expanded upon request: * An App phone interface * Business Objects definition with Fields and forms * Business workflow * Custom widgets to do pretty much anything * Data Warehouse (for custom client managed querying and reporting) * Development Requests * Error processing * Feedback * Google maps * Graphical Dashboards with hierarchic capability * Integration with 3rd party systems * Knowledge Base * Merge Templates * Notifications * Risk Matrices (Likelihood/Consequence, Actual & Potential) * Smart form features * Training and User Guides * User PortalsAll uniDap Custom Modules are individually quoted once requirements are agreed, up to a maximum of $75,000 per Custom Module. Requirement gathering iis a free service from uniDap other than pre-approved out-of-pocket costs incurred by uniDap during requirement gathering, which are recoverable at-cost only.",PaaS,ERP,uniDap Custom Modules,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A uniDap Custom Module is purchased as an additional module to the Mandatory 8 x Base Platform Modules and any complimentary or purchased uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules for your system.,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37 124 388 834,uPoly (GIS) Dashboard - Stand-Alone,"The uniDap uPoly (GIS) tool is a commercial web-based GIS data visualisation tool based on the Google Maps API with support for extensive customisation allowing it to be deployed across a wide range of customer solutions with Google maps embedded.This technology can be accessed via either this SaaS offering, being a stand-alone application which has the capacity to be integrated into your existing ICT system/s (stand-alone) without being part of the uniDap Platform or our small Infrastructure offering. Alternatively it can be included as a Custom Module in any of our PaaS offerings.What you get: - 1. The following from the uniDap Base Platform modules:- Nil 2. The following from the extensive Optional uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules List:- Nil 3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk Support Nil see for more details 4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- - Geographic Information System (GIS) - uPoly.Many organisations have GIS data for which they need to provide a public or private facing web interface. Google Maps provides a GIS navigation engine with a programmers interface to facilitate its integration into third party applications.uniDap's customisable GIS data navigation engine, (""uPoly""), is based on the Google Maps system and provides the following features and benefits: * Feature: uPoly ""wraps"" the Google Maps system to create an efficient point-and click user interface for page visitors to navigate the GIS data set and extract relevant information. * Benefit: This enables organisations to create effective public interfaces for their GIS data with application-specific functionality. * Feature: uPoly provides powerful ""out-of-the-box"" GIS navigation capability which can support further extensive customisation. * Benefit: Users can easily navigate GIS data sets without additional training.",SaaS,Geographic Information Systems,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 day,This is a stand-alone product offering from uniDap under a SaaS structure. It is also available under a PaaS offering.The technology can be accessed under a variety of methods:- (a) Purchased outright with full integration to your existing system on a fixed quote basis (P.O.A.); (b) Accessed via this SaaS offering whereby a monthly fee will be levied for the underlying developed technology plus an hourly fee for the initial integration and customisation required to deploy the product into your agencies existing system; or (c) As a Custom option under any of the uniDap PaaS offerings where a single monthly module fee will be levied for the underlying developed technology and the time required to customise the solution to your agency's needs (P.O.A.).,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

-UXC Connect Pty Ltd,ABN 69 001 002 731,iTaaS - Integrated Telephony As A Service,"IP telephony As A Service is an alternative to the traditional premise-based solution, giving certainty, security, and the most advanced communication features.With iTaaS, the hardware and software elements of the solution are hosted in our secure data centre, at customer site or a combination of both. IP handsets are located at customer premises, running over customer LAN.Flexibility and choice are built in where the customer can have a fully managed service, or self-manage it, or a combination.Because the software is upgraded as new capabilities become available, the customer will always have the most up-to-date communication features.",IaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,IP phonesSoft phonesVideo conference end pointsAudio conferencingContact Centre agentsMobile IP handsetsNetwork infrastructure (wired / wireless),Australia,NSW,,Tier 3 standard or higher,Australia,NSW,,Tier 1 and Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

-UXC Connect Pty Ltd,ABN 69 001 002 731,MaaS - Mobility As A Service,"The UXC Connect Mobility As A Service solution combines mobility infrastructure and operations delivered using either an on premise or a cloud based service approach on a platform that is managed by UXC Connect. The MaaS architecture supports devices and applications used by mobile workers who are outside the traditional corporate network.MaaS is offered in three Service Levels as follows:Bronze - Primarily a Self Managed Service in the Cloud, supported by Level 3 Technical Service Desk 8X5 coverage for service issues and Device lock code resets.Silver - Fully Managed mobile device including over the air provisioning, policy management, L1\2 end user Service desk and L3 Technical Service Desk 8X5X365.Gold - Fully Managed mobile device management as per Silver Service with 24X7X365 L1\2 Service Desk and L3 Technical Service Desk.",Managed Service,Collaboration Services,Mobile Device Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Mobile Devices including PDA's, smart phones, tablets and other devices as they are released to market.",Australia,NSW,"Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a measure of how efficiently a computerdata center uses its power; specifically, how much of the power is actually used by the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead).",Tier 3 standard or higher,Australia,ACT,,Tier 1 and Tier 2,Australia,,,,,,,,,,,

-Verizon,,Managed Email Gateway,"Verizon's Secure Managed Email service leverages the Certified Australian Gateway Environment (CAGE) to handle data rated up to the security classification of Protected. This service offers mail filtering components that include anti-spam, anti-virus, SPF, reputation services, recipient address verification and email quarantine as well as secure messaging.",Managed Service,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 user license,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Verizon,,Managed Email Gateway,"Verizon's Secure Virtual Hosting is a platform as a service offering which leverages the Certified Australian Gateway Environment (CAGE) to provide a secure and robust environment. This service offers flexibility in the choice of hardware resources and operating systems while utilising CAGE services such as firewall separation, NIPS, SEIMS, monitoring, logging, reporting and patch management.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 One virtual machine, 1CPU, 1Gb RAM, Ubuntu linux OS, 20Gb SAS storage, 20Gb backup storage, shared firewall, NIPS, monitoring, logging, backups, manged platform as a service.",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Verizon,,Web Hosting,"Verizon's Secure Virtual Hosting is a platform as a service offering which leverages the Certified Australian Gateway Environment (CAGE) to provide a secure and robust environment. This service offers flexibility in the choice of hardware resources and operating systems while utilising CAGE services such as firewall separation, NIPS, SEIMS, monitoring, logging, reporting and patch management.",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"One virtual machine, 1CPU, 1Gb RAM, Ubuntu linux OS, 20Gb SAS storage, 20Gb backup storage, shared firewall, NIPS, monitoring, logging, backups, managed platform as a service",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 1000GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 1000GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 100GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 100GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 250GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 250GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 500GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 500GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 50GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 50GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Advanced Virtual Firewall Appliance,"Enterprise grade Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA) on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Astaro / SophosUTM Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA) with private VLAN,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - ASA5505 Physical Firewall Appliance,Cisco ASA5505 Firewall Appliance and private VLAN,IaaS,Off,Firewalls and Network Security Appliances,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Cisco ASA5505 Firewall,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Basic Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1 CPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB Primary HDD SAN, 80GB Secondary Backup NAS, 40GB Data Transfer, 1 IP Address",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Basic Virtual Firewall Appliance,"Enterprise grade virtual firewall appliance on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Smoothwall / Monowall Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA) with private VLAN,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Enterprise Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"4 CPUs, 8GB RAM, 320GB Primary HDD SAN, 640GB Secondary Backup NAS, 320GB Data Transfer, 4 IP Addresses",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - PIX501 Physical Firewall Appliance,Cisco PIX 501 Firewall Appliance and private VLAN,IaaS,Off,Firewalls and Network Security Appliances,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Cisco PIX 501 Firewall,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Platinum Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"4 CPUs, 16GB RAM, 500GB Primary HDD SAN, 1000GB Secondary Backup NAS, 500GB Data Transfer, 4 IP Addresses",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Professional Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2 CPUs, 4GB RAM, 160GB Primary HDD SAN, 320GB Secondary Backup NAS, 160GB Data Transfer, 2 IP Addresses",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Standard Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2 CPUs, 2GB RAM, 80GB Primary HDD SAN, 160GB Secondary Backup NAS, 80GB Data Transfer, 2 IP Addresses",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Standard Virtual Firewall Appliance,"Enterprise grade Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA)on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Vyatta / Endian Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA) with private VLAN,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,IaaS - Starter Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1 CPU, 0.5GB RAM, 20GB Primary HDD SAN, 40GB Secondary Backup NAS, 20GB Data Transfer, 1 IP Address",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,SaaS - Sophos Cloud Security - Sophos Client & Email Cloud Bundle,Security as a Service by Sophos. Sophos Endpoint Security v10 and Sophos AntiSpam and AntiVirus filtering in the cloud. Filtering performed within Australian shores using a cluster of 3 Sophos filtering gateways located in 3 separate data centres.,SaaS,Off,AntiVirus and Security - Software as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,1 x user/mailbox,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,SaaS - Sophos Cloud Security - Sophos Client AV,Security as a Service by Sophos. Sophos Endpoint Security v10,SaaS,Off,AntiVirus and Security - Software as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,1 x user/workstation,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,SaaS - Sophos Cloud Security - Sophos Email Cloud Protection,Security as a Service by Sophos. Sophos AntiSpam and AntiVirus filtering in the cloud. Filtering performed within Australian shores using a cluster of 3 Sophos filtering gateways located in 3 separate data centres.,SaaS,Off,AntiVirus and Security - Software as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,1 x user/mailbox,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VMvault,70 131 552 595,SaaS - Sophos Cloud Security - Sophos Server AV,Security as a Service by Sophos. Sophos Endpoint Security v10,SaaS,Off,AntiVirus and Security - Software as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,1 x server,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

-VoIP Pty Ltd,75 091 431 202,Cloud Virtual Server,"VoIP's Cloud Virtual Server offers world-class data centre cloud infrastructure and access to the largest fully integrated, secure and most reliable IP network in Australia.Our Cloud Virtual Server solution includes:1) Standard Virtual Server Package: standard capacity of 2 CPUs, 4Gb RAM, 100 Gb storage, 40 Gb Internet Usage, 2 IP Addresses;2) Additional capacity upgrades are available to scale depending on customer requirements at request;3) Provision of Server Operating System license;4) Ongoing management and support of the service.The following operating systems can be installed on the server:a) Microsoft Windows 2003 / 2008b) Linux CentOS / Debian / Oracle / Ubuntu / RedHat / Suse",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Standard Virtual Server package of: 2CPUs, 4Gb RAM, 100 Gb storage, 40 Gb Internet Usage, 2 IP Addresses. The price is per Virtual server and per month.",Australia,"NSW, ACT, VIC, QLD",1.6,Tier 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-VoIP Pty Ltd,75 091 431 202,Managed Microsoft Exchange (Managed Email and Calendar service),"VoIP's Managed Microsoft Exchange service include the provisioning, deployment, management and ongoing support for Microsoft Exchange on a dedicated server on the cloud or on-premise for small and medium-size business customers.Our provision of this service includes:1) The preliminary analysis of the requirements to enable Microsoft Exchange;2) The provision and implementation of a dedicated server for Microsoft Exchange;3) The migration of the existing mailboxes to Exchange from IMAP-based email systems with single cut-over;4) The ongoing maintenance and technical support;Optional Service includes:1) The deployment of the Microsoft Outlook client for each user.Note: Our solution does not include all Microsoft software licensing cost and charges from the current Australian Government's Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA) with Microsoft.",Managed Service,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A unit is described as access to Exchange Online per user account and per month.,Agency's sites or agency's data centres,All states,not applicable,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-VoIP Pty Ltd,75 091 431 202,Managed Site Encryption Service,VoIP's managed Site Encryption Service is a fully managed security service for branch and remote offices at an affordable price. It adds security functionality to your network and application communications between head office/data centre sites and remote offices/sites or third party's sites. The service can be deployed at one or several remote sites as required.Our service includes:1) Defining the requirements for the secure IPSEC VPN tunnel with the remote office or a third party site;2) Provision of a managed security appliance to perform the required encryption and routing functionality between sites;3) Ongoing service maintenance and support;Optional service:1) Proactive monitoring of the security appliance.,Managed Service,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Per month and per secure IPSec VPN tunnel.,Australia,All states. This service will be deployed on premises (Agency's Location),not applicable,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-VoIP Pty Ltd,75 091 431 202,Microsoft Lync Collaboration Service with managed edged server (optional),"Microsoft Lync is a next-generation cloud communications service that connects people in new ways, anytime, from virtually anywhere. Microsoft Lync provides intuitive communications capabilities across presence, instant messaging, audio/video calling and a rich online meeting experience including PC-audio, video and web conferencing. This service is based on the standard offering for Microsoft Lync.Key features of Microsoft Lync include:View people's presence status and click to communicate from within Outlook, SharePoint and other Office applications (instant messaging, audio and video calls);Reply to an email with an instant message or an audio call; Communicate with other organisations running Lync (federation service with the optional edged server deployment);Move easily from instant messaging into ad-hoc online meetings including audio, video and screen sharing;Conduct online presentations including audio, video, screen sharing and a virtual whiteboard;Invite external contacts to easily join online meetings via a native or web-based client (with edged server option).VoIP's Microsoft Lync Collaboration Service solution includes the provision, deployment of a Microsoft Lync server and ongoing support services for Microsoft Lync i.e.:1) The preliminary analysis of the requirements to enable Microsoft Lync;2) The provision of a dedicated server for Microsoft Lync;3) The ongoing maintenance and service support for Microsoft Lync for end users;4) The maintenance and management of federation service with business partners (as required);5) One 2-hour training session for end users.Optional services:1) Desktop/end user device deployment of the Microsoft Lync client for each user. This service can be provided at customer's request.2) The provision and maintenance of an Edged Server to enable Federated Identity and allow external party conferences functionalities.Service Exclusion: System and configuration daily back up of the servers. Solution does not include Active Directory server and the management of Active Directory server.Note: Our solution does not include all Microsoft software licensing cost and charges from the current Australian Government's Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA)with Microsoft.",Managed Service,Collaboration Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,The unit is described as access to the service per user account.,Agency's sites or agency's data centres,All states,not applicable,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-VoIP Pty Ltd,75 091 431 202,Secure Virtual Desktop,"VoIP Secure Virtual Desktop is a cloud-based (or on-premises) secure access service to corporate applications from multiple platform end users' devices. Access can be via customer private network or public Internet. User applications remain running on the existing corporate servers and are not required to be installed on end user's devices, allowing for a wide range of devices to be used. Data transmission across the network is encrypted, making this solution a robust and secure alternative to physical desktop deployments.The service is accessible from the following platforms : Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, IPad iOS and Linux. Applications can be Web-based, Microsoft Windows server or Citrix-based;VoIP's Secure Virtual Desktop solution includes:1) Preliminary analysis of the requirements and definition of the implementation plan;2) The provision of a managed Secure Authentication server and associated security software licenses;3) The installation of the solution at the customer premises (on-premises) or on a cloud data centre site;4) Configuration of the user virtual desktops environment (policies/profiles);5) Ongoing management and support of the solution.Optional service:1) The deployment and support of end-user devices.",SaaS,Virtual Desktop,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,A unit is described as a virtual desktop for a single user (account) per month,Australia,"All States, Agency's Data Centre (on-premises) for the Managed Authentication Server",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-XVT Solutions Pty. Ltd.,ABN: 36 099 907 865 ACN: 099 907 865,CKAN - Open Source Data Portal,"CKAN is a powerful data management system that makes data accessible by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data. CKAN is aimed at data publishers (national and regional governments, companies and organizations) wanting to make their data open and available.",Managed Service,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One instance of CKAN. Hosting infrastructure specification is negotiable depending on size of database and concurrent users.,Australia,Australian Capitol Territory,N/A,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-Yarris Pty Ltd,12 094 508 648,Government Consol. Procurement Software as a Service,"We are a software company providing a unique solution to transform services procurement and management.We provide a software that acts as a hub between enterprises and suppliers. Our people are experts in the technique required to optimise services delivery with detailed, accumulated data and benchmarking information.Our system enables the management of contractors by a comprehensive functionality suite which fine tunes the performance of contractors against their contractual obligations - mainly against time, cost and quality. It enables full transparency of the process for customers and suppliers to achieve better outcomes for all involved.Our services include:- Provision of professional services and consulting- Project management for procurement projects/ vendor management- Provision of Service Procurement Management System in the 'Cloud'",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Our service fee is based on unit usage model. Each unit represents a transaction on the system. The model usedfor the purpose of this agreement is for a small to medium customer with an average transaction rate.Customers need to purchase a minimum number of units per month. Additional unit can be purchased according to the usage reflecting the flexibility of a SaaS model.Services included are as follows:- licence to use the system- system updates and hosting- customer and application support,Australia,Victoria,,Tier 3/4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Archive Storage,"ZettaGrid Archive Storage offers low cost, readily accessible storage appropriate for offsite data archiving with realtime access capability.<br/><br/>Archive storage has reduced iops relative to our other storage offerings and has performance equivalent to SATA based NAS.<br/><br/>ZettaGrid Archive storage is delivered as an add-on to a virtual server. This is delivered as attached storage to a virtual server. This is raid 5 slower disk and is thus suitable for backup and archive solutions.<br/>",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1GB of data, no bandwidth allowance",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Backup as a Service,"Backup as a Service is an agent-less, image-based (snapshot) backup service for your cloud VMs. This service allows clients to backup their ZettaGrid VMs to an off-site location (usually another ZettaGrid Data Centre) and in the event of a failure, restore the VMs back to a point in time. Clients order this service from the ZettaGrid website, choosing which VMs to protect, the backup window and how many backups to maintain. If clients need to restore VMs, that functionality is made available through their ""myservices"" portal.This service uses Veeam software. ZettaGrid Backup protects live Windows and Linux servers including applications such as Sharepoint, SQL and Exchange.-Protects any Virtual Machine regardless of OS-Live backup - no need to pause or shutdown servers-Backup open/locked files - eg SQL server, Exchange-Backup storage located in physically separate DC-SSL protected web based backup management-Backup storage in dedicated lights-out facilty with high security physical access control-RAID 5 backup storage-Order and monitor backups online",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per VM/Month, per 1GB/Month of backup storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS),"Based on Veeam replication software, DRaaS enables replication of interval based snap shots of a clients existing VMs to VMs in a ZettaGrid Data Centre.This service allows clients to replicate their on-premise VM's into ZettaGrid and power them on in the event of a disaster at their site. It works by deploying a secure replication target that's accessible on your ZettaGrid private network. The target acts as a secure bridge between your network and the ZettaGrid storage infrastructure.With a ZG Replication Target deployed and an appropriate network setup, add the Replication Target into a Veeam console (installed at your site). ZettaGrid can provide licenses.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per replicated VM, Storage per 1GB, per 1GB of replication traffic, per month.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Hybrid Cloud,"Based on Vm-Ware v-Cloud-Connector, A hybrid cloud is a computing environment in which an organization provides and manages some virtual machine resources in-house (private) and others provided externally from a public cloud provider like ZettaGrid.VMware vCloud Connector lets you view, operate on and transfer your computing resources between the private and public infrastructure using a single administrative interface.To create a hybrid cloud using ZettaGrid the following are required:-Your organisation must be running VMware vCentre-Your organisation must install vCloud Connector-The public cloud component in ZettaGrid will be provided by provisioning a Virtual Data Centre (vDC)",IaaS,Compute Services,Hybrid Cloud,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per replicated VM, Storage per 1GB, per 1GB of replication traffic, per month.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Replication Dedicated Link,ZettaGrids Replication service is powered by Zerto software. Our VM Replication service supports replication between ZettaGrid Data Centres and Client sites.The service can be used by clients as a tool to replicate VMs into and out of ZettaGrid with minimal disruption to usersThe service also allows you to maintain a warm standby copy of your ZettaGrid VMs and data in another ZettaGrid datacentre for recovery at a later stage.Other features are:-Scalable-Software Array Agnostic-Replicate any VM from any Availability Zone-Tight Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs)-Auto-provisioned-Fast and Flexible,IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per VM/Month, per 1GB/Month of backup storage, 1Mbps/Month replication cross availability zone dedicated link",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Replication Shared Link,ZettaGrids Replication service is powered by Zerto software. Our VM Replication service supports replication between ZettaGrid Data Centres and Client sites.The service can be used by clients as a tool to replicate VMs into and out of ZettaGrid with minimal disruption to usersThe service also allows you to maintain a warm standby copy of your ZettaGrid VMs and data in another ZettaGrid datacentre for recovery at a later stage.Other features are:-Scalable-Software Array Agnostic-Replicate any VM from any Availability Zone-Tight Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs)-Auto-provisioned-Fast and Flexible,IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per VM/Month, per 1GB/Month of backup storage, 1Mbps/Month shared cross availability zone replication link",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Virtual Data Centre,"A vDC acts as a container for a shared pool of resources such as networks, ram, cpu and storage. With a vDC you can upload master images in support of provisioning of VMs and create vApps which enable you to provision an entire application including DB, front end, middleware and application servers as a single entity.The combination of vApps and vDC enables rapid expansion and contraction of resources and management of this cloud based virtual infrastructure.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,Virtual Data Centre,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource based - 1GB/ram, 1GB/storage, 1Ghz CPU, 1GBbandwidth.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Virtual Desktops,"Virtual Desktop delivers a Windows 7 desktop experience over the network to almost any device. Utilising VMware's View 5 technology, ZettaGrid can host Virtual Desktops in its secure data centres, and enabling centralised control of desktop clients.Virtual Desktop utilises automatic provisioning via our website. This service opens up the possibilities for a range of applications:-Travel and use virtually any device to access your office environment e.g. PC, Mac, iPhone.-Unlike older remote desktop technologies, you can literally take your desktop environment with you offline. Check it out when you leave the office, get on a plane, continue to use your desktop and then once your back in the office again, check it in and synchronise your work.-Extend the life of your existing computer fleet or purchase lower specification machines to connect exclusively to virtual desktops.-Reduce the cost of managing your standard operating environment (SOE) by centralising management in the datacentre.-Allow contractors to bring their own laptop to your workplace or connect from anywhere, without the requirement for significant additional security overheads. The corporate desktop environment is securely encapsulated.",IaaS,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per desktop (desktop resources charges RAM, storage, CPU, bandwidth)1GB/ram, 1GB/Prem storage, 1/Ghz CPU, 1/GB bandwidth.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Virtual Servers Premium Storage,"Virtual Servers are the most common service in ZettaGrid. They are used in conjunction with storage and networking to provide clients with a virtual computing resource that is both manageable and scalable and are protected by daily image-based backup.As with most services in ZettaGrid, our Virtual Servers are provisioned automatically as soon as you complete your order and are available for access within 20 minutes.Features of this service are:-Configure and install any applications you like!-Auto-provisioned (Typically built in 20 minutes)-Complete machine level control with Console Access-Advanced VMware Management Tools-VMware vCloud Powered-Available in multiple data centres-Unmetered in bound cloud traffic if you purchase a Fibre or Midband link through ZettaGrid-IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses-ISO Mounting-7 day money back guarantee (as with all ZettaGrid Services)-No contracts, cancel anytime (as with all ZettaGrid Services)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource based - 1GB/ram, 1GB/storage, 1Ghz CPU, 1GB bandwidth.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

-ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90 141 800 357,Virtual Servers Standard storage,"Virtual Servers are the most common service in ZettaGrid. They are used in conjunction with storage and networking to provide clients with a virtual computing resource that is both manageable and scalable and are protected by daily image-based backup.As with most services in ZettaGrid, our Virtual Servers are provisioned automatically as soon as you complete your order and are available for access within 20 minutes.Features of this service are:-Configure and install any applications you like!-Auto-provisioned (Typically built in 20 minutes)-Complete machine level control with Console Access-Advanced VMware Management Tools-VMware vCloud Powered-Available in multiple data centres -Unmetered in bound cloud traffic if you purchase a Fibre or Midband link through ZettaGrid-IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses-ISO Mounting-7 day money back guarantee (as with all ZettaGrid Services)-No contracts, cancel anytime (as with all ZettaGrid Services)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource based - 1GB/ram, 1GB/storage, 1Ghz CPU, 1GB bandwidth.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Active Directory,Provision of Microsoft Active Directory as a bundle offered with other services or as a stand alone service supporting specific client needs. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.,IaaS,Identity Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Provision of an active directory domain with a minimum of ten users.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Business Collaboration Services,"4D brings your people and information together on a single platform, utilising Microsoft Office, Sharepoint, Exchange and Lync servers. It allows for tight business integration through a number of communications channels across multiple and geographically disparate sites. This will both maximise your productivity and reduce wasted effort through duplication.These services can be hosted within your own environment, on your own infrastructure, or hosted within 4D's secure datacentre. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Microsoft collaboration platform (Sharepoint, Exchange and Lync) with 10 GByte storage per user for ten users.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Business Continuity - hosted business services,"4D can provide an alternate location from which to operate in the event of a force majeure incident at your business premises. This includes a work space with desktop computer, telephone and email services. Additional services can be ordered per the other services offered by 4D under the DCaaS Multi-list.Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,"5 desktop workstations with telephone, email services and Microsoft groupware. Other applications can be made available as an additional service.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Data Loading,4D has experience across a number of data base management systems. Service includes migrating client data from one database management system to another using a relevant software agent to be determined for the task.,Other,Data Loading,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Time and material per hour plus licensing costs for the relevant data migration tool.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Data Storage,4D provides on-line data storage that can be expanded to your needs.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,On-line storage provided based on storage capacity consumed per GB utilising storage area network (SAN).,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Database Services,"4D offers clients the opportunity to purchase virtual machines upon which to run their database(s).Clients can either load their own database onto the virtual machine, or have 4D do so on their behalf. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual machine based on Windows Standard Server 2008 R2 and SQLServer 2008 standard license costs plus 100 GByte storage. Additional storage purchased under data storage service.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Hosted Email,"4D will host your email domain on our Microsoft Exchange.You will benefit from all of the productivity advantages of using Exchange (shared calenders, mailboxes, contacts etc;Your incoming mail will be protected from spam by our Cisco IronPort spam filter. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Per Exchange 2010 user mailbox (up to 2GB in size)NOTE: group email addresses and distribution lists are not counted as mailboxes - these are provided as part of the service without charge.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,ICT Services Continuity,"Your critical systems can be duplicated at 4D's premises for recovery in the event of a disaster.In the event of a disaster at your facility, your staff will be able to continue work from anywhere that they have an internet connection, by remotely connecting to their services and applications within the 4D datacentre. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"A virtual server with 1 CPU core, 2GBytes RAM running on Windows 2008 R2 plus a Microsoft SQL Server instance with 100 GByte of storage.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Online Backups,"Automated remote backup service that backs up your important business data to 4D's secure datacentre. Data is backed up at the block level. Any backed up file can be restored upon request or by the client.A once-off setup sees 4D taking a snapshot of your data and placing it in our datacentre. Nightly backups then send only the changes to your data (ie. the ""Delta"") securely across the internet to 4D. Backups are encrypted and compressed. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of compressed backed-up data,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Physical Server,"Dell PowerEdge T610 with single processor, 16GB RAM, 4 x 500GB HDD, Windows Server 2008 R2.Includes technical support for physical server and operating system.Note that different configurations are available if required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Per server,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Test and Development Environment,Provision of virtual environment hosting user test and development environments allowing clients 24x7 access. Environment consists of a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual server hosting Microsoft Studio and allowing clients to install their test and development applications as required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Test and development environment for up to seven users.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Unified Communications,"Based on Microsoft Lync server. Comprises:Instant messaging and presence, conferencing, enterprise voice, office integration and mobile applications. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Virtual unified communications server and ten users.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Virtual Server,"4D offers a complete Virtual Server solution to clients, allowing them 24x7 access to their business applications from anywhere in the world that they have an internet connection.Each virtual server will be based on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2.This virtual server can be configured, and applications installed, as required; 4D can assist in this setup and installation if required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server: includes 1 CPU core, 2GB RAM, and 100GB storage running on Windows 2008 R2. Additional storage can be purchased per the data storage service.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Backup Services,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable environment comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and a range of Backup options all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.AAPT operate dual CO and Data Centre capabilities within the same facility to maximise the customers access to all network services.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit:1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,VIC,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Business Continuity,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable, customer configurable distributed environment comprising of fully adjustable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and Backup all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Seasonal / Peak Bursting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable environment, dialing up and down resources on demand, comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and Backup all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Storage,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable environment comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with a range of Storage and supporting Backup options all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Test Development Environment,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable test/dev environment comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and Backup all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Virtual Server,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product offers fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and Backup all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Compute Services,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configurable, rapid deployment, LINUX based virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Seasonal / Peak Bursting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configurable, dial up/dial down, LINUX based virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Test Development Environment,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configurable, rapid deployment, LINUX based virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Virtual Server,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configured VWare based LINUX virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(LINUX) - Web Hosting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(LINUX) product offers a fully configurable, rapid deployment, LINUX based virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of LINUX Server Operating Systems are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Solaris) - Seasonal / Peak Bursting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Solaris) product offers a highly scalable Oracle Solaris virtual machine, built on Oracle/Sun Microsystems T-series hyperthreading platform, fully customer configurable dial up, dial down CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup resources.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,&gt;2,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Solaris) - Test Development Environment,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Solaris) product delivers, within minutes of ordering, an Oracle Solaris virtual machine, built on Oracle/Sun Microsystems T-series hyperthreading platform, fully customer configurable CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Solaris) - Virtual Server,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Solaris) product offers an Oracle Solaris virtual machine, built on Oracle/Sun Microsystems T-series hyperthreading platform, fully customer configurable CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Windows) - Business Continuity,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Windows) product offers, a fully configured Microsoft Windows compute environment, based on customer selected CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems are available.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Windows) - Seasonal / Peak Bursting,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Windows) product offers a fully configurable Microsoft Windows compute environment, based on customer selected CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems are available.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Windows) - Test Development Environment,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Windows) product offers, within minutes, a fully configured Microsoft Windows virtual machine, based on customer selected CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems are available.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vServer(Windows) - Virtual Server,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vServer(Windows) product offers a fully configured Microsoft Windows virtual machine, based on customer requested CPU, RAM, Storage and Backup requirements, all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool. A range of Microsoft Windows Server Operating Systems are available.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit: 1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,New South Wales,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,Victoria,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Aptira Cloud Servers (ACS),"Aptira provides a scalable and on demand remotely accessible cloud computing service that encompasses virtualised operating systems, networks and storage. We offer this as a fully managed service up to and including the operating system and as required application server. These services are delivered using cloud software from VMware, Microsoft or OpenStack.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual machine including 1 public IP address, 4 x vCPU, 16 GB RAM,300GB HDD, 10Mbps/10Mbps internet bandwidth. High availability with guaranteed resource scheduling. Linux operating system on vSphere.",Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Aptira Flexi Cloud (AFC),AFC is Aptira's on demand cloud compute product built on OpenStack that allows their customers to use computing resources which can be scaled dynamically to meet variable work loads. AFC provides the customer with API access to its resources.,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,2 x vCPU and 4 GB RAM,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Aptira Flexi Store (AFS),"AFS is our extremely robust storage service, leveraging the best open source and proprietary cloud storage technology like OpenStack and Ceph and supported by the Aptira Engineering Team (AET). AFS customers can store and access their data anywhere, with support for almost all existing cloud and NAS storage standards plus peace of mind that their data is secured in transmission and at rest.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte of block or object storage,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Aptira Managed Backups (AMB),"Aptira provides its customer with a managed backup solution that consists of hourly, nightly, weekly and monthly managed backups both on and off site.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte of block or object storage,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Aptira Network Virtualisation,"As Australian based partners and technical experts for Nicira by VMWare, Aptira are the first vendors in Australia able to offer the full suite of Nicira's Network Virtualization Platform. Network virtualization decouples and isolates virtual networks from the underlying network hardware, like server virtualization decouples and isolates virtual machines from the underlying server hardware. Once virtualized, the physical network is used only for packet forwarding and treated as an IP backplane. Virtual networks are then programmatically created and operate completely decoupled from the underlying hardware, offering the same features and guarantees of a physical network; yet with the operational benefits and hardware independence of virtual machines.For more information visit",IaaS,Off,Network Virtualisation - Software Defined Networking,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per Nicira Network Virtualised Virtual Machine,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Aptira Premium Webhosting (APW),Aptira Premium Webhosting is an on demand scalable platform for users to deploy websites rapidly using the proven LAMP stack. It leverages the stability of the Linux Operating system to provide a stable and robust hosting platform.,Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Apache Website - 150GB Storage, 1 Public IP, DNS management, Enterprise Fully Managed Monitoring and Firewall and IPS Service, Staging facility and 240GB/month outbound data transfer.",Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Aptira Virtual Desktop (AVD),"Aptira provides remote Windows virtual desktop infrastructure and associated productivity applications. The virtual desktop is delivered via an RDP session. The service includes access to productivity applications including Microsoft Office, remote printing, hosted mail boxes and shared storage. It is protected by managed firewalling and IPS.",Managed Service,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Aptira Virtual Desktop Environment per user per month. No SPLA.2GB Kerio Mailbox/user15GB Storage/userDedicated CPU and RAM for the VDE environmentNightly backupsMonthly offsite backupsUnmetered data transfer,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Piston Enterprise OpenStack (Compute),"Aptira is partnered with Piston Cloud Computing. Piston Enterprise OpenStack is a streamlined cloud platform that can be installed in 10 minutes and can reduce cloud operating costs by more than 30 per cent. Customers can have the choice of an on-premises model, or be provided with a hosted data centre, infrastructure management, and server and network equipment powered by Piston Enterprise OpenStack software. By deploying Piston Enterprise OpenStack, Aptira's customers will be able to easily build and manage their private cloud without requiring a large capital outlay. For more information go to",IaaS,Compute Services,Managed Cloud Support Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Each physical server licensed per annum,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Aptira Pty Ltd,23139355525,Piston Enterprise OpenStack (Storage),"Aptira is partnered with Piston Cloud Computing. Piston Enterprise OpenStack is a streamlined cloud platform that can be installed in 10 minutes and can reduce cloud operating costs by more than 30 per cent. Customers can have the choice of an on-premises model, or be provided with a hosted data centre, infrastructure management, and server and network equipment powered by Piston Enterprise OpenStack software. By deploying Piston Enterprise OpenStack, Aptira's customers will be able to easily build and manage their private cloud without requiring a large capital outlay. For more information go to",IaaS,Storage,Managed Cloud Support Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Each physical server licensed per annum,Australia,NSW,1.45,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.45,3.0,Australia,QLD,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Bronze,"Dedicated Virtual Machine HostingCPU: Dual CoreRAM: 2GBHDD: 60GB Fibre Channel5GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Bronze Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Enterprise Gold,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 8GB<br/>HDD: 100GB Fibre Channel<br/>15GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Enterprise Gold Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Enterprise Platinum,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 12GB<br/>HDD: 120GB Fibre Channel<br/>20GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Enterprise Platinum Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Enterprise Silver,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 6GB<br/>HDD: 80GB Fibre Channel<br/>10GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Enterprise Silver Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Gold,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 6GB<br/>HDD: 100GB Fibre Channel<br/>15GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Gold Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Silver,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 4GB<br/>HDD: 80GB Fibre Channel<br/>10GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Silver Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+C3 Business Solutions Pty Ltd,35122885465,C3 Insight,"C3 Insight is a complete, affordable data acquisition and reporting solution that is quick and easy to install and use. C3 Insight immediately addresses data governance challenges with a robust business rule engine that you can tailor to your specific requirements upfront. C3 Insight enables you to unlock the power of your data instantly with no downtime and no deep technical skills required. File load formats are completely flexible and include an MSExcel add-in. Already in use across both State and Federal government agencies, C3 Insight is fast and easy to set up and run, it will reduce the cost of data acquisition and reporting and will deliver immediate ROI and trusted information for your business.<br/><br/>Data governance, acquisition & validation continues to challenge government at all levels, particularly when the data is coming from other departments or outside agencies and sources. Getting the data together and getting it accurate and collated when you need it absorbs considerable budget, time and resources. And, even when the investment is made, there are often questions around data quality due to poor or non-existent governance processes. All that time and effort and still, no one trusts the data. <br/><br/>Streamlining and automating these processes is key to maximising efficiency and turning the swathes of government data currently sitting in individual agencies, departments and divisions into collated, useful, timely information for more informed decision making. <br/><br/>Already in use across both State and Federal government agencies, C3 Insight is fast and easy to set up and run, it will reduce the cost of data acquisition and reporting and will deliver immediate ROI and trusted information for your business.<br/><br/>See your business / organisation at a glance. Combine all the data you need, from multiple data sources, into personalised real-time dashboards. C3 Insights interactive dashboards let you filter, drill to detail, and analyse right in a browser. With C3 Insight, you can go from data to dashboards in just hours; not days, weeks or months.<br/><br/>Imagine connecting the data, people, and creativity of your organisation to help everyone make better business decisions. With C3 Insight you can. We do this by facilitating discussions and making your BI content incredibly easy to share. Embed your intelligence into wikis and company intranet for everyone to use and access.<br/><br/>You will love C3 Insights mobile app. It combines outstanding collaborative features with great usability - simply swipe to browse dashboards and reports, filter with a tap of a finger, or pinch and zoom. Our approach means that as soon as you create a report or dashboard, it's enabled on your favourite mobile device - no extra steps or development.<br/><br/>Real-time alerts let you know the moment something critical happens in your business. With C3 Insight it's so easy to create alerts that monitor your business data for you. Reports emailed, or alerts pushed, to your phone or iPad let you take immediate action.<br/><br/>Data visualisation is not only a great way to present your data, but a powerful way to explore your data as well. C3 Insight lets you pick and change visualisations effortlessly so you can spot outliers and trends with ease. With 44 chart types - from sophisticated trellis charts, to popular line and metre charts - the right visualisation is just a click away.<br/><br/>Data visualisation is not only a great way to present your data, but a powerful way to explore your data as well. C3 Insight lets you pick and change visualisations effortlessly so you can spot outliers and trends with ease. With 44 chart types - from sophisticated trellis charts, to popular line and metre charts - the right visualisation is just a click away.<br/><br/>Data analysis requires more than just basic filtering - you need to be able to explore your data. C3 Insights highly intuitive report builder lets you analyse your data in ways you didnt think possible. Drill Down, Drill Through or Drill Anywhere - even across multiple data sources. We dont put barriers between you and your data exploration.<br/><br/>C3 Insight is different. Unlike most BI products, we deliver all the BI functionality you need via a single-integrated platform. C3 Insight can be installed in an hour, and deployed to 1000s of users in seconds. From meta-data to dashboards, user security and scheduling, youll only ever interact with the one application. C3 Insight significantly reduces your training, deployment and administration costs.<br/>",,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 Bus Ex Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Off,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per instance,Australia,NSW,1.85,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.85,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+C3 Business Solutions Pty Ltd,35122885465,C3 Integrity,"C3 Integrity is a multi-award winning data collection, collation and validation software tool that enables organisations to get all of their data into one, centralised location, no matter where its coming from or what format its in. It is web-based and empowers business users to own the data collection process, and puts the onus on the data submitters to provide data of a sufficient quality. C3 Business Solutions developed C3 Integrity after identifying a gap in the market. It is provided as a hosted solution, and validated data can either be export to the customer's environment or integrated with our hosted reporting solutions. Integrity is deal for agencies that collect data from disparate sources either within their agency, across other agencies, or from service providers outside their agency.<br/><br/>C3 Integrity website & 3 minute explanatory video<br/><br/>C3 Integrity Overview Brochure<br/><br/>C3 Integrity Govt Case Study<br/><br/>Often your most valuable organisational information has been built and analysed in spreadsheets. Its the 80/20 rule where 80% of the useful information comes from 20% of the data and its often data that is hard to access and sits outside your source systems. Acquiring, processing and validating this data can be difficult, especially when its received and collated from multiple sources in many different formats from both inside your organisation and from<br/>external agencies. Integrity is a one of a kind, purpose-built tool that addresses this specific challenge.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Off,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per instance,Australia,NSW,1.85,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.85,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform,"CloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform is a managed application development deployment platform that allows a developer / IT operations team to deploy a suitably packaged application onto the platform then have the platform manage the underlying deployment and scaling of the application. The platform is capable of auto-scaling the underlying infrastructure to support the peaks and troughs of demand encountered by applications.The platform integrates with popular application development frameworks and integrated development environments including Visual Studio and Eclipse to allow developers to publish and deploy applications directly from their native working environment.CloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform leverages underlying technology from vendors including Cumulogic, CloudFoundry and Heirloom Systems.Platform features:- Auto-Scaling- Self-Healing- High-Availability- Monitoring- Backup- Multi-Tenant- SQL Services- NoSQL Services- Application Isolation- Developer UI- Admin UI- Self Service- REST API- Version Control- Eclipse Plugin- Microsoft Visual Studio PluginSupported languages/application development frameworks:- Java- Microsoft.NET (C#,, etc)- COBOL- PHP- Ruby-on-RailsProvisioningCloudCentral provides an online web interface and application programming interface (API) to support real-time provisioning of additional resources and changes to existing resources.Data CenterCloudCentral Enterpise ApplicationPlatform is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingAll software licenses included except Microsoft software licenses which must be provided by customervia Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Enterprise ApplicationPlatform is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Enterprise.ApplicationPlatform capacity units include 1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage and 1 CPU core, and access to the management platform services.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise Compute,"CloudCentral Enterprise Compute is Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) that puts you in control of your environment. CloudServer's are perfect for running Web Applications, Online Services, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Disaster Recovery (DR), Test & Development, Enterprise Applications, Email & Collaboration, CRM, and more.CloudCentral Enterprise Compute supports the following operating systems:- Windows Server 2008 R2- Windows Server 2012- RedHat Enterprise Linux / CentOS 5 & 6- Oracle Linux 5 & 6- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 12.04 LTSProvisioningCloudCentral provides an online web interface and application programming interface (API) to support real-time provisioning of additional resources and changes to existing resources.Our online provisioning systems allow new resources to be provisioned in under 5 minutes, typically new Cloud Servers can be provisioned in 1-2 minutes.Data CentersCloudCentral Enterpise Compute is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Compute is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingPricing assumes customer will provide software licensing for operating system and any software the customer wishes to install onto the server under the terms of its existing enterprise licensing agreements.SLACloudCentral Enterprise Compute is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Enterprise Compute capacity units include 1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage and 1 CPU core.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Exchange-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Exchange-as-a-Service is a managed email platform for providing Microsoft Exchange mailboxes.The underlying management of the exchange server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. An instance of Exchange Server 2010 is created for each customer on dedicated virtual machines.Includes:- 25 GB mailbox storage- Outlook Web Access- POP- IMAP- Outlook Anywhere (MAPI)- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync- Exchange Web ServicesData CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Exchange-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Exchange-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Exchange-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,One Exchange Server instance is required per customer. Each server instance may host up to 500 users.Units include:- Microsoft Exchange Enterprise Plus Subscriber Access License (SAL)- 25 GB mailbox storage- Outlook Web Access- POP- IMAP- Outlook Anywhere (MAPI)- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync- Exchange Web Services,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service is a managed instant messaging & presence platform for providing Microsoft Lync 2010 instant messaging and presence.The underlying management of the Lync Server 2010 instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. An instance of Lync Server 2010 is created for each customer on dedicated virtual machines.Includes:- Lync Server 2010 enterprise features & functionalityData CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Lync-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",SaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,One Lync Server instance is required per customer. Each server instance may host up to 500 users.Includes:- Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Subscriber Access License (SAL)- Lync Server 2010 Enterprise features & functionality,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SharePoint-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SharePoint-as-a-Service is a managed collaboration platform for providing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 sites.The underlying management of the SharePoint server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. An instance of SharePoint Server 2010 is created for each customer on dedicated virtual machines.Includes:- SharePoint 2010 Enterprise features without Internet facing sites- 10 GB storage per instance plus 500 MB per userData CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SharePoint-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise SharePoint-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft Sharepoint-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,One SharePoint Server instance is required per customer. Each server instance may host up to 500 users.Units include:- SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Subscriber Access License (SAL)- SharePoint 2010 Enterprise features without Internet facing sites- 10 GB storage per instance plus 500 MB per user,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is a managed Database-as-a-Service platform for hosting Microsoft SQL Server databases.The underlying management of the database server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. The developer / IT operations team is responsible only for managing the schema and content of the data stored within the database itself.Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012 are supported.Data CenterEnterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageEnterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLAEnterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Units include 1 x Microsoft SQL Server Database with 1 GB database storage.,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise MySQL Database-as-a-Service,"CloudCentral Enterprise MySQL Database-as-a-Service is a managed Database-as-a-Service platform for hosting MySQL databases.The underlying management of the database server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral. The developer / IT operations team is responsible only for managing the schema and content of the data stored within the database itself.MySQL version 5.1 and 5.5 is supported.Data CenterCloudCentral Enterprise MySQL Database-as-a-Service is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise MySQL Database-as-a-Service is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingThis service includes all required software licenses and no additional software licenses are required.SLAEnterprise Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Units include 1 x MySQL Database with 1 GB database storage.,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Monitoring as a Service,"The monitoring solution, utilising the Nimsoft platform gives the visibility needed to proactively monitor and manage performance and availability across even the most complex environments. On top of this, the flexible, modular, and scalable architecture allows customers to rapidly add new IT monitoring capabilities as the infrastructure and business evolves. This unique combination of visibility and extensibility makes Nimsoft Monitor the one solution that can address not only your current, but future monitoring requirements as well.Data CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Monitoring is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Monitoring is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingThis service includes all required software licenses and no additional software licenses are required.SLACloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Monitoring is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",SaaS,Off,Monitoring as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Off,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Basic Server Monitoring (hypervisor or OS) - per serverApplication Server Monitoring (OS plus Application) - per serverNetwork Monitoring - per network device,Australia,ACT - Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Service Desk as a Service,"Nimsoft Service Desk is the service management solution for modern IT. The solution provides action-based workflows built on ITIL standards and years of best-practice knowledge to coordinate all aspects of service delivery and increase customer satisfaction. The flexible and configurable system lets you meet your specific business requirements without the traditional long-term cost and complexity of code-based customization. This simplifies implementation, and allows you to evolve your business processes in a way that reflects the very best of IT thought leaders around the world.Nimsoft Service Desk can also leverage the information collected by Nimsoft Monitor, thereby eliminating communication friction between your operations and service management teams, allowing you to provide better quality service both faster and cheaper.Data CenterCloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Service Desk is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Service Desk is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingThis service includes all required software licenses and no additional software licenses are required.SLACloudCentral Enterprise Nimsoft Service Desk is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",SaaS,Off,Service Desk as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,Includes 1 x Nimsoft Service Desk fixed user license and hosting for that user.,Australia,ACT - Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail,"CloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail is a managed email platform for providing Exchange-like mailboxes.The underlying management of the exchange server instances are fully managed by CloudCentral.Includes:- SmarterMail 11 Enterprise Edition- 25 GB mailbox storage- Web Access- POP- IMAP- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync- Exchange Web ServicesData CenterCloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingThis service includes all required software licenses and no additional software licenses are required.SLACloudCentral Enterprise SmarterMail is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Includes:- SmarterMail 11 Enterprise Edition- 25 GB mailbox storage- Web Access- POP- IMAP- Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync- Exchange Web Services,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Enterprise Storage,"CloudCentral Enterprise Storage includes file & block storage that is made available to customers via industry standard protocols including NFS, CIFS, and ISCSI.CloudCentral Enterprise Storage can be used in conjunction with CloudCentral Enterprise Compute, or as a standalone service which is accessed over the network from the customers premise or installation within the data center.Data CentersCloudCentral Enterprise Storage is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Enterprise Storage is backed by Oracle ZFS data storage systems featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.SLACloudCentral Enterprise Storage is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB data storage.,Australia,ACT - Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup is a managed service for backing up physical or virtual servers. A backup agent is installed onto each managed server and then backed up over the network to Cloud Central's backup storage repository.The Managed Enterprise Backup service includes the backup agent license, backup management, and 200 GB backup storage per managed server.Backup AgentsThe following backup agents are supported and will be used as per customer choice:- CommVault Simpana- Symantec BackupExec- Zmanda Enterprise- DoubleTake RecoverNowData CentersCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup data is stored on Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degredation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Backup is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 x backup agent and 200 GB backup storage per server.,Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute is managed Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) that puts you in control of your environment. CloudServer's are perfect for running Web Applications, Online Services, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Disaster Recovery (DR), Test & Development, Enterprise Applications, Email & Collaboration, CRM, and more.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute supports the following operating systems:- Windows Server 2008 R2- Windows Server 2012- RedHat Enterprise Linux / CentOS 5 & 6- Oracle Linux 5 & 6- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 12.04 LTSIncluded server management services:24/7 Monitoring 24/7 Emergency SupportFailed Services Restarted Failed System Restarted System and Services Updates Firewall Management Security hardeningSoftware Installation System Software Troubleshooting Rapid emergency service responseRapid emergency hardware replacementProvisioningCloudCentral provides an online web interface and application programming interface (API) to support real-time provisioning of additional resources and changes to existing resources.Our online provisioning systems allow new resources to be provisioned in under 5 minutes, typically new Cloud Servers can be provisioned in 1-2 minutes.Data CenterCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute is supported by Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingPricing assumes customer will provide software licensing for operating system and any software the customer wishes to install onto the server under the terms of its existing enterprise licensing agreements.SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Compute is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Managed Enterprise.Compute capacity units include 1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage and 1 CPU core.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop is a centralized virtual desktop environment that can be accessed from any device including iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac and any other device that supports HTML5.The managed desktop includes a virtualized Windows 7 client experience and can run all existing desktop applications. We have bundled Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Edition and Windows 7 licensing into the service offering.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop can be used as a replacement for existing physical desktops and allows for the life of existing desktop hardware to be extended dramatically as the physical desktop is only used for display purposes rather than processing and data storage.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop features a highly optimized remote desktop protocol based on technology from Ericom that de-duplicates and compresses display data. The benefit is that the remote desktop works well over low-bandwidth Internet connections including 3G and ADSL.Coreplus is used as the technology engine to support this service.Data CenterCloudCentral Managed Enterpise Desktop is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT and TransACT in Dickson ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop is supported by a grid storage architecture that replicates data between members of the grid to maintain at least two copies of desktop data within the grid. Data is stored on enterprise grade SAS hard disks and connected with hardware RAID controllers to the host system.BackupEach desktop is backed up once per day to backup storage contained within the same data center.Replication of the entire desktop to a second data center is provided as an additional cost option.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Software LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Desktop is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",Managed Service,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"Include 1 GB RAM, 20 GB storage and 1 CPU core per desktop per user.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery - Tier-1 (Hot DR),"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is a managed disaster recovery service for protecting critical infrastructure.This service works by installing a disaster recovery software agent into each physical or virtual server that requires protection.There are two service levels catering for different Recovery Time Objective (RTO) requirements. This service description describes the Tier-1 'Hot DR' service level, the Tier-2 'Cold DR' service level is described separately.Hot Disaster RecoveryThe first tier service level provides for 'Hot' DR, which provides a one-for-one replica server hosted in the data center for each protected server. Changes from the protected server in the customer environment are replicated asynconrously in near real-time to the DR replica server located in the data center. In the event of a disaster, upon customer request the DR replica server can be made active within 15 minutes of receiving the request.Data CentersCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageManaged Enterprise Disaster Recovery data is stored on Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Microsoft LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA. A recovery SLA of 15 minutes is provided for the Tier-1 'Hot DR' service offering, and a recovery SLA of 2 hours is provided for the Tier-2 'Cold DR' service offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Includes:1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage, 1 CPU core1 x DR software agent per server",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery - Tier-2 Cold DR,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is a managed disaster recovery service for protecting critical infrastructure.This service works by installing a disaster recovery software agent into each physical or virtual server that requires protection.There are two service levels catering for different Recovery Time Objective (RTO) requirements. This service description describes the Tier-2 'Cold DR' service level, the Tier-2 'Hot DR' service level is described separately.Cold Disaster RecoveryThe first tier service level provides for 'Cold DR', which provides a many-to-one replication of protected servers to a central DR repository hosted within a CloudCentral managed data center.A DR agent is installed into each protected server, which then replicates changes from the protected server to the DR repository asynchronously in near real-time.In the event of a disaster, upon customer request, a new virtual server will be provisioned at the data center, and the contents of the protected server will be restored to the newly provisioned server from the DR repository within 2 hours.Data CentersCloudCentral Managed Enterpise Disaster Recovery is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkingThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageBackup data is stored on Oracle Solaris ZFS data storage featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degredation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.Microsoft LicensingCustomer must provide Microsoft software licenses via Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Disaster Recovery is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA. A recovery SLA of 2 hours is provided for the Tier-2 'Cold DR' service offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Includes:- 64 GB storage on DR repository server- 24 hours per month of 1 unit compute capacity (1 GB RAM, 64 GB storage, 1 CPU core)- 1 x DR software agent per server.",Australia,ACT -Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage,"CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage includes file & block storage that is made available to customers via industry standard protocols including NFS, CIFS, and ISCSI.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage can be used in conjunction with CloudCentral Enterprise Compute, or as a standalone service which is accessed over the network from the customers premise or installation within the data center.Management ServicesOur Managed Enterprise Storage storage service differs from our IaaS Enterprise Storage service in that storage management services are supplied:- capacity management- 24x7 alerting- 24x7 monitoring- security lockdown / ACL managementCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage is backed by Oracle ZFS data storage systems featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.CloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage is available from data centers including Canberra Data Centers (CDC) in Hume ACT, TransACT in Dickson ACT, and NextDC in Bruce ACT. These data centers offer ASIO T4 compliant physical security and connectivity to the ICON fiber network.NetworkThis service assumes that the customer services are networked into the above mentioned data centers and that the customer will provide a direct cross connect into the Cloud Central network or participate in a network peering-exchange within the data center. Customer is responsible for any applicable cross connect fees that are levied by the respective data center.StorageCloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage is backed by Oracle ZFS data storage systems featuring large RAM cache, solid state disk (SSD), and serial-attached-SCSI (SAS) hard disks. The ZFS data storage platform protects against data degradation and provides enterprise level storage availability and performance.SecurityAll services are located behind DSD approved Juniper SRX firewalls and best-practice security policies and procedures are used to minimize attack surfaces and patch and secure supporting infrastructure. Network level security is enforced via Layer-2 and Layer-3 network separation and access control. CloudCentral systems administrators hold Australian Government security clearances.SLACloudCentral Managed Enterprise Storage is provided with a %99.95 availability SLA.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB data storage.,Australia,ACT - Canberra Data Centers (Hume),1.3,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - TransACT (Dickson),1.5,Tier-3,Australia,ACT - NextDC (Bruce),1.4,Tier-3,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service - Large Package,"CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is a fully managed open data platform delivered on a monthly service model.<br/><br/>CloudCentral is the official Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) CKAN partner for the Australian region.  We have officially trained and certified technical resources required to deploy, integrate and provide data curation and architecture services to support the CKAN platform.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service includes fully managed infrastructure and support required to operate production open data platforms that are capable of supporting truely massive big data sets to public and private sector data consumers.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Large' package which includes 'CKAN City Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Large Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN City Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- Metadata Form Customization & Branding<br/>- 10-days Professional Services<br/><br/>CKAN Large Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage - 500GB<br/>- Unlimited datasets<br/>- Data API<br/>- API Calls to DataStore - 500k/day<br/>- Tech support 2 days a month SLA included<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW",,Data Warehousing,Big Data / Open Data,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Large' package which includes 'CKAN City Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Large Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN City Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- Metadata Form Customization & Branding<br/>- 10-days Professional Services<br/><br/>CKAN Large Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage - 500GB<br/>- Unlimited datasets<br/>- Data API<br/>- API Calls to DataStore - 500k/day<br/>- Tech support 2 days a month SLA included,Australia,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service - Medium Package,"CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is a fully managed open data platform delivered on a monthly service model.<br/><br/>CloudCentral is the official Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) CKAN partner for the Australian region.  We have officially trained and certified technical resources required to deploy, integrate and provide data curation and architecture services to support the CKAN platform.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service includes fully managed infrastructure and support required to operate production open data platforms that are capable of supporting truely massive big data sets to public and private sector data consumers.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Medium' package which includes 'CKAN City Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Medium Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN City Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- Metadata Form Customization & Branding<br/>- 10-days Professional Services<br/><br/>CKAN Medium Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage - 50GB<br/>- Unlimited datasets<br/>- Data API<br/>- API calls to DataStore - 100k/day<br/>- Tech support 1 day a month SLA included<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW",,Data Warehousing,Big Data / Open Data,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Medium' package which includes 'CKAN City Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Medium Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN City Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- Metadata Form Customization & Branding<br/>- 10-days Professional Services<br/><br/>CKAN Medium Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage - 50GB<br/>- Unlimited datasets<br/>- Data API<br/>- API calls to DataStore - 100k/day<br/>- Tech support 1 day a month SLA included,Australia,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service - Small Package,"CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is a fully managed open data platform delivered on a monthly service model.<br/><br/>CloudCentral is the official Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) CKAN partner for the Australian region.  We have officially trained and certified technical resources required to deploy, integrate and provide data curation and architecture services to support the CKAN platform.<br/><br/>CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service includes fully managed infrastructure and support required to operate production open data platforms that are capable of supporting truely massive big data sets to public and private sector data consumers.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'CKAN Small Package' package includes the 'CKAN Demo / Development Deployment Package', and the 'CKAN Small Hosting Package'.  The inclusions for these packages are:<br/><br/>CKAN Demo / Development Deployment Package:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- 2 days support<br/><br/>CKAN Small Hosting Package:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage (1-10GB)<br/>- Up to 20k datasets<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW",,Data Warehousing,Big Data / Open Data,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,CloudCentral CKAN Open Data Platform-as-a-Service is available in three diferent packages:<br/>- Small<br/>- Medium<br/>- Large<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Small' package which includes 'CKAN Demo / Development Deployment Package' and 'CKAN Small Hosting Package'.  The inclusions of the deployment and hosting packages are detailed below.<br/><br/>CKAN Demo / Development Deployment Package inclusions:<br/>- Deployment<br/>- Testing<br/>- 2 days support<br/><br/>CKAN Small Hosting Package inclusions:<br/>- Catalogue API<br/>- Simple Storage (1-10GB)<br/>- Up to 20k datasets,Australia,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service - Medium Package,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service delivers business intelligence and analytics under a platform-as-a-service delivery model on a per-user, per month basis.<br/><br/>CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service features the full capabilities of the MicroStrategy product, and also bundles in CloudCentral Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service for customers operational data store (ODS).<br/><br/>The platform includes MicroStrategy annual software licensing, and the managed platform infrastructure required to deliver an end-to-end solution for the customer.  The customer just needs to bring their imagination, data and busines requirements.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Medium' package which includes 20 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>15 x Consumer Users<br/>2 x Analyst User<br/>2 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW",,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service is available via four different packages.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Medium' package which includes 20 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>15 x Consumer Users<br/>2 x Analyst User<br/>2 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/>",Australia,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service - Large Package,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service delivers business intelligence and analytics under a platform-as-a-service delivery model on a per-user, per month basis.<br/><br/>CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service features the full capabilities of the MicroStrategy product, and also bundles in CloudCentral Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service for customers operational data store (ODS).<br/><br/>The platform includes MicroStrategy annual software licensing, and the managed platform infrastructure required to deliver an end-to-end solution for the customer.  The customer just needs to bring their imagination, data and busines requirements.<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW",,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service is available via four different packages.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Small' package which includes 10 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>7 x Consumer Users<br/>1 x Analyst User<br/>1 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/>",Australia,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Cloud Central Pty Ltd,26128975842,CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service - Small Package,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service delivers business intelligence and analytics under a platform-as-a-service delivery model on a per-user, per month basis.<br/><br/>CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service features the full capabilities of the MicroStrategy product, and also bundles in CloudCentral Microsoft SQL Server Database-as-a-Service for customers operational data store (ODS).<br/><br/>The platform includes MicroStrategy annual software licensing, and the managed platform infrastructure required to deliver an end-to-end solution for the customer.  The customer just needs to bring their imagination, data and busines requirements.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Small' package which includes 10 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>7 x Consumer Users<br/>1 x Analyst User<br/>1 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/><br/>This service is available from CloudCentral's Canberra and Sydney Points-of-Presence (POP's) including:<br/>- NEXTDC C1 Data Centre, Bruce ACT<br/>- TransACT Data Centre, Dickson ACT<br/>- Equinix SY3 Data Centre, Alexandria NSW",,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"CloudCentral MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Analytics-as-a-Service is available via four different packages.<br/><br/>This service offering describes the 'Small' package which includes 10 users, managed infrastructure, and platform management.<br/><br/>Included User Types:<br/>7 x Consumer Users<br/>1 x Analyst User<br/>1 x Power User<br/>1 x Admin User<br/><br/>Consumer User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- MicroStrategy Intelligence Server Module Microstrategy Intelligence Server<br/>- Universal Option MicroStrategy Report Services Option MicroStrategy OLAP<br/>- Services Option MicroStrategy Web Reporter Module MicroStrategy<br/>- Distribution Services Option MicroStrategy MultiSource Option<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Universal Option MicroStrategy Mobile<br/>- MicroStrategy Transaction Services Option<br/><br/>Analyst User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Consumer User Bundle, plus<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Analyst Option<br/><br/>Power User Bundle inclusions:<br/>- Analyst User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Web Professional Option<br/><br/>Admin User Bundle Inclusions:<br/>- Power User Bundle plus,<br/>- MicroStrategy Architect MicroStrategy Desktop Designer<br/>",Australia,"Dickson, ACT",1.3,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,

+CommsNet Group,40082926136,Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring - Professional,"How fast, responsive and available is your website in real time?CommsNet Group Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring is a software as a service solution to optimise the performance and availability of your web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications.We take your Performance Monitoring to the next level. Gain a deep understanding and visibility by measuring real user experience across all browsers, devices, networks and locations. Solve problems much quicker and correlate performance with customer satisfaction and business impact.",SaaS,Off,Web Performance Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Performance Monitoring Professional- Monitoring of a single URL- Up to 20,000 page views- Real time workflow - Path monitoring- Measure real user interaction- Correlate customer satisfaction performance- Measure across all users, locations, browsers, devices- Troubleshoot using detailed object-level, page, connection & host dataAlso includes- Email alerts- SMS Alerts- Telephone support- Monthly report and analysis",Australia,New South Wales,1.79,Tier III,Australia,Victoria,1.8-2.0,Tier II,Australia,Western Australia,1.6,Tier III,,,,,,,,

+CommsNet Group,40082926136,Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring - Standard,"How fast, responsive and available is your website?CommsNet Group Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring is a software as a service solution to optimise the performance and availability of your web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications.- Measure performance from different locations, browsers and devices.- Pinpoint scalability and performance problems- Effectively monitor the most complex web application.",SaaS,Off,Web Performance Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Performance Monitoring Standard - Synthetic Monitoring- Monitoring of a single URL- Performance measures from a single location- Performance measure using Firefox or / and Internet Explorer- 1 measures every 5 minutes or 2 measures from two different geographical regions every 10 minutes. Equates to 8,640 measures per month (30 days)- Monthly report- Email alerts- SMS alerts- Telephone support",Australia,New South Wales,1.79,Tier III,Australia,Victoria,1.8-2.0,Tier II,Australia,Western Australia,1.6,Tier III,,,,,,,,

+CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40082926136,Energy and Environmental Monitoring As A Service (EEMaaS),"Energy and Environmental Monitoring as a Service (EEMaaS)provides at-a-glance insights into such metrics as power usage effectiveness, data center infrastructure efficiency, and power load.Energy and Environmental Monitoring as a Service (EEMaaS) captures real-time data from IT and building infrastructure elements to provide you with a clear and comprehensive picture of power, cooling and energy usage. With Energy and Environmental Monitoring as a Service you can access this comprehensive data through reports, dashboards and portals --enabling more efficient and intelligent energy management.EEMaaS is part of CommsNet Group Performance Monitoring as a Service offering.The technology that we utilise is CA Nimsoft Monitoring as the management platform. Data Centre Infrastructure Manager (DCIM) ecoMeter is a component of Nimostf MonitoringCA Nimsoft ecoMeter provides insight into data center power usage by gathering metrics from meters, sensors and devices in real time. The solution monitors power, energy, temperature, humidity, airflow and more. CA Nimsoft ecoMeter gathers device metrics through a range of protocols, offering support for Modbus, SNMP, and BACnet communications. Because of this broad protocol support, CA Nimsoft ecoMeter can get power and environmental data from virtually any kind of systemCA Nimsoft ecoMeter enables users to collect real-time energy and environmental information across data centers, analyse it to identify issues and hot spots, alert users in the event of adverse conditions and report on consumption and usage.",SaaS,Off,Energy and Environmental Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A unit of service is a device under management. A device is classified as:Modbus devices: Cyberex breaker, E-Mon Power Quality Meter, Eaton PDU, FM200 Fire Panel, ION PDU, Schneider Electric Power Quality Meter, Siemens PDU.SNMP devices: APC Rack PDU, APC Env Rack PDU, APC UPS, PDI PDU, Liebert PDU, Trane Opto CRAC",Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40082926136,Performance Monitoring as a Service,"Performance Monitoringas a Service: A single, unified interface for tracking all the vital, dynamic resources organisations rely on - whether in the cloud or on-premises. It gives organisations all the comprehensive monitoring insights needed to ensure services perform optimally at all times.Performance Monitoring as a Services is designed for Agencies that are looking to:1. Improve service quality for their infrastructure2. Reduce costs of IT Service3. Gain visibility of how your network is performing4. Accelerate problem resolution5. Proactively resolve issues6. Enhance IT enablement of business objectivesPerformance as a Service provides a large array of capabilities. That is:1. Comprehensive in coverage - Our monitoring solution is an efficient, scalable, easy to deploy offering that can manage many elements of your IT environment.2. Has Flexible Licensing and Deployment Arrangement - We can securely monitor business units using either an on-premise or on-demand delivery model.3. Service Level Insights - Our performance monitoring environment provides deep visibility allowing you to quickly respond to issues and problems. And importantly you can effectively report on your service level agreement (SLA) commitments.4. Automation - Our performance monitoring environment can automatically provide you with the necessary information from alerts, reports, monitoring and displays to keep your team focused squarely on remediating problems.",SaaS,Off,Performance Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Unit Description can be defined in the following nine environments:1. Server Monitoring - Microsoft Servers, Cisco UCS, IBM Power Systems, etc2. Storage Monitoring- EMC, NetApp, etc3. Databases Monitoring- IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, etc4. Virtualisation Systems - VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Hyper-V, etc5. Applications Monitoring- Apache, Cisco Voip, Microsoft Lync, SAP, etc6. Networks Devices Monitoring - Cisco Qos, SNMP, Routers, Switches, etc7. ecoMeter Monitoring - Power usage, data centre infrastructure efficiency, etc8. User Experience Monitoring - Application response time9. Data Centre Infrastructure and other Cloud Environments MonitoringAlso Provided: Performance reports, SLA and customized Dashboards and alert notifications.",Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40082926136,Performance Monitoring as a Service,"Performance Monitoringas a Service: A single, unified interface for tracking all the vital, dynamic resources organisations rely on - whether in the cloud or on-premises. It gives organisations all the comprehensive monitoring insights needed to ensure services perform optimally at all times.Performance Monitoring as a Services is designed for Agencies that are looking to:1. Improve service quality for their infrastructure2. Reduce costs of IT Service3. Gain visibility of how your network is performing4. Accelerate problem resolution5. Proactively resolve issues6. Enhance IT enablement of business objectivesPerformance as a Service provides a large array of capabilities. That is:1. Comprehensive in coverage - Our monitoring solution is an efficient, scalable, easy to deploy offering that can manage many elements of your IT environment.2. Has Flexible Licensing and Deployment Arrangement - We can securely monitor business units using either an on-premise or on-demand delivery model.3. Service Level Insights - Our performance monitoring environment provides deep visibility allowing you to quickly respond to issues and problems. And importantly you can effectively report on your service level agreement (SLA) commitments.4. Automation - Our performance monitoring environment can automatically provide you with the necessary information from alerts, reports, monitoring and displays to keep your team focused squarely on remediating problems.",SaaS,Off,Performance Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Unit Description can be defined in the following nine environments:1. Server Monitoring - Microsoft Servers, Cisco UCS, IBM Power Systems, etc2. Storage Monitoring- EMC, NetApp, etc3. Databases Monitoring- IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, etc4. Virtualisation Systems - VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Hyper-V, etc5. Applications Monitoring- Apache, Cisco Voip, Microsoft Lync, SAP, etc6. Networks Devices Monitoring - Cisco Qos, SNMP, Routers, Switches, etc7. ecoMeter Monitoring - Power usage, data centre infrastructure efficiency, etc8. User Experience Monitoring - Application response time9. Data Centre Infrastructure and other Cloud Environments MonitoringAlso Provided: Performance reports, SLA and customized Dashboards and alert notifications.",Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40082926136,Service Desk as a Service,"Service Desk as a Service: A comprehensive SaaS based IT service management solution with built in, ITIL-based best practices and action-based workflow for managing, coordinating and optimizing all aspects of service deliveryI have included a separate document describing the solution",SaaS,Off,Service Desk Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,CommsNet Group Service Desk as a Service- CommsNet Group utilises CA Nimsoft Service Desk.key Elements of Nimsoft Service Desk- Service Catalog & Request Management- Incident Management- Problem Management- Change Management- Configuration Management- Service Level Management- Knowledge Management,Australia,ACT,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CommsNet Group Pty Ltd,40082926136,Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring,"How fast and responsive is your website?CommsNet Group Web and Cloud Performance Monitoring is a software as a service solution to optimise the performance and availability of your web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications.- Measure performance across all users, locations, browsers and devices.- Pinpoint scalability and performance problems down to the line code- Rapidly isolate, diagnose and resolve performance problems from user click to code line.- Measure real user experience and satisfaction.- Effectively monitor the most complex web application.There are Two Service Offering ""Standard"" and ""Professional""1. Performance Monitoring Standard - A dedicated Performance Monitoring Software as a Service (SaaS) solution providing unparalleled insight into end-user experience. Allowing you to pinpoint scalability and performance problems down to the code.2. Performance Monitoring Professional - Taking your Performance Monitoring to the next level. Gain a deep understanding and visibility by measuring real user experience across all browsers, devices, networks and locations. Solve problems much quicker and correlate performance with customer satisfaction and business impact.",SaaS,Off,Web Performance Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Service DescriptionPerformance Monitoring Standard- Performance measures from two locations- 60 measures per hour (1,440 measures per day)- Dashboard access- Weekly reporting- Pinpoint performance problems down to line of code- Pinpoint scalability problems down to line of codePerformance Monitoring Professional- Includes Performance Monitoring Standard- Real time workflow - Path monitoring- Measure real user interaction- Correlate customer satisfaction performance- Measure across all users, locations, browsers, devices- Troubleshoot using detailed object-level, page, connection & host dataBoth services also include- Email alerts- SMS Alerts- Dashboard configuration- Telephone support- Weekly report and analysis",Australia,New South Wales,,,Australia,Victoria,,,Australia,Western Australia,,,,,,,,,,

+Compuware Asia Pacific,23063641510,Changepoint Program management and Services Automation,"Changepoint provides a single business management solution designed specifically to automate and integrate the processes of service delivery. Organisations can support key delivery processes, easily pinpoint areas for improvement and track critical performance metrics - paving the way to improved resource utilisation, financial control and analysis, and customer/client satisfaction.Changepoint enables the collection of information relating to customers, contacts, planned investments, programmes, portfolios, audits/projects, tasks, applications, resources (including their skills, experience and availability),risks, issues, investigations, complaints etc. and provides executive level real time reporting on current and historic information.The Service offered is a fit to business based engagement intended to enable an Agency to determine the value and benefit of a larger scale implementation. A fit to business engagement is conducted over a 3 month period and includes 25 days of services, all hosting, set up and user licenses for up to 30 users. The Changepoint license model is flexible and will be tailored to the specific needs of the Agency.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 15 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,1 day of services. Service provision includes 25 days.,Canada,Ontario,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Compuware Asia Pacific,23063641510,Changepoint Program management and Services Automation - CRM,"Changepoint provides a single business management solution designed specifically to automate and integrate the processes of service delivery. Organisations can support key delivery processes, easily pinpoint areas for improvement and track critical performance metrics - paving the way to improved resource utilisation, financial control and analysis, and customer/client satisfaction.Changepoint allows Organisations to record all details relating to a customer including all interactions, complaints, investigations, contacts, etc. with the customer. Changepoint's reporting allows an Organisation to see all information, including historic and summary information on a single screen. Complaints, investigations etc. may be managed with the help of workflow.The Service offered is a fit to business based engagement intended to enable an Agency to determine the value and benefit of a larger scale implementation. A fit to business engagement is conducted over a 3 month period and includes 25 days of services, all hosting, set up and user licenses for up to 30 users. The Changepoint license model is flexible and will be tailored to the specific needs of the Agency.",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 15 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,1 day of services. Service provision includes 25 days.,Canada,Ontario,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Compuware Asia Pacific,23063641510,Changepoint Program management and Services Automation - ERP,"Changepoint provides a single business management solution designed specifically to automate and integrate the processes of service delivery. Organisations can support key delivery processes, easily pinpoint areas for improvement and track critical performance metrics - paving the way to improved resource utilisation, financial control and analysis, and customer/client satisfaction.Changepoint enables Investment Planning that includes budgets, resource availability and aligns future investments to corporate strategies, objectives and business priorities. Changepoint is used to manage projects, project portfolios, issues, risks, benefits, resources, schedules, existing investments, etc..Real time executive level reporting allows executives access to accurate current information to support their decision making processes.The Service offered is a fit to business based engagement intended to enable an Agency to determine the value and benefit of a larger scale implementation. A fit to business engagement is conducted over a 3 month period and includes 25 days of services, all hosting, set up and user licenses for up to 30 users. The Changepoint license model is flexible and will be tailored to the specific needs of the Agency.",SaaS,ERP,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 15 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,1 day of services. Service provision includes 25 days.,Canada,Ontario,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Converga Pty Ltd,42063577739,Converga Digital Mail,"Converga's Digital Mail solution is an innovative yet simple way to receive your mail securely online. Mail sent to you assigned PO Box address is scanned and converted to a digital image, in most cases Adobe PDF. Unscannable items such as magazines and parcels are re-routed and delivered to your desired physical address. Converga's Digital Mail solution can also be customised to automate common documents such as forms and applications.Form AutomationConverga's Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) software and high-speed scanning infrastructure process thousands of paper-based documents such as forms and applications for our clients everyday. Using your business rules and information from your back-end systems, we can provide an automated document approval service for virtually any kind of business document.Automated Claims/Application ProcessingOur application processing solution offers reliable, comprehensive automated application management. It includes receipt, document categorisation, imaging, data capture, workflow management, live file management and tailor-made business rules.The entire process is managed online including a help desk, application management and customer notifications.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,Web based solution is available outside of these hours but there is the need to have scheduled outages for upgrades etc,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Document Digitisation,Australia,NSW,,Tier III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Converga Pty Ltd,42063577739,Converga Procure 2 Pay (Electronic Invoicing),"Converga Procure 2 Pay (P2P) Fully automates the accounts payable function through the use of our exclusive cascading matching and routing technology. This unique feature allows our customers to experience the utmost in straight through processing. Every invoice coming into the system is reviewed by the matching engine to determine which type of matching will be used. Once evaluated by the system invoices will be pre coded and routed automatically. Invoices with purchase orders are matched both on header and/or line levels. Two, three and four way (tolerance) matching can be done automatically. Even expense (non PO) invoices can be automated through the use of reference matching capabilities inherent to the product. Invoices that match outside the pre-set tolerance level or invoices from new suppliers are automatically forwarded into the workflow process through an easy to use web interface called the InvoiceLog. The concept of easily defining workflow proposals and account coding rules to each and every invoice ensures unlimited workflow flexibility and maximises straight through processing. Additional modules include Buyer, Contracts, Supplier Portal, Expenses and Dashboard.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,Web based solution is available outside of these hours but there is the need to have scheduled outages for upgrades etc,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Invoice Processing,Australia,NSW,,Tier III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65101524172,Apttus Contract Management suite for Government (10 user pack),"Contract WizardQuickly generate an agreement by filling out fields in a form and submit - utilizes standard pre-approved templates.Reduces bottlenecks for legal who do not need to approve any agreements not violating predefined rulesFacilitated easy access for trading partners resulting in rapid agreement creationFull visibility to anyone in your organization who needs to knowContract AuthorDraft and create contracts entirely in MS Word. Full contract creation, negotiation and versioning capabilities.Users don't need to learn a new interface - simply use Word and the application takes care of everything elseLeverage all the power features in the application directly in word - clause libraries, business terms etcFull approval and process management so you can manage and document exceptionsContract ComplyA repository allowing for complete storage and retrieval with advanced compliance management, searching, reporting and dash-boarding capability.One central repository for everything - contracts, documents, tasks, obligations, reports, dashboards etcEnsure you don't miss a renewal, milestone or any obligationDrill down report and dashboard capability allowing you to identify root causesAll Sensitive Contracts or documents can be stored into HP TRIM. This bundle includes a basic integration into your existing HP TRIM system, where all Contracts and Documents will be stored.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Contract Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"10 x Contract Wizard, Contract Author, Contract Comply licenses",Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

+Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65101524172,Apttus Contract Management suite for Government(5 user pack),"Contract WizardQuickly generate an agreement by filling out fields in a form and submit - utilizes standard pre-approved templates.Reduces bottlenecks for legal who do not need to approve any agreements not violating predefined rulesFacilitated easy access for trading partners resulting in rapid agreement creationFull visibility to anyone in your organization who needs to knowContract AuthorDraft and create contracts entirely in MS Word. Full contract creation, negotiation and versioning capabilities.Users don't need to learn a new interface - simply use Word and the application takes care of everything elseLeverage all the power features in the application directly in word - clause libraries, business terms etcFull approval and process management so you can manage and document exceptionsContract ComplyA repository allowing for complete storage and retrieval with advanced compliance management, searching, reporting and dash-boarding capability.One central repository for everything - contracts, documents, tasks, obligations, reports, dashboards etcEnsure you don't miss a renewal, milestone or any obligationDrill down report and dashboard capability allowing you to identify root causesAll Sensitive Contracts or documents can be stored into HP TRIM. This bundle includes a basic integration into your existing HP TRIM system, where all Contracts and Documents will be stored.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Contract Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"5 x Contract Wizard, Contract Author, Contract Comply licenses",Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

+Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65101524172,Complaints Pro (25 user pack),"Complaints Pro combines industry best practice complaints, case and enquiry management process with the world's most trusted software as a service,, to provide an out of the box complaints,case and enquiry management system.Complaints Pro provides:Cloud based Complaints and Case management system with AS ISO 10002 Complaints Handling Best Practise Standard built in.Pre-built Complaints Reports and Dashboards.Secure document and data storage with pre-built integration to HP TRIM.Send and save emails/attachments directly into Complaints Pro with seamless Lotus Notes or MS Outlook Integration.Easy integration from your public website contact us page to Complaints Pro.Anyone in your department / agency can capture Complaints / Cases with the Intranet Complaint/Case capture form.Easy administration forms allow you to take control with no IT knowledge.Acknowledge and Resolution SLA engines ensure nothing falls through the cracks.Expert helpline is just a phone call or email away.No IT servers or databases are required, just an end user computer with internet access.Just set up logins and start using Complaints Pro within hours.25 x MS Outlook or Lotus Notes connectors1 x Intranet Complaints / Case capture form (unlimited users)",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,25 x Complaints Pro user licenses15GB file storage1GB of data storage,Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

+Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65101524172,Complaints Pro (5 user pack),"Complaints Pro combines industry best practice complaints, case and enquiry management process with the world's most trusted software as a service,, to provide an out of the box complaints,case and enquiry management system.Complaints Pro provides:Cloud based Complaints and Case management system with AS ISO 10002 Complaints Handling Best Practise Standard built in.Pre-built Complaints Reports and Dashboards.Secure document and data storage with pre-built integration to HP TRIM.Send and save emails/attachments directly into Complaints Pro with seamless Lotus Notes or MS Outlook Integration.Easy integration from your public website contact us page to Complaints Pro.Anyone in your department / agency can capture Complaints / Cases with the Intranet Complaint/Case capture form.Easy administration forms allow you to take control with no IT knowledge.Acknowledge and Resolution SLA engines ensure nothing falls through the cracks.Expert helpline is just a phone call or email away.No IT servers or databases are required, just an end user computer with internet access.Just set up logins and start using Complaints Pro within hours.5 x MS Outlook or Lotus Notes connectors1 x Intranet Complaints / Case capture form (unlimited users)",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,5 x Complaints Pro user licenses3GB file storage1GB of data storage,Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

+Coretec Solutions Pty Ltd,65101524172,Complaints Pro (50 user pack),"Complaints Pro combines industry best practice complaints, case and enquiry management process with the world's most trusted software as a service,, to provide an out of the box complaints,case and enquiry management system.Complaints Pro provides:Cloud based Complaints and Case management system with AS ISO 10002 Complaints Handling Best Practise Standard built in.Pre-built Complaints Reports and Dashboards.Secure document and data storage with pre-built integration to HP TRIM.Send and save emails/attachments directly into Complaints Pro with seamless Lotus Notes or MS Outlook Integration.Easy integration from your public website contact us page to Complaints Pro.Anyone in your department / agency can capture Complaints / Cases with the Intranet Complaint/Case capture form.Easy administration forms allow you to take control with no IT knowledge.Acknowledge and Resolution SLA engines ensure nothing falls through the cracks.Expert helpline is just a phone call or email away.No IT servers or databases are required, just an end user computer with internet access.Just set up logins and start using Complaints Pro within hours.50 x MS Outlook or Lotus Notes connectors1 x Intranet Complaints / Case capture form (unlimited users)",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,NA,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,50 x Complaints Pro user licenses30GB file storage1GB of data storage,Japan,Tokoyo,1.47,N-1,United States of America,California,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Washington DC,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Illinois,1.47,N-1,United States of America,Virginia,1.47,N-1

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Extra Large,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 8 vCPU x 32 GB vRAM x 750 GB SAN StorageSelect and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Extra Small,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 1 vCPU x 2 GB vRAM x 50 GBSAN Storage Select and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Large,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 8 vCPU x 16 GB vRAM x 500 GBSAN Storage Select and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Medium,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 4 vCPU x 8 GB vRAM x 250 GBSAN Storage Select and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance Small,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 2 vCPU x 4 GB vRAM x 100 GBSAN Storage Select and 24 x 7 operating system support.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Premium SAN Storage,CloudCompute Premium SAN Storage is high performance storage for use by CloudCompute Virtual Instances.Premium SAN Storage is suited to applications and databases with very high IO requirements. The Storage Technology is based on a combination of Enterprise Flash and SAS drives.A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre and Virtual Instance are required to be in place for the Agency to be able to request CloudCompute SAN Storage.Further details can be found at,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Premium SAN Storage is provided as usable storage allocated and available for use by Virtual Instances measured on the last day of the billing period.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute SAN Backup,"CloudCompute SAN Backup is used to backup CloudCompute SAN Storage used by CloudCompute Virtual Instances.The data is protected using disk to disk technology and includes offsite replication of the data. The protection of the data is provided for a minimum period of 3 months.A Virtual Data Centre, Virtual Instance and SAN Storage is required to be in place for the Agency to be able to request SAN Backup.Further details can be found at",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,CloudCompute SAN Backup is used to backup SAN Storage used by CloudCompute Virtual Instances.The protection of the data is provided for a minimum period of 3 months and measured on the last day of the billing period.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Select SAN Storage,CloudCompute Select SAN Storage is mid tier performance storage for use by Virtual Instances.Select Storage is used for database workloads and other applications that require good performance storage. The operating system and file data are typically stored on Select storage. The Storage Technology is based on a combination of Enterprise Flash and Near Line SAS drives.A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre and Virtual Instance are required to be in place for the Agency to be able to request SAN Storage.Further details can be found at,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Select SAN Storage is provided as usable storage allocated and available for use by Virtual Instances measured on the last day of the billing period.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Extra Large,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 8 vCPU x 32 GB vRAM x 750 GB SAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Extra Small,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 1 vCPU x 2 GB vRAM x 50 GBSAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Large,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 8 vCPU x 16 GB vRAM x 500 GBSAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Medium,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 4 vCPU x 8 GB vRAM x 250 GBSAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Silver Virtual Instance Small,"A CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance is the provision of a virtual processing unit and operating system. Further details can be found at of the following operating systems can be selected for each virtual instance: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RedHat Enterprise Linux v5The CloudCompute Gold Virtual Instance price includes Operating System support, system monitoring, patching and anti-virus scanning. It excludes Operating system licence and software maintenance charges which can be separately provided by the agency or by CSC.Virtual Instance requests are dependant upon a Virtual Data Centre having been already created for an Agency and a Secure Network Connection service being in place.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Virtual server with 2 vCPU x 4 GB vRAM x 100 GBSAN Storage Select.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Standard SAN Storage,CloudCompute Standard SAN Storage is storage for use by CloudCompute Virtual Instances.Standard Storage is suitable for development and test workloads and production applications that do not have heavy disk IO requirements. The Storage Technology is based on Near Line SAS drives.A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre and Virtual Instance are required to be in place for the Agency to be able to request SAN Storage.Further details can be found at,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Standard SAN Storage is provided as usable storage allocated and available for use by Virtual Instances measured on the last day of the billing period.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+CSC Australia Pty Limited,18008476944,CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre,"A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre (vDC) is the base environment that provides the foundation upon which Agencies can provision additional cloud services (e.g. Virtual Instances, SAN Storage etc).Further details can be found at vDC is the logical entity from which virtual resources are provided. The minimum resources per vDC are: - 8 vCPU - 16 GB vRAM - 200 GB of a SAN Storage Tier (either Premium, Select or Standard)These minimum capacities are not included in the vDC rate, but are billed separately as Virtual Instance and SAN Storage services.A vDC is a logical container for managing storage and compute resources and access provisions. An agency cannot provision other CSC CloudCompute services without first creating at least one vDC. An Agency needs to select either a Silver or Gold service assignment for each vDC. The cost and service level differences between 'Gold' and 'Silver' instances are outlined in the CSC Virtual instance service descriptions . Should an Agency require both Gold and Silver Virtual instances at least two vDC's will need to be provisioned.",IaaS,Compute Services,IaaS Foundation,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,A CloudCompute Virtual Data Centre (vDC) is the foundation upon which Agencies can provision additional cloud services.,Australia,"New South Wales (Pyrmont, Sydney)",1.6,Tier 3,Australia,"Victoria (Clayton, Melbourne)",1.5,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Disaster Recovery,Data#3 provide a complete scaleable Infrastructure as a Service that can be replicated across our Sydney and Brisbane Data Centre locations. As there are two Data Centres our infrastructure can be utilised as a disaster recovery site as required.The Basic DR service is offered utilising a Small virtual server being made available. Depending on specific requirements this service can be scaled up many times to provide a complete DR offering,,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"small virtual machine (1 x CPU, 2GB RAM and 30GB Systems Disk)",Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Servers - LARGE,"Data#3 provide a 100% on-shore IaaS solution that ranges from the provision of single Virtual Machines (VM's) to banks of servers accessing Terabytes of data for production, pre-production, development, testing, DR environments and QA environments as required.The basic servers can be configured to specific client requirements with CPU's accessing as much memory, as many Terabytes of data as required and is fully scaleable. The configured VM's can then have added additional storage Tier 1 and Tier 2 disk, back-ups, DR etc.The Data#3 Software as a Service is built on top of the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This 100% Australian based platform is based on the ""Secure Multi Tenancy"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data.",,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Large Virtual Machine (4 x vCPU with 8GB RAM and 30GB Systems Disk),Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Servers - MEDIUM,"Data#3 provide a 100% on-shore IaaS solution that ranges from the provision of single Virtual Machines (VM's) to banks of servers accessing Terabytes of data for production, pre-production, development, testing, DR environments and QA environments as required. Data#3 provide small, medium and large server options based on specific needs and requirements that can be fully tailored as needed.The basic servers can be configured to specific client requirements with CPU's accessing as much memory, as many Terabytes of data as required and is fully scaleable.The Data#3 Software as a Service is built on top of the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This 100% Australian based platform is based on the Secure Multi Tenancy ""FlexPod"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data.",,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,medium virtual machine (2 x vCPU with 4GB RAM and 30GB Systems Disk).,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Servers - SMALL,"Data#3 provide a 100% on-shore IaaS solution that ranges from the provision of single Virtual Machines (VM's) to banks of servers accessing Terabytes of data for production, pre-production, development, testing, DR environments and QA environments as required.The basic servers can be configured to specific client requirements with CPU's accessing as much memory, as many Terabytes of data as required and is fully scaleable.The Data#3 Software as a Service is built on top of the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This 100% Australian based platform is based on the Secure Multi Tenancy ""FlexPod"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data.",,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Small Virtual Machine (1 x vCPU with 2GB RAM and 30GB Systems Disk).,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Servers BASIC,"Data#3 provide a 100% on-shore complete IaaS solution that ranges from the provision of basic servers through to full production scale devices. The VM's are scaleable and can be tailored to your exact specifications for RAM, hard disk, multi-tiered storage, operating systems, additional firewalls and back-up options.We provide complete production, pre-production, development, testing, DR environments and QA environments as required. Data#3 offer a range of options that are fully customisable depending on your needsThe basic VM's are quoted but can be upgraded to specifications as required as well as adding additional storage Tier 1 and Tier 2 disk, back-ups, DR etc.",,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"Basic Virtual Machine (1 x vCPU, 2GB RAM and 30GB System Disk)",Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Physical Servers,"Data#3 are one of Australia's leading Systems Integrators with access to most vendors providing state-of-the-art ICT solutions. We can provision and manage the physical hardware and solutions from the procurement stage right through to asset disposal.The quoted price is for a small server with basic configuration, but can be stepped up to any sized server and most vendors are able to be provisioned through Data#3.",,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Basic small server with standard small business specifications,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft Essential Enterprise,Data#3 provide a combined solution comprising of Microsoft Exchange (e-mail) Lync (instant messaging) and SharePoint (collaboration). The combination of these 3 solutions significantly improve the effectiveness of workers and provides increased efficiency and productivity.,,Office Productivity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"User account - for Microsoft Exchange, Lync and SharePoint products.",Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft Exchange e-mail,"Microsoft Exchange e-mail software provides enterprise grade security and reliability for e-mail, security, collaboration, calendar and contracts. There are built-in anti-virus and anti-span filters to protect your information and with a 99.99% availability and 24 x 7 x 365 it is a tool that will work with you.The Data#3 Software as a Service solutions are built on the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This platform is based on the Secure Multi Tenancy ""FlexPod"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data.",,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,per mailbox (2GB mailbox size),Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft Lync,"Microsoft Lync is a virtual communication tool that links you and your work colleagues. It provides the ability to see colleagues work status, availability, see a photo of them, link up with face to face conferences, manage telephone calls and messages and integrate with Microsoft Office applications from one solution.",,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,user account for Microsoft Lync,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Business Intelligence,"Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise BI (business intelligence) software provides an enterprise grade collaboration tool that allows users to produce interactive dashboards and scorecards accessing information from Databases, reports and business applications. It is a powerful collaboration tool that can produce interactive dashboards across a number of information sources to allow business decisions to be made that are based on real information.The Data#3 Software as a Service is built on top of the Data#3 Trusted Cloud Platform. This 100% Australian based platform is based on the ""Secure Multi Tenancy"" architecture by Cisco to ensure the highest levels of assurance for secure customer data.",,Business Intelligence,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,User account for Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise BI (business intelligence),Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft SharePoint Essentials,"Microsoft SharePoint software provides an enterprise grade collaboration tool that allows users to store, synchronise and share important content.",,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,User account to Microsoft SharePoint,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Data#3 Limited,31010545267,Software as a Service (SaaS) - Microsoft SharePoint Essentials Collaboration,"Microsoft SharePoint Essentials Collaboration provides compliance across the organisation to manage version control, apply retention schedules and place legal holds across a range of information sources.",,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,User account for Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Business Intelligence,Australia,NSW,1.34,Tier 3+,Australia,Queensland,1.5,Tier 3+,Australia,West Australia,TBA,TBA,,,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,Cloud Services - Iaas/Compute - vCPU and VRAM,Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.Compute provides the IaaS components such as vCPU's and vRAM upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per Uniteach Unit is made up of 1 vCPU (each vCPU = 1000Mhz) and 4GB of vRAM,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,Cloud Services - Iaas/Protect,"Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.Protect provides a number of IaaS components upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements. These include anti-virus (at the hypervisor), firewalling and load-balancing.",IaaS,Web Hosting,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per deviceDevice types can include the following; Physical Firewall Cluster; per Virtual Local Load Balancing Cluster; per Physical Load Balancing Cluster; per Virtual Application Firewall Cluster; per Physical Application Firewall Cluster; per VM (Anti-Virus); per VM (WAN Acceleration),Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,Cloud Services - Iaas/Store Tier 1,Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.Store provides the storage IaaS components upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per GB and per instance,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,Cloud Services - Iaas/Store Tier 2,Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.Store provides the storage IaaS components upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per GB and per instance,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Large Server, 8vCPU, 16GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (8vCPU, 16GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Medium Server, 4vCPU, 8GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (4vCPU, 8GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Small Server, 2vCPU, 4GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(2vCPU, 4GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Very Large Server, 8vCPU, 64GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(8vCPU, 64GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Microsoft Very Small Server, 1vCPU, 2GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Microsoft offering provides pre-configured Microsoft suitable platforms upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (1vCPU, 2GB of RAM)Note all Agencies/Department will need to provide required Microsoft Licensing.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red Hat Small Server,2vCPU, 4GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(2vCPU, 4GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red HatLarge Server, 8vCPU, 16GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (8vCPU, 16GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red HatMedium Server, 4vCPU, 8GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (4vCPU, 8GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red HatVery Large Server, 8vCPU, 64GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(8vCPU, 64GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/Red HatVery Small Server, 1vCPU, 2GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/Red Hat offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the Red Hat platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (1vCPU, 2GB of RAM)The entire Red Hat Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSELarge Server, 8vCPU, 16GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (8vCPU, 16GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSEMedium Server, 4vCPU, 8GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (4vCPU, 8GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSESmall Server, 2vCPU, 4GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (2vCPU, 4GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSEVery Large Server, 8vCPU, 64GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM.(8vCPU, 64GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,"Cloud Services - PaaS/SUSEVery Small Server, 1vCPU, 2GB of RAM",Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The PaaS/SUSE offering provides pre-configured open-source platforms based on the SUSE platform upon which Agencies can build their infrastructure requirements.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per VM. (1vCPU, 2GB of RAM)The entire SUSE Cloud catalogue is available for consumption.",Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,Cloud Services - SaaS/Backup as a Service,Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands.The SaaS/Backup as a Service offering provides the ability to backup Agency infrastructure to the Cloud.,SaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per GB and per instance,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Datacom Systems (ACT) Pty Ltd,39135427075,Cloud Services - SaaS/Enterprise Exchange as a Service,"Cloud Services provide a Datacom hosted and managed solutionthat enables Agencies to buy their computing infrastructure on demand.Datacom offers a suite of Infrastructure / Platform and Software as a Service products and services to eligible Agencies under the Datacom Cloud Services and Datacom Cloud Services (for Government) brands. Note Government Agencies and Departments would be required to provide the required Microsoft LicensingThe SaaS/Enterprise Exchange as a Service offering provides best practice, templated deployments designed to fit into the Agencies infrastructure. This deployment is able to be further expanded with additional services such as email archiving, faxing, sms'ing etc.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per mailbox and per environment.,Australia,Victoria,1.7,,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,,Australia,Perth,,,Australia,Brisbane,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Business Continuity - Large Running,"Business Continuity Running service is an extension of the Large Standby service that is implemented in the case of a BCP event. Your VMs are held in standby mode and spun up when requested. This offering replaces the Large Standby mode service when initiated. After the BCP incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Business Continuity - Large Standby,"Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service, Business continuity is a great first step in using cloud services.  The Large Standby service provides 10Tb blocks of storage to host your Backup VMs with Dell. In the event of an outage you can spin up your VMs in a very short time using the Running service.  Standby mode provides storage of your VMs without the overhead of compute. In the event Business Continuity is required your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10Tb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Business Continuity - Medium Running,"Business Continuity Running service is an extension of the Medium Standby service that is implemented in the case of a BCP event. Your VMs are held in standby mode and spun up when requested. This offering replaces the Medium Standby mode service when initiated. After the BCP incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Business Continuity - Medium Standby,"Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service, Business continuity is a great first step in using cloud services. The Medium Standby service provides 1Tb blocks of storage to host your Backup VMs with Dell. In the event of an outage you can spin up your VMs in a very short time using the Running service. Standby mode provides storage of your VMs without the overhead of compute. In the event Business Continuity is required your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1Tb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Business Continuity - Small Running,"Business Continuity Running service is an extension of the Small Standby service that is implemented in the case of a BCP event. Your VMs are held in standby mode and spun up when requested. This offering replaces the Small Standby mode service when initiated. After the BCP incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Business Continuity - Small Standby,"Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service, Business continuity is a great first step in using cloud services.  The Small Standby service provides 500Gb blocks of storage to host your Backup VMs with Dell. In the event of an outage you can spin up your VMs in a very short time using the Running service.  Standby mode provides storage of your VMs without the overhead of compute. In the event Business Continuity is required your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,500Gb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Business Continuity with Dell vCloud Datacenter Service,"Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service, Business continuity is a great first step in using cloud services. Host your Backup VM's with Dell and in the event of an outage you can spin up your VM's with dell in a very short time. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB of RAMSSD, SAS, and SATA drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Compute Services,Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Database Services - Dell's SQL as a Service on vCloud,Using Dell's DB as a Service on top of vCloud based IaaS offering to provider SQL as a service to AGIMO clients. Dell Database as a service allows for SQL delivered to clients as a service.Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Disaster Recovery,Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service Disaster recovery is a great first step in using cloud services. Host your Backup VM's with Dell and in the event of an outage you can spin up your VM's with dell in a very short time. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Disaster Recovery - Large Running,"Disaster Recovery - Large Running service is an extension of the Large Standby service that is implemented in the case of a DR event. Your VMs and data are held in standby mode and brought online when requested. This offering replaces the Large Standby mode service when initiated. After the DR incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Disaster Recovery - Large Standby,The Large DR Standby service provides 10Tb blocks of cold DR storage. In the event of a disaster you can access your data or spin up any VMs in seconds using the Running services.  Standby mode provides storage of your data without the overhead of compute. In the event your DR plan is activated your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10Tb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Disaster Recovery - Medium Running,"Disaster Recovery - Medium Running service is an extension of the Medium Standby service that is implemented in the case of a DR event. Your VMs and data are held in standby mode and brought online when requested. This offering replaces the Medium Standby mode service when initiated. After the DR incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Disaster Recovery - Medium Standby,The Medium DR Standby service provides 1Tb blocks of cold DR storage. In the event of a disaster you can access your data or spin up any VMs in seconds using the Running services.  Standby mode provides storage of your data without the overhead of compute. In the event your DR plan is activated your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1Tb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Disaster Recovery - Small Running,"Disaster Recovery - Small Running service is an extension of the Small Standby service that is implemented in the case of a DR event. Your VMs and data are held in standby mode and brought online when requested. This offering replaces the Small Standby mode service when initiated. After the DR incident has been resolved, you can return to standby mode. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia..",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Disaster Recovery - Small Standby,The Small DR Standby service provides 500Gb blocks of cold DR storage. In the event of a disaster you can access your data or spin up any VMs in seconds using the Running service.  Standby mode provides storage of your data without the overhead of compute. In the event your DR plan is activated your VMs will be brought online and the Running service will replace the Standby service. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,500Gb SATA Storage,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Encryption Services,The number one inhibitor to using cloud services is security. Dell vCloud uses the TrendMicro SecureCloud offering to encrypt a volume of storage in vCloud and that key is then stored in an another country with TrendMicro and even Dell can not see the data in the Cloud offering. TrendMicro then manages the keys and the key management system for access to the encrypted data. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Optional Encryption Services for all sub categories,The number one inhibitor to using cloud services is security.  Dell vCloud uses the TrendMicro SecureCloud offering to encrypt a volume of storage in vCloud and that key is then stored in an another country with TrendMicro and even Dell can not see the data in the Cloud offering.  TrendMicro then manages the keys and the key management system for access to the encrypted data. This service can be applied to all volumes in all other offerings as required.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per volume encrypted,Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Optional Storage as a Service per month SAS,With Dell's Storage As a Service clients can buy storage capacity on SAS drives. Storage is provided through a single CPU server. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB SAS per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency),Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Optional Storage as a Service per month SATA,With Dell's Storage As a Service clients can buy storage capacity on SATA drives. Storage is provided through a single CPU server. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB SATA per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency),Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Seasonal Peak Bursting,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand. Dell's cloud is perfect for this by allowing for hourly and monthly billing with no contract length requirements. Dell's Clients can spin up a VM and only pay for it when they are using it. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Large hourly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Large VM instance within seconds. A Large instance provides capacity to run enterprise class applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Large monthly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Large VM instance within seconds. A Large instance provides capacity to run enterprise class applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Medium hourly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Medium VM instance within seconds. A Medium instance provides capacity to run medium to large applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Medium monthly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Medium VM instance within seconds. A Medium instance provides capacity to run medium to large applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Small hourly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Small VM instance within seconds. A Small instance provides the basic capacity to run small to medium applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Small monthly,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients with Seasonal burst capacity on demand.  As you identify peak bursting requirements you can request and obtain access to a Small VM instance within seconds. A Small instance provides the basic capacity to run small to medium applications. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Storage as a Service,"With Dell's Storage As a Service clients can buy SSD, SAS, and SATA drives through Dell's vCloud as a service offering. The storage offering allows for slow and cost effective all the way to very fast disk. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Test _ Development Environments Large hourly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Large Development environment provides a powerful sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Test _ Development Environments Large monthly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Large Development environment provides a powerful sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Test _ Development Environments Medium hourly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Medium Development environment provides a general purpose sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Test _ Development Environments Medium monthly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Medium Development environment provides a general purpose sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Test _ Development Environments Small hourly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Small Development environment provides a basic sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Test _ Development Environments Small monthly,Rapid provisioning of virtual machines enables your development teams to access resources on demand. A Small Development environment provides a basic sandpit environment and can be provisioned or shutdown in seconds. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Test __ Development Environments,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients spin up a Virtual Server for Test and Development environments on demand. Customers can provision Virtual Servers in seconds. Dell's Clients can spin up a VM and only pay for it when they are using it. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,VCloud Compute Services - Large hourly,"Large vCloud Compute Services provide you with a powerful compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,VCloud Compute Services - Large monthly,"Large vCloud Compute Services provide you with a powerful compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,VCloud Compute Services - Medium hourly,"Medium vCloud Compute Services provide you with a medium capacity compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,VCloud Compute Services - Medium monthly,"Medium vCloud Compute Services provide you with a medium capacity compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,VCloud Compute Services - Small hourly,"Small vCloud Compute Services provide you with a basic compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,VCloud Compute Services - Small monthly,"Small vCloud Compute Services provide you with a basic compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Virtual Server,With Dell's vCloud offering Dell can help clients spin up a Virtual Server on demand. Customers can provision Virtual Servers in seconds. Dell's Clients can spin up a VM and only pay for it when they are using it. Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia. The support and deployment is all based in Australia.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"vCPU - 1GHz of processingvRAM - 1GB RamSSD, SAS, SATA - Drive types",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Virtual Server - Large hourly,"Large vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with enterprise compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Virtual Server - Large monthly,"Large vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with enterprise compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Large VM - 10 vCPU 1 GHz, 64GB RAM, 10Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Virtual Server - Medium hourly,"Medium vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with moderate compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Virtual Server - Medium monthly,"Medium vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with moderate compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Medium VM - 8 vCPU 1 GHz, 32GB RAM, 1Tb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Virtual Server - Small hourly,"Small vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with a basic compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM per hour (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dell Australia Pty Ltd,46003855561,Virtual Server - Small monthly,"Small vCloud Virtual Server Services provide you with a basic compute, memory and storage Virtual Machine. Using Dell's vCloud solution for compute as a service allows for customers to spin up virtual machines and have compute on demand and only pay for what they are using.   Dell vCloud offers a 99.95% SLA with replication and backup all hosted in Australia.  The support and deployment is all based in Australia.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Small VM - 4 vCPU 1 GHz, 16GB RAM, 500Gb SATA storage per month (Microsoft licensing to be provided by the agency)",Australia,ACT,1.1,Tier 3 (ASIO Tier 4),Australia,NSW,1.2,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Collaboration Services - Cloud Services for Microsoft - Exchange User,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",PaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Exchange (and SharePoint and Lync) user,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Collaboration Services - Cloud Services for Microsoft - Sharepoint User,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns. For installations on physical servers, Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Sharepoint user (and Lync user and Exchange User),Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Compute Service - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via either private WAN or the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Units Consumed,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Document Management - Cloud Services for Sharepoint,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Sharepoint User,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Email - Cloud Services for Exchange,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.For installations on physical servers, Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Mailbox,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Instant Messaging Services - Cloud Services for Lync,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.For installations on physical servers, Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Lync user,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Office Productivity Services - Cloud Services for Microsoft,"Dimension Data's Cloud Services for Microsoft deliver Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Lync as a managed private cloud service.The service can be delivered as individual services, or as an entire integrated Business Productivity Suite for the Cloud. Our Microsoft cloud services can be integrated with on-premise services or other Dimension Data local cloud services, overcoming data sovereignty concerns.For installations on physical servers, Agencies will be required to supply Microsoft licenses due to the Volume Sourcing Agreement with the Australian Government.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"User (of Exchange, Sharepoint or Lync)",Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Seasonal Peak Bursting - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Units Consumed,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Test Development Environment - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via either private WAN or the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Consumption,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Virtual Server - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via either private WAN or the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Consumption,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Dimension Data Australia,65003371239,Web Hosting - Public Compute-as-a-Service (CaaS),"The Public CaaS from Dimension Data is an enterprise-class CaaS offering provided via either private WAN or the Internet as a scalable, pay-per-usage model, built using industry-leading hardware and software. The platform is fully automated and orchestrated via purpose-built software, and comprises servers, storage, and network elements, coupled with virtualisation technology and operating system software.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource Consumption,Australia,New South Wales,unknown,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808,Customised Management Systems - eBMS Hosted,"eBMS automates paper-based & spreadsheet type registers or old legacy systems into robust & customized systems using an affordable and feature rich web-based management platform.Examples of systems include Risk-, Contract-, HR-, Fleet-, OHS-, Compliance-, Case Management, etc.We use our Australian made & proven technology platform to offer unprecedented customisation for the delivery of tailored fit systems. The benefits are that our current clients claim productivity improvements of up to 40% while offering them greater process transparency, control, governance and pro-active management capability. Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customization, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : One System Module with 150 usersExample: Contract Management System with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808,Customised Management Systems - Self Hosted,"eBMS automates paper-based & spreadsheet type registers or old legacy systems into robust & customized systems using an affordable and feature rich web-based management platform.Examples of systems include Risk-, Contract-, HR-, Fleet-, OHS-, Compliance-, Case Management, etc.We use our Australian made & proven technology platform to offer unprecedented customisation for the delivery of tailored fit systems. The benefits are that our current clients claim productivity improvements of up to 40% while offering them greater process transparency, control, governance and pro-active management capability. Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customization, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,A Unit : One System Module with 150 usersExample: Contract Management System with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808,Register & Process Systemisation for Large Size Projects - (eBMS Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 70 Data Capturing Templates for 150 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808,Register & Process Systemisation for Large Size Projects - (Self Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 70 Data Capturing Templates for 150 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808,Register & Process Systemisation for Medium Size Projects - (eBMS Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 25 Data Capturing Templates for 150 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808,Register & Process Systemisation for Medium Size Projects - (Self Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 25 Data Capturing Templates for 150 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 150 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808,Register & Process Systemisation for Small Projects - (eBMS Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 10 Data Capturing Templates for 80 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 80 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+eBMS Pty Ltd,50068507808,Register & Process Systemisation for Small Projects - (Self Hosted),"eBMS automates any manual process or paper-based & spreadsheet type registers. We can turn your current register into a robust and customised system, helping you to achieve the desired outcomes.For example, if you are capturing service delivery issues relating to your department in a spreadsheet register, it will limit you due to no version control, workflow, automated escalation, audit trail, etc. We can automate your register which will save you time and drive the necessary outcomes.Watch the following clip for more detail:Animation ClipeBMS Platform Features: workflow, automated reminders & communication, flexible reporting, integration friendly, template customisation, business rule scheduling, multi-user security, etcOur offering includes the necessary workshops and liaison to ensure `process clarity' and the successful delivery of the following activities: Scoping, System architecture, System Development, Testing, Deployment and Training.For more info visit us at",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,A Unit : 10 Data Capturing Templates for 80 usersExample: Office Complaints Register with 80 users.,Australia,Victoria,,1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Email Security Services,"Optional security add-on services to Emantra Hosted Exchange enterprise email solution. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Services include Windows Rights Management (for document protection), Fedlink encryption, high-level filtering and monitoring, and Australian Government compliant info-class email tagging and smart routing.Services typically involve an engagement and analysis fee, implementation fee and a monthly pay as you use licence fee.",IaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Tailored security service per mailbox.,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Blackberry Enterprise Server add-on to Emantra Hosted Exchange service,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Blackberry Enterprise Server service utilizing RIM Blackberry and Microsoft Active-Sync technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,Email - Blackberry,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Full Microsoft Exchange integration with one Blackberry device.,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed customer relationship management system utilizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 user with 2GB aggregateable database allowance,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 10GB Mailbox,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Email service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox including Outlook client with Outlook Web App access - 10GB mailbox storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 1GB Mailbox,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Email service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox including Outlook client with Outlook Web App access - 1GB mailbox storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 2GB Mailbox,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Email service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox including Outlook client with Outlook Web App access - 2GB mailbox storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 5GB Mailbox,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed Email service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox including Outlook client with Outlook Web App access - 5GB mailbox storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft Project Server 2010,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed cproject management system service utilizing Microsoft Project Server 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.",SaaS,Office Productivity,Project Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 user with 2GB aggregateable database allowance,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft SharePoint 2010 - Enterprise Edition Server - SaaS,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed collaboration, portal, document management, website content management and workflow automation system service utilizing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user of Microsoft Exchange SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Edition with 100GB aggregated storage capacity,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft SharePoint 2010 - Foundation Site,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed collaboration, portal, document management, website content management and workflow automation system service utilizing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user of Microsoft Exchange SharePoint 2010 Foundation site with 100GB aggregated storage capacity,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Microsoft SharePoint 2010 - Standard Edition Server,"Enterprise-grade fully-managed collaboration, portal, document management, website content management and workflow automation system service utilizing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted SharePoint service - Foundation Site, Standard Server and Enterprise Server.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user of Microsoft Exchange SharePoint Server 2010 Standard Edition with 100GB aggregated storage capacity,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Physical Servers - Basic Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Physical Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based. The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic Server - 1x CPU QuadCore 4GB RAM 2x 300GB RAID1 HDD SASStandard - 1x CPU SixCore 16GB RAM 4x 300GB RAID10 HDD SASPremium (2x CPU SixCore 64GB RAM 6x 600GB RAID10 HDD SAS",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Basic Server - 1x CPU QuadCore 4GB RAM 2x 300GB RAID1 HDD SAS,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Physical Servers - Premium Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Physical Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based. The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic Server - 1x CPU QuadCore 4GB RAM 2x 300GB RAID1 HDD SASStandard - 1x CPU SixCore 16GB RAM 4x 300GB RAID10 HDD SASPremium (2x CPU SixCore 64GB RAM 6x 600GB RAID10 HDD SAS",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Premium Physical Server - 2x CPU SixCore 64GB RAM 6x 600GB RAID10 HDD SAS,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Physical Servers - Standard Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Physical Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based. The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic Server - 1x CPU QuadCore 4GB RAM 2x 300GB RAID1 HDD SASStandard - 1x CPU SixCore 16GB RAM 4x 300GB RAID10 HDD SASPremium (2x CPU SixCore 64GB RAM 6x 600GB RAID10 HDD SAS",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Standard Physical Server - 1x CPU SixCore 16GB RAM 4x 300GB RAID10 HDD SAS,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Secure Email Archive - Premium,"Enterprise-grade Secure Email Archive service utilizing Symantec EnterpriseVault technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes the relevant Symantec licence, 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.",SaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Symantec EnterpriseVault appliance based Secure Email Archive 10GB storage for 1 mailbox,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Secure Email Archive - Standard,"Enterprise-grade Secure Email Archive service utilizing Microsoft Exchange 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Microsoft Exchange Secure Email Archive 10GB storage,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Secure Storage - 1000GB,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 1000GB,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Secure Storage - 100GB,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 100GB,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Secure Storage - 10GB,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 10GB,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Secure Storage - 5 Terabytes,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 5 Terabytes,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Secure Storage - 500GB,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Secure Storage options - fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers flexible storage options by the Gigabyte or Terabyte per month, suitable for production and non-production environments.",SaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Hosted Secure Storage - 500GB,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted SQL Server Enterprise Edition Platform,"This service is an optional addition to Emantra's Hosted Virtual and Physical Servers. It provides for one dedicated instance of SQL Server 2012/2008 to act as a database server on that underlying infrastructure. It is suitable for running any third-party SQL based application. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",PaaS,Database Services,Suitable for hosting own SQL application,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1x Dedicated Instance SQL Server Enterprise Edition Role on Virtual or Physical Server. Excludes cost of underlying server.,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted SQL Server Standard Edition Platform,"This service is an optional addition to Emantra's Hosted Virtual and Physical Servers. It provides for one dedicated instance of SQL Server 2012/2008 to act as a database server on that underlying infrastructure. It is suitable for running any third-party SQL based application. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",PaaS,Database Services,Suitable for hosting own SQL application,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1x Dedicated Instance SQL Server Standard Edition Role on Virtual or Physical Server. Excludes cost of underlying server.,Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Virtual Servers - Basic Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Virtual Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic - 1x VCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB HDD/SANStandard - 2x VCPU, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD/SANPremium - 4x VCPU, 16GB RAM, 500GB HDD/SAN",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"Basic Virtual Server - 1x VCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB HDD/SAN",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Virtual Servers - Premium Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Virtual Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based. The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic - 1x VCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB HDD/SANStandard - 2x VCPU, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD/SANPremium - 4x VCPU, 16GB RAM, 500GB HDD/SAN",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Virtual Server - 4x VCPU, 16GB RAM, 500GB HDD/SAN",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Virtual Servers - Standard Microsoft Windows Server,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Virtual Servers fully managed service tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA.  Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.Emantra offers three standard levels of Hosted Physical ServersBasic - 1x VCPU, 1GB RAM, 10GB HDD/SANStandard - 2x VCPU, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD/SANPremium - 4x VCPU, 16GB RAM, 500GB HDD/SAN",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Virtual Server - 2x VCPU, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD/SAN",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Hosted Web Servers,"This service is an optional addition to Emantra's Hosted Virtual and Physical Servers. It provides for one dedicated instance of Windows Server 2012/2008 to act as a web server on that underlying infrastructure. It is suitable for hosting high performance websites. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Web Server Role including Windows Server 2012/2008R2 operating system and IIS8/7, suitable for high performance website hosting. Excludes cost of underlying virtual or physical server.",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Edition (incl Web Conferencing),"Enterprise-grade fully-managed desktop instant messaging service utilizing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,Instant Messaging,"Plus Presence, Web conferencing, Exchange and VOIP integratable",24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Edition (incl Web Conferencing),Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Standard Edition (excl Web Conferencing),"Enterprise-grade fully-managed desktop instant messaging service utilizing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 technology. This service is tailored for the Australian Government. It is hosted in Canberra on Emantra's existing Community Cloud infrastructure which is fully dedicated to Australian Government customers.The service sits behind a DSD Certified (PROTECTED level) Secure Internet Gateway, which can connect to ICON, the Internet and Private IP links.The service price includes 24/7 operations, maintenance and monitoring, and 24/7 full technical support. The service is 100% Australian based.The service price excludes the relevant Microsoft licence which can be assigned to the service from the Agency's Microsoft VSA. Alternatively, a Microsoft licence can be provided under the SPLA program, POA.",SaaS,Instant Messaging,"Plus Presence, Exchange and VOIP integratable",24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1x user Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Standard Edition (excl Web Conferencing),Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Shared Rack Space (Bring your own server) - Hi Touch Service,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Co-location Services tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers three standard levels of Co-lo service: No Touch (secure housing and connection only), Lo touch (plus ping monitoring and alert), Hi Touch (plus full server and bandwidth monitoring and daily back-up with 100GB allowance). Patching and other hands-on services also available, POA.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"1 Rack Unit (""RU"") per month",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Shared Rack Space (Bring your own server) - Lo Touch Service,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Co-location Services tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers three standard levels of Co-lo service: No Touch (secure housing and connection only), Lo touch (plus ping monitoring and alert), Hi Touch (plus full server and bandwidth monitoring and daily back-up with 100GB allowance). Patching and other hands-on services also available, POA.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"1 Rack Unit (""RU"") per month",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+Emantra Pty Ltd,98116306453,Shared Rack Space (Bring your own server) - No Touch,"Enterprise-grade Hosted Co-location Services tailored for Australian Government. Hosted in Canberra in locked cabinets dedicated to Australian Government customers. Connected to ICON, Internet and Private IP links. Behind DSD Certified Secure Internet Gateway to PROTECTED level.Emantra offers three standard levels of Co-lo service: No Touch (secure housing and connection only), Lo touch (plus ping monitoring and alert), Hi Touch (plus full server and bandwidth monitoring and daily back-up with 100GB allowance). Patching and other hands-on services also available, POA.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,"1 Rack Unit (""RU"") per month",Australia,ACT (Hume - Canberra Data Centre - on DC Facilities Panel) - PRIMARY,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,QLD (Springfield - Polaris DC) - BACK-UP,,3+ (Uptime Institute),Australia,"ACT (Bruce - NextDC C1) - DUAL ACTIVE, SECONDARY BACK-UP",,3+ (Uptime Institute),,,,,,,,

+eMite,44108495861,eMite Service Intelligence,"eMite's Service Intelligence Platform has been enabling IT departments and IT Outsourcers to Engage Pro-actively since 2007.eMite Service Intelligence Platform combines Analytics, Correlation, Capacity, Performance, Availability, and SLA Management into a single, out of the box solution. From the outset the aims have been to aggregate from any data source, provide multiple Service Models for both business and IT and to deliver this with a Presentation Layer that is truly end user driven.",SaaS,Information Management,"IT Service Management, Dashboard, Reporting and Capacity Planning",24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"A unit is a METRIC.A metric is a number or count that has a value / measurement of things like CPU, Disk Space, Response Time, Transaction Count, Que Length, etc. The metric can be collected 1000's of time per day but it is still considered as a single metric. Each Metric will have an actual value, a predicted value, a Min, Max and Average. A metric is a time series value. A metric can also be a transaction count for reporting on things like Service Desk Tickets.",Australia,NSW,,TIA 942 - Australian Data Centre Standard,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Business Continuity - Guaranteed Seats - 24x7,"In the event an agency needs an alternate office location to continue its operations, provision of guaranteed access to business continuity shared seats* with PCs and telephones are available via a subscription service per guaranteed seat per office location. Guaranteed seats includes us of shared office facilities, fax, photocopiers, printers. Shared access to meeting rooms and command center, use of kitchen facilities including use of coffee, tea and bar/food preparation areas during a rehearsal or in the event of a declaration. Guaranteed Seating: Is defined as the guaranteed availability of seats (not pre-allocated) in the event of a disaster declaration.Use of voice charges when onsite charged at cost, consumables to be supplied by agency. WAN and data transmission to be provided by agency preferred telecommunications provider to provide specific agency communication requirements. Service includes storage space and power of a network termination devices no more than 1RU in height with dimensions 300mmx400mm or less (maximum power and cooling allocation of 0.25kw). Capability for up to 100 call centre seats. Setup includes - site and resources setup; contract establishment, security authorisation, planning and implementation of client procedures. Telephony standard services setup includes up to 2 terminating numbers (includes a single queue for each number). Rehearsal: Allocated rehearsal of 2 days per annum of eight hour blocks during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 Guaranteed seat = guaranteedaccess to desk, PC and telephone for 12 months.An event fee applies, then usage fee based on seats and number of days.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Business Continuity - Guaranteed Seats - Business Hours,"In the event an agency needs an alternate office location to continue its operations, provision of guaranteed access to business continuity shared seats* with PCs and telephones are available via a subscription service per guaranteed seat per office location. Guaranteed seats includes us of shared office facilities, fax, photocopiers, printers. Shared access to meeting rooms and command center, use of kitchen facilities including use of coffee, tea and bar/food preparation areas during a rehearsal or in the event of a declaration. Guaranteed Seating: Is defined as the guaranteed availability of seats (not pre-allocated) in the event of a disaster declaration.Use of voice charges when onsite charged at cost, consumables to be supplied by agency. WAN and data transmission to be provided by agency preferred telecommunications provider to provide specific agency communication requirements. Service includes storage space and power of a network termination devices no more than 1RU in height with dimensions 300mmx400mm or less (maximum power and cooling allocation of 0.25kw). Capability for up to 100 call centre seats. Setup includes - site and resources setup; contract establishment, security authorisation, planning and implementation of client procedures. Telephony standard services setup includes up to 2 terminating numbers (includes a single queue for each number). Rehearsal: Allocated rehearsal of 2 days per annum of eight hour blocks during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 Guaranteed seat = guaranteedaccess to desk, PC and telephone for 12 months.An event fee applies, then usage fee based on seats and number of days.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Business Continuity - Shared Seats - 24x7,"In the event an agency needs an alternate office location to continue its operations, provision of shared access to business continuity shared seats* with PCs and telephones are available via a subscription service per shared seat per office location. Shared seats includes us of shared office facilities, fax, photocopiers, printers. Shared access to meeting rooms and command center, use of kitchen facilities including use of coffee, tea and bar/food preparation areas during a rehearsal or in the event of a declaration. Shared seats: access to seats on a shared basis during disaster declaration. Use of voice charges when onsite charged at cost, consumables to be supplied by agency. WAN and data transmission to be provided by agency preferred telecommunications provider to provide specific agency communication requirements.Service includes storage space and power of a network termination devices no more than 1RU in height with dimensions 300mmx400mm or less (maximum power and cooling allocation of 0.25kw). Capability for up to 100 call centre seats. Setup includes - site and resources setup; contract establishment, security authorisation, planning and implementation of client procedures. Telephony standard services setup includes up to 2 terminating numbers (includes a single queue for each number). Rehearsal: Allocated rehearsal of 2 days per annum of eight hour blocks during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 Shared seat = shared access to desk, PC and telephone for 12 months.An event fee applies, then usage fee based on seats and number of days.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Business Continuity - Shared Seats - Business Hours,"In the event an agency needs an alternate office location to continue its operations, provision of shared access to business continuity shared seats* with PCs and telephones are available via a subscription service per shared seat per office location. Shared seats includes us of shared office facilities, fax, photocopiers, printers. Shared access to meeting rooms and command center, use of kitchen facilities including use of coffee, tea and bar/food preparation areas during a rehearsal or in the event of a declaration. Shared seats: access to seats on a shared basis during disaster declaration. Use of voice charges when onsite charged at cost, consumables to be supplied by agency. WAN and data transmission to be provided by agency preferred telecommunications provider to provide specific agency communication requirements.Service includes storage space and power of a network termination devices no more than 1RU in height with dimensions 300mmx400mm or less (maximum power and cooling allocation of 0.25kw). Capability for up to 100 call centre seats. Setup includes - site and resources setup; contract establishment, security authorisation, planning and implementation of client procedures. Telephony standard services setup includes up to 2 terminating numbers (includes a single queue for each number). Rehearsal: Allocated rehearsal of 2 days per annum of eight hour blocks during business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays).",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 Shared seat = shared access to desk, PC and telephone for 12 months.An event fee applies, then usage fee based on seats and number of days.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 1kw Melbourne - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 1kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility, Mitcham1 (Mitcham);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 1kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 1kw Sydney - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 1kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility,Norwest 1 (Baulkham Hills);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 1kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 2kw Melbourne - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 2kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility, Mitcham1 (Mitcham);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 2kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 2kw Sydney - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 2kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility,Norwest 1 (Baulkham Hills);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 2kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 3kw Melbourne - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 3kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility, Mitcham1 (Mitcham);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 3kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,Victoria,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Enterprise Data Corporation Pty Ltd,78081017914,Colocation Data Centre - 42RU 3kw Sydney - 24x7,"Per 42RUstandard space (600mm x 1200mm depth), includes 2 x 32amp single phase circuits and 2x 32amp single phase metered PDU's. Power and cooling allocation of 3kw.Summary of Services & Benefits: Purpose built Data Centre and Business Resilience Facility,Norwest 1 (Baulkham Hills);Location Compliance outside risk areas, such as CBD, airports and known danger zones; Proven track record of availability and uptime; Easy access from multiple freeways and Access to car parking on site 24x7.",Other,Storage,Colocation Rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,42RU Rack unit 3kw = dedicated access to 42RU rack unit for 12 monthsPower and cooling consumption rates unit costs below.,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Backup & Recovery as a Service,"Remotely Backup Servers, Virtual Machines, Databases, Email Systems, Operating Systems and Files. Agent is installed at the Hypervisor or Operating System Layer, enabling imaged based backup and restoration, file based backup and restoration or (where supported) application level backup and restoration. Restores are enacted via self service portal. Deduplication Software allows for large data sets to be backed up over skinny network links.Backup & Recovery over the internet using EMC Avamar software. Pricing Applies per GB backed up, with a retention schedule of 30 Daily Full Backups.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,"Per GB of Data Backed up per month (billing based on largest daily backup per month). Provisioning cost unit is Per server (Windows, Linux) - May be Virtual or Physical",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Disaster Recovery (Basic),"When Purchased alongside Ethan 'Backup Services', the Disaster Recovery service will reserve space in Ethan IAAS platform for restoration of Virtual Servers. Servers may be powered on for testing/recovery purposes for 8 weeks per annum, measured if servers are powered on any time during any week. If Servers exceed the 8 weeks then pricing resorts to the monthly pricing allocated in the 'Virtual Servers' Offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Basic Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Disaster Recovery (Performance),"When Purchased alongside Ethan 'Backup Services', the Disaster Recovery service will reserve space in Ethan IAAS platform for restoration of Virtual Servers. Servers may be powered on for testing/recovery purposes for 8 weeks per annum, measured if servers are powered on any time during any week. If Servers exceed the 8 weeks then pricing resorts to the monthly pricing allocated in the 'Virtual Servers' Offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Performance Specification is 4VCPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Disaster Recovery (Standard),"When Purchased alongside Ethan 'Backup Services', the Disaster Recovery service will reserve space in Ethan IAAS platform for restoration of Virtual Servers. Servers may be powered on for testing/recovery purposes for 8 weeks per annum, measured if servers are powered on any time during any week. If Servers exceed the 8 weeks then pricing resorts to the monthly pricing allocated in the 'Virtual Servers' Offering.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Standard Specification is 2VCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Email - Hosted Exchange,"Hosted MS Exchange 2010. Includes Management of the Operating System, Exchange Platform, and Outlook Application Support.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,Per Mailbox. Maximum Mailbox Size 10GB.,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Instant Messaging - Hosted Lync,"Hosted MS Lync Server Standard. Includes Management of the Operating System, Lync Platform, and Lync Client Application Support.",SaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,Per User.,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Storage,"Hosted Storage. Must be connected to 'Virtual Server', 'TestDevelopment Environment' or 'Virtual Desktop'. Provisioned on High Speed SAS disk within EMC SAN array, with 'FAST' Tiering and Array based EFD for high IOPS Servers / periods. Storage is Presented as a disk to the Operating System of 'Virtual Server'. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,Per 10GB,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Test/Development Environment - IAAS Hosting (Basic),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Dev Test,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Basic Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Test/Development Environment - IAAS Hosting (Performance),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Dev Test,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Performance Specification is 4VCPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB Disk",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Test/Development Environment - IAAS Hosting (Standard),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Dev Test,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Standard Specification is 2VCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB Disk",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Virtual Desktop - Standard,Virtual Desktop (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Agency Based hosting environment. Accessible from the local network.,PaaS,Virtual Desktop,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Desktop. Standard Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Virtual Servers - IAAS Hosting (Basic),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Basic Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Virtual Servers - IAAS Hosting (Performance),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Performance Specification is 4VCPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Virtual Servers - IAAS Hosting (Standard),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Standard Specification is 2VCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB Disk Storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Website Hosting - IAAS Hosting (Basic),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Basic Specification is 1VCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB Disk Storage",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Website Hosting - IAAS Hosting (Performance),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Performance Specification is 4VCPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB Disk Storage",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ethan Group,93099503456,Website Hosting - IAAS Hosting (Standard),"Virtual Servers (Windows or Linux) are hosted within Ethan Group IAAS hosting environment. Accessible from the Internet and protected by a hosted Ethan Group Firewall, which will be configured to the security requirements determined by the Customer Administrator and Ethan Group. Self provisioning is enabled via the vCloud Director Client tool.",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,"Per Virtual Server. Standard Specification is 2VCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB Disk Storage",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,NSW,1.5,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Linux Large,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (4); RAM (8GB); Disk Space (250GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Linux Medium,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (2); RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Linux Micro,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (512 mb); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Linux Small,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Windows Large,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (4); RAM (8GB); Disk Space (250GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Windows Medium,"Customise your requirements for High AvailabilityCompute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (2); RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Windows Micro,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (512mb); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services - Windows Small,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Compute Services by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services Excess Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our Monthly Compute Services (Windows and Linux) which has not been pre paid prior to the start of a monthBlocks of Bandwidth can be pre purchased at a lower rate and there will be no additional charges if the pre paid quota is not reachedShould the pre paid quota be exceeded this excess rate will be charged for all usage over and above the pre paid limit,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Excess Data transfer (IN + OUT),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Compute Services Pre Paid Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our Monthly Compute Services (Windows and Linux) which is pre paid prior to the start of a monthBlocks of Bandwidth can be pre purchased at this rate and there will be no additional charges if the pre paid quota is not reachedShould the pre paid quota be exceeded an excess rate will be charged for all usage over and above the pre paid limit,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Data transfer (IN + OUT),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machine Pre Paid Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our Monthly Virtual Servers (Windows and Linux) which is pre paid prior to the start of a monthBlocks of Bandwidth can be pre purchased at this rate and there will be no additional charges if the pre paid quota is not reachedShould the pre paid quota be exceeded an excess rate will be charged for all usage over and above the pre paid limit,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Data transfer (IN + OUT),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Linux Large,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (4); RAM (8GB); Disk Space (250GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Linux Medium,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (2); RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Linux Small,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templatesThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Windows Large,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementThrough your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (4); RAM (8GB); Disk Space (250GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Windows Medium,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (2); RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Windows Micro,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (512mb); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Machines - Windows Small,"Customise your requirements for High Availability Virtual Machines by selecting the exact CPU, RAM, Compute Storage and Bandwidth resources you require which are billed monthly in advance. This model provides a 25% saving on CPU and RAM pricing when compared to our PAYG Virtual Private Data Centre productSelect from over 50 pre-configured Microsoft based operating system templates. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement Through your Fluccs Elastic interface you have the ability to view CPU usage, Reboot, Console access, rebuild, view IPs, reset root/administrator password, schedule and delete backups",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource - CPU (1); RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1)Billed Monthly in advance,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - Monthly Virtual Servers Excess Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our Monthly Virtual Servers (Windows and Linux) which has not been pre paid prior to the start of a monthBlocks of Bandwidth can be pre purchased at a lower rate and there will be no additional charges if the pre paid quota is not reachedShould the pre paid quota be exceeded this excess rate will be charged for all usage over and above the pre paid limit,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Excess Data transfer (IN + OUT),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Compute Services - Linux Large,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (4);RAM (8GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Compute Services Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our PAYG Compute Services (Windows and Linux).Bandwidth is charged at a fixed rate per GB utilised IN + OUT and invoiced in arrears at the end of each month along with resource usage,IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Data transfer,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Virtual Machines - Linux Large,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantlycreate and manage your own Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (4);RAM (8GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Virtual Machines Data,Data transfer (Bandwidth) used in conjunction with our PAYG Virtual Servers (Windows and Linux).Bandwidth is charged at a fixed rate per GB utilised IN + OUT and invoiced in arrears at the end of each month along with resource usage,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of Data transfer,Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go) Windows Small,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Linux Medium,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (2);RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Linux Micro,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (128MB); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Linux Small,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Windows Large,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (4);RAM (8GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Windows Medium,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (2);RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Windows Micro,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (128MB); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Compute Services -Windows Small,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Compute Services by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Compute Services including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Linux Medium,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (2);RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Linux Micro,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantlycreate and manage your own Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (128MB); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Linux Small,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 100 pre-configured Linux based operating system templates or create your own. You can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesCompute instances can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (1GB); Disk Space (50GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Windows Large,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (4);RAM (8GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Windows Medium,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantly create and manage your own High Availability Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (2);RAM (4GB); Disk Space (100GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fluccs,65109918747,High Availability Cloud - PAYG (Pay As You Go)Virtual Machines -Windows Micro,"Through your own Virtual Private Data Centre instantlycreate and manage your own High Availability Virtual Machines by accessing a dedicated pool of resources, paying only for the resources you are using, calculated on a `per hour' basis.The user friendly interface provides you with complete control over the creation, management and removal of Virtual Machines including CPU, RAM and compute storage space.Select from over 50 pre-configured Micrososft based operating system templates or create your own. Microsoft licences to be provided by the Agency in accordance with the Microsoft Volume Sourcing AgreementYou can run machines on a stand-alone basis or create private internal networks. Add Load Balancers which permit clustering or auto-scaling of compute instances including the replication of existing machinesVirtual Machines can be deployed and managed through your dedicated Fluccs portal or integrated via RESTful JSON and xml API",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Resource -CPU (1);RAM (128MB); Disk Space (5GB); IP (1),Australia,Queensland,&gt;2.0,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fujitsu Australia Limited,10001011427,Unified Communication as a Service,"Fujitsu's Cloud based collaboration service (UCaaS) provides a dedicated Australian cloud hosted Microsoft Lync Server 2010 service which can be consumed on a Per User per Month procurement model.Through the Microsoft Lync interface, users can start an instant messaging session with a single contact or multiple contacts. After starting an instant messaging session, users can invite other contacts to the session and add audio and video to the session without opening a new Conversation window.The solution within UCaaS includes the capability of Presence. Presence is a feature of Microsoft Lync Server 2010 that indicates a user's current availability allowing users to communicate with the right person at the right time. Presence awareness can extend to other Office applications and SharePoint. In each case the same presence indicator shows availability with the same interactive contact card and allows the opportunity to initiate communication from within those applications. Lync connects presence information with the MaaS solution. This includes presence status updates based on Exchange calendar information, IM and presence in Outlook Web Apps, out-of-office messages in Lync 2010, and presence status and click-to-communicate in from properly configured Outlook clients also running the Lync client software.UCaaS service provides peer-to-peer file transfer capability enabling users to transfer files within a conversation avoiding clogging of email systems.The collaboration Service leverages Symantec Enterprise Vault and Symantec IM Manager as a common compliance storage and management tool. Instant messaging conversations will be recorded within this compliance tool and be searchable through a single consistent interface. This service does not include Call Detail Records (CDR) for video or voice calls made using Lync.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"User, StorageAssumptions are 1000 users, HA=99.9%, customer supplied user licenses. Included in unit cost for standard Lync. Enterprise voice provisioning incurs additional costs depending on complexity and requirements.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fujitsu Australia Limited,10001011427,Collaboration as a Service,"Fujitsu's Collaboration as a Service delivers the level of security, resilience and performance that enterprises require, enabling customers to reduce IT costs and focus on their core business.Collaboration as a Service is delivering Microsoft SharePoint on the Fujitsu Cloud with the flexibility to meet business and users requirements. It is designed for all types of users from executive and power users to desk less and mobile workers, with options of a Dual site DR service.Collaboration as a Service provides customers with an enterprise grade Microsoft SharePoint environment on shared or dedicated virtual machines, scalable storage capacity and cloud-based backup services hosted in Fujitsu's data centres.Collaboration as a Service also consists of Supporting Service Elements that provide the foundation and control for the execution of support activities delivered through the service. These supporting elements are a mandatory component of the service:Infrastructure Management of the server, storage and networking componentsData Centre Services including facilities management and data centre operationsService Management including service desk and standard ITIL processes.Collaboration as a Service is designed to provide customers with a cost effective solution that delivers business class performance, flexibility, availability and scalability as standard.Fujitsu's Collaboration as a Service enables customers to use Fujitsu's computing and storage resources, as needed, paying just for the amount of resources required, under a Cloud consumption model.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"User, StorageAssumptions are 1000 users, HA=99.9%, customer supplied user licenses. Included in unit cost for standard SharePoint. Application migration and customisation depends on complexity and requirements.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fujitsu Australia Limited,10001011427,Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform,"The Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform (FGCP) Service delivers a dynamic, self-provisioned, pay as you go, highly available, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) across six Tier III data centres around the globe: Australia, UK, Japan, Singapore, Germany, and the USA.The Service Description Overview constitutes the description of the Service for the purposes of the Service Specification which forms a part of the Fujitsu Cloud Service Agreement.The Service delivers multi-tenanted capability from a pool of IT resources (network, storage and compute) and provides customisable virtual environments based on a set of pre-defined operating system templates (Windows and Linux). Procurement, configuration and management of these for Australian hosted resources are achieved using the FGCP Web Portal or the FGCP API (see FGCP Portal includes an infrastructure design studio to allow definition or selection of templates to create multi-tier architectures (maximum of three), enabling rapid deployment of infrastructures; and allowing capacity to be scaled both up and down in line with computing demands.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Compute, Storage, Network",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fujitsu Australia Limited,10001011427,Infrastructure as a Service,"Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides a range of compute, storage and network options.Compute is provided in the form as virtual machines (42 different configurations) in a shared environment.Networking is provided as an extension to customers existing network in form of a firewall protected dedicated VLAN. There are options for additional network capabilities such as VLANs, firewalls, and local and global traffic managers.The assumption is that the customer is self-service and connects to the IaaS service via direct connection. The base service provides firewall and VLAN.These comments are based on the existing pricing and service definitions and are subject to change.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Compute, Storage, NetworkThe cost to provision a base IaaS service for direct connected customers is nil. Customer is responsible for costs to connect to the Cloud Data Centre.The cost to provision a virtual machine using standard templates for compute and storage is nil. The cost for network options ranges from $50 depending upon the component.For a base compute VM with Windows OS, .",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fujitsu Australia Limited,10001011427,Mobile Device Management as a Service,"Fujitsu's global Managed Mobile service manages customer's smartphones, tablets and end devices and the applications and settings within them using standardized services, management tools and methods regardless of the user's location.Depending on device model service components are applied to an applicable extent depending on the mobile operating platform functionality availability. The service incorporates standardized processes and hardware configurations for the management of mobile devices.The managed service is centrally delivered from a state-of-the-art and PCI, Finnish Government (VAHTI), ISO27001 certified Fujitsu Tier 3 data centre in Finland and supported by Fujitsu's global 2nd lineservice desk in Ldz, Poland. The Managed Mobile service is delivered as a Cloud service unless otherwise agreed.Fujitsu will deliver our well established Managed Mobile services across all areas of our Customer's business - to all end users and their devices - controlled by our ITIL compliant service delivery management processes.The Managed Mobile service secures our Customer's devices, networks, mobile applications and data. Data is SSL encrypted 128bit in transit. Fujitsu administrator activities are logged and visible and Fujitsu personnel only have access to our Customer's mobile device asset data. No corporate Customer data rest in Fujitsu networks and secure user IDs and access credentials are audited and certified according to ISO27001.A multi-tenant architecture with separate database instances for each Customer and relevant governance and service management processes ensure data protection and integrity.The Fujitsu offering takes into account the latest technologies for and tablets, new ways of working including role based, mobile task working, accessing corporate systems and integrating new ways of presenting applications.Combining decades of experience in running desktop estates all around the world with our innovation - Fujitsu will deliver cost competitive and reliable Managed Mobile services for our customers.",SaaS,Content Management,Mobile Device Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"UserAssumptions: 1,000 users, core services only (Cloud infrastructure, software license and managed service including 2nd; 3rd and 4th level service desk)$30,000 including architecture (service integration - Infrastructure changes)",Finland,,,Tier 3,Customer site,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fujitsu Australia Limited,10001011427,IT Management as a Service,"Delivered as an on-demand service through Fujitsu's Global Cloud Infrastructure, IT Management as a Service (ITMaaS) gives you the visibility you need to actively monitor and manage your IT environments. The technology driving the Monitoring, Service Desk, and Cloud Application Monitoring services is Nimsoft. All three services have been architected to be integrated under a unified messaging hub or sold separately.Fujitsu's Service Desk as a Service (SDaaS) provides customers with a clear, consistent interface between business and IT. It accelerates incident response and enables active IT management --so customers can increase end user satisfaction, reduce costs, and meet business objectives.Fujitsu's Monitoring as a Service (MONaaS) solution enables:Sophisticated root cause analysis and speeds issue identification.Automatic deployment and configuration.Scalable, extensible architecture and data collection.Intuitive visualization and reporting and sophisticated alarms enable fast, timely insights.Fujitsu ITMaaS provides a compelling alternative to costly and complex on-premise solutions. Powered by Nimsoft, you can leverage the industry's only unified IT Management as a Service solution - giving you all the capabilities you need to ensure a high performance environment - without the cost or complexity of on-premise deployment.The suite marries the broadest set of monitoring data with ITIL v3 best-practice event-to -resolution workflows to provide exceptional service levels. Instead of suffering the lengthy, complex deployments that can be faced with on-premise solution, ITMaaS can be deployed in weeks, rather than months.",SaaS,Information Management,IT Service Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Notes:Service Desk aaS to support a desk of 5 fixed users with a 24x7 (3 shifts/day roster of 10 agents)Availability of HA (99.9%)Price is inclusive of:o Infrastructureo24x7 email and telephone supportoMaintenance and upgrades Notes:Monitoring aaS to support :o 100 x network deviceso50 x advanced network deviceso100 x serverso50 x application serversoService Response Time -o10 x testing locations for critical applicationso5 x storage arraysAvailability of HA (99.9%)Price is inclusive of:o Infrastructureo24x7 email and telephone supportoMaintenance and upgrades,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fujitsu Australia Limited,10001011427,Messaging as a Service,"Fujitsu's Messaging as a Service (MaaS) offering provides a secure and scalable, cloud hosted email platform, based on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. Our solution delivers an enterprise-grade service that is locally hosted in Australia ensuring that customer data stays in country at all times and ensuring data sovereignty. Providing enterprise capable, cloud messaging created challenges and Fujitsu has worked with global technology partners such as Microsoft, Cisco, CA and Symantec to design build and operate our MaaS platform.The platform is designed to meet the needs of the Enterprise customer and is designed to incorporate a number of key principles including:Offer high availabilityHosted within NSW across dual Tier III data centresEmbedded securityAbility to scale for the largest customers, utilising commoditised Infrastructure as a ServiceIndustrialised design and accelerated transitionA messaging platform, up to date with market releases of Exchange, Evergreen24x7 MaaS management and supportA feature rich Archiving and Compliance serviceOptions for inclusion of tools such as Microsoft LyncOther considerations of our MaaS design include advanced integration with VoIP systems, Microsoft, Lync (Unified Communications as a Service, UCaaS) integration with SharePoint and services such as Desktop as a Service, allowing access anywhere anytime. To support our customers and their MaaS experience Fujitsu incorporated world class IT Service Management standards. Our service is supplied by our ISO 20000 support teams and to enhance the user experience a MaaS user portal is available to allow self-help and access to information such as the FAQ repository. Further, users authorised by the customer are able to log and track incidents, view reports, and create Service Requests.To underpin the solution and to deliver the highest level of security Fujitsu's MaaS platform is hosted in our ISO 27001 accredited Data centres and Fujitsu leverages evergreen cloud capabilities that will be used to support the customer. The Fujitsu Maas offering that will always provide the latest product enhancements from vendors, supporting the customer in never having to plan or conduct an email infrastructure upgrade again. The upgrades will be delivered in partnership with the customer utilising standard Operational Change Management in support of the business.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Mailbox, Storage, OptionsAssumptions are 1000 users, HA=99.9%, customer supplied user licenses. Depends on network links and migration requirements.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3 aligned,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fuse Information Technologies Ltd,70116793300,S2T Direct,"The HP TRIM Records Management System now has excellent connectivity to Salesforce CRM. A number of applications are provided to ensure specific business requirements are met. For example some applications target users who primarily work in Salesforce, while others are for TRIM centric users.This offering is for S2T, a native application that pushes attachments, chatter documents and even records to TRIM. This application is Salesforce centric so users interact with TRIM web services from within Salesforce. Making cloud documents available on a local server helps organisations meet document governance and regulatory compliance obligations.S2T allows Salesforce attachments and chatter documents to be saved to TRIM while individual records are automatically converted to PDF format first, and then pushed. S2T can be configured for multiple TRIM instances.See our web page for more",SaaS,Document Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,A unit is one Salesforce user per month (SaaS based),USA,California,1.47,IV,USA,Virginia,1.47,IV,Singapore,Singapore,1.47,IV,Japan,Tokyo,1.47,IV,,,,

+Fuse Information Technologies Ltd,70116793300,S4S Data Recovery Solution,FuseIT offer a wide range of integration solutions between Salesforce and Sitecore CMS. To expand the data sharing capabilities of these systems we also provide tools to federate the information to other systems.The S4S Data Recovery Solution automatically pulls the data from a Salesforce Data Export and inserts it into a fully referenced SQL Server database. This is then available for federation to other systems including exposure in Sitecore CMS web pages to users with the required credentials.With the S4S Data Recovery Solution you can reveal your Salesforce data to privileged users on your local Sitecore website. This gives companies the ability to access their critical data if the connection to Salesforce is lost. The solution also provides a number of opportunities to selectively share your Salesforce data to other sources without constraints.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,An installation that connects one Sitecore CMS (or Sitecore Intranet) instance with one associated Salesforce instance,N.A. (Client installed SaaS backup software),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Fuse Information Technologies Ltd,70116793300,T4S,"The HP TRIM Records Management System now has excellent connectivity to Salesforce CRM. A number of applications are provided to ensure specific business requirements are met. For example some applications target users who primarily work in Salesforce, while others are for TRIM centric users.This offering is for T4S, a Salesforce centric application that pushes and pulls documents to and from HP TRIM. Salesforce records can also be saved to TRIM as PDF documents. This application can be configured so the pushes to TRIM are fully automated and largely invisible to Salesforce users. Alternatively users can manage document transfers manually on a file by file basis.T4S is installed as a package into Salesforce. It also requires .NET based middleware to be installed on a local network server. T4S interacts with TRIM web services and can be configured for multiple TRIM instances.Making cloud documents available on a local server helps organisations meet document governance and regulatory compliance obligations.See more at our web page",SaaS,Document Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,A unit is one Salesforce user per month (SaaS based),USA,California,1.47,IV,USA,Virginia,1.47,IV,Singapore,Singapore,1.47,IV,Japan,Tokyo,1.47,IV,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Design Collaboration Web site,"Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to design a Collaboration Website to support interactive features such as User Registration, Permissions, Search, Wikis, Forums, Appointments. Activities and deliverables include;<br/>&bull; Requirements Gathering and solution outline<br/>&bull; Authentication & Permissions model<br/>&bull; Data Model / Information Architecture<br/>&bull; Wireframes and Graphic Designer Mock-ups<br/>&bull; Mobile device optimisationDelivery management using GovSource ALM Cloud hosted management platform.",Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, and 3 collaborative plugins (eg forum, wiki, appointments, support tickets), on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Design on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Build Collaboration Web site,"Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to build a Collaboration website including features such as Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, Correspondence, WIkis, Forums, Appointments, on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etcWebsite on common CMS platform (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla etc). Activities and deliverables include;Build<br/>&bull; Basic System Installation & configuration<br/>&bull; Home Page, Theme, & Navigation Framework<br/>&bull; Custom search screens<br/>&bull; Security Review & Penetration Test<br/>&bull; Search Engine OptimisationManagement & Delivery using GovSource ALM clound hosted management platform.<br/>&bull; Architecture / Quality Assurance<br/>&bull; Project Management<br/>&bull; Documentation, Packaging & deliveryIncludes hosting of test server infrastructure on Sydney Amazon IaaS cloud for duration of the project plus 1 month.",Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, and 3 collaboration plugins (eg wiki, forum, helpdesk, Appointments) on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Construction and testing on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Design Transcational Web site,Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to design a Transactional Website to support an automated business process. Includes static content and user collaboration features plus customisation such as online forms and system integration. Activities and deliverables include;<br/>&bull; Requirements Gathering<br/>&bull; Detailed Requirements Gathering<br/>&bull; Solution Outline<br/>&bull; Data Model / Information Architecture<br/>&bull; Integration Model<br/>&bull; Security Model<br/>&bull; High Level Use Cases<br/>&bull; Wireframes and Graphic Designer Mock-ups<br/>&bull; Mobile device optimizationDelivery management using GovSource ALM cloud hosted management platform.,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, Correspondence, Forums, Appointments, 5 transactional features (eg online Forms, Integration with Backend systems and Third party applications, Payments) on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc. Design on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Build Transactional Web site,"Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to build a Transactional Website to automate a business process - including static conent management, user management, collaboration features, Online Forms, Payments, and Integration to Back End systems and/or third party systems. Build utilises common CMS platform (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla etc) and common application development language (PHP, Java etc). Activities and deliverables include;Build<br/>&bull; Basic System Installation & configuration<br/>&bull; Home Page, Theme, & Navigation Framework<br/>&bull; User Roles & permissions<br/>&bull; Web Forms design and implementation<br/>&bull; Custom search screens<br/>&bull; Custom Workflows<br/>&bull; External System Integration Touchpoints<br/>&bull; Self-service registration & profile management<br/>&bull; External Authentication / SSO<br/>&bull; Online Forum<br/>&bull; Online Payments (credit card & Paypal)<br/>&bull; Customer messaging (email & sms)<br/>&bull; Simple Feedback & Content rating<br/>&bull; Customer Helpdesk & support<br/>&bull; Other Data Source migration (source count)<br/>&bull; Security Review & Penetration Test<br/>&bull; Search Engine OptimisationManagement & Delivery using GovSource ALM cloud hosted development management platform.<br/>&bull; Architecture / Quality Assurance<br/>&bull; Project Management<br/>&bull; Documentation, Packaging & deliveryIncludes hosting of test server infrastructure on Sydney Amazon IaaS cloud for duration of the project plus 1 month.",Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, User Resigration, Permissions, Search, 5 transactional features (eg Correspondence, Forums, Appointments, Forms, Integration with Backend and Third party applications, payments), on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Construction and testing on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Design Mobile App,Provision and supervision of crowd sourced expert resources to design a Mobile App. Activities and deliverables include;<br/>&bull; Requirements Gathering<br/>&bull; Detailed Requirements Gathering<br/>&bull; Solution Outline<br/>&bull; Data Model / Information Architecture<br/>&bull; Integration Model<br/>&bull; Security Model<br/>&bull; High Level Use Cases<br/>&bull; Wireframes and Graphic Designer Mock-upsDelivery management using GovSource ALM clound hosted delivery management platform.,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Mobile App (3 Forms, 1 platform feature such as GPS, Camera, Microphone, backend integration, two platforms including IOS and Android). Design on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Build Mobile App,Provision & supervision of crowd sourced expert resources to build a Mobile App. Activities and deliverables include;<br/>&bull; Register & Configure private app market<br/>&bull; Basic App<br/>&bull; User Roles & profiles<br/>&bull; Size optimisation<br/>&bull; External System Integration Touchpoints<br/>&bull; Self-service registration & profile management<br/>&bull; Camera features<br/>&bull; Sound features<br/>&bull; Microphone features<br/>&bull; GPS features<br/>&bull; Bluetooth features<br/>&bull; Integration with other mobile apps<br/>&bull; Integration with backend/third party systems<br/>&bull; Integration with other devices<br/>&bull; Local storage features<br/>&bull; Online Payments (credit card & Paypal)<br/>&bull; Customer messaging (email & sms)<br/>&bull; Simple Feedback & Content rating<br/>&bull; Customer Helpdesk & supportMobile analytics<br/>&bull; Self Updater<br/>&bull; iOS<br/>&bull; AndroidManagement using GovSource ALM Cloud hosted management platform.,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Mobile App (3 Forms, 1 platform feature such as GPS, Camera, Microphone, backend integration, two platforms including IOS and Android). Design and Testing on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Migrate existing paper form online,Provision and supervision of crowd sourced expert resources to migrate an existing paper form online. Activities and deliverables include;<br/>&bull; Form Design & Data model* HTML5 form creation<br/>&bull; XML Message definition* Data mapping to agency serviceDelivery management using GovSource ALM clound hosted management platform.,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Design and Testing on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1 medium complexity paper Form equivalent.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Data exchange service design & development,"For organisations that want to automate data exchange interactions with external parties, this service provides crowd sourced expert resources to analyse data flows and design an XML web service. Deliverables include the XML Schema & WSDL describing the service, together with supporting documentation for service consumers. A typical usage would be a government agency that needs to exchange data with other agencies, external customers, or cloud based systems. Data exchange services are designed in accordance with international best practices.",Other,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per business transaction (requesting & responding XML messages),Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Data exchange service external test harness hosting,"For organisations that are planning to implement data exchange services, especially transactional services (eg application lodgments), there is usually a requirement to provide consumers with a test interface. This service provides a cloud hosted test harness that can simulate the behaviour of the production system. The test harness includes full documentation of test suite and test cases for each interface, and provides a fully functional test end-point that implements all the validation rules defined in the test cases. There is also a collaboration forum for testers to discuss implementation issues and a facility for implementers to register their products or services and make compliacne claims. See - a GovSource service. The establishment fee covers the development and implementation of the test suite whilst the monthly fee covers the ongoing hosting of the test interface - for an unlimited number of testers.",SaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per transactional test service (any number of versions) per month. Includes development & implementation of test cases.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,IaaS hosted development / test servers,"GovSource crowd souring platform provides customers with the ability to deploy applications to Australian hosted cloud infrastructure. These cloud infrastructure services include a fully managed set of development environments, testing environments, and source code repositories. GovSource customers have the choice of multiple instance types, operating systems, and software packages. They can select configurations of memory, CPU, and instance storage, that is optimal for the choice of operating system and application. Servers can be hosted in a secure VPN if required.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Development & Test environments (IaaS hourly subsciption). Service unit = 1 hour per server.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,PaaS hosted production server,Applications developed using GovSource crowd resources and cloud hosted development environments can be transitioned either to cloud hosted or agency hosted production environments. This service provides cloud hosted production environments in the Amazon Sydney zone (Public IaaS) and therefore is suitable for unclassified data (including commercial or private data subject to appropriate approvals). The service includes capacity & availability management with auto-scaling (up and down) and hosting across two data centres. The service also includes application platform management for any GovSource provisioned project.,PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Production environments (PaaS hourly subsciption). Service unit = 1 hour per server.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,SaaS Application Lifecycle Management Platform (Basic),"GovSource provides a global pool of crowd-sourced development resources combined with local architects for project design & assurance. This service provides a cloud (SaaS) hosted ""Application Lifecycle Management"" (ALM) platform (basic level). THe service includes a Project Management suite, Documentation respositor and a Source Code Version Control repository.",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Application Lifecycle Management Platform - Basic (SaaS Monthly subscription). Service unit = 1 month per project.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,SaaS Application Lifecycle Management Platform (Premium),"GovSource provides a global pool of crowd-sourced development resources combined with local architects for project design & assurance. This service provides a cloud (SaaS) hosted ""Application Lifecycle Management"" (ALM) platform (premium level). The service includes a Project Management suite, Documentation respository, Source Code Version Control repository, Continuous Integration server, binary repository, and code quality metrics analyser.",SaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Application Lifecycle Management Platform - Premium (SaaS Monthly subscription). Service unit = 1 month per project.,Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Design Static Web site,Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources and cloud hosted delivery management platform to design a Static Information Website including page themes and publishing workflow model. Activities and deliverables include;<br/>&bull; Data Model / Information Architecture<br/>&bull; Wireframes and Graphic Designer Mock-ups<br/>&bull; Mobile device optimisation,Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Design on GovSource online ALM and cloud Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+GovSource Pty Ltd,41161080146,Build Static Web site,"Provision & supervision of crowd sources resources to build a Static Information Website on common CMS platform (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla etc). Activities and deliverables include;Build<br/>&bull; Basic System Installation & configuration<br/>&bull; Home Page, Theme, & Navigation Framework<br/>&bull; Security Review & Penetration Test<br/>&bull; Search Engine OptimisationDelivery management using GovSource ALM Cloud hosted management platform:<br/>&bull; Quality Assurance<br/>&bull; Project Management<br/>&bull; Documentation, Packaging & deliveryIncludes hosting of test server infrastructure on Sydney Amazon IaaS cloud for duration of the project plus 1 month",Managed Service,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"10 Page templates, Delegated Authoring, on a common CMS platform such as Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc). Construction and testing on GovSource online ALM and Infrastructure. Service unit = 1",Australia,NSW,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,As per Amazon Web Services current rating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Large Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Large Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Large Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Large Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Large Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Large Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Large Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Large Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Medium Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Medium Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Medium Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Medium Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Small Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Small Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Small Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Small Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server HP-UX Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Small Managed Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS HP-UX Server Small Itanium,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3 Scheduled Outage 5,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt2,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Medium xl Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Linux Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Linux itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Linux Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1a,"A Large Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer. 4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Large x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3b,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4b,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3b,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1a,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1b,"A Medium Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium xl Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Medium xl Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium XL Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Medium xl x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1a,"A Small Managed Physical Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Server Small x86,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Server Windows Tier 4 Witness Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,This server is required when Tier 4 Database clusters are deployed in Dual data centres.  1 per customer.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Windows Tier 4 Witness Server,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage High Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt3,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage High Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage High Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt3a,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage High Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage High Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt4,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage High Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage High Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt4a,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage High Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage High Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt3,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage High Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage High Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt3a,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage High Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage High Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt4,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage High Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage High Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt4a,"High Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  XP Array with 300GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 6 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage High Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Nearline R5 24x7x365 Opt1,"Price effective Managed SAN Storage, Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 1TB FATA Drives",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Nearline Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Nearline R5 24x7x365 Opt1a,"Price effective Managed SAN Storage, Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 1TB FATA Drives",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Nearline Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Nearline R5 Bus. Hours Opt1,"Price effective Managed SAN Storage, Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 1TB FATA Drives",IaaS,Storage,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 15 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Nearline Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Nearline R5 Bus. Hours Opt1a,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 15 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Nearline Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt2,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt2b,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Perf R1 24x7x365 Opt2c,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID1 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Performance Raid-1 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt2,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"ECS Storage Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt2b,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Managed Storage Perf R5 24x7x365 Opt2c,"Mid Level Managed SAN Storage RAID5 Allocated (not RAW), Install charge per LUN and monthly charge per Gbyte.  EVA Array with 450GB FC Drives.  When using Tier 4 storage disk at both end is included but the replication link and software is not.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Storage Performance Raid-5 (per GB, with a provisioing cost/LUN)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt2a,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  8 Processor,32 Core with 256 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical 24x7x365 Opt3b,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Large Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Large Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor, 32 Core with 192 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Large Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2a,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  4 Processor,16 Core with 96 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3b,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 64 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt2a,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running HP UX.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include HP UX or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 48 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS Integrity Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical 24x7x365 Opt3b,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server Small Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Small Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 24 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server Small Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical 24x7x365 Opt3a,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Unmanaged Server X-Medium Physical Bus. Hours Opt1,"A Medium-XL Unmanaged Physical Server running Windows or Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, SAN connections and network connections.  It does not include Windows or Linux or management of the OS  itself.   It is dedicated to the customer.  2 Processor, 8 Core with 144 Gbytes RAM.  SLA at Hardware level only. No tools above the hardware included.",IaaS,Physical Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,X86 Server X-Medium Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Linux Server Bus. Hours Opt1,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt3,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server 24x7x365 Opt3a,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Bus. Hours Opt1,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Bus. Hours Opt1a,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Bus. Hours Opt1a,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 1:4 24x7x365 Opt3,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 1:4 Bus. Hours Opt1,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 24x7x365 Opt2,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Linux 24x7x365 Opt3,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Linux Bus. Hours Opt1,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Linux.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating systems, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Linux license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Linux (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) (Oversub 1:4),Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2b,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt2c,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) (Oversub 1:4),Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt3,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) (Oversub 1:4),Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 24x7x365 Opt3a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 Bus. Hours Opt1,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) (Oversub 1:4),Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 1:4 Bus. Hours Opt1a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (with oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB) (Oversub 1:4)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2a,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2b,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt2c,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt3a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt3b,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows 24x7x365 Opt3c,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows Bus. Hours Opt1a,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"Utility Services vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows Bus. Hours Opt1b,Extra RAM for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 16 per Virtual Server.   Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1GB RAM) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Server Windows Bus. Hours Opt1c,Extra Cores for  either a Windows or Linux guest Operating system to use to a maximum of 8 per Virtual Server.     Use for Virtual Managed Servers or SAP Virtual Managed Servers,IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Utility Services vSystem (+1core) Option,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Windows Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 3,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Windows Server 24x7x365 Opt2 Scheduled Outage 4,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Windows Server 24x7x365 Opt3,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Windows Server Bus. Hours Opt1,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Managed Windows Server Bus. Hours Opt1d,"Base Level Managed Virtual Server running Windows.  It includes the price of Hardware, Management of the guest Operating system, SAN connections and network connections along with VMware.  It does not include the Windows license itself. It includes a guaranteed core and 1GB RAM (no oversubscription)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 30 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"vOS Windows (1core, 1GB)",Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Unmanaged Server 24x7x365 Opt2,"A full 48 core blade running VMware with guest operating systems managed by customer (pre-allocated cores and RAM at install time).  Includes Hardware, network, VMware licenses and SAN port.  It does not include Management of the guest operating systems.  SLAs are only on the hardware availability.  No OS tools or software included, assumed customer provided.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Virtual Server Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd,74004394763,Virtual Unmanaged Server 24x7x365 Opt3,"A full 48 core blade running VMware with guest operating systems managed by customer (pre-allocated cores and RAM at install time).  Includes Hardware, network, VMware licenses and SAN port.  It does not include Management of the guest operating systems.  SLAs are only on the hardware availability.  No OS tools or software included, assumed customer provided.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,ECS X86 Virtual Server Unmanaged,Australia,NSW,1.3,3+,Australia,NSW,1.78,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Holocentric Pty Ltd,73052972095,Business Management System Modelling Platform,A client specific Business Management System (BMS) built in Holocentric Modeler is hosted and users of Holocentric Modlepedia access the BMS via a SaaS subscription licensing modelModel changes are made by model authors with strict permissionsUsers of the model can view and navigate the model to areas that relate to their roles in the business. Those roles can link to other services or systems in the organisations as defined by model,SaaS,Modelling - Simulation,Business Management Systems and Modelling,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,User Account,Australia : Holocentric uses a service provided by Globalswitch,NSW,,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Content Delivery Service,"Hostworks' Content Delivery Service provides accelerated delivery of web sites hosted by Hostworks, as well enabling high-capacity delivery of rich media services, e.g. on-demand audio/video and live streaming.The Content Delivery Service utilises caching and media streaming infrastructure located in multiple, geographically diverse data centres. This content delivery infrastructure is able to directly service client requests for cacheable web and media assets from any of the Content Delivery Service nodes, relieving load from the origin servers, increasing overall capacity and improving response time to the end customer.Services supported on the Content Delivery Service include:<br/>&bull; Websites;<br/>&bull; Secure websites (SSL certificate support);<br/>&bull; On-demand streaming;<br/>&bull; Live streaming; and<br/>&bull; Progressive download.The Content Delivery Service is priced on a per GB of data delivered outbound from the service to the end customer for dedicated media delivery (i.e. streaming or progressive download or on-demand audio/video services). For accelerated delivery of websites hosted in Hostworks' data centres the use of the service is included in the traffic fees applicable to web hosting managed services.The maximum price reflected is for 1GB of data delivered outbound from the service to the end customer for dedicated media delivery (i.e. streaming or progressive download or on-demand audio/video services).",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,1GB,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Dedicated Server Hosting,"Hostworks' Dedicated Service Hosting service provides customers with a hosting service for physical servers in one of Hostworks' data centres.This service is a foundation service for physical servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Data centre services including rack space, power and cooling for the physical server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the physical server via inbuilt management cards and alerting mechanisms;<br/>&bull; Optional SAN connectivity for non-local storage; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Physical racking, stacking and connecting the physical server into Hostworks' data centre and shared networks; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the physical server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; The physical server to be housed in Hostworks' data centre. This can be either customer provided, to an agreed specification with Hostworks, or provided through Hostworks at an additional cost;<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the physical server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing;This service provides a single server service level of 98% depending on the hardware vendor support arrangements in place.This service is configured based on the data centre, number or rack units required (maximum of 4), number of network connections required (maximum of 4), and whether SAN connectivity is required.Actual cost varies by data centre location, number of rack units, number of network ports required, and whether SAN connectivity is required.Maximum cost represented below is for a 4RU physical server, with 4 network connections, in our NSW data centre, with optional SAN connectivity.",Other,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,"Dedicated hosting services including rack space, network connectivity and SAN connectivity.",Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Advanced Application Delivery Controller Service,Hostworks' Application Delivery Controller service provides hardware-based load-balancing and additional services to environments housed in Hostworks' Data Centres.This service is an optional service for customers seeking either load-balancing or more application focused network services. This service is offered in two service tiers:<br/>&bull; Standard service including: o Load-balancing services using round-robin or least connections methods; o Application health check services; o SSL Termination for offloading SSL processing from web servers; o Standard HTTP acceleration using standard shared cache and compression services to improve application performance; and o URL Traffic Management providing content switching and header rewriting capabilities to overcome application complexities and requirements.<br/>&bull; Advanced service including the Standard service inclusions plus: o Content Filtering and Rewriting capabilities;  o Custom HTTP Acceleration using a dedicated cache; o Custom Health Checks; and o Optional Web Application Firewall (WAF) Service to provide protection for web applications from the growing number of application layer attacks.This service is provided in each data centre location with a 99.9% service level.The Standard service includes 50Mbps HTTP and 10Mbps SSL traffic while the Advanced services includes 250Mbps HTTP and 100Mbps SSL traffic.The Web Application Firewall is an additional option to the Advanced service.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as this service has the ability to scale to significantly higher traffic volumes. The maximum price reflected here is for an off-the-shelf product of an Advanced Service with optional Web Application Firewall with 250Mbps HTTP/100Mbps SSL traffic throughput.,IaaS,Off,Load Balancing and Application Firewalling,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per instance,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Advanced Application Delivery Controller with Web Application Firewall Service,Hostworks' Application Delivery Controller service provides hardware-based load-balancing and additional services to environments housed in Hostworks' Data Centres.This service is an optional service for customers seeking either load-balancing or more application focused network services. This service is offered in two service tiers:<br/>&bull; Standard service including: o Load-balancing services using round-robin or least connections methods; o Application health check services; o SSL Termination for offloading SSL processing from web servers; o Standard HTTP acceleration using standard shared cache and compression services to improve application performance; and o URL Traffic Management providing content switching and header rewriting capabilities to overcome application complexities and requirements.<br/>&bull; Advanced service including the Standard service inclusions plus: o Content Filtering and Rewriting capabilities;  o Custom HTTP Acceleration using a dedicated cache; o Custom Health Checks; and o Optional Web Application Firewall (WAF) Service to provide protection for web applications from the growing number of application layer attacks.This service is provided in each data centre location with a 99.9% service level.The Standard service includes 50Mbps HTTP and 10Mbps SSL traffic while the Advanced services includes 250Mbps HTTP and 100Mbps SSL traffic.The Web Application Firewall is an additional option to the Advanced service.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as this service has the ability to scale to significantly higher traffic volumes. The maximum price reflected here is for an off-the-shelf product of an Advanced Service with optional Web Application Firewall with 250Mbps HTTP/100Mbps SSL traffic throughput.,IaaS,Off,Load Balancing and Application Firewalling,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per instance,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Archive Storage with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Storage with Disaster Recovery provides additional customer data storage resources to add to existing Elastic Compute Platform virtual servers with disaster recovery already enabled, plus data replication between Elastic Compute Platform SANs in different data centres to facilitate Disaster Recovery. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires a Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform Virtual Server with Disaster Recovery and a Managed Operating System service.This service is an optional storage service to add additional storage capacity for customer data and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the storage;<br/>&bull; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the storage resources; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required storage; and o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Backup services.This service provides additional resources in line with the server's operating system. As a stand alone entity this service provides a service level of 99.9%.This service is configured based on 10GB increments of Archive storage per server.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as the sizing is an unreasonable comparison point. The maximum price reflected here is for one 10GB increment of Fast storage to an existing server.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB increment,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Archive Storage without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Storage without Disaster Recovery provides additional customer data storage resources to add to either existing Elastic Compute Platform virtual servers or Hostworks managed physical servers connected to the Elastic Compute Platform SAN. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires either a Hostworks' Managed Physical Server with Managed Operating Systems or a Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform Virtual Server with a Managed Operating System service.This service is an optional storage service to add additional storage capacity for customer data and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the storage;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the storage resources; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required storage.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Backup services.This service provides additional resources in line with the server's operating system. As a stand alone entity this service provides a service level of 99.9%.This service is configured based on 10GB increments of Archive storage per server.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as the sizing is an unreasonable comparison point. The maximum price reflected here is for one 10GB increment of Fast storage to an existing server.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB increment,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Basic Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Basic Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual server;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Enterprise Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Enterprise Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual server;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Entry Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Entry Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual server;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - High Performance Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - High Performance Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual server;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Application Delivery Controller Service,Hostworks' Application Delivery Controller service provides hardware-based load-balancing and additional services to environments housed in Hostworks' Data Centres.This service is an optional service for customers seeking either load-balancing or more application focused network services. This service is offered in two service tiers:<br/>&bull; Standard service including: o Load-balancing services using round-robin or least connections methods; o Application health check services; o SSL Termination for offloading SSL processing from web servers; o Standard HTTP acceleration using standard shared cache and compression services to improve application performance; and o URL Traffic Management providing content switching and header rewriting capabilities to overcome application complexities and requirements.<br/>&bull; Advanced service including the Standard service inclusions plus: o Content Filtering and Rewriting capabilities;  o Custom HTTP Acceleration using a dedicated cache; o Custom Health Checks; and o Optional Web Application Firewall (WAF) Service to provide protection for web applications from the growing number of application layer attacks.This service is provided in each data centre location with a 99.9% service level.The Standard service includes 50Mbps HTTP and 10Mbps SSL traffic while the Advanced services includes 250Mbps HTTP and 100Mbps SSL traffic.The Web Application Firewall is an additional option to the Advanced service.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as this service has the ability to scale to significantly higher traffic volumes. The maximum price reflected here is for an off-the-shelf product of an Advanced Service with optional Web Application Firewall with 250Mbps HTTP/100Mbps SSL traffic throughput.,IaaS,Off,Load Balancing and Application Firewalling,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per instance,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual server;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Storage with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Storage with Disaster Recovery provides additional customer data storage resources to add to existing Elastic Compute Platform virtual servers with disaster recovery already enabled, plus data replication between Elastic Compute Platform SANs in different data centres to facilitate Disaster Recovery. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires a Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform Virtual Server with Disaster Recovery and a Managed Operating System service.This service is an optional storage service to add additional storage capacity for customer data and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the storage;<br/>&bull; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the storage resources; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required storage; and o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Backup services.This service provides additional resources in line with the server's operating system. As a stand alone entity this service provides a service level of 99.9%.This service is configured based on 10GB increments of Standard storage per server.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as the sizing is an unreasonable comparison point. The maximum price reflected here is for one 10GB increment of Fast storage to an existing server.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB increment,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Standard Storage without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Storage without Disaster Recovery provides additional customer data storage resources to add to either existing Elastic Compute Platform virtual servers or Hostworks managed physical servers connected to the Elastic Compute Platform SAN. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires either a Hostworks' Managed Physical Server with Managed Operating Systems or a Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform Virtual Server with a Managed Operating System service.This service is an optional storage service to add additional storage capacity for customer data and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the storage;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the storage resources; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required storage.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Backup services.This service provides additional resources in line with the server's operating system. As a stand alone entity this service provides a service level of 99.9%.This service is configured based on 10GB increments of Standard storage per server.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation could have as the sizing is an unreasonable comparison point. The maximum price reflected here is for one 10GB increment of Fast storage to an existing server.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB increment,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Super Server with Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute with Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data, plus a Disaster Recovery copy of the virtual server in a second data centre that is automatically replicated to from the primary data centre. This service is provided out of two data centres and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Inter data centre network connectivity and replication of data between data centres for this service;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual servers;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; o Configuration of the Disaster Recovery toolsets; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service. In addition this server has guaranteed Disaster Recovery facilities to fail over to in the event of a disaster being invoked.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the primary virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Compute Platform - Super Server without Disaster Recovery,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Compute without Disaster Recovery provides compute (vCPU and RAM) resources in a virtual server with a base storage configuration to house the operating system installation and customer data. This service is provided out of a single data centre, as selected by the customer and requires Hostworks' Managed Operating System service.This service is a foundation service for virtual servers with Hostworks' Managed Operating System service and includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Hardware and software components of the Elastic Compute Platform, Data Centre Services, and Network Services to deliver the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Front-end and/or back-end connectivity to Hostworks' shared networks providing network communications between servers and/or to the Internet or other external networks;<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the virtual server;<br/>&bull; SAN connectivity for all storage requirements; and<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Provisioning and configuration of the Elastic Compute Platform to provide the required virtual server(s); o Configuration of Hostworks' shared networks to provide the required network connectivity per virtual server; and o Configuration of management and monitoring toolsets for the virtual server.This service excludes the following components:<br/>&bull; Implementation or management of the operating system and applications running on the virtual server;<br/>&bull; Access to Hostworks' additional shared services other than those required to deliver this service;<br/>&bull; Backup services; and<br/>&bull; Additional networking services including firewalls and load balancing.This service provides a single server service level of 99% or 99.8% depending on the service level selected under the Managed Operating System service.This service is configured based on the number of vCPUs and amount of memory (RAM) configured in the virtual server. Hostworks has six standard server configurations (outlined below) but can accommodate a custom configuration maximum of a server with 192GB RAM and 32 vCPUs upon application.<br/>&bull; Entry Server (1GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Basic Server (2GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 20GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Standard Server (4GB RAM, 1vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Enterprise Server (8GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; High Performance Server (16GB RAM, Up to 2 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)<br/>&bull; Super Server (32GB RAM, Up to 4 vCPU, OS Partition, 40GB Data Partition)",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Elastic Computing Platform - Shared Storage,"Hostworks' Elastic Compute Platform provides a utility based Infrastructure as a Service for compute and storage services.The Elastic Compute Platform - Shared Storage provides NFS based storage that can be scaled as required and mounted to any Hostworks managed or housed server. This service is not designed to provide Shared Storage services to environments other than those housed within Hostworks' data centres.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Provisioning and configuration of the Shared Storage Platform to provide the required NFS share(s);<br/>&bull; Configuration of Hostworks' managed servers to access the NFS share(s);<br/>&bull; Management and monitoring of the NFS shares(s) and platform by Hostworks Customer Management Centre;<br/>&bull; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer;<br/>&bull; Technical guidance; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Backup services, which must be provided through a server with access to the NFS share(s).The Service Level for this service is 99.9% per data centre.This service is configured on the following parameters, on a per data centre basis:<br/>&bull; Per NFS share; and<br/>&bull; Per 10GB of storage volume required.The maximum price, represented below, is not the true maximum an implementation could have as there are too many unique variables (i.e. number of NFS shares and sizes of shares).The maximum price reflected here is per 10GB per NFS share in a single data centre.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 10GB per NFS share per data centre.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Managed Database,"Hostworks' Managed Database service provides customers with a managed service and service level for a variety of database platforms on servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Deployment of the database platform: o Installation and configuration of the platform; o Limited integration services; o Patching of the platform to the current level; and o Configuration of maintenance processes including monitoring and backups.<br/>&bull; Monitoring service by Hostworks' Customer Management Centre;<br/>&bull; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer;<br/>&bull; Technical guidance; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service can include the database platform licenses, or these can be provided by the client.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Deployment and ongoing management of analysis or reporting services;<br/>&bull; Performance tuning of stored procedures and custom client code;<br/>&bull; Development of custom processes including scripts;<br/>&bull; Operating system and server hardware provisioning or management;<br/>&bull; Backup services;<br/>&bull; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual;<br/>&bull; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and<br/>&bull; Other Application Management services.Service levels are instance based and for single server implementations of a database platform they are in line with the service level applied to the Managed Operating System (i.e. 98%, 99% or 99.8%). Higher service levels can be attained via a two-node local cluster (99.9%) or a minimum three-node multi-data centre high availability configuration (99.99%).This service is configured on the following parameters, on a per instance basis:<br/>&bull; Database platform selected (Microsoft SQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle);<br/>&bull; Who will be providing the database platform licenses (Hostworks or the customer). If Hostworks then database platform edition and number of cores/vCPUs to be configured on the server; and<br/>&bull; High availability configuration required.The maximum price, represented below, is not the true maximum an implementation could have as there are too many unique variables.The maximum price reflected here is for a high-availability cluster at a single data centre location with no database platform licensing. In this case the maximum price reflects a Master-Master configuration of MariaDB with a third server providing a management service.",Managed Service,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per instance per server of a database platform to be managed.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Managed Operating System (Physical Server),"Hostworks' Managed Operating System service provides customers with a managed service and service level for operating systems running on virtual and physical servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Required operating system licenses (Microsoft Windows or Red Hat Enterprise Linux; noting that Clients can provide these licenses unless the server is operating on the Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform);<br/>&bull; Anti-Virus, Monitoring and Automation licenses;<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Operating system build and configuration; o Server network configuration; o Installation and Configuration of all Hostworks shared services (see below); o Patching of the server to the current levels; o Server testing and validation;<br/>&bull; Use of the Hostworks' Repliweb Enterprise license for content/code deployment;<br/>&bull; Use of Hostworks Shared Services: o Anti-Virus; o DNS; o Shared SMTP (limited usage); o Automation; o Authentication service (Microsoft Windows servers only); and o Real Time Reporting service.<br/>&bull; Monthly server patching;<br/>&bull; Operating System Monitoring Service by Hostworks Customer Management Centre; <br/>&bull; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer;<br/>&bull; Technical guidance; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.This service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Backup services;<br/>&bull; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual;<br/>&bull; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and<br/>&bull; Application Management services.The standard service level for a single physical server with Managed Operating System services is 98%.Higher service levels can be achieved through the use of automated failover mechanisms in high availability configurations. Service level availabilities for a cluster of operating systems of up to 99.99% can be achieved.This service is configured on the following parameters:<br/>&bull; Physical or Virtual nature of server;<br/>&bull; Number of physical CPUs and cores for physical servers or number of vCPUs for virtual servers; and<br/>&bull; Edition of the operating system required (e.g. Microsoft Windows Enterprise Edition).The maximum price, represented below, applies to a 4 socket (CPU) physical server running Microsoft Windows Standard Edition.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Per physical server with an operating system to be managed.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Managed Operating System (Virtual Server with a Basic Service Level),"Hostworks' Managed Operating System service provides customers with a managed service and service level for operating systems running on virtual and physical servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Required operating system licenses (Microsoft Windows or Red Hat Enterprise Linux; noting that Clients can provide these licenses unless the server is operating on the Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform);<br/>&bull; Anti-Virus, Monitoring and Automation licenses;<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Operating system build and configuration; o Server network configuration; o Installation and Configuration of all Hostworks shared services (see below); o Patching of the server to the current levels; and o Server testing and validation.<br/>&bull; Use of the Hostworks' Repliweb Enterprise license for content/code deployment;<br/>&bull; Use of Hostworks Shared Services: o Anti-Virus; o DNS; o Shared SMTP (limited usage); o Automation; o Authentication service (Microsoft Windows servers only); and o Real Time Reporting service.<br/>&bull; Monthly server patching;<br/>&bull; Operating System Monitoring Service by Hostworks Customer Management Centre;<br/>&bull; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer;<br/>&bull; Technical guidance; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.This service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Backup services;<br/>&bull; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual;<br/>&bull; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and<br/>&bull; Application Management services.Service levels can be selected from the following:<br/>&bull; Classic of 98% per physical server or 99% per virtual server where incidents are diagnosed to recover degraded services with no data loss; and<br/>&bull; Basic of 99% per virtual server where the operating system is restored from the last backup and the service level timing is initiated via the customer raising an incident request with Hostworks' Customer Management Centre.Note: Higher service levels can be achieved through the use of automated failover mechanisms in high availability configurations. Service level availabilities for a cluster of operating systems of up to 99.99% can be achieved.This service is configured on the following parameters:<br/>&bull; Physical or Virtual nature of server;<br/>&bull; Number of physical CPUs and cores for physical servers or number of vCPUs for virtual servers;<br/>&bull; Edition of the operating system required (e.g. Microsoft Windows Enterprise Edition); and<br/>&bull; Service level required, Classic/Basic.The maximum price, represented below, applies to a 4 vCPU virtual server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a Basic service level.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server with an operating system to be managed.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Managed Operating System (Virtual Server with a Classic Service Level),"Hostworks' Managed Operating System service provides customers with a managed service and service level for operating systems running on virtual and physical servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Required operating system licenses (Microsoft Windows or Red Hat Enterprise Linux; noting that Clients can provide these licenses unless the server is operating on the Hostworks Elastic Compute Platform);<br/>&bull; Anti-Virus, Monitoring and Automation licenses;<br/>&bull; Implementation services including: o Operating system build and configuration; o Server network configuration; o Installation and Configuration of all Hostworks shared services (see below); o Patching of the server to the current levels; and o Server testing and validation.<br/>&bull; Use of the Hostworks' Repliweb Enterprise license for content/code deployment;<br/>&bull; Use of Hostworks Shared Services: o Anti-Virus; o DNS; o Shared SMTP (limited usage); o Automation; o Authentication service (Microsoft Windows servers only); and o Real Time Reporting service.<br/>&bull; Monthly server patching;<br/>&bull; Operating System Monitoring Service by Hostworks Customer Management Centre;<br/>&bull; Service Management by Tier 2 and Tier 3 resources including the execution of service requests, to the quantity agreed with the customer;<br/>&bull; Technical guidance; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.This service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Backup services;<br/>&bull; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual;<br/>&bull; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and<br/>&bull; Application Management services.Service levels can be selected from the following:<br/>&bull; Classic of 98% per physical server or 99% per virtual server where incidents are diagnosed to recover degraded services with no data loss; and<br/>&bull; Basic of 99% per virtual server where the operating system is restored from the last backup and the service level timing is initiated via the customer raising an incident request with Hostworks' Customer Management Centre.Note: Higher service levels can be achieved through the use of automated failover mechanisms in high availability configurations. Service level availabilities for a cluster of operating systems of up to 99.99% can be achieved.This service is configured on the following parameters:<br/>&bull; Physical or Virtual nature of server;<br/>&bull; Number of physical CPUs and cores for physical servers or number of vCPUs for virtual servers;<br/>&bull; Edition of the operating system required (e.g. Microsoft Windows Enterprise Edition); and<br/>&bull; Service level required, Classic/Basic.The maximum price, represented below, applies to a 4 vCPU virtual server running Microsoft Windows Server Standard Edition with a Classic service level.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per virtual server with an operating system to be managed.,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Managed Web Application,"Hostworks' Managed Web Application service provides customers with a managed service and service level for a variety of web applications on servers managed by Hostworks.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Deployment of the web applications: o Installation and configuration of the application; o Creation of new websites; o Patching of the application to the current level; and o Configuration of maintenance processes including monitoring and backups.<br/>&bull; Monitoring service by Hostworks' Customer Management Centre;<br/>&bull; Technical guidance; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Operating system and server hardware provisioning or management;<br/>&bull; Backup services;<br/>&bull; Compute services, whether this be physical or virtual;<br/>&bull; Networking services including firewalls and load balancing; and<br/>&bull; Other Application Management services.Service levels are based on either a single server implementation or a multiple server load-balanced configuration and range from 98% for a single physical sever that is managed up to and including the web application layer; to 99.9% for a cluster of two or more servers (physical or virtual) in a load-balanced configuration with management up to and including the application layer; to a minimum three-node multi-data centre high availability configuration utilising load-balancing with a service level of 99.99%.This service is configured on the following parameters, on a per server basis:<br/>&bull; Web application selected (Microsoft IIS or Apache);<br/>&bull; Number of websites to be hosted per server; and<br/>&bull; High availability configuration required.The maximum price if not the true maximum price an implementation could have as this service has the ability to scale to high numbers of web application servers. The maximum price reflected here is a per server price based on a Microsoft IIS implementation.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Per server,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Next Generation Backup - Base Service,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution;<br/>&bull; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers;<br/>&bull; Initial full backup of the required servers;<br/>&bull; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data;<br/>&bull; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store;<br/>&bull; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours;<br/>&bull; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012);<br/>&bull; The migration of data to other media; and<br/>&bull; Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis:<br/>&bull; Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other);<br/>&bull; Quantity of data to be backed up; and<br/>&bull; Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per server to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Next Generation Backup - Database Content,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution;<br/>&bull; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers;<br/>&bull; Initial full backup of the required servers;<br/>&bull; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data;<br/>&bull; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store;<br/>&bull; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours;<br/>&bull; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012);<br/>&bull; The migration of data to other media; and<br/>&bull; Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis:<br/>&bull; Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other);<br/>&bull; Quantity of data to be backed up; and<br/>&bull; Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per GB of data to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Next Generation Backup - Operating System Content,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution;<br/>&bull; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers;<br/>&bull; Initial full backup of the required servers;<br/>&bull; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data;<br/>&bull; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store;<br/>&bull; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours;<br/>&bull; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012);<br/>&bull; The migration of data to other media; and<br/>&bull; Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis:<br/>&bull; Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other);<br/>&bull; Quantity of data to be backed up; and<br/>&bull; Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per GB of data to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Next Generation Backup - Other Content,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution;<br/>&bull; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers;<br/>&bull; Initial full backup of the required servers;<br/>&bull; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data;<br/>&bull; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store;<br/>&bull; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours;<br/>&bull; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012);<br/>&bull; The migration of data to other media; and<br/>&bull; Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis:<br/>&bull; Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other);<br/>&bull; Quantity of data to be backed up; and<br/>&bull; Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per GB of data to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Next Generation Backup - Rich Media Content,"Hostworks' Next Generation Backup solution provides customers with an enterprise grade backup solution for services being delivered in Hostworks' Data Centres. The service uses disk based backup targets, deduplication technologies, remote replication for offsiting of backups and encrypts data in transit and at rest. Backups are conducted daily at a time agreed with the customer.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Configuration of the client on the Hostworks Next Generation Backup solution;<br/>&bull; Deployment of the backup agent to all required servers;<br/>&bull; Initial full backup of the required servers;<br/>&bull; Full backups performed daily, with one month (30 days) retention of data;<br/>&bull; Backup data stored on a primary data store and replicated to a secondary data store;<br/>&bull; Daily notification reports, detailing the results of all backups for the previous 24 hours;<br/>&bull; Execution of the Hostworks Incident Management process for any failed backups; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Tape archiving (this option will be added by the end of 2012);<br/>&bull; The migration of data to other media; and<br/>&bull; Retention of data over 30 days.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per Data Centre.This service is configured of the following parameters on a per server basis:<br/>&bull; Type of data to be backed up (database, web/application, rich media, operating system, other);<br/>&bull; Quantity of data to be backed up; and<br/>&bull; Offsiting of backup data enabled or disabled.The maximum price is not the true maximum price an implementation should have as this service has the ability to scale to high volume sizes of data to be backed up. The maximum price reflected here is the maximum price for the first GB of data to be backed up of any type with offsiting enabled with a maximum retention period of 30 days and management of backups by Hostworks.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Per GB of data to be backed up,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Standard Security Service,"Hostworks Standard Security service provides customers with a base level of network security features. Hostworks is ISO 27001 accredited for the provision of Managed Services.This service provides three key security components to customer environments, firewall service, network intrusion detection service and a cloud signalling service. The firewall service provides customers with protection through a shared firewall instance, with an option for a dedicated instance, protecting the customer's environment from the Internet. The network intrusion detection service monitors all inbound and outbound traffic from the customer's environment and reports on attacks based on the applied rule set. The cloud signalling service provides a upstream signalling capability to block malicious traffic further up the connection through signalling upstream ISP network devices. This service has the ability to clock malicious traffic at country edge routers.This service also has several add-on options:<br/>&bull; Dedicated firewall context;<br/>&bull; Intrusion Prevention service (IPS);<br/>&bull; Web Application Firewall (WAF); and<br/>&bull; DDoS Mitigation service.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Configuration of firewalls, intrusion detection and cloud signalling services;<br/>&bull; Configuration of reporting/alerting, monitoring and management systems;<br/>&bull; Execution of the Hostworks Security Incident Management process for any security incidents; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Dedicated security contexts on security devices. Optional services need to be subscribed to in order to provide dedicated customer security contexts on devices; and<br/>&bull; Custom signatures and rule sets.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per data centre.This service is configured via allocated bandwidth on a per data centre basis. Bandwidth allocations are 50, 100, 250, 500 or 1000Mbps and are soft-limits.",IaaS,Off,Network and Security Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 50Mbps throughput,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Hostworks Pty Ltd,88087307695,Standard Security Service - with Dedicated Firewall Context,"Hostworks Standard Security service provides customers with a base level of network security features. Hostworks is ISO 27001 accredited for the provision of Managed Services.This service provides three key security components to customer environments, firewall service, network intrusion detection service and a cloud signalling service. The firewall service provides customers with protection through a shared firewall instance, with an option for a dedicated instance, protecting the customer's environment from the Internet. The network intrusion detection service monitors all inbound and outbound traffic from the customer's environment and reports on attacks based on the applied rule set. The cloud signalling service provides a upstream signalling capability to block malicious traffic further up the connection through signalling upstream ISP network devices. This service has the ability to clock malicious traffic at country edge routers.This service also has several add-on options:<br/>&bull; Dedicated firewall context;<br/>&bull; Intrusion Prevention service (IPS);<br/>&bull; Web Application Firewall (WAF); and<br/>&bull; DDoS Mitigation service.The service includes the following components:<br/>&bull; Configuration of firewalls, intrusion detection and cloud signalling services;<br/>&bull; Configuration of reporting/alerting, monitoring and management systems;<br/>&bull; Execution of the Hostworks Security Incident Management process for any security incidents; and<br/>&bull; Access to Enterprise Support from the relevant platform vendor.The service excludes the following:<br/>&bull; Dedicated security contexts on security devices. Optional services need to be subscribed to in order to provide dedicated customer security contexts on devices; and<br/>&bull; Custom signatures and rule sets.Service levels for this service are an availability of 99.9% per data centre.This service is configured via allocated bandwidth on a per data centre basis. Bandwidth allocations are 50, 100, 250, 500 or 1000Mbps and are soft-limits.",IaaS,Off,Network and Security Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Per 50Mbps throughput,Australia,New South Wales,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,South Australia,1.3,Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+IBM Australia Limited,79000024733,SmartCloud Enterprise (SCE) Linux Virtual Machine Copper,"The compute resources for 32-bit Copper is as follows:Virtual machine 32bit configuration Copper Virtual CPUs @ 1.25Ghz 1 Virtual Memory (GB) 2 Virtual local storage (GB) 60IBM SmartCloud Enterprise provides access to an IBM-owned and operated, flexible, feature-rich and highly automated shared cloud infrastructure designed to support the levels of security, reliability and control required to enable new web, distributed, dynamic or temporary workloads or existing workloads that have moderate availability, transactional and security requirements. Examples of these include development and testing or project workloads, compute-intensive optimization, rendering and analysis workloads, many web and departmental applications, collaboration and media-sharing applications.With IBM SmartCloud Enterprise, you gain access to an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud that can enable you to deploy new servers and storage environments across the globe in minutes and pay for them only for as long as you use them. You have virtually no up-front capital expenses, and, with no infrastructure to maintain, you may also reduce your overall operating costs. Because IBM SmartCloud Enterprise uses highly standardised and automated processes, you can improve the quality of your projects by reducing development and deployment errors.SmartCloud Enterprise offers a range of environments.You may order instances and select any of the following instance compute resource configuration consisting of the specified number of 32-bit virtual central processing units, virtual memory and virtual local storage.There is also a range of additional services available. These additional services include the option to utilise bundled software as an image on an hourly charge basis. This bundled software covers a range of IBM software products that can be found within the supporting documentation.The service availability service level is calculated across all virtual machines provisioned as well as the SCE Portal Access to provision services.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Copper image, customer provided 32-bit Linux OSCustomer to supply OS licenses",Singapore (but potentially could be any of the six global cloud centres),Singapore,1.3,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+IBM Australia Limited,79000024733,Virtual Server Services (VSS) Intel Virtual Machine Bronze,"Virtual Server Services - Bronze offeringConfigurationBronze1 vCPU1 GB RAM30 GB of Tier 1 SAN storageFeatures BronzeHosted on IBM's robust VSS infrastructure YesVMware server hosting YesHypervisor hosting YesService Level agreement of 99.5% availability on the infrastructure YesEnterprise storage management YesIBM's proven infrastructure management YesIBM governance and service delivery management YesCustomer manages operating system YesCustomer manages virtual machines YesCustomer manages applications Yes24 hour access to Service Desk YesCustomer performs all backups and restores YesWindows/Linux Standard license provided NoWith IBM Virtual Server Services (VSS), your organisation can access, on demand, a standardised, cost-effective and flexible IT infrastructure to handle the workloads on which your business depends. Our flexible services are capacity or usage-based - you only pay for the server, storage and network resources you use.Virtual Server Services can help your organisation:Incorporate greater flexibility into overall IT infrastructureRespond more rapidly to changing business requirementsOptimise IT assets by transforming and automating servicesReduce total cost of ownershipCreate a high-security, highly available server environmentAddress any governing data storage regulationsShift costs from capital to operational expenditureIBM hosts its Virtual Server Services on a shared virtualised infrastructure at IBM-managed facilities in Australia and New Zealand. Virtual Server Services packages for production servers include a service level agreement of 99.95% infrastructure availability. The Virtual Server Services platform runs Windows or Linux virtual machines on VMware vSphere using IBM System x servers and enterprise-level IBM System Storage. Each Virtual Server Services customer is appointed an IBM single point of contact for services provided.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Bronze image, customer provided 32-bit Linux or Windows OSCustomer to supply OS licenseBronze1 vCPU1 GB RAM30 GB of Tier 1 SAN storage",Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+iCognition Pty Ltd,92104128001,Diem Gold: Diem Portal EDRMS Powered by HP TRIM,"TheDiem Goldservice offering is anElectronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in the cloud of HP TRIM with iCognition's Diem Portal web interface.The actualSoftware as a Service (SaaS) stack in this complete records and information management offering includes:1. HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. This is transferring your existing HP TRIM solution, including your existing licences, to the cloud.3. iCognition Diem Portal web based interface to HP TRIM is provided to simplify and enhance the user experience in capturing and managing documents and records in the cloud.Note that all HP TRIM and Microsoft licences need to be supplied by the client.This SaaS offering is provided via:CorePLUS'Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Computer AssociatesInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)AppLogic solution; anda private cloud using theCloud Central primary facility data centres located in Canberra, Australia. These data centres are Australian Government approved via membership of the AGIMO Data Centre Facilities Panel.CorePLUS's innovative cloud technology provides instant access to any application on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings and enables a simple and secure way to manage IT. The CorePLUS Cloud Management Platform is comprised of five components that deliver the cloud offering:1. CoreEngine is the primary enabling technology,2. CoreGrid is the secure and scalable infrastructure that utilizes CA's 3Tera AppLogic, upon which CoreEngine provides IT management and application delivery services. 3. CoreStore, a catalog system; 4. CoreDesk a virtual interface that allows users to access services on a variety of end-user devices.5. CoreDev, a development environment for the integration of applications as well as development of custom applications.CA Applogic is a turn-key cloud platform for enterprises and service providers. This cloud platform eliminates the binding of software to hardware through the use of virtual appliances, removing the major obstacle in accessing true cloud computing technology. It provides the ability to deploy and scale existing applications without changing code and architecture, integrate, monitor and scale applications and infrastructure using just a GUI, and add or remove resources and storage without disrupting users.",SaaS,Information Management,"Document and Records Management, Collaboration Spaces",24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A unit is a per month user account configured in the iCognition Virtual Private Datacenter, which includes the following for each user account:BYO HP TRIM licenceBYO Microsoft Professional and Windows 7 clientBYO Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, 64bit, Operating System licenceBYO Microsoft SQL Server database licence Diem Portal Licence includedMemory per user 2GBDisk Storage 2 GB per user accountBandwidth 500 GB per instanceTwo CPU/CoreAdditional GB Live Data onlineVirus ProtectionFirewallBack-up agents",Australia -NextDC C1 in Bruce ACT,ACT,1.4 targeted,3.0,Australia - TransACT in Dickson ACT,ACT,1.5 targeted,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+iCognition Pty Ltd,92104128001,Diem Platinum: Diem Portal EDRMS Powered by HP TRIM (high spec),"TheDiem Platinum service offering is anElectronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in the cloud of HP TRIM with iCognition's Diem Portal web interface. Diem Platinum includes an additional CPU Core for higher specification processing.The actualSoftware as a Service (SaaS) stack in this complete records and information management offering includes:1. HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. This is transferring your existing HP TRIM solution, including your existing licences, to the cloud.3. iCognition Diem Portal web based interface to HP TRIM is included to simplify and enhance the user experience in capturing and managing documents and records in the cloud.Note that all HP TRIM and Microsoft licences need to be supplied by the client.This SaaS offering is provided via:CorePLUS'Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Computer AssociatesInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)AppLogic solution; anda private cloud using theCloud Central primary facility data centres located in Canberra, Australia. These data centres are Australian Government approved via membership of the AGIMO Data Centre Facilities Panel.CorePLUS's innovative cloud technology provides instant access to any application on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings and enables a simple and secure way to manage IT. The CorePLUS Cloud Management Platform is comprised of five components that deliver the cloud offering:1. CoreEngine is the primary enabling technology,2. CoreGrid is the secure and scalable infrastructure that utilizes CA's 3Tera AppLogic, upon which CoreEngine provides IT management and application delivery services. 3. CoreStore, a catalog system; 4. CoreDesk a virtual interface that allows users to access services on a variety of end-user devices.5. CoreDev, a development environment for the integration of applications as well as development of custom applications.CA Applogic is a turn-key cloud platform for enterprises and service providers. This cloud platform eliminates the binding of software to hardware through the use of virtual appliances, removing the major obstacle in accessing true cloud computing technology. It provides the ability to deploy and scale existing applications without changing code and architecture, integrate, monitor and scale applications and infrastructure using just a GUI, and add or remove resources and storage without disrupting users.",SaaS,Information Management,"Document and Records Management, Collaboration Spaces",24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A unit is a per month user account configured in the iCognition Virtual Private Datacenter, which includes the following for each user account:BYO HP TRIM licenceBYO Microsoft Professional and Windows 7 clientBYO Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, 64bit, Operating System licenceBYO Microsoft SQL Server database licence Diem Portal Licence includedMemory per user 2GBDisk Storage 2 GB per user accountBandwidth 500 GB per instanceAdditional CPU/Core (total 3)Additional GB Live Data online (total 3Gb)Virus ProtectionFirewallBack-up agents",Australia -NextDC C1 in Bruce ACT,ACT,1.4 targeted,3.0,Australia - TransACT in Dickson ACT,ACT,1.5 targeted,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+iCognition Pty Ltd,92104128001,HP TRIM Gold: HP TRIM EDRMS in the Cloud,"TheHP TRIM Gold service offering is anElectronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in the cloud of HP TRIM.The actualSoftware as a Service (SaaS) stack in this offering includes the HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. This is transferring your existing HP TRIM solution, including your existing licences to the cloud.Note that all HP TRIM and Microsoft licences need to be supplied by the client.This SaaS offering is provided via:CorePLUS'Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Computer AssociatesInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)AppLogic solution; anda private cloud using theCloud Central primary facility data centres located in Canberra, Australia. These data centres are Australian Government approved via membership of the AGIMO Data Centre Facilities Panel.CorePLUS's innovative cloud technology provides instant access to any application on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings and enables a simple and secure way to manage IT. The CorePLUS Cloud Management Platform is comprised of five components that deliver the cloud offering:1. CoreEngine is the primary enabling technology,2. CoreGrid is the secure and scalable infrastructure that utilizes CA's 3Tera AppLogic, upon which CoreEngine provides IT management and application delivery services. 3. CoreStore, a catalog system; 4. CoreDesk a virtual interface that allows users to access services on a variety of end-user devices.5. CoreDev, a development environment for the integration of applications as well as development of custom applications.CA Applogic is a turn-key cloud platform for enterprises and service providers. This cloud platform eliminates the binding of software to hardware through the use of virtual appliances, removing the major obstacle in accessing true cloud computing technology. It provides the ability to deploy and scale existing applications without changing code and architecture, integrate, monitor and scale applications and infrastructure using just a GUI, and add or remove resources and storage without disrupting users.",SaaS,Information Management,"Document and Records Management, Collaboration Spaces",24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A unit is a per month user account configured in the iCognition Virtual Private Datacenter, which includes the following for each user account:BYO HP TRIM licenceBYO Microsoft Professional and Windows 7 clientBYO Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, 64bit, Operating System licenceBYO Microsoft SQL Server database licenceMemory per user 2GBDisk Storage 2 GB per user accountBandwidth 500 GB per instanceTwo CPU/CoreVirus ProtectionFirewallBack-up agents",Australia -NextDC C1 in Bruce ACT,ACT,1.4 targeted,3.0,Australia - TransACT in Dickson ACT,ACT,1.5 targeted,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+iCognition Pty Ltd,92104128001,HP TRIM Platinum: HP TRIM EDRMS Only (high spec),"TheHP TRIM Platinum service offering is anElectronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) in the cloud of HP TRIM with an additional CPU Core for higher specification processing.The actualSoftware as a Service (SaaS) stack in this offering includes the HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management System. This is transferring your existing HP TRIM solution, including your existing licences to the cloud.Note that all HP TRIM and Microsoft licences need to be supplied by the client.This SaaS offering is provided via:CorePLUS'Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Computer AssociatesInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)AppLogic solution; anda private cloud using theCloud Central primary facility data centres located in Canberra, Australia. These data centres are Australian Government approved via membership of the AGIMO Data Centre Facilities Panel.CorePLUS's innovative cloud technology provides instant access to any application on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings and enables a simple and secure way to manage IT. The CorePLUS Cloud Management Platform is comprised of five components that deliver the cloud offering:1. CoreEngine is the primary enabling technology,2. CoreGrid is the secure and scalable infrastructure that utilizes CA's 3Tera AppLogic, upon which CoreEngine provides IT management and application delivery services. 3. CoreStore, a catalog system; 4. CoreDesk a virtual interface that allows users to access services on a variety of end-user devices.5. CoreDev, a development environment for the integration of applications as well as development of custom applications.CA Applogic is a turn-key cloud platform for enterprises and service providers. This cloud platform eliminates the binding of software to hardware through the use of virtual appliances, removing the major obstacle in accessing true cloud computing technology. It provides the ability to deploy and scale existing applications without changing code and architecture, integrate, monitor and scale applications and infrastructure using just a GUI, and add or remove resources and storage without disrupting users.",SaaS,Information Management,"Document and Records Management, Collaboration Spaces",24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A unit is a per month user account configured in the iCognition Virtual Private Datacenter, which includes the following for each user account:BYO HP TRIM licenceBYO Microsoft Professional and Windows 7 clientBYO Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, 64bit, Operating System licenceBYO Microsoft SQL Server database licenceMemory per user 2GBDisk Storage 2 GB per user accountBandwidth 500 GB per instanceTwo CPU/CoreAdditional CPU/CoreAdditional GB Live Data onlineVirus ProtectionFirewallBack-up agents",Australia -NextDC C1 in Bruce ACT,ACT,1.4 targeted,3.0,Australia - TransACT in Dickson ACT,ACT,1.5 targeted,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Application Acceleration and Domain Name Management,"Ensure business critical web services remain fast, secure and available in the cloud.Application High Availability Services: application high availability by load balancing users across multiple servers whilst monitoring the health of the servers and applications and dynamically redirecting users based on real-time metricsApplication Security Services: Web application firewall protects online and Web 2.0 applications for the latest application layer threats such as Web Scraping attacks, Application DDoS, Credit Card leakage and the popular OWASP Top 10Application Acceleration Services:Asymmetric web content acceleration that improves the end user experience with applications without requiring any agents or software on the client.Application Analytic Services:insight into the performance of applications hosted in the Infoplex cloud. Through these services Infoplex is able to pinpoint the root cause of application performance issues whilst providing key business metrics on application adoption such as where users are accessing applications from, on what devices and what their page load time experiences are.",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Application High Availability Services - per Physical Data Centre Site,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Application Delivery Optimisation - Application Security,"Ensure business critical web services remain fast, secure and available in the cloud.Application High Availability Services: application high availability by load balancing users across multiple servers whilst monitoring the health of the servers and applications and dynamically redirecting users based on real-time metricsApplication Security Services: Web application firewall protects online and Web 2.0 applications for the latest application layer threats such as Web Scraping attacks, Application DDoS, Credit Card leakage and the popular OWASP Top 10Application Acceleration Services:Asymmetric web content acceleration that improves the end user experience with applications without requiring any agents or software on the client.Application Analytic Services:insight into the performance of applications hosted in the Infoplex cloud. Through these services Infoplex is able to pinpoint the root cause of application performance issues whilst providing key business metrics on application adoption such as where users are accessing applications from, on what devices and what their page load time experiences are.",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Per Physical Data Centre Site,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Application Delivery Optimisation -High Availability,"Ensure business critical web services remain fast, secure and available in the cloud.Application High Availability Services: application high availability by load balancing users across multiple servers whilst monitoring the health of the servers and applications and dynamically redirecting users based on real-time metricsApplication Security Services: Web application firewall protects online and Web 2.0 applications for the latest application layer threats such as Web Scraping attacks, Application DDoS, Credit Card leakage and the popular OWASP Top 10Application Acceleration Services:Asymmetric web content acceleration that improves the end user experience with applications without requiring any agents or software on the client.Application Analytic Services:insight into the performance of applications hosted in the Infoplex cloud. Through these services Infoplex is able to pinpoint the root cause of application performance issues whilst providing key business metrics on application adoption such as where users are accessing applications from, on what devices and what their page load time experiences are.",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Application High Availability Services- per physical Data Centre,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Backup and Recovery - Premium Retention,"Protects systems and data commensurate with business criticality and risk.Premium Retention: 24h RPO/RTO,93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups, Data ReplicationStandard Retention: 24h RPO/RTO, 93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups.Enhanced Operational Recovery : RPO near Zero and RTO 1 hourOptions Structured and UnstructuredMulti year retention available",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Retention: 24h RPO/RTO,93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups, Data Replication. Includes Backup Agent",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Backup and Recovery - Standard Retention,"Protects systems and data commensurate with business criticality and risk.Premium Retention: 24h RPO/RTO,93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups, Data ReplicationStandard Retention: 24h RPO/RTO, 93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups.Enhanced Operational Recovery : RPO near Zero and RTO 1 hourOptions Structured and UnstructuredMulti year retention available",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Retention: 24h RPO/RTO,93 Daily and 9 Monthly Backups, Includes Backup Agent",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Basic Disaster Recovery,"Delivers failover capability in the event of unplanned outage. Backup and Recovery service integration, Recovery Testing, High Availability solution design. Options available in following:Premium: RPO 15min, RTO 4h, Priority ServiceStandard: RPO 15min, RTO 8h,Basic: RPO 24h, RTO 48h",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Basic Disaster Recovery -RPO 24h, RTO 48h",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Data Storage and Archive,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Premium: Compliance: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley.Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Data ReplicationTiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation.Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per 100 GB,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Database Services -Red Hat Enterprise Linux Standard,"Database Services included but not limited to the management of My SQL, MS SQL and Oracle. The core DBA services includes installation, configuration, user management, patching, availability and disaster recovery setup and management.",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Red Hat Enterprise Linux Standard License - Diamond,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Database Services -Windows SQL Server Enterprise License,"Database Services included but not limited to the management of My SQL, MS SQL and Oracle. The core DBA services includes installation, configuration, user management, patching, availability and disaster recovery setup and management.MS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Windows SQL Server Enterprise License -MS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Encryption Services,Cloud encryption protects your data in the virtual datacenter. The encryption keys stay in your control and only the people with those keys can access the data. This allows you to extend your datacenter to the cloud while maintaining control over sensitive data.Infoplex Servers are provided with Encryption Services automatically as a standard offering,IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Server Encryption Services - applies to all server offerings as part of standard offering and does not incur additional costs,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Enterprise Network Security,"Provide cost-effective security services to Infoplex customers in the cloud. Comes in 2 options - Enterprise and Professional. Enterprise includes the following. Professional includes Perimeter Firewall and Intrusion Prevention and Protection.Perimeter Firewall:Firewall service builds on the technology offered to provide the industrys strongest level of gatewayIntrusion Prevention and Detection:The IPS service complements firewall protection, further securing the network without degrading gateway performance. It offers full-featured IPS and is constantly updated with new defenses against emerging threatsVirtual Private Network:The IPSec VPN service provides secure connectivity to networks for remote users, branch offices and business partnersAnti-Spam & Email Security:The Anti-Spam & Email Security service provides protection for messaging infrastructure, providing highly accurate anti-spam coverage and defends customers from a wide variety of virus and malware threats delivered within emailAntivirus & Anti-Malware:The Antivirus & Anti-Malware service stops viruses and other malware at the gateway before they affect usersData Loss Prevention: The Data Loss Prevention service protects sensitive information from unintentional loss, educating users on proper data handling policies and empowering them to remediate incidents in real-time",IaaS,Business Continuity,Network Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Perimeter Protection including IPS/IDS, Perimeter Firewall and VPN2 Changes per month also included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Hosted Exchange,"The Hosted Exchange and Active Directory service is a comprehensive enterprise grade solution encompassing mail services accessible over the internet and WAN. Monitoring and maintenance of the messaging environment is provided by Infoplex whilst your IT is responsible for end user email client, email client connectivity and mobile device troubleshooting.MS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSAInfoplex will provide :Active Directory buildSetup Hosted ExchangeCreate mailboxes and import the provided mailbox data.Create an email disclaimer to be sent from outlook, webmail and mobile devices.The ongoing services that will be managed by Infoplex are:Active Directory within the Infoplex DC.Hosted Exchange.Message Filtering Services.",IaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Hosted Exchange -Per Email Box, including Enterprise backup and Archive.MS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Information Management - Data Management Services,"Infoplex has a range of data management offerings optimised for specific access and retention requirements. Working with you, we can assess your data typesand formulate the optimal management solution and a reliable, phased transition. Services include:Standard and Enterprise RetentionBackup window OptionsSupport for a range of operating systems and enterprise applicationsIncremental and full backupOn-call restoration servicesDaily and monthly reports",IaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Enterprise Retention per 100 GB,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Managed Archive Service - Tier 1,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Network Attached Storage (NAS) available in tiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation. Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Managed Archive Service - Tier 1100GB,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Managed Archive Service - Tier 2,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Network Attached Storage (NAS) available in tiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation. Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Managed Archive Service - Tier 2100 GB,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Managed NAS Archive Service - Tier 3,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Network Attached Storage (NAS) available in tiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation. Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Managed NAS Archive Service - Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Managed SQL Licences,"Database Services included but not limited to the management of My SQL, MS SQL and Oracle. The core DBA services includes installation, configuration, user management, patching, availability and disaster recovery setup and management.",PaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Managed Virtual SQL Server - CPU:4 RAM:4GB DISK:60GB INET:150GB, includes license, steadystate management and database establishment.",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,PAYG Basic Virtual Resource Pool,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloadsAvailable in:PAYG - Per hourly RequirementStandard Pool - 75% Resource Commitment - referStandard Compute Resource Pool for pricingPremium Pool - 100 % Resource Pool - referPremium Compute Resource Pool for pricing",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Pay As You Go - 1 vCPU per hour @75% Committed Resources with 1GB memory and 1GB StorageSelf provisioned through vCloud Director,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Physical Bronze Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Physical Bronze Server - 2 CPU, 6 Core, 48GB RAM, 2 X 300 GB Disk, 100 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Physical Diamond Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Physical Diamond Server - 4 CPU, 8 Core, 128GB RAM, 2 X 146 GB Disk, 300 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Physical Gold Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Physical Gold Server - 4 CPU, 8 Core, 32GB RAM, 2 X 146 GB Disk, 200 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Physical Silver Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Physical Silver Server - 4 CPU, 8 Core, 128GB RAM, 2 X 146 GB Disk, 300 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,PhysicalPlatinum Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- DiamondDual and Quad Socket configuration upto 512GB RAM.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"PhysicalPlatinum Server - 4 CPU, 8 Core, 64GB RAM, 2 X 146 GB Disk, 300 GB Internet",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Premium Compute Resource Pool - vDC Slice,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloadsAvailable in PAYG - per hour requirement - refer PAYG Basic Virtual Pool for pricingStandard Pool - 75% Reservation - refer Standard Compute Resource Pool for pricingPremium Pool - 100% Reservation",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Compute Resource Pool - vDC Slice (Base - 8GHz CPU, 20GB Memory, 400GB Storage) @100% Committed Resources",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Premium Data Storage,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Premium: Compliance: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley.Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Data ReplicationTiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation.Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Storage: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Premium Data Storage and Archive,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Premium: Compliance: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley.Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Data ReplicationTiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation.Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium:Premium Dedicated Storage per 100 GB: Policy based file storage compliant with SEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Premium Disaster Recovery,"Delivers failover capability in the event of unplanned outage. Backup and Recovery service integration, Recovery Testing, High Availability solution design. Options available in following:Premium: RPO 15min, RTO 4h, Priority ServiceStandard: RPO 15min, RTO 8h,Basic: RPO 24h, RTO 48h",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Disaster Recover - RPO 15min, RTO 4h, Priority Service",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Premium Test and Dev Environment,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloads",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Premium Test and Development Environment.Premium vDC Slice (Base - 8GHz CPU, 20GB Memory, 400GB Storage) @100% Committed Resources",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Professional Network Security,"Provide cost-effective security services to Infoplex customers in the cloud. Comes in 2 options - Enterprise and Professional. Enterprise includes the following. Professional includes Perimeter Firewall and Intrusion Prevention and Protection.Perimeter Firewall:Firewall service builds on the technology offered to provide the industrys strongest level of gatewayIntrusion Prevention and Detection:The IPS service complements firewall protection, further securing the network without degrading gateway performance. It offers full-featured IPS and is constantly updated with new defenses against emerging threatsVirtual Private Network:The IPSec VPN service provides secure connectivity to networks for remote users, branch offices and business partnersAnti-Spam & Email Security:The Anti-Spam & Email Security service provides protection for messaging infrastructure, providing highly accurate anti-spam coverage and defends customers from a wide variety of virus and malware threats delivered within emailAntivirus & Anti-Malware:The Antivirus & Anti-Malware service stops viruses and other malware at the gateway before they affect usersData Loss Prevention: The Data Loss Prevention service protects sensitive information from unintentional loss, educating users on proper data handling policies and empowering them to remediate incidents in real-time",IaaS,Business Continuity,Network Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Perimeter Protection including IPS/IDS and Perimeter Firewall2 Changes per month also included,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Seasonal Peaks and Bursts PAYG Resource Pool,"With the Introduction of vCloud Director, you will be able to manage the resources required to meet the business demands during seasonal changes and peak times. A PAYG service is available for hourly ratevCloud Director will provide the ability to busrt up and reduce resources as required.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Basic - PAYG - 1 vCPU per hour @75% Committed Resources, including 100GB storage and 100GB memory. Chargeable at hourly rate. With vCloud Director it is self provisioned if required.",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Sharepoint,"Flexible, efficient and user-friendly collaborative services:- Lync- SharepointMS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,SharePoint for Internet Sites Enterprise PL Proc per siteMS Licenses need to be supplied by agencies through Microsoft VSA,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Standard Compute Resource Pool - vDC Slice,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloadsAvailable in:PAYG - Per hourly Requirement - refer PAYG Basic Virtual Resource Pool for pricingStandard Pool - 75% Resource CommitmentPremium Pool - 100 % Resource Pool - Refer Premium Compute Resource Pool for pricing",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Compute Resource Pool -vDC Slice (Base - 8GHz CPU, 20GB Memory, 400GB Storage) @75% Committed Resources",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Standard Data Storage,"Cost effective, secure file retention and management.Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Premium: Compliance: Policy based file storage compliant withSEC 17a-4, DOD 5015.2, HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley.Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)Data ReplicationTiered file storage for cost and energy optimisation.Backup and Recovery service integrationLow cost backup based on tiered architecture.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard: Policy based, write once-read many file storage. Retention determined by customer (recommended 7 years)",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Standard Disaster Recovery,"Delivers failover capability in the event of unplanned outage. Backup and Recovery service integration, Recovery Testing, High Availability solution design. Options available in following:Premium: RPO 15min, RTO 4h, Priority ServiceStandard: RPO 15min, RTO 8h,Basic: RPO 24h, RTO 48h",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Disaster Recovery -RPO 15min, RTO 8h",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Standard Test and Dev Environment,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloads.Pay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loads. 75% resource commitment for Standard Pool and 100% resource commitment for Premium PoolRefer PAYG Basic Virtual Resource Pool for PAYG Test and Dev Environment Pricing and Premium Compute Resource Pool for Premium Test and Dev Environment Pricing",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Standard Test and Development Environment.Standard vDC Slice (Base - 8GHz CPU, 20GB Memory, 400GB Storage) @75% Committed Resources.",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Virtual Bronze Server,Delivers virtual compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server - Bronze: 1 X CPU, 1X GB RAM, 40GB DISK, 50GB Internet. Including Server Management - Steady State",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Virtual Desktop - Citrix,"Infoplex delivers the Citrix based offering via a comprehensive process that includes planing and design, rollout, and testing of the pilot system as well as all the production environment. Solution allows for security, technical and business requirements, ensuring best fit for the business. Proof of concept phase ensures application will perform to desired requirements.Features:Secure Remote DesktopFast Provisioning of ServersCommon DesktopUser IdentificationSecurity by DesignApplication Siloing and Data Loss PreventionManaged Services",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Citrix Virtual Desktop - Citrix Farm includingVirtual Server - Gold: CPU:4 RAM:4GB DISK:60GB INET:150GB100 Licenses and Steadystate Management,Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Virtual Diamond Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server - Diamond - 8 CPU, 16GB RAM, 150 GB Disk, 250 GB InternetManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Virtual Gold Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server - Gold - 4 CPU, 4GB RAM, 60 GB Disk, 150 GB InternetManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Virtual Server (vCloud) - Web Hosting,"An elastic virtual compute platform with pay-as-you-go billing for scale-out applications and transient workloadsPay as You Go:for short term compute requirements typically associated with development, test and other project based activity.Allocation:a cost effective compute allocation, enabling resource busting for transient loadsReservation:delivers 100% resource commitment for consistent workloads",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Web Hosting Platform - Per Virtual Server,8 CPU, 16GB RAM, 150 GB Disk, 250 GB Internet andManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,Virtual Silver Server,Delivers Virtual compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server - Silver - 2 CPU, 2GB RAM, 40 GB Disk, 100 GB InternetManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Infoplex Pty Ltd,39094296107,VirtualPlatinum Server,Delivers dedicated physical compute resources. Service offering comes in various configurations. These are- Bronze- Silver- Gold- Platinum- Diamond.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Virtual Server -Platinum - 4 CPU, 8GB RAM, 100 GB Disk, 200 GB InternetManagement - Steady State included",Australia,NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia (Purpose Build NSW Government Data Centre),NSW,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.1,3.0

+Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45002812697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 1,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45002812697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 2,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45002812697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 3,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45002812697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 4,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45002812697,Address Validation & Geocoding Hosted Web Service (Public Cloud) Plan 5,"Ensure a quick, reliable and trouble-free method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The IQ Hosted Web Service is a SOAP/XML web service hosted by Intech Solutions that uses the functionality provided by our best of breed IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimizing infrastructure and upfront costs.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,"1 unit=1 Functional Request (FR). A single API call to the web service may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved.Eg: a function call which validates an addressand retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Australia,NSW,1.8,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45002812697,Address Validation and Geocoding Dedicated Web Service (Internal Cloud),"SOAP/XML web service to resolve information quality issues and add value to address data. Functionality includes data transformation, validation, standardisation, matching and integration of a wide array of data sources, both in batch mode and in real-time at the point of data capture. Geocoding functionality appends geographic codes such as lat/long, statistical boundaries, administrative boundaries etc to validated addresses. IQ Office would be installed on client managed infrastructure with Intech Solutions' security cleared personnel managing the IQ Office installation and maintenance.",SaaS,Geographic Information Systems,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Secret,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A Functional Request (FR) is an API call to the web service. A single API call may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved. Eg: a function call which validates an address and retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Intech Solutions Pty Ltd,45002812697,Data Cleansing Web Service (Internal Cloud),"SOAP/XML web service to validate data, resolve information quality issues and append additional data attributes. The service provides functionality for Phone, email, ABN, Name, BSB, gender, and much more etc). Functionality includes data transformation, validation, parsing, address validation, geocoding, standardisation of a wide array of data sources, both in batch mode and in real-time at the point of data capture. IQ Office would be installed on client managed infrastructure with Intech Solutions' security cleared personnel managing the IQ Office installation and maintenance.",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Secret,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A Functional Request (FR) is an API call to the web service. A single API call may constitute multiple FRs where multiple units of information are retrieved. Eg: a function call which validates an address and retrieves other geographical boundaries (Electoral, Statistical or Administrative) will constitute multiple FRs.",Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,Agency Supplied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+IntelligenceBank Pty Ltd,73138768564,IntelligenceBank Information Management,"IntelligenceBank is an active information management platform, that maximises the value of information.  The platform aggregates data from disparate sources, structures it based on the customers business and permissions requirements, and enables people to easily broadcast, access, share and collaborate.  IntelligenceBank comes with advanced document & digital asset management, advanced search, charting, media feeds dashboard, internal forum and custom databases.  The platform is used as:  document management platform, board portals, brand hubs (for sharing brand assets with agencies), and data rooms.<br/>",SaaS,Information Management,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,Units are user licenses,Australia,NSW,1.6,1.0,Australia,QLD,1.6,2.0,USA,Washington,1.08,1.0,,,,,,,,

+IntelligenceBank Pty Ltd,73138768564,IntelligenceBank Document Management,"IntelligenceBank is an active information management platform, that makes it easy to share documents, online files and digital assets.  IntelligenceBank comes with advanced document management features such as:  Version Control, Review Dates, Metadata, Comments, Ratings, PDF document reader, annotations and more.  Advanced search (searching title, description and within the documents) and Permissions can be granted on a granular basis.  You can email links to documents and set email alerts to notify stakeholders when new online files are available.  Integration with Active Directory is possible.<br/><br/>IntelligenceBank's document management tool is used for board portals, external partner extranet, and brand hubs - to share brand guildelines and creative files with stakeholders.<br/><br/>",SaaS,Document Management,,,,,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 8 hours,Units are user licenses.,Australia,NSW,1.6,1.0,Australia,QLD,1.6,2.0,USA,Washington,1.08,1.0,,,,,,,,

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Advanced SNMP Monitoring Pack,"The solution automatically discovers network interfaces, verifies network connectivity to devices (routers, switches, firewalls, etc.) and application services revealing accessibility and latency.  Additionally, the solution monitors interface traffic and calculates bandwidth utilisation. Network interface variables are polled for status data and the solution receives unsolicited SNMP traps. Interactive Network Monitoring intuitively displays this comprehensive data in graphical alarm consoles, performance reports, and SLA reports.   The advanced monitoring pack is specifically useful for VOIP environments.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Advanced SNMP Monitoring Pack,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Applications Server Pack,"The Application Server Pack provides monitoring capabilities for all the major databases and applications in use today, including Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, Exchange, Active Directory, IIS, Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere, Weblogic, Citrix and many others --as well as client's in-house developed applications. Additionally the Application Server Pack provides monitoring for Cisco VoIP (Voice over IP) services such as CallManager, Unity, and Unified Communications Manager. (Includes Standard Server Pack)",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Applications Server Pack,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Tier 2 +,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,CIFS Share,File Serving function direct from the SAN.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,CIFS Share,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Commvault MSP Base Backup License Per Server,This is a backup agent installed into a virtual server or on a physical server to allow backups for databases for example. Supports a wide variety of popular databases.,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,CommVault Backup including iDataAgents per server,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Dedicated Virtual Firewall,High Availability Enterprise Firewall InstanceMandatory 1 minimum for all IaaS services per customerAllows customer to utilise their own local IP address rangeAllows customer to define any firewall rules,IaaS,Virtual Server,Firewall service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Off,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Dedicated Virtual Firewall,Australia,Victoria Port Park,1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Managed Online Backup Storage,This is a backup storage pool used by Interactive's backup software for online backups and is stored on the SAN. This allows quick backups and restores.,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Tier 3 Online Backup Storage - Per TB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Managed Server & Firewall Bronze Bundle,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Includes 1 vCPU, 2GB RAM, 200GB Tier 2 Storage, 1 Firewall* Excludes Backup (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Server & Firewall Bundle - Bronze,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Managed Server BronzeBundle,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Includes 1 vCPU, 2GB RAM, 200GB Tier 2 Storage* Excludes Backup and Firewall (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Server Bundle - Bronze,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Managed Server GoldBundle,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Includes 2 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB Tier 1 Storage* Excludes Backup and Firewall (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Server Bundle - Gold,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Managed Server SilverBundle,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Includes 2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 500GB Tier 1 Storage* Excludes Backup and Firewall (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Server Bundle - Silver,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Managed Tape Backup Storage,Interactive utilises Enterprise Tape Libraries to allow long term storage needs and tapes are taken offsite on a daily basis.,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Tier 4 Backup Tape Storage - Per TB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Managed VS - Cold DR,Provisioned only in the event of a disaster. Must use in conjunction with the Managed Disaster Recovery Service.Maximum 1 vCPU and 4GB Memory Allocated,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,COLD DR Virtual Servers,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Managed VS - Warm DR,Used for replication targets e.g. SQL Log shippingMaximum 1 vCPU and 4GB Memory Allocated,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,WARM DR Virtual Servers,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,NimBus HUB,"1RU Server hosting ISAM Monitoring service. Alert Forwarder for SNMP, WMI traffic. Utilises customer internet service to securely forward monitoring information to Interactive's back end service for display on the portal and alerting to customers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,NimBus HUB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Response Time Monitoring Pack - Advanced,e2e_appmon_dev and e2e_appmon. Priced per location where tests are run. Used to monitor websites.,IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Response Time Monitoring Pack - Advanced,Australia,Victoria Port Park,1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Response Time Monitoring Pack - Basic,"email_response, url_response, LDAP_response, dns_response, dhcp_response, wins_response. Priced per location where tests are run from.Used to monitor websites.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Response Time Monitoring Pack - Basic,Australia,Victoria Port Park,1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,SAS Tier 1 Primary Storage per TB,Fastest SAN storage for production volumes including operating system drives.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,SAS Tier 1 Primary Storage per TB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,SATA Tier 2 Secondary Storage Per TB,"Slower Cost Effective SAN storage for archive data, file serving volumes.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,SATA Tier 2 Secondary Storage Per TB,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Standard Server Pack,"Server Resource Monitoring, Process and Services Monitoring, Event Log Monitoring, File and Directory Monitoring. Monitor MS Windows-centric servers configured with popular Microsoft applications including; MS SQL Server, Exchange, Active Directory, and IIS.Installed in Physical or Virtual Servers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Standard Server Pack,Australia,Victoria Port Park,1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,Standard SNMP Monitoring Pack,"The solution automatically discovers network interfaces, verifies network connectivity to devices (routers, switches, firewalls, etc.) and application services revealing accessibility and latency.  Additionally, the solution monitors interface traffic and calculates bandwidth utilisation. Network interface variables are polled for status data and the solution receives unsolicited SNMP traps. Interactive Network Monitoring intuitively displays this comprehensive data in graphical alarm consoles, performance reports, and SLA reports.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Standard SNMP Monitoring Pack,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+Interactive Pty Ltd,17088952023,VM - Base Charge,"Managed Virtual Machine* Includes Operating System Patching, Antivirus where applicable* Includes Base Image, OS build, SAN connectivity, compliance, T2P, Base Monitoring Agent* Must add vCPU, RAM, Storage* Excludes Backup (added separately)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,VM - Base Charge,Australia,Victoria (Port Park),1.64,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (St Leonards),1.63,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical within cloud services environment.,Australia,New South Wales (Equinix),1.58 @ 80% design load,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Eight Mile Plains),1.75,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical,Australia,Queensland (Polaris),1.5,Not rated but Tier III principles used for Mechanical and Electrical

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Ad hoc Technical Services Fees,"Technical services supplied by Intervolve, outside of any agreed services schedule / SLA.Staff available onsite during business hours. 30 minute response time outside of business hoursMinimum 30 minute fee for technical services performed remotely &lt; Minimum 60 minute fee for technical services requiring onsite access &lt; Minimum 30 minute fee for technical services performed remotely &lt; Minimum 60 minute fee for technical services requiring onsite access &lt; $132.00 callout fee for technical services requiring onsite access",Managed Service,Human Resources,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Technical Services,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Additional public IPs (IPv4),Additional public facing IPsCan be provisioned as /24 - /29 address ranges,Managed Service,Human Resources,Connectivity,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Additional public IPs (IPv4),Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Backup Management for Dedicated Servers,Acronis ABR11 Fully Managed BackupBackup management for dedicated servers provided by Intervolve. Includes:Monthly Full Backup + Daily DifferentialsDaily Checks performed by our Support Team for correct backup functioningAlerting Escalation to Intervolve Technicians via SMSExternal USB HDD attached to each server,Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Backup Management (Dedicated servers only),Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Data Destruction Service,"A data wiping / sanitising service provided for end users, to ensure that data is not retained on decommissioned equipment.",Managed Service,Human Resources,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Data wiping / sanitising services,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Enterprise Server Maximus Package 1,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R515, 2RU, 8 x HDD BayProcessor2 x AMD 6-Core Opteron 4180, 2.6GHz, 3M L2/6M L3 CacheMemory 64GB (8x8GB) 1333Mhz Dual Ranked RDIMM Hard Drives 6 x 450GB SAS 15K, Hardware Raid 1/5/6/10 (or mix)IP Addresses 5 (Extra IP's Available on Application)Bandwidth 100GB Data TransferNetwork SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Enterprise Server Maximus Package 2,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R510, 2RU, 8 x HDD BayProcessorIntel 6 Core E5645 2.40GHz, 12M Cache, 5.86 GT/s QPI, 6CMemory 64GB (8x8GB) 1333Mhz Dual Ranked RDIMM Hard Drives 6 x 450GB SAS 15K, Hardware Raid 1/5/6/10 (or mix)IP Addresses 5 (Extra IP's Available on Application)Bandwidth 100GB Data TransferNetwork SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Enterprise Server Professional Package 1,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R515, 2RU, 8 x HDD BayProcessor 2 x AMD 6-Core Opteron 4180, 2.6GHz, 3M L2/6M L3 CacheMemory 32GB (8x4GB) 1333Mhz Dual Ranked RDIMM Hard Drives 6 x 300GB SAS 15K, Hardware Raid 1/5/6/10 (or mix)IP Addresses 5 (Extra IP's Available on Application)Bandwidth 100GB Data TransferNetwork SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Enterprise Server Professional Package 2,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R510, 2RU, 8 x HDD BayProcessor2 x Intel 6 Core E5645 2.40GHz, 12M Cache, 5.86 GT/s QPI, 6CMemory 32GB (8x4GB) 1333Mhz Dual Ranked RDIMM Hard Drives 6 x 300GB SAS 15K, Hardware Raid 1/5/6/10 (or mix)IP Addresses 5 (Extra IP's Available on Application)Bandwidth 100GB Data TransferNetwork SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Hardware Firewall Service - High Availability Configuration,"Complete Unified Threat Management (UTM) features including firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention (IPS), Web filtering, antispam, antivirus, antispyware, traffic shaping and IM/P2P controls. All firewall devices are provided in a High Availability (HA) active / passive configuration to ensure maximum uptime.Based on 2x Fortinet Fortigate 80C II firewalls in cluster configurationFirewall Specifications:Firewall throughput (512 byte UDP packets): 350MbpsIPSEC VPN Throughput: 80MbpsIPS throughput: 100MbpsAntivirus Throughput: 50MbpsClient to Gateway IPSec VPN Tunnels: 200Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Recommended Max): 60Virtual Domains: 10 maxUnlimited User LicensesMaximum concurrent sessions: 100,000New sessions / second: 5,000ICSA Labs Certified (Firewall, Antivirus, IPSec VPN, SSL VPN, Intrusion Prevention)The following features are provisioned as part of the setup cost below:Firewall policy creationHardware provisionThe following features can be delivered for an additional setup cost (see below)VPN (PPTP, IPSec and SSL Dedicated Tunnels)Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)1 IP address load balancing supportedIPSEC tunnel configuration (gateway to gateway, maximum 200)",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Hardware Firewall Service -High Availability Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Hardware Firewall Service - non HA,"Complete Unified Threat Management (UTM) features including firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention (IPS), Web filtering, antispam, antivirus, antispyware, traffic shaping and IM/P2P controls.Includes only a single Fortinet Fortigate 80C II firewall. (No hardware redundancy).Firewall Specifications:Firewall throughput (512 byte UDP packets): 350MbpsIPSEC VPN Throughput: 80MbpsIPS throughput: 100MbpsAntivirus Throughput: 50MbpsClient to Gateway IPSec VPN Tunnels: 200Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Recommended Max): 60Virtual Domains: 10 maxUnlimited User LicensesMaximum concurrent sessions: 100,000New sessions / second: 5,000ICSA Labs Certified (Firewall, Antivirus, IPSec VPN, SSL VPN, Intrusion Prevention)The following features are provisioned as part of the setup cost below:Firewall policy creationHardware provisionThe following features can be delivered for an additional setup cost (see below)VPN (PPTP, IPSec and SSL Dedicated Tunnels)Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)1 IP address load balancing supportedIPSEC tunnel configuration (gateway to gateway, maximum 200)",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Hardware Firewall Service - non HA,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Enterprise - 100GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory16GB (4x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 450GB SAS, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 100GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Enterprise - 20GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory16GB (4x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 450GB SAS, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 20GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Enterprise - 50GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory16GB (4x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 450GB SAS, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 50GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Lite - 100GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory2GB (1x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 250GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 1 Public Static IP IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 100GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Lite - 20GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory2GB (1x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 250GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 1 Public Static IP IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port- 20GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Lite - 50GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory2GB (1x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 250GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 1 Public Static IP IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 50GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Professional - 100GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory8GB (2x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 1TB SATA II, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 100GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Professional - 20GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory8GB (2x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 1TB SATA II, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 20GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Professional - 50GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelQuad Core Xeon E3-1230, 2.40Ghz, 8MB Cache, Turbo, HTMemory8GB (2x4GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 1TB SATA II, Hardware Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 5 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 50GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Standard - 100GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory4GB (2x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 500GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 2 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 100GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Standard - 20GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory4GB (2x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 500GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 2 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 20GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Dedicated Server Standard - 50GB,"A dedicated managed hardware (IaaS) service provisioned exclusively for the use of the end client / business unit.Configurable to end user requirements.Additional platform management features available, configurable to end user requirements, see also attached the PaaS by Intervolve.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"A single physical dedicated serverServer Model Dell PowerEdge R210, 1RU Rack-Mounted ServerProcessor IntelDual Core I3-550, 3.2Ghz, 4MB CacheMemory4GB (2x2GB) DDR3, 1333MhzHard Drives2 x 500GB SATA II, Raid 1 MirrorIP Addresses 2 Public Static IPs IncludedBandwidth 100Mbps Switch Port - 50GB per month data allowance (counted in + out)Network SLA 99.9% Minimum Term 12 months",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Fortinet Forti Tokens (requires a firewall service as per service catalogue),Two Factor Authentication security service. Requires shared or dedicated hardware firewalls to be provisioned (see Hardware Firewall Service in Service Catalogue). Also requires SSL VPN or IPSEC VPN to be provisioned (See SSL VPN configuration or IPSEC VPN configuration in Service Catalogue) Requires the user to input a special code that is linked to their user account.,IaaS,Identity Management,Connectivity,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Fortinet Forti Token,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Intrusion Protection System Configuration (requires a firewall service as per service catalogue),IPS configuration on a firewall services delivered.,Managed Service,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Intrusion Protection System Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,IPSEC VPN tunnel (requires a firewall service as per service catalogue),SSL VPN Configuration for users. Requires user to authenticate via SSL VPN before accessing server.More secure than direct access over internet.,Managed Service,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,SSL VPN Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Load Balancing Configuration (requires a firewall service as per service catalogue),Configuration of load balancing for client services.,Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Load Balancing Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Metrics Monitoring,"Metrics Monitoring1 x Server (CPU Usage, Memory Free, Disk Free, Ping Response) &lt; Alerting Escalation to Intervolve Technicians via email &lt; Alerting Escalation to Client Technicians via email",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Metrics Monitoring,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Shared Hardware Firewall Service,"Complete Unified Threat Management (UTM) features including firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention (IPS), Web filtering, antispam, antivirus, antispyware, traffic shaping and IM/P2P controls. All firewall devices are provided in a High Availability (HA) active / passive configuration to ensure maximum uptime.Based on 2x Fortinet Fortigate 80C II firewalls in cluster configuration, maximum 9 clients per cluster.Firewall Specifications:Firewall throughput: 20MbpsIPS throughput: 10MbpsMaximum concurrent sessions: 70,000New sessions / second: 2,000ICSA Labs Certified (Enterprise Firewall, IPSec, SSL, NIPS, Gateway Antivirus)The following features are provisioned as part of the setup cost below:Firewall policy creationHardware provisionThe following features can be delivered for an additional setup cost (see below)VPN (PPTP, IPSec and SSL Dedicated Tunnels)Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)1 IP address load balancing supportedIPSEC tunnel configuration",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Shared Hardware Firewall Service,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,SMS Alerting & Notification,SMS Alerting & Notification service provided by Intervolve:1 x Server (24x7x5min HTTP Check)Alerting Escalation to Intervolve Technicians via SMSAlerting Escalation to Client Technicians via SMSAd-Hoc Reporting Available (Requests Ad-Hoc Charge),Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Metrics Monitoring,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,SQL Managemenet,Management of a SQL back end database. Monthly database shrink & statistic run / check.,Managed Service,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,SQL Management,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC PTY LTD trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,SSL VPN Configuration (requires a firewall service as service catalogue),SSL VPN Configuration for users. Requires user to authenticate via SSL VPN before accessing server.More secure than direct access over internet.,Managed Service,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,SSL VPN Configuration,Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,III,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II

+INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Virtual Private Server - Enterprise,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Dual Core40GB Disk space50GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)1536MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation -5 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

+INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Virtual Private Server - Lite,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Single Core5GB Disk space5GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)256MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation - 1 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

+INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Virtual Private Server - Max,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Dual Core80GB Disk space50GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)2048MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation -5 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

+INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Virtual Private Server - Mid,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Single Core10GB Disk space10GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)512MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation - 2 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

+INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Virtual Private Server - Pro,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Dual Core20GB Disk space50GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)1024MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation -5 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

+INTERHOST PACIFIC Pty Ltd trading as INTERVOLVE,85126029203,Virtual Private Server - Std,"A scalable virtual server, capable of running various server software and applications, dedicated to the exclusive use and access of one customer / business unit, delivered as per the the PaaS methodology.Configurable to end user requirements.Can include OS patch management and reporting / metrics if required.",PaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 week,"A Virtual Private ServerCPU Speed: 2.5GHz, Single Core15GB Disk space50GB Data transfer per month (counted in + out)768MB RAM allocationDaily backup (1 day retention, further retention available upon request)Public IP Addresses allocation - 3 IPv4 addressGuaranteed SLA - 99.9%Minimum term 1 month",Australia,South Australia,Between 1.7 (Winter) and 2.0 (Summer),II,Australia,Victoria (Site 1: Melbourne),1.8,III,Australia,Victoria (Site 2: Port Melbourne),Between 1.8 and 2.0,II,Australia,Queensland,2.0,II,,,,

+Lazu,28143447632,Cloud Servers,"Our Cloud Servers are secure and fully redundant at every layer  network, compute and storage.By utilising our infrastructure you can reduce your IT costs, while maintaining the flexibility to scale up or down as your business changes.We appreciate that no two customers needs are alike. Thats why we offer a range of migration options and a variety of plans and value added extras to complete your cloud solution. These extras include backup and restore, firewalls, comprehensive support, and extensive around the clock monitoring.Technology can consume organisational resources, which is why our service is designed to be simple, from contracts and snappy provisioning, through to access to experts and support.Business requirements change, but our architecture is standardised and all of our cloud products use enterprise grade infrastructure. Therefore, by choosing our Cloud Servers, you can migrate, upgrade and access all our cloud products quickly and simply.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Plan 1 - CPU (1), RAM (2GB), Storage (50GB), Network Bandwidth (25GB), Public IP Address (1)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

+Lazu,28143447632,CloudDrive,"CloudDrive is a private cloud solution that is simple to use, secure and mobile. It enables your business to reduce the risk of data leakage, while increasing productivity.Mobile device policies (i.e. BYOD) may not have been formalised, but employees are still using their own devices and consumer tools to store and share sensitive corporate data. CloudDrive gives employees a better way to collaborate, and organisations better control over their data.Employees who use CloudDrive will be more productive more of the time. Business information can be accessed in the office or on the run using their iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry and a number of other devices. Employees can show customers the latest sales collateral without having to wait for an email, or work on urgent reports or sales bids on the run.From the infrastructure to the security features, CloudDrive is enterprise-class. When a file is dropped into a CloudDrive it is automatically backed up to your private cloud and synced to all devices. Files stored locally on a device are encrypted and can be wiped remotely if your device is lost or stolen.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Dollars (AUD) per User per month, Each user includes CloudDrive software license, Storage (50GB), Network Usage (25GB), File Size Limit (2GB)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

+Lazu,28143447632,Managed Co-Location,"Our next generation Managed Co-Location service physically and logically secures your IT systems. Our state of the art data centres are located across Australia, so you can access your data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Each centre follows strict security protocols, giving you complete peace of mind.At Lazu, we are passionate about simplicity and choice. If you choose Managed Co-Location, we provide high speed network access, routing, firewall and switching, which means you can have your systems up and running as soon as they are racked.Once you are up and running, our responsive Australian based team can monitor and manage your network, or you can choose to use your own team.Our data centres are secure, robust and safe environments, with ridiculously high power density and super-efficient cooling. We can easily provide you with additional racks, cages, or any other configuration you choose.By choosing Managed Co-Location you gain access to our suite of cloud products, so if you have an urgent requirement for additional compute, storage, backup or network we can provide you with what you need at the touch of a button.",IaaS,Business Continuity,Managed Co-Location Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Plan 1' - Rack Space (5RU), 1GB Network Port (2), Power (0.4kw), GPO Power Outlets (4), Network Usage (200GB), Firewall (1), Public IP Address (1)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

+Lazu,28143447632,Offsite Cloud Backup,"Lazu's Offsite Cloud Backup solution enables you to backup your file servers, databases, VM's and just about anything else from your datacentre to ours. It's designed so you can concentrate on managing your production environment, leaving us to ensure that your data is protected.At Lazu we are always looking to innovate and change the game. Our solution is vendor agnostic, uses compression and de-duplication, and is tapeless. This means that your existing environment doesn't need to conform to strict requirements; we don't need your data to be in the same data centre as ours, and we can recover your data fast!Our solution is designed with security and compliance in mind, so we can retain your data for as long as you or the regulators require within a dedicated private cloud environment.By using our Offsite Cloud Backup you can dramatically reduce your CAPEX and OPEX costs and gain access our suite of cloud products.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Plan 1 - Software licence, Storage (1TB), Network (0.3TB), Dedicated Firewall (1), Public IP Address (1), Restores (5)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

+Lazu,28143447632,Private Cloud Servers,"Our Private Cloud Servers enable you to split your dedicated compute and storage resources the way you want - its easy through our automated service portal.We know how important security and reliable performance is to you, thats why we provide you with dedicated compute (e.g. entire blades) and storage volumes. Your Private Cloud resides behind our enterprise grade network and security infrastructure. All configuration follows best practice and we are independently tested periodically.Because we use a standardised architecture across all our Cloud Servers, we can provide you with a DR service for your Private Cloud, or if you relocate your business, we can move your data to an equivalent configuration in another State.You wont waste valuable time negotiating contracts and migrating to our Private Cloud Servers. Our contracts and migration tools make it easy for you to join and leave, although we are confident that you will stay with us",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"'Plan 1' - 2x Dedicated Blades (&gt;128VMs), RAM (256GB), Storage (10TB), Network Usage (3TB), Dedicated Firewall (1), Public IP Address (1)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

+Lazu,28143447632,Private Cloud Storage,"According to Gartner*, the growth rate of data is 40 to 60 percent; but for unstructured data in the enterprise, the growth rate can be up to 80 percent and is becoming increasingly difficult to manage and protect. Our Private Cloud Storage solution is dedicated and designed to help organisations effectively deal with rampant data growth.Storage is complex to administer and management of storage is expensive, which is why we have local experts at hand. Our talented storage team ensure that we conform to the strictest service levels.Our solution is enterprise-grade and highly optimised. Not only is it phenomenally fast and highly secure, but also extremely reliable.Our solution is designed to be provisioned on-demand, so you can stop wasting time continually justifying capital expenditure on regular storage upgrades. By switching to our monthly pay as you grow model you can invest more time and money in growing your business.We have storage hubs distributed across Australia, so you can be confident that we can accommodate your growing data needs.*Gartner, IT Market Clock for Storage, 2011, Sept 6, 2011",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Plan 1 - Dedicated Volumes (2), Storage (10TB), Network Usage (3TB), Dedicated Firewall (1), Public IP Address (1)",Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Canberra,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Queensland,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,Sydney,1.3,Tier 3,Australia,Western Australia,1.3,Tier 3

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Alpha Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Alpha configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by an EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMI behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Alpha configuration resides within a single Availability Zone (AZ) and is suitable for non-critical workloads and development environments. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.small, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.small, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x t1.micro instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        613 GiB memory<br/>        Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)<br/>        8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Low<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.medium, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.medium, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.small instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.micro instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.large, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.large, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Delta Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Delta configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power for the web application is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Another pair of m1.medium instances behind an ELB works on top of the application layer to serve cached requests. Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Delta configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability and low response times. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.small, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.small, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.small). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.small, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.medium, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.medium, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.medium). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.medium, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilisation. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.large, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center; or, 1X rds.mssql.large, AWS MS SQL RDS<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Sierra Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Sierra configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Databases are served from AWS RDS, a geographically replicated database service (rds.maz.mysql.large). The Sierra configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for highly transactional hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS<br/>2x rds.maz.mysql.large, AWS MySQL RDS, 1x Master, 1x Warm Standby (&gt;1min time to recovery) in separate data center<br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Unit (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        5GB Instance storage<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk I - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk I - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk I - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk I, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.small Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.small instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        1.7 GiB memory<br/>        1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        160 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk II - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk II - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk II - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk II, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.medium Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.medium instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        3.75 GiB memory<br/>        2 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        410 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        32-bit or 64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: Moderate<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk III - Amazon Linux AMI - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Amazon Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Amazon Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk III - Microsoft Windows Server - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Microsoft Windows Server AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Microsoft Windows Server OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - On Demand,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Link Web Services Pty Ltd (trading as Link Digital),58100170625,Whiskey Mk III - Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Reserved,"The Whiskey configuration resides within a private network space, established via Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) features. For the Mk III, computing power is provided by a pair of EBS backed m1.large Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs behind an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The Whiskey configuration spans two Availability Zones (AZs) and is suitable for hosted applications requiring high availability. <br/><br/>The entire solution is wrapped in an autoscaling group which monitors all instances in realtime for high utilization. In the case of high demand additional instances are provisioned in near real-time to absorb the additional demand. Additional capacity is released when not needed, providing significant cost savings.<br/><br/>The setup fee designates the configuration as Reserved' and allows for a lower TCO over a 12 month period via a lower hourly charge for utilisation.  <br/><br/>Link Digital's Managed AWS Service is a holistic approach to pay-as-you-go hosting that leverages AWS unique features to provide a realtime correlation between customer throughput and infrastructure size. This directly links client expenditure with customer demand and drastically cuts over-provisioning and unnecessary spending.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,Off,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2x m1.large instance, 1x load balancer, in diverse data centers configured for autoscaling <br/>        7.5 GiB memory<br/>        4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual core with 2 EC2 Compute Unit)<br/>        850 GB instance storage - 8GB EBS-Backed<br/>        64-bit platform<br/>        I/O Performance: High<br/>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS",Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,Australia,NSW,AWS do not disclose PUE,AWS do not disclose the location of specific data centers,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Lock Box Pty. Ltd.,65125295719,Lockbox Client Portal - 1000,"The Lockbox privacy service allows organisations to interact with their clients with all the benefits of the public cloud (availability, scalability, flexibility) but without most of the associated risks (security, privacy, control). Lockbox is therefor particularly suitable for sharing private, sensitive or confidential information, especially across organisations, including the most difficult areas of B2B collaboration and government to non-government information exchange.Though Lockbox makes use of powerful encryption and key management technologies, our products are designed to easy to use, install, manage and integrate with existing organisational practices. The data owner controls access rights and can add or delete users at any time. Files can be easily accessed at any time and from anywhere. Clients and staff can login to upload and access their important information in real-time and, with automatic compression of files, the system is fast and responsive.With the use of a Lockbox Client Portal embedded into your organisation's website, each client effectively deals directly with your organisation. The portal gives a personal and private area for collaboration as a natural part of your website. With a Lockbox portal there is typically little to no IT involvement and it requires no server or firewall changes in order to be seamlessly integrated into your website.Lockbox removes the hassles of unreliable email, unsecured file transfer and delays with couriered CDs and USB sticks. Lockbox is unique in the market in the way it can ensure privacy. Lockbox is fully encrypted (end-to-end) and information is only visible to approved contacts. Data is compressed and encrypted on the originator's machine and stays that way until it's accessed by an authorised partner or client. It can never be accessed by anyone else - not even the staff at Lockbox - ever.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 User + 1GB aggregated data usage (storage + transfer of compressed data),Australian,Victoria,1.8,3.0,Australian,Victoria,1.9,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Lock Box Pty. Ltd.,65125295719,Lockbox Client Portal - 200,"The Lockbox privacy service allows organisations to interact with their clients with all the benefits of the public cloud (availability, scalability, flexibility) but without most of the associated risks (security, privacy, control). Lockbox is therefor particularly suitable for sharing private, sensitive or confidential information, especially across organisations, including the most difficult areas of B2B collaboration and government to non-government information exchange.Though Lockbox makes use of powerful encryption and key management technologies, our products are designed to easy to use, install, manage and integrate with existing organisational practices. The data owner controls access rights and can add or delete users at any time. Files can be easily accessed at any time and from anywhere. Clients and staff can login to upload and access their important information in real-time and, with automatic compression of files, the system is fast and responsive.With the use of a Lockbox Client Portal embedded into your organisation's website, each client effectively deals directly with your organisation. The portal gives a personal and private area for collaboration as a natural part of your website. With a Lockbox portal there is typically little to no IT involvement and it requires no server or firewall changes in order to be seamlessly integrated into your website.Lockbox removes the hassles of unreliable email, unsecured file transfer and delays with couriered CDs and USB sticks. Lockbox is unique in the market in the way it can ensure privacy. Lockbox is fully encrypted (end-to-end) and information is only visible to approved contacts. Data is compressed and encrypted on the originator's machine and stays that way until it's accessed by an authorised partner or client. It can never be accessed by anyone else - not even the staff at Lockbox - ever.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 User + 200MB aggregated data usage (storage + transfer of compressed data),Australian,Victoria,1.8,3.0,Australian,Victoria,1.9,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Lock Box Pty. Ltd.,65125295719,Lockbox Client Portal - 500,"The Lockbox privacy service allows organisations to interact with their clients with all the benefits of the public cloud (availability, scalability, flexibility) but without most of the associated risks (security, privacy, control). Lockbox is therefor particularly suitable for sharing private, sensitive or confidential information, especially across organisations, including the most difficult areas of B2B collaboration and government to non-government information exchange.Though Lockbox makes use of powerful encryption and key management technologies, our products are designed to easy to use, install, manage and integrate with existing organisational practices. The data owner controls access rights and can add or delete users at any time. Files can be easily accessed at any time and from anywhere. Clients and staff can login to upload and access their important information in real-time and, with automatic compression of files, the system is fast and responsive.With the use of a Lockbox Client Portal embedded into your organisation's website, each client effectively deals directly with your organisation. The portal gives a personal and private area for collaboration as a natural part of your website. With a Lockbox portal there is typically little to no IT involvement and it requires no server or firewall changes in order to be seamlessly integrated into your website.Lockbox removes the hassles of unreliable email, unsecured file transfer and delays with couriered CDs and USB sticks. Lockbox is unique in the market in the way it can ensure privacy. Lockbox is fully encrypted (end-to-end) and information is only visible to approved contacts. Data is compressed and encrypted on the originator's machine and stays that way until it's accessed by an authorised partner or client. It can never be accessed by anyone else - not even the staff at Lockbox - ever.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 User + 500MB aggregated data usage (storage + transfer of compressed data),Australian,Victoria,1.8,3.0,Australian,Victoria,1.9,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cross Connect 1 x Single Mode Fibre,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Cloud - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for unexpected, moderate to high usage application workloads and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server. No utilisation fee is charged with Always On cloud servers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Cloud - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for unexpected, moderate to high usage application workloads and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server. No utilisation fee is charged with Always On cloud servers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Cloud - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for unexpected, moderate to high usage application workloads and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server. No utilisation fee is charged with Always On cloud servers.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Cloud - Additional Storage Intermediate,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Cloud - Additional Storage Standard,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Cloud - Additional Storage Superior,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 12 Months - 8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 12 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB in 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 3 Months - 8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 3 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as PLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 24GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always On Performance Cloud - 6 Months - 8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for large production and heavy application workloads, catering for unexpected, moderate and high usage on applications and data bases. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"8vCPU, 32GB RAM, 160 GB on 6 month contract",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: &lt; 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 1TB - 2.5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 2.5TB - 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 200GB - 499GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 40GB - 199GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Intermediate: 500GB - 999GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: &lt; 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 1TB - 2.5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 2.5TB - 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 200GB - 499GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 40GB - 199GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Premium: 500GB - 999GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: &lt; 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 1TB - 2.5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 2.5TB - 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 200GB - 499GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 40GB - 199GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Standard: 500GB - 999GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: &lt; 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 1TB - 2.5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 2.5TB - 5TB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 200GB - 499GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 40GB - 199GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always On Performance Cloud - Manage Storage - Superior: 500GB - 999GB,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always On Performance Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always Ready Business Cloud - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for Testing, short term projects and medium usage application workloads, designed for Business Hours usage. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always Ready Business Cloud - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for Testing, short term projects and medium usage application workloads, designed for Business Hours usage. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always Ready Business Cloud - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for Testing, short term projects and medium usage application workloads, designed for Business Hours usage. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always Ready Business Cloud - Additional Storage Intermediate,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always Ready Business Cloud - Additional Storage Standard,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always Ready Business Cloud - Additional Storage Superior,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Business Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always Ready Standby Cloud - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for light to medium application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always Ready Standby Cloud - 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for light to medium application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Always Ready Standby Cloud - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB","The Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for light to medium application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 160GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always Ready Standby Cloud - Additional Storage Intermediate,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always Ready Standby Cloud - Additional Storage Standard,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Always Ready Standby Cloud - Additional Storage Superior,Cloud Storage suited to the Macquarie Telecom Always Ready Standby Cloud Server offering.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Backup as a Service,"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Backup as a Service - 19% or less unstructured, 30 day retention","Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Backup as a Service - 20% or greater unstructured, 30 day retention","Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Backup as a Service - VM Backup,"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Backup as a Service (Remote Server Excess Usage),"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Backup as a Service (Server Excess Usage),"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Backup as a Service (VM Backup Excess Usage),"Macquarie Telecoms Backup as a Service provides a cost-effective, reliable and flexible solution to provide offsite backup and data storage services. The service includes the use of intelligent agent software, secure connectivity, online restoration tools, offsite data storage, SLGs and expert support, all for a simple monthly fee.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cabling Cross Connect 1x CAT5E,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cabling Cross Connect 1x RJ11 ULL,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cabling Cross Connect 24x CAT6,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cabling Cross Connect 6x CAT5E,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cloud Load Balancer - Up to 5x monitored connections,"The Macquarie Telecom Cloud Load Balancing offering is designed to provide the load balancing requirements for hosted cloud server's applications. Macquarie Telecom use F5 Big IP Viprion models to provide the load balancing functionality. Load balancing is used as part of a customer solution for load sharing, redundancy, performance and billing purposes. The service offering also includes hardware and software maintenance.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Load Balancer, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cloud Virtual Cross Connect - includes 1x VCC catering for 2x security zones,The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any transmission connectivity between components within a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper EX4500 series models to achieve the desired switching and VLAN functionality. The Virtual Cross Connect offers high speed Ethernet transmission on a per customer VLAN basis. The service offering also includes all hardware and software maintenance.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Virtual Cross Connect, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cloud Virtual Cross Connect Add-ons for additional VCC's,The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any transmission connectivity between components within a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper EX4500 series models to achieve the desired switching and VLAN functionality. The Virtual Cross Connect offers high speed Ethernet transmission on a per customer VLAN basis. The service offering also includes all hardware and software maintenance.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Virtual Cross Connect, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cloud Virtual Firewall - includes 2x minimum security zones,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper SRX3400 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Virtual Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and Site-to-Site IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Firewall, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cross Connect 1 x Multi Mode Fibre,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cross Connect Cancellation Fee,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Cross Connect Change Fee,"The Macquarie Telecom Cabling Cross Connect offering is designed to provide any physical copper or fibre connectivity between components within the data centre. Macquarie Telecom use either CAT6 or Standard OM1 cables to achieve the desired cabling functionality. Protocols supported across the cables are dependent on the terminating equipment, with Gigabit Ethernet being the pre-dominate choice. The service includes all hardware maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, ONCE OFF FEE",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 100Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 10Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 150Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 15Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 200Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 20Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 250Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 2Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 300Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 30Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 400Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 40Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 4Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 50Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 60Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 6Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 70Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 80Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 8Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DataCentre Cross Connect - 90Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom DataCentre Cross Connect service delivers high-speed availability and reliability across two Macquarie Intellicentres, with 2x Ethernet Access services and 99.95% availability.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Developer Cloud - 12 VM,"The Macquarie Telecom Developer Cloud provides uisers congtrol over their VMs through Macquarie Telecom's self-service portal. Access to the Developer Cloud is through the customer's existing Macquarie Telecom WAN or directly via the Internet. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per DeveloperCloud, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Developer Cloud - 4 VM,"The Macquarie Telecom Developer Cloud provides uisers congtrol over their VMs through Macquarie Telecom's self-service portal. Access to the Developer Cloud is through the customer's existing Macquarie Telecom WAN or directly via the Internet. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per DeveloperCloud, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Developer Cloud - 8 VM,"The Macquarie Telecom Developer Cloud provides uisers congtrol over their VMs through Macquarie Telecom's self-service portal. Access to the Developer Cloud is through the customer's existing Macquarie Telecom WAN or directly via the Internet. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within its cloud-stack layer. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per DeveloperCloud, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Disaster Recovery - Data / IP VPN - Intellicentre Colocated Ethernet Service,"The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Firewall, this firewall is designed to meet the requirements for a customer solution. These firewalls would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper ISG1000 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The DR-Virtual Firewall offers 3 major features which are tasteful packet inspection, firewall zones, and customer specific policies per zone. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: &lt; 10000GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: 100-500GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: 2000-5000GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: 5000-10000GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Replication - Intellicentre 1 to Virtual Disaster Recovery, Canberra: 500-2000GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering includes a maximum time to respond of 30 mins, a maximum data loss of 60 mins and a maximum time to failover of 4 hours.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Disaster Recovery - Virtual Load Balancing,"The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Firewall, this firewall is designed to meet the requirements for a customer solution. These firewalls would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper ISG1000 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The DR-Virtual Firewall offers 3 major features which are tasteful packet inspection, firewall zones, and customer specific policies per zone. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 2vCPU, 16GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 16GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Disaster Recovery - Virtual Server - 4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for a customers critical application workloads. These servers would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality within a multi-tenant hardware environment build on HP Blades. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as a VMware SPLA licensing, Windows or Red Hat SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of each virtual server.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"4vCPU, 32GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Disaster Recovery - Virtual Switch,"The Macquarie Telecom Disaster Recovery Product is a suite of products that are designed to provide the complete DR requirements for a customer. A component of that product bundle is the DR - Virtual Firewall, this firewall is designed to meet the requirements for a customer solution. These firewalls would only be actually used if a disaster was declared by Macquarie Telecom. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper ISG1000 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The DR-Virtual Firewall offers 3 major features which are tasteful packet inspection, firewall zones, and customer specific policies per zone. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,DNS,The Macquarie Telecom DNS Service offering is designed to provide our customers with either a Primary or Secondary Domain Name Records. We can be either an authoritive or secondary service dependant on the customers requirements. A typical configuration would include both the Zone (SOA) and Mail (MX) records. Macquarie Telecom uses the Bind software that is installed on Linux servers to achieve the desired functionality. We have 5 DNS servers deployed in multiple locations to ensure High Availability of our DNS Service. A Self Service portal is available to our customers for all changes to their records. The service offering also includes Macquarie Telecom looking after all hardware and software maintenance.,IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per DNS, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Email Anti-SPAM/Anti Virus,"The Macquarie Telecom Email Anti-Virus/Anti-SPAM Service offering is designed to provide an Anti-SPAM and Anti-Virus protection solution to the email traffic that is sent and received by the customers mail servers. Macquarie Telecom uses the Sophos Pure Message software that is installed on servers to achieve the desired functionality. Attack signatures are updated daily, with additional zero day critical updates included as required. The service offering also includes all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per User, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Firewall Appliance Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Host Intrusion Detection Service,"The Macquarie Telecom Host Based Intrusion Detection Service offering is designed to provide a Layer 7 aware code and Operating system vulnerability protection requirements for a customer solution at the individual server level. Macquarie Telecom uses the IBM ISS Proventia series of software that is installed on the target servers to achieve the desired functionality. The Macquarie Telecom Host Based Intrusion Detection Service scans all traffic that is traversing to the servers and can monitor or block traffic in real time as desired. It also monitors the event logs and registries of the servers. Attack signatures are updated weekly, with additional zero day critical updates included as required. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all software maintenance. Security Event Incident Management is handled by our Correlation Engine which uses RSA Envision technology.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Hosted DNS Change,The Macquarie Telecom DNS Service offering is designed to provide our customers with either a Primary or Secondary Domain Name Records. We can be either an authoritive or secondary service dependant on the customers requirements. A typical configuration would include both the Zone (SOA) and Mail (MX) records. Macquarie Telecom uses the Bind software that is installed on Linux servers to achieve the desired functionality. We have 5 DNS servers deployed in multiple locations to ensure High Availability of our DNS Service. A Self Service portal is available to our customers for all changes to their records. The service offering also includes Macquarie Telecom looking after all hardware and software maintenance.,Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per Change,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: &lt; 101Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 1Mbps - 6Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 21Mbps - 40Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 41Mbps - 60Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 61Mbps - 100Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Hosting Internet - Unlimited Plan: 7Mbps - 20Mbps,"The Macquarie Telecom Hosting Internet offering is designed to provide a comprehensive internet access with Single and Dual Ethernet access options available. The customer handoff is provided with either 1 or 2 x CAT6 RJ45 Ethernet cables. Macquarie Telecom use both Juniper and Cisco devices to provide the Internet connectivity. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as an IPv4 Public Address assignment ranging for a /29 to a /26 dependant on customer requirements, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per MB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Intellihands (T & M) - Business Hours,The Intellihands Product is a service that can be used by our customers who require an Macquarie Telecom NOC engineer to conduct a routine task on their behalf on a recurring basis. This service is charged monthly at per hour Time and materials rate.,Managed Service,Physical Server,Engineering Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per Hour,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Intellihands (T & M) - non-Business Hours,The Intellihands Product is a service that can be used by our customers who require an Macquarie Telecom NOC engineer to conduct a routine task on their behalf on a recurring basis. This service is charged monthly at per hour Time and materials rate.,Managed Service,Physical Server,Engineering Services,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per Hour,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Intrusion Prevention Service,"The Macquarie Telecom Intrusion Prevention Service offering is designed to provide a Layer 7 aware code vulnerability protection requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper ISG2000 models to achieve the desired functionality. The Macquarie Telecom Intrusion Prevention Service scans all traffic that has passed through the Perimeter firewall filters and can monitor or block traffic in real time as desired. Attack signatures are updated weekly, with additional zero day critical updates included as required. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance. Includes High-Availability Perimeter Firewall, IPS monitoring and reporting.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,InView Premium,"The Macquarie Telecom InView service is a near real-time, online management tool that allows you to plan, monitor and troubleshoot your entire Macquarie Telecom data network and hosting services infrastructure - from the core to the edge. Highly personalised to manage utilisation, performance reporting and alerts, InView gives you access to the status of all your services at a glance.InView is part of a suite of online Macquarie Telecom management tools, designed to save you time and help you maxmise your services.",IaaS,Web Hosting,Reporting,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,InView Standard,"The Macquarie Telecom InView service is a near real-time, online management tool that allows you to plan, monitor and troubleshoot your entire Macquarie Telecom data network and hosting services infrastructure - from the core to the edge. Highly personalised to manage utilisation, performance reporting and alerts, InView gives you access to the status of all your services at a glance.InView is part of a suite of online Macquarie Telecom management tools, designed to save you time and help you maxmise your services.",IaaS,Web Hosting,Reporting,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Mail Filtering Change,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per change,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed DDOS Reporting,The Macquarie Telecom Managed DDOS Reporting Service is designed to thwart DDoS attacks and strengthen the quality of Government services while maintaining network visibility and security.,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 146GB 10K disk,"TThe Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,146GB 10K disk,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 146GB 15K disk,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,146GB 15K disk,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 1x CPU QUAD-Core 2GHz,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,1x CPU QUAD-Core 2GHz,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 2GB RAM Module,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,2GB RAM Module,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 300GB 10K disk,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,300GB 10K disk,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 4GB RAM Module,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,4GB RAM Module,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - Hardware Add-ons - 8GB RAM Module,"TThe Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,8GB RAM Module,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP Blade BL460 Blades,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. Each Blade includes: Intel E5506; 2x QUAD-Core CPU; 16GB RAM; 2x 146GB RAID1, dual PS; 4xNICs; 1x HBA; all CPU licenses as specified.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP Blade BL460 Blades,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP Blade C7000 Chassis,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP Blade C7000 Chassis,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP DL360 G7 E5506 2.13 GHz or equivalent,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. Each dedicated server will consist of: 1x QUAD-Core CPU; 4GB RAM; 2x 146GB RAID1 (optional); RPS and 4xNICs; CPU license as specified.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP DL360 G7 E5506 2.13 GHz or equivalent,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP DL380 G7 E5506 2.13 GHz or equivalent,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. Each dedicated server will consist of: 1x QUAD-Core CPU; 4GB RAM; 2x 146GB RAID1 (optional); RPS and 4xNICs; CPU license as specified.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP DL380 G7 E5506 2.13 GHz or equivalent,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Dedicated Server - HP DL585 G7 AMD 6172 2.1 GHz or equivalent,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use Hewlett Packard Server Devices ranging from small to large dependant on the solution requirements. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. Each dedicated server will consist of: 1x QUAD-Core CPU; 4GB RAM; 2x 146GB RAID1 (optional); RPS and 4xNICs; CPU license as specified.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,HP DL585 G7 AMD 6172 2.1 GHz or equivalent,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall - Add on - Cisco ASA 4xGig Card,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Add-on, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall - Add on - Netscreen 8xGig Card,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Add-on, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall - Add on - Reporting,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall - Cisco ASA 5510,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall - Cisco ASA 5520,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall - Cisco ASA 5540,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall - Netscreen SSG 140,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall - Netscreen SSG 320,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Firewall Policy Change,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom use either Cisco, Juniper or Sidewinder models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Managed Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and both Site-to-site and Client based IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Load Balancing,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Load Balancing offering is designed to provide the load balancing requirements for hosted managed server's applications. Macquarie Telecom use F5 Big IP models to provide the load balancing functionality. Load balancing is used as part of a customer solution for load sharing, redundancy, performance and billing purposes. The service offering also includes hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Zone , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Load Balancing - Load Balancing Change,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Load Balancing offering is designed to provide the load balancing requirements for hosted managed server's applications. Macquarie Telecom use F5 Big IP models to provide the load balancing functionality. Load balancing is used as part of a customer solution for load sharing, redundancy, performance and billing purposes. The service offering also includes hardware and software maintenance, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per change, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed RU - Colocation Device Restart,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements, but are not part of the Macquarie Telecom product catalogue and services that we are providing in our managed hosting solution.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per Service item,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed RU - Secure 20RU Half Rack - 1.2kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements, but are not part of the Macquarie Telecom product catalogue and services that we are providing in our managed hosting solution.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed RU - Secure 20RU Half Rack - 3kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed RU - Secure 42RU Full Rack - 3kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed RU - Secure 42RU Full Rack - 5kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed RU - Secure 42RU Full Rack - 7kW dual power supply,"The Managed RU Product is essentially a Colocation offering that is deployed on a per rack unit basis, it is contained within a larger managed customer solution design. The product is designed to provide rack space, power and cooling requirements for any unsupported technologies and 3rd party devices that are a necessary part of our customers requirements.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,Co-location housing of rack space,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Server Anti Virus,"The Macquarie Telecom Server Anti-Virus Service offering is designed to provide a virus protection solution to the Operating System for individual servers. Macquarie Telecom uses the Symantec Endpoint series of software that is installed on the target servers to achieve the desired functionality. The Macquarie Telecom Server Anti-Virus Service scans all traffic that is present on the server operating systems. Attack signatures are updated daily, with additional zero day critical updates included as required. The service offering also includes all software maintenance.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Intermediate: &lt; 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Intermediate: 1TB - 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Intermediate: 40GB - 500GB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Intermediate: 500GB - 1TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Premium: &lt; 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Premium: 1TB - 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Premium: 40GB - 500GB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Premium: 500GB - 1TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Standard: &lt; 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Standard: 1TB - 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Standard: 40GB - 500GB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Standard: 500GB - 1TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Superior: &lt; 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Superior: 1TB - 5TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Superior: 40GB - 500GB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Storage - Superior: 500GB - 1TB,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Storage offering is designed to provide the Storage capacity requirements for server workloads. The Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) technology from EMC is used to create 4 Managed Storage Tiers which are based on performance characteristics. The service offering also includes a Storage Access network used to connect the Customer server to the Storage Arrays. The network deployed uses Multimode Fibre and Fibre Channel is used as the Access Protocol between the Server and the Storage Array. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as Fibre Channel network access and connectivity, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Switch - 24 port,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Switch offering is designed to provide any physical Ethernet transmission connectivity between components within a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper EX3200 series models to achieve the desired switching and VLAN functionality. The Managed Switch offers high speed Ethernet transmission on a per customer basis. The service offering also includes an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Switching,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Switch, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Switch - 48 port,"The Macquarie Telecom Managed Switch offering is designed to provide any physical Ethernet transmission connectivity between components within a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper EX3200 series models to achieve the desired switching and VLAN functionality. The Managed Switch offers high speed Ethernet transmission on a per customer basis. The service offering also includes an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics and all hardware and software maintenance.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Switching,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Switch, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Tape Backup (Excess Usage),"The Macquarie Telecom Tape Backup offering is designed to provide the backup requirements for server application files. Macquarie Telecom use Symantec Net Backup to provide the Backup functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as 1 month retention with 1 Full and 6 Incremental backups per week, offsite Tape Storage of the Full backups at a secure location, all Symantec Software licensing, reporting of Backup job success statistics of every server subscribed. Open File agents are offered for SQL and Exchange. Restoration requests can be ordered via our online Portal. Additional retention periods up to 7 years can be ordered on demand.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Tape Backup (per Server,"The Macquarie Telecom Tape Backup offering is designed to provide the backup requirements for server application files. Macquarie Telecom use Symantec Net Backup to provide the Backup functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as 1 month retention with 1 Full and 6 Incremental backups per week, offsite Tape Storage of the Full backups at a secure location, all Symantec Software licensing, reporting of Backup job success statistics of every server subscribed. Open File agents are offered for SQL and Exchange. Restoration requests can be ordered via our online Portal. Additional retention periods up to 7 years can be ordered on demand.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Managed Tape Backup (Usage),"The Macquarie Telecom Tape Backup offering is designed to provide the backup requirements for server application files. Macquarie Telecom use Symantec Net Backup to provide the Backup functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as 1 month retention with 1 Full and 6 Incremental backups per week, offsite Tape Storage of the Full backups at a secure location, all Symantec Software licensing, reporting of Backup job success statistics of every server subscribed. Open File agents are offered for SQL and Exchange. Restoration requests can be ordered via our online Portal. Additional retention periods up to 7 years can be ordered on demand.",Managed Service,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per GB , per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Operating System Patch Request (Non Automated Request),,Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Per request,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Perimeter Firewall,"The Macquarie Telecom Perimeter Firewall offering is designed to provide the basic filtering requirements for Internet facing applications. Macquarie Telecom use Juniper Net screen models to provide the perimeter firewall functionality. Perimeter Firewalling is used as part of a customer design for a Defence in depth solution. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance.",IaaS,CDN,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Redhat Licenses - V5 (per server): &lt; 2x CPU,"Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Redhat Licenses - V5 (per server): max 2x CPU, 16GB RAM","Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Redhat Licenses - Windows Server Datacentres Edition,"Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server License, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Redhat Licenses - Windows Server Enterprise Edition,"Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server License, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Redhat Licenses - Windows Server Standard Edition,"Includes license rental, software assurance and vendor support. Microsoft Licenses provided by the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA).",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Router Appliance Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Physical Server,Switching,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Router, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Secure Web Filtering Change,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per change,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Security Zone Management Service,,IaaS,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Server Applicance Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Server Hardware Monitoring Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Server OS Monitoring Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Server OS Patching and Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"Per item, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,SMTP Content Filtering Service,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,SMTP Server Service,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per User, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,SMTPS Content Filtering Service,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Service, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Switch Appliance Management Service - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Physical Server,Switching,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Switch, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Virtual Firewall Add-ons,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Firewall offering is designed to provide the complete firewall requirements for a customer solution. Macquarie Telecom uses the Juniper SRX3400 series models to achieve the desired firewall functionality. The Virtual Firewall offers 4 major features which are stateful packet inspection, firewall zones, policies per zone and Site-to-Site IPsec VPN's. The service offering also includes 1 day turnaround on Policy changes, and all hardware and software maintenance. Up to 6x additional security zones can be provided.",IaaS,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Add-on, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Virtual Managed Server &gt; 10 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Virtual Managed Server &lt; 100 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Virtual Managed Server 10 - 20 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Virtual Managed Server 20 - 50 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Virtual Managed Server 50 - 100 VMs,"The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Managed Server offering is designed to provide the virtual server resource requirements for application workloads. Macquarie Telecom use VMware Enterprise Edition to provide the Hypervisor functionality. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add ons such as SPLA licensing, and an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics of both each virtual server and the underlying hosts. This Managed Server configuration includes VMware EESX license (per VM) and management of VM Operations System.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per VM Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 256MB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 256MB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Virtual Private Server - 1vCPU, 512MB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1vCPU, 512MB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Virtual Private Server - 2vCPU, 16GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 16GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,"Virtual Private Server - 2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB","The Macquarie Telecom Virtual Private Server offering is designed to provide the server resource requirements for application workloads. The service offering also includes a number of bundled add on's such as SPLA license, an Availability SLG measured per month, and monitoring and reporting of usage statistics.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,VM Ware Snapshot Request,,Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per change,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,II,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Web Anti-SPAM/Anti Virus,The Macquarie Telecom Web Anti-Virus/Anti-SPAM Service offering is designed to provide an Anti-SPAM and Anti-Virus protection solution to the web content traffic that is browsed by the customers users.,Managed Service,Virtual Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per User, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Macquarie Telecom Pty Ltd,77082930916,Web server support - excludes equipment,,Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Per Server, per month",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,Australia,ACT,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,To be opened 2013; on AGIMO Data Centre Panel,,,,,,,,

+Magnetized Markets Pty Ltd,32047023412,VendorPanel - Bronze License (Single Agency),"VendorPanel is a multi-award winning SaaS application used by hundreds of government organisations to manage and access their preferred supplier panels.VendorPanel increases usage of panels, simplifies management of panel suppliers, ensures compliance and contract adherence, and gives procurement unprecedented transparency. It also simplifies quotation processes, governance and probity. Its innovative collaborative design supports secure sharing of panels across and between Agencies. Best of all, it's really easy to use.",SaaS,Off,SaaS eProcurement Application (Panel Management),24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Bronze License:Single-Agency, Collaboration Functionality,10 Procurement Administrators, 5 Panels, 150 Approved Suppliers, 200 Approved Users (Agency Staff who purchase from Panels),300 RFQs/RFPs per annum.",Australia,NSW,1.74,Tier 3 equivalent,Australia,NSW,1.45,Tier 4 equivalent,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Magnetized Markets Pty Ltd,32047023412,VendorPanel - Silver License (Single Agency),"VendorPanel is a multi-award winning SaaS application used by hundreds of government organisations to manage and access their preferred supplier panels.VendorPanel increases usage of panels, simplifies management of panel suppliers, ensures compliance and contract adherence, and gives procurement unprecedented transparency. It also simplifies quotation processes, governance and probity. Its innovative collaborative design supports secure sharing of panels across and between Agencies. Best of all, it's really easy to use.",SaaS,Off,SaaS eProcurement Application (Panel Management),24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Silver License:Single-Agency, Collaboration Functionality,10 Procurement Administrators, 15 Panels, 250 Approved Suppliers, 350 Approved Users (Agency Staff who purchase from Panels),600 RFQs/RFPs per annum",Australia,NSW,1.74,Tier 3 equivalent,Australia,NSW,1.45,Tier 4 equivalent,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Magnetized Markets Pty Ltd,32047023412,VendorPanel - Gold License (Multi-Agency),"VendorPanel is a multi-award winning SaaS application used by hundreds of government organisations to manage and access their preferred supplier panels.VendorPanel increases usage of panels, simplifies management of panel suppliers, ensures compliance and contract adherence, and gives procurement unprecedented transparency. It also simplifies quotation processes, governance and probity. Its innovative collaborative design supports secure sharing of panels across and between Agencies. Best of all, it's really easy to use.",SaaS,Off,SaaS eProcurement Application (Panel Management),24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Gold License:Multi-Agency, Collaboration Functionality,10 Procurement Administrators, 20 Panels, 350 Approved Suppliers, 500 Approved Users (Agency Staff who purchase from Panels),1000 RFQs/RFPs per annum",Australia,NSW,1.74,Tier 3 equivalent,Australia,NSW,1.45,Tier 4 equivalent,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Mastersoft Group Pty Ltd,91151055800,RAMPAGE Cloud Based Bureau Services,"RAMPAGE Cloud Based Bureau Services provide data cleansing and validation services as a bureau service. The service accepts uploaded data files which will be processed and returned, either on the secure web page or via email.The services are:- Address Cleansing- Address Validation to AMAS PAF, PSMA GNAF and NZ Post PAF- Party Matching- Geocode based extension data including: RDA Research (GeoTribe), ABS ASGS Structures, Statistics and Socio Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)- Map Data Services (MDA) geospatial services including: nearest Point of Interest, Map Overlays, Feature of Interest, Government Service Centres etcThese services are volume based.",SaaS,Information Management,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,Off,Off,NA,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,Off,Number of records in tens of thousands,TBA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Mastersoft Group Pty Ltd,91151055800,RAMPAGE Cloud Services,"RAMPAGE Cloud Services are a set of Web Services and Web integration components (Widgets) that provide:- Web ServicesoAddress CleansingoAddress Validation to AMAS PAF, PSMA GNAF and NZ Post PAFoMatchingoGeocode based extension data including: RDA Research (GeoTribe), ABS ASGS Structures, Statistics and Socio Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)o Map Data Services (MDA) geospatial services including: nearest Point of Interest, Map Overlays, Feature of Interest, Government Service Centres etc- Widgets - Web Page integration components: Rapid address using PSMA GNAF, AMAS PAF, NZ Post PAF and supplementary data sourcesoHRA one line free text Rapid Address - one line, predictive with type aheadoHRA two line semi-structured Rapid Address - two line, predictive with type aheadoHRA structured Rapid Address - component based type aheadThese services are priced by subscription and are volume based.Mastersoft also offers assistance to integrate these services as Professional Services.",SaaS,Information Management,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Monthly subscription, based on record volume processed.",TBA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+MBITS Pty Ltd,14123920481,Agency Video Connect,"MBITS Agency Video Connect is an easy to use video conferencing service available to Federal Government Agencies to communicate securely with each other through a firewall protected private LAN (Not connecting through the internet). Security level is determined by the Agency's internal Network.With MBITS Agency Video Connect, Agency users requiring a secure High Definition Federal Government Video Conferencing capability to connect from a:PC (Desktop or Laptop) using Windows or MAC (Users to supply own headset and camera), orLegacy ISDN or IP device. (Eg Cisco/Tanberg or Polycom, etc)MBITS Agency Video Connect:Is hosted on a secure ICON LAN - with single click access.Is reservation-less - not requiring a booking to have a Group Video Conference.Is secure - with all infrastructure hosted in Australia and all communications encrypted using 128-bit AES encryption running over a private ICON link.Presents Value for money - only pay for what Agencies use.Scalable - add as many participants as Agencies wish.Is a consumption based service - with no lock-in.Presents High Definition quality - up to 1080p.Has a low bandwidth requirement.Uses existing hardware - cameras and microphones.Provides Australian Help Desk support operators.This Agency Video Connect model also provides the Agency with access to Video Conferencing Rooms, including rooms with legacy video conferencing equipment.RequirementsAn Agency requiring Agency Video Connect will require:Video Router.Video Gateway.128 bit AES Encryption.Firewall.This equipment will be hosted on the Agency site, and will be provided as a once-off up front establishment payment.",Managed Service,Off,Secure Inter Agency Video Conferencing,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 day,Per month per user,Australia,ACT,1.5,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.3,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+MBITS Pty Ltd,14123920481,Managed Video as a Service,"MBITS Managed Video as a Service is an easy to use cloud hosted video conferencing service available to Federal Government Agencies; provided through a pay-as-you go model, without any long term lock-in.Users are not bound by location and MBITS presents options for Agencies requiring High Definition Group Video Conferencing capability to connect from a:PC (Desktop, Tablet or Laptop) using Windows or MAC,Mobile device (Android or iOS), orLegacy ISDN or IP device.MBITS Cloud Hosted Managed Video as a Service:Is easy for Agencies to deploy.Is hosted on an easy to use Web based interface - with single click access.Is reservation-less - not requiring a booking to have a Group Video Conference.Is secure - with all infrastructure hosted in Australia and all communications encrypted using 128-bit AES encryption.Presents Value for money - only pay for what Agencies use.Scalable - add as many participants as Agencies wish.Is Global - participate from anywhere in the world where an internet connection is available.Is Mobile - just requires an internet connection (Wireless supporting 3G, 4G or WiFi connections).Is a consumption based service - with no lock-in or upfront capital outlay.Presents High Definition quality - up to 1080p.Has a low bandwidth requirement.Uses existing hardware - cameras and microphones.Has low latency (10 times faster than traditional video conferencing) and error resiliency.Provides Australian Help Desk support operators.Is not interrupted by advertisements during group video calls.",Managed Service,Off,Video Conferencing,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per user per month,Australia,ACT,1.5,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.3,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+MBITS Pty Ltd,14123920481,MBITS Secure LAN,"The MBITS Secure LAN service offering provides Federal Government Agencies with a secure (previously to Restricted classification), on demand, cloud hosted IT environment, which can be rapidly deployed, is highly scalable and offered as a managed service through a cost effective fixed monthly charge per user.MBITS provides the physical infrastructure for the Secure LAN environment, removing the need for Agencies to purchase servers, storage, network equipment, OS and base software licenses, or to physically house equipment, provide connectivity and power, and secure resources. MBITS also provides the IT expertise for ongoing support and administration of the environment.We deliver on-demand environment, provisioned and delivered to an Agency whenever and wherever it is required. MBITS Secure LAN provides Agencies with access to a complete Windows environment, including all their specialist applications and programs. With MBITS Secure LAN, server purchases and maintenance, software updates, backing up data, storage, supporting users, disaster recovery, business continuity and security is managed through MBITS.Using MBITS Secure LAN is easy, with Agencies simply accessing their applications and data over the internet, through a secure connection using dual factor authentication. This can be done through a desktop at the office, or any other location with internet access. Users are able to access file shares, run Outlook, access files and other application as if these were running locally. All information is stored securely within the Secure LAN environment.The MBITS Secure LAN offering is a secure, resilient, scalable and highly available environment hosted out of the MBITS Data Centre in Canberra and supported by the MBITS Service Desk and Network Operations Centre, also based in Canberra. The environment has been built in accordance with Federal Government's information security standards, specifically ISM (formerly ACSI 33) and the PSM, with each service tailored to meet individual Agencies requirements.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Secure LAN,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,MBITS Secure LAN (per instance),Australia,ACT,1.5,3.0,Australia,ACT,1.3,2.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,27096278198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Dual CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Dual CPU (Microsoft HyperV),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

+NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,27096278198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Dual CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Dual CPU (Oracle),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

+NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,27096278198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Dual CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Dual CPU (VMWare),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

+NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,27096278198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Dual CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Dual CPU (VMWare),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

+NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,27096278198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Quad CPU","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Quad CPU (Oracle),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

+NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,27096278198,"NEC IT ""IaaS"" Single Virtual","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Single CPU (Oracle),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

+NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,27096278198,"NEC IT ""IaaS""","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Single CPU+ (Microsoft HyperV),Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

+NEC IT Services Australia Pty Ltd,27096278198,"NEC IT ""IaaS""","NEC IT has implemented a fully managed Cloud Infrastructure with all components geographically situated in Australia.NEC IT's IaaS offers all of the following Service Sub-Categories from the list in the next section:Backup Services, Business Continuity, Compute services, Data Storage and Archive, Disaster Recovery, Physical Server, Storage, Virtual Server.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Confidential,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 8 hours,IaaS Single CPU+,Australia,Victoria,2.0,3.0,Australia,Victoria,2.0,2.0,Australia,Queensland,2.0,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,Cloud Servers - Compute Storage - Primary,High-speed iSCSI SAN-based storage platform that provides the primary (root) disk volume and any secondary storage volumes you may wish to attach to your cloud server instances. This is persistent (non-ephemeral) storage that supports volume snapshots and allows you to move volumes from one instance to another.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.,IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB-month,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,Cloud Servers - Compute Storage - Secondary,"Lower cost, NFS-based storage platform that stores non-VM data such as customer created templates, customer uploaded ISO's and snapshots.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB-month,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source Large Instance 4x CPU, 6.8GB RAM","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source Medium Instance 2x CPU, 3.4GB RAM","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source Micro Instance 1x CPU, 384MB","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source Small Instance 1x CPU, 1.7GB RAM","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,"Cloud Servers - Open Source X-Large Instance 8x CPU, 13.6GB RAM","Cloud Servers feature dedicated, elastic resource scaling, high-availability with live-migration and can be load balanced across multiple availability zones for Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity purposes. Auto-scaling is supported via the API, and a variety of instance sizes are available.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,Cloud Servers - Public IP Address,"Publicly accessible IP Address can be configured for Static NAT, port forwarding or load balancing. Public IP addresses can be acquired or released from within Ninefold's self-service web portal.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,IP-month,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,Cloud Servers - Virtual Load Balancer,Enterprise-grade virtual load balancers can be configured in a self-service capacity from Ninefold's web portal or with assistance from our technical support team. They support a wide variety of rules and provide support for both SSL termination and sticky sessions. It is also possible to load balance your cloud servers across multiple availability zones for disaster recovery or business continuity reasons.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.,IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,per hour (billed to the second),Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.3,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,Cloud Storage,"Ninefold provides redundant internet accessible object-based storage built on EMC's Atmos platform hosted in Australian Data Centres. Atmos utilises a feature called Erasure Coding - a software-based data protection scheme that maintains a replica of each object across multiple storage nodes for resiliency. Access is provided via a file manager embedded in the Ninefold web portal, programmatically via the API or via a range of 3rd party software applications.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB-month,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,Cloud Storage - transactions,"Ninefold provides redundant internet accessible object-based storage built on EMC's Atmos platform hosted in Australian Data Centres.GET, PUT, POST, COPY, LIST and all other transactions against the Cloud Storage API.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"per 10,000 transactions",Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,Internet Bandwidth - inbound,"Ninefold provides multi-gigabit fully redundant, multi-carrier internet connectivity to all cloud services across multiple availability zones. The service includes a private /20 IPv4 Address range for your VLANs, monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. You have the ability to setup and configure inter-VLAN routing, to specify networks that connect VM tiers and to configure firewall and load balancing rules to control traffic between VM-tiers and to the Internet.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Ninefold Pty Limited,49148179846,Internet Bandwidth - outbound,"Ninefold provides multi-gigabit fully redundant, multi-carrier internet connectivity to all cloud services across multiple availability zones. The service includes a private /20 IPv4 Address range for your VLANs, monitoring and reporting of usage statistics. You have the ability to setup and configure inter-VLAN routing, to specify networks that connect VM tiers and to configure firewall and load balancing rules to control traffic between VM-tiers and to the Internet.99.9% service availability is guaranteed by our financially-backed Service Level Agreement.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,GB,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,Australia,NSW,&gt;1.5,III,,,,,,,,,,,,

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Business Continuity Management,"The recovery of a NTT Australia data centre providing managed hosting services is part of the NTT Australia BCM (Business Continuity Management) Strategy. In the event of a disaster or crisis, processes will be executed by NTT Australia to recover lost hosting centre functions. NTT Australia can distribute resources between multiple environments, creating customised disaster recovery and business continuity outcomes , enabling customers to respond quickly to new projects, unpredictable demand or business changes. NTT Australia Managed Backup and Restore provides a fully managed backup solution to undertake this vital procedure, with options for both disk-to-disk and disk-to-tape backup services on a daily basis or as required, ensuring the customers data is not compromised. NTTs Managed Backup and Restore Service facilitates the recovery of data from tape or disk delivers economies of scale which includes a retention period of up to seven years. This service complements both physical and cloud solutions, providing the customer with an archive solution that includes secure transport and storage of data. This capability should be a key element of the customers business continuity process (BCP) strategy.The NTT Enterprise Cloud reduces complexity, improving business continuity with end-to-end infrastructure management that is truly enterprise class. NTT Enterprise Cloud provides virtual Data Centres that deliver secure, high availability cloud computing environments with NTT operated servers, storage and networking equipment hosted across geographically diverse and managed data centres. In addition, NTT Enterprise Cloud can host multiple cloud infrastructure deployments supporting email and back-office applications. The solution can employ replication across multiple locations via the NTT Communications MPLS network for business continuity, and can provide full management of multiple back-office applications, all backed by our 99.99% SLA for the underlying Enterprise Cloud platform. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.",IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"BCP can range from a Professional Services Engagement to Infrastructure as a Service. NTT can offer the complete range of ICT solutions, as a one stop shop for all ICT challenges. This response is based on NTT hosted and managed Infrastructure supporting a customer/NTT business continunity strategy.","Australia (Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia (Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Utility Storage Service,"NTT Australia Utility Storage Service platform provides customers with access to a managed storage platform that allows them to provision and pay for storage only as they need it. Security features of the service allow a variety of access rights based on server roles. The service is highly flexible and highly scalable; additional capacity can be dialled-up rapidly as required. The service is designed to provide the ultimate in flexibility and peace of mind whilst returning the maximum ROI for customers.Data is held on an Enterprise Cloud storage device segregated via unique data stores, then allocated to each customer. The file system component can be integrated into the Active Directory, and provides faster throughput to the file system than a traditional file server. The solution will include relevant features to enable the synchronisation of content between the two data centres for disaster recovery. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.The Service includes: <br/>&bull; Access to NTT Australias utility storage platform <br/>&bull; Solution design consulting <br/>&bull; Change Management Services <br/>&bull; Solution ReportingStorage quotas can be expanded on demand, so that customers only pay for what they need and can grow or shrink their allocation as requirements change. The platform allows additional storage resources, both physical and logical, to be installed, provisioned and expanded with zero downtime or service interruption.Included Actions <br/>&bull; Increase in capacity <br/>&bull; Connection of new servers <br/>&bull; Management of Logical Drives and RAIDs <br/>&bull; SSP Management, Zoning and LunMasking <br/>&bull; Material changes depending on the requirementsKey Aspects <br/>&bull; The service is implemented on Network Appliance Filer technology. Storage can be presented in a variety of formats; file-based (NFS for Unix and CIFS for Windows) or block-based (iSCSI for both Windows and Unix). <br/>&bull; The underlying storage is managed by NTT, but you are able to request changes from within the portal. The changes will be undertaken by an NTT engineer. <br/>&bull; The service is configured with redundancy in mind, including dual network interfaces, multipathing across the full device, and RAID6 technology in the storage aggregates.The service also includes file system Snapshots, providing a complete read-only copy of the file system as it was at the time of the snapshot. This enables both revision control and a quick, convenient means of recovering files almost instantly from accidental file deletions, or a return to older versions of files. Snapshots are configured according to each customers individual requirements; each customer can choose what SnapShot frequency and retention suits.",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,High Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-15K RPM DiskHigh Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-10K RPM Disk,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Enterprise Cloud,"The Enterprise Cloud platform has been developed to deliver risk free utility-based computing, whilst delivering elastic and scalable on-demand performance and capacity both now and in the years to come. Enterprise Cloud gives customers all the security and reliability of Private Cloud with the functionality, flexibility and ease-of-use expected from a Public Cloud model.NTT Australia has designed this flexible, agile, and elastic hosting platform, which is accessible via a state-of-the-art Customer Portal, giving you the ability to remotely manage the hosted network, colocation services, service requests, physical infrastructure and Enterprise Cloud infrastructure. Enterprise Cloud is hosted in Tier 3+ data centres (DCs), and with the Customer Portal presents itself as the customer's virtual datacentre. The hosting platform can be based on a hybrid model of physical and virtual services gaining high performance and high availability whilst retaining the ability to be agile and elastic. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.The NTT Customer Portal is a secure website available 24x7x365 which allows authorised users to view Storage services as well as any other services in the environment (dedicated firewalls, Backups, etc.). Your NTT account manager will provide your login details. The portal provides for role-based authentication and will allow your on-site admin to assign and provision roles and responsibilities to individual portal users. For example, you may require that your security team has access to firewall information but not be allowed to deploy new Virtual Machines. This is possible to configure within the Portal.In addition to helping customers optimise hosted IT infrastructure, the NTT Portal also provides full reporting capabilities that have been designed to address the unique requirements of both technical and management oriented individuals. Integrated helpdesk tools such as ticket monitoring and request handling will ensure that authorised employees at all levels remain up to date on virtualisation issues. Please note that all information on the Portal can be downloaded in CSV format at any time. Reporting within the Portal allows security administrators to see daily and monthly reports across a variety of data sets and device types. NTT will add new reports, modify old reports and sometimes delete inappropriate reports within the Portal as to ensure that reporting gives customers the most up to date information about their current security profile. Customers utilising Enterprise Cloud can take advantage of our fully variable resource model, whereby they are able to utilise only the resources required by the application, with usage capped on a monthly basis. This provides significant scalability and flexibility, as well as commercial benefits for customers with variable workload requirements.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Global Cloud: compute infrastructure platform management.Global Cloud VM Setup: includes VM setup, OS installation, and monitoring configuration according to customer requirements.Windows 2008 Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Windows 2008 license.Redhat Linux Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Redhat Linux license.Ubuntu Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, and Patch notification.CentOS Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Debian Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Custom Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting for customer-supplied build.Global Cloud : CPU compute units (1 virtual CPU Core) Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Global Cloud: RAM compute units (1GB memory). Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Application ServicesNTT Australia Windows Server operating system managementNTT Australia Linux Server operating system managementNTT Australia OperatingSystem managementNTT Australia SQL Database Server ManagementNTT Australia Database Server ManagementNTT Australia MS Internet Information Server ManagementNTT Australia Apache Web Server ManagementNTT Australia Web Server ManagementNTT Australia Application Server ManagementNTT Australia Exchange Server Management","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Application Management Service,"NTT Australia Application Management includes web hosting services that have been designed to meet the highest levels of regulatory compliance. Although not specifically certified against all regulatory requirements, NTT Australia host NSW Government Departments, Federal Government Departments, Global Software companies and a range of Financial Services institutions. In that capacity, we support a number of clients who are subject to various audit requirements (eg: APRA, SOC1 (SAS70), PCI-DSS).NTTs solution is compliant with or informed by the following cloud best practices: <br/>&bull; The Open Cloud Manifesto: NTT is a subscribers to the Manifesto. <br/>&bull; Open Virtualization Format (OVF): All virtualisation formats are OVF (draft) standards compliant. <br/>&bull; GICTF (Global Inter-Cloud Technology Forum): GICTF is a Japanese organization studying inter-cloud standard interfaces, etc. in order to enhance the reliability of clouds. NTT is currently participating in GICTF as a board member, and will make proposals to ITU-T and NIST on the basis of the work undertaken by GICTF on inter-cloud federation and other issues.Application Management services, like NTTs database management service, are essential in hosting environments that maintain your systems operation, particularly across complex platforms.In general, Application Management services have two main objectives:<br/>&bull; Incident management: to recover a system from a failure or problem, in 24x7 availability<br/>&bull; Change management: to perform certain changes in the systems from a proactive point of view (scheduled tasks) or a reactive one (customer requests). All Application Management Services are based on:<br/>&bull; Volume purchased (the total amount of servers that will be managed).<br/>&bull; Service Level: production servers, pre-production servers, disaster recoverNTT Australia can leverage and utilise infrastructure services such as Web Application Firewall (WAF) and load balancer to provide technical solutions for regulatory compliance requirements.WAF can be deployed into NTT Cloud environments as an optional component. Each customer would have their own dedicated firewall policies within the infrastructure. NTT can and will make recommendations with regards to content, NTT will implement solutions according to your requirements.All load balancers offer full L7 load balancing capabilities. Traffic management policies for TCP applications can be based on application-layer content. Application traffic can be granularly segmented according to HTTP or TCP request information, as well as L4 - 7 header information (including URL, application data type or cookie).",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,WEB SERVERFull Management of Apache ServersFull Management of nginx Web ServersFull Management of lighttpd Web serversFull Management of memcacheFull Management of Redis (standalone or master)Full Management of Redis (slave)Full Management of Varnish ServersFull Management of Squid ServersFull Management of Lucene Framework Search Engine ServersFull Management of Microsoft IIS ServersFull Management of Microsoft ISA ServersDYNAMIC WEB PACKAGESServer with W2003 / IIS/ SQL ServerServer with Linux / Apache / PHP / MySQL o PostgresSQLServer with Plesk (W2003 / Linux / Plesk)APPLICATION SERVERSFull management of Active Directory Domain ServersFull Management of Microsoft SharePoint FrontEnd Server (includes IIS)Full Management of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Server (previously WSS)Full Management of Microsoft SharePoint Standalone Server (includes IIS and SQL on one Server)Full Management of Microsoft Office Communication ServerFull Management of Microsoft BizTalk ServersFull Management of Microsoft Commence Server / CMSFull Management of ColdFusion Application ServersFull Management of Oracle IAS Application ServersFull Management of BEA WebLogic Application ServersFull Management of IBM WebSphere Application ServersFull Management of Tomcat Application ServersFull Management of JBoss Application ServersFull Management of Ruby on Rails / Mongrel Application Servers,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Enterprise Cloud,"The Enterprise Cloud platform has been developed to deliver risk free utility-based computing, whilst delivering elastic and scalable on-demand performance and capacity both now and in the years to come. Enterprise Cloud gives customers all the security and reliability of Private Cloud with the functionality, flexibility and ease-of-use expected from a Public Cloud model.NTT Australia has designed this flexible, agile, and elastic hosting platform, which is accessible via a state-of-the-art Customer Portal, giving you the ability to remotely manage the hosted network, colocation services, service requests, physical infrastructure and Enterprise Cloud infrastructure. Enterprise Cloud is hosted in Tier 3+ data centres (DCs), and with the Customer Portal presents itself as the customer's virtual datacentre. The hosting platform can be based on a hybrid model of physical and virtual services gaining high performance and high availability whilst retaining the ability to be agile and elastic. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.The NTT Customer Portal is a secure website available 24x7x365 which allows authorised users to view Storage services as well as any other services in the environment (dedicated firewalls, Backups, etc.). Your NTT account manager will provide your login details. The portal provides for role-based authentication and will allow your on-site admin to assign and provision roles and responsibilities to individual portal users. For example, you may require that your security team has access to firewall information but not be allowed to deploy new Virtual Machines. This is possible to configure within the Portal.In addition to helping customers optimise hosted IT infrastructure, the NTT Portal also provides full reporting capabilities that have been designed to address the unique requirements of both technical and management oriented individuals. Integrated helpdesk tools such as ticket monitoring and request handling will ensure that authorised employees at all levels remain up to date on virtualisation issues. Please note that all information on the Portal can be downloaded in CSV format at any time. Reporting within the Portal allows security administrators to see daily and monthly reports across a variety of data sets and device types. NTT will add new reports, modify old reports and sometimes delete inappropriate reports within the Portal as to ensure that reporting gives customers the most up to date information about their current security profile. Customers utilising Enterprise Cloud can take advantage of our fully variable resource model, whereby they are able to utilise only the resources required by the application, with usage capped on a monthly basis. This provides significant scalability and flexibility, as well as commercial benefits for customers with variable workload requirements.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Global Cloud : CPU compute units (1 virtual CPU Core) Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Global Cloud: RAM compute units (1GB memory). Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Utility Storage Service,"The NTT Australia Utility Storage Service supports entry level to enterprise storage across all Tier 1 vendors. The service includes Data Protection offerings such as storage backup, recovery, archiving and data management elements in a high performance, high availability and disaster tolerant environment. With the Enterprise and Private Cloud offerings, NTT Australia can provide additional modular services such as Managed Backup, Managed Storage and Manage Security to provide a complete end-to-end solution that meets specific security and data protection compliance requirements.Data is held on an Enterprise Cloud storage device segregated via unique data stores, then allocated to each customer. The file system component can be integrated into the Active Directory, and provides faster throughput to the file system than a traditional file server. The solution will include relevant features to enable the synchronisation of content between the two data centres for disaster recovery. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.NTT Australia are able to implement archiving policies in line with your regulatory requirements. Data can be stored in a ""live"" vault that consists of SAN storage in the same datacentre or at an alternative datacentre to the primary data set. Tapes can be stored offsite for up to 7 years and longer. Off-site backup tapes are stored and handled by data handling specialists. Tape collection is performed with secured trucks (with GPS tracking, security safeguards, etc.). Trained drivers are in constant communications with operations centers.If an Offsite Tape Storage option is chosen, tapes are stored in locations with: <br/>&bull; PCI-DSS compliance certification <br/>&bull; Secure, unmarked, media vaults with fire-rated walls and steel doors <br/>&bull; Full environmental controls to maintain tapes at the correct temperature and humidity <br/>&bull; Early smoke detection systems, linked to gas fire suppression system to protect media <br/>&bull; 24/7 security monitoring (CCTV, etc.).",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,High Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-15K RPM DiskHigh Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-10K RPM Disk,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Enterprise Cloud,"The Enterprise Cloud platform has been developed to deliver risk free utility-based computing, whilst delivering elastic and scalable on-demand performance and capacity both now and in the years to come. Enterprise Cloud gives customers all the security and reliability of Private Cloud with the functionality, flexibility and ease-of-use expected from a Public Cloud model.NTT Australia has designed this flexible, agile, and elastic hosting platform, which is accessible via a state-of-the-art Customer Portal, giving you the ability to remotely manage the hosted network, colocation services, service requests, physical infrastructure and Enterprise Cloud infrastructure. Enterprise Cloud is hosted in Tier 3+ data centres (DCs), and with the Customer Portal presents itself as the customer's virtual datacentre. The hosting platform can be based on a hybrid model of physical and virtual services gaining high performance and high availability whilst retaining the ability to be agile and elastic. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.The NTT Customer Portal is a secure website available 24x7x365 which allows authorised users to view Storage services as well as any other services in the environment (dedicated firewalls, Backups, etc.). Your NTT account manager will provide your login details. The portal provides for role-based authentication and will allow your on-site admin to assign and provision roles and responsibilities to individual portal users. For example, you may require that your security team has access to firewall information but not be allowed to deploy new Virtual Machines. This is possible to configure within the Portal.In addition to helping customers optimise hosted IT infrastructure, the NTT Portal also provides full reporting capabilities that have been designed to address the unique requirements of both technical and management oriented individuals. Integrated helpdesk tools such as ticket monitoring and request handling will ensure that authorised employees at all levels remain up to date on virtualisation issues. Please note that all information on the Portal can be downloaded in CSV format at any time. Reporting within the Portal allows security administrators to see daily and monthly reports across a variety of data sets and device types. NTT will add new reports, modify old reports and sometimes delete inappropriate reports within the Portal as to ensure that reporting gives customers the most up to date information about their current security profile. Customers utilising Enterprise Cloud can take advantage of our fully variable resource model, whereby they are able to utilise only the resources required by the application, with usage capped on a monthly basis. This provides significant scalability and flexibility, as well as commercial benefits for customers with variable workload requirements.",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Global Cloud: compute infrastructure platform management.Global Cloud VM Setup: includes VM setup, OS installation, and monitoring configuration according to customer requirements.Windows 2008 Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Windows 2008 license.Redhat Linux Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Redhat Linux license.Ubuntu Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, and Patch notification.CentOS Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Debian Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Custom Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting for customer-supplied build.Global Cloud : CPU compute units (1 virtual CPU Core) Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Global Cloud: RAM compute units (1GB memory). Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.High Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-15K RPM DiskHigh Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-10K RPM DiskFirewallNTT Australia Shared Firewall (HA)NTT Australia Firewall VDOM (HA)NTT Australia Dedicated Firewall - SetupNTT Australia Dedicated Firewall (HA)NTT Australia Site-to-Site Software VPNNTT Australia Client-to-Site Software VPNLoad BalancingNTT Australia Shared Load Balancing - Per VIPNTT Australia Shared Load Balancing - Per ServerNTT Australia Dedicated Load BalancingApplication Services","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Enterprise Cloud,"NTT Enterprise Cloud Disaster Recovery is architecturally underpinned via implementation a number of data replication technologies at the application, VM and data layers to provide cross-data centre replication of production workloads. Due to the non-homogenous nature of customer workloads, specific DR Architectures are designed for each customer to address specific network, data and workload requirements. DR plans are then formulated to address service desk, network and service cutover, as well as specific data recovery policies based on DR architecture adopted by each customer.In terms of further clarification, NTT is able to provide a Disaster Recovery Design service to help you create a customised DR plan that will meet both your requirements for functionality in the event of a disaster, and also your timescales for recovery.In order to produce a DR plan NTT Professional Services will engage with you in a series of workshops to assess the functionality requirements in the event of a disaster. These requirements can range from simply being able to rebuild the system and recover from backup to being able to provide zero downtime fail-over to a remote location.Functions carried out by the design process will include. <br/>&bull; running needs assessment workshops to gather requirements <br/>&bull; review the existing live environment <br/>&bull; research product sets to aid the plan <br/>&bull; document procedures required to operate the plan <br/>&bull; document procedures to return to the live environmentHouse equipment in toughened building structure with appropriate disaster control methods specifically designed as a data centre including intrusion barriers and fire control facilities. Global Switch is a Tier III rated data centre which complies with strict security and fire control procedures. The disaster recovery team meet annually to discuss the current document and make recommendations for changes to it. All changes must be agreed upon by the majority of the team before they become part of the document. It is the responsibility of the project sponsor to ensure that the necessary changes are made and the document is redistributed to the appropriate persons. In the event of a disaster or major failure, the team should convene with as many team members as possible. All members of the team should assess damages and report to the project sponsor at the earliest opportunity.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Global Cloud: compute infrastructure platform management.Global Cloud VM Setup: includes VM setup, OS installation, and monitoring configuration according to customer requirements.Windows 2008 Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Windows 2008 license.Redhat Linux Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, Patch notification, and Redhat Linux license.Ubuntu Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting, incident management, and Patch notification.CentOS Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Debian Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting.Custom Guest VM: includes VM monitoring and alerting for customer-supplied build.Global Cloud : CPU compute units (1 virtual CPU Core) Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.Global Cloud: RAM compute units (1GB memory). Includes High Availability computing power infrastructure, +25% Burst.High Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-15K RPM DiskHigh Performance Utility Storage-Per GB-10K RPM DiskFirewallNTT Australia Shared Firewall (HA)NTT Australia Firewall VDOM (HA)NTT Australia Dedicated Firewall - SetupNTT Australia Dedicated Firewall (HA)NTT Australia Site-to-Site Software VPNNTT Australia Client-to-Site Software VPNLoad BalancingNTT Australia Shared Load Balancing - Per VIPNTT Australia Shared Load Balancing - Per ServerNTT Australia Dedicated Load BalancingApplication Services","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Private Cloud,"NTT Australia Private Cloud services enable our customers to deploy and manage a dedicated and highly available and secure platform for enterprise applications, without the capital cost of buying equipment and the costs and complexity of maintaining a 24 x 365 data centre specialists.NTT Australia Private Cloud services provide our customers with shared access to common platforms including networking, servers, storage and back up whilst enabling them to fulfill regulation with dedicated infrastructure elements. The Platform can be used used in conjunction with your own assets or as an entire solution built from utility services (commonly known as a version of Cloud services or IaaS, PaaS, or Managed Services). Utility services include the following:i) initial installation and connectivity to the shared utility platformii) 24 x 365 monitoring of the utilityiii) operational maintenance including patching and configuration changesiv) resolving incidents including managing vendor part replacement. NTT provides support for Physical instances that can scale and near-instant provisioning based on the pre-defined service templates in a dedicated resource pool. The physical environment can also be integrated into the Enterprise Cloud management portal. As such, it will be equivalent to the virtual platform in regards to service visibility.The NTT Australia Private Cloud offering includes deployment, monitoring, priority 1 incident management for hardware issues and vendor management on 24 x 365 basis. Colocation includes actively cooled rack, monitored power rails, UPS backed A/C power, dual 20 Amp single phase feeds and air-conditioning. Cross-connects can be charged separately.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Ultra high density colocation2.0 kW - 45 RU colocation. Per rack. Includes actively cooled rack - 45 RU and 600 mm x 1050 mm, monitored power rails, UPS backed A/C power, dual 20 Amp single phase feeds and air-conditioning up to 2.0 kW peak per rack. Cross-connects are charged separately.Rack power-load over-usageAdditional UPS power and air-conditioning usage charge where equipment load exceeds the rack capacity as outlined in the SLD section 3 - colocation. Per kW of equipment load. Includes additional UPS backed A/C power and air-conditioning up to 1.0 kW peak. Only available to the maximum capacity of the rack power feeds and subject to availability.Server managed to hardware levelServer with up to four Intel or AMD CPUs. Includes deployment, monitoring, priority 1 incident management for hardware issues and vendor management on 24 x 365 basis.","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Managed Backup and Restore,"NTT Australia Managed Backup and Restore Service supports entry level to enterprise storage across all Tier 1 vendors. The service includes Data Protection offerings such as storage backup, recovery, archiving and data management elements in a high performance, high availability and disaster tolerant environment. With the Enterprise and Private Cloud offerings, NTT Australia can provide additional modular services such as Managed Backup, Managed Storage and Manage Security to provide a complete end-to-end solution that meets specific security and data protection compliance requirements. NTT Australia believes that the most robust approach to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is to guarantee availability and reliability of the entire solution.Backup and recovery services are an essential element of any IT infrastructure solution. Backing up your data provides a safe copy that can be restored in the event that your important data is lost or damaged due to hardware failure, hacking, computer viruses, natural disasters or human error. High availability alone is no guarantee that data will not be compromised. For example, errors in transaction processing to failover versions of databases can corrupt both online copies of your data  leaving you with no way to recover this data without a backup. NTT provides a fully managed backup solution, with options for both disk-to-disk and disk-to-tape backup services on a daily basis, with a retention period of up to seven years. We use a multi-tier approach for backup services. Data is pulled from customer servers according to defined and agreed customer policies and written to a SAN for on-site storage using Virtual Tape Library (VTL) features. For long term and offsite storage, data is written to LTO tape via a Quantum Tape Library.The platform has been designed to be fully redundant with no single points of failure. Multiple drives are used in the Tape Library to reduce wait times on backup jobs and spare drives are kept available 24/7 for urgent data restore requests. Connectivity to the backup network is via multiple redundant 1 GigE connections while data is moved between the backup servers, the storage SAN and tape library via 4 Gig Fibre Channel switching fabric.NTT Australia Managed Backup and Restore Service is based on three layers: <br/>&bull; Data volume purchased (the total amount of data allowed for all your servers that requires backup). <br/>&bull; Backup Virtual Tape capacity. <br/>&bull; Offsite Tape capacity.Included actions: <br/>&bull; Configuration of the connectivity <br/>&bull; Installation and configuration of any agent software <br/>&bull; Creating Backup Jobs and programming <br/>&bull; Creation of Backup Pools <br/>&bull; Integration of new devices <br/>&bull; Tape management (changes, labelling) <br/>&bull; Policy changes (including backup windows) <br/>&bull; Performing restorations <br/>&bull; Off-site tape storage",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Tape capacity element of utility back up - 0 to 1,000 GB volume. Per 100 GB.Tape capacity element of utility back up &lt; 1,000 GB and &gt; 3,000 GB. Per 100 GB. (Setup)Tape capacity element of utility back up &lt; 3,000 GB. Per 100 GB. (Setup)Encryption to tape. Per host.Encryption over the wire. Per host.Encryption to tape and over the wire. Per hostDedicated tape. Per tape.VTL capacity element of utility back up - 0 to 1,000 GB volume. Per 100 GB.VTL capacity element of utility back up &lt; 1,000 GB and &gt; 3,000 GB. Per 100 GB.VTL capacity element of utility back up &lt; 3,000 GB. Per 100 GB.","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+NTT Australia,35081031432,NTT Australia Database Management Service,"Database servers are a component of all Enterprise IT infrastructure, highly transactional databases are leveraged to output dynamic content in real time. Database servers provide an innovative enterprise data management platform, able to adapt quickly in a fast-changing environment. NTT Australias Database management service enables the customer to improve the performance of a database leading to improved operational efficiencies and the maximisation of capital and operating expenses. NTT Australias professional database engineers are highly experienced in managing databases to optimise application performance. The service can include everything from initial design, implementation, and configuration; through to incident and patch management and on-going 24/7/365 monitoring. The goal of the service is to ensure that the customer can rely on NTT to take care of all platform and maintenance tasks, leaving the customer free to concentrate on core business activities. Application Management services, like NTTs database management service, are essential in hosting environments that maintain your systems operation, particularly across complex platforms.In general, Application Management services have two main objectives:<br/>&bull; Incident management: to recover a system from a failure or problem, in 24x7 availability<br/>&bull; Change management: to perform certain changes in the systems from a proactive point of view (scheduled tasks) or a reactive one (customer requests). All Application Management Services are based on:<br/>&bull; Volume purchased (the total amount of servers that will be managed).<br/>&bull; Service Level: production servers, pre-production servers, disaster recoverFull Management of OracleFull Management of mySQL / PostgresFull Management of SQL Server DatabaseFull Management of Cassandra Database Server",IaaS,Database Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Full Management of Oracle Database (standalone)Full Management of Oracle Failover Cluster (each server)Full Management of Oracle Real Application Cluster (price per node)Full Management of Oracle Database ReplicationFull Management of mySQL / Postgres DatabaseFull Management of mySQL ReplicationFull Management of SQL Server Database Cluster (price per node)Full Management of SQL Server Database (standalone)Full Management of SQL Server Database ReplicationFull Management of SQL Server Database Mirror Cluster (both servers in a local LAN)Full Management of Cassandra Database Server (includes Linux operating system)Full Management of Cassandra Database Server, additional to 5+ (includes Linux operating system)","Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",NSW,1.7,3.0,"Australia(Protected Security, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",VIC,1.4,3.0,"Hong Kong(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong,1.2,4.0,"Hong Kong Data Centre 2(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Hong Kong Data Centre 2,1.4,3.0,"Singapore(No National Security Accreditation, but will work with Commonwealth to meet specific security requirements)",Singapore,1.4,3.0

+Objective Corporation Ltd,16050539350,Objective Connect,"Objective Connect is a hybrid platform that enables you to easily and securely share information across organisational boundaries. It does this in a secure manner by: encrypting the content stored on the Objective Connect server as well as while it is in transit (using SSL), using anti-virus technology to scan all content, hosting the data within Australia, using a hybrid content architecture, providing a reporting dashboard for information on usage and sharing and by basing the option to share upon information classification and policy specified within your ECM (if/when integrated).A free trial exists for a period of no less than 60 daysand there is no cost to receive a shared document.",SaaS,Document Management,Secure Information Sharing,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Objective Connect is based on the number of named users. Units are measured monthly.,Australia,New South Wales,Aiming for 1.6,At least 3,Australia,Victoria,Aiming for 1.6,At least 3,TBA,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,

+Objective Corporation Ltd,16050539350,Objective uCreate,"ObjectiveuCreate provides a specialised collaborative content creation and document publishing solution for the public sector, enabling simultaneous editing and publication to brand guidelines and style templates. Used by over 250 public sector organisations worldwide, our hosted solutions transform the way our customers develop policies and strategies. Objective's collaborative environment brings together users, contributors, publishing and delivery services and facilitates the involvement of stakeholders through real-time collaboration, driving significant efficiency and financial savings in the process of document creation, consultation and publication.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,Collaboration and Community Consultation,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Objective uCreate is licenced per document.,Australia,New South Wales,1.3,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.3,3.0,TBA,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,

+Objective Corporation Ltd,16050539350,Objective uEngage,"uEngage provides a specialised collaborative content creation, document publishing and stakeholder consultation solutions for the public sector.Used by over 250 public sector organisations worldwide, our hosted solutions will transform the way you develop policies and strategies. Objective's collaborative environment brings together users, contributors, publishing and delivery services and facilitates the involvement of stakeholders through real-time collaboration and consultation with communities and others. uEngage enables effective citizen engagement through a multi-channel consultation platform.",SaaS,Collaboration Services,Collaboration and Community Consultation,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 day,Objective uEngage is licenced per event.,Australia,New South Wales,1.3,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.3,3.0,TBA,,,,N/A,,,,N/A,,,

+Open Windows Australia Pty Ltd,64007086348,Software Services for CONTRACT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT Systems,"Specific capabilities include: Contract Repository, Contract Management, Parties Repository, Sourcing, Contractor Payment Management, Workflow, Project Management, eTendering Portal and Supplier Portal.",SaaS,Other,Strategic Sourcing and Contract Management Solutions,08.00 - 20.00,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier and Customer Adminstrator,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt;1 Week,Each (Named user licenses) purchased monthly,Australia,Victoria,1.35,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Oriel Cloud Storage,"Oriel cloud storage<br/>&bull; Online, scalable, object-based cloud storage<br/>&bull; REST-based, OpenStack storage API<br/>&bull; Stores two separate, synchronised copies of customer data in each of Oriel's two Tier 3 Australian-based data centres for added high availability protection.<br/>&bull; 99.9% Availability<br/>&bull; Service Level Agreements<br/>&bull; Secure SSL transmissionFor more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1GB cloud storage or part thereof,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Data Centre (VDC) - Customer provisioned internet connection,"Includes: 5 usable IP Addresses, Virtual Firewall, termination port for customer internet. Excludes VPN Tunnel configuration.The Oriel Virtual Data Centre (VDC) is a private VLAN or virtual container in which VPS(s) are deployed. It provides a dedicated, private network segment ensuring separation from other users, isolation of local traffic within the customers VDC and enables the connection of services such as VSA storage, VDC Firewall (for Internet and VPN Tunnel connectivity) and Customer Provisioned Private WAN Connection. Once connected these services become available to VPS(s) within the VDC. Public IP Addresses can be provded in blocks of 5,12,29.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VDC can be customised to your requirements.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Compute Services,Virtual Data Centre,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Includes: 5 usable IP Addresses, Virtual Firewall, termination port for customer internet. Excludes VPN Tunnel configuration.Pricing based on a 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Data Centre (VDC) - Customer provisioned WAN connection,"Includes: 1 x uplink connection, 1RU rack space for termination equipment.Excludes: termination equipment to be provided by customer or their telco. Oriel can provide equipment at additional cost.The Oriel Virtual Data Centre (VDC) is a private VLAN or virtual container in which VPS(s) are deployed. It provides a dedicated, private network segment ensuring separation from other users, isolation of local traffic within the customers VDC and enables the connection of services such as VSA storage, VDC Firewall (for Internet and VPN Tunnel connectivity) and Customer Provisioned Private WAN Connection. Once connected these services become available to VPS(s) within the VDC. Public IP Addresses can be provded in blocks of 5,12,29.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VDC can be customised to your requirements.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Compute Services,Virtual Data Centre,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Includes: 1 x uplink connection, 1RU rack space for termination equipment.Excludes: termination equipment to be provided by customer or their telco. Oriel can provide equipment at additional cost.Pricing based on a 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Data Centre (VDC) - Oriel provisioned internet connection,"Includes: 5 usable IP Addresses, Oriel provisioned internet, 25GB data usage, Virtual Firewall.Excludes VPN Tunnel configuration.The Oriel Virtual Data Centre (VDC) is a private VLAN or virtual container in which VPS(s) are deployed. It provides a dedicated, private network segment ensuring separation from other users, isolation of local traffic within the customers VDC and enables the connection of services such as VSA storage, VDC Firewall (for Internet and VPN Tunnel connectivity) and Customer Provisioned Private WAN Connection. Once connected these services become available to VPS(s) within the VDC. Public IP Addresses can be provded in blocks of 5,12,29.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VDC can be customised to your requirements.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Compute Services,Virtual Data Centre,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Includes: 5 usable IP Addresses, Oriel provisioned internet, 25GB data usage (upload and download), Virtual Firewall.Excludes VPN Tunnel configuration.Pricing based on a 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 100GB Tier 1 Storage,"Tier 1 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 1 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 100GB Tier 2 Storage,"Tier 2 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 2 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 100GB Tier 3 Storage,"Tier 3 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 3 Storage purchased in 100GB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 1TB Tier 1 Storage,"Tier 1 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 1 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 1TB Tier 2 Storage,"Tier 2 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 2 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Array (VPA) - 1TB Tier 3 Storage,"Tier 3 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks.The Oriel Virtual Private Array (VPA) offers shared storage as a range of tiered disk and RAID configurations. Storage is assigned to the customers Virtual Data Centre (VDC) as a resource for allocation to available Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and can be mixed tiers. Tier 1 disk is RAID 10, Tier 2 disk is RAID 5 and Tier 3 disk is RAID 6.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Storage,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Tier 3 Storage purchased in 1TB blocks. Pricing based on a 12 month contract.,Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Large Config - 24x7 Hours Support,"Configuration: 4 vCPU, 16GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 4 vCPU, 16GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Large Config - Standard Hours Support,"Configuration: 4 vCPU, 16GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 4 vCPU, 16GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Medium Config - 24x7 Hours Support,"Configuration: 2 vCPU, 4GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 2 vCPU, 4GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Medium Config - Standard Hours Support,"Configuration: 2 vCPU, 4GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 2 vCPU, 4GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Small Config - 24x7 Hours Support,"Configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Small Config - Standard Hours Support,"Configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Very Large Config - 24x7 Hours Support,"Configuration: 6 vCPU, 32GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 6 vCPU, 32GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, 24x7 hrs support. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Oriel Technologies,49081883712,Virtual Private Server (VPS)- Very Large Config - Standard Hours Support,"Configuration: 6 vCPU, 32GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.Oriel 's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) also include: antivirus, daily backup with 1 day online retention.Oriel 's VPS are sold in conjunction with 2 other components - VirtuaI Data Centre (VDC) a private and secure VLAN with connectivity options, and Virtual Private Array (VPA) for provision of Storage to the VPS. Please refer to their Service Descriptions for more detail.Oriel has provided pricing for a selection of VPS configurations as part of this catalogue for ease of comparison, however an Oriel VPS can be customised to your exact requirements by vRAM, vCPU, storage (See VPA options), Operating System, service level, online backup retention period.For more information please refer to",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Configuration: 6 vCPU, 32GB vRAM, 100GB Tier 2 (RAID 5) storage, Windows Server Standard, Managed Availability service level, standard hours. Pricing based on 12 month contract.",Australia,NSW,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,NSW,1.7,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd,69085213690,Content Delivery Network (CDN),"This is a Content Delivery Network, it is sold per GB delivered.Key Features:1. Industry-leading CDN technology from US-based CDN technology provider EdgeCast. 2.Pacnet operates the main Edgecast nodes in the Asia-Pac region:Australia (Sydney), Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan3. Part of the worldwide OpenCDN federation: performs regardless of end-users location4. Protocol support includes HTTP, Flash and Windows Media5. Advanced reporting and analytics tools to monitor your networks performance and end-users viewing behavior6. Advanced security platform to ensure safe and secure content delivery7. 100% SLA to guarantee consistent and reliable content delivery The Pacnet CDN Suite of Services1. Content Delivery Service  Our centerpiece CDN product, Content Delivery Service optimizes your content for the fastest possible loading times regardless of your end-users location resulting in a better user experience.Pacnet Content Delivery Service supports various leading-edge CDN technologies, including:1a. Content Caching  Brings your content closer to your audience by leveraging our strategically-installed caching servers, or cache PoPs, around the world. This helps reduce the amount of time it takes for the delivery of files, images and videos via HTTP to be transmitted from the origin source to the end-user, resulting in speedy website loading times.1b. Content Streaming  Supports live or on-demand delivery of video and other rich-media content, enabling the best possible experience regardless of format, device, location or connection speed.2. Dynamic Content Acceleration  Speeds up delivery of dynamic and static content for a variety of web applications using cutting-edge optimization and acceleration which enables up to 5X performance improvement for a faster, more stable experience for end-users.3. Content Origin Storage  Complementing Pacnet Content Delivery and Dynamic Content Acceleration services, Pacnet Content Origin Storage offers customers the ability to store their own content on our origin server platform using a cost-effective monthly subscription model based on the total volume of data stored.",PaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,1 GB of data provided by the Content Delivery Network (CDN). Measured as data supplied outbound from the CDN to the end user.,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Hong Kong,Hong Kong,1.7,3.0,Japan,Tokyo,1.7,3.0,Singapore,Singapore,1.7,3.0,,,,

+Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd,69085213690,"Virtual Private Server (VPS) - Large, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)","Large Virtual Private Server: 4vcpu, 8GB ram, 150GB disk, and no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc) with 100GB of Internet data.A virtual machine as a service. The servers, storage, networking and virtualization infrastructure is managed by Pacnet - the customer receives a high performance highly robust virtual machine. Microsoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 9/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms.The demarcation point is the virtual machine, once handed over the customer is responsible for managing its operating system, operating system patching, and the applications installed within.Multiple virtual servers can be grouped in a virtual datacentre. A virtual datacentre's traffic is segregated from other customers', ensuring network level segmentation.Firewall service is an optional extra. One firewall service can protect a single VPS or a VDC with multiple VPSes",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Large Virtual Private Server: 4vcpu, 8GB ram, 150GB disk,no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc)Includes 100GB internet data, firewall option available at extra cost.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd,69085213690,"Virtual Private Server (VPS) - Medium, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)","Medium Virtual Private Server: 3vcpu, 4GB ram, 100GB disk,and no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc) with 100GB of Internet data.A virtual machine as a service. The servers, storage, networking and virtualization infrastructure is managed by Pacnet - the customer receives a high performance highly robust virtual machine. Microsoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 9/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms.The demarcation point is the virtual machine, once handed over the customer is responsible for managing its operating system, operating system patching, and the applications installed within.Multiple virtual servers can be grouped in a virtual datacentre. A virtual datacentre's traffic is segregated from other customers', ensuring network level segmentation.Firewall service is an optional extra. One firewall service can protect a single VPS or a VDC with multiple VPSes.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Medium Virtual Private Server: 3vcpu, 4GB ram, 100GB disk, no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc)Includes 100GB internet data, firewall option available at extra cost.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd,69085213690,Virtual Private Server (VPS) - Small Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),"Small Virtual Private Server: 2vcpu, 2GB ram, 50GB disk, Windows Server Standard or no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc) with 100GB of Internet data.A virtual machine as a service. The servers, storage, networking and virtualization infrastructure is managed by Pacnet - the customer receives a high performance highly robust virtual machine. Operating system licensing is provided if Microsoft's Windows Server is selected.The demarcation point is the virtual machine, once handed over the customer is responsible for managing its operating system, operating system patching, and the applications installed within.Multiple virtual servers can be grouped in a virtual datacentre. A virtual datacentre's traffic is segregated from other customers', ensuring network level segmentation.Network connectivity options are direct to Internet, Internet via a firewall, and connected to a MPLS virtual private network. Internet connectivity can be provided as part of this service's contract, MPLS must be a separate contract.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Small Virtual Private Server: 2vcpu, 2GB ram, 50GB disk,no-cost Linux distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc)Includes 100GB internet data, firewall option available at extra cost.",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+PretaGov (as offered by PretaWeb Pty Ltd),83132433491,PretaGov Plone Content Management System Software as a Service,"The PretaGov Cloud delivers innovative, fully supported government web and mobile sites built with Plone open source technology. Every PretaGov SaaS site gives you watertight security, guaranteed uptime, full support and accessibility compliance. As a front-line agency you will not need to worry about servers, software, administration or bandwidth, that frees you to focus on the delivery of online government information and services.",SaaS,Content Management,"Mobile apps, web applications",24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Plone CMS website,Australia,NSW,1.4,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.4,3.0,Australia,South Australia,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,

+PreviousNext Pty Ltd,69135290309,Drupal collaboration platform,"PreviousNext is a full service website development agency specialising in Drupal and offering several options specifically for the Australian Government.Using Drupal as a platform, we can facilitate collaboration services using existing distributions like Acquia Commons and OpenAtrium. These distributions provide out-of-the-box solutions that can be customised as needed.",Managed Service,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 x Collaboration Platform built in Drupal,Australia (Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd),NSW,1.8,Tier III and above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+PreviousNext Pty Ltd,69135290309,"Drupal Content Management System Installation, Configuration & Management","PreviousNext is a full service website development agency specialising in Drupal and offering several options specifically for the Australian Government.We are specialists at installation, configuration and management of Drupal content management systems within cloud based hosting environments.At the core of our services is aGov, a fully supported, WCAG compliant Drupal CMS solution. aGov comes standard with Government tested templates and themes and radically cuts down risk, cost and time in setting up a website.aGov meets all government requirements for accessibility and security, and with an entry price of $20,000 is available as a basic turnkey solution, with further customisation costed separately.",Managed Service,Content Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 x WCAG Compliant WebsiteActual cost based on complexity of website build.,Australia (Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd),NSW,1.8,Tier III and above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+PreviousNext Pty Ltd,69135290309,Managed web hosting and support of Drupal installations,"PreviousNext specialises in hosting Drupal as a content management platformwithin cloud based hosting environments. This can be on our hosting partner'sinfrastructure (Bulletproof) or client-preferred infrastructure. Our managed hostingsolution provides full-service support for Drupal installations, includingmaintenance, break-fix and security updates.Managed web hosting and support of Drupal installations.The Managed Services is a fully supported 24/7 extended warranty and break/fix agreement covering Drupal (Core updates, module updates and monitoring, and Application Support on Hosted Environment) in addition to any SLA offered by our hosting partner (or your hosting provider)We offer our 24/7 fully supported hosting solution for Drupal websites built by any agency after the site has undergone a security audit by our specialist security team and we complete our 3 month ""familiarisation"" period.The actual cost for the support will be determined and quoted after the security review.",Managed Service,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 x Managed web hosting and 24/7 support of a Drupal website,Australia (Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd),NSW,1.8,Tier III and above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+REMASYS Pty Ltd,99085329719,EAGLE-i solution,"Our solution EAGLE-i, provides your executives with objective and independent visibility of your critical business applications performance and availability. Our solution also provides your technologists with information to assist to identify and reduce problem resolution times.Our solution, EAGLE-i can measure your critical applications for performance and availability on a 24 X 7 basis.EAGLE-i can monitor all your application types, from the simple Web through to complex Citrix or mobile (iOS or Android) or mapping application.",Managed Service,Off,Application Performance and Availability Monitoring,24 X 7 X 365,,&lt; 95%,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,"End User Experience Monitoring of Application from external monitoring point - via 2 ISP's.Definition of Application Types:Web: Web browser app that uses standard HTML incl. javascript and Ajax.Citrix: Windows client app (native Windows app i.e. Win32Api, 3rd party compiled windows app, Java app) or Citrix app running on Windows Desktop.Mobile:Mobile app (Apple iOS and Android are supported).",Australia,"Global Switch, New South Wales",1.7,1.0,Australia,Melbourne,Not rated,Dedicated facility not rated,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud D On-site,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging provided on-site within an agencies ICT environment. Sliced Tech manages the virtual environment and provides technical stakeholders access to the portal our customers utilise for provisioning.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources that the customer provides can be utilised. Specific hardware requirements to be negotiated for each deployment.* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Physical hypervisor core under management.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud P On-site,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging provided on-site within an agencies ICT environment. Sliced Tech manages the virtual environment and provides technical stakeholders access to the portal our customers utilise for provisioning.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources that the customer provides can be utilised. Specific hardware requirements to be negotiated for each deployment.* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Physical hypervisor core under management.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud U On-site,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging provided on-site within an agencies ICT environment. Sliced Tech manages the virtual environment and provides technical stakeholders access to the portal our customers utilise for provisioning.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources that the customer provides can be utilised. Specific hardware requirements to be negotiated for each deployment.* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Physical hypervisor core under management.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Basic Email D,"An email only service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. This service is designed only to be a simple mail service and has minimal configuration and management overhead. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Basic Email P,"An email only service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. This service is designed only to be a simple mail service and has minimal configuration and management overhead. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS).Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Basic Email U,"An email only service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. This service is designed only to be a simple mail service and has minimal configuration and management overhead. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS).Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Basic Instant Messaging D,"Sliced Tech has a number of Instant Messaging options. Our Basic Instant Messaging service utilises a simple and robust Instant Messaging product that allows a customer's administrator to easily add or remove users. This product has the functionality typically sought of small to medium agencies but with less cost than other options. Features include:* SSL encryption for secure communication* Active Directory Integration* Easy Web-based Management* Windows, Linux and Mac Client* Web based client for IM anywhere* Group Chats* Broadcast Messages* SIP Phone Integration",SaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Business Continuity Support,"Sliced Tech's extensive experience can be leveraged by customers through this service. Providing a mixture of business, solution and application architecture experience we are able to assist customers with planning applications, infrastructure and services to meet Business Continuity Objectives utilising Cloud services, from any provider. We can also assist with restoring services to a level deemed appropriate during a business continuity event.",Other,Business Continuity,Professional Services,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier and Agency,NA,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Hour,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,CDN,"Control panel and API available.Sliced Tech's CDN delivers your files  images, videos, scripts, CSS  with super-fast load times to visitors across Australia and around the globe. It can be used to deliver your entire website, including dynamic, static and streaming content using a global network of edge locations. Requests for your content are automatically routed to the nearest edge location, so content is delivered with the best possible performance.Australian Locations: Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.Global Locations: 80+ in Europe, North and South America, Asia as at 16 July 2012.",IaaS,CDN,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Customer Admin Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,MB of Traffic delivered through the CDN,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Sydney,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Melbourne,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Perth,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Overseas (Various),Various,Various,Various

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud D,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging Sliced Tech's government community cloud.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources able to be utilised (costed separately)* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,Cloud Environment,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud Enablement,"Sliced Tech's extensive experience can be leveraged by customers through this service. Providing a mixture of business, solution and application architecture experience we are able to assist customers with better leveraging clouds from any provider to ensure that the benefits of the cloud are maximised in meeting their business requirements.",Other,Compute Services,Professional Services,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier and Agency,NA,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Hour,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud P,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging Sliced Tech's government community cloud.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources able to be utilised (costed separately)* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,Cloud Environment,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud Ram CPU Large D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud RAM CPU Large P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud RAM CPU Large U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,8 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud Ram CPU Medium D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud RAM CPU Medium P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud RAM CPU Medium U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,4 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud Ram CPU Small D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud RAM CPU Small P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud RAM CPU Small U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes 1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud Storage U,"Cloud Storage hosted in Australia Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.100% compliant with Amazon S3 API standards and Rackspace Cloud Files API we are able to offer a data endpoint to existing software, hardware or appliances which can leverage this service.Sliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance L-U,Cloud Storage located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large) and 8TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 8TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance M-U,Cloud Storage located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium) and 4TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 4TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance S-U,Cloud Storage located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small) and 2TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 2TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Cloud U,Segregated Cloud environment leveraging Sliced Tech's government community cloud.Features include:* Customer Portal* Hypervisor level firewall for customer self-management* Resource management including any combination of resources able to be utilised (costed separately)* Ability to load balance and auto scale servers* Utilisation of existing ICT investment* CDN integration,PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 8 hours,Cloud Environment,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Content Acceleration,"Sliced Tech's Content Acceleration via our cache platform enables acceleration of sites and applications through the caching of content. This acceleration is controlled by a caching policy and can be enabled on both static and dynamic content. Caching can dramatically improve the end users experience.Sliced Tech assists customers to define their individual caching policy, implements it within our cache servers and provides it as a fully managed service.",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Website or Application,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Email AV Appliance D,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive email filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The email filtering appliance allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management* Full Diagnostics Reporting* Web Based GUI",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Email AV Appliance P,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive email filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The email filtering appliance allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management* Full Diagnostics Reporting* Web Based GUI",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Email AV Appliance U,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive email filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The email filtering appliance allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management* Full Diagnostics Reporting* Web Based GUI",PaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Email AV Scanning D,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive email as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The email filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the email proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Email AV Scanning P,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive email as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The email filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the email proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Email AV Scanning U,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive email as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The email filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the email proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our email filter appliance offers:* Highly Effective email filtering capabilities* Multi Layered Spam Analysis* Content filtering* End User Spam Management* Full Reporting Suite* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Outbound disclaimers* Sender Policy Framework* Multiple Domains Supported* Configurable on both a domain and user level* Fully Automated updating, backup and reporting* Whitelists and Blacklists* Administrator and end user Quarantine Management",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Exchange Email D,"A hosted exchange email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Includes SPAM and Anti-virus filtering.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Exchange Email P,"A hosted exchange email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Includes SPAM and Anti-virus filtering.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Exchange Email U,"A hosted exchange email service hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Includes SPAM and Anti-virus filtering.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,File Server as a Service D,"Microsoft CIFS/Samba storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to replace any workgroup file server and is able to integrate into Active Directory and grow to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access files, profiles and home directories from any mount points defined based on Active Directory authentication.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.",PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,File Server as a Service P,"Microsoft CIFS/Samba storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to replace any workgroup file server and is able to integrate into Active Directory and grow to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access files, profiles and home directories from any mount points defined based on Active Directory authentication.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.",PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,File Server Replacement as a Service D,"Microsoft CIFS/Samba storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to replace any workgroup file server and is able to integrate into Active Directory and grow to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access files, profiles and home directories from any mount points defined based on Active Directory authentication.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,File Server Replacement as a Service P,"Microsoft CIFS/Samba storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to replace any workgroup file server and is able to integrate into Active Directory and grow to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access files, profiles and home directories from any mount points defined based on Active Directory authentication.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Large D,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 110000Internet Mix Throughput 245 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Large P,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 110000Internet Mix Throughput 245 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Large U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 110000Internet Mix Throughput 245 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Large U_U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 110000Internet Mix Throughput 245 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Med D,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 47500Internet Mix Throughput 140 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Med P,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 47500Internet Mix Throughput 140 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Med U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 47500Internet Mix Throughput 140 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Med U_U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 47500Internet Mix Throughput 140 MbpsVPN Throughput 65 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 48000New Sessions/Second 8000Max Security Policies 1000Max Security Zones 40",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Small D,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 12500Internet Mix Throughput 40 MbpsVPN Throughput 25 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 16000New Sessions/Second 2800Max Security Policies 200Max Security Zones 8",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Small P,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 12500Internet Mix Throughput 40 MbpsVPN Throughput 25 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 16000New Sessions/Second 2800Max Security Policies 200Max Security Zones 8",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Small U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a fully managed firewall service utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 12500Internet Mix Throughput 40 MbpsVPN Throughput 25 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 16000New Sessions/Second 2800Max Security Policies 200Max Security Zones 8",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,FW Small U_U,"Sliced Tech's Cloud includes a built in software firewall that is provided as an unmanaged service to segregate customer's Cloud environments from other customers.Some customers business risk and/or compliance requirements are not met through the use of a software firewall. To meet these requirements Sliced Tech can provide a firewall utilising dedicated, redundant firewall clusters, that customers can manage themselves, in addition to the software firewall built into the Cloud. These 'best of breed' firewalls are evaluated for use by the government and managed by skilled engineers to meet the highest assurance requirements of security. Sliced Tech by default offers 3 dedicated firewall options that satisfy most customers requirements. Additional options for those requirements that are great can be provided upon request. IPS is enabled and has been factored into the following throughputs as best we are able to predict.Firewall Packets/Second 12500Internet Mix Throughput 40 MbpsVPN Throughput 25 MbpsMax Concurrent Sessions 16000New Sessions/Second 2800Max Security Policies 200Max Security Zones 8",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Two Firewalls in HA,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Gold Email D,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Features:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Anti-virus. Anti-virus is included in this solution to enable the scanning of emails for viruses; quarantining those that are detected.Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. Calendar, Contacts and Tasks applications are provided as part of the solution to provide a virtual office capability.Simple Document Management. The suite includes a simple, web based document management system for users.Inclusive of 70GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,70GB of storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Gold Email P,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Features:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Anti-virus. Anti-virus is included in this solution to enable the scanning of emails for viruses; quarantining those that are detected.Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. Calendar, Contacts and Tasks applications are provided as part of the solution to provide a virtual office capability.Simple Document Management. The suite includes a simple, web based document management system for users.Inclusive of 70GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,70GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Gold Email U,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Features:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Anti-virus. Anti-virus is included in this solution to enable the scanning of emails for viruses; quarantining those that are detected.Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. Calendar, Contacts and Tasks applications are provided as part of the solution to provide a virtual office capability.Simple Document Management. The suite includes a simple, web based document management system for users.Inclusive of 70GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,70GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Government Secure Cloud Storage D,"Cloud Storage hosted to Government DLM security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.100% compliant with Amazon S3 API standards and Rackspace Cloud Files API we are able to offer a data endpoint to existing software, hardware or appliances which can leverage this service.Sliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Government Secure Cloud Storage P,"Cloud Storage hosted to Government Protected security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.100% compliant with Amazon S3 API standards and Rackspace Cloud Files API we are able to offer a data endpoint to existing software, hardware or appliances which can leverage this service.Sliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance L-D,Cloud Storage hosted to Government DLM security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large) and 8TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 8TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance L-P,Cloud Storage hosted to Government Protected security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large) and 8TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 8TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance M-D,Cloud Storage hosted to Government DLM security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium) and 4TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 4TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance M-P,Cloud Storage hosted to Government Protected security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium) and 4TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 4TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance S-D,Cloud Storage hosted to Government DLM security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small) and 2TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 2TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Government Secure Cloud Storage with Storage Appliance S-P,Cloud Storage hosted to Government Protected security standards located in Canberra. Cloud storage enables unlimited storage growth for archival and storage of Agency data.Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small) and 2TB of Cloud StorageSliced Tech recommends the deployment of this service over Dark Fibre services such as ICON or dedicated 1:1 Telecommunications services.,PaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Virtual Appliance and 2TB of Storage,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Hosted Service Desk,"Sliced Tech will provide a dedicated service desk application that is able to be fully customised and configured to meet customer requirements. With integrated web portal and email it provides agencies a rich set of features within a simple to use application.Hosted within Sliced Tech, Sliced Tech will provide a fully managed instance with us taking care of the initial setup and support. Nominated personnel can then manage and respond to tickets, providing users the service desk functionality required for all ICT environments. Sliced Tech offers a simple pricing model based on the number of support staff utilising the service desk. These staff can support any number of users at no extra cost.",SaaS,CRM,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Agents (Support Staff that respond to and/or action tickets),Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Hosted Virtual Desktop,"Sliced Techs Hosted Virtual Desktop solution combines thin client, virtualisation and security technologies. This solution provides customers a virtual ICT environment fully hosted within Canberra data centres. The ICT environment is completely self contained with integrated authentication, email, anti-virus and Fedlink services; encrypted network access; and DSD certified gateway. Gateway and network security meets the requirements for Protected.Sliced Techs Virtual Desktop is suitable for:* Quickly establishing new staff desktop and LAN services,* Segregating staff working on sensitive projects,* Establishing remote offices, or* To cost effectively enable more secure environments without changing existing infrastructure. Sliced Techs Virtual Desktop allows users to hot desk or use non-dedicated workstations whilst retaining the ability to have their personal space follow them. Sliced Tech provides secure access to common desktop applications, applications hosted centrally on virtual servers, access to Internet for browsing and email with the option of Fedlink access. The service includes:* Enabling access to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.* Enabling access to 2 customer provided applications* 10GB of user profile and non-shared storage* 100GB of shared storage* Internet access* The option to connect via ICON.Customers are required to provide all hosted application licenses. Virtual server hosting, additional gateway security features and Internet charges are separate services.",SaaS,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,iSCSI as a Service D,iSCSI block storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to be used for directly attached storage to existing servers and/or VMware/HyperV servers. It is capable of growing to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access the block level storage over the iSCSI protocol from the agency facilities.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,iSCSI as a Service P,iSCSI block storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to be used for directly attached storage to existing servers and/or VMware/HyperV servers. It is capable of growing to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access the block level storage over the iSCSI protocol from the agency facilities.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Large CPU Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Large CPU Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Large CPU Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,50 vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Large RAM Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Large RAM Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Large RAM Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,96 GB of RAM and 4 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Load Balancer,"Sliced Tech's load balancer managed service compliments the included self manageable load balancer provided within our clouds. This service is a fully managed, redundant and scalable load balancing service suitable for:* enterprise applications* load balancing between servers within one site* integration into a load balancing infrastructure across multiple sites* business continuity solutions* those seeking a managed service",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Servers within the load balancing pool.,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Medium CPU Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Medium CPU Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Medium CPU Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,20 vCPUs and 2 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Medium RAM Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Medium RAM Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Medium RAM Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,64 GB of RAM and 2 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,NetApp Snap Mirror Destination D,Backup services using the NetApp Snap Mirror platform integrated into the NetApp Filer.A Snap Mirror Destination is supplied over Dark Fibre to the Agency to be used as a Disaster Recovery/Backup endpoint for an on-site production SAN.,PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,NetApp Snap Mirror Destination P,Backup services using the NetApp Snap Mirror platform integrated into the NetApp Filer.A Snap Mirror Destination is supplied over Dark Fibre to the Agency to be used as a Disaster Recovery/Backup endpoint for an on-site production SAN.,PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,NFS as a Service D,NFS file storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to be used for network based file storage storage to existing servers. It is capable of growing to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access the file level storage over the NFS protocol from the agency facilities.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,NFS as a Service P,NFS file storage delivered as a service over dedicated high speed network infrastructure. This service is a suitable to be used for network based file storage storage to existing servers. It is capable of growing to meet the long term data growth requirements of any agency.No additional systems are required as users can directly access the file level storage over the NFS protocol from the agency facilities.Sliced Tech recommends this service be utilized with a dark fibre connections such as ICON.,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,Terrabyte,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,OnPremise Virtual Desktop,"Sliced Techs Hosted Virtual Desktop solution combines thin client, virtualisation and security technologies. This solution provides customers a virtual desktop service within their premises leveraging their existing ICT environment and facilities. Sliced Techs Virtual Desktop is suitable for:* Quickly establishing new staff desktop and LAN services,* Segregating staff working on sensitive projects,* Establishing remote offices, or* To cost effectively enable more secure environments without changing existing infrastructure. Sliced Techs Virtual Desktop allows users to hot desk or use non-dedicated workstations whilst retaining the ability to have their personal space follow them. Sliced Tech provides secure access to customers existing applications. Customers are required to provide all hosted application licenses.",SaaS,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,User,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Operating System Mgt D,"Sliced Tech is able to provide management of a number of operating systems for those customers seeking a fully managed server, including:* Microsoft Windows Servers* Debian based distributions (Debian/Ubuntu)* Redhat based distributions (RHEL/Fedora/CentOS)",Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Operating System Mgt P,"Sliced Tech is able to provide management of a number of operating systems for those customers seeking a fully managed server, including:* Microsoft Windows Servers* Debian based distributions (Debian/Ubuntu)* Redhat based distributions (RHEL/Fedora/CentOS)",Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Operating System Mgt U,"Sliced Tech is able to provide management of a number of operating systems for those customers seeking a fully managed server, including:* Microsoft Windows Servers* Debian based distributions (Debian/Ubuntu)* Redhat based distributions (RHEL/Fedora/CentOS)",Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_24 D,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 24 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 24GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_24 P,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 24 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 24GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_24 U,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 24 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 24GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_48 D,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 48 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 48GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_48 P,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 48 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 8 hours,12 cores and 48GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_48 U,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 48 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,12 cores and 48GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_96 D,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 96 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,12 cores and 96GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_96 P,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 96 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,12 cores and 96GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,P 12_96 U,"A rack mounted physical server suitable for applications that require a physical server. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 12 Cores* 96 GB of RAM* 2 x 120 GB SSD (6 Drives Supported Internally)* 2 x 1Gbps Network Interfaces",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,12 cores and 96GB RAM for 3 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,PaaS App Mgt D,Sliced Tech is able to provide platform management of the following platforms as a service:* MYSQL* MSSQL* AD* Exchange,Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Application,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,PaaS App Mgt P,Sliced Tech is able to provide platform management of the following platforms as a service:* MYSQL* MSSQL* AD* Exchange,Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Application,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,PaaS App Mgt U,Sliced Tech is able to provide platform management of the following platforms as a service:* MYSQL* MSSQL* AD* Exchange,Managed Service,Compute Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Per Application,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LP-D,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LP-P,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LP-U,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LV-D,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LV-P,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance LV-U,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (large).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MP-D,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MP-P,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MP-U,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MV-D,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MV-P,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance MV-U,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (medium).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SP-D,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SP-P,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SP-U,Riverbed Whitewater Physical appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater physical appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SV-D,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SV-P,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Riverbed Whitewater Storage Appliance SV-U,Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance. The Riverbed Whitewater offers a seamless extension into cloud storage.Product includes 1 x Riverbed Whitewater VMware appliance (small).,IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,1 Virtual Appliance,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Silver Email D,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Additional features over basic email:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Silver Email P,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Additional features over basic email:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Silver Email U,"An email service hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud that users can access by either syncing an email client or through a webmail interface. Customers via the management interface can create users and perform user management, such as resetting user passwords and defining user quotas.Users can sync email clients utilising IMAP and POP3 protocols, ensuring that all devices, computers, tablets and phones, are supported for the syncing of email. Users can choose to access webmail via three types of online email client provided by Sliced Tech (Horde, Squirrelmail and RoundCube). These programs allow clients to access and manage their email through all common web browsers over the standard protocols (HTTP and HTTPS). Additional features over basic email:SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin Is an automated email filtering system that attempts to identify spam messages based on the content of the email's headers and body. These messages are then quarantined.Forwarders. Using e-mail forwarders will allow you to send copies of all your messages from one e-mail account to another. You can also send the messages from all the accounts with one domain to the corresponding ones with another domain.Auto Responders. Setting auto responder emails.Inclusive of 30GB of email storage, this service typically accommodates between 30 and 100 users.",SaaS,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 8 hours,30GB of email storage,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Single Server Agent Backup D,"Backup services using a backup agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.Management of backups, restores and backup schedules is available via a self service portal.",PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Single Server Agent Backup P,"Backup services using a backup agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.Management of backups, restores and backup schedules is available via a self service portal.",PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Single Server Agent Backup U,"Backup services using a backup agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.Management of backups, restores and backup schedules is available via a self service portal.",PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Single Server NetApp Agent Backup D,Backup services using the NetApp OSSV agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.,PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Single Server NetApp Agent Backup P,Backup services using the NetApp OSSV agent which is installed on the source server. The machines are backed up to a secure location in Australia.,PaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Terrabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Small CPU Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Small CPU Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Small CPU Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in CPUs and light in RAM, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade physical CPUs to support our managed Cloud environment. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load of physical CPUs to ensure they are not over subscribed by customer's demands.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,10 vCPUs and 1 GB of RAM,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Small RAM Heavy Bundle D,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Small RAM Heavy Bundle P,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Small RAM Heavy Bundle U,"This service is the provision of a resource bundle that is heavy in RAM and light in CPUs, which can be allocated to a cloud environment or virtual servers. The bundle includes a maximum of 16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU. Customers can reallocate vCPUs at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay for the hours they have them allocated to a server. This bundle can be modified to meet customer's exact resource and budgetary requirements.RAM within Sliced Tech's Cloud environment is dedicated to a customer when allocated, and cannot be oversubscribed. If it is allocated to a customer server or Cloud environment it is unavailable to also be allocated to other customers. This ensures that even if a server is powered off for months, the RAM will be available when a customer turns it back on. Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the amount of RAM to ensure a greater than N+1 availability of hypervisor RAM, to provide redundancy and resiliency within the environment.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,16 GB of RAM and 1 vCPU,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,SSL Termination,"Sliced Tech's SSL Termination serviceallows for SSL client sessions to be offloaded from production web servers onto a dedicated SSL Termination devices within Sliced Tech's network. This can improve the performance of and lower the resources required by web servers, and enable security inspection of the traffic prior to it reaching the web server.",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Website,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,Tier 3,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 1_1_20 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 1 x vCPU* 1GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (1GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 1_1_20 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 1 x vCPU* 1GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (1GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 1_1_20 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 1 x vCPU* 1GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (1GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_16_160 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_16_160 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_16_160 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_2_20 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 2GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2GB RAM, 2 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_2_20 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 2GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2GB RAM, 2 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_2_20 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. Service includes* 2 x vCPU* 2GB RAM* 20GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2GB RAM, 2 vCPU, 20GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_4_40 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 4GB RAM* 40GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_4_40 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 4GB RAM* 40GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_4_40 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 4GB RAM* 40GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 40GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_8_80 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_8_80 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 2_8_80 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 2 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (2 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 4_16_160 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 4_16_160 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 4_16_160 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 16GB RAM* 160GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 160GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 4_8_80 D,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our DLM Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 4_8_80 P,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Protected Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure. If internet connectivity is required a managed firewall service is required.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM 4_8_80 U,"A virtual server suitable for hosting internet facing applications inside our Unclassified Government community cloud. Hosted on redundant compute, storage and network infrastructure.Service includes:* 4 x vCPU* 8GB RAM* 80GB Storage* 1 Public IPv4 address and IPv6 addressCustomers can monitor and manage their server through an online Customer Portal. Customers can also BYO Microsoft Application licences, subject to Microsoft licence terms and conditions.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB)",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM IP Address,An additional IPAddress to be used on an existing Virtual Machine inside the Protected Government Community Cloud.Service includes 1 x IPv4 and 1 x IPv6 Address,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,IP Address,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM IP Address BYO,Deployment of Agency supplied IPv4/IPv6 space into our environment for use as part of any/all services supplied by Sliced Tech.Space will be allocated only to the Agency owning the IP allocation.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,IP Address BYO (/24 IPv4 Space or /48 IPv6 Space),Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM IP Transit,Internet connectivity to be used against virtual machines deployed into any tier of the Government Community Cloud environments at Sliced Tech.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,MB,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM SAN D,"Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade storage environment utilising redundant SANs, supported by a fully redundant storage network. Sliced Tech's Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load and capacity of the storage environment to it scales ahead of customer's demands.This service is the provision of redundant high transaction SAN storage that is suitable for use with all applications. Storage can be allocated and managed by the customer, including the allocation of multiple data stores to a single virtual server.Customers can reallocate Storage at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay the full rate for the hours they have them allocated to an operational server; excludes servers with pre-configured bundles of resources (reservation billing).",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM SAN P,"Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade storage environment utilising redundant SANs, supported by a fully redundant storage network. Sliced Tech's Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load and capacity of the storage environment to it scales ahead of customer's demands.This service is the provision of redundant high transaction SAN storage that is suitable for use with all applications. Storage can be allocated and managed by the customer, including the allocation of multiple data stores to a single virtual server.Customers can reallocate Storage at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay the full rate for the hours they have them allocated to an operational server; excludes servers with pre-configured bundles of resources (reservation billing).",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM SAN U,"Sliced Tech provides enterprise grade storage environment utilising redundant SANs, supported by a fully redundant storage network. Sliced Tech's Cloud management includes Sliced Tech monitoring and managing the load and capacity of the storage environment to it scales ahead of customer's demands.This service is the provision of redundant high transaction SAN storage that is suitable for use with all applications. Storage can be allocated and managed by the customer, including the allocation of multiple data stores to a single virtual server.Customers can reallocate Storage at any time and, if on a consumption billing model, will only pay the full rate for the hours they have them allocated to an operational server; excludes servers with pre-configured bundles of resources (reservation billing).",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 Ex Hols,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Per GB,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM Snapshots D,"Realtime and Zero performance and/or space impact snapshot backups of Virtual Machines.Snapshots are taken of operational machines, compressed and stored on dedicated and segregated storage subsystems to meet backup requirements.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM Snapshots P,"Realtime and Zero performance and/or space impact snapshot backups of Virtual Machines.Snapshots are taken of operational machines, compressed and stored on dedicated and segregated storage subsystems to meet backup requirements.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,VM Snapshots U,"Realtime and Zero performance and/or space impact snapshot backups of Virtual Machines.Snapshots are taken of operational machines, compressed and stored on dedicated and segregated storage subsystems to meet backup requirements.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,1 Gigabyte,Australia,ACT,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Web AV Appliance D,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive web filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The web filter allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP",PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Web AV Appliance P,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive web filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The web filter allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP",PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Web AV Appliance U,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud this appliance provides agencies acomprehensive web filter thats easily installed, easily managed and highly effective. The web filter allows you to protect the agency's users/servers, improve productivity and successfully enforce agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Customers can create their own custom policies and rules, and remotely monitor and manage them.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP",PaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,50 Users for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Web AV Scanning D,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community DLM cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive web filter as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The web filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the web proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP",SaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Web AV Scanning P,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's government community Protected cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive web filter as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The web filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the web proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP",SaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Sliced Tech,66290396526,Web AV Scanning U,"Hosted within Sliced Tech's cloud this Software as a Service product provides agencies acomprehensive web filter as a fully managed service thats highly effective. The web filter protects the agency's users/servers, improves productivity and enforces agency internet usage policy in a cost effective way. Sliced Tech will implement the agencies policies and update the web proxies upon request, in addition to other management and monitoring activities.Our web filter offers:* Highly Effective web filtering capabilities* Easy to start using, web based administrative GUI provided to agency administrators* URL Filtering  53 predefined categories, customisable category creation* Content control* Includes Anti-virus and Anti-phishing Protection* Appliances are dedicated to each customer* Multiple automated reports for entire user activity* Automated updating including URL filters, anti-virus, version releases and system backup* Ability to integrate LDAP",SaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,1 User for 12 Months,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,New South Wales,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Victoria,1.4,Tier 3 Compliant,Australia,Western Australia,1.5,Tier 3 Compliant,,,,

+Squiz Australia Pty Ltd,53131581247,Funnelback Hosted Search Engine,"The Funnelback Hosting environment has been designed specifically to provide a 'Software as a Service' (SaaS) solution for the Funnelback Search Engine. <br/> <br/>The Funnelback Search Engine was originally developed by the CSIRO and is currently used by a wide range of government, education and corporate clients.<br/><br/>Funnelback provides high quality search for web based content and includes an advanced suite of features and functionality.<br/><br/>",SaaS,Information Management,Search Engine,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,,Yes,Yes,,,,,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 day,"10,000 Document Hosted Search Service<br/>Shared server resources (CPU, HDD and RAM)<br/>",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,ACT,,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.35,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Squiz Australia Pty Ltd,53131581247,Squiz Cloud Hosting,"The Squiz Cloud has been designed specifically to provide a 'Software as a Service' (SaaS) solution for the Squiz Suite products. <br/> <br/>We can allocate computing resources (CPU, RAM & Storage) dynamically to Squiz Suite products in blocks (units), which we call a 'Single Allocation'. <br/> <br/>For short-term CPU/RAM spikes (ie in times of high web traffic demand) Squiz can temporarily expand the Private Cloud to handle higher load and traffic. Those additional resources will be removed again, when cloud resources are no longer fully utilised.",SaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,,,,Yes,Yes,,,,,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1 x Single Resource Allocation which includes: <br/>(1 Virtual CPU, <br/>2GB RAM,<br/>20GB Storage, <br/>1GB of web traffic per month)",Australia,New South Wales,1.7,3.0,Australia,ACT,,3.0,Australia,Victoria,1.35,3.0,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Physical Server Plan (Enhanced),Managed Physical Server Plan (Enhanced) provides a dedicated physical compute and storage service which is managed by Telstra up to the level of the operating system.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 2 CPU , 192GB Memory , Operation System (optional) 300GB System & Data Storage (Tier 2) ; 300GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 200GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 1 IP Address",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Physical Server Plan (Essential),Managed Physical Server Plan (Essential) provides a dedicated physical compute and storage service which is managed by Telstra up to the level of the operating system.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 2 CPU , 128GB Memory , Operation System (optional)200GB System & Data Storage (Tier 2) ; 200GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 100GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 1 IP Address",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Physical Server Plan (Premium),Managed Physical Server Plan (Premium) provides a dedicated physical compute and storage service which is managed by Telstra up to the level of the operating system.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 4 CPU , 256GB Memory , Operation System (optional)500GB System & Data Storage (Tier 2) ; 500GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 400GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 1 IP Address",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Physical Server Plan (Select),Managed Physical Server Plan (Select) provides a dedicated physical compute and storage service which is managed by Telstra up to the level of the operating system.,IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 2 CPU , 256GB Memory , Operation System (optional)400GB System & Data Storage (Tier 2) ; 400GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 300GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 1 IP Address",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Dedicated Hosting - Managed Virtual Server Plan (Essential),Managed Virtual Server Plan (Essential) provides a dedicated virtualised compute and storage resource service which is managed by Telstra up to the operating system of the virtual server(s).,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"1 x Server - 2 CPU , 128GB Memory , Operation System (optional) VMware Hypervisor up to 10 Managed Virtual Servers; 1,00GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 1,00GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 100GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 10 IP Addresses",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Dedicated Hosting - Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (ACT),"Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (x64) provides a dedicated virtualized computeand storage resource pool hosted in a ASIO T4 certified facilitythat you configure and manage via VMware vCentre & meets the National Security Classification Accreditation ""protected"".1 x Dedicated Blade Server , 2 CPU , 96 Memory , VM - Operating System (customer provided)VMware Hypervisor ; 500GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 500GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall; 50GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 5 IPS IP Addresses",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (ACT) provides dedicated blade server andstorage resource pool that you configure and manage VM's via VMware vCentre.,Australia,ACT,Between 1.8 and 2.5,T4,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Dedicated Hosting - Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (Enhanced),Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (Enhanced) provides a dedicated virtualised compute and storage resource pool that you configure and manage via VMware vCentre.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"2 x Servers - 2 CPU , 192GB Memory , Operation System (optional) VMware Hypervisor ; 1,000GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 1,000GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall ; 100GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 10 IP Addresses",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Dedicated Hosting - Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (Essential),Self Managed Virtual Server Plan (Essential) provides a dedicated virtualised compute and storage resource pool that you configure and manage via VMware vCentre.,IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"2 x Servers - 2 CPU , 128GB Memory , Operation System (optional) VMware Hypervisor ; 500GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 500GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tiers Virtual Firewall; 50GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 5 IP Addresses",Australia,VIC,2.05,41335.0,Australia,NSW,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Government Dedicated Hosting - Self Managed Virtual Server Plan,"Self Managed Virtual Server Plan provides a dedicated virtualised computeand storage resource pool hosted in a ASIO T4 certified facilitythat you configure and manage via VMware vCentre & meets the National Security Classification Accreditation ""protected"".",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"2 x Dedicated Blade Server , 2 CPU , 96GB Memory , VM - Operating System (customer provided) VMware Hypervisor ; 500GB System & Data Storage (Tier 3) ; 500GB Backup (1 Month Retention) ; 1 Tier Virtual Firewall; 50GB Internet Data Usage (GB Transferred) ; 5 IP Addresses",Australia,ACT,Between 1.8 and 2.5,Tier 4 (ASIO),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Select Shared Firewall Service,"Appliance based firewall instance, available in two separate physical tiers, managed to the Select service level. All equipment (fully redundant), maintenance, and licenses costs are included.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per instance per month,Australia,Vic,2.05,41335.0,Australia,Vic,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Telstra Corporation Limited,33051775556,Standard Shared Firewall Service,"Appliance based firewall instance, available in two separate physical tiers, managed to the Standard service level. All equipment (fully redundant), maintenance, and licenses costs are included.",Managed Service,Physical Server,Security,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Per instance per month,Australia,Vic,2.05,41335.0,Australia,Vic,1.7,41335.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,12123552732,Contract Manager,"Contract Manager is an agreement lifecycle management system and a centralised repository for contracts, agreements, grants, deeds etc. Agreements are added to the system using workflow (including approval gates)and online forms that are customised to your organisation's requirements. Automated triggers alert users of impending lifecycle events such as KPI reviews and renewal dates.The system has a comprehensive user-customisable reporting capability and the dashboard provides an instant graphical view of the status of all agreements.",SaaS,Document Management,"Procurement, Compliance Management, Risk Management",24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Contract:Contracts under management by the system.,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,12123552732,eNegotiation,"e-Negotiations are an effective procurement tool to generate savings. It allows suppliers to bid online for the opportunity to win a contract being let by your agency. Suppliers compete with each other by reducing the cost of their goods, or services, in order to win the business being offered. Typical savings are in excess of 10% of the pre-event savings target, but better results are achievable if the contract is well constructed and valuable to the supplier base.To ensure successful e-Negotiations a suitability review is offered. This preliminary phase allows your agency to discuss prospective e-Negotiation candidates with Trade Interchange. This forms part of the general service but there is no charge for this preliminary work as it is quality checking for both your agency and Trade Interchange. If there is a suitable candidate for an e-negotiation, Trade Interchange builds the event and associated supplier documentation according to the needs identified. The structure of the event is designed in consultation with your agency. The supplier list is provided to Trade Interchange. Trade Interchange will contact all suppliers to encourage participation, train the individuals that will be participating in the event and provide general assurance about the process. At all times, we advise what the supplier feedback is and this allows the agency to guide the process but not have to deal with the day-to-day communications. During the event we provide a help desk service for suppliers, if they are having any problems we have staff available to take their calls. The negotiations will be arranged in single or multiple lots and completed within a 4 hour period (up to 4 separate negotiations of 45 minutes each). Contract value should exceed $250,000 are recommended to achieve an immediate RoI on Trade Interchange fees.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Procurement,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,e-Negotiation / e-Auction events,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,12123552732,eTendering,"Electronic tendering is for procurement teams to systematise supplier response and evaluation. It supports unbiased and independent evaluation based on pre-determined criteria. It offers time saving benefits and ensures, through constraining and focusing of supplier responses, that the representations are those of the supplier, not the interpretations of the contract management team. The service incorporates public sector probity features and can be branded and tailored to agency requirements. Robust process and governance are deliverable in this service as well as supplier activity audit trails. Trade Interchange provide eTender support in the design and use of the eTendering module.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Procurement,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,"e-RFX events including e-RFI, e-RFT, e-RFP, e-RFQ.Also known as e-Tender.",United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,12123552732,eTendering - eRFQ,"eTendering -eRFQ is a standarised service version of the full eTendering service. This service is designed for higher volume, template based go to market requests such as RFQs. It supports unbiased and independent evaluation based on pre-determined criteria. It offers time saving benefits through constraining and focusing of supplier responses, automatic side by side collation of all supplier responses and auto-scoring. The service incorporates public sector probity features and can be branded and tailored to Agency requirements. Robust process and governance are deliverable in this service as well as supplier activity audit trails. Trade Interchange provide provisioning assistance, training and ongoing support - customers self manage and run eRFQs as required.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Procurement,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,eRFQ events,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Trade Interchange (Asia-Pacific) Pty Limited,12123552732,Supplier Information Management (SIM),"Supplier Compliance Management is a way to minimise risk associated with suppliers and sub-contractors. Trade Interchange Supplier Information Management (SIM)maintains a registry of suppliers tailored to agency needs for competency and Commonwealth directives (OHS, Equal Opportunity, FWA). It might be used: to mitigate duty of care legal risks; or the ability to easily discover qualified suppliers already engaged by other divisions of your agency.",SaaS,Finance - Accounting,Procurement,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Supplier Compliance Management,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,United Kingdom,England,1.7,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+TransACT Capital Communications Pty Ltd,23093966888,Business Cloud,"Business Cloud provides agencies with a virtual data centre enabling them to build one or more virtual machines. Once the virtual machine is built they will be able to install any operating system or software application they require. For the avoidance of doubt all licenses are to be supplied by the agency. Agencies are able to create virtual machines on demand via a self service portal. From the portal they can configure the virtual machines with any combination of resources (CPU, RAM, Storage) to suit their application workload.They are able to start and stop a virtual machine on demand enabling them to only pay for what they use.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,"GovBC Pack includes: RAM: 2GB, CPU: 1GHz, Storage: 100GB.","Australia, TransACT Data Centre, Canberra, ACT",ACT,1.4,3.0,"Australia, iiNet Data Centre, Perth, WA",WA,Not available,Not available,,,,,,,,,,,,

+TransACT Capital Communications Pty Ltd,23093966888,Hosted Exchange,"Hosted Exchange is an Enterprise & Government class e-mail solution that delivers business communication services negating the requirement of managingin-house e-mail platforms. TransACT Hosted Exchange provides seamless integration with Outlook, access to a feature-rich web client; synchronisation of e-mails, contacts and calendars across mobile devices, the ability to share calendars contacts and company resources; plus access to our advanced control panel for operational management of employee mailboxes. Our Hosted Exchange service is located within Australia on the iiNet group of companies' world-class infrastructure and is supported by our very own award-winning support team. Our Hosted Exchange solution comes with guaranteed up-time and integrated disaster recovery to ensure confidence in your business's core communication service",IaaS,Office Productivity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,All the prices are based on a single e-mail account.,Australia,VIC - Camberwell,2.4,1.0,Australia,VIC - Port Melbourne,1.4,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Managed Backups,Daily Server Backup.- Daily backups held for a week.- Weekly backups held for a fortnight- Up to 200 GB of storageRequires VDS,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Managed Backups - PROTECTED,Daily Server Backup.- Daily backups held for a week.- Weekly backups held for a fortnight- Up to 200 GB of storageRequires VDS PROTECTED,IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,MS SQL Server Backups,"Daily MS SQL Server Server Backup.- Daily backups held for a week.- Weekly backups held for a fortnight- Up to 200 GB of storageRequires VDS, Windows and MS SQL Licence (Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,MS SQL Server Backups - PROTECTED,"Daily MS SQL Server Server Backup.- Daily backups held for a week.- Weekly backups held for a fortnight- Up to 200 GB of storage Requires VDS PROTECTED, Windows and MS SQL Licence (Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,MS SQL Server Maintenance - Per instance,Creation of new MS SQL instances .Implementation of MS SQL maintenance specifically for MS SQL aware backup and recovery.Implementation of MS SQL maintenance plans for routine recommended MS SQL maintenance tasks: defrag; integrity check; shrink; check backups and perform routine restores; index health checks and tuning; and cluster services establishment and services health checks.Requires Virtual Dedicated Server. Customer to provide own licence. Customers responsible MS SQL design.,IaaS,Database Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Per database instance month,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,MS SQL Server Maintenance - Per instance - PROTECTED,Creation of new MS SQL instances .Implementation of MS SQL maintenance specifically for MS SQL aware backup and recovery.Implementation of MS SQL maintenance plans for routine recommended MS SQL maintenance tasks: defrag; integrity check; shrink; check backups and perform routine restores; index health checks and tuning; and cluster services establishment and services health checks.Requires Virtual Dedicated Server PROTECTED. Customer to provide own licence. Customers responsible MS SQL design.,IaaS,Database Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,Per database instance month,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Rapid SSL,GeoTrust Rapid SSL Certificate- Single Domain- Up to 256 bit Encryption- True Site Seal- Free Set Up,IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,per Certificate per year,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Server Management,"Server Establishment O/S Installation. O/S hardening. Establishment of Remote Management and base security configuration.Administrative TasksThese are performed by our 24/7 customer support team, assuming Uber has access to the required Admin/Root Passwords. You can access customer support via phone on 13 UBER (13 8237) or email Reboots and restarts. Password resets. Service restarts upon request. Assistance with configuring DNS and access to mail relays.Patching Automated Centos patch deployment, if requested through customer support. Access to Windows Software Update Services.Backup Establishment of backup regime, if a backup service is purchased.Control PanelFor Services purchased with Control Panels our customer support team can provide the following assistance. Please note that they will require access to Admin/Root passwords. Account establishment and management, including password resets. Email administration, including new mailboxes, redirects and forwarders. Log analysis to assist with support of 3rd party applications.Custom supportOur 24/7 customer support team are available to help with a variety of other support matters. With the server management add-on you will have access to one hour of custom support each month. Just call 13 UBER (13 8237) or email to request any assistance you need with your VDS service.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Server Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Server Management - PROTECTED,"Server Establishment O/S Installation. O/S hardening. Establishment of Remote Management and base security configuration.Administrative TasksThese are performed by our 24/7 customer support team, assuming Uber has access to the required Admin/Root Passwords. You can access customer support via phone on 13 UBER (13 8237) or email Reboots and restarts. Password resets. Service restarts upon request. Assistance with configuring DNS and access to mail relays.Patching Automated Centos patch deployment, if requested through customer support. Access to Windows Software Update Services.Backup Establishment of backup regime, if a backup service is purchased.Control PanelFor Services purchased with Control Panels our customer support team can provide the following assistance. Please note that they will require access to Admin/Root passwords. Account establishment and management, including password resets. Email administration, including new mailboxes, redirects and forwarders. Log analysis to assist with support of 3rd party applications.Custom supportOur 24/7 customer support team are available to help with a variety of other support matters. With the server management add-on you will have access to one hour of custom support each month. Just call 13 UBER (13 8237) or email to request any assistance you need with your VDS service.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,Server Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,True BusinessID Wildcard,"GeoTrust Wildcard SSL- Unlimited Domains- Up to 256 bit Encryption- True Site Seal, organisation name, date/time stamp, green browser bar- Free Set Up",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,per Certificate per year,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,True BusinessID with EV,"GeoTrust Extended Validation SSL- Single Domain- Up to 256 bit Encryption- True Site Seal, organisation name, date/time stamp, green browser bar- Free Set Up",IaaS,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,per Certificate per year,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Virtual Dedicated Server 1,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 1024 MB RAM- 40 GB STorage- 100 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Virtual Dedicated Server 1 - PROTECTED,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 1024 MB RAM- 40 GB STorage- 100 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)- PROTECTED DMZ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Virtual Dedicated Server 2,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 4096 MB RAM- 100 GB Storage- 200 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Virtual Dedicated Server 2 - PROTECTED,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 4096 MB RAM- 100 GB Storage- 200 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)- PROTECTED DMZ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Virtual Dedicated Server 3,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 8192 MB RAM- 200 GB Storage- 2000 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Virtual Dedicated Server 3 - PROTECTED,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 8192 MB RAM- 200 GB Storage- 2000 GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)- PROTECTED DMZ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Virtual Dedicated Server 4,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 16384 MB RAM- 400 GB Storage- Unmetered GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 60 mins,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Uber Enterprise,19112045002,Virtual Dedicated Server 4 - PROTECTED,"Virtual Dedicated Server:- 16384 MB RAM- 400 GB Storage- Unmetered GM/ Month of Storage- Centos 5 (free), Windows (extra monthly fee -Customers to supply own licences)- PROTECTED DMZ",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Protected,NA,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 day,Server,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,1.4,III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,03.DM.DEDICATED_MACHINE_ULTRASERVE_IAAS,"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Management Service Options:Managed Backup (Days Retention): 1, 7, 30, 90, 180, 7 years, and OffsiteServer Management: Level 1 (Hardware), Level 2 (Hardware + Operating System), Level 3 (Hardware + Operating System + Application)Managed Firewall Service: Shared Firewall (High Availability Cluster), Dedicated Firewall (High Availability Firewall) and Web Application FirewallManaged Load Balancer: Traffic Manager, Application Switching, Content Caching, SSL Offloading, Global Server Load BalancingOperating System Support: Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA), Microsoft Software, Linux,Managed Monitoring Service: Automated response to incidents, and reportsPrivate WAN: Dedicated MPLS, Private ConnectivityFeatures & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 Unit = <br/>8GB RAM (128GB Maximum)<br/>1 CPU / 6 Cores (6 CPU / 36 Cores Maximum)<br/>146GB Storage (10+TB Maximum)<br/>1 Day Backup (7 Years Maximum)<br/>Basic Monitoring (upgrade Advanced Maximum)<br/>25GB Traffic (Unlimited),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machine - Flexible Infrastructure for Business Critical Web Hosting,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Management Service Options:Managed Backup (Days Retention): 1, 7, 30, 90, 180, 7 years, and OffsiteServer Management: Level 1 (Hardware), Level 2 (Hardware + Operating System), Level 3 (Hardware + Operating System + Application)Managed Firewall Service: Shared Firewall (High Availability Cluster), Dedicated Firewall (High Availability Firewall) and Web Application FirewallManaged Load Balancer: Traffic Manager, Application Switching, Content Caching, SSL Offloading, Global Server Load BalancingOperating System Support: Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA), Microsoft Software, Linux,Managed Monitoring Service: Automated response to incidents, and reportsPrivate WAN: Dedicated MPLS, Private ConnectivityFeatures & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.Pay per hour feePlans for volume discountsSecure provisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabric",IaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Unit = <br/>1 x GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)<br/>1 x CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)<br/>1 x GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Advanced Plan,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Advanced Plan - For Disaster Recovery,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Enterprise Plan,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Enterprise Plan - For Disaster Recovery,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Premium Plan,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Premium Plan - For Disaster Recovery,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Short Term Bursting for Seasonal or Peak Loads,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Management Service Options:Managed Backup (Days Retention): 1, 7, 30, 90, 180, 7 years, and OffsiteServer Management: Level 1 (Hardware), Level 2 (Hardware + Operating System), Level 3 (Hardware + Operating System + Application)Managed Firewall Service: Shared Firewall (High Availability Cluster), Dedicated Firewall (High Availability Firewall) and Web Application FirewallManaged Load Balancer: Traffic Manager, Application Switching, Content Caching, SSL Offloading, Global Server Load BalancingOperating System Support: Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA), Microsoft Software, Linux,Managed Monitoring Service: Automated response to incidents, and reportsPrivate WAN: Dedicated MPLS, Private ConnectivityFeatures & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.Pay per hour feePlans for volume discountsSecure provisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabric",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,PAYGMaximum configurations:1 x GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)1 x CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)1 x GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Starter Plan,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Cloud Machines - Starter Plan - For Disaster Recovery,"UltraServe's Cloud Machine Infrastructure as a Service Platform;Allows Customers and Partners to easily create and deploy Cloud Machine Service in 'minutes', using UltraServe's Online Portal customers can create (RAM, CPU, Storage)UltraServe Cloud Machines (CM) provides a highly scalable and elastic public cloud infrastructure allowing organisations to reduce capital and operational expenses. Small and mid-size organisations, in particular, can employ CMs to deliver reliable, cost-effective access to computing power and data. Cloud Servers are quick and easy to create, modify and destroy through an intuitive web interface. Cloud Servers are billed based on usage with either a pay-as-you-go or plan based structure.Features & BenefitsOptimise your technology infrastructure: By moving to Cloud Machines you can eliminate under utilised hardware, reduce capital costs and more quickly respond to your business needs.Easily scale infrastructure to meet demand: The UltraServe Cloud Machine is purpose-built for speed and flexibility. In minutes you can have a new Cloud Machine running and handling requests.- Pay per hour fee- Plans for volume discountsProvisioning and management portal. UltraServes secure, self-service management portal makes it simple to add a new Cloud Machine. Once you have a Virtual Data Centre (VDC), you can add Cloud Machines with a quick mouse drag. Furthermore, you have your choice of virtual hardware, software and network options.Programmatic web services interfaces. UltraServes scalable and secure Cloud Machine application programming interface (API) is available to programmatically manage your Cloud Machine infrastructure for situations where deeper integration is required over and above the use of the self-service management portal.Varying network accessibility. Each Cloud Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (IP ranges up to a /27). Cloud Machines can be configured to communicate via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Cloud Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Center (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whilst those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Fast network speeds. Built upon a fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity via partner upstream Australian ISPs to ensure low Internet latency rates.Expansive OS choice. Choose from the most reliable operating systems available today, including Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Each are perfectly suited to take advantage of the top performance and security features of UltraServes Cloud Machine platform.Familiar network segmentation and controls. Virtual Data Centres (VDC) are the containers for your Cloud Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network access for your Cloud Machines.Scalable and private block-based storage. UltraServe enables you to create shared storage Cloud Machines in the public and/or private portion of your VDC. UltraServe recommends provisioning databases or other shared storage applications, including Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, in the private portion. From there, your shared storage Cloud Machines can only be accessed from your other Cloud Machines. Please note that UltraServe requires local storage for all Cloud Machines.Reduce IT management cost. It is expensive maintaining your own enterprise IT infrastructure  we know. That is why we retain the highest qualified team in Australia. Our team work hard so that you do not have to, proactively monitoring our entire infrastructure, and resolving problems before they happen. Our hard work means Cloud Machines perform well with minimal downtime.Local presence for your Cloud Machines. UltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyNetworkLowest latency Australian interstate network10 Gigabit ethernet network fabricMultiple upstream providers and interstate IX peering networkSecure customer network segregationVirtualisation TechnologyEnterprise grade vmware vSphere 4.1 hypervisorAutomatic host failover and cloud machine recoveryServer HardwareEnterprise level server hardwareFully redundant components and power sourcesMinimum 2.4GHz XEON virtualisation optimised series processorsStorage10 Gigabit Lossless storage connectivityFully redundant storage connectivity fabricNOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Within the monthly plan allowance (pack) the services can be consumed on an as needed basis up to the maximums defined as follows:GB / RAM / Hour (32GB Maximum)CPU / Core / Hour (6 x vCPU Maximum)GB / Storage / Hour (1+TB Maximum),Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Dedicated Machine - Enterprise (128GB RAM / Dual CPU / 12 CPU Cores / 4.2TB Storage),"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Features & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Machine (DM)- 128GB RAM- 2 CPU (12 Cores)- 4.2TB Storage (RAID 5)- 30 Day Backup- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Dedicated Machine - Large (32GB RAM / Dual CPU / 12 CPU Cores / 1.8TB Storage),"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Features & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Machine (DM)- 32GB RAM- 2 CPU (12 Cores)- 1.8TBB Storage (RAID 10)- 30 Day Backup- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Dedicated Machine - Medium (16GB RAM / Single CPU / 6 vCPU Cores / 900GB Storage),"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Features & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Machine (DM)- 16GB RAM- 1 CPU (6 Cores)- 900GB Storage (RAID 5)- 30 Day Backup- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Dedicated Machine - Small (8GB RAM / Single CPU / 6 vCPU Cores / 146GB Storage),"Dedicated Machines (DMs) are delivered as a single tenant private cloud solution, delivering the guaranteed performance needed for your critical business applications. Dedicated Servers can be provisioned with operating systems installed on hardware directly, or with a VMware virtualisation layer utilised. Virtualised or single-tenated, a Dedicated Machines resources are always reserved for any unexpected spike or jump in traffic.Features & BenefitsFull control: High-performance enterprise-class hardware is entirely devoted to you. There are no limits to the applications you can operate on Dedicated Machines.Unparalleled performance: Ensure your applications performance by customising your Dedicated Machine to your specifications.Efficiently manage available capacity: Get the best of both worlds by deploying our market-leading VMware virtualisation platform to your Dedicated Machine. By running virtual machines upon your Dedicated Machine, you can have consistent high-performance and efficient resource usage. Consolidate multiple servers into one Dedicated Machine.Your hardware is our business: Rest assured that hard drive failures, network router crashes and power outages are covered by our highly-qualified team. We handle your IT infrastructure so that you can focus on what matters most  your customers.Graduating support levels. UltraServe hosts and manages your Dedicated Machine in our world-class data centres. Every Dedicated Machine and network is monitored by our team. Additionally, you can get support for your operating systems and many popular business applications.Exclusivity. Each Dedicated Machine is acquired, configured, and managed exclusively for you. When you order a Dedicated Machine, it is built with the best technologies currently available, and is regularly maintained during its entire service lifetime.Consistently high performance. A Dedicated Machine is entirely devoted to you, meaning you always control its resources. No overhead from virtualization platforms or shared network connections (unless you explicitly choose to virtualise); your applications are always the top priority.Virtualisation-ready. For applications requiring consistent, unimpeded high-performance, Dedicated Machines are provisioned for a single native operating system. In order to enable you to more efficiently utilise and manage your resource, UltraServe offers its VMware-based virtualisation platform on Dedicated Machines.Enterprise-grade network. Your Dedicated Machines can achieve fast data transfer rates and a configurable, secure private network. We maintain close partnerships with Australian ISPs to ensure that access to your applications remains available and fast.Robust (and included) backups. Each Dedicated Machine includes backups that can be reviewed via the provisioning and management portal. You can also update your backup frequency and retention period, and conduct partial or full restores, as necessary.Varying local storage options. UltraServe offers varying Dedicated Machine local storage options, including customised SAS 7.2k or 15k hard drives, and flash drives (SSD). Local storage drives can be managed with a RAID controller, increasing their redundancy or performance. Additionally, UltraServe offers several options for high performance network storage, including Direct Attached Storage (SAS), SAN (Fibre Channel (FC) and FC over Ethernet) and networked storage (NFS, NAS, and iSCSI). The best choice depends on your requirements, configuration, and usage profile.Familiar network segmentation and controls. A Virtual Data Centre is the container for your Dedicated Machines. Each houses a public cloud, a private cloud, and a set of load balancers. The separation between the public and private clouds offers a natural tiered architecture for organisations, and for setting network permissions for your Dedicated Machines.Varying network accessibility. Each Dedicated Machine can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via an UltraServe assigned public IP address for public usage. Dedicated Machines can be accessed via many standard network protocols, including HTTP, SSH, Windows Remote Desktop (RDP), FTP, IPsec, ICMP, and more. Dedicated Machines in the public portion of your Virtual Data Centre (VDC) are Internet-accessible, whose those in the private portion are only accessible from within the VDC.Local presence for your Dedicated Machines. UltraServe is built for the Australian market. We have data centres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. Data centres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.TechnologyTo virtualise our world-class physical infrastructure, we use VMware Inc.s vSphere virtualisation infrastructure, which is trusted by nearly 100% of organisations listed in Fortune Magazines Fortune 100. list.By overlaying our proprietary management and provisioning system upon VMwares software, you gain all the technological benefits of a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation of a highly available Dedicated Machine environment that UltraServe continuously monitors to guarantee that you deliver what you and your customers expect.",Managed Service,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Dedicated Machine (DM)- 8GB RAM- 1 CPU (6 Cores)- 146GB Storage (RAID 1)- 30 Day Backup- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Managed Dedicated Firewall Service,"Managed FirewallIntroductionFirewalls have become an important component of Enterprise IT system security policy. As the name suggests, a firewall sits between your IT systems and the rest of the world turning away unwanted intrusions before they can get near your valuable IT assets. Firewalls are the gateways that separate the internet from your private systems. As the first point of contact before direct access to your systems, the firewall decides if a connection will be allowed. By blocking undesirable requests, the Managed Firewall service seals potential security vulnerabilities.By halting unwanted connections, UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to keep your IT systems from being overloaded. Instead of having to use valuable processing resources to review a connection request and reject it, IT systems can focus solely on their most important work.UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to provide a significant level of security without downside. As the gateway to your IT systems, the Firewall service ensures compliance to all those who request access.The firewall service is fully managed by UltraServe on your behalf.Features & BenefitsProtect your IT investment. Enterprise-class firewall service ensures the outside world interacts with your system only the way you want them to. Without a firewall, your applications and data are unprotected and accessible to potential intruders.Standards Compliant. Keep your IT systems compliant to network access standards defined in PCI-DSS and various Australian laws.Zero Management Time. The UltraServe team takes care of the pain of managing a firewall. Were on duty 24/7 so that you dont have to be. The UltraServe Monitoring service is consistently verifying the secure and fast operation of your firewall.Always up-to-date. In addition to ensuring the operation of your firewall, the UltraServe team is always evaluating and applying updates. This practice keeps your firewall secure against any new threats that may appear.Flexible security. A Managed Firewall Service allows you to decide how customers and employees access your IT systems, on your terms. You decide which connections and protocols to allow and which to deny. All the standard internet protocols are yours to control, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, IPsec and ICMP. For secure access to your private network, we support IPsec VPN connections from your office network or individual computer.Easy Configuration. The firewall service can be configured by choosing from standard options or can be customised to meet unique security requirements.Low Latency. Enterprise-class firewalls keep latencies low with unimpeded network flow of valid connections. Unauthorised connections are halted before reaching the valuable assets in your internal network.Change Management. UltraServe keeps a strict log of all changes that are made to your firewall. All changes to your firewall service are performed by our team to ensure security and consistency. All updates and change requests are recorded and stored indefinitely.PackagesVirtual Firewall Service [Virtual Machines only]The UltraServe Virtual Firewall Service was designed to take advantage of the unique requirements of Virtual Machines. The Virtual Firewall service runs on a multi-tenanted platform that improves availability and uptime using redundant firewall service. The Virtual Firewall controls your private network by isolating your IT systems from other Virtual Machines, other networks and the internet.Fault-tolerant. The Virtual Firewall Service maintains redundant replicas of your firewall service. In the event of a failure, your firewall will failover to a healthy replica. Fault-tolerance is built into the platform and ensures business continuity.Dedicated Firewall Service [Dedicated Machines only]The Dedicated Firewall Service is our best-of-breed firewall for use exclusively with Dedicated Machines. Similar to a Dedicated Machine, the Dedicated Firewall is an appliance fully devoted to your IT system. Its capacity, resources, and connections are single-tenanted and reserved entirely for your use. The features are similar to the Virtual Firewall with a few important additions.VPN Client. The Dedicated Firewall Service has two options for VPN connections; Site-to-site and Client-to-site. Site-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to extend your office or IT network to include UltraServe managed IT systems. Client-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to configure any individual computer to connect with your UltraServe managed IT systems.High Availability. The Dedicated Firewall Service can be paired with an additional Dedicated Firewall to create a High Availability Managed Firewall. This ensures that if connection requests fail, a backup firewall service will seamlessly handle the traffic. In short, High Availability ensures business continuity of your network security devices.Added Security. The Dedicated Firewall Service has additional security features. Adding Intrusion Prevention to your firewall service will create an ultra-high-security barrier to intruders.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Dedicated Firewall Service<br/>- VPN / IPsec<br/>- Intrusion Prevention Service / Intrusion Detection Service,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Managed Dedicated High Availability Firewall Service,"Managed FirewallIntroductionFirewalls have become an important component of Enterprise IT system security policy. As the name suggests, a firewall sits between your IT systems and the rest of the world turning away unwanted intrusions before they can get near your valuable IT assets. Firewalls are the gateways that separate the internet from your private systems. As the first point of contact before direct access to your systems, the firewall decides if a connection will be allowed. By blocking undesirable requests, the Managed Firewall service seals potential security vulnerabilities.By halting unwanted connections, UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to keep your IT systems from being overloaded. Instead of having to use valuable processing resources to review a connection request and reject it, IT systems can focus solely on their most important work.UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to provide a significant level of security without downside. As the gateway to your IT systems, the Firewall service ensures compliance to all those who request access.The firewall service is fully managed by UltraServe on your behalf.Features & BenefitsProtect your IT investment. Enterprise-class firewall service ensures the outside world interacts with your system only the way you want them to. Without a firewall, your applications and data are unprotected and accessible to potential intruders.Standards Compliant. Keep your IT systems compliant to network access standards defined in PCI-DSS and various Australian laws.Zero Management Time. The UltraServe team takes care of the pain of managing a firewall. Were on duty 24/7 so that you dont have to be. The UltraServe Monitoring service is consistently verifying the secure and fast operation of your firewall.Always up-to-date. In addition to ensuring the operation of your firewall, the UltraServe team is always evaluating and applying updates. This practice keeps your firewall secure against any new threats that may appear.Flexible security. A Managed Firewall Service allows you to decide how customers and employees access your IT systems, on your terms. You decide which connections and protocols to allow and which to deny. All the standard internet protocols are yours to control, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, IPsec and ICMP. For secure access to your private network, we support IPsec VPN connections from your office network or individual computer.Easy Configuration. The firewall service can be configured by choosing from standard options or can be customised to meet unique security requirements.Low Latency. Enterprise-class firewalls keep latencies low with unimpeded network flow of valid connections. Unauthorised connections are halted before reaching the valuable assets in your internal network.Change Management. UltraServe keeps a strict log of all changes that are made to your firewall. All changes to your firewall service are performed by our team to ensure security and consistency. All updates and change requests are recorded and stored indefinitely.PackagesVirtual Firewall Service [Virtual Machines only]The UltraServe Virtual Firewall Service was designed to take advantage of the unique requirements of Virtual Machines. The Virtual Firewall service runs on a multi-tenanted platform that improves availability and uptime using redundant firewall service. The Virtual Firewall controls your private network by isolating your IT systems from other Virtual Machines, other networks and the internet.Fault-tolerant. The Virtual Firewall Service maintains redundant replicas of your firewall service. In the event of a failure, your firewall will failover to a healthy replica. Fault-tolerance is built into the platform and ensures business continuity.Dedicated Firewall Service [Dedicated Machines only]The Dedicated Firewall Service is our best-of-breed firewall for use exclusively with Dedicated Machines. Similar to a Dedicated Machine, the Dedicated Firewall is an appliance fully devoted to your IT system. Its capacity, resources, and connections are single-tenanted and reserved entirely for your use. The features are similar to the Virtual Firewall with a few important additions.VPN Client. The Dedicated Firewall Service has two options for VPN connections; Site-to-site and Client-to-site. Site-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to extend your office or IT network to include UltraServe managed IT systems. Client-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to configure any individual computer to connect with your UltraServe managed IT systems.High Availability. The Dedicated Firewall Service can be paired with an additional Dedicated Firewall to create a High Availability Managed Firewall. This ensures that if connection requests fail, a backup firewall service will seamlessly handle the traffic. In short, High Availability ensures business continuity of your network security devices.Added Security. The Dedicated Firewall Service has additional security features. Adding Intrusion Prevention to your firewall service will create an ultra-high-security barrier to intruders.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Dedicated High Availability Firewall Service<br/>- 2 x Physical Firewalls configured as a Redundant Active/Passive Pair<br/>- VPN / IPsec<br/>- Intrusion Prevention Service / Intrusion Detection Service,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Managed Load Balancer / Traffic Manager - Dedicated (Load Balance Multiple Servers + Content Cahcing + SSL + Traffic Script),"TRAFFIC MANAGER / LOAD BALANCING SERVICEFeatures:- Round Robin and Least Connection algorithms.- Compression.- Content Caching.- Traffic Script (Business Logic).- IP and SSL session persistence.- Passive Health Checks.- 200 Mbits Bandwidth LimitStingray Traffic Manager helps businesses by:Accelerating applications and helping to maximize application performance and capacity to ultimately enhance end-user experience and boost return on infrastructure investmentImproving the reliability and availability of applications and helping organizations to scale and deliver services easily and more cost-effectivelyProviding tools that help IT control and secure network traffic, and filter and scrub application requests and responses betterHelping organizations manage their application delivery infrastructure, simplifying application maintenance, upgrades, and migration processes, and helping to deliver adaptable and agile services faster and more reliablyManaged Traffic Manager / Load BalancerTraffic Manager is a high performance software and virtual Layer 7 ADC that enables enterprises and cloud operators to create, manage, and deliver key services more quickly, more flexibly, and at a lower cost. It offers much more than basic load balancing. The Traffic Manager controls and optimise end-user services by inspecting, transforming, prioritizing, and routing application traffic. The powerful TrafficScript engine facilitates the implementation of traffic management policies that are unique to an application by allowing organizations to build custom functionality or to leverage existing features in Stingray Traffic Manager in a specialised way. With Stingray, organizations can deliver:Performance: Improve application performance for users by offloading encryption and compression from the web server by dynamic caching and reducing the number of TCP sessions on the application.Reliability and scalability: Increase application reliability by load balancing traffic across web and application servers, balancing load across multiple data centres (private or public clouds), monitoring the response time of servers in real-time to decide the fastest way to deliver a service, protecting against traffic surges, and by managing the bandwidth and rate of requests used by different classes of traffic.Advanced scripting and application intelligence: Manage application delivery easier with fine-grained control of users and services using TrafficScript, an easy-to-use scripting language that can parse any user transaction, and take specific, real-time action based on user, application, request, or more. Development teams use TrafficScript to enable a point of control in distributed applications, while operations teams use it to quickly respond to changing business requirements or problems within an application before developers can fix it.Application acceleration: Dramatically accelerate web-based applications and websites in real-time with optional web content optimization (WCO) functionality. It dynamically groups activities for fewer long distance round trips, resamples and sprites images to reduce bandwidth, and minifies JavaScript and combines style sheets to give the best possible response time for loading a web page on any browser or device.Application-layer security: Enhance application security by filtering out errors in web requests, and protecting against external threats, with the option of a comprehensive Layer-7 firewall to defend against deliberate attacks.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Dedicated Load Balancer Service<br/>Features:<br/>- Features:<br/>- Round Robin and Least Connection algorithms.<br/>- Compression.<br/>- Content Caching.<br/>- Traffic Script (Business Logic).<br/>- IP and SSL session persistence.<br/>- Passive Health Checks.<br/>- 200 Mbits Bandwidth Limit,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Managed Load Balancer / Traffic Manager - Shared (Load Balance Multiple Servers),"Managed Load Balancer / Traffic ManagerTRAFFIC MANAGER / LOAD BALANCING SERVICEFeatures:- Round Robin and Least Connection algorithms.- Compression.- 200 Mbits Bandwidth LimitStingray Traffic Manager helps businesses by:Accelerating applications and helping to maximize application performance and capacity to ultimately enhance end-user experience and boost return on infrastructure investmentImproving the reliability and availability of applications and helping organizations to scale and deliver services easily and more cost-effectivelyProviding tools that help IT control and secure network traffic, and filter and scrub application requests and responses betterHelping organizations manage their application delivery infrastructure, simplifying application maintenance, upgrades, and migration processes, and helping to deliver adaptable and agile services faster and more reliablyManaged Traffic Manager / Load BalancerTraffic Manager is a high performance software and virtual Layer 7 ADC that enables enterprises and cloud operators to create, manage, and deliver key services more quickly, more flexibly, and at a lower cost. It offers much more than basic load balancing. The Traffic Manager controls and optimise end-user services by inspecting, transforming, prioritizing, and routing application traffic. The powerful TrafficScript engine facilitates the implementation of traffic management policies that are unique to an application by allowing organizations to build custom functionality or to leverage existing features in Stingray Traffic Manager in a specialised way. With Stingray, organizations can deliver:Performance: Improve application performance for users by offloading encryption and compression from the web server by dynamic caching and reducing the number of TCP sessions on the application.Reliability and scalability: Increase application reliability by load balancing traffic across web and application servers, balancing load across multiple data centres (private or public clouds), monitoring the response time of servers in real-time to decide the fastest way to deliver a service, protecting against traffic surges, and by managing the bandwidth and rate of requests used by different classes of traffic.Advanced scripting and application intelligence: Manage application delivery easier with fine-grained control of users and services using TrafficScript, an easy-to-use scripting language that can parse any user transaction, and take specific, real-time action based on user, application, request, or more. Development teams use TrafficScript to enable a point of control in distributed applications, while operations teams use it to quickly respond to changing business requirements or problems within an application before developers can fix it.Application acceleration: Dramatically accelerate web-based applications and websites in real-time with optional web content optimization (WCO) functionality. It dynamically groups activities for fewer long distance round trips, resamples and sprites images to reduce bandwidth, and minifies JavaScript and combines style sheets to give the best possible response time for loading a web page on any browser or device.Application-layer security: Enhance application security by filtering out errors in web requests, and protecting against external threats, with the option of a comprehensive Layer-7 firewall to defend against deliberate attacks.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Shared Load Balancer Service<br/>Features:<br/>- Round Robin and Least Connection algorithms.<br/>- Compression.<br/>- 200 Mbits Bandwidth Limit,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Managed Shared Firewall Service,"Managed FirewallIntroductionFirewalls have become an important component of Enterprise IT system security policy. As the name suggests, a firewall sits between your IT systems and the rest of the world turning away unwanted intrusions before they can get near your valuable IT assets. Firewalls are the gateways that separate the internet from your private systems. As the first point of contact before direct access to your systems, the firewall decides if a connection will be allowed. By blocking undesirable requests, the Managed Firewall service seals potential security vulnerabilities.By halting unwanted connections, UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to keep your IT systems from being overloaded. Instead of having to use valuable processing resources to review a connection request and reject it, IT systems can focus solely on their most important work.UltraServes Managed Firewall Service is able to provide a significant level of security without downside. As the gateway to your IT systems, the Firewall service ensures compliance to all those who request access.The firewall service is fully managed by UltraServe on your behalf.Features & BenefitsProtect your IT investment. Enterprise-class firewall service ensures the outside world interacts with your system only the way you want them to. Without a firewall, your applications and data are unprotected and accessible to potential intruders.Standards Compliant. Keep your IT systems compliant to network access standards defined in PCI-DSS and various Australian laws.Zero Management Time. The UltraServe team takes care of the pain of managing a firewall. Were on duty 24/7 so that you dont have to be. The UltraServe Monitoring service is consistently verifying the secure and fast operation of your firewall.Always up-to-date. In addition to ensuring the operation of your firewall, the UltraServe team is always evaluating and applying updates. This practice keeps your firewall secure against any new threats that may appear.Flexible security. A Managed Firewall Service allows you to decide how customers and employees access your IT systems, on your terms. You decide which connections and protocols to allow and which to deny. All the standard internet protocols are yours to control, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, IPsec and ICMP. For secure access to your private network, we support IPsec VPN connections from your office network or individual computer.Easy Configuration. The firewall service can be configured by choosing from standard options or can be customised to meet unique security requirements.Low Latency. Enterprise-class firewalls keep latencies low with unimpeded network flow of valid connections. Unauthorised connections are halted before reaching the valuable assets in your internal network.Change Management. UltraServe keeps a strict log of all changes that are made to your firewall. All changes to your firewall service are performed by our team to ensure security and consistency. All updates and change requests are recorded and stored indefinitely.PackagesVirtual Firewall Service [Virtual Machines only]The UltraServe Virtual Firewall Service was designed to take advantage of the unique requirements of Virtual Machines. The Virtual Firewall service runs on a multi-tenanted platform that improves availability and uptime using redundant firewall service. The Virtual Firewall controls your private network by isolating your IT systems from other Virtual Machines, other networks and the internet.Fault-tolerant. The Virtual Firewall Service maintains redundant replicas of your firewall service. In the event of a failure, your firewall will failover to a healthy replica. Fault-tolerance is built into the platform and ensures business continuity.Dedicated Firewall Service [Dedicated Machines only]The Dedicated Firewall Service is our best-of-breed firewall for use exclusively with Dedicated Machines. Similar to a Dedicated Machine, the Dedicated Firewall is an appliance fully devoted to your IT system. Its capacity, resources, and connections are single-tenanted and reserved entirely for your use. The features are similar to the Virtual Firewall with a few important additions.VPN Client. The Dedicated Firewall Service has two options for VPN connections; Site-to-site and Client-to-site. Site-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to extend your office or IT network to include UltraServe managed IT systems. Client-to-site IPSec VPN allows you to configure any individual computer to connect with your UltraServe managed IT systems.High Availability. The Dedicated Firewall Service can be paired with an additional Dedicated Firewall to create a High Availability Managed Firewall. This ensures that if connection requests fail, a backup firewall service will seamlessly handle the traffic. In short, High Availability ensures business continuity of your network security devices.Added Security. The Dedicated Firewall Service has additional security features. Adding Intrusion Prevention to your firewall service will create an ultra-high-security barrier to intruders.",Managed Service,Compute Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) x Managed Shared Firewall Service,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Virtual Machine - Enterprise (16GB RAM / 6 vCPU / 500GB Storage),"Virtual Machines (VMs) are delivered from a multi-tenanted enterprise-class infrastructure platform segregated using our Virtual Data Centre architecture. UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) platform offers web based control. Virtual Machines are monitored 247, automatically backed up and delivered from local Australian data centres.Features & BenefitsGet more out of existing resources: Non-virtualised servers rarely exceed 30% resource utilisation. Consolidation into a virtualised environment can exceed 80% utilisation of the hardwareIncrease the availability of workloads: Virtualisation provides methods to mitigate downtime by migrating workloads to different hardware in the event of planned maintenance or unplanned downtime.Improve IT service levels: Provision and deploy servers and desktops faster with reduced management overhead.Shrink operational costs: By reducing the physical footprint of the data centre, data centre build-out costs are avoided and power cooling costs shrink.Leverage legacy applications: Lengthen the life of legacy applications by operating them on virtual machines.UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) provides customers with a highly scalable compute offering that is easy to manage, access, and upgrade, protected against disasters, regularly (and automatically) backed up and monitored, and so much more.Easily increase/upgrade your VMsAt any time, you can contact an UltraServe sales representative or use myUltraServe to increase your number of VMs and/or upgrade each VMs CPU, RAM, storage, and network traffic volume.Varying network accessibilityEach VM can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via a VPN for private usage, and via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (ranges up to a /27). Depending on OS support and firewall services, most layer 7 protocols, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.  in addition to IPsec and ICMP  are supported.Extensive DNS support and customisationUsing batch import of domain name configurations, and creation of DNS configuration templates, customers can point their own DNS records to the UltraServe DNS. UltraServe can fully manage your DNS. The choice is yours.Fast network speedsBuilt upon a Cisco-backed 1 Gbps fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps converged storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity.Expansive operating system choiceBuilt upon VMware vSphere, UltraServes virtualization infrastructure supports a myriad of guest virtual OS, including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Your newly provisioned guest virtual OS will always have the latest stable version and vendor-supplied upgrades and patches installed.Extensive system redundanciesUltraServes VM product has a multitude of redundancies built-in, and available as add-on capabilities:All VMs can access the Internet via multiple upstream partner ISPs.Using a distributed, VMware-powered virtualization infrastructure, a failure to to underlying physical hardware results in your VM, its data, and network connectivity automatically transferring to an available physical host.Customers can use UltraServe-provided network load balancers to distribute incoming network traffic to ensure that failures on individual VMs do not affect overall system up-time.VMs are backed up to an advance storage platform to protect against unrecoverable errors your VMs may experience.Secure, local presence for your VMsUltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have datacentres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. datacentres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly-trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.Data segregation and isolationLeveraging VMwares vSphere hypervisor technology, each UltraServe VM maintains its own data store. When in-use, the data and applications run together, consistently maintaining the same environment for the application regardless of the hardware upon which the VM runs.Flexible pricing termsUltraServes VM product can be purchased under a contract of six, 12, 24, or 36 months, with invoices being issued at the beginning of the month (and pro-rated for the end of the month).TechnologyvSphere Hypervisor, which virtualises servers and runs applications in Virtual Machines.vCenter Server, which provides a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation for virtualisation management.vSphere High Availability (HA), which provides provide HA across the entire virtualised infrastructure.vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which allows UltraServe to continuously monitors utilisation across a resource pool and intelligently allocate available resources among your Virtual Machines according to business needs.vMotion, which enables UltraServe to move running Virtual Machines from one physical server to another with no impact to you. UltraServe is a certified VMware hosting provider.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) Virtual Server- 16GB RAM- 6vCPU- 500GB Storage- 1 Day Backup- Level 1 Server Management- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Virtual Machine - Large (8GB RAM / 4 vCPU / 250GB Storage),"Virtual Machines (VMs) are delivered from a multi-tenanted enterprise-class infrastructure platform segregated using our Virtual Data Centre architecture. UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) platform offers web based control. Virtual Machines are monitored 247, automatically backed up and delivered from local Australian data centres.Features & BenefitsGet more out of existing resources: Non-virtualised servers rarely exceed 30% resource utilisation. Consolidation into a virtualised environment can exceed 80% utilisation of the hardwareIncrease the availability of workloads: Virtualisation provides methods to mitigate downtime by migrating workloads to different hardware in the event of planned maintenance or unplanned downtime.Improve IT service levels: Provision and deploy servers and desktops faster with reduced management overhead.Shrink operational costs: By reducing the physical footprint of the data centre, data centre build-out costs are avoided and power cooling costs shrink.Leverage legacy applications: Lengthen the life of legacy applications by operating them on virtual machines.UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) provides customers with a highly scalable compute offering that is easy to manage, access, and upgrade, protected against disasters, regularly (and automatically) backed up and monitored, and so much more.Easily increase/upgrade your VMsAt any time, you can contact an UltraServe sales representative or use myUltraServe to increase your number of VMs and/or upgrade each VMs CPU, RAM, storage, and network traffic volume.Varying network accessibilityEach VM can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via a VPN for private usage, and via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (ranges up to a /27). Depending on OS support and firewall services, most layer 7 protocols, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.  in addition to IPsec and ICMP  are supported.Extensive DNS support and customisationUsing batch import of domain name configurations, and creation of DNS configuration templates, customers can point their own DNS records to the UltraServe DNS. UltraServe can fully manage your DNS. The choice is yours.Fast network speedsBuilt upon a Cisco-backed 1 Gbps fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps converged storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity.Expansive operating system choiceBuilt upon VMware vSphere, UltraServes virtualization infrastructure supports a myriad of guest virtual OS, including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Your newly provisioned guest virtual OS will always have the latest stable version and vendor-supplied upgrades and patches installed.Extensive system redundanciesUltraServes VM product has a multitude of redundancies built-in, and available as add-on capabilities:All VMs can access the Internet via multiple upstream partner ISPs.Using a distributed, VMware-powered virtualization infrastructure, a failure to to underlying physical hardware results in your VM, its data, and network connectivity automatically transferring to an available physical host.Customers can use UltraServe-provided network load balancers to distribute incoming network traffic to ensure that failures on individual VMs do not affect overall system up-time.VMs are backed up to an advance storage platform to protect against unrecoverable errors your VMs may experience.Secure, local presence for your VMsUltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have datacentres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. datacentres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly-trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.Data segregation and isolationLeveraging VMwares vSphere hypervisor technology, each UltraServe VM maintains its own data store. When in-use, the data and applications run together, consistently maintaining the same environment for the application regardless of the hardware upon which the VM runs.Flexible pricing termsUltraServes VM product can be purchased under a contract of six, 12, 24, or 36 months, with invoices being issued at the beginning of the month (and pro-rated for the end of the month).TechnologyvSphere Hypervisor, which virtualises servers and runs applications in Virtual Machines.vCenter Server, which provides a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation for virtualisation management.vSphere High Availability (HA), which provides provide HA across the entire virtualised infrastructure.vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which allows UltraServe to continuously monitors utilisation across a resource pool and intelligently allocate available resources among your Virtual Machines according to business needs.vMotion, which enables UltraServe to move running Virtual Machines from one physical server to another with no impact to you. UltraServe is a certified VMware hosting provider.NOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) Virtual Server- 8GB RAM- 4vCPU- 250GB Storage- 1 Day Backup- Level 1 Server Management- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Virtual Machine - Medium (4GB RAM / 3 vCPU / 50GB Storage),"Virtual Machines (VMs) are delivered from a multi-tenanted enterprise-class infrastructure platform segregated using our Virtual Data Centre architecture. UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) platform offers web based control. Virtual Machines are monitored 247, automatically backed up and delivered from local Australian data centres.Features & BenefitsGet more out of existing resources: Non-virtualised servers rarely exceed 30% resource utilisation. Consolidation into a virtualised environment can exceed 80% utilisation of the hardwareIncrease the availability of workloads: Virtualisation provides methods to mitigate downtime by migrating workloads to different hardware in the event of planned maintenance or unplanned downtime.Improve IT service levels: Provision and deploy servers and desktops faster with reduced management overhead.Shrink operational costs: By reducing the physical footprint of the data centre, data centre build-out costs are avoided and power cooling costs shrink.Leverage legacy applications: Lengthen the life of legacy applications by operating them on virtual machines.UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) provides customers with a highly scalable compute offering that is easy to manage, access, and upgrade, protected against disasters, regularly (and automatically) backed up and monitored, and so much more.Easily increase/upgrade your VMsAt any time, you can contact an UltraServe sales representative or use myUltraServe to increase your number of VMs and/or upgrade each VMs CPU, RAM, storage, and network traffic volume.Varying network accessibilityEach VM can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via a VPN for private usage, and via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (ranges up to a /27). Depending on OS support and firewall services, most layer 7 protocols, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.  in addition to IPsec and ICMP  are supported.Extensive DNS support and customisationUsing batch import of domain name configurations, and creation of DNS configuration templates, customers can point their own DNS records to the UltraServe DNS. UltraServe can fully manage your DNS. The choice is yours.Fast network speedsBuilt upon a Cisco-backed 1 Gbps fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps converged storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity.Expansive operating system choiceBuilt upon VMware vSphere, UltraServes virtualization infrastructure supports a myriad of guest virtual OS, including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Your newly provisioned guest virtual OS will always have the latest stable version and vendor-supplied upgrades and patches installed.Extensive system redundanciesUltraServes VM product has a multitude of redundancies built-in, and available as add-on capabilities:All VMs can access the Internet via multiple upstream partner ISPs.Using a distributed, VMware-powered virtualization infrastructure, a failure to to underlying physical hardware results in your VM, its data, and network connectivity automatically transferring to an available physical host.Customers can use UltraServe-provided network load balancers to distribute incoming network traffic to ensure that failures on individual VMs do not affect overall system up-time.VMs are backed up to an advance storage platform to protect against unrecoverable errors your VMs may experience.Secure, local presence for your VMsUltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have datacentres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. datacentres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly-trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.Data segregation and isolationLeveraging VMwares vSphere hypervisor technology, each UltraServe VM maintains its own data store. When in-use, the data and applications run together, consistently maintaining the same environment for the application regardless of the hardware upon which the VM runs.Flexible pricing termsUltraServes VM product can be purchased under a contract of six, 12, 24, or 36 months, with invoices being issued at the beginning of the month (and pro-rated for the end of the month).TechnologyvSphere Hypervisor, which virtualises servers and runs applications in Virtual Machines.vCenter Server, which provides a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation for virtualisation management.vSphere High Availability (HA), which provides provide HA across the entire virtualised infrastructure.vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which allows UltraServe to continuously monitors utilisation across a resource pool and intelligently allocate available resources among your Virtual Machines according to business needs.vMotion, which enables UltraServe to move running Virtual Machines from one physical server to another with no impact to you. UltraServe is a certified VMware hosting provider.NOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) Virtual Server- 4GB RAM- 3vCPU- 50GB Storage- 1 Day Backup- Level 1 Server Management- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+UltraServe,97104045089,Virtual Machine - Small (1GB RAM / 1 vCPU / 30GB Storage),"Virtual Machines (VMs) are delivered from a multi-tenanted enterprise-class infrastructure platform segregated using our Virtual Data Centre architecture. UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) platform offers web based control. Virtual Machines are monitored 247, automatically backed up and delivered from local Australian data centres.Features & BenefitsGet more out of existing resources: Non-virtualised servers rarely exceed 30% resource utilisation. Consolidation into a virtualised environment can exceed 80% utilisation of the hardwareIncrease the availability of workloads: Virtualisation provides methods to mitigate downtime by migrating workloads to different hardware in the event of planned maintenance or unplanned downtime.Improve IT service levels: Provision and deploy servers and desktops faster with reduced management overhead.Shrink operational costs: By reducing the physical footprint of the data centre, data centre build-out costs are avoided and power cooling costs shrink.Leverage legacy applications: Lengthen the life of legacy applications by operating them on virtual machines.UltraServes Virtual Machine (VM) provides customers with a highly scalable compute offering that is easy to manage, access, and upgrade, protected against disasters, regularly (and automatically) backed up and monitored, and so much more.Easily increase/upgrade your VMsAt any time, you can contact an UltraServe sales representative or use myUltraServe to increase your number of VMs and/or upgrade each VMs CPU, RAM, storage, and network traffic volume.Varying network accessibilityEach VM can be configured to be accessed via a number of mechanisms, including via a VPN for private usage, and via an UltraServe-assigned public IP address for public usage (ranges up to a /27). Depending on OS support and firewall services, most layer 7 protocols, including HTTP, FTP, Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.  in addition to IPsec and ICMP  are supported.Extensive DNS support and customisationUsing batch import of domain name configurations, and creation of DNS configuration templates, customers can point their own DNS records to the UltraServe DNS. UltraServe can fully manage your DNS. The choice is yours.Fast network speedsBuilt upon a Cisco-backed 1 Gbps fibre internal data network, and a 10 Gbps converged storage network, UltraServe customers can expect extremely fast data transfer within the UltraServe network with low latency. Additionally, each customer has access to up to 100 Mbps of burstable Internet connectivity.Expansive operating system choiceBuilt upon VMware vSphere, UltraServes virtualization infrastructure supports a myriad of guest virtual OS, including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Your newly provisioned guest virtual OS will always have the latest stable version and vendor-supplied upgrades and patches installed.Extensive system redundanciesUltraServes VM product has a multitude of redundancies built-in, and available as add-on capabilities:All VMs can access the Internet via multiple upstream partner ISPs.Using a distributed, VMware-powered virtualization infrastructure, a failure to to underlying physical hardware results in your VM, its data, and network connectivity automatically transferring to an available physical host.Customers can use UltraServe-provided network load balancers to distribute incoming network traffic to ensure that failures on individual VMs do not affect overall system up-time.VMs are backed up to an advance storage platform to protect against unrecoverable errors your VMs may experience.Secure, local presence for your VMsUltraServe is built by and for Australians. We have datacentres in Sydney and Brisbane that are built with multiple layers of physical, network, and data security. All entrances are secured through multiple means. Staff must qualify a series of secure identity systems before granted building access. Only qualified staff may access server and equipment rooms. datacentres are monitored by several electronic security systems connected directly to local police. Building access is monitored by video camera systems, and we employ highly-trained security staff to monitor the premises at all times.Data segregation and isolationLeveraging VMwares vSphere hypervisor technology, each UltraServe VM maintains its own data store. When in-use, the data and applications run together, consistently maintaining the same environment for the application regardless of the hardware upon which the VM runs.Flexible pricing termsUltraServes VM product can be purchased under a contract of six, 12, 24, or 36 months, with invoices being issued at the beginning of the month (and pro-rated for the end of the month).TechnologyvSphere Hypervisor, which virtualises servers and runs applications in Virtual Machines.vCenter Server, which provides a scalable and extensible platform that forms the foundation for virtualisation management.vSphere High Availability (HA), which provides provide HA across the entire virtualised infrastructure.vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which allows UltraServe to continuously monitors utilisation across a resource pool and intelligently allocate available resources among your Virtual Machines according to business needs.vMotion, which enables UltraServe to move running Virtual Machines from one physical server to another with no impact to you. UltraServe is a certified VMware hosting provider.NOTEMicrosoft licenses can only be acquired under the terms of the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA). As at 4/10/2012 Microsoft licensing is prohibited on shared platforms, it would be recommended until this changes to utilise UltraServe Dedicated Machine products for the procurement of servers requiring a Windows platform.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One (1) Virtual Server- 1GB RAM- 1vCPU- 30GB Storage- 1 Day Backup- Level 1 Server Management- Basic Monitoring- 25GB Traffic,Australia,NSW,1.7,3.0,Australia,VIC,1.2,3.0,Australia,QLD,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Case Management System,"The uniDap Case Management system is a hosted solution in a security accredited shared Commonwealth Government Cloud. It offers enterprise level, workflow and business objects case management.The uniDap Case Management system can produce:A smart variant on Case Management with built in capability for large numbers of applicants to register themselves and be managed on a `start to finish cycle' by Case Managers - including, remotely. It has the following capabilities:- o Case Manage all registrations and compliance o Workflows for all applications & panel approvals o Risk identification engine and alert system o Large number of subscribers across Australia / Overseas o High security & privacy o Hierarchic Case management o Handle large volume of complex documents that are captured o Document management - link to any entity/individual/task o On the fly .pdf creation o Ongoing support and design contract o Full audit trailWhat you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and Access2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things. - News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system. Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeThese Modules allow you to attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Benefits * Version controlled & centrally stored * Is the repository for all project documents and key correspondence * Is accessible on-line * Is used to submit documents for project milestones * ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen.3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Managed Application Deployment,Case Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,uniDap Base Platform modulesBase Shared Cloud InfrastructureLevel 3 helpdesk Support,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Collaboration Services System,"This uniDap product offers a unique Project Management System (PMS) and Collaborative tool to manage your project documents between agencies and clients.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and Access2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things.- News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system.  Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeThese Modules allow you to attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Benefits *Version controlled & centrally stored *Is the repository for all project documents and key correspondence *Is accessible on-line *Is used to submit documents for project milestones3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have modules completely customised.",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System,"The uniDap Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) is a hosted solution in a security accredited shared Commonwealth Government Cloud. The uniDap platform delivers enterprise level, workflow driven database applications. Most of the functionality is delivered off-the-shelf, with the ability to configure business objects and business workflow to meet the client's requirements. This feature is in addition to the mandatory modules available in the uniDap platform.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and AccessThe uniDap CRM manages all client information in a single system. Attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Display real-time critical information on the corporate dashboard.- ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen.2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things. - News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system. Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeBenefits * Track and manage all details of projects. * Assign tasks, call meetings and create sub-projects which remain attached to the original project. * Quickly browse or search a list of all your contacts to find phone numbers and email addresses. Simply click on the email address link to send an email to a contact. All Contacts can then be attributed Contact Type/s by selecting a tick box/s. These Contact Types include:- Staff; Supplier; Organisation; Client; Lead and Key Contact. 3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,CRM,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have a completely customised module.",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Document Management System,"Manage your company document, policies, procedures, manuals and so on using the uniDap document management system. Documents can be automatically uploaded to the system from any network drive. Change control can be used to allow only one version of the document to be changed at a time. The text within all documents instantly becomes searchable in the system. Documents can be faxed and emailed from the desktop. There is also the ability to search, order, sort and categorize documents within the system. This module includes the Mandatory uniDap base platform items.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and AccessThe uniDap platform has a multitude of ways to store and manage documents. One of its star features is Context email. This feature is a method of attaching emails, images, and documents to a Record directly from an email client. Blank emails with an attachment are used for filing images and documents.Attachments emailed to a uniDap document management System will automatically create links to the specified modules and be filed under the category stated in the body of the email. If no category matches the one indicated, one will be created.A forwarded email with or without attachments, a reply email with or without attachments, a new email with or without attachments or a blank email with attachments and no text can all be used to send in Context Emails. Alerts will then be sent to the User who sent the email notifying them of the success or failure of the attachment.An email sent to a uniDap Database will not upload unless that email address has been entered against a Contact record. This is a security measure that stops outsiders from spamming the Database.2. The following from the extensive Optional uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules List:-Nil3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane o Production database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Document Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have total customized",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Information Management System,"The uniDap Information Management system is a cloud hosted software platform that delivers enterprise level, workflow driven database applications. Most of the functionality is delivered off-the-shelf, with the ability to configure business objects and business workflow to meet the client's requirements.This feature is in addition to the mandatory modules available in the uniDap platform.You can manage all of the necessary modules such as projects, contacts, tasks, activity log and many more features such as a customisable dashboard to track your tasks and to do lists are available. Create sub-tasks and assign them to others, the system can ensure the sub-tasks are addressed before allowing the main task to be closed.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and AccessThe uniDap Information Management System manages all client information in a single system. Attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Display real-time critical information on the corporate dashboard. Know the cash position and how sales are tracking anytime from anywhere there is an internet connection- ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen.2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things. - News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system. Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeBenefits * Track and manage all details of projects. * Assign tasks, call meetings and create sub-projects which remain attached to the original project. * Quickly browse or search a list of all your contacts to find phone numbers and email addresses. Simply click on the email address link to send an email to a contact. All Contacts can then be attributed Contact Type/s by selecting a tick box/s. These Contact Types include:- Staff; Supplier; Organisation; Client; Lead and Key Contact.  * Display real-time critical information on the corporate dashboard. Know the cash position and how sales are tracking anytime from anywhere there is an internet connection- ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen.3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have completely customised modules build for you.",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Managed infrastructure Platform for uniDap Application,"Managed portal for provisioning Production Application network segmentsVirtual servers purchased as compute elements defined by processing, memory and storage capacity.provides all underlying infrastructure within a discrete network segment per environment.Microsoft licensing provided under SPLA agreement on CPU per monthOption for High Availability Business Continuity /Disaster Recovery",IaaS,Managed Application Deployment,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Standard units:unit = 1 x CPU core + 4GB RAM ECC + 250GB storage,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure (with Commonwealth Government Agency TEQSA),"If you are interested in a larger solution, you can choose to combine the base platform modules with this ""Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure"" option.This service includes: * Development Stack with with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane a 99.999% accredited facility oProduction database allocation of 200GB (typically equivalent to 40GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Disaster Recovery Service (DR) o Housed in OPTUS Data Centre Sydney - a 99.9% accredited facility * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 3 and 6) * Decommission requires a 15 Business Day notification period * SSL Wildcard * Monthly backup copy delivered to client via CourierOptional Extras: * 10 or 100 Mbps Managed Private Network (MPN / WAN) * SSL exclusive domain at market price",IaaS,Managed Application Deployment,Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"* Development Stack with with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane o Production database allocation of 200Gb * Disaster Recovery Service (DR) o Housed in OPTUS Data Centre Sydney * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 3 and 6) * SSL Wildcard * Monthly backup copy delivered to client via Courier o Includes Maintenance and monthly reporting",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Office Productivity System,"The uniDap Office Productivity system allow you to administer all staff details including their skills, training and competencies and attach all relevant documentation to the staff record. Control staffs logons, permissions and access to the system from the same place.What you get: -1. uniDap Base Platform modules Includes the following 8 x uniDap Base Platform Modules:- Contacts & Logins, Correspondence and Filing of Documents, Track and Trace, History, Context Relationship, Business Work Flows, Tasks, Roles and AccessThe uniDap Office Productivity System manages information in a single system. Attach all reports, Documents, and emails to the client record for easy retrieval, searching and reporting. Scan documents and the system can automatically attach them to the appropriate client record. Fax or email client information from the desktop. Easily add relationships between your Clients and other system modules to add context so your staff has all relevant information at their fingertips.Display real-time critical information on the corporate dashboard.- ""Editable Browse Lists"" featureThe Editable Browse List function of the uniDap platform is one of the key productivity tools, enabling you to edit records that appear in the `To Do lists', or Pick up tasks while a member of your team is away. Process groups appear together. The Dashboard feature provides a snapshot graphical representation of your business, news, and business processes in a single screen.A Browse List where specific fields on Records can be directly edited. Editable browse lists gives you the ability to change the process of multiple records at the click of a button on a single screen. 2. The following two complimentary uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules:- - Projects module Tracks and manages:- Project details; Schedules; Activity Logs; Notes; Revenue & Cost; Resources; Contact Relationships; and Linked Correspondence & Filing. Tell us what stages your projects runs through and we will map the project life cycle to your way of doing things. - News & Broadcasts module Allows you to publish and expire News & Broadcasts for all users of the system. Note: Other uniDap Off-the-shelf modules are available for a monthly feeBenefits * Track and manage all details of projects. * Assign tasks, call meetings and create sub-projects which remain attached to the original project. * Quickly browse or search a list of all your contacts to find phone numbers and email addresses. Simply click on the email address link to send an email to a contact. All Contacts can then be attributed Contact Type/s by selecting a tick box/s. These Contact Types include:- Staff; Supplier; Organisation; Client; Lead and Key Contact. 3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk SupportWhat you get - Base Shared Infrastructure:  * Development Stack with 3 vms (Dev (1); Test (2) and UAT (3)) * Production Stack with 3 vms (Dev (4), Staging (5) and Production (6) o Housed at Fujitsu Data Centre in Brisbane oProduction database allocation of 40GB (typically equivalent to 8GB of database storage). Based on fair use policy. High transaction systems may require an upgrade to the Medium Shared Private Cloud Infrastructure * Security to store Government FOUO Classified information * Backup Service of the following vms (1; 4 and 6) o Includes Maintenance and monthly reportingThe current Cloud Infrastructure that supports TEQSA has sufficient headroom to accommodate other Commonwealth Government agency needs. The benefits for the Commonwealth is a greater sharing of existing accredited infrastructure and would deliver a lower costs for all.(Note: There is an option to upgrade the Infrastructure and have a Disaster Recovery Environment under the Medium Cloud offering)see for details4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- P.O.A.",PaaS,Office Productivity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Each unit is a mandatory part of the base uniDap platform. In addition to this users can add on COTS configured part of the modules, or have a completely customised module.",Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Offsite data centre backup,agent based backup for windows and linux servers and desktops.API backup for Database and mail serversLocal and offsite backup of data and applicationsrestore/ recover to anywhere1 to 25 servers per siteweb or private network solutionencrypted backupsnative data compressionrecovery testing optionrecover data to portable drive option,SaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 1 week,Per GB of backup data,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Offsite DR Replication and Recovery,agent based replication and failover for windows and linux serversAPI backup and Replication for Database and mail serversLocal backup and offsite replication of physical and virtual serversFailover and failback1 to 25 servers per sitePrivate WAN solution to remote data centrenative data compressionrecovery testing optionreplication to warm peer serversDisaster recovery plan supplied,SaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Per host server (unlimited Virtual guests) 1TB of data,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,Test and Development Cloud,"Self-service portal for provisioning test and Development network segmentsVirtual servers purchased as compute elements defined by processing, memory and storage capacity.provides all underlying infrastructure within a discrete network segment per environment.Microsoft licensing provided under SPLA agreement on CPU per month",IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 8 hours,&gt; 1 day,Standard units:Compute unit = 1 x CPU core + 4GB RAM ECC + 250GB storage,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules,"These are additional modules that may be added to the 8 Mandatory Base Platform Modules, the complimentary uniDap Off-the-Shelf modules, the Small Base Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk Services.The following modules are pre-configured and can be added to the uniDap Platform for a low monthly cost per module: * Contracts * Financial Risk * Incidents * Incident Management System * Invoice * Meetings * Merge Templates * News & Broadcasts * Notifications * Projects * Registration System * Risks * Training and User Guides * User PortalsFeaturesThe uniDap Platform has a simple intuitive interface that often requires little or no training for a User. It runs on any of the popular web browsers, which people are already used to navigating. The key features which enrich the solution are: * Simple, intuitive navigation * Smart forms * Validation and error processing * Google style Search * My Favourites * My To Do List * Calendar * Multiples Management * View/Create Child business objects * Integrated Online Help * Reporting Functionality * Track n trace and full audit history of access and data changesuniDap Custom Modules can also be added to the system. Though these require detailed requirements to be gathered and agreed prior to a quote being provided. See DCaaS MUL for details of the uniDap Custom Modules. These modules include:- * Graphical dashboard * Google maps * uPoly (Geographical Information Systems) * An App phone interface * Integration with 3rd party systems * Custom widgets to do pretty much anything Please note: * The 8 x uniDap Base Platform modules, small base infrastructure, Level 3 Help Desk Support must be purchased prior to selecting any of the above additional Optional Off-the-shelf modules; uniDap Custom Modules or upgrading to the medium size Infrastructure.",PaaS,CRM,uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,These items are optional off-the-shelf modules that may be added to the 8 mandatory Base Platform Modules.,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,uniDap Custom Modules,"uniDap can extend your base system by building additional custom modules in to meet your organisation's specific business requirements. New uniDap Custom Modules will also contain the standard features found in the uniDap Base Platform Modules and uniDap Off-the-shelf modules.The current list for customisable modules includes the following, though this can be expanded upon request: * An App phone interface * Business Objects definition with Fields and forms * Business workflow * Custom widgets to do pretty much anything * Data Warehouse (for custom client managed querying and reporting) * Development Requests * Error processing * Feedback * Google maps * Graphical Dashboards with hierarchic capability * Integration with 3rd party systems * Knowledge Base * Merge Templates * Notifications * Risk Matrices (Likelihood/Consequence, Actual & Potential) * Smart form features * Training and User Guides * User PortalsAll uniDap Custom Modules are individually quoted once requirements are agreed, up to a maximum of $75,000 per Custom Module. Requirement gathering iis a free service from uniDap other than pre-approved out-of-pocket costs incurred by uniDap during requirement gathering, which are recoverable at-cost only.",PaaS,ERP,uniDap Custom Modules,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,Sensitive,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A uniDap Custom Module is purchased as an additional module to the Mandatory 8 x Base Platform Modules and any complimentary or purchased uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules for your system.,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+uniDap Solutions Pty Ltd,37124388834,uPoly (GIS) Dashboard - Stand-Alone,"The uniDap uPoly (GIS) tool is a commercial web-based GIS data visualisation tool based on the Google Maps API with support for extensive customisation allowing it to be deployed across a wide range of customer solutions with Google maps embedded.This technology can be accessed via either this SaaS offering, being a stand-alone application which has the capacity to be integrated into your existing ICT system/s (stand-alone) without being part of the uniDap Platform or our small Infrastructure offering. Alternatively it can be included as a Custom Module in any of our PaaS offerings.What you get: - 1. The following from the uniDap Base Platform modules:- Nil 2. The following from the extensive Optional uniDap Off-the-shelf Modules List:- Nil 3. Small Infrastructure and Level 3 Help Desk Support Nil see for more details 4. The following from the Custom Modules List:- - Geographic Information System (GIS) - uPoly.Many organisations have GIS data for which they need to provide a public or private facing web interface. Google Maps provides a GIS navigation engine with a programmers interface to facilitate its integration into third party applications.uniDap's customisable GIS data navigation engine, (""uPoly""), is based on the Google Maps system and provides the following features and benefits: * Feature: uPoly ""wraps"" the Google Maps system to create an efficient point-and click user interface for page visitors to navigate the GIS data set and extract relevant information. * Benefit: This enables organisations to create effective public interfaces for their GIS data with application-specific functionality. * Feature: uPoly provides powerful ""out-of-the-box"" GIS navigation capability which can support further extensive customisation. * Benefit: Users can easily navigate GIS data sets without additional training.",SaaS,Geographic Information Systems,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 day,This is a stand-alone product offering from uniDap under a SaaS structure. It is also available under a PaaS offering.The technology can be accessed under a variety of methods:- (a) Purchased outright with full integration to your existing system on a fixed quote basis (P.O.A.); (b) Accessed via this SaaS offering whereby a monthly fee will be levied for the underlying developed technology plus an hourly fee for the initial integration and customisation required to deploy the product into your agencies existing system; or (c) As a Custom option under any of the uniDap PaaS offerings where a single monthly module fee will be levied for the underlying developed technology and the time required to customise the solution to your agency's needs (P.O.A.).,Australia,Queensland,1.7,three,Australia,New South Wales,1.7,three,,,,,,,,,,,,

+UXC Connect Pty Ltd,69001002731,iTaaS - Integrated Telephony As A Service,"IP telephony As A Service is an alternative to the traditional premise-based solution, giving certainty, security, and the most advanced communication features.With iTaaS, the hardware and software elements of the solution are hosted in our secure data centre, at customer site or a combination of both. IP handsets are located at customer premises, running over customer LAN.Flexibility and choice are built in where the customer can have a fully managed service, or self-manage it, or a combination.Because the software is upgraded as new capabilities become available, the customer will always have the most up-to-date communication features.",IaaS,Collaboration Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,IP phonesSoft phonesVideo conference end pointsAudio conferencingContact Centre agentsMobile IP handsetsNetwork infrastructure (wired / wireless),Australia,NSW,,Tier 3 standard or higher,Australia,NSW,,Tier 1 and Tier 2,,,,,,,,,,,,

+UXC Connect Pty Ltd,69001002731,MaaS - Mobility As A Service,"The UXC Connect Mobility As A Service solution combines mobility infrastructure and operations delivered using either an on premise or a cloud based service approach on a platform that is managed by UXC Connect. The MaaS architecture supports devices and applications used by mobile workers who are outside the traditional corporate network.MaaS is offered in three Service Levels as follows:Bronze - Primarily a Self Managed Service in the Cloud, supported by Level 3 Technical Service Desk 8X5 coverage for service issues and Device lock code resets.Silver - Fully Managed mobile device including over the air provisioning, policy management, L1\2 end user Service desk and L3 Technical Service Desk 8X5X365.Gold - Fully Managed mobile device management as per Silver Service with 24X7X365 L1\2 Service Desk and L3 Technical Service Desk.",Managed Service,Collaboration Services,Mobile Device Management,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 10 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"Mobile Devices including PDA's, smart phones, tablets and other devices as they are released to market.",Australia,NSW,"Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a measure of how efficiently a computerdata center uses its power; specifically, how much of the power is actually used by the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead).",Tier 3 standard or higher,Australia,ACT,,Tier 1 and Tier 2,Australia,,,,,,,,,,,

+Verizon,62081001194,Managed Email Gateway,"Verizon's Secure Managed Email service leverages the Certified Australian Gateway Environment (CAGE) to handle data rated up to the security classification of Protected. This service offers mail filtering components that include anti-spam, anti-virus, SPF, reputation services, recipient address verification and email quarantine as well as secure messaging.",Managed Service,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,1 user license,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Verizon,62081001194,Managed Email Gateway,"Verizon's Secure Virtual Hosting is a platform as a service offering which leverages the Certified Australian Gateway Environment (CAGE) to provide a secure and robust environment. This service offers flexibility in the choice of hardware resources and operating systems while utilising CAGE services such as firewall separation, NIPS, SEIMS, monitoring, logging, reporting and patch management.",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"1 One virtual machine, 1CPU, 1Gb RAM, Ubuntu linux OS, 20Gb SAS storage, 20Gb backup storage, shared firewall, NIPS, monitoring, logging, backups, manged platform as a service.",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Verizon,62081001194,Web Hosting,"Verizon's Secure Virtual Hosting is a platform as a service offering which leverages the Certified Australian Gateway Environment (CAGE) to provide a secure and robust environment. This service offers flexibility in the choice of hardware resources and operating systems while utilising CAGE services such as firewall separation, NIPS, SEIMS, monitoring, logging, reporting and patch management.",PaaS,Web Hosting,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"One virtual machine, 1CPU, 1Gb RAM, Ubuntu linux OS, 20Gb SAS storage, 20Gb backup storage, shared firewall, NIPS, monitoring, logging, backups, managed platform as a service",Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,Australia,Australian Capital Territory,,Tier 3,,,,,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 1000GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 1000GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 100GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 100GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 250GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 250GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 500GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 500GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,DRaaS - ShadowProtect Offsite DR - 50GB,Offsite Backup and Disaster Recovery utilising StorageCraft ShadowProtect and ImageManager for full failover to the cloud.,Other,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,1 Server (virtual or physical) with 50GB of backup image repository storage,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Advanced Virtual Firewall Appliance,"Enterprise grade Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA) on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Astaro / SophosUTM Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA) with private VLAN,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - ASA5505 Physical Firewall Appliance,Cisco ASA5505 Firewall Appliance and private VLAN,IaaS,Off,Firewalls and Network Security Appliances,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Cisco ASA5505 Firewall,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Basic Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1 CPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB Primary HDD SAN, 80GB Secondary Backup NAS, 40GB Data Transfer, 1 IP Address",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Basic Virtual Firewall Appliance,"Enterprise grade virtual firewall appliance on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Smoothwall / Monowall Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA) with private VLAN,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Enterprise Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"4 CPUs, 8GB RAM, 320GB Primary HDD SAN, 640GB Secondary Backup NAS, 320GB Data Transfer, 4 IP Addresses",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - PIX501 Physical Firewall Appliance,Cisco PIX 501 Firewall Appliance and private VLAN,IaaS,Off,Firewalls and Network Security Appliances,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,NA,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,Cisco PIX 501 Firewall,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Platinum Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"4 CPUs, 16GB RAM, 500GB Primary HDD SAN, 1000GB Secondary Backup NAS, 500GB Data Transfer, 4 IP Addresses",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Professional Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2 CPUs, 4GB RAM, 160GB Primary HDD SAN, 320GB Secondary Backup NAS, 160GB Data Transfer, 2 IP Addresses",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Standard Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"2 CPUs, 2GB RAM, 80GB Primary HDD SAN, 160GB Secondary Backup NAS, 80GB Data Transfer, 2 IP Addresses",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Standard Virtual Firewall Appliance,"Enterprise grade Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA)on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Vyatta / Endian Virtual Firewall Appliance (VFA) with private VLAN,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,IaaS - Starter Hosting Package,"Enterprise grade virtual server on our VMware vSphere Enterprise cluster with a 99.999% uptime financially backed SLA. Service includes management access via the VMware vSphere client, full daily backups with offsite self-replication, quarterly Disaster Recovery (DR) tests, Cisco shared firewalling and Cisco Netflow network usage statistics.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1 CPU, 0.5GB RAM, 20GB Primary HDD SAN, 40GB Secondary Backup NAS, 20GB Data Transfer, 1 IP Address",Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,SaaS - Sophos Cloud Security - Sophos Client & Email Cloud Bundle,Security as a Service by Sophos. Sophos Endpoint Security v10 and Sophos AntiSpam and AntiVirus filtering in the cloud. Filtering performed within Australian shores using a cluster of 3 Sophos filtering gateways located in 3 separate data centres.,SaaS,Off,AntiVirus and Security - Software as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,1 x user/mailbox,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,SaaS - Sophos Cloud Security - Sophos Client AV,Security as a Service by Sophos. Sophos Endpoint Security v10,SaaS,Off,AntiVirus and Security - Software as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,1 x user/workstation,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,SaaS - Sophos Cloud Security - Sophos Email Cloud Protection,Security as a Service by Sophos. Sophos AntiSpam and AntiVirus filtering in the cloud. Filtering performed within Australian shores using a cluster of 3 Sophos filtering gateways located in 3 separate data centres.,SaaS,Off,AntiVirus and Security - Software as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,1 x user/mailbox,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VMvault,70131552595,SaaS - Sophos Cloud Security - Sophos Server AV,Security as a Service by Sophos. Sophos Endpoint Security v10,SaaS,Off,AntiVirus and Security - Software as a Service,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 day,&gt; 1 day,1 x server,Australia,QLD,1.6,Tier 3,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2+,Australia,QLD,1.5,Tier 2,,,,,,,,

+VoIP Pty Ltd,75091431202,Cloud Virtual Server,"VoIP's Cloud Virtual Server offers world-class data centre cloud infrastructure and access to the largest fully integrated, secure and most reliable IP network in Australia.Our Cloud Virtual Server solution includes:1) Standard Virtual Server Package: standard capacity of 2 CPUs, 4Gb RAM, 100 Gb storage, 40 Gb Internet Usage, 2 IP Addresses;2) Additional capacity upgrades are available to scale depending on customer requirements at request;3) Provision of Server Operating System license;4) Ongoing management and support of the service.The following operating systems can be installed on the server:a) Microsoft Windows 2003 / 2008b) Linux CentOS / Debian / Oracle / Ubuntu / RedHat / Suse",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,"Standard Virtual Server package of: 2CPUs, 4Gb RAM, 100 Gb storage, 40 Gb Internet Usage, 2 IP Addresses. The price is per Virtual server and per month.",Australia,"NSW, ACT, VIC, QLD",1.6,Tier 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+VoIP Pty Ltd,75091431202,Managed Microsoft Exchange (Managed Email and Calendar service),"VoIP's Managed Microsoft Exchange service include the provisioning, deployment, management and ongoing support for Microsoft Exchange on a dedicated server on the cloud or on-premise for small and medium-size business customers.Our provision of this service includes:1) The preliminary analysis of the requirements to enable Microsoft Exchange;2) The provision and implementation of a dedicated server for Microsoft Exchange;3) The migration of the existing mailboxes to Exchange from IMAP-based email systems with single cut-over;4) The ongoing maintenance and technical support;Optional Service includes:1) The deployment of the Microsoft Outlook client for each user.Note: Our solution does not include all Microsoft software licensing cost and charges from the current Australian Government's Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA) with Microsoft.",Managed Service,eMail,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,A unit is described as access to Exchange Online per user account and per month.,Agency's sites or agency's data centres,All states,not applicable,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+VoIP Pty Ltd,75091431202,Managed Site Encryption Service,VoIP's managed Site Encryption Service is a fully managed security service for branch and remote offices at an affordable price. It adds security functionality to your network and application communications between head office/data centre sites and remote offices/sites or third party's sites. The service can be deployed at one or several remote sites as required.Our service includes:1) Defining the requirements for the secure IPSEC VPN tunnel with the remote office or a third party site;2) Provision of a managed security appliance to perform the required encryption and routing functionality between sites;3) Ongoing service maintenance and support;Optional service:1) Proactive monitoring of the security appliance.,Managed Service,Encryption Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Agency Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Per month and per secure IPSec VPN tunnel.,Australia,All states. This service will be deployed on premises (Agency's Location),not applicable,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+VoIP Pty Ltd,75091431202,Microsoft Lync Collaboration Service with managed edged server (optional),"Microsoft Lync is a next-generation cloud communications service that connects people in new ways, anytime, from virtually anywhere. Microsoft Lync provides intuitive communications capabilities across presence, instant messaging, audio/video calling and a rich online meeting experience including PC-audio, video and web conferencing. This service is based on the standard offering for Microsoft Lync.Key features of Microsoft Lync include:View people's presence status and click to communicate from within Outlook, SharePoint and other Office applications (instant messaging, audio and video calls);Reply to an email with an instant message or an audio call; Communicate with other organisations running Lync (federation service with the optional edged server deployment);Move easily from instant messaging into ad-hoc online meetings including audio, video and screen sharing;Conduct online presentations including audio, video, screen sharing and a virtual whiteboard;Invite external contacts to easily join online meetings via a native or web-based client (with edged server option).VoIP's Microsoft Lync Collaboration Service solution includes the provision, deployment of a Microsoft Lync server and ongoing support services for Microsoft Lync i.e.:1) The preliminary analysis of the requirements to enable Microsoft Lync;2) The provision of a dedicated server for Microsoft Lync;3) The ongoing maintenance and service support for Microsoft Lync for end users;4) The maintenance and management of federation service with business partners (as required);5) One 2-hour training session for end users.Optional services:1) Desktop/end user device deployment of the Microsoft Lync client for each user. This service can be provided at customer's request.2) The provision and maintenance of an Edged Server to enable Federated Identity and allow external party conferences functionalities.Service Exclusion: System and configuration daily back up of the servers. Solution does not include Active Directory server and the management of Active Directory server.Note: Our solution does not include all Microsoft software licensing cost and charges from the current Australian Government's Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement (VSA)with Microsoft.",Managed Service,Collaboration Services,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.999,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,The unit is described as access to the service per user account.,Agency's sites or agency's data centres,All states,not applicable,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+VoIP Pty Ltd,75091431202,Secure Virtual Desktop,"VoIP Secure Virtual Desktop is a cloud-based (or on-premises) secure access service to corporate applications from multiple platform end users' devices. Access can be via customer private network or public Internet. User applications remain running on the existing corporate servers and are not required to be installed on end user's devices, allowing for a wide range of devices to be used. Data transmission across the network is encrypted, making this solution a robust and secure alternative to physical desktop deployments.The service is accessible from the following platforms : Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, IPad iOS and Linux. Applications can be Web-based, Microsoft Windows server or Citrix-based;VoIP's Secure Virtual Desktop solution includes:1) Preliminary analysis of the requirements and definition of the implementation plan;2) The provision of a managed Secure Authentication server and associated security software licenses;3) The installation of the solution at the customer premises (on-premises) or on a cloud data centre site;4) Configuration of the user virtual desktops environment (policies/profiles);5) Ongoing management and support of the solution.Optional service:1) The deployment and support of end-user devices.",SaaS,Virtual Desktop,,08 - 20 Bus Hours,,0.99,&gt; 5 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Agency Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,A unit is described as a virtual desktop for a single user (account) per month,Australia,"All States, Agency's Data Centre (on-premises) for the Managed Authentication Server",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+XVT Solutions Pty. Ltd.,36099907865,CKAN - Open Source Data Portal,"CKAN is a powerful data management system that makes data accessible by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data. CKAN is aimed at data publishers (national and regional governments, companies and organizations) wanting to make their data open and available.",Managed Service,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,One instance of CKAN. Hosting infrastructure specification is negotiable depending on size of database and concurrent users.,Australia,Australian Capitol Territory,N/A,3.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+Yarris Pty Ltd,12094508648,Government Consol. Procurement Software as a Service,"We are a software company providing a unique solution to transform services procurement and management.We provide a software that acts as a hub between enterprises and suppliers. Our people are experts in the technique required to optimise services delivery with detailed, accumulated data and benchmarking information.Our system enables the management of contractors by a comprehensive functionality suite which fine tunes the performance of contractors against their contractual obligations - mainly against time, cost and quality. It enables full transparency of the process for customers and suppliers to achieve better outcomes for all involved.Our services include:- Provision of professional services and consulting- Project management for procurement projects/ vendor management- Provision of Service Procurement Management System in the 'Cloud'",SaaS,Information Management,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 30 Hours,NA,Auto Scaling,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,Our service fee is based on unit usage model. Each unit represents a transaction on the system. The model usedfor the purpose of this agreement is for a small to medium customer with an average transaction rate.Customers need to purchase a minimum number of units per month. Additional unit can be purchased according to the usage reflecting the flexibility of a SaaS model.Services included are as follows:- licence to use the system- system updates and hosting- customer and application support,Australia,Victoria,,Tier 3/4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Archive Storage,"ZettaGrid Archive Storage offers low cost, readily accessible storage appropriate for offsite data archiving with realtime access capability.<br/><br/>Archive storage has reduced iops relative to our other storage offerings and has performance equivalent to SATA based NAS.<br/><br/>ZettaGrid Archive storage is delivered as an add-on to a virtual server. This is delivered as attached storage to a virtual server. This is raid 5 slower disk and is thus suitable for backup and archive solutions.<br/>",IaaS,Data Storage and Archive,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"1GB of data, no bandwidth allowance",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Backup as a Service,"Backup as a Service is an agent-less, image-based (snapshot) backup service for your cloud VMs. This service allows clients to backup their ZettaGrid VMs to an off-site location (usually another ZettaGrid Data Centre) and in the event of a failure, restore the VMs back to a point in time. Clients order this service from the ZettaGrid website, choosing which VMs to protect, the backup window and how many backups to maintain. If clients need to restore VMs, that functionality is made available through their ""myservices"" portal.This service uses Veeam software. ZettaGrid Backup protects live Windows and Linux servers including applications such as Sharepoint, SQL and Exchange.-Protects any Virtual Machine regardless of OS-Live backup - no need to pause or shutdown servers-Backup open/locked files - eg SQL server, Exchange-Backup storage located in physically separate DC-SSL protected web based backup management-Backup storage in dedicated lights-out facilty with high security physical access control-RAID 5 backup storage-Order and monitor backups online",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per VM/Month, per 1GB/Month of backup storage.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS),"Based on Veeam replication software, DRaaS enables replication of interval based snap shots of a clients existing VMs to VMs in a ZettaGrid Data Centre.This service allows clients to replicate their on-premise VM's into ZettaGrid and power them on in the event of a disaster at their site. It works by deploying a secure replication target that's accessible on your ZettaGrid private network. The target acts as a secure bridge between your network and the ZettaGrid storage infrastructure.With a ZG Replication Target deployed and an appropriate network setup, add the Replication Target into a Veeam console (installed at your site). ZettaGrid can provide licenses.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per replicated VM, Storage per 1GB, per 1GB of replication traffic, per month.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Hybrid Cloud,"Based on Vm-Ware v-Cloud-Connector, A hybrid cloud is a computing environment in which an organization provides and manages some virtual machine resources in-house (private) and others provided externally from a public cloud provider like ZettaGrid.VMware vCloud Connector lets you view, operate on and transfer your computing resources between the private and public infrastructure using a single administrative interface.To create a hybrid cloud using ZettaGrid the following are required:-Your organisation must be running VMware vCentre-Your organisation must install vCloud Connector-The public cloud component in ZettaGrid will be provided by provisioning a Virtual Data Centre (vDC)",IaaS,Compute Services,Hybrid Cloud,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per replicated VM, Storage per 1GB, per 1GB of replication traffic, per month.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Replication Dedicated Link,ZettaGrids Replication service is powered by Zerto software. Our VM Replication service supports replication between ZettaGrid Data Centres and Client sites.The service can be used by clients as a tool to replicate VMs into and out of ZettaGrid with minimal disruption to usersThe service also allows you to maintain a warm standby copy of your ZettaGrid VMs and data in another ZettaGrid datacentre for recovery at a later stage.Other features are:-Scalable-Software Array Agnostic-Replicate any VM from any Availability Zone-Tight Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs)-Auto-provisioned-Fast and Flexible,IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per VM/Month, per 1GB/Month of backup storage, 1Mbps/Month replication cross availability zone dedicated link",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Replication Shared Link,ZettaGrids Replication service is powered by Zerto software. Our VM Replication service supports replication between ZettaGrid Data Centres and Client sites.The service can be used by clients as a tool to replicate VMs into and out of ZettaGrid with minimal disruption to usersThe service also allows you to maintain a warm standby copy of your ZettaGrid VMs and data in another ZettaGrid datacentre for recovery at a later stage.Other features are:-Scalable-Software Array Agnostic-Replicate any VM from any Availability Zone-Tight Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs)-Auto-provisioned-Fast and Flexible,IaaS,Business Continuity,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per VM/Month, per 1GB/Month of backup storage, 1Mbps/Month shared cross availability zone replication link",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Virtual Data Centre,"A vDC acts as a container for a shared pool of resources such as networks, ram, cpu and storage. With a vDC you can upload master images in support of provisioning of VMs and create vApps which enable you to provision an entire application including DB, front end, middleware and application servers as a single entity.The combination of vApps and vDC enables rapid expansion and contraction of resources and management of this cloud based virtual infrastructure.",IaaS,Seasonal Peak Bursting,Virtual Data Centre,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource based - 1GB/ram, 1GB/storage, 1Ghz CPU, 1GBbandwidth.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Virtual Desktops,"Virtual Desktop delivers a Windows 7 desktop experience over the network to almost any device. Utilising VMware's View 5 technology, ZettaGrid can host Virtual Desktops in its secure data centres, and enabling centralised control of desktop clients.Virtual Desktop utilises automatic provisioning via our website. This service opens up the possibilities for a range of applications:-Travel and use virtually any device to access your office environment e.g. PC, Mac, iPhone.-Unlike older remote desktop technologies, you can literally take your desktop environment with you offline. Check it out when you leave the office, get on a plane, continue to use your desktop and then once your back in the office again, check it in and synchronise your work.-Extend the life of your existing computer fleet or purchase lower specification machines to connect exclusively to virtual desktops.-Reduce the cost of managing your standard operating environment (SOE) by centralising management in the datacentre.-Allow contractors to bring their own laptop to your workplace or connect from anywhere, without the requirement for significant additional security overheads. The corporate desktop environment is securely encapsulated.",IaaS,Virtual Desktop,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Per desktop (desktop resources charges RAM, storage, CPU, bandwidth)1GB/ram, 1GB/Prem storage, 1/Ghz CPU, 1/GB bandwidth.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Virtual Servers Premium Storage,"Virtual Servers are the most common service in ZettaGrid. They are used in conjunction with storage and networking to provide clients with a virtual computing resource that is both manageable and scalable and are protected by daily image-based backup.As with most services in ZettaGrid, our Virtual Servers are provisioned automatically as soon as you complete your order and are available for access within 20 minutes.Features of this service are:-Configure and install any applications you like!-Auto-provisioned (Typically built in 20 minutes)-Complete machine level control with Console Access-Advanced VMware Management Tools-VMware vCloud Powered-Available in multiple data centres-Unmetered in bound cloud traffic if you purchase a Fibre or Midband link through ZettaGrid-IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses-ISO Mounting-7 day money back guarantee (as with all ZettaGrid Services)-No contracts, cancel anytime (as with all ZettaGrid Services)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource based - 1GB/ram, 1GB/storage, 1Ghz CPU, 1GB bandwidth.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III

+ZettaGrid Pty Ltd,90141800357,Virtual Servers Standard storage,"Virtual Servers are the most common service in ZettaGrid. They are used in conjunction with storage and networking to provide clients with a virtual computing resource that is both manageable and scalable and are protected by daily image-based backup.As with most services in ZettaGrid, our Virtual Servers are provisioned automatically as soon as you complete your order and are available for access within 20 minutes.Features of this service are:-Configure and install any applications you like!-Auto-provisioned (Typically built in 20 minutes)-Complete machine level control with Console Access-Advanced VMware Management Tools-VMware vCloud Powered-Available in multiple data centres -Unmetered in bound cloud traffic if you purchase a Fibre or Midband link through ZettaGrid-IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses-ISO Mounting-7 day money back guarantee (as with all ZettaGrid Services)-No contracts, cancel anytime (as with all ZettaGrid Services)",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,08 - 20 Bus Excl Hols,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource based - 1GB/ram, 1GB/storage, 1Ghz CPU, 1GB bandwidth.",Australia,NSW,1.7,III,Australia,NSW,1.6,III,Australia,Victoria,1.6,III,Australia,Perth,1.9,III,Australia,Perth,1.6,III


file:b/data/import.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/import.php
@@ -1,1 +1,63 @@
+define('__ROOT__', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
+include(__ROOT__ . "/config.php");
+ * Drop tables                         *
+ **************************************/
+// Drop table messages from file db
+$db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dcaas_services");
+$row = 0;
+$headers = Array();
+$path = "../data/";
+foreach (glob($path."*.csv") as $filename) {
+   $csvfile = $path.$filename;
+if (($handle = fopen($csvfile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
+    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 7000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
+        if ($row == 0) {
+            /**************************************
+             * Create tables                       *
+             **************************************/
+            // Create table messages
+            $create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dcaas_services (";
+//                    id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"; 
+            foreach ($data as $column) {
+                $column = str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($column));
+                $create .= $column . " text " . (($column == 'acnabn' || $column == 'service_name') ? " not null " : "") . ",";
+                $headers[] = $column;
+            }
+            //$create .= " PRIMARY KEY ( acnabn,service_name) )";
+            $create .= "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY )";
+            echo $create;
+            $db->exec($create);
+            // Prepare INSERT statement to SQLite3 file db
+            /* Create a string for the parameter placeholders filled to the number of params */
+            $placeholders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($headers), '?'));
+            $insert = "INSERT INTO dcaas_services (" . implode($headers, ", ") . ")
+                VALUES (" . $placeholders . ")";
+            echo $insert;
+    $stmt = $db->prepare($insert);
+ $db->beginTransaction();
+        } else {
+            if (count($data) < count($headers)) {
+                $values = $data + array_fill(count($data), count($headers) - count($data), NULL);
+            } else {
+                $values = $data;
+            }
+            print_r($values);
+      $stmt->execute($data);
+        }
+        $row++;
+    }
+// end transaction
+    $db->commit();
+    fclose($handle);
+    echo "<br/>\n $row rows imported <br/>\n";

--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -1,17 +1,38 @@
-''' DCaaS Services XLS to CSV converter
-''' Converts the DCaaS XLS file to CSV while removing line breaks and other special characters
-''' Alex Sadleir <>
+"""DCaaS Services XLS to CSV converter
+   Converts the DCaaS XLS file to CSV while removing line breaks and other special characters
+   Alex Sadleir <>
 from xlrd import *
 import unicodecsv
 import glob
 import codecs
-def cleanseValue(value):
+def cleanseValue(column,value):
 	if isinstance(value, basestring):
-		value = "".join([x if ord(x) < 128 else '' for x in value])
-		value = value.replace('<','&gt;').replace('>','&lt;').replace('\n','<br/>').replace('\r','<br/>')
+		value = "".join([x if ord(x) < 128 else '' for x in value.replace(u"\u2022", u"\n&bull;")])
+		value = value.replace('<','&gt;').replace('>','&lt;').replace('\n','<br/>').replace('\r','<br/>').strip()
-		value = str(value)
+		value = str(value).strip()
+	if column == 'ACNABN' and value != None:
+		value = value.replace(' ','').replace(".0","").replace('"','').replace(",","")
+		value = value.replace("ABN"," ").replace("ACN"," ").replace("/"," ").replace(":"," ")
+		value = value.replace("  "," ").strip()
+		valueParts = value.split(' ')
+		if len(valueParts) == 2:
+			if len(valueParts[0]) > len(valueParts[1]): 
+				value = valueParts[0]
+			if len(valueParts[0]) < len(valueParts[1]):
+				value = valueParts[1]
+		if value == "351222885465":
+			value = "35122885465"			
+		if value == "067060937171":
+			value = "67060937171"			
+		if value == "148179846":
+			value = "49148179846"			
+		if value == "":
+			value = "62081001194" #verizon
 	return value
 for filename in glob.glob("*.xls"):
@@ -23,9 +44,14 @@
 		s = b.sheet_by_name(sheet)
 		rbc = open(outputfile,'w')
 		bcw = unicodecsv.writer(rbc,unicodecsv.excel)
+		rowNum = 0
+		headerRow = []
 		for row in range(s.nrows):
 		    this_row = []
 		    for col in range(s.ncols):
-		    	this_row.append(cleanseValue(s.cell_value(row,col)))
+		    	this_row.append(cleanseValue(headerRow[col] if col < len(headerRow) else None , s.cell_value(row,col)))
+		    if rowNum == 0:
+			headerRow = this_row
+		    rowNum = rowNum + 1

file:b/dcaas.iml (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dcaas.iml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<module type="WEB_MODULE" version="4">

+  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">

+    <exclude-output />

+    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" />

+    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />

+  </component>




 Binary files a/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot and b/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot differ
--- a/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
+++ b/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg

 Binary files a/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf and b/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf differ
 Binary files a/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff and b/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff differ
file:b/img/csv.gif (new)
 Binary files /dev/null and b/img/csv.gif differ
file:b/img/icon_2567.png (new)
 Binary files /dev/null and b/img/icon_2567.png differ
file:b/img/icon_2567.svg (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/img/icon_2567.svg
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="Calque_2" x="0px" y="0px" width="100px" height="100px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" enable-background="new 0 0 100 100" xml:space="preserve">
+	<path d="M96.151,33.194c0-11.975-9.729-21.716-21.689-21.716c-2.779,0-5.536,0.536-8.098,1.563   C62.134,6.176,54.548,1.86,46.398,1.86c-11.827,0-21.659,8.744-23.213,20.251c-4.758,1.181-8.77,4.407-10.938,8.836   c-4.831,1.754-8.105,6.353-8.105,11.592c0,6.806,5.537,12.343,12.343,12.343h8.223l11.747,30.521   c3.241,7.666,10.713,12.619,19.035,12.619c11.393,0,20.66-9.269,20.66-20.658l0.028-22.558   C87.336,53.931,96.151,44.576,96.151,33.194z M53.078,46.888c0-1.44,0.983-2.657,2.145-2.657c1.162,0,2.146,1.217,2.146,2.657   v13.812c0,0.798,0.65,1.447,1.448,1.447c0.801,0,1.448-0.649,1.448-1.447V46.888c0-1.44,0.983-2.657,2.146-2.657   c1.164,0,2.146,1.217,2.146,2.657v13.812c0,0.798,0.648,1.447,1.449,1.447s1.448-0.649,1.448-1.447V50.511   c0-1.442,0.984-2.658,2.146-2.658c1.163,0,2.146,1.216,2.146,2.655l-0.034,26.855c0,8.946-7.277,16.223-16.222,16.223   c-6.535,0-12.401-3.889-14.931-9.863L28.666,52.814c-0.341-0.867,0.084-1.932,0.966-2.343l0.772-0.39   c0.844-0.393,1.933-0.034,2.376,0.781l10.381,19.112c0.317,0.583,0.991,0.876,1.63,0.712c0.642-0.163,1.093-0.743,1.093-1.404   l0.006-41.232c0-1.44,0.982-2.658,2.145-2.658S50.18,26.61,50.18,29.5l0.005,31.199c0,0.798,0.649,1.447,1.45,1.447   s1.449-0.649,1.449-1.447L53.078,46.888z M40.015,54.884h1.434l-0.001,2.639L40.015,54.884z M76.14,49.728   c-0.362-3.545-3.156-6.314-6.54-6.314c-0.46,0-0.92,0.053-1.369,0.16c-1.116-2.291-3.327-3.781-5.82-3.781   c-1.298,0-2.535,0.401-3.594,1.149c-1.058-0.748-2.295-1.149-3.594-1.149c-0.202,0-0.404,0.01-0.603,0.029V28.051   c0-3.913-2.954-7.095-6.584-7.095c-3.63,0-6.583,3.183-6.583,7.095l-0.003,21.762h-4.19l-0.578-1.063   c-1.089-2.007-3.215-3.253-5.548-3.253c-0.923,0-1.813,0.196-2.685,0.604l-0.73,0.369c-1.466,0.683-2.555,1.913-3.134,3.344h-8.098   c-4.01,0-7.272-3.263-7.272-7.271c0-3.342,2.26-6.241,5.496-7.049c0.79-0.197,1.437-0.762,1.739-1.519   c1.577-3.938,5.172-6.697,9.384-7.199c1.229-0.147,2.172-1.159,2.232-2.395c0.48-9.783,8.532-17.447,18.333-17.447   c7.05,0,13.562,4.123,16.591,10.505c0.299,0.629,0.843,1.108,1.507,1.325c0.664,0.215,1.388,0.148,1.999-0.187   c2.426-1.326,5.181-2.025,7.967-2.025c9.165,0,16.619,7.466,16.619,16.645C91.081,41.791,84.519,48.883,76.14,49.728z"/>

file:b/img/license.txt (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/img/license.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+Thank you for using The Noun Project. This icon is licensed under Creative
+Commons Attribution and must be attributed as:
+    Cloud Computing by Andrew Forrester from The Noun Project
+If you have a Premium Account or have purchased a license for this icon, you
+don't need to worry about attribution! We will share the profits from your
+purchase with this icon's designer.

file:a/index.php -> file:b/index.php
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -1,96 +1,45 @@
+require_once(__ROOT__ . '/lib/tag-cloud/src/lotsofcode/TagCloud/TagCloud.php');
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
-  <head>
-    <meta charset="utf-8">
-    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
-    <meta name="description" content="">
-    <meta name="author" content="">
-    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../docs-assets/ico/favicon.png">
+includeHeader("Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS)");
+<div class="jumbotron">
+    <div class="container">
+        <div style="float:left;
+        margin-top: 10%;
+display: block;
+margin-bottom: 12%;
+margin-right: 5%;">
+            <img src="img/icon_2567.png" width="100" height="100"/>
+        </div>
+        <h1>Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS)!</h1>
-    <title>Starter Template for Bootstrap</title>
+        <p>The <a
+                href="">Data
+                Centre as a Service (DCaaS) Multi Use List (MUL)</a> provides Australian Government Agencies with a simple way to procure
+            Cloud and Cloud-Like services. Contracts through the DCaaS MUL are limited to $80,000 (inc GST) and terms up
+            to 12 months.<br/>
+            The DCaaS MUL is available to Commonwealth FMA Act agencies as well as other Commonwealth, State and
+            Territory Government bodies.
+        </p>
-    <!-- Bootstrap core CSS -->
-    <link href="js/dynatable/jquery.dynatable.css" rel="stylesheet">
-    <link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
+        <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" role="button" href="table.php">Browse Available Services &raquo;</a></p>
-    <!-- Custom styles for this template 
-    <link href="starter-template.css" rel="stylesheet">-->
+    </div>
+<div class="container">
+    <?php
+    $cloud = new lotsofcode\TagCloud\TagCloud();
+    foreach ($db->query("Select service_name from dcaas_services;") as $row) {
+        foreach (explode(" ", $row[0]) as $word) {
+            $cloud->addTag($word);
+        }
+    }
+    $cloud->setMinLength(4);
+    echo $cloud->render();
+    echo "</div>";
+    includeFooter();
+    ?>
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-    <div class="container">
-      <div class="starter-template">
-        <h1>Bootstrap starter template</h1>
-        <p class="lead">Use this document as a way to quickly start any new project.<br> All you get is this text and a mostly barebones HTML document.</p>
-<table id="my-table"><thead>
-$row = 0;
-$csvfile = './data/DCaaS+Catalogue+September+2013 PublicDCaaS_AFI_Part_3_Sec_5_Service_.csv';
-if (($handle = fopen($csvfile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
-    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 4096, ",")) !== FALSE) {
-	if ($row ==0) {
-echo "<thead><th>".implode($data,"</th><th>")."</th></thead> \n";
-} else {
-echo "<tr><td>".implode($data,"</td><td>")."</td></tr> \n";
-    }
-        $row++;
-    fclose($handle);
-      </div>
-    </div><!-- /.container -->
-    <!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript
-    ================================================== -->
-    <!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->
-    <script src=""></script>
-    <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
-    <script src="js/dynatable/jquery.dynatable.js"></script>
-  </body>

--- a/js/bootstrap.js
+++ b/js/bootstrap.js

--- a/js/bootstrap.min.js
+++ b/js/bootstrap.min.js

directory:b/lib/tag-cloud (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tag-cloud

file:b/robots.txt (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robots.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@



+User-agent: *

+Disallow: /admin/


file:b/sitemap.xml.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sitemap.xml.php
@@ -1,1 +1,21 @@



+$last_updated = date('Y-m-d', @filemtime('data'));

+header("Content-Type: text/xml");

+echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>";

+echo '<urlset xmlns="">' . "\n";

+echo " <url><loc>" . local_url() . "index.php</loc><priority>1.0</priority></url>\n";

+/*foreach (scandir("./") as $file) {

+    if (strpos($file, ".php") !== false && $file != "index.php" && $file != "sitemap.xml.php")

+        echo " <url><loc>" . local_url() . "$file</loc><priority>0.3</priority></url>\n";

+} */



+$query = "Select distinct acnabn, service_name from dcaas_services order by acnabn";


+foreach ($db->query($query, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {

+    echo '<url><loc>' . local_url() . 'view.php?acnabn=' . $row['acnabn'] . "&service_name=" . $row['service_name'] . "</loc><priority>0.6</priority></url>\n";



+echo '</urlset>';

file:b/table.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/table.php
@@ -1,1 +1,92 @@
+includeHeader("DCaaS Service Catalogue");
+<div class="starter-template">
+    <br/>
+    <br/>
+    <h1>DCaaS Service Catalogue</h1>
+    <!--<div id="search-example-year-filter" style="float: left;">
+        Year:
+        <select id="search-year" name="year">
+            <option></option>
+            <option>2001</option>
+            <option>2003</option>
+            <option>2008</option>
+            <option>2013</option>
+        </select>
+    </div>
+    <div id="search-function-example-price-filter" style="float: left; margin-bottom: 1em;">
+        Max Price:
+        $<input id="max-price" type="number" step="1000" data-dynatable-query="max-price">
+    </div>-->
+    <table id="my-table" class="table table-striped">
+        <thead>
+        <th>trading_or_business_name</th>
+        <th>Service</th>
+        <th>service_category</th>
+        <th>service_sub_category</th>
+        </thead>
+    </table>
+<!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript
+================================================== -->
+<!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->
+<script src=""></script>
+<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
+<script src="js/dynatable/jquery.dynatable.js"></script>
+    $('#my-table').dynatable({
+        dataset: {
+            ajax: true,
+            ajaxUrl: 'data.json.php',
+            ajaxOnLoad: true,
+            records: []
+        }
+    });
+    /* $('#search-example').dynatable({
+     features: {
+     paginate: false,
+     recordCount: false,
+     sorting: false
+     },
+     inputs: {
+     queries: $('#search-year')
+     }
+     });
+     $('#search-function-example')
+     .bind('dynatable:init', function (e, dynatable) {
+     dynatable.queries.functions['max-price'] = function (record, queryValue) {
+     return parseFloat(record.price.replace(/,/, '')) <= parseFloat(queryValue);
+     };
+     })
+     .dynatable({
+     features: {
+     paginate: false,
+     recordCount: false,
+     sorting: false,
+     search: false
+     },
+     inputs: {
+     queries: $('#max-price')
+     }
+     }); */

file:b/view.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view.php
@@ -1,1 +1,48 @@
+$acnabn = filter_input(INPUT_GET,'acnabn', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
+$service_name = filter_input(INPUT_GET,'service_name', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
+$sth =  $db->prepare("Select * from dcaas_services where acnabn = :acnabn and service_name = :service_name");
+$data = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+if (count($data) == 0) {
+    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
+    includeHeader('Not Found');
+    echo "not found";
+} else {
+    $service = $data[0];
+    includeHeader($service['service_name']);
+    ?>
+    <div itemscope itemtype="">
+    <h1 itemprop="name"><?= $service['service_name'] ?></h1>
+    <div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="">
+        <div itemprop="seller" itemscope itemtype="">
+            <h2>(<span itemprop="name"><?= $service['trading_or_business_name'] ?></span>)</h2>
+            <small><a
+                    href="<?= $service['acnabn'] ?>&valueFrom=&valueTo=&ATMID=&AgencyRefId=&consultancy=&submit=Search">
+                    View Australian Government contracts with this supplier on AusTender</a></small>
+            <br/>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <br/>
+    <i><span itemprop="description"><?= $service['service_description'] ?></span></i><br/>
+    <table>
+    <?php
+    foreach ($service as $key => $value) {
+        if (trim($value) != "" && !in_array($key, Array('trading_or_business_name' , 'acnabn' , 'service_name' ,'service_description', 'id'))) {
+                echo "<tr><td>".ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key)) . "</td><td>$value</td></tr>\n";
+        }
+    }
+    echo "</table>";